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Post on 21-Dec-2014

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The Narmada Dam Project, is a project involving the construction of a series of large hydroelectric dams on the Narmada River in India. Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) is the largest multipurpose project in it. The project was first conceived of in the 1940s by the country's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. The project only took form in 1979 as part of a development scheme to increase irrigation and produce hydroelectricity. Of the 30 large dams planned on river Narmada, Sardar Sarovar is the largest. With a proposed height of 136.5 m, it's also high on discord between the planners and the Narmada Bachao Andolan. The multi-purpose project will irrigate more than 18,000 square kilometers - most of it in drought prone areas like - Kutch and Saurashtra. 


Narmada Bachao Andolan is the voice of hundreds of thousands of indigenous people and peasants who are losing their land and livelihoods to large dams on the Narmada River.  The nonviolent satyagraha (insistence on truth) of the displaced people for their rehabilitation has spanned two decades, challenging the centralized development programs and envisioning alternatives. The movement has won policy changes in World Bank and other multi-lateral funding agencies.


The Supreme Court's decision is still pending, seeking stoppage of construction of the Sardar Sarovar dam. The court initially ruled the decision in the Andolan's favor, thereby effecting an immediate stoppage of work at the dam and directing the concerned states to first complete the rehabilitation and replacement process.The Court deliberated on this issue further for several years but finally upheld the Tribunal Award and allowed the construction to proceed, subject to conditions. The court introduced a mechanism to monitor the progress of resettlement pari passu with the raising of the height of the dam through the Grievance Redressal Authorities (GRA) in each of the party states. The court’s decision referred in this document, given in the year 2000 after seven years of deliberations, has paved the way for completing the project to attain full envisaged benefits. The court's final line of the order states, "Every endeavour shall be made to see that the project is completed as expeditiously as possible"


The Narmada dam's benefits include provision of drinking water, power generation and irrigation facilities. However, the campaign led by the NBA activists has held up the project's completion, and the NBA supporters have attacked on local people who accepted compensation for moving.[ Others have argued that the Narmada Dam protesters are little more than environmental extremists who use pseudoscientific agitprop to scuttle the development of the region and that the dam will provide agricultural benefits to millions of poor in India.[ There had also been instances when the NBA activists turned violent and attacked rehabilitation officer from Narmada Valley Development Authority (NVDA) and caused damage to the contractor's machinery.




Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment.  Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations.

Over large parts of the world, humans have inadequate access to potable water and use sources contaminated with disease vectors, pathogens or unacceptable levels of toxins or suspended solids. Drinking or using such water in food preparation leads to widespread acute and chronic illnesses and is a major cause of death and misery in many countries. Reduction of waterborne diseases is a major public health goal in developing countries.Water has always been an important and life-sustaining drink to humans and is essential to the survival of most other organisms. 


According to latest report by Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), 55 percent of the wells in India have registered declining trend of ground water level. Surprisingly, wells in Delhi and Andhra Pradesh have registered highest declining trend of ground water level during 2007-2012.While 85 percent of wells in Delhi registered a decline in ground water level, 74 percent of wells in Andhra Pradesh registered a decline in ground water level during 2007-2012.

Sadly, groundwater that accounts for over 65 percent of irrigation water and 85 percent of drinking water supplies lies in a critical state. The report by CGWB further suggested that at majority of the locations in India, water level has declined at the rate of 1 meter/ year.

To curb down the over exploitation of ground water level, it is important to adopt proper usage of rain water harvesting. In order to bring a change CSE provides technical assistance and knowledge to people for initiating rain water harvesting projects.



For many, it is simply saving water. Something as easy to do as buying a water efficient appliance or turning off the tap when brushing your teeth. But water conservation is more complex than that. It also involves changing the way people think about water use. It involves developing a new way of doing business where water conservation is central to planning. It also involves encouraging the development and use of best practices, as well as rewarding innovation.


RAIN WATER HARVESTINGRainwater harvesting is the accumulation and deposition of rainwater for reuse before it reaches the aquifer. Uses include water for garden, water for livestock, water for irrigation and indoor heating for houses etc.. In many places the water collected is just redirected to a deep pit with percolation. The harvested water can be used as drinking water as well as for storage and other purpose like irrigation.

ADVANTAGESRainwater harvesting provides an independent water supply during regional water restrictions and in developed countries is often used to supplement the main supply. It provides water when there is a drought, prevents flooding of low-lying areas, replenishes the ground water level, and enables dug wells and bore wells to yield in a sustained manner. It also helps in the availability of clean water by reducing the salinity and the presence of iron salts.• Makes use of a natural resource and reduces flooding, storm water , erosion, and contamination of surface water with pesticides, sediment, metals, and fertilizers.• Excellent source of water for landscape irrigation, with no chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine, and no dissolved salts and minerals from the soil.• Home systems can be relatively simple to install and operate and it may reduce your water bill.• Promotes both water and energy conservation.• No filtration system required for landscape irrigation.

HARVSTING IN INDIAIn the state of Tamil Nadu, rainwater harvesting was made compulsory for every building to avoid ground water depletion Chennai saw a 50 percent rise in water level in five years and the water quality significantly improved.In Rajasthan, rainwater harvesting has traditionally been practiced by the people of the Thar Desert. At present, in Pune rainwater harvesting is compulsory for any new society to be registered.An attempt has been made at Dept. of Chemical Engineering, IISc, Bangalore  to harvest rainwater using upper surface of a solar still, which was used for water distillationThere are good opportunities for Rainwater harvesting in Kerala because Kerala is located in a geographical area with two rainy seasons


Hard drinking water is generally not harmful to one's health, but can pose serious problems in industrial settings, where water hardness is monitored to avoid costly breakdowns in boilers, cooling towers, and other equipment that handles water. In domestic settings, hard water is often indicated by a lack of suds formation when soap is agitated in water, and by the formation of lime scale in kettles and water heaters. Wherever water hardness is a concern, water softening is commonly used to reduce hard water's adverse effects. Water's hardness is determined by the concentration of multivalent cations in the water. Multivalent cations are cations (positively charged metal complexes) with a charge greater than 1+. Usually, the cations have the charge of 2+. Common cations found in hard water include Ca2+ and Mg2+. These ions enter a water supply by leaching from minerals within an aquifer. Common calcium-containing minerals are calcite and gypsum. A common magnesium mineral is dolomite(which also contains calcium)


TYPES OF HARDNESSTemporary hardnessTemporary hardness is a type of water hardness caused by the presence of dissolved bicarbonate mineral (calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate). When dissolved these minerals yield calcium and magnesium cations(Ca2+, Mg2+) and carbonate and bicarbonate anions (CO3

2-, HCO3

-). The presence of the metal cations makes the water hard. However, this "temporary" hardness can be reduced either by boiling the water, or by the addition of lime (calcium hydroxide) through the softening process of lime softening. 

Permanent hardnessPermanent hardness is hardness (mineral content) that cannot be removed by boiling. When this is the case, it is usually caused by the presence of calcium sulfate and/or magnesium sulfates in the water, which do not precipitate out as the temperature increases. Ions causing permanent hardness of water can be removed using a water softener, or ion exchange column.Total Permanent Hardness = Calcium Hardness + Magnesium HardnessThe calcium and magnesium hardness is the concentration of calcium and magnesium ions expressed as equivalent of calcium carbonate.Total permanent water hardness expressed as equivalent of CaCO3 can be calculated with the following formula: Total Permanent Hardness (CaCO3) = 2.5(Ca2+) + 4.1(Mg2+)

With hard water, soap solutions form a white precipitate (soap scum) instead of producing lather, because the 2+ ions destroy the surfactant properties of the soap by forming a solid precipitate (the soap scum). A major component of such scum is calcium stearate, which arises from sodium stearate, the main component of soap:2 C17H35COO- + Ca2+ → (C17H35COO)2Ca

The presence of ions in an electrolyte, in this case, hard water, can also lead to galvanic corrosion, in which one metal will preferentially corrode when in contact with another type of metal, when both are in contact with an electrolyte

Hard water also forms deposits that clog plumbing. These deposits, called "scale", are composed mainly of calcium carbonate(CaCO3), magnesium hydroxide(Mg(OH)2), and calcium sulfate(CaSO4). Calcium and magnesium carbonates tend to be deposited as off-white solids on the inside surfaces of pipes and heat exchangers


The water that lathers readily with soaps are called soft water. It describes type of water that contain few or no minerals like calcium(Ca) or magnesium(Mg) ions. The term is usually relative to hard water, which does contain significant amounts of such ions.Soft Water mostly comes from peat or igneous rock sources, such as granite but may also come from sandstone sources, since such sedimentary rocks are usually low in calcium and magnesium.However, soft water does have negative side effects and can be bad for the heart. Thus it should be drunk in moderation if at all.



What is energy?Energy is the capacity to do work and transfer heat. Work is performed when an object or substance is moved over some distance. Energy is needed to carry out processes, such as boiling water or burning candles. Energy is also the heat that flows from a hot object or substance to a cold one, when they come in contact. A clear example of this is the fact that water heats up when you put in a water boiler device.Energy has many forms, such as light, heat, electricity, chemical energy (stored in chemical bonds) and mechanical energy (moving matter, such as flowing water).

All energy forms are divided up between two main kinds of energy. The first main kind of energy is kinetic energy, the energy of motion and action. Heat is a total of kinetic energy of atoms, ions or molecules. When these chemical compounds are in motion due to kinetic energy they will warm up. You cannot always detect heat that originates from kinetic energy, because sometimes the heat of a substance can rise without an additional rise in temperature. The second main kind of energy is potential energy, energy that is stored and potentially available for use. Before potential energy can be used it is transferred into kinetic energy


Water, like many substances, contains two kinds of energy. The first kind of energy is called kinetic energy. This is energy that is used during the execution of processes, such as movement. Because of kinetic energy water can flow and waves can exist.But water can also contain potential energy. This is energy that is stored in the water. Stored, but not used. This energy can become useful when water starts to flow. It will be transferred to kinetic energy and this will cause movement.

Hydroelectric power is electricity that is supplied by generating energy from falling or streaming water. Hydroelectric power is a so-called renewable energy source. This means that the source, which provides the energy, can be renewed. This is because, unlike non-renewable energy sources such as crude oil, we will not run out of water fully. It can be renewed after we have used it for energy generation.


How is energy generated in a hydroelectric power plant?

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A hydroelectric power plant consists of a high dam that is built across a large river to create a reservoir, and a station where the process of energy conversion to electricity takes place.

The first step in the generation of energy in a hydropower plant is the collection of run-off of seasonal rain and snow in lakes, streams and rivers, during the hydrological cycle. The run-off flows to dams downstream. The water falls through a dam, into the hydropower plant and turns a large wheel called a turbine. The turbine converts the energy of falling water into mechanical energy to drive the generator. It turns a shaft, which rotates a number of magnets in the generator. When the magnets pass copper coils a magnetic field is created, which aids the production of electricity. Step-up transformers will than increase the voltage of the electricity, to levels needed for the journey to communities. After this process has taken place electricity is transferred to the communities through transmission lines and the water is released back into the lakes, streams or rivers. This is entirely not harmful, because no pollutants are added to the water while it flows through the hydropower plant.


Production of electricity from waves and tides is an option today. About twice a day in high as well as low tides, water flows in and out of coasts and estuaries. This water can spin turbines, in order to produce electricity. But analysts have been taking a closer look at this form of energy supply and they believe that tidal power can only make a tiny contribution to the world's energy supply, because of the few suitable sites, the high construction costs and the risk of equipment destruction by saltwater corrosion. However, there are a few areas with the right conditions to produce tidal power. France and Canada own the largest tidal energy facilities right now.



Reclaimed water or recycled water, is former waste water (sewage) that is treated to remove solids and certain impurities, and used in  sustainable landscaping irrigation or to recharge groundwater aquifers. The purpose of these processes is sustainability and water conservation, rather than discharging the treated water to surface waters such as rivers and oceans. In some cases, recycled water can be used for stream flow augmentation to benefit ecosystems and improve aesthetics



Recycled water is filtered, treated and disinfected, and is suitable for a range of uses All of our water reclamation plants produce Class C recycled water or better. This water can be used for various purposes including irrigating sporting grounds, public ovals, golf courses, crops and produce.In the near future, Class A recycled water will be available for residential use.

Treatment of wastewater is actually a remarkably simple process that utilizes very basic physical, biological, and chemical principles to remove contaminants from water.  Use of mechanical or physical systems to treat wastewater is generally referred to as primary treatment, and use of biological processes to provide further treatment is referred to as secondary treatment.  Advanced secondary treatment usually involves applying chemical systems in addition to biological ones, such as injecting chlorine to disinfect the water.  In most of the United States, wastewater receives both primary and secondary treatment.  Tertiary treatment methods are sometimes used after primary and secondary treatment to remove traces of chemicals and dissolved solids.  Tertiary treatment is expensive and not widely practiced except where necessary to remove industrial contaminants.


Raw sewage is 99.9% water. Large objects such as sticks and rags are removed from raw sewage as it passes through bar screens.

Next, wastewater is slowed so that settle able organics settle to the bottom while fats, oils, and greases float to the top.


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