Neville Goddard - Out of This World 1949

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Los Angeles, California. 1949

 Neville Goddard

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 "And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe," 

 —John 14:29

MANY persons, !self in"l#ded, have o$served even%s $efore %he! o""#rred& %ha% is, $efore %he!

o""#rred in %his 'orld of %hree diensions. (in"e an "an o$serve an even% $efore i% o""#rs in %he

%hree diensions of spa"e, life on ear%h #s% pro"eed a""ording %o plan, and %his plan #s% e)is%

else'here in ano%her diension and $e slo'l! oving %hro#gh o#r spa"e.

*f %he o""#rring even%s 'ere no% in %his 'orld 'hen %he! 'ere o$served, %hen, %o $e perfe"%l!

logi"al, %he! #s% have $een o#% of %his 'orld. And 'ha%ever is there %o $e seen $efore i% o""#rs

here #s% $e +rede%erined+ fro %he poin% of vie' of an a'a-e in a %hreediensional 'orld.

/h#s %he 0#es%ion arises: +Are 'e a$le %o al%er o#r f#%#re+

M! o$e"% in 'ri%ing %hese pages is %o indi"a%e possi$ili%ies inheren% in an, %o sho' %ha% an "an

al%er his f#%#re& $#%, %h#s al%ered, i% fors again a de%erinis%i" se0#en"e s%ar%ing fro %he poin% of

in%erferen"e—a f#%#re %ha% 'ill $e "onsis%en% 'i%h %he al%era%ion. /he os% rear-a$le fea%#re of

an3s f#%#re is i%s fle)i$ili%!. *% is de%erined $! his a%%i%#des ra%her %han $! his a"%s. /he

"orners%one on 'hi"h all %hings are $ased is an3s "on"ep% of hiself. e a"%s as he does and has

%he e)perien"es %ha% he does, $e"a#se his "on"ep% of hiself is 'ha% i% is, and for no o%her reason.

ad he a differen% "on"ep% of self, he 'o#ld a"% differen%l!. A "hange of "on"ep% of self

a#%oa%i"all! al%ers his f#%#re: and a "hange in an! %er of his f#%#re series of e)perien"es

re"ipro"all! al%ers his "on"ep% of self. Man3s ass#p%ions 'hi"h he regards as insignifi"an% prod#"e effe"%s %ha% are "onsidera$le& %herefore an sho#ld revise his es%ia%e of an ass#p%ion,

and re"ogni5e i%s "rea%ive po'er.

All "hanges %a-e pla"e in "ons"io#sness. /he f#%#re, al%ho#gh prepared in ever! de%ail in advan"e,

has several o#%"oes. A% ever! oen% of o#r lives 'e have $efore #s %he "hoi"e of 'hi"h of

several f#%#res 'e 'ill "hoose.

/here are %'o a"%#al o#%loo-s on %he 'orld possessed $! ever!one—a na%#ral fo"#s and a spiri%#al

fo"#s. /he an"ien% %ea"hers "alled %he one +%he "arnal ind,+ %he o%her +%he ind of Chris%.+ 6e

a! differen%ia%e %he as ordinar! 'a-ing "ons"io#sness— governed $! o#r senses, and a

"on%rolled iagina%ion—governed $! desire. 6e re"ogni5e %hese %'o dis%in"% "en%ers of %ho#gh% in%he s%a%een%: +/he na%#ral an re"eive%h no% %he %hings of %he spiri% of God for %he! are

foolishness #n%o hi& nei%her "an he -no' %he for %he! are spiri%#all! dis"erned.+ /he na%#ral

vie' "onfines reali%! %o %he oen% "alled no'. /o %he na%#ral vie', %he pas% and f#%#re are p#rel!

iaginar!. /he spiri%#al vie', on %he o%her hand, sees %he "on%en%s of %ie. *% sees even%s as

dis%in"% and separa%ed as o$e"%s in spa"e. /he pas% and f#%#re are a presen% 'hole %o %he spiri%#al

vie'. 6ha% is en%al and s#$e"%ive %o %he na%#ral an is "on"re%e and o$e"%ive %o %he spiri%#al


/he ha$i% of seeing onl! %ha% 'hi"h o#r senses peri%, renders #s %o%all! $lind %o 'ha% 'e

o%her'ise "o#ld see. /o "#l%iva%e %he fa"#l%! of seeing %he invisi$le, 'e sho#ld of%en deli$era%el!

disen%angle o#r inds fro %he eviden"e of %he senses and fo"#s o#r a%%en%ion on an invisi$le s%a%e,

en%all! feeling i% and sensing i% #n%il i% has all %he dis%in"%ness of reali%!.

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7arnes%, "on"en%ra%ed %ho#gh% fo"#sed in a par%i"#lar dire"%ion sh#%s o#% o%her sensa%ions and

"a#ses %he %o disappear. 6e have $#% %o "on"en%ra%e on %he s%a%e desired in order %o see i%. /he

ha$i% of 'i%hdra'ing a%%en%ion fro %he region of sensa%ion and "on"en%ra%ing i% on %he invisi$le

develops o#r spiri%#al o#%loo- and ena$les #s %o pene%ra%e $e!ond %he 'orld of sense and %o see

%ha% 'hi"h is invisi$le. +8or %he invisi$le %hings of hi fro %he "rea%ion of %he 'orld are "learl!

seen.+—oans 1:2. /his vision is "ople%el! independen% of %he na%#ral fa"#l%ies. ;pen i% and0#i"-en i%< 6i%ho#% i%, %hese ins%r#"%ions are #seless, for +%he %hings of %he spiri% are spiri%#all!


A li%%le pra"%i"e 'ill "onvin"e #s %ha% 'e "an, $! "on%rolling o#r iagina%ion, reshape o#r f#%#re in

haron! 'i%h o#r desire. =esire is %he ainspring of a"%ion. 6e "o#ld no% ove a single finger

#nless 'e had a desire %o ove i%. No a%%er 'ha% 'e do, 'e follo' %he desire 'hi"h a% %he

oen% doina%es o#r inds. 6hen 'e $rea- a ha$i%, o#r desire %o $rea- i% is grea%er %han o#r

desire %o "on%in#e in %he ha$i%.

/he desires 'hi"h ipel #s %o a"%ion are %hose %ha% hold o#r a%%en%ion. A desire is $#% an a'areness

of soe%hing 'e la"- or need %o a-e o#r life ore eno!a$le. =esires al'a!s have soe personalgain in vie', %he grea%er %he an%i"ipa%ed gain, %he ore in%ense, is %he desire. /here is no a$sol#%el!

#nselfish desire. 6here %here is no%hing %o gain %here is no desire, and "onse0#en%l! no a"%ion.

/he spiri%#al an spea-s %o %he na%#ral an %hro#gh %he lang#age of desire. /he -e! %o progress in

life and %o %he f#lfillen% of dreas lies in read! o$edien"e %o i%s voi"e. >nhesi%a%ing o$edien"e %o

i%s voi"e is an iedia%e ass#p%ion of %he 'ish f#lfilled. /o desire a s%a%e is %o have i%. As as"al

has said, +Yo# 'o#ld no% have so#gh% e had !o# no% alread! fo#nd e.+ Man, $! ass#ing %he

feeling of his 'ish f#lfilled, and %hen living and a"%ing on %his "onvi"%ion, al%ers %he f#%#re in

haron! 'i%h his ass#p%ion.

Ass#p%ions a'a-en 'ha% %he! affir. As soon as an ass#es %he feeling of his 'ish f#lfilled,

his fo#rdiensional self finds 'a!s for %he a%%ainen% of %his end, dis"overs e%hods for i%s

reali5a%ion. * -no' of no "learer defini%ion of %he eans $! 'hi"h 'e reali5e o#r desires %han %o

experience in imagination what we would experience in the flesh were we to achieve our goal .

/his e)perien"e of %he end 'ills %he eans. 6i%h i%s larger o#%loo- %he fo#rdiensional self %hen

"ons%r#"%s %he eans ne"essar! %o reali5e %he a""ep%ed end.

/he #ndis"iplined ind finds i% diffi"#l% %o ass#e a s%a%e 'hi"h is denied $! %he senses. ere is a

%e"hni0#e %ha% a-es i% eas! %o en"o#n%er even%s $efore %he! o""#r, %o +"all %hings 'hi"h are no%

seen as %ho#gh %he! 'ere.+ eople have a ha$i% of sligh%ing %he ipor%an"e of siple %hings& $#%

%his siple for#la for "hanging %he f#%#re 'as dis"overed af%er !ears of sear"hing ande)perien%ing. /he firs% s%ep in "hanging %he f#%#re is desire — %ha% is: define !o#r o$e"%ive— 

-no' defini%el! 'ha% !o# 'an%. (e"ondl!: "ons%r#"% an even% 'hi"h !o# $elieve !o# 'o#ld

en"o#n%er following %he f#lfillen% of !o#r desire—an even% 'hi"h iplies f#lfillen% of !o#r

desire—soe%hing %ha% 'ill have %he a"%ion of self predoinan%. /hirdl!: io$ili5e %he ph!si"al

 $od! and ind#"e a "ondi%ion a-in %o sleep—lie on a $ed or rela) in a "hair and iagine %ha% !o#

are sleep!& %hen, 'i%h e!elids "losed and !o#r a%%en%ion fo"#sed on %he a"%ion !o# in%end %o

e)perien"e—in iagina%ion—en%all! feel !o#rself righ% in%o %he proposed a"%ion—iagining all

%he 'hile %ha% !o# are a"%#all! perforing %he a"%ion here and no'. Yo# #s% al'a!s par%i"ipa%e in

%he iaginar! a"%ion, no% erel! s%and $a"- and loo- on, $#% !o# #s% feel %ha% !o# are a"%#all!

 perforing %he a"%ion so %ha% %he iaginar! sensa%ion is real %o !o#.

 *% is ipor%an% al'a!s %o ree$er %ha% %he proposed a"%ion #s% $e one 'hi"h follo's %he

f#lfillen% of !o#r desire& and, also, !o# #s% feel !o#rself in%o %he a"%ion #n%il i% has all %he

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vividness and dis%in"%ness of reali%!. 8or e)aple: s#ppose !o# desired proo%ion in offi"e. ?eing

"ongra%#la%ed 'o#ld $e an even% !o# 'o#ld en"o#n%er following %he f#lfillen% of !o#r desire.

aving sele"%ed %his a"%ion as %he one !o# 'ill e)perien"e in iagina%ion, io$ili5e %he ph!si"al

 $od!, and ind#"e a s%a%e a-in %o sleep—a dro's! s%a%e—$#% one in 'hi"h !o# are s%ill a$le %o

"on%rol %he dire"%ion of !o#r %ho#gh%s—a s%a%e in 'hi"h !o# are a%%en%ive 'i%ho#% effor%. No',

iagine %ha% a friend is s%anding $efore !o#. #% !o#r iaginar! hand in%o his. 8irs% feel i% %o $esolid and real, %hen "arr! on an iaginar! "onversa%ion 'i%h hi in haron! 'i%h %he a"%ion.

=o no% vis#ali5e !o#rself a% a dis%an"e in poin% of spa"e and a% a dis%an"e in poin% of %ie $eing

"ongra%#la%ed on !o#r good for%#ne. *ns%ead, a-e else'here here, and %he f#%#re no'. /he f#%#re

even% is a reali%! no' in a diensionall! larger 'orld& and, oddl! eno#gh, no' in a diensionall!

larger 'orld, is e0#ivalen% %o here in %he ordinar! %hreediensional spa"e of ever!da! life. /he

differen"e $e%'een feeling !o#rself in a"%ion , here and now, and vis#ali5ing !o#rself in a"%ion, as

%ho#gh !o# 'ere on a o%ionpi"%#re s"reen, is %he differen"e $e%'een s#""ess and fail#re. /he

differen"e 'ill $e appre"ia%ed if !o# 'ill no' vis#ali5e !o#rself "li$ing a ladder. /hen 'i%h

e!elids "losed iagine %ha% a ladder is righ% in fron% of !o# and feel !o# are a"%#all! "li$ing i%.

=esire, ph!si"al io$ili%! $ordering on sleep, and iaginar! a"%ion in 'hi"h self feelingl!

 predoina%es, here and now, are no% onl! ipor%an% fa"%ors in al%ering %he f#%#re, $#% %he! are

essen%ial "ondi%ions in "ons"io#sl! proe"%ing %he spiri%#al self. *f, 'hen %he ph!si"al $od! is

io$ili5ed 'e $e"oe possessed of %he idea %o do soe %hing—and iagine %ha% 'e are doing i%

here and now and -eep %he iaginar! a"%ion feelingl! going righ% #p #n%il sleep ens#es—'e are

li-el! %o a'a-en o#% of %he ph!si"al $od! %o find o#rselves in a diensionall! larger 'orld 'i%h a

diensionall! larger fo"#s and a"%#all! doing 'ha% 'e desired and iagined 'e 'ere doing in %he

flesh. ?#% 'he%her 'e a'a-en %here or no%, 'e are a"%#all! perforing %he a"%ion in %he fo#r%h

diensional 'orld, and 'e 'ill reena"% i% in %he f#%#re, here in %he %hirddiensional 'orld.

7)perien"e has %a#gh% e %o res%ri"% %he iaginar! a"%ion, %o "ondense %he idea 'hi"h is %o $e %he

o$e"% of o#r edi%a%ion in%o a single a"%, and %o reena"% i% over and over again #n%il i% has %he

feeling of reali%!. ;%her'ise, %he a%%en%ion 'ill 'ander off along an asso"ia%ional %ra"-, and hos%s

of asso"ia%ed iages 'ill $e presen%ed %o o#r a%%en%ion. *n a fe' se"onds %he! 'ill lead #s

h#ndreds of iles a'a! fro o#r o$e"%ive in poin% of spa"e, and !ears a'a! in poin% of %ie. *f

'e de"ide %o "li$ a par%i"#lar fligh% of s%airs, $e"a#se %ha% is %he li-el! even% %o follo' %he

reali5a%ion of o#r desire, %hen 'e #s% res%ri"% %he a"%ion %o "li$ing %ha% par%i"#lar fligh% of s%airs.

(ho#ld o#r a%%en%ion 'ander off, 'e #s% $ring i% $a"- %o i%s %as- of "li$ing %ha% fligh% of s%airs

and -eep on doing so #n%il %he iaginar! a"%ion has all %he solidi%! and dis%in"%ness of reali%!. /he

idea #s% $e ain%ained in %he field of presen%a%ion 'i%ho#% an! sensi$le effor% on o#r par%. 6e

#s%, 'i%h %he ini# of effor%, perea%e %he ind 'i%h %he feeling of %he 'ish f#lfilled.

 =ro'siness fa"ili%a%es "hange $e"a#se i% favors a%%en%ion 'i%ho#% effor%, $#% i% #s% no% $e p#shed

%o %he s%age of sleep, in 'hi"h 'e shall no longer $e a$le %o "on%rol %he oveen%s of o#r

a%%en%ion, $#% ra%her a odera%e degree of dro'siness in 'hi"h 'e are s%ill a$le %o dire"% o#r

%ho#gh%s. A os% effe"%ive 'a! %o e$od! a desire is %o ass#e %he feeling of %he 'ish f#lfilled

and %hen, in a rela)ed and sleep! s%a%e, repea% over and over again, li-e a l#lla$!, an! shor% phrase

'hi"h iplies f#lfillen% of o#r desire, s#"h as +/han- !o#+ as %ho#gh 'e addressed a higher

 po'er for having done i% for #s. *f, ho'ever, 'e see- a "ons"io#s proe"%ion in%o a diensionall!

larger 'orld, %hen 'e #s% -eep %he a"%ion going righ% #p #n%il sleep ens#es.

7)perien"e in iagina%ion, 'i%h all %he dis%in"%ness of reali%!, 'ha% 'o#ld $e e)perien"ed in %heflesh 'ere !o# %o a"hieve !o#r goal& and !o# shall, in %ie, ee% i% in %he flesh as !o# e% i% in

!o#r iagina%ion. 8eed %he ind 'i%h premises —%ha% is, asser%ions presumed  %o $e %r#e, $e"a#se

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ass#p%ions, %ho#gh #nreal %o %he senses, if persis%ed in, #n%il %he! have %he feeling of reality, 'ill

harden in%o fa"%s. /o an ass#p%ion all eans 'hi"h proo%e i%s reali5a%ion are good. *% infl#en"es

%he $ehavior of all $! inspiring in all %he oveen%s, %he a"%ions, and %he 'ords 'hi"h %end

%o'ards i%s f#lfillen%.

/o #nders%and ho' an olds his f#%#re in haron! 'i%h his ass#p%ion 'e #s% -no' 'ha% 'eean $! a diensionall! larger 'orld, for i% is %o a diensionall! larger 'orld %ha% 'e go %o al%er

o#r f#%#re. /he o$serva%ion of an even% $efore i% o""#rs iplies %ha% %he even% is prede%erined

fro %he poin% of vie' of an in %he %hreediensional 'orld. /herefore, %o "hange %he "ondi%ions

here in %he %hree diensions of spa"e 'e #s% firs% "hange %he in %he fo#r diensions of spa"e.

Man does no% -no' e)a"%l! 'ha% is ean% $! a diensionall! larger 'orld, and 'o#ld no do#$%

den! %he e)is%en"e of a diensionall! larger self. e is 0#i%e failiar 'i%h %he %hree diensions of

leng%h, 'id%h and heigh%, and he feels %ha% if %here 'ere a fo#r%h diension, i% sho#ld $e #s% as

o$vio#s %o hi as %he diensions of leng%h, 'id%h and heigh%. A diension is no% a line& i% is an!

'a! in 'hi"h a %hing "an $e eas#red %ha% is en%irel! differen% fro all o%her 'a!s. /ha% is, %o

eas#re a solid fo#r%hdiensionall!, 'e sipl! eas#re i% in an! dire"%ion e)"ep% %ha% of i%sleng%h, 'id%h and heigh%.

*s %here ano%her 'a! of eas#ring an o$e"% o%her %han %hose of i%s leng%h, 'id%h and heigh% /ie

eas#res ! life 'i%ho#% eplo!ing %he %hree diensions of leng%h, 'id%h and heigh%. /here is no

s#"h %hing as an ins%an%aneo#s o$e"%. *%s appearan"e and disappearan"e are eas#ra$le. *% end#res

for a defini%e leng%h of %ie. 6e "an eas#re i%s life span 'i%ho#% #sing %he diensions of leng%h,

'id%h and heigh%. /ie is defini%el! a fo#r%h 'a! of eas#ring an o$e"%.

/he ore diensions an o$e"% has, %he ore s#$s%an%ial and real i% $e"oes. A s%raigh% line,

'hi"h lies en%irel! in one diension, a"0#ires shape, ass and s#$s%an"e $! %he addi%ion of

diensions. 6ha% ne' 0#ali%! 'o#ld %ie, %he fo#r%h diension, give 'hi"h 'o#ld a-e i% #s% as

vas%l! s#perior %o solids as solids are %o s#rfa"es and s#rfa"es are %o lines /ie is a edi# for

"hanges in e)perien"e $e"a#se all "hanges %a-e %ie. /he ne' 0#ali%! is changeability.

 ;$serve %ha% if 'e $ise"% a solid, i%s "ross se"%ion 'ill $e a s#rfa"e& $! $ise"%ing a s#rfa"e, 'e

o$%ain a line& and $! $ise"%ing a line, 'e ge% a poin%. /his eans %ha% a poin% is $#% a "ross se"%ion

of a line, 'hi"h is, in %#rn, $#% a "ross se"%ion of a s#rfa"e, 'hi"h is, in %#rn, $#% a "ross se"%ion of

a solid, 'hi"h is, in %#rn, if "arried %o i%s logi"al "on"l#sion, $#% a "ross se"%ion of a fo#r

diensional o$e"%.

6e "anno% avoid %he inferen"e %ha% all %hreediensional o$e"%s are $#% "ross se"%ions of fo#rdiensional $odies. 6hi"h eans: 'hen * ee% !o#, * ee% a "ross se"%ion of %he fo#r

diensional !o#—%he fo#rdiension self %ha% is no% seen. /o see %he fo#r diensional self * #s%

see ever! "ross se"%ion or oen% of  !o#r life fro $ir%h %o dea%h and see %he all as "oe)is%ing.

M! fo"#s sho#ld %a-e in %he en%ire arra! of sensor! ipressions 'hi"h !o# have e)perien"ed on

ear%h pl#s %hose !o# igh% en"o#n%er. * sho#ld see %he, no% in %he order in 'hi"h %he! 'ere

e)perien"ed $! !o#, $#% as a presen% 'hole. ?e"a#se "hange is %he "hara"%eris%i" of %he fo#r%h

diension, * sho#ld see %he in a s%a%e of fl#) as a living, ania%ed 'hole.

 *f 'e have all %his "learl! fi)ed in o#r inds, 'ha% does i% ean %o #s in %his %hreediensional

'orld *% eans %ha%, if 'e "an ove along %ie3s leng%h, 'e "an see %he f#%#re and al%er i% as 'e

so desire. /his 'orld, 'hi"h 'e %hin- so solidl! real, is a shado' o#% of 'hi"h and $e!ond 'hi"h'e a! a% an! %ie pass. *% is an a$s%ra"%ion fro a ore f#ndaen%al and diensionall! larger

'orld—a ore f#ndaen%al 'orld a$s%ra"%ed fro a s%ill ore f#ndaen%al and diensionall!

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larger 'orld and so on %o infini%!. /he a$sol#%e is #na%%aina$le $! an! eans or anal!sis, no a%%er

ho' an! diensions 'e add %o %he 'orld.

Man "an prove %he e)is%en"e of a diensionall! larger 'orld sipl! $! fo"#sing his a%%en%ion on

an invisi$le s%a%e and iagining %ha% he sees and feels i%. *f he reains "on"en%ra%ed in %his s%a%e,

his presen% environen% 'ill pass a'a!, and he 'ill a'a-en in a diensionall! larger 'orld 'here%he o$e"% of his "on%epla%ion 'ill $e seen as a "on"re%e o$e"%ive reali%!. *n%#i%ivel! * feel %ha%,

'ere he %o a$s%ra"% his %ho#gh%s fro %his diensionall! larger 'orld and re%rea% s%ill far%her 'i%hin

his ind, he 'o#ld again $ring a$o#% an e)%ernali5a%ion of %ie. e 'o#ld dis"over %ha% ever!

%ie he re%rea%s in%o his inner ind and $rings a$o#% an e)%ernali5a%ion of %ie, spa"e $e"oes

diensionall! larger. And he 'o#ld, %herefore, "on"l#de %ha% $o%h %ie and spa"e are serial, and

%ha% %he draa of life is $#% %he "li$ing of a #l%i%#dino#s diensional %ie $lo"-.

("ien%is%s 'ill one da! e)plain why %here is a (erial >niverse. ?#% in pra"%i"e how 'e #se %his

(erial >niverse %o "hange %he f#%#re is ore ipor%an%. /o "hange %he f#%#re, 'e need onl!

"on"ern o#rselves 'i%h %'o 'orlds in %he infini%e series, %he 'orld 'e -no' $! reason of o#r

 $odil! organs, and %he 'orld 'e per"eive independen%l! of o#r $odil! organs.


M7N $elieve in %he reali%! of %he e)%ernal 'orld $e"a#se %he! do no% -no' ho' %o fo"#s and

"ondense %heir po'ers %o pene%ra%e i%s %hin "r#s%. /his $oo- has onl! one p#rpose—%he reoving

of %he veil of %he senses—%he %raveling in%o ano%her 'orld. /o reove %he veil of %he senses 'e dono% eplo! grea% effor%& %he o$e"%ive 'orld vanishes $! %#rning o#r a%%en%ion a'a! fro i%.

6e have onl! %o "on"en%ra%e on %he s%a%e desired in order %o en%all! see i%, $#% %o give i% reali%! so

%ha% i% 'ill $e"oe an o$e"%ive fa"%, 'e #s% fo"#s a%%en%ion #pon %he invisi$le s%a%e #n%il i% has

%he feeling of reali%!. 6hen, %hro#gh "on"en%ra%ed a%%en%ion, o#r desire appears %o possess %he

dis%in"%ness and feeling of reali%!, 'e have given i% %he righ% %o $e"oe a visi$le "on"re%e fa"%.

*f i% is diffi"#l% %o "on%rol %he dire"%ion of !o#r a%%en%ion 'hile in a s%a%e a-in %o sleep, !o# a! find

ga5ing fi)edl! in%o an o$e"% ver! helpf#l. =o no% loo- a% i%s s#rfa"e $#% in%o and $e!ond an! plain

o$e"% s#"h as a 'all, a "arpe%, or an! o%her o$e"% 'hi"h possesses dep%h. Arrange i% %o re%#rn as

li%%le refle"%ion as possi$le. *agine %hen %ha% in %his dep%h !o# are seeing and hearing 'ha% !o#'an% %o see and hear #n%il !o#r a%%en%ion is e)"l#sivel! o""#pied $! %he iagined s%a%e.

A% %he end of !o#r edi%a%ion, 'hen !o# a'a-e fro !o#r +"on%rolled 'a-ing drea,+ !o# feel as

%ho#gh !o# had re%#rned fro a grea% dis%an"e. /he visi$le 'orld 'hi"h !o# had sh#% o#% re%#rns

%o "ons"io#sness and $! i%s ver! presen"e infors !o# %ha% !o# have $een selfde"eived in%o

 $elieving %ha% %he o$e"% of !o#r "on%epla%ion 'as real. ?#%, if !o# -no' %ha% "ons"io#sness is

%he one and onl! reali%!, !o# 'ill reain fai%hf#l %o !o#r vision, and $! %his s#s%ained en%al

a%%i%#de "onfir !o#r gif% of reali%!, and prove %ha% !o# have %he po'er %o give reali%! %o !o#r

desires %ha% %he! a! $e"oe visi$le "on"re%e fa"%s.

=efine !o#r ideal and "on"en%ra%e !o#r a%%en%ion #pon %he idea of iden%if!ing !o#rself 'i%h !o#r

ideal. Ass#e %he feeling of $eing i%, %he feeling %ha% 'o#ld $e !o#rs 'ere !o# alread! %he

e$odien% of !o#r ideal. /hen live and a"% #pon %his "onvi"%ion. /his ass#p%ion, %ho#gh denied

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 $! %he senses, if persisted in, 'ill $e"oe fa"%. Yo# 'ill -no' 'hen !o# have s#""eeded in fi)ing

%he desired s%a%e in "ons"io#sness $! sipl! loo-ing mentally a% %he people !o# -no'. *n dialog#es

'i%h !o#rself !o# are less inhi$i%ed and ore sin"ere %han in a"%#al "onversa%ions 'i%h o%hers,

%herefore %he oppor%#ni%! for selfanal!sis arises 'hen !o# are s#rprised $! !o#r en%al

"onversa%ions 'i%h o%hers. *f !o# see %he as !o# forerl! sa' %he, !o# have no% "hanged !o#r

"on"ep% of self, for all "hanges of "on"ep%s of self res#l% in a "hanged rela%ionship %o !o#r 'orld.

*n !o#r edi%a%ion allo' o%hers %o see !o# as %he! 'o#ld see !o# 'ere %his ne' "on"ep% of self a

"on"re%e fa"%. Yo# al'a!s see %o o%hers an e$odien% of %he ideal !o# inspire. /herefore, in

edi%a%ion, 'hen !o# "on%epla%e o%hers, !o# #s% $e seen $! %he en%all! as !o# 'o#ld $e

seen $! %he ph!si"all! 'ere !o#r "on"ep% of self an o$e"%ive fa"%& %ha% is, in edi%a%ion !o#

iagine %ha% %he! see !o# e)pressing %ha% 'hi"h !o# desire %o $e.

 *f !o# ass#e %ha% !o# are 'ha% !o# 'an% %o $e !o#r desire is f#lfilled, and in f#lfillen% all

longing is ne#%rali5ed. Yo# "anno% "on%in#e desiring 'ha% !o# have alread! reali5ed. Yo#r desire

is no% soe%hing !o# la$or %o f#lfill, i% is re"ogni5ing soe%hing !o# alread! possess. *% is

ass#ing %he feeling of $eing %ha% 'hi"h !o# desire %o $e. ?elieving and $eing are one. /he"on"eiver and his "on"ep%ion are one, %herefore %ha% 'hi"h !o# "on"eive !o#rself %o $e "an never

 $e so far off as even %o $e near, for nearness iplies separa%ion. +*f %ho# "ans% $elieve, all %hings

are possi$le %o hi %ha% $elieve%h.+ ?eing is %he s#$s%an"e of %hings hoped for, %he eviden"e of

%hings no% !e% seen. *f !o# ass#e %ha% !o# are 'ha% !o# 'an% %o $e, %hen !o# 'ill see o%hers as

%he! are rela%ed %o !o#r ass#p%ion.

*f, ho'ever, i% is %he good of o%hers %ha% !o# desire, %hen, in edi%a%ion, !o# #s% represen% %he %o

!o#rself as alread! $eing %ha% 'hi"h !o# desire %he %o $e. *% is %hro#gh desire %ha% !o# rise a$ove

!o#r presen% sphere and %he road fro longing %o f#lfillen% is shor%ened as !o# e)perien"e in

iagina%ion 'ha% !o# 'o#ld e)perien"e in %he flesh 'ere !o# alread! %he e$odien% of %he ideal

!o# desire %o $e.

* have s%a%ed %ha% an has a% ever! oen% of %ie %he "hoi"e $efore hi 'hi"h of several f#%#res

he 'ill en"o#n%er& $#% %he 0#es%ion arises: +o' is %his possi$le 'hen %he e)perien"es of an,

a'a-e in %he %hreediensional 'orld, are prede%erined+ as his o$serva%ion of an even% $efore i%

o""#rs iplies. /his a$ili%! %o "hange %he f#%#re 'ill $e seen if 'e li-en %he e)perien"es of life on

ear%h %o %his prin%ed page. Man e)perien"es even%s on ear%h singl! and s#""essivel! in %he sae

'a! %ha% !o# are no' e)perien"ing %he 'ords of %his page.

*agine %ha% ever! 'ord on %his page represen%s a single sensor! ipression. /o ge% %he "on%e)%, %o

#nders%and ! eaning, !o# fo"#s !o#r vision on %he firs% 'ord in %he #pper lef%hand "orner and%hen ove !o#r fo"#s a"ross %he page fro lef% %o righ%, le%%ing i% fall on %he 'ords singl! and

s#""essivel!. ?! %he %ie !o#r e!es rea"h %he las% 'ord on %his page !o# have e)%ra"%ed !

eaning. (#ppose, ho'ever, on loo-ing a% %he page, 'i%h all %he prin%ed 'ords %hereon e0#all!

 presen%, !o# de"ided %o rearrange %he. Yo# "o#ld, $! rearranging %he, %ell an en%irel! differen%

s%or!& in fa"%, !o# "o#ld %ell an! differen% s%ories.

A drea is no%hing ore %han #n"on%rolled fo#rdiensional %hin-ing, or %he rearrangeen% of

 $o%h pas% and f#%#re sensor! ipressions. Man seldo dreas of even%s in %he order in 'hi"h he

e)perien"es %he 'hen a'a-e. e #s#all! dreas of %'o or ore even%s 'hi"h are separa%ed in

%ie, f#sed in%o a single sensor! ipression& or, in his drea, he so "ople%el! rearranges his

single 'a-ing sensor! ipressions %ha% he does no% re"ogni5e %he 'hen he en"o#n%ers %he inhis 'a-ing s%a%e.

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8or e)aple: * dreaed %ha% * delivered a pa"-age %o %he res%a#ran% in ! apar%en% $#ilding. /he

hos%ess said %o e, +Yo# "an3% leave %ha% %here+& 'here#pon, %he eleva%or opera%or gave e a fe'

le%%ers and as * %han-ed hi for %he, he, in %#rn, %han-ed e. A% %his poin%, %he nigh% eleva%or

opera%or appeared and 'aved a gree%ing %o e.

/he follo'ing da!, as * lef% ! apar%en%, * pi"-ed #p a fe' le%%ers 'hi"h had $een pla"ed a% !door. ;n ! 'a! do'n * gave %he da! eleva%or opera%or a %ip and %han-ed hi for %a-ing "are of

! ail& 'here#pon, he %han-ed e for %he %ip. ;n ! re%#rn hoe %ha% da! * overheard a

dooran sa! %o a deliver! an, +Yo# "an3% leave %ha% %here.+ As * 'as a$o#% %o %a-e %he eleva%or #p

%o ! apar%en%, * 'as a%%ra"%ed $! a failiar fa"e in %he res%a#ran%, and, as * loo-ed in, %he hos%ess

gree%ed e 'i%h a sile. La%e %ha% nigh% * es"or%ed ! dinner g#es%s %o %he eleva%or and as * said

good$!e %o %he, %he nigh% opera%or 'aved goodnigh% %o e.

?! sipl! rearranging a fe' of %he single sensor! ipressions * 'as des%ined %o en"o#n%er, and $!

f#sing %'o or ore of %he in%o single sensor! ipressions, * "ons%r#"%ed a drea 'hi"h differed

0#i%e a $i% fro ! 'a-ing e)perien"e.

6hen 'e have learned %o "on%rol %he oveen%s of o#r a%%en%ion in %he fo#rdiensional 'orld,

'e shall $e a$le %o "ons"io#sl! "rea%e "ir"#s%an"es in %he %hreediensional 'orld. 6e learn %his

"on%rol %hro#gh %he 'a-ing drea, 'here o#r a%%en%ion "an $e ain%ained 'i%ho#% effor%, for

a%%en%ion in#s effor% is indispensa$le %o "hanging %he f#%#re. 6e "an, in a "on%rolled 'a-ing

drea, "ons"io#sl! "ons%r#"% an even% 'hi"h 'e desire %o e)perien"e in %he %hreediensional


/he sensor! ipressions 'e #se %o "ons%r#"% o#r 'a-ing drea are presen% reali%ies displa"ed in

%ie or %he fo#rdiensional 'orld. All %ha% 'e do in "ons%r#"%ing %he 'a-ing drea is %o sele"%

fro %he vas% arra! of sensor! ipressions %hose, 'hi"h, 'hen %he! are properl! arranged, ipl!

%ha% 'e have reali5ed o#r desire. 6i%h %he drea "learl! defined 'e rela) in a "hair and ind#"e a

s%a%e of "ons"io#sness a-in %o sleep—a s%a%e, 'hi"h, al%ho#gh $ordering on sleep, leaves #s in

"ons"io#s "on%rol of %he oveen%s of o#r a%%en%ion. 6hen 'e have a"hieved %ha% s%a%e, 'e

e)perien"e in iagina%ion 'ha% 'e 'o#ld e)perien"e in reali%! 'ere %his 'a-ing drea an

o$e"%ive fa"%. *n appl!ing %his %e"hni0#e %o "hange %he f#%#re i% is ipor%an% al'a!s %o ree$er

%ha% %he onl! %hing 'hi"h o""#pies %he ind d#ring %he 'a-ing drea is %he 'a-ing drea, %he

 prede%erined a"%ion 'hi"h iplies %he f#lfillen% of o#r desire. o' %he 'a-ing drea $e"oes

 ph!si"al fa"% is no% o#r "on"ern. ;#r a""ep%an"e of %he 'a-ing drea as ph!si"al reali%! 'ills %he

eans %or i%s f#lfillen%.

Le% e again la! %he fo#nda%ion of "hanging %he f#%#re, 'hi"h is no%hing ore %han a "on%rolled'a-ing drea.

1. =efine !o#r o$e"%ive—-no' defini%el! 'ha% !o# 'an%.

2. Cons%r#"% an even% 'hi"h !o# $elieve !o# 'ill en"o#n%er following  %he f#lfillen% of !o#r

desire—soe%hing 'hi"h 'ill have %he a"%ion of self predoinan%—an even% 'hi"h iplies %he

f#lfillen% of !o#r desire.

@. *o$ili5e %he ph!si"al $od! and ind#"e a s%a%e of "ons"io#sness a-in %o sleep& %hen, en%all!

feel !o#rself righ% in%o %he proposed a"%ion—iagining all %he 'hile %ha% !o# are a"%#all!

 perforing %he a"%ion here and no' so %ha% !o# e)perien"e in iagina%ion 'ha% !o# 'o#lde)perien"e in %he flesh 'ere !o# no' %o reali5e !o#r goal.

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7)perien"e has "onvin"ed e %ha% %his is %he perfe"% 'a! %o a"hieve ! goal. o'ever, ! o'n

an! fail#res 'o#ld "onvi"% e 'ere * %o ipl! %ha% * have "ople%el! as%ered %he oveen%s

of ! a%%en%ion. * "an, ho'ever, 'i%h %he an"ien% %ea"her sa!: +/his one %hing * do, forge%%ing %hose

%hings 'hi"h are $ehind, and rea"hing for%h #n%o %hose %hings 'hi"h are $efore, * press %o'ard %he

ar- for %he pri5e.+


"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." 

  —John :@2

M7N "lai %ha% a %r#e #dgen% #s% "onfor %o %he e)%ernal reali%! %o 'hi"h i% rela%es. /his

eans %ha% if *, 'hile iprisoned, s#gges% %o !self %ha% * a free and s#""eed in $elieving %ha% *

a free, i% is %r#e %ha% * $elieve in ! freedo& $#% i% does no% follo' %ha% * a free for * a! $e

%he vi"%i of ill#sion. ?#%, $e"a#se of ! o'n e)perien"es, * have "oe %o $elieve in so an!

s%range %hings %ha% * see li%%le reason %o do#$% %he %r#%h of %hings %ha% are $e!ond ! e)perien"e.

/he an"ien% %ea"hers 'arned #s no% %o #dge fro appearan"es $e"a#se, said %he!, %he %r#%h need

no% "onfor %o %he e)%ernal reali%! %o 'hi"h i% rela%es. /he! "laied %ha% 'e $ore false 'i%ness if

'e iagined evil agains% ano%her—%ha% no a%%er ho' real o#r $elief appears %o $e—ho' %r#l! i%

"onfors %o %he e)%ernal reali%! %o 'hi"h i% rela%es—if i% does no% a-e free %he one of 'ho 'ehold %he $elief, i% is #n%r#e and %herefore a false #dgen%.

6e are "alled #pon %o den! %he eviden"e of o#r senses and %o iagine as %r#e of o#r neigh$or %ha%

'hi"h a-es hi free.

+Ye shall -no' %he %r#%h, and %he %r#%h shall a-e !o# free.+ /o -no' %he %r#%h of o#r neigh$or 'e

#s% ass#e %ha% he is alread! %ha% 'hi"h he desires %o $e. An! "on"ep% 'e hold of ano%her %ha% is

shor% of his f#lfilled desire 'ill no% a-e hi free and %herefore "anno% $e %he %r#%h.

*ns%ead of learning ! "raf% in s"hools 'here a%%ending "o#rses and seinars is "onsidered a

s#$s%i%#%e for selfa"0#ired -no'ledge, my s"hooling 'as devo%ed alos% e)"l#sivel! %o %he po'erof iagina%ion. * sa% for ho#rs iagining !self %o $e o%her %han %ha% 'hi"h ! reason and !

senses di"%a%ed #n%il %he iagined s%a%es 'ere vivid as reali%!—so vivid %ha% passers$! $e"ae $#%

a par% of ! iagina%ion and a"%ed as * 'o#ld have %he. ?! %he po'er of iagina%ion ! fan%as!

led %heirs and di"%a%ed %o %he %heir $ehavior and %he dis"o#rse %he! held %oge%her 'hile * 'as

iden%ified 'i%h ! iagined s%a%e. Man3s iagina%ion is %he an hiself, and %he 'orld as

iagina%ion sees i% is %he real 'orld, $#% i% is o#r d#%! %o iagine all %ha% is lovel! and of good

repor%. +/he Lord see%h no% as an see%h, for an loo-e%h #pon %he o#%'ard appearan"e, $#% %he

Lord loo-e%h #pon %he hear%.+ +As a an %hin-e%h in his hear% so is he.+

*n edi%a%ion, 'hen %he $rain gro's l#ino#s, * find ! iagina%ion endo'ed 'i%h %he agne%i"

 po'er %o a%%ra"% %o e 'ha%soever * desire. =esire is %he po'er iagina%ion #ses %o fashion lifea$o#% e as * fashion i% 'i%hin !self. * firs% desire %o see a "er%ain person or s"ene, and %hen *

loo- as though  I were seeing  %ha% 'hi"h * 'an% %o see, and %he iagined s%a%e $e"oes o$e"%ivel!

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real. * desire %o hear, and %hen * lis%en as though I were hearing , and %he iagined voi"e spea-s

%ha% 'hi"h * di"%a%e as %ho#gh i% had ini%ia%ed %he essage. * "o#ld give !o# an! e)aples %o

 prove ! arg#en%s, %o prove %ha% %hese iagined s%a%es do $e"oe ph!si"al reali%ies& $#% * -no'

%ha% ! e)aples 'ill a'a-en in all 'ho have no% e% %he li-e or 'ho are no% in"lined %o'ards !

arg#en%s, a os% na%#ral in"red#li%!.

 Never%heless, e)perien"e has "onvin"ed e of %he %r#%h of %he s%a%een%, +e "alle%h %hose %hings

'hi"h $eno% as %ho#gh %he! 'ere.+—oans 4:1B. 8or * have, in in%ense edi%a%ion, "alled %hings

%ha% 'ere no% seen as %ho#gh %he! 'ere, and %he #nseen no% onl! $e"ae seen, $#% even%#all!

 $e"ae ph!si"al reali%ies.

?! %his e%hod—firs% desiring and %hen iagining %ha% 'e are e)perien"ing %ha% 'hi"h 'e desire

%o e)perien"e—'e "an old %he f#%#re in haron! 'i%h o#r desire. ?#% le% #s follo' %he advi"e of

%he prophe% and %hin- onl! %he lovel! and %he good, for %he iagina%ion 'ai%s on #s as indifferen%l!

and as s'if%l! 'hen o#r na%#re is evil as 'hen i% is good. 8ro #s spring for%h good and evil. +*

have se% $efore %hee %his da! life and good, and dea%h and evil.+ —=e#%erono! @:1.

=esire and iagina%ion are %he en"han%er3s 'and of fa$le and %he! dra' %o %heselves %heir o'n

affini%ies. /he! $rea- for%h $es% 'hen %he ind is in a s%a%e a-in %o sleep. * have 'ri%%en 'i%h soe

"are and de%ail %he e%hod * #se %o en%er %he diensionall! larger 'orld, $#% * shall give one ore

for#la for opening %he door of %he larger 'orld.

 +*n a drea, in a vision of %he nigh%, 'hen deep sleep "alle%h #pon en, in sl#$erings #pon %he

 $ed& /hen he opene%h %he ears of en, and seale%h %heir ins%r#"%ion.+ —Jo$ @@:1,1D

*n drea 'e are #s#all! %he servan% of o#r vision ra%her %han i%s as%er, $#% %he internal fantasy of

drea "an $e %#rned in%o an external reality. *n drea, as in edi%a%ion, 'e slip fro %his 'orld

in%o a diensionall! larger 'orld, and * -no' %ha% %he fors in drea are no% fla% %'odiensional

iages 'hi"h odern ps!"hologis%s $elieve %he %o $e. /he! are s#$s%an%ial reali%ies of %he

diensionall! larger 'orld, and * "an la! hold of %he. * have dis"overed %ha%, if * s#rprise !self

dreaing, * "an la! hold of an! inania%e or s%a%ionar! for of %he drea Ea "hair, a %a$le, a

s%air'a!, a %reeF and "oand !self %o a'a-e. A% %he "oand %o a'a-e, 'hile firl! holding

on %o %he o$e"% of %he drea, * a p#lled %hro#gh !self 'i%h %he dis%in"% feeling of a'a-ening

fro drea. * a'a-en in ano%her sphere holding %he o$e"% of ! drea, %o find %ha% * a no

longer %he servan% of ! vision $#% i%s as%er, for * a f#ll! "ons"io#s and in "on%rol of %he

oveen%s of ! a%%en%ion. *% is in %his f#ll! "ons"io#s s%a%e, 'hen 'e are in "on%rol of %he

dire"%ion of %ho#gh%, %ha% 'e "all %hings %ha% are no% seen as %ho#gh %he! 'ere. *n %his s%a%e 'e "all

%hings $! 'ishing and ass#ing %he feeling of o#r 'ish f#lfilled. >nli-e %he 'orld of %hreediensions 'here %here is an in%erval $e%'een o#r ass#p%ion and i%s f#lfillen%, in %he

diensionall! larger 'orld %here is an iedia%e reali5a%ion of o#r ass#p%ion. /he e)%ernal

reali%! ins%an%l! irrors o#r ass#p%ion. ere %here is no need %o 'ai% fo#r on%hs %ill harves%. 6e

loo- again as %ho#gh 'e sa', and lo and $ehold, %he fields are alread! 'hi%e %o harves%.

*n %his diensionall! larger 'orld +Ye shall no% need %o figh%: se% !o#rselves, s%and !e s%ill, and see

%he salva%ion of %he Lord 'i%h !o#.+ Chroni"les 2:1B. And $e"a#se %ha% grea%er 'orld is slo'l!

 passing %hro#gh o#r %hreediensional 'orld, 'e "an $! %he po'er of iagina%ion old o#r 'orld

in haron! 'i%h o#r desire. Loo- as though you saw, lis%en as though you heard & s%re%"h for%h

!o#r iaginar! hand as though you touched  . . . and !o#r ass#p%ions 'ill harden in%o fa"%s.

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/o %hose 'ho $elieve %ha% a %r#e #dgen% #s% "onfor %o %he e)%ernal reali%! %o 'hi"h i% rela%es,

%his 'ill $e foolishness and a s%#$ling$lo"-. ?#% * prea"h and pra"%i"e %he fi)ing in

"ons"io#sness of %ha% 'hi"h an desires %o reali5e.

7)perien"e "onvin"es e %ha% fi)ed a%%i%#des of ind 'hi"h do no% "onfor %o %he e)%ernal reali%!

%o 'hi"h %he! rela%e and are %herefore "alled iaginar!—+%hings 'hi"h are no%+—'ill,never%heless, +$ring %o no#gh% %hings %ha% are.+

* do no% 'ish %o 'ri%e a $oo- of 'onders, $#% ra%her %o %#rn an3s ind $a"- %o %he one and onl!

reali%! %ha% %he an"ien% %ea"hers 'orshiped as God. All %ha% 'as said of God 'as in reali%! said of

an3s "ons"io#sness so 'e a! sa!, +/ha%, a""ording as i% is 'ri%%en, e %ha% glorif!, le% hi glor!

in his o'n "ons"io#sness.+

 No an needs help %o dire"% hi in %he appli"a%ion of %his la' of "ons"io#sness. +* a+ is %he self

defini%ion of %he a$sol#%e. /he roo% o#% of 'hi"h ever!%hing pro's. +* a %he vine.+

6ha% is !o#r ans'er %o %he e%ernal 0#es%ion, +6ho a *+ Yo#r ans'er de%erines %he par% !o# pla! in %he 'orld3s draa. Yo#r ans'er—%ha% is, !o#r "on"ep% of self—need no% "onfor %o %he

e)%ernal reali%! %o 'hi"h i% rela%es. /his grea% %r#%h is revealed in %he s%a%een%, +Le% %he 'ea- sa!,

* a s%rong.+ —Joel @:1

Loo- $a"- over %he good resol#%ions 'i%h 'hi"h an! pas% ne' !ears are en"#$ered. /he! lived

a li%%le 'hile and %hen %he! died. 6h! ?e"a#se %he! 'ere severed fro %heir roo%. Ass#e %ha%

!o# are %ha% 'hi"h !o# 'an% %o $e. 7)perien"e in iagina%ion 'ha% !o# 'o#ld e)perien"e in %he

flesh 'ere !o# alread! %ha% 'hi"h !o# 'an% %o $e. eain fai%hf#l %o !o#r ass#p%ion, so %ha% !o#

define !o#rself as %ha% 'hi"h !o# have ass#ed. /hings have no life if %he! are severed fro %heir

roo%s, and o#r "ons"io#sness, o#r +* aness,+ is %he roo% of all %ha% springs in o#r 'orld.

 +*f !e $elieve no% %ha% * a he, !e shall die in !o#r sins.+— John :24. /ha% is, if * do no% $elieve

%ha% * a alread! %ha% 'hi"h * desire %o $e, %hen * reain as * a and die in ! presen% "on"ep% of

self. /here is no po'er, o#%side of %he "ons"io#sness of an, %o res#rre"% and a-e alive %ha%

'hi"h an desires %o e)perien"e. /ha% an 'ho is a""#s%oed %o "all #p a% 'ill 'ha%ever iages

he pleases, 'ill $e, $! vir%#e of %he po'er of his iagina%ion, as%er of his fa%e. +* a %he

res#rre"%ion, and %he life: he %ha% $elieve%h in e, %ho#gh he 'ere dead, !e% shall he live.+ —John

11:2.3+Ye shall -no' %he %r#%h, and %he %r#%h shall a-e !o# free.+


 "And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth."  

 —John 1B:19

/7 ideal 'e serve and s%rive %o a%%ain "o#ld never $e evolved fro #s 'ere i% no% po%en%iall!

involved in o#r na%#re.

 *% is no' ! p#rpose %o re%ell and %o ephasi5e an e)perien"e of ine prin%ed $! e %'o !ears

ago. * $elieve %hese 0#o%a%ions fro +/7 (7AC+ 'ill help #s %o #nders%and %he opera%ion of

%he la' of "ons"io#sness, and sho' #s %ha% 'e have no one %o "hange $#% self.

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;n"e in an idle in%erval a% sea * edi%a%ed on +%he perfe"% s%a%e,+ and 'ondered 'ha% * 'o#ld $e,

'ere * of %oo p#re e!es %o $ehold ini0#i%!, if %o e all %hings 'ere p#re and 'ere * 'i%ho#%

"ondena%ion. As * $e"ae los% in %his fier! $rooding, * fo#nd !self lif%ed a$ove %he dar-

environen% of %he senses. (o in%ense 'as %he feeling * fel% !self a $eing of fire d'elling in a

 $od! of air. oi"es as fro a heavenl! "hor#s, 'i%h %he e)al%a%ion of %hose 'ho had $een

"on0#erors in a "onfli"% 'i%h dea%h, 'ere. singing, +e is risen—e is risen,+ and in%#i%ivel! *-ne' %he! ean% e.

/hen * seeed %o $e 'al-ing in %he nigh%. * soon "ae #pon a s"ene %ha% igh% have $een %he

an"ien% ool of ?e%hesda for in %his pla"e la! a grea% #l%i%#de of ipo%en% fol-—$lind, hal%,

'i%hered, 'ai%ing no% for %he oving of %he 'a%er as of %radi%ion, $#% 'ai%ing for e. As * "ae

near, 'i%ho#% %ho#gh% or effor% on ! par% %he! 'ere, one af%er %he o%her, olded as $! %he

Magi"ian of %he ?ea#%if#l. 7!es, hands, fee%—all issing e$ers—'ere dra'n fro soe

invisi$le reservoir and olded in haron! 'i%h %ha% perfe"%ion 'hi"h * fel% springing 'i%hin e.

6hen all 'ere ade perfe"%, %he "hor#s e)#l%ed, +*% is finished.+/hen %he s"ene dissolved and *


 * -no' %his vision 'as %he res#l% of ! in%ense edi%a%ion #pon %he idea of perfe"%ion, for !

edi%a%ions invaria$l! $ring a$o#% #nion 'i%h %he s%a%e "on%epla%ed. * had $een so "ople%el!

a$sor$ed 'i%hin %he idea %ha% for a 'hile * had $e"oe 'ha% * "on%epla%ed, and %he high p#rpose

'i%h 'hi"h * had for %ha% oen% iden%ified !self dre' %he "opanionship of high %hings and

fashioned %he vision in haron! 'i%h ! inner na%#re. /he ideal 'i%h 'hi"h 'e are #ni%ed 'or-s

 $! asso"ia%ion of ideas %o a'a-en a %ho#sand oods %o "rea%e a draa in -eeping 'i%h %he "en%ral


M! !s%i"al e)perien"es have "onvin"ed e %ha% %here is no 'a! %o $ring a$o#% %he o#%er

 perfe"%ion 'e see- o%her %han $! %he %ransfora%ion of o#rselves. As soon as 'e s#""eed in

%ransforing o#rselves, %he 'orld 'ill el% agi"all! $efore o#r e!es and reshape i%self in

haron! 'i%h %ha% 'hi"h o#r %ransfora%ion affirs.

*n %he divine e"ono! no%hing is los%. 6e "anno% lose an!%hing save $! des"en% fro %he sphere

'here %he %hing has i%s na%#ral life. /here is no %ransforing po'er in dea%h and, 'he%her 'e are

here or %here, 'e fashion %he 'orld %ha% s#rro#nds #s $! %he in%ensi%! of o#r iagina%ion and

feeling, and 'e ill#ina%e or dar-en o#r lives $! %he "on"ep%s 'e hold of o#rselves. No%hing is

ore ipor%an% %o #s %han o#r "on"ep%ion of o#rselves, and espe"iall! is %his %r#e of o#r "on"ep% of

%he diensionall! grea%er ;ne 'i%hin #s.

/hose 'ho help or hinder #s, 'he%her %he! -no' i% or no%, are %he servan%s of %ha% la' 'hi"hshapes o#%'ard "ir"#s%an"es in haron! 'i%h o#r inner na%#re. *% is o#r "on"ep%ion of o#rselves

'hi"h frees or "ons%rains #s, %ho#gh i% a! #se a%erial agen"ies %o a"hieve i%s p#rpose.

?e"a#se life olds %he o#%er 'orld %o refle"% %he inner arrangeen% of o#r inds, %here is no 'a!

of $ringing a$o#% %he o#%er perfe"%ion 'e see- o%her %han $! %he %ransfora%ion of o#rselves. No

help "oe%h fro 'i%ho#%& %he hills %o 'hi"h 'e lif% o#r e!es are %hose of an inner range. *% is %h#s

%o o#r o'n "ons"io#sness %ha% 'e #s% %#rn as %o %he onl! reali%!, %he onl! fo#nda%ion on 'hi"h all

 phenoena "an $e e)plained. 6e "an rel! a$sol#%el! on %he #s%i"e of %his la' %o give #s onl! %ha%

'hi"h is of %he na%#re of o#rselves.

/o a%%ep% %o "hange %he 'orld $efore 'e "hange o#r "on"ep% of o#rselves is %o s%r#ggle agains%%he na%#re of %hings. /here "an $e no o#%er "hange #n%il %here is firs% an inner "hange. As 'i%hin, so

'i%ho#%. * a no% advo"a%ing philosophi"al indifferen"e 'hen * s#gges% %ha% 'e sho#ld iagine

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