New Era of Aviation + FME Cloud = Safe Skies

Post on 24-May-2015

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New Era of Aviation

+ FME Cloud Safer Skies

Randy Murphy of Grafton Technologies, Inc.

The Need• Runway incursions remain a problem

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20130









FOX Undercover revealed that there have been 34 runway incursions at Logan Airport from 2009 until February 2012

The Need• Runway incursions remain a problem• Taxiway collisions are more frequent

• Last year, an MIT statistics professor determined that the death risk for passengers of commercial airlines is one in 45 million flights.

• According to The New York Times, a traveler could fly every day for 123,000 years and still be safe.

• fatalities per 100 million passenger miles • 0.003 Schedules Airlines• 0.05 in Commercial Busses• 0.06 Passenger Trains• 0.61 in Automobiles

• Air travel is also safer than walking. Traffic-related pedestrian accidents account for 1.58 deaths for every 100,000 people, according to the CDC.

The Need• Runway incursions remain a problem• Taxiway collisions are more prominent• Regulatory changes made to improve safety

The Need• Runway incursions remain a problem• Taxiway collisions are more prominent• Regulatory changes made to improve safety• Regulation being imposed

The FAA "highly recommends … a proactive approach by reviewing all approach

surfaces in advance of any flight check … to ensure they are clear, including any planned

approaches … on the ALP," noting that, "if obstacle penetrations [are uncovered], there is a limited amount of time to act

before procedures are impacted."

The Need• Runway incursions remain a problem• Taxiway collisions are more prominent• Regulatory changes made to improve safety• “NextGen” technologies being imposed• Older and newer data mixed creates confusion

The Need• Runway incursions remain a problem• Taxiway collisions are more prominent• Regulatory changes made to improve safety• “NextGen” technologies being imposed • Older and newer data mixed creates confusion• Increased effort required

• Update airport signage & marking• Identify and remove obstacles

The Need• Runway incursions remain a problem• Taxiway collisions are more prominent• Regulatory changes made to improve safety• “NextGen” technologies being imposed • Older and newer data mixed creates confusion• Increased effort required

• Update airport signage & marking• Identify and remove obstacles

• At more airports with fewer resources

The SolutionNextGen

The SolutionNextGen

enabled by complex processing

The SolutionNextGen

enabled by complex processing of standardized data

The SolutionNextGen

enabled by complex processing of standardized data

to produce advanced output

The SolutionNextGen

enabled by complex processing of standardized data

to produce advanced output in an intuitive interface

The SolutionNextGen

enabled by complex processing of standardized data

to produce advanced output in an intuitive interface

to the non-spatial users who need to know

The SolutionNextGen

enabled by complex processing of standardized data

to produce advanced output in an intuitive interface

to the non-spatial users who need to knowvia cloud based technology


Behind the ScenesAirspace

Behind the ScenesSigns

Lower Cost+ Increase Value Improved ROI

Typical Data Development Flow



Field Survey





Prepare Data• New & Existing• Airfield• Cadastral• Planning• Environmental• Regional • Utilities


Submit Verify




SHP to KML for 17C Flight Plans

SHP to KML for 17C Flight Plans

SHP to KML for 17C Flight Plans

DWG to GDB for 18B Mapping

DWG to GDB for 18B Mapping

Quality Assurance of Data

Example Area

* Elevations exaggerated 20 times

Quality Assurance of Data

Shared with the FAA

18B GDB to Airport DWG

18B GDB to Airport DWG

18B GDB to Airport DWG

Do It Every Night

Raster Manipulation

Raster Manipulation

Runway/Taxiway Profiles

Data Visualization

Data Visualization via PDF

3D Analysis and Views


Lower Cost, Higher Value

Have & Eat Cake

