New Light and Shadow Baking in VRED 2016

Post on 14-Sep-2015

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In the 2016 release , the lights and shadows based on the scene lights ( including from IBL ) can also be baked on to the tesselated data using the OpenGL engine. This feature is available in the 2016 version of both VRED Design and VRED Pro .


  • 2015 Autodesk

    Autodesk VREDTM

    New Light and shadow baking in 2016 release

    Samarth Gupta

  • 2015 Autodesk

    Bake Light + shadowOrange view environmentMedium quality

    Scene -> Bake shadows and Light select Light and Shadows

  • 2015 Autodesk

    Indirect IlluminationColor bleeding ONOpen GL only

    Scene -> Bake shadows and Light enable Indirect illumination

  • 2015 Autodesk

    Bake Light + shadowOrange view environmentMedium quality

    Mirror reflects the HDR and not the actual scene

    The shadows and light baked are based on the particular env ONLY

    The shadow quality depends on the tessellation quality as the info is stored in each vertex

  • 2015 Autodesk

    Pre comp + IBL render mode256 samplesLight from the IBL only

    Mirror reflects the actual scene

    The shadows and light info are based on real scene and are sharp as each pixel in scene is rendered

  • 2015 Autodesk

    The previous 2 slides clearly illustrates the difference between the Raytraced scene vs the Open GL scene with the advanced functionalities added in the 2016 version. The baked shadows in the Open GL mode are based on a particular environment and the calculation has to be redone everytime the environment changes. Also the shadow quality depends on the tessellation quality of the surfaces in the scene as the information gets stored in the vertex. With the new light baking functionalities in VRED 2016 , the gap between the open GL and RT based visualisations has surely been reduced & counteracted by the influence of the other.
