New Facebook Updates October 2011

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Page 1 | Facebook update | September 2011

Recent changes from Facebook

Page 2 | Facebook update | September 2011


Tell the story of your life in one page….

In Timeline, users will be able to see everything that is shared.

•Click on a point in time in the timeline and it scrolls down to that year/ month where users can add photos, notes and other items to that time period.

•All of the user’s stories will appear in the bottom left-hand side of the page and on the right, the timeline breaks down all posts from various points.

•There is also a ‘cover photo’ at the top of the page.  

•In addition, items in the Timeline will be posted on a map, so users can visually see what they've done.

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Your private activity log has everything you shared since you joined Facebook. Click on any post to feature it on your timeline so your friends can see it, too.

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TimelineYour cover: Fill this wide, open space with a unique image that represents you best. It’s the first thing people see when they visit your timeline.

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TimelineYour stories: Share and highlight your most memorable posts, photos and life events on your timeline. This is where you can tell your story from beginning, to middle, to now.

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TimelineYour apps: The movies you quote. The songs you have on repeat. The activities you love. Now there’s a new class of social apps that lets you express who you are through all the things you do. These apps also help you discover what your friends are up to. You can even join in if you want: play the song they're listening to, or watch the same TV show.

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Facebook says: Timeline is "the story of your life, significantly altering the way people's information is shown on the world's leading social network, presenting all your stories, all your apps, and a new way to express who you are."

Reactions: A mixed reaction from the public with some people saying they don’t want anymore changes and some people thinking it’s brilliant but we won’t really know until timeline is enabled.

Extra: You can start adding some of these new apps today, but timeline won't be available for a few weeks and currently these new changes won’t affect fan pages. Timeline is already enabled for mobile devices.

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News Feed

See what matters most at the top…

Rather than appearing in chronological order, Facebook News Feed will now be displayed by each individual's viewing habits.

Facebook says: “Now, News Feed will act more like your own personal newspaper. You won't have to worry about missing important stuff. All your news will be in a single stream with the most interesting stories featured at the top. If you haven't visited Facebook for a while, the first things you'll see are top photos and statuses posted while you've been away. They're marked with an easy-to-spot blue corner.”

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News Feed

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News Feed


•If you check Facebook more frequently, you'll see the most recent stories first. Photos will also be bigger and easier to enjoy while you're scrolling through.

•Users can now access friend requests, messages, notifications and search on the left hand side, as well as home and profile anchor buttons and account settings on the right. This is fixed so it is always visible even when scrolling down.

Reactions: Mixed reactions to this. Some people think that the redesign is annoying and hard to navigate. The fact that the locked navigation bar has been particularly annoying to some. Mashable think that this could be the start of a complete redesign.

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Real-time ticker

See what your friends are doing in real-time…

Designed to allow friends to instantly join conversations over new posts. 

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Real-time ticker

Facebook says: “Ticker shows you the same stuff you were already seeing on Facebook, but it brings your conversations to life by displaying updates instantaneously. Now when a friend comments, asks a question or shares something, you'll be able to join the conversation right away. Click on anything in ticker to see the full story and chime in – without losing your place.”

Reactions: Most people are being negative about the fact that Facebook are telling them what is most important.

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Subscribe button

Follow updates from people who aren’t friends…

This sits alongside the ‘Message’ and ‘Poke’ buttons and lets you follow the public updates of others, regardless of whether you’re Facebook friends (like the Twitter ‘follow’ button).

•If you subscribe to somebody who is not a friend, you will get access their updates in your News Feed and can tailor what type of updates you see.

•Where as, if they are your friend, subscribing gives you control over how much or their content can be seen in your stream. I.e. There is the option to show ‘all updates’ or ‘only important’ which will show their updates if commented on.

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Subscribe buttonFacebook says: “Until now, it hasn't been easy to choose exactly what you see in your News Feed. Maybe you don't want to see every time your brother plays a game on Facebook, for example. Or maybe you'd like to see more stories from your best friends, and fewer from your co-workers.”

Reactions: Generally, reactions to this has been positive as it allows users to have more control over what shows up in their streams.

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Friend List

Share different things with different groups of people…

•Facebook users have had the ability to create custom lists of their Facebook friends for a long time, but now Facebook will automatically create a few lists based on your profile information.

•You can edit these lists, which Facebook calls Smart Lists, and create new ones yourself. (It’s pretty similar to Google+’s circles feature)

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Friend List

Facebook says: “It’s now easier than ever to see more from the people you care about and simpler to share with exactly the right people”.  

Reactions: Lots of people don’t see the point in this since they say they wouldn’t add people on Facebook unless they knew each other (unlike Twitter for example where it’s perfectly normal to follow people you don’t actually know).

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Friend activity for Fan pages

The tab underneath ‘info’ on the left hand side called ‘Friend activity’ shows the activity of your friends on a specific page.

We’re told that there’s a few types of content that will show up in the feed, all of which will depend on the privacy settings of your friends:

•Likes on Page posts

•Comments on Page posts

•Status mentions

•Comment tags


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Friend activity for Fan pagesFacebook says: This could have the potential to drive engagement on Pages by providing an at a glance view of what your friends have been doing.


Reactions: There haven’t been many reactions yet but the few that there are are generally positive.

Extra: You can now add comments to posts on a page without having Liked the page first.

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