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NEUROSCIENCEExploring the Brain


MARK F. BEAR, Ph.D.Picower Professor of NeuroscienceHoward Hugh es Medical In stitu te

Ma ssachusetts In stitu te of TechnologyCambridge . Massach usetts

BARRY W. CONNORS, Ph .D.Professor of Neuroscience

Brown UniversityProviden ce. Rh ode Islan d

MICHAEL A. PARADISO, Ph.D .Professor of Neuroscience

Brown UniversityProvidence. Rh ode Island

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Bear, Mark F.Neuroscience: exploring the brain I Mark F. Bear, Barry W. Conners

Michael A. Paradiso .- 3rd ed.p.; em.

In cludes bibliograp hical refere nces and index.ISBN: 0-78 17-6003-8 (a lk. paper)1. Neurosciences. 2. Brain . I. Connors, Barry W.

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Spinal Controlof Movement




Graded Control ofMuscle Contraction by Alpha Motor Neurons

Inputs to Alpha Motor Neurons


Neuromuscu lar Matchmaking

• Box 13.1 Of Special Interest: Amyot rophic Lat eral Sclerosis



• Box 13.2 Of Special Interest: Duchenn e Mu scu lar Dystroph y

NAL CONTROL OF MOTOR UNITS• Box 13.3 Of Special Interest: Myasthenia Gravis

• Box 13.4 Path of Discovery: Find ing th e Cause of Myasth enia Gravis, by Jon M. Lindstrom


The Myotatic Reffex



Proprioception from the Joints


InhiMory Input

Eircnatory Input





We are now ready to turn our att ention to the system tha t actua lly gives'to behavior. The motor system cons ists of all our m uscles and th e neurthat control them. Tbe importance of th e moto r system was summa'by th e pioneering En glish ne uroph ysiologist Cbarles Sherring ton inLinacre lecture of 1924: "To m ove thi ngs is all that ma n kin d can do .such th e sole exec uta nt is muscle, whethe r in whispering a syllable Of

felling a fores t" (p, 59). A moment's thought will convince you thatmotor syste m is also in credibly complex. Behavior requi res the coordinaaction of various com binations of almost 700 muscles in a changing aoften unpredictab le environment.

Have you ever heard the expression "run ning around like a chicken II '

its head cut off"? It is based on the observation thar complex patternsbeha vior (runn ing aro und the barn yard ) can be gen erated without I

participation of the brain . There is a cons ide rable amount of circu itry witthe spinal cord for the coordinated con tro l of m ovem ents, particulastereotyped (repetitive) on es such as those associated with locomo tion.point was established early in th is cent ury by Sherrington an d his Engrcontempora ry Grah am Brown, who showed that rhythmic movernecould be elicited in the bind legs of cars an d dogs long alter the ir spicords ha d been severed from th e rest of the central nervo us system (eNSTodays view is that th e spinal cord contains certain motor programs forgeneration of coo rdinated movements and th at these programs are acessed. executed, and modified by descend ing commands from the braTh us, motor control can be divided into two parts: (I) the spinal cordcomma nd an d control of coordin ated muscle contraction, an d (2) the braincommand and control of the motor programs in th e spinal cord.

In thi s chapte r, we explore the peripheral soma tic mo to r system: tjoint s, skeletal m uscles, and sp in al moto r neurons and h ow th ey commun icate with each othe r. In Chapter 14, we will take a look at how the brainfluences th e activity of the spinal cord.


Based on their appearan ce under the microscope, the muscles in the bodybe described according to two broad categories: striated and smooth. But thare also distinct in oth er ways. Smooth muscle lines the digestive tract, arteries, an d related structures and is innervated by nerve fibers [rom the autnomic nervous system (see Chapter 15). Smooth muscle plays a role in peristalsis (the movement of material through the int estines) and the controlblood pressure and blood flow. There are two types of st riated m uscle: rar­diac and skeletal. Cardiac muscle is hea rt muscle, and it contracts rhythmscally even in the absence of any innervation. Inn ervation of the heart frumth e au tonomic nervous system (ANS) functions to accelerate or slow do".the heart rate. (Recall Otto Loewi 's experiment in Chapter 5.)

Skeletal muscle constitutes the bu lk of th e muscle mass of the bod,and functions to move bones around joint s, to mo ve the eyes within thhead, to contro l resp iration , to control facial expression, and to produspeech. Each skeletal muscle is en closed in a connective tissu e sheath thatat the ends of the muscle, forms the tendons . With in eacb muscle art

h undreds of muscle fibers-the cells of skeletal muscle- and each fi ber isinnervated by a single axon bran ch from the CNS (Figure 13.1). Becauseskeleta l muscle is derived embryologica lly from 33 paired somites (seeChapter 7), tbese muscles, and the parts of th e nervou s system that con­trol th em, are collectively called the somatic motor sy st e m . We focus OUI

_ _ -.L..


FIGURE 13.2Major muscles of the elbow joint.The biceps and triceps are antagonisticmuscles. Contractio n of the biceps causesflexion, and contraction of the tricepscauses extension of the elbow.

FIGURE 13.1The structure of skeletal muscle.Each muscle fiber is innervated by a singleaxon.


FlexionBiceps brachii


Axons from eNS~

'on on this system because it is un der volu ntary cann oI and it gen­behavior. (Th e visceral motor system of the ANS w ill be discuss ed iner 15.)ider the elbow joint (Figure 13.2). This joint is formed where theS, the upper arm bone, is bound by fibrou s ligaments 10 the radiusa, the bones of the lower arm. The join t functions like a hinge on

et knife. Movement in th e direcnon that closes the knife is calledn, and mo vement in the direct ion that opens the kn ife is calledion. The major m uscle that causes flexion is the brach ialis. whoses insert into th e humerus at one en d and in to the ulna at th e other.



Two other muscl es cau se flexion at th is joint, the biceps brachii andcora cobrachialis (w hich lies under the bicep s). Together, these musclescalled flexors of the elbo w joi nt , and, becau se the three m uscles all wtogether, they are called synergists of one another. The two synergimu scles that cause extension of th e elbow jo int are the triceps braand the ancone us; these two muscles are called extens o rs . Becauseflexors and extensor s pull on the joint in opposite directions, they are callantagonist s to on e ano ther. Note that muscles only pu ll on a joint; thcannot push. Even the simple flexion of th e elbow joint requi res theordinared contraction of the syn ergistic flexor mu scles and th e relaxationthe antagoni stic exte nsor muscles. By relaxin g the antagon ists, moverneare faster and more efficient because muscles are not working againstano ther.

Other te rms to no te about somatic m uscu lature refer to th e locationthe joints they act on. The mu scles that are responsible for movementsthe trunk are called axial muscles; those that move the shoulder, elpelvi s, and knee are called p roxim al (or girdle) m u scles; and those tmove the hands, feet , and digits (fingers and toes) are called d istal museThe axial musculature is very important for maintaining posture,proximal m uscula ture is critical for locom otion , and the distal mu sculatparticu larly of th e hand s, is specialized for th e manipu lat ion of objects.


FIGURE 13.3Muscl e innervation by lower motor neurons. The vent ral horn of the spinalcontains motor neurons that innervate skeletal muscle fibers.

The Segmental Organization of Lower Motor Neurons

The axons of lower motor neurons bundle together to form ventraleach ventral root joins with a dorsal root to form a spinal nerve th

The somatic muscu lature is innervated by th e soma tic motor n eurons invent ral horn olthe spinal cord (Figure 13.3). These cells are some times calower motor neurons to distinguish them from the higher-order upper m,neurons of th e brain that supply input to the spina l cord. Remember, onlylower motor neurons dir ect ly command muscle contract ion. Sherrincalled these neurons the final common pathway for the control of behavi


Iervical f~!1Iargem~I:3-T1 )



AGURE 13.4The distribution of motor neurons in the spinal cord . The cervical

ement of the spinal cord contains the motor neurons that innervaterearm muscles.The lumbar enlargement contains neurons that innervatere muscles of the leg.

the cord through the notches between vertebrae. Recall from Chapter 12at there are as many spinal nerve s as there are notches between vertebrae;

• humans. thi s add s up to 30 on each side. Because th ey contain sensor yrod motor fiber s. they are called mixed spinal nerves. The motor neurons thatrovide fibers to one spinal nerve are said to belon g to a spinal segment.

named for the vert ebra where the n erve originates. The seg ment s arecervical (C) 1- 8. thoracic (T) 1- 12. lumbar (1) 1- 5. and sacral (5) 1- 5 (seefigure 12.10).

Skeletal muscles are not dist ributed even ly th roughout the body. no rare lower motor neurons distr ibuted eve nly within the spinal cord. Forexample. innerva tion of the more than 50 muscles of the ar m origina tesenti rely from spina l segments C3- TI. Th us. in thi s reg ion of the spinalcord. the ventral h orns appear swollen to accommodat e the large n um ­ber of motor neurons th at contro l the arm muscul ature (Figure 13.4) .



Alpha Motor Neurons

There a re two categori es of lower motor n eurons of the spinal cord: alpmotor neuro ns an d gamma motor neurons (the latter are discussed laterth is chapter ). Al pha mot o r n eurons directly trigger th e generationforce by muscles. One alpha motor neuron a nd all the m uscle fibersin n erva tes collect ively make up the eleme nt a ry com pon ent of motor eotrol: Sherringron called it the motor unit. Muscle contraction results frtb e individual and combined acti ons of th ese motor units. The collectiof alpha motor n euro ns th at innerva tes a single m uscle (e.g.. the bicbrachii ) is called a motor n euron pool (Figure 13.6 ).

Graded Control of Muscle Contraction by Alpha Motor impo rtan t to exert just the righ t amount of force during m ovements:m uch , an d you 'll cru sh the egg you just picked up, while also wastimetabolic energy. Too little, and you may lose the swim race. Most ofmovements we make, such as wa lkin g, talking , and writing, require 0

wea k muscle cont ractions . Now and then we need to jog or lift a pilebooks, an d stronge r con tractio ns are necessary, We reserve th e maxicontraction force of our muscles for rare even ts, such as competitive sp .ing or scram bling up a tree to escape a cha rging bear. The nervous systuses several mechan ism s to con trol the force of muscle con traction infine ly gra ded fashi on.

The first way th e C S controls muscle contraction is by va rying the firirat e of motor n eurons. An alpha motor neuron communica tes withmuscle liber by releasin g the ne urotransm itt er acetylcholine (ACh) atn eu rom uscu la r junction, th e specialized synapse between a nerve andskeletal muscle (see Chapter 5). Because of th e high reliability of nellmuscular transm ission, the ACh released in response to one presynaactio n pot ential causes an excitatory postsy naptic po tentia l (EPSPI inmuscle liber (sometimes also called an endplate potential) large enoughtrigger one pos tsynaptic acti on potential. By mechanism s we will disin a momen t. a postsynap tic action po tenti al causes a tw itch-a rapidquence of contra ction an d relaxation- in the muscle fib er. A sustaincontractio n requi res a continual barrage of action potentials. High­quency presynapt ic activity causes temporal summation of the postn aptic responses, as it do es for ot her type s of synaptic transmission. Twisum ma tio n increases th e tensi on in the muscle fibers and smoo thescontraction (Figure 13.7 ). The rate of firing of motor units is therefone important way the CNS grades muscle contraction.

A seco nd way th e eNS grades m uscle co ntra ction is by recruiting adtional syn ergistic moto r uni ts. The extra tens ion provided by the ree .merit of an act ive motor unit depends on how many muscle fibers arethat unit. In the antigravity muscles of the leg (m uscles that oppose

Simila rly, sp in al segments Ll- S3 have a swollen ventral horn because tis where the motor neurons controlling the leg m usculature reside. Thwe can see that the motor neu rons that innervate dis ta l and proximuscul ature are found ma inl y in the cervical and lu mbar-sacral segmeof th e spinal cord, whereas those innervat ing axial musculature are (0

at a ll levels.The lowe r mo tor n eu rons are also distribu ted w ithin the ven tra l horn

ea ch spin al segment in a p redictable way, depen ding on their function.cells innervating the axial muscles are medial to those innervatingdistal muscles, an d the cells innervating flexors are dorsal to those innvating ex tens ors (Figure 13.5).

]I LateralMedial I(




~;;;;;cI:;=====::::L:;;;;;;;; Ventral

(--- - - - ---;rj-------j Dorsal


FIGURE 13.5The distribution of lower motorneurons in th e ventral horn. Motorneurons controlling flexors lie dorsal tothose controlling extensors. Motor neuronscontrollin g axial muscles lie medial to thosecontrolling distal muscles.


rc of gravity when stan ding upright), each motor unit ten ds to be quitee. with an innerva tion rat io of more than 1000 muscle fibers pe r singleha motor neuron. In cont rast, th e smaller muscles tha t control thevement of the fingers and the rotation of th e eyes a re characterized byrh smaller innerva tion ratios , as few as three muscle fibers per alphator neuro n. Tn general, m uscles with a large nu mber of small motor'IS can be mo re finely controlled by the eNS ,Most muscles have a range of moto r unit sizes, an d these motor units are

ited in th e order of smallest first, largest last. Th is orderly recrui tmentlains why finer control is possible when muscles are under light loadswhen they are under greater loads. Sma ll motor units have small alpha


\\......- Motor\ neuron: pool,,


FIGURE 13.6A motor unit and motor neuron pool .(a) A motor unit is an alpha motor neuronand all the muscle fibers it innervates. (b) Amotor neuron poo l is all the alpha motorneuro ns that innervat e one muscle.

40 Hz

Time ____

Time _



Record motorneuron activity

Measure muscle cont raction

RE IJ.7muscle twitch to sustaine d contraction. (a) A single action potential in an alpha

r neuron causes the muscle fiber to twitch. (b) The summation of twitches causes afled cont raction as t he number and frequency of incoming action pot ent ials increase.



Input from spinalinterne urons

the brain

Alpha motorneuron

FIGURE 13.8An alpha motor neu ron and its th reesources of input.

motor neurons , and lar ge m otor units have large alpha m otor neurThus, one way that orderly recru itmen t m igh t occur is if small neurons,a consequence of the geome try of their soma and den drites, were III

eas ily exci ted by signals descending from the brain . Th e idea that the ordrec rui tmen t of motor neurons is due to variations in alpha mo tor neusize, first proposed in the late 1950s by Harvard Unive rsity neurophysigist Elw ood Hennem an, is called the size principle.

Inputs to Alpha Motor Neurons. Alpha motor neurons excite skelmuscles. Therefore, to understand the control of muscles, w e mu st unstand what regu lates mo tor neurons. Lower mo tor neurons are controby synaptic in puts in th e ventral horn. There are only three major soureinput to an alpha motor neuron, as sh own in Figu re 13.8. The first sourdorsal roo t ganglion cells with axons that innerva te a specialized senap pa ratus embedded w ithin the muscle know n as a m uscle spindle. Asshall se e, thi s input provides fee dba ck abou t muscle length. The sesource of input to an alpha motor neuron de rives from upper motor neuin th e motor cortex an d brain stem. This in put is important for the inition and contro l of volun tary m ovement and will be discus sed in moreta il in Cha pter 14. The third and largest input to an alph a m otor neuderives from inte rneu rons in th e spina l cord. This inpu t may be excitator inhibitory and is pan of the circuitry that generates th e spinal mprograms.

Type s of Motor Units

If you have ever eat en different pa rts of chicken, you know that nom us cle is the sam e; the leg has dark mea t and the b rea st and wingw hite mea t. The diffe rent appearance, and tast e, of the various musclesdue to the bioch em istry of th e constituen t m us cle fibers. The red Im us cle fibers are char acte rized by a large number of mi tochondria andzymes specialized for oxidative energy metabolism. These fibers aretively slow to con tract bu t can sus ta in contraction for a lon g time wifatigu e. They are typic ally fo und in the antigra vity m uscles of the legin the fligh t mu scles of birds that fly (as opposed to dom esticat ed chickIn con trast, the pale (white) muscle fibers contain fewer mi toc hondriarely main ly on anaerobic (withou t oxygen ) metabolism. The se fiberstr act rapidly and powerfully, bu t they also fatigu e rapidly. They are tof m uscles in volved in escape reflexes; for example, th e ju mping muof frogs an d rabbits. In h umans , th e arm m uscles contain a large nuof wh ite fibe rs .

Even though bot h type s of muscle fiber can (and usu ally do) cin a given muscle, each m otor un it co n tain s mu scle fibe rs of onlyagle typ e. Thus, fast m o t or u ni t s con tain rapidly fatiguing white Iiand slow motor units con tain slowly fatiguing red fibe rs. Just asm uscle fibers of the two types of u n its diffe r, so do many of the prties of a lpha m otor n e u ro n s. For example, th e motor n eu rons ofunits a re gen era lly bigger an d have la rg er-di am eter, faste r-conduax ons; slow units have sm alle r-diameter, m ore slowly conducting axThe firing prope rties of the two typ es of motor neuron also differ.m otor ne uron s ten d to generat e occasional h igh -frequency bu rsts ofapotentials (30-60 im pulses per se cond), where as slow motor neuronsch aracterized by rela tively steady, low-frequency act ivity (10-20 impper secon d) .


















RE 13.9crossed-innervation experiment. Forcing slow motor neurons to innervate a fast

causes the muscle to switch to assume slow properties.

omuscular Matchmaking. The precise match ing of parti cular motorODS 10 particular muscle fibers raises an interesting question. Because

'I"ebeen talking about chickens, let 's pose th e question this way: Whiche rim, the muscle fiber or th e motor neuron? Perhaps du ring earlyryonic development there is a matching of the appropriate axons withappropriate muscle fibers. Alternat ively, we could imagine that th erties of th e muscle are determ ined solely by the type of inn ervation

getl. If it receives a syna ptic contact from a fast moto r neuron, it becomest fiber, and vice versa for slow uni ts.

This question was addressed in an experiment by John Eccles and hisagues in which the normal innervation of a fast muscle was rem ovedreplaced with a ne rve that normally inn ervated a slow mu scle (Figure

91. This procedure res ul ted in th e muscle's acq uiring slow properties,uding not only th e type of contraction (slow, fatigue -resistant ), but also

lWitch in much of the underlying bioch emistry. This change is referred toaswitch of muscle phenotype- its physical characteristics-because th e

of proteins expressed by the muscle were altered by th e new inner­on. Work by Terje Lern o and his colleagues in Norway suggests that in muscle phenotype can be induced simply by changing the activ­in the mo tor ne uron from a fast pattern (occasional bursts at 30-60ulses per secon d) to a slow pattern (steady act ivity at 10- 20 impulsessecond). These findings are particu larly interesting because they raisepossibility that neurons swi tch phenotype as a cons equence of synaptic

'I"ity (experience) and th at th is may be a basis for learning and memoryChapters 24 and 25).

Besides th e alterat ions im posed by patterns of motor neuron activity,scle fi bers are also chang ed simply by varying the absolut e amount ofivi ry. A long-term consequence of in creased activity (especia lly du e tometric exe rcise) is hypertrophy, or exaggera ted growth, of the musclers, as seen in bodybuilders. Conversely, prolon ged inactivity leads to at­~', or degenerat ion, of m uscle fibers, wh ich can ha ppen whe n join ts areobilized in a cast following an inju ry. Clearly, th ere is an intim ate re­

ionship betwee n the lowe r motor n eu ron and the muscle fibers it in ­ates (Box 13.1) .


Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisAmyotrophiclaterol sclerosis (ALS) is an especially cruel diseaseth at wa s first described in 1869 by the French ne uro lo­gist Jean-Martin Ch arcot. Th e initial signs of the diseaseare muscle weakness and atrophy. Usually over the courseof 1- 5 years, all voluntary movement is lost-walking,speaking, swa llowing, and breathing gradually deteriorate.Death is usually cau sed by failure of t he re sp irato r ymuscles. Because th e disease does not affect sensations,inte llect, or cognitive function, pat ients are left to watchtheir bodies slow ly waste away, kee nly aware of what ishapp ening.The disease is relatively rare, affl ict ing on e outof approximately every 20,000 individua ls. Sti ll, an esti­mated 30,000 Americans are currently diagnosed withALS. Its most famous victim was Lo u Gehrig, a star base­ball playe r with the New York Yankees, who died of ALSIn 1936. In the Un ited States, ALS is often called Lo uGehrig's disease.

Muscle weaknes s and paralysis are cha racteristics ofmotor unit damage. Indeed, the pat hology associated withALS is th e de gen eration of the large alpha motor neu ron s.The large neu ro ns of the motor cortex th at innervatealpha moto r neurons are also affec ted, but, curio usly,other ne urons in th e CNS are spared . T he selectivedam age to motor neurons explains the select ive loss ofmotor functions in A LS patients.

The exact cause of ALS is unknown, but a few clues haveemerged. A small pe rcentage of ALS cases are genetic. andscreens for the defective gene have po inted to a mutationaffect ing t he enzym e supe roxide dismutase . A t oxic by­product of ce llular metabolism is the negatively chargedmolecule 0 2- , called the superoxide ra dical. Superoxideradicals are extremely reactive and can inflict irreversiblece llular damage . Superoxide disrnutase is a key enzymethat causes superoxide radicals to lose their extra elec­trons, converting t hem back to oxygen. Thus. t he loss of

superoxide dismuta se would lead to a buildup of super­ox ide radic als an d ce llular damage , particular ly in cellsthat are metabolically very active . T he deat h of motorneurons seems to depend on the glial cells th at surroundthem . Research has also revealed that mutations of sev­eral othe r genes can cause rare for ms of ALS.

Another suspected cause of ALS is excito toxicity, Aswe learned in C hapter 6, overstimulation by the excita­tory ne urotransmitter glutamate and closely related aminoacids can cause th e death of otherwise no rmal neurons(see Box 6.2 ). Many ALS patients have elevated levels ofglutamate in their cerebrospinal fluid . Ex cito toxicity hasbeen implicated in the unusuall y high incidence of ALS onthe island of Guam that occurred before World War II.Ithas been suggested that one environmenta l cause mayhave been the ingestion of cycad nuts, which contain anexcitotoxic amino acid. In addition, re search indicates thata glutamate t ransporter may be defective in ALS, the rebyprolonging the exposure of active neurons to extracellu­lar glutamate. Thus, t he firs t drug approved by the U.S.Fo od and Drug Administration fo r th e treatment of ALSwas riluzole, a blocker of glutamate release. The drugtreatment can slow t he disease by a few mon ths , butunfo rtu nate ly the long-te rm ou tcom e is th e same .

The re is still much to be learned about selective motorneuron loss in ALS. However, th e slow accumulation ofdamage from the toxic by-pro ducts of cellular metabolismprobably occurs in all neuro ns and contributes to neuronaldeat h over the lifesp an of all peopl e . But this loss ofneurons may not be inev itable. Vita mins C and E read­ily accept electrons fro m superoxide radicals and can bene uroprotective. Dietary suppl ementatio n with thesevita mins may hel p re tard th e ne uro nal lo ss t hat occursin the brain as we grow older.


As we sa id, m uscle cont raction is in itiated by the release of ACh [ romaxon terminals of alpha motor neuro ns. ACh pro duces a la rge EPSP inpostsynaptic membrane d ue to the activa tion of n icotini c ACh recepiBecause the membrane of th e m uscle cell contains voltage -gated sodichannel s, thi s EPSP is sufficie nt to evoke an action potential in the mufibe r. By th e p rocess of excitation-contraction coupling, th is actipo te ntia l. th e excitation, tri ggers th e release of Ca2 + [rom an o rganin side the muscle fiber, wh ich ieads to cont raction of the Iibe r. Relaxafoccurs when the CaH levels are lowe red by reu pta ke into the organ


scle Fiber Structure

understand th is pr ocess, we m ust tak e a closer look at the muscle1.

estructure of a muscle fiber is shown in Figure 13. 10. Muscle fibers areed ear ly in fetal development by th e fusion of muscle precursor cells,

myoblasrs, whic h are derived from the mesode rm (see Chapte r 7). Thission leaves each cell with more th an one cell nucleus, so individu aluscle cells a re said to be m ultinucleated. The fusion elongates th e cellsence the name fiber ). Muscle fibers are en closed by an excitable cellmbrane called the sarcolemma.

Within th e muscle fibe r are a n umber of cylindri cal stru ctu res calledyofibrils, which contrac t in respo nse to an act ion potent ial swe ep ingwn the sarcolem ma . Myofibrils are surroun ded by th e sarcoplasmiciculum (SR) , an extensive intracellular sac that sto res CaH (simila r in

pearance to the smooth ER of neuron s; see Chapte r 2). Action potentialseepi ng alon g the sarcolemma gain access to the sarco plasmic reticulump inside the fiber by way of a n etwork of tu nnels ca lled T tubulesfor transverse). These ar e like in side-out axo ns; th e lumen of each T

bule is continuous with th e ex tracellular fluid.Where the T tu bule comes in close apposition to the SR, there is a spe ­Iized coupling of th e pro teins in the two membranes. A voltage- sensitivester of fou r calcium chan nels, called a tetrad, in th e T tubule membran e

linked to a calcium release channel in th e SR. As illustrated in Figure 13.11,arrival of an action potential in the T tubule membrane causes a con­

nnarional cha nge in the voltage-sensitive tetrad of channels, which openscalcium release channel in th e SR membran e. Some CaH flows through

etetrad channels, an d even more CaH flows through th e calcium releaseannel, and the resulti ng increase in free CaH withi n th e cytosol causesmyofibril to contrac t.

Mitochondria Myofibrils

""~~Sarcopla smicreticulum

Openings ofT tubules


fIGURE 13_10The structure of a muscle fiber. T tubules conduct electrical activity from the surface-eroraoe into the depths of the muscle fi ber:


The Molecular Basis of Muscle Contraction

Cut edge 01 SRmembrane

Inside of SR



T tubule

Muscle fiber


Cytosol ofmuscle fiber

Cut edge ofT tubulemembrane

Insideof'-----~--=--" Ttubule


Tetrad of~~~~f'1u::a:~~~calciumchannels


A doser look at the m yofibril reveal s how Cau triggers contraction Iure 13.12). The myofibril is divided in to segments by disks called Z li(named for th eir appearance wh e n viewed from the side) . A segment cprised of fWO Z lines and the m yofibril in between is called a sa rcomAnchored to each side of th e Z lines is a series of b ristles called thin firn ents . The th in filaments Irom adjacent Z line s face one another bUIno t come in contact. Between an d among the two sets of thin filamentsa series of fibers called thick fil aments . Muscle contraction occurs whth e thin filaments slide along the thick filaments, bringing adjacent Zlitoward on e ano ther. In o ther w ords.. the sarcomere becomes shorterlength. Th is sliding-filament model of sa rco mere sho rt ening is shownFigure 13.13.

The sliding of the filaments with respect to one anoth er occurs becaof the interaction bet ween the major thick filament protein, m yosin. athe major thin filament protein , actin. The exposed "heads" of the mymolecules bind actin molecu les and then un dergo a conformational cha


z nne


FIGU RE 13.12The myofibril : a closer look.

FIGU RE 13.1 IThe release of Ca2+ from the sarco­plasmic reticulum. Depolarization of theT tubule membrane causes conformat ionalchanges in proteins that are linked to calciumchannels in the SR, releasing stored Ca2+ intothe cytosol of the muscle fiber.




FIGURE 13.13The sliding-filament m odel of muscl econt raction. Myofibrils shorten when thethin filaments slide toward one another onthe thick filaments.

Icauses them to pivot (Figure 13 .14 ). This pivoting causes th e thick fil­m to move with respea to th e thi n filamen t. At th e expe nse of ATP.myosin heads th en disengage a nd "un cork" so that th e process can re­I itself. Repeating this cycle ena bles th e myosin heads to "walk" alongactin filam ent.

When the m uscle is at rest, myosin cannot interact w ith actin becausemyosin attachme nt sires on the actin m olecule are covered by the pr o­troponin. Ca2 + initiates muscle con traction by binding to trop onin,

reby exposing th e sites whe re myosin binds to actin . Contraction con-ues as long as Ca2+ and ATP are available; relaxation occu rs when th el+ is sequeste red by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The reuptake of Ca2+the SR depend s on th e action of a .calcium p ump and hen ce also re­

ires ATP.


We can summarize the steps of excitation -contraction coupling as fall





1. As EPSPs e nd, the sarcole mm a and T tubu les retu rn to their resupotentials.

2 . Cau is sequestered by the sarcoplasm ic reticulum by anpump.

3. Myosin bin ding sites on actin are covered by tropon in.

You can now understand why death causes stiffening of the m uscles.condition known as rigor mortis. Starv ing th e m uscle cells of ATP preve


1. Cau bin ds to troponin.

2. Myos in bind ing sites on act in are exposed.

3. Myosin heads bind actin.

4. Myosin heads pivot.

5. Myosin heads disengage at th e expense of ATP.

6. The cycle continue s as long as Cau an d ATP are present.

1. An action poten tial occurs in an alpha motor neuron axon.

2. ACh is released by th e axon termina l of th e alpha motor ne uron atneuromuscular junction .

3. Nicotin ic receptor channels in the sarcolemma open , and the posts,tic sa rcolem ma depolar izes (EPSP).

4 . Voltage-gated sodiu m chann els open, an d an action potential is genein the muscle fiber, which sweeps down th e sarcolemma and into I

tubu les.

5. Depolarization of the T tubul es causes Cau release from th e sarcomic reticulu m.


FIGURE 13.14The molecular basis of musclecontraction. The binding of ea2+ totroponin allows the myosin heads to bindto the actin filament Then the myosin headspivot, causing the filaments to slide withrespect to one another.


Duchenne Muscular DystrophyMuscular dystrophy describes a group of inherited dis­orders. all of which are characterized by progressive weak­ness and deterioration of muscle. The most common type,Duchenne muscular dystrophy, afflicts about one in 3500boys before adolescence.The disease is first detected asa weakness of the legs and usually puts its victims inwheelchairs by the time t hey reach age 12. The diseasecontinues to progress. and affl icted males typically do notsurvive past the age of 30.

The characteristic hered itary pattern of th is disease,which afflicts only males but is passed on from the irmothers. led to a search for a defective gene on the Xchromosome. Major breakthroughs came in the late 1980swhen the defective region of the X chromosome wasidentified. Researchers discovered that this reg ion con­tains the gene for the cytaskeletal pro te in dystrophin.Boys with Duchenne musc ular dyscrophy lack che mRNAencoding this protein. A milder fo rm of the disease, calledBecker muscular dystrophy, was foun d to be associate dwith an altered mRNA encoding on ly a portion of t hedystrophin protein.

Dystrophin is a large protein that contributes to the mus­cle cytoskeleton lying just unde r che sarcolemma.The pro­tein must not be st rictly required for muscle contraction,however, because movements in afflicted boys appear to benormal dur ing the first few years of life. Possibly the absenceof dystrophin leads to secondary changes in the contractileapparatus, eventually resulting in muscle degeneration.

Whatever the normal funct ion of dyst rop hin ultimatelyproves to be , it's clear that our models of excitation­contraction coupling are based on knowledge of on ly afraction of the proteins that are normally expressed byneurons and muscle fibers. As we learn more about thevario us proteins in the membrane and cytosol, we canant icipate significant rev isions of these models. It is inte r­es ting to note that dystrophin is also co nce ntrated inaxon terminal s in the brain, where it might contribute toexcitation-secret ion cou pling.

Inten sive efforts are now under way to find a st rategyfo r treating, or even cur ing, Duchenne muscular dystro­phy by using some form of gene therapy. The essentialidea is to replace the defective dystrophin gene with anartific ial gene that replaces or mimics a normal dystrophingene. The biggest challenge is determining a way to getthe ar t ificial gene into dyst rophic muscle ce lls. One strat­egy is to use specially engineered for ms of viruses thatwill car ry th e gene, infect muscle cells, and induce thece lls to express dystrop hin.Anoth er approach is to trans­plant stem cells-immatu re ce lls that can grow and dif­ferentiate into mature, normal muscle ce lls that expressdystrophin-into dyst ro phic muscles. Stem ce ll cherapyhas been very promising when tested in mouse models ofmuscular dystrophy. It is exciting to think that a devastat­ing genetic disease such as Duchenne muscular dystrophymight soo n be treatable.

'detac hment of the m yo sin h ea ds and lea ves the m yo sin a ttachmentes on th e a ctin filaments exposed for binding. Th e end re sult is th e for ­lion of permane nt attachm e nts be tween the thick and thin fila m e nts.Since th e proposal o f th e sliding- filament m od el in 1954 by En glish phys-

ists Hu gh Huxle y and Andrew Hu xley, th ere has been a tr emendousount o f progress in iden tifying the detailed molecula r m echa ni sm s of ex­ation -cornraction coup ling in m uscle . Thi s progress has result ed from auitidiscip linary approach to the problem , wi th critica l contributions madethe use of electron mi croscopy, a s well as biochemical a nd biophysica lthods. Th e very re ce nt applica tio n of mole cula r gen etic tech niques al sos added important new inf ormation to our unders tand ing of m u sclenion, in both health and dise ase (Box 13 .2 ).


eve traced th e action potential s sweepin g down the axon of the alphaotor ne ur on an d activa ting the neurom uscula r ju nction, trigge ring th entraction of the muscle fibers in the motor uni t. We've al so des cr ibedme of the devastat ing di sea se processes that affect motor neuro ns and


Myasthenia GravisT he neuromuscular junction is an exc ept ionally re liable

synapse. A presynaptic action potential causes the con ­tents of hundreds of synaptic vesicles to be released into

the synaptic cleft. The liberated ACh molecu les act atdensely packed nicotinic recepto rs in the pos tsynapticmembrane, and the resulting EPSP is many times large r

than what is necessary to trigger an action potential , andtwitch, in the muscle fiber- normally, that is.

In a clinical condition called myasthenia gravis, released

ACh is far less effective. and neuromuscular transmission

often fails. The name is derived from the G reek for "se­

vere muscle weakness." The disorder is characte rized byweakness and fatigability of voluntary muscles, typically in­cluding the muscles of facial expression, and it can be fa­

tal if respiration is compromised. Th e disease is not com­

mon, str iking about one in 10,000 people of all ages andethnic groups . An unusual feature of myasthe nia gravis is

that the severity of the muscle weakness fluctuates. even

over the course of a single day.

M yasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease. For reasons

we are only beginning to understand. the immune system

of afflicted individuals generates ant ibod ies against the

body's own nicotinic ACh receptors.The antibodies bindto

the rece ptors, interfering wi th the normal actions of ACh

at the neuromuscular juncti on s. In addit ion, th e binding of

ant ibodies to the receptors leads to secondary. degener­ative changes in the structure of the neuromuscular juncot ions that also make transmission much less efficient.

A n effective t reatm ent fo r myasthenia gravis is the ad­minis tration of dru gs that inhibit th e enzyme acetyl­cholinesterase (AChE). Recall from Chapters 5 and 6 thatAChE breaks downACh in the synaptic cleft. In low doses,AC hE inhibitors can strengthen neuromuscular transrnis­sion by prolonging the life of released ACh. But the ther­apeutic window is narrow. As we saw in Box 5.5. too

much ACh in t he cleft leads to desensitizat ion of the reoceptors and a block of neuromuscular transmission.

Another common treatment for myasthe nia gravis in·

vo lves suppression of the immune system , either with

drugs or by surgical removal of the thymus gland. If man­aged carefully, the long-term prognosis is good for patientsw ith this disease of the neuromuscular junction.

muscles. The ne uromuscular junction is vuln erable as well (Box 13.3),scien tific de tective work has helped us under stand wh y (Box 13.4).

Now le t's ex plore ho w th e activ ity o f th e m otor neuron is itself cotro lled. We begin wi th a discussio n of the first source of syna ptic inputthe alpha m oto r neuron inr rod uced above-sensory feedback frommuscles themselves.

Proprioception from Muscle Spindles

As we menrioned already, deep with in most skeletal muscles are specized struc tures called muscle sp in d les (Figur e 13. 15). A m uscle spindalso calle d a stretch receptor, consists of sev eral types of specia lized skelemuscle fibe rs contained in a fibrous capsu le. The mi ddle third of the capsis swo llen , giving the structure th e shape for which it is named. In thismidie (equa to ria l) region, gro up Ia se nsory axons wrap aro und th e rnufibers o r the spindle . Th e spin dles a nd their assoc iated la axons. speciaJizfor the de tection of changes in muscle length (str etch ), are examplesproprioceptors. These receptors are a component of the somatic senssyste m tha t is specialized for "body sense," o r p roprioception (fromLatin for "one's ow n"), wh ich info rms us abo ut how our body is positionand moving in space.

Recall from Chapter 12 tha t gro up I axons are the th ickest myelin"axons in th e bod y, mean ing that they cond uct ac tion poten tials very raidly. Within this gro up. la axons are th e la rgest and fastest . Ia axons emthe spin al cord via the dorsal roots, branch repea tedly, and form exotatosyn apses upon bot h in te rneur ons and alpha m otor n eurons of th e venm

Group la sensory axons


URE 13.15muscle spindle and its sensory innervation.

Fibrous- t'i--tiH-!W.capsule


rns. The la inputs are also ver y po werfu l, Neurophysiologist Lomeendell, working at Ha rvard with Henneman , was able to sh ow tha t agle la axon synapses on virt ua lly every alpha motor neuron in the poo lervating the same m uscle th at contains the spindle.

e Myotatic Reflex. The function of this sensory input to the spinal cords first shown by Sherrington, who noted that when a m uscle is pulled.u tends to pull back (contract). The fact that this m yotatic reflex (myoill the Greek for "muscle, " tatic from the Greek for 'stretch"), sometimesned th e stretch reflex, involves sensory feedback from the muscle wasown by cutting th e dorsa l roo ts. Even though the alp ha motor n euronsere left in tact, this procedure eliminated the stretch reflex and caused as of mu scle tone. Sh er rington deduced that the motor ne ur ons must

ceive a continual synaptic input from the muscles. Later work showedat the discharge of la sens ory axon s is closely related to the length of theuscle. As th e muscle is stretched, th e discharge ra te goes up; as th euscle is shortened and goes slack, th e disch arge rate goes down.The fa axon an d the alpha motor neurons on which it synapses consti­te the monosynaptic myotatic reflex arc- "monosynaptic" because only one

mapse separates the primary sensory input from the mo tor neuron out ­I. Figure 13.16 shows how th is reflex arc serves as an antigravity feed ­ck loop. When a weight is placed on a muscle and the muscle starts tongthen, the muscle spindles are stretched . The stretching of tb e equate ­I region of the spindle leads to depolarization of the la axon endingse to the opening of mechanosensitive ion c1hannels (see Chapter 12). Thetilting increased action potential discharge of the la axons synaptica llypolarizes the alpha motor neu rons, whic h respond by increasing theirion potential frequency. This caus es the muscle to cont ract, th er ebyorten ing it.The kn ee-jerk reflex is one example of the m yotatic reflex. When youretor tap s th e tendon ben eath your kne ecap, it stre tch es th e quadriceps


Alpha motorneuron

1-- - - - - - - - , -----. --_.. -_.. . -----------------_. . --_. --. ------------------------

Weightadded to muscle

1-- ------ - .... ----. ------------. -------------------. ---. -----. -. ---. -. -.. . -.. . .. .

'0 Q) Transient elongation of muscle

t~c ~

.3 E

la discharge

Alpha motorneuron discharge shortens muscle

FIGURE 13. 16Th e myotatic reflex . This illustration shows the response of a Ia axon and a motorneuron to the sudden addition of weight that stretches the muscle.

muscle of yo ur thigh, which then reflexi vely contracts and causes yourto extend (Figure 13.17). The knee-jerk reflex tests the intactness of t

nerves and muscles in this reflex arc.

G amma Motor Neurons

The muscle spindle contains modified skeletal muscle libers with in its fibrcapsule.' These muscl e fibers are called int rafusal fibers, 10 distiuguithem from th e more n um e rous ext rafusa l fiber s that lie outside Ispind le and form the bulk of th e muscle . An importa nt difference berwethe two types of muscle fibers is tb at only ex trafusal fibers are innervatby alpha motor neurons. Int rafusal fibers rece ive their moto r innervanby anothe r type of lower motor neuron called a gamma motor neur(Figure 13. 18).

Im agin e a situation in which mu scle contraction is commanded byupper mo tor n euron . The alpha motor neurons respon d, the extrafu

Tendon ofquadriceps

Intrafusatmuscle fibers


FIGURE 13.18Alpha motor neurons, gam ma motor neu rons,and the muscle fibers they innervate.

FIGURE 13.17The kne e-jerk reflex.




fibers contract, and the muscle sho rten s. The response of th e muscle spin dless shown in Figure 13.1 9. If the y we nt slack, th e Ia axon s woul d becom e~ent and the spind le wo uld go "off the air," no longer providin g info rma ­'on abo ut m uscle length . Th is does not happen, however, because the

gamma mot or n eurons are also activated. Gam ma motor ne uron s innervatethe intrafusal mu scle fiber at th e two ends of the muscle spin dle. Activation.1 these fibe rs caus es a contraction of th e two poles of the m uscle spindle,thereby pulling on th e non contractile equatorial region and keeping the Ia

Extrafusal fibers

Intrafusal fibersla axon

=:J / Activate/ alpha motor

IL.--++++- neuron

•Gamma motorneuron axon

Alpha motorneuronaxon

(.) (b)

Activate(...-- gamma motor



- FIGURE 13.19The function of gamma motor neurons.(a) Activation of alpha motor neurons causesthe extrafusal muscle fibers to shorten. (b) Ifthe muscle spindle becomes slack. it goes "offthe air"and no longerreports the length ofthe muscle. (c) Activation of gamma motorneurons causes the poles of the spindle tocontract, keeping it "on-th e-air'


Finding the Cause ofMyasthenia Gravis

by Jon M. Lindstrom

By 1973, the physiological ro le of nicotinic ACh receptorsin neuromuscular transmission was clear. Several unlikelyanimals proved to be critical for stu dying the biochem­ist ry of the ACh receptor (AChR).The electric organs ofelect ric eels we re a rich source of AChR protein, and la­beling methods developed by Arthur Karlin and Jean ­Pierre Changeux were beginning to suggest that this tran s­mitter-gated ion channel is a protein.The ex toxins in th eveno ms of cobras and kra its, init ially cha ra cterized by

C. Y. Lee, turned o ut to bind with grea t specificity andaffinity to t he ACh binding site of ACh receptors. Th eco bra toxin could be used as a very discrim inat ing "bait"to isolate AChRs from ext racts of eel electric organs. Inthis way, I was able to purify severa l milligrams of AChRprotein in a single step. This was a huge improvement onthe methods I had used when I was a graduate student.It was a "Eureka!" moment to finally have in hand largequantities of prote in that wo uld allow molecular studiesof iii neurotransmitter receptor. However, it was st ill nec­essa ry to prove that the purified protein was in fact th ephysiologically significant AC h recepto r. Meth od s fo rclon ing and ex pressing funct iona l rece ptors were still along way off.

Jim Pat r ick and I reasoned that if ant ibo dies to ou rpurified protein co uld bloc k the functions of ACh recep­tors in electric organ cells, it wo uld prove that the pro ­tein was at least part of the AChR. When we immunizedrabbits with the protein, they became profoundly weak; thissuggested that the rabbits' ant ibodies had cross-reactedwit h ACh Rs in the rabbits' own muscles and impairedt hei r neu ro musc ular transm issio n. This was another"Eureka!" moment. One of my graduate school mentors,Ed Lennox, had long befo re given me a paper by JohnSimpson. In 1960, Simpson had proposed tha t myasth eniagravis was caused by autoantibo dies (antibodies a patientproduces to his own proteins) that inhibit ACh frombinding to its receptor. Originally, we were thinking aboutusing these autoa nt ibodies as a way to identify the AChRprote in.Th ings came full circle when we found that puri­fying ACh recepto rs allowed us to prove that the weak­ness characterist ic of myasthenia gravis was caused byautoantibodies to AChRs.

The autoantibodies do not impair neuromuscular trans­mission in the mos t obvious way, by act ing as antagonistsof ACh. Instead, their primar y effect is to decrease thetotal numbe r of AChRs by increasing the rate of receptordestruction and by triggering degrad ation of the musclemembrane . The pathological mechanisms that weakenedneuromuscular transmission in exp erimental autoimmunemyasthenia in rats and myasthenia gravis in humans werediscovered in co llaboration with Yanda Lennon, MarjorieSeybold, and Andy Engel. We develop ed an assay to quan­t ify ant ibodies against receptors in immunized animalsandmeasured the loss of ACh receptors fro m their muscles.Using human muscle AChRs in the same assay provided adiagnostic te st for myasthenia gravis. Discoveringthe auto­immune natu re of myasth enia gravis has led to new irn­munosuppressive therapies and strategies for treating thedisease .

The autoimmune mech anism of myasth en ia gravis hasparallels with oth er neurological diseases. Recently, inves­tigato rs have found autoant ibodie s to other muscle andne rve proteins th at cause muscle weakness as well asauto antibodies to the ACh receptors on neurons that im­pair transmission in the ANS.

Recentl y, revolutionary met hods for gene cloning. ex­pression mutagen esis , single channe l reco rding,and crys­tallography have provided detailed insights into the strut­cure ofACh receptors and how they function. Nonetheless,the answers to basic quest ions remain elusive: What initi­ates the auto immune res ponse in myasthenia gravis? Howcan we specifically suppress this response ?

My pursu it of AChRs has led from snake venom toxins,to muscle-type ACh receptors in electric organs, to rev­e lat ions about myasthen ia gravis, to invest igations ofneuron al AChRs invo lved in addict ion, to nicotine andneurodege neratlve d iseases. No th ing is more eXCitingthan "Eureka!" moments such as pur ifying a neurotrans­mitter receptor for the first time or unexpectedly fi ndingthe cause of a dise ase . Each revelation leads to morequestion s. There can be a lot of work and frustrationbe tween successes great and small. But, every now andth en, you are rewa rded with the fleet ing cosmic rush rJdiscovery.


ns active. Notice that the act iva tion of alpha and gamma motor neuronsopposite effects on Ia ou tput; alpha activation alone decreases Ia activity,

"Ie gamma activation alone incre ases Ia activity.Recall from our discuss ion above th at th e monosynaptic myotatic reflexcan be viewed as a feedback loop. The principles of feedback control

terns are tha t a set point is determined (in this case, th e desi red musclegth), deviations from the set point ate detected by a sensor (the la axon

gs), and deviations are compensate d for by an effector system (alphator neuron s and extrafusal mu scle fibers), returning th e system to the

t point. Cha nging th e activity of the gamma motor ne urons changese set point of the myotatic feedback loop. Thi s circuit, gamma moto ruron - intrafusa l muscle fiber - Ia affe rent axon - alpha motoruron ~ extrafu sal muscle fibers, is sometimes called th e gamma loop.Alpha and gamma motor neurons are simu ltaneously act ivate d by de ­nding commands from the brain. By regulating the set point of the my­tic feedback loop , th e gamma loop provides additional contro l of alph ator neurons and muscle contractio n.

prioception from Golgi Tendon Organs

uscIe spindles ar e not the only source of proprioceptive inputs from theuscles. Ano ther sensor in skeletal m uscle is the Golgi tendon o rgan,ieb acts like a strain gauge; that is, it monitors muscle tension, or the forcecontraction . Golgi te ndo n organs ar e loca ted at the junction of the

uscIe and the te ndon an d are inn ervated by group Ib sensory axons,hieb are sligh tly sma ller th an the Ia axons innervating the muscle spin­

(Figure 13.20).It is important to note tha t while spindles are situated in parallel with th euscIe fibers, Golgi tendon organs are situ ated in series (Figure 13.21). Thislerent ana tomical arra ngement is what distinguishes the types of in­rmation th ese two sensors provide the spinal cord: Ia activity (rom thendle encodes muscle length information, while Ib activity from the Golgidon organ encodes muscle tension information.The Ib axons enter the spinal cord , branch rep eatedly, and synapse ontemeurons in the ventral hom. Some of these intern eurons form inhibitory


FIGURE 13.20A Goigi tendon organ.




la axon

Alpha motorneuron axon

(active)--Muscle spindle

------... Ib axon


Goigi tendonorgan

la axon

Ib axon

Alpha motorneuron axon


Muscle spindle

Goigi tendonorgan

URE 13.21organiza t ion of muscle proprioceptors. (a) Muscle spindles are arranged parallel

tl'e extrafusaJ fibers; Golgi tendon organs lie in series, between the muscle fibers and theirof attachment (b) Golgi tendon organs respond to increased tension on the muscle

transmit this information to the spinal cord via group lb sensoryaxons. Because theted muscle does not change length, the la axons remain silent in this example.



) Goigi tendonorgan

Ib axon

Alpha motorneuron

FIGURE 13.22Circuitry of the reve rse myotatic reflex.

connections with the alph a motor neu rons innervating the same muscleThis is the basis for another spinal reflex ca lled the reversemyotaticreflex (Fure 13.22 ) . IJl extreme circumstances. this reflex arc protects the rnusfrom being overloaded. However, the normal fu nction is to regu late muten sion within an optimal ran ge. As muscle tension in creases, the inhibitiof the alpha motor neuron slows muscle con traction; as musd e tensifalls, the inhibition of th e alpha motor neuron is reduced, and mucontra ction increases. This type of proprioceptive feedback. is th ought 10particularly important for th e proper execution of fine mo tor acts, suchthe manipulation of fragile objects with the hands, which require a steabut not too powerful, grip .

Proprioception from the Joints. We have focuse d on the proprioceptth at ar e involved in reflex control 01 th e spinal motor ne urons . Howevbesides m uscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs, a variety of propriocrive axon s is present in the connective tissues of jo ints, especially wit 'th e fibrous tissu e surroun ding the joints (joint capsules) and ligamenThese mechanosensitive axo ns respond lO chang es in the angle, directian d velocity of movement in a joint . Most are rapid ly adapting, meanth at sensory information about a moving joint is plenti ful. but nerves ecoding the resting position of a join t are few. We are, nevertheless, q .good at judging the pos ition of a joint, even with our eyes closed. It seethat information from joint recep tors is combin ed with th at from milspindles and Golgi ten don organs, and p robably from rec eptors in tskin , to estim ate jo int angle. Rem oving one source 01 in for mation cancompens ated for by the use of the other sources. Wh en an arthritic hipreplaced wit h a steel and plastic one, patients are still able to tell the anbetween their thigh and thei r pelvis , despite the fact th at all thei r hip joimecha norecepto rs are sitting in a jar of forma ldeh yde in ano ther room.

Spinal Interneurons

The actions of Ib inputs [rom Golgi tendon organs on alpha motor nron s a re en tire ly polysynaptic- they are all me diate d by interve ning spi


la axon


FIGU RE 13.23Reciprocal inhibition of flexors andextensors of the same joint .

ibito ry Input. In te rneurons play a crit ical role in the proper execu­nor even th e simplest reflexes. Cons ider the m yotatic reflex, for exam ­. Compensation for the lengthening of one set of muscles, such as thexors 01 th e elbow, in volves contraction of the flexors via the myotaticex but also requires relaxation of the antagonist mu scles, the exten ­~. This process is called reciprocal inhibi tion, the contraction of onelo r muscles acco mpan ied by the relaxation of the antagonist muscles.e importance of thi s is obviou s; imagine bow hard it would be to liltething if your own antagonist muscles were constantly op posing you .

the case of the myotatic re flex , reciprocal inhibition occ urs becausella terals of th e Ia axons syn apse on inhibitory spinal iru erneu rons tha tmact th e alpha moto r n eu rons supplyin g the a nt agonist m uscles (Fig­, 13.23 ) .Reciprocal inhibition is also use d by descending pa thways to ove rcomee powerful myotatic reflex. Cons ider a situation in which the flexor s ofeelbow are voluntarily commanded to contract. The resu lting stretch ofe antagonist extensor muscles w ou ld activate thei r m yotatic reflex arc,hich wou ld strongly resist flexion of th e join t. However, the descen din gthways that activate the alpha motor neurons controlling the flexors alsoivate interneurons. which inh ibit the alpha motor neurons that supplyeantagonist muscles.

erneurons. Indeed, most of the inpu t to th e alpha motor neurons com esminterneurons of the spinal cord. Spinal interneu rons receive synapticUl Irorn prim ary sensory axons, descen ding axons from the brain, and

llaterals of low er motor neuron ax ons. The int erneuron s are themselvestworked together in a way that allows coordinated moto r programs to beerated in response to their man y inputs.

citatory Input. Not all intern eurons are inhibitory. An exampl e of aflex media ted in part by excitatory interneurons is the flexor reflex (Figure

3.24). This is a complex reflex arc used to withdraw a limb from an aver ­·e stimulus (su ch as the withdrawal of your foot from the thumbtack inhapter 3). This reflex is far slower than th e myotatic reflex, indicating tha tnumber of in temeurons intervene between the sensory stim ulus and therdinared motor act. The pain axo ns enterin g the spinal cord branch pro­

sely and activate in terneurons in several different spinal segments. The se115 event ually excite the alph a moto r neurons that control all the flexor

muscles of the affected limb (an d, need less to say, inhibito ry intern euronse also recru ited to in hibit the alphas tha t control th e extensors).


FIGURE 13.24Circu itry o f the polysynaptic flexor reflex .



You' re wa lking around barefoot, and you step on a tack. Thanks to

flexor reflex, you re flexive ly yank your foot up. But whe re would I

leave th e rest of your body if n othing else happ en ed? Falling to the fImost likely. Luckily, an additional component of the reflex is recruited:act ivation of extensor m uscles an d the inhibit ion of flexors on the oPPside. This is called the crossed-extensor reflex, and it is used to compensate!the extra load imp osed by limb wi th drawa l on the a ntigrav ity extem uscles of th e opposite leg (Figure 13.2 5). Not ice that th is is anorh

FIGURE 13.25Circuitry of the crossed-extensor reflex.

Extend Extend


nample of reciprocal inhib ition, but in this case, activation of the flexorsmone side of the spinal cor d is accom panied by inhibition of the flexorsnthe opposi te side .

The Generation of Spinal Motor Programs for Walking

The crossed-extensor reflex, in which one side extends as the ot her sidekxes. seems to provide a building block for locomotion. When yo u walk,nu alternately withdraw an d extend your two legs. All that 's lacking is amechanism to coordinate the timing. Ln principle , this could be a series ofl!escending commands from upper motor neurons. Howeve r, as we alreadysspected from our consideration of he adless ch icken behavior, it seemsIkely that thi s control is exerted from with in th e spinal cord , Indeed, aromplete transection of a eat's spinal cord at the mid-thoracic leve l leavesIhehind limbs capable of gene rating coordinated walking movements. Th eomnt for th e coord ina ted contro l of walking m ust re side , therefore, with inIhespinal co rd. In general, circu its that give rise to rh ythmic motor activityVe called central pattern generators.

How do neural circuits gene rate rhythmic patterns of activity? Different~cuits use different mechanisms. However, the simplest pattern generatorsIre individ ua l neurons whose m embran e properties endow them withPacemaker properties. An interesting example comes from the wo rk of Sten~rillner and his colleagues in Sto ckholm, Sweden. Based on th e assump ­~n that the spinal central pattern generators for locomotion in differ entr oes are variations on a plan that was established in a common ancestor,rillner focus ed on the mechanism for swimming in the lam prey, a jawlessh that has evolved slowly ov er the course of the past 45 0 mi llion years.e lamprey spinal cord can be dissec ted and kept alive in vitro for severalys . Electrical sthnulation of the stumps ofaxons descending from the brainn generate alternating rhythm ic activity in the spinal cor d, m im ickingat which occu rs during swi mming . In an important series of expe riments,rillner showed tha t the activ ation of NMDA re cep to rs on spinal inter­urons was sufficient to generate this locomotor activity.Recall from Chapter 6 that NMDA receptors are glu tam ate-gated ionannels with two pecu liar p roperties : (I) They allow m ore current ro flowto the cell when the postsynaptic membrane is depolarized, and (2) they

it Ca2+ as w ell as Na + into the cell. In adclition to NMDA re cep to rs,inal interneu rons possess calciu m- activated potassium channel s. Nowagine the cycle that is initiated when NMDA rece ptors are activated byuamate (Figure 13.26):

, The membran e depolarizes,

Na+ an d Ca2+ flow in to the cell through the NMDA recep tors.

· CaH activates potassium channels.

· K+ flows out of the cell.

.The membrane hyperpola rizes.

,CaH stops flowing into the cell.

· The potassium channels close .

·The membra ne depolarizes. and the cycle repeats.

Itiseasy to imagine how intrinsic pacemaker activity in spinal interneuronsight act as the primary rhythmic driving force for sets of motor neuronsat in turn command cyclic behaviors like walking. Howe ver, pacemakerurons are n ot solely responsible for generating rhythms in vert ebra tes.



Apply glutamate - - - --- - ---- - - ---

<a) (b) - - - - (d)..--=-====----,


NMD Areceptor

FIGURE 13.26Rhythmic activity in a spin al interneuron. Some neurons respond t o the activationNMDA receptors with rhythmic depolar izat ion. (a) In t he resting stat e, th e NMDA receptchanne ls and t he calcium-activated potassium channels are closed. (b) Glutamate causesNMDA receptors to open. the cell membrane to de polarize . and CaH to enter the ceiL(c) The rise in int racellular [CaH ] causes the Ca2+ -activated potassium channels to openPotassium ions leave the neuron, hyperpolarizing the membrane. The hyperpolarization allMgH to enter and dog the NMDA channel, arresting the flow of eaH , (d) As [Ca2+]the potassium channels close. resetting the membrane for another oscillation.(Source:Adapted from Wallen and Grillner, 1987.)

They are embedde d with in inte rconnected circui ts, and it is the combilion of intrinsic pacemaker properties an d synaptic interconnectionsproduces rhyth m.

An exa mple of a possible pattern-generatin g circuit for walking is sboin Figu re 13.27 . Accordi ng to th is sche me , walking is ini tiated when

steady input excites two intemeurons that connect to the motor neurcontrolling th e flexors and extensors, respectively. The in terneu rons respo

Continuousinput from brain


FIGURE 13.27A possible circuit for rhythmic alternating activity.

Extensormotor neuron

a continu ou s input by generating bursts of outputs. The activity of theo imerneuron s alterna tes because they inhibit each other via anotherof mterneurons, which are inhibitory. Thus, a burst of activity in one

terneuron strongly in hi b its th e other, and vice versa. Then, using theioal cord circuitry of the crossed-extensor reflex, the movem ents of theposite limb could be coordina te d so tha t flexion on one side is accom ­nied by extension on the other. The addi tion of more inte rneuronal con -nions between the lumbar and cervi cal spinal segme nts could accountr the swing ing of the arms th a t accom pan ies wa lking .Work on man y vertebrate spe cies, from lam preys to hum ans , has shownat locomotor activity in the spinal cord and its coordination depend onultiple mechanisms . Such complexity is no t su rp rising when we con sideredeman ds on th e system-for exa mple, the adju stments necessary whene foot str ikes an obstacle while walking , or the cha nges in o utput that

lie necessar y to go from walking, to jogging, to running, to jumping.


We can draw several co nclusio ns from the preceding dis cuss ion of th einal control of movement. First, a great deal ha s been learned about

movement and its spinal con trol by working at different levels of analysis,mgmg from biocbemistry and biophys ics to behavior. Indee d, a completemderstanding. whether of excitation-con traction coupling or cen tra l pattern,neration, requires knowledge der ived from every approach . Second, sen­arion and movement are in extricably link ed even at th e lowe st levels ofthe neural motor system . Th e n ormal function of the alph a m otor neurondepends on direct feedback from the muscles themselves and indir ect infor­mation from the ten dons, jo ints, and skin. Third, the spinai cord conta ins

in tricate network of circuits for the control of movement; it is far more!han a conduit for somatic se nsory and motor information .

Evidently, coordinated and complex patterns of activity in these spinalercuits can be dri ven by relatively crude descending signals. Thi s leaves the!\lestion of precisely what the upper motor neuron s contribute to motorrontrol-the subject of the next chapter.




The Somatic Motor Systemsmooth muscle (p.424)striated muscle (p.424)cardiac muscle (p.424)skeletal muscle (p. 424)muscle fiber (p. 424)somatic motor system (p. 424)fl exion (p. 425)exte nsion (p. 425)flexor muscle (p. 426)synergist muscle (p. 426)extensor muscle (p. 426)antagonist muscle (p. 426)axial muscle (p. 426)proximal (girdle) muscle

(p. 426)distal muscle (p. 426)

The Lower Motor Neuronalpha motor neuron (p. 428)motor unit (p.428)motor neuron pool (p.428)fast motor unit (p. 430)slow motor unit (p. 430)


Couplingexcitat ion-contraction coupling

(p. 432)sarcolemma (p. 433)myofibril (p. 433)sarcoplasmic reticulum (p. 433)T tubule (p. 433)Z line (p. 434)sarcomere (p.434)

thin filament (p.434)thick filament (p.434)myosin (p.43 4)act in (p.434)troponin (p.435)

Spinal Control of Motor Unitsmuscle spindle (p. 438)proprioceptor (p. 438)proprioception (p. 438)myotatiC reflex (p. 439)intrafusal fiber (p. 440)extrafusal fiber (p. 440)gamma motor neuron (p. 440)Golgi tendon organ (p. 443)reciprocal inhibition (p. 445)central pattern generator (p. 447)


I. What did Sherrington call the "final co mmon pat hway," and why!

2. D efine, in one sentence, motor unit. How does it differ from motor neuron pool?

3. W hich is recruited first. a fast motor unit or a slow motor unit? Why?

4. W hen and why does rigor mortis occur!

5. Your doctor taps the tendon beneath your kneecap and your leg extends.W hat is the neural basis of chireflex? W hat is it called?

6. W hat is the function of gamma motor neurons?

7. Lenny, a character in Steinbeck's classic book Of Mice and Men, loved rabbits, but when he hugged them, thewere cru shed to death. W hich type of prop rioceptive input might Lenny have been lacking!


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