New Directions in pySpark for Time Series Analysis: Spark Summit East talk by David Palaitis

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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PySpark for Time Series Analysis

David Palaitis Two Sigma Investments

About Me

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Time Series

IOT feeds

sensor data

economic data

An ordered sequence of values of a variable

Time Series Analysis

Time Series Analysis

Time Series Analysis

Time Series at Two Sigma

Millions of Time Series

Big and Small

(1GB – 1PB)

Narrow (10 columns) and Wide (1MM Columns)

Evenly and Unevenly

Spaced Observations

Let’s start from the beginning …


What’s Missing?

You can’t even do “Word Count”

“Word Count” !

What’s missing? Time.

Windowed Aggregations

Temporal Joins

} window

w is a window specification e.g. 500ms, 5s, 3 business days

RDD[(K,V)] -> RDD[(K,Seq[V])]

reduceByWindow(f: (V, V) => V, w):

RDD[(K, W)] => RDD[(K, V)]

reduceByWindow(f: (V, V) => V, w):

RDD[(K, V)] => RDD[(K, V)]

Getting Started …

Looking ahead.

Thank You.Find me after the talk to see Flint in action.