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With the decline of the Mughal Empire, India broke into fragments. Many ex-governors of the Mughal subahs declared independence and by the middle of the 18th century there were  a diverse set of rajas and nawabs who held sway over 600 principalities across the subcontinent. It was in this India that Robert Clive came from nowhere and defeated the forces of Nawab Sirajudaulah at the historic battle of Plassey in June 1757. This established British raj in the country that was to last 190 long years. Noteworthy is the fact that Clive was able to emerge victorious with the help of a section of the Nawab's army who, not bound by feelings of nationality, did not find it an act of treachery to let their nawab down. This was repeated 100 years later in 1857 when the English were able to stave off the challenge to their rule from Indian forces by using other sections of Indian forces. Again these Indian forces who supported the English thought nothing of betraying their countrymen because the feeling of nationality that we have today was not existent then.There were Marathas, Sikhs, Muslims, Rajputs, Biharis and Jats but no Indians. In fact one of the unintended benefits of the Raj was the integration of India which ultimately gave rise to an Indianness that was responsible for catalysing our freedom struggle. It is this Indianness that we have fostered and nurtured in independent India. Now it is this Indianness, that gives a unity of purpose to this great nation which is being sought to be destroyed by the demand for small states. The home ministry has made it public now that the demand for creation of 10 new states is lying before the government. The demand is from diverse regions ranging from Saurashtra in Gujarat to Telangana in Andhra Pradesh and from Vidarbha in Maharashtra to Harit Pradesh in UP. Not that the home ministry is in any hurry to create these new states, but can you imagine what would happen if 10 new states are added to the list of 30 already existing? Well, demand for 10 more states will come to the fore. You don't believe me ? Allow your mind to go back a few years. There used to be Uttar Pradesh the largest state in India. Then Uttaranchal was carved out of it. Now there is a demand to create Harit Pradesh out of Uttar Pradesh. Jharkhand was carved out of Bihar, the same time as Uttaranchal. Now there is a demand for Mithilanchal, a new state to be created out of Bihar. This is a never ending spiral. Once Saurashtra is carved out of Gujarat, the Kutchis will demand their own (there is already such a move by the erstwhile maharana of Kutch). In Andhra Pradesh, the talk of Telangana has caused disquiet in Rayalaseema region which wants its own state. Muslims in Hyderabad region want their own Urdu state.

At the end of it India may land up with 100 states which, though not as bad as 600 principalities, will again give rise to fissiparous tendencies and weaken the unity of India seriously and make it very very vulnerable. That this is not a mere apprehension  will become startlingly clear when we look at the anarchy prevailing in countries that border India - whether it is Pakistan, Nepal or Bangladesh. While making a case against breaking up states, I do realize that the demand of many who want small states is genuine. The feeling of being discriminated is high in these areas  because development has by passed these regions even 62 years after Independence. In some places these demands are also born out of the desire to preserve a

unique culture. A good example of development bypassing it is Telangana which lies in the otherwise prosperous state of Andhra Pradesh. And the best example of a desire to keep its culture intact is Coorg, where a demand for a separate state has been made although it is just one single district in Karnataka. Again at some places, the desire for a separate state has been fuelled by the desire to break the hegemony of the higher castes in politics. Again Telangana is a good example where the desire for a separate state is a manifestation of  the OBC desire to play a dominant role in politics.  But my point is that breaking up a state to fuel faster development or to give OBCs a more prominent role is akin to touching your mouth by bringing your hand around the face. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru described India as a country with "unity in diversity.'" Let's keep a balance between this 'unity' and ' diversity' and not allow the latter to dominate over the former. Otherwise a new-age Robert Clive would come knocking at our doors.

Need of More Indian State

With New Year 2010 India as Country growing so fast. Now we create a space in World Economy and

World Politics. But internal problems are increased. we have to understands "We got Independence from

British Government as Country India" Hence we are the civilian of Country India. We are responsible for

Growth & Development of Country. We always think How our Country become a strong and stable.

Current Situation:

Current Situation Of India is very bad. No unity in people. No one can think how we become a good civilian

or responsible civilian. Even no one not clearly known what the rights they have as Civilian of India? If any

project run by central government, Then funds will not reach to affected persons.


Because all we divided in the name of Religion, Castism, Region, and Economically. We see only self


Who will Benefited?

Always this situation is very good for persons "who want to Rule us as area wise?"

What Central Government Need?

Central Government is the only hope for development and success of any country. Need the people who

regulate there law and order properly. Regulate there schemes in proper way.

How Central Government become a strong?

If all states and community's doing there proper work with good yielding results.

How small states are the key of success for Central Government?

Small states or more state divinations makes healthy environment for Central Government. If the area of

state become a small then the power of local body's become less and the Central Government become

more strong.

If small state more then its easy to rule by central government. Now central government force them for

good work and results. The monitoring and development become easy for Central Government. Funds

also reach to specific area, where is real need?

Shall we get separated by Breaking of any states?

No, Why?

Because as i say "We are Indian 1st". There is no need of other identity as State and territory wise.

Dear all member of IndiaStudyChannel, i appeal you please support to development and growth of

country. This is must for our Future.

with best regards




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Author: Hanly Y Nadackal      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 191     Date:

31/Dec/2009   Rating:     Points: -20

Catalyst for the decision to create a new Telangana state from Andhra Pradesh in the south has 11 days

to local politicians promised soon starve if you do not draw up a map of the Philippines.

The question is almost a desperate attempt K. Chandrasekhar Rao to discuss the strategy set out in the

last century, Mahatma Gandhi, the father of modern Philippines, against British colonial oppression and

religious violence against them.

Rao quickly reached an initial agreement, clashes between the authorities and students of Sparks and a

devastating general strike in Hyderabad, capital of the country and high-technology center in India. And a

surprise for most, and perhaps Rao is the Congress Party in New Delhi approved a proposal of

establishing the Philippines from 29 countries.

"The government panicked," said Kuldip Nayar, a political commentator. "Gandhi fasted for long periods

and often under threat of death, but all dramatized. Now people are what you feel and you can quickly get

their state.

Friday Gorkha ethnic community of Nepal, called indefinite strike in West Bengal, asking, "Gorkhaland" in

order to protect the cultural heritage.

Activists of Bundelkhand are quick to follow, threatening to 180 miles March to keep up their needs in this

area. This is a group of the northern state of Uttar Pradesh and the central state of Madhya Pradesh.

In Gujarat, the western state where Mumbai is the commercial center, activists said Friday in a new state

of Vidarbha, in another area bochtaithe.

And so on, so a combination of 'Harit Pradesh' carved Western Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and

Rayalaseema proposed division of Upper and Lower Andhra Pradesh.

Since independence in 1947, went to Norway to maintain a balance between the central authorities and a

campaign to improve the recognition of regional caste communities, tribal and ethnic groups.

The Government provides certain advantages, including additional financial resources directly from the

capital, with the prestige and political officials, bureaucratic recognition of local identity and capacity to

implement economic policies more effective.

Following the establishment of Punjab and Haryana Himachal Pradesh in 1960 and the early 70 century,

the state of Punjab is higher, they have evolved and is now one of the richest states in India.

Strut unsolicited stuff Telangana soon be free for almost 40 years, faced by some analysts as a result of

political thought is more desire to avoid political unrest.

But the decision infuriated opponents of the idea. Over one-third of 294 lawmakers in the state of Andhra

Pradesh, the opposition on Thursday and Friday. Notice has not yet been formally adopted by the


Gisseltaking, and then dumped on the streets Friday, thousands of people, both advantages and

disadvantages of March in Andhra Pradesh, which resulted in the closure of shops and public transport.

Events to create regional party Telangana Rashtra Samithi Rao, who at the request of the campaign in the

spring elections, opinion polls and the career and death issues.

This project is part of a trend of Telangana by observers. In the first years after independence, the country

of Indians, especially the fundamental language, "said Swapan Dasgupta, a political analyst. But the

creation of Uttaranchal, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh state in 2000 and now continues to Telangana focus

moved to the economic path to draw.

"Sooner or later we can look at the creation of a new series of more decentralized state power," said

Dasgupta. "Some explosive But if the social and economic organization of the western race or religion."

Success Rao may dare agitators, "said Dasgupta. "You can see the basement of the state of the market,"

he says. "It looks terrible, but they need enough strength to eat.

But the far right to the end of Telangana. Make the necessary consent of Andhra Pradesh Assembly and

the Parliament of India. Go to the state is pending in the face of political debate.

It is still not clear whether he was Hyderabad, India, which is the headquarters of Microsoft and Google to

become the new state.

"It opened up the hive," said Nayar, journalist. "At the same time, we honor the founder of the state. We

see the country, but to get to the end, at least one reflection in the middle of the road. This is a positive


So well, I think this movement to divide our "MOTHER INDIA" will have to be EX-TERMINATED...


Hanly Y Nadackal

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Author: Gyanshankar P. Mishra      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 214

Date: 01/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: -20

More Indian states, can we justify it?

OK.So why does this demand arise now and then and even after 62 years of independence these

demands are still in existence.A more deeper analysis of the situation will lead us to the root cause of

these demands. Basically those in favour of newer states can broadly be divided into two groups, first the

opportunists and second the ideologists.

By and far the first group unfortunately dominates and is most of the times on the fore-front of these

agitation movements. They have the sole purpose of satisfying their lust of power and glorifying

themselves as the forerunners of the agitation movements and thereby becoming idols of self created

importance once the demands are fulfilled and newer states are formed. To exemplify this I would like to

point at the present condition in Uttar Pradesh. It is not hidden from anyone that the developmental work in

that state is presently synonymous with erection of memorials and statues. The statues and the memorial

parks in which they are erected are said to have cost the state Rs. 2000 Crore of the taxpayers' money.

Even when the state of Uttar Pradesh declared 47 districts as drought hit and the entire economy of India

was in a recession, Mayawati sought the sanction of the assembly for Rs. 557 Crore more to spend on

these projects in contrast to Rs. 300 Crore for the drought. In such a situation the demand for trifurcation

of the state into Bundelkhand, Haritpradesh and Purvanchal comes from her citing the reasons as

administrative problems (When she is at the helm of administration) , lack of allocation of funds and for

sake of better development. Now if this is the reason for demand of a separate state it does not take any

thing more than common sense to sense the motive behind such a demand which is nothing more than

political mileage clubbed with vote bank politics. These opportunists are a blot on the very face of

democracy and in such cases these demands should not be considered at all leave apart accepting them.

Coming to the second group the ideologists, they try to rationalise the demand of a separate state, the

cause most of the times getting diluted by the addition of the first group members in them. The reasons

most commonly cited are neglect in development, ill distribution of natural resources, a different socio-

cultural background and so on. Thinking into their demands, at first sight it seems to be of some rationality,

however there is no goal that cannot be achieved within the democratic liberty given by our constitution.

The democratic system in our country is such a beautiful system that it has provision for every problem

that could be faced in a vast democracy and I must congratulate the visionaries of this system. The only

necessity is that of good political leaders and our representatives just doing their work with full honesty

and dedication.

If only each representative in our democratic system does his job efficiently and not only them, each and

every individual in this country (including us) does his job properly then show me one reason why any

particular region will be backward or why there will lack of development as even if a newer state is formed

it will be the attitude of the governing representatives that will determine how far the state will progress.

I think I have made my point clear that it is not the formation of new states but a change in attitude (not

only of the representatives but also of those electing them!) that is the utmost need of the hour.


Dr. Gyan

Have a good time.

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Author: Krishnadas      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 0     Date:

01/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

More Indian States Can we justify it?

Creation of new States has its own merits and demerits which has to be decided on broad principles

adopted by the Indian Constitution. Indian constitution has adopted federal system with a view to provide

democratic system of Governance so that the schemes , policies adopted by the Union Government are

implemented without much delay.

The States re-organisation Act 1956 facilitated the reorganization of boundaries of the States in India on

linguistic lines. However the Union Government has subsequently opened a chapter by creating new

States like Chattisgarh, Uttaranchal, Jarkhand due to political consideration.

I am sure if the Union Government start accepting such demands from people and yield to their pressure

then we are inviting more trouble. The political aspirants in each State make their case for a new State

which may not have an end and the integration of our Country will be in danger.

The Union Government should see the purpose behind creation of new State. Will the creation of new

state benefit the people? or burden them?. Creation of new State means additional burden on the State

exchequer in terms new establishment in all respects.

Therefore in my opinion the States created as of now is sufficient for proper administration and new States

are not justified.

With Regards and Best wishes,


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Author: Sam      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 165     Date: 02/Jan/2010   Rating:

    Points: 6

Why more states? Is not there already much external force that wants to divide India, that we internally

need to form more boundaries?

There is already differences between languages and religions. North Indians migrating to South India does

not find the localites helpful towards them. South Indians migrating to North India too face problems in

communication. 'Hindi' being the National language, some people in certain states deny to talk in Hindi

and fight for their language to be declared as National language.

Shiv Sainiks claims to fight for rights for Marathi people. Are not Marathi people Indians first? India would

have done much better, if these regional political parties would have fought for India rather than Marathi

people, Muslim people etc.

Don't we already have concerns where Pakistan wants Kashmir, China invading Arunacahal Pradesh

border? But here are we fighting and forming more states.

And why do we need more states at all? If these political parties work as one power, I am sure they can

provide justice to the whole states welfare rather than divide and rule. Development of any part of the state

can be even bought without dividing the state if one wishes to. The other parts of state which are

developed did not part itself and then develop.

Today if we form Telangana, there will be more states coming up in the name of welfare of Marathi people,

Muslim people, Gujarathi people. Then the villages would claim to be formed as States since the villages

are not developed in India. Then we will have a separate 'South India', 'North India', 'East India', 'West

India'. What is the point of forming borders inside and claiming to be as 'One India'. Borders and states

were formed not to divide people but for better, systematic and organised welfare of the country.

We might have fought britishers, but why can' we fight these political leaders who wants us to Divide and




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Author: smitha      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 127     Date: 03/Jan/2010   Rating:

    Points: 6

More Indian States

Our India is known for its "Unity in diversity". We all are proud of it. We know that in our nation people from

diverse cultures, religion and beliefs live together. Our civilization is around 5000 years old. It is the

greatest democracy in the world.

The existing system of states is enough for a normal administration. More than half a century have passed

after the re-organisation of states in 1956. There were no major problem in administration then. So why

change it now for mere political benefit. All political parties have to take neutral stand in this regard. Profit

motives have to be left behind when it comes to national integrity. What ever be the motive behind the

declaration of a new state, the events that occurred after that is enough proof to tell about the

consequences. Once the new state of Telengana is formed, there will be similar request from all parts of

the nation. This is going to affect India in a critical way. Just remember the saying "United we stand,

divided we fall". One wrong step taken today may prove fatal to the national integrity of the days to come.

Administration is not an easy task. The future is being placed in risk due to a decision taken today.

The government could resort to other methods rather than dividing the existing state. The demand has

been aroused due to backwardness in development. Giving importance to Telengana when new schemes

are considered can be one of the methods to satisfy the demand for a new state. The issue of Telengana

cannot be considered as the issue of one state alone. The whole nation is concerned about it. Our future

rest in the hands of the politicians. The decision that is made in this issue is sure to affect all of us. A

common capital could help to resolve the issue to some extend. Further a survey can be conducted and

the response of the public can be collected before jumping into a decision.

We have lot of other issues which require immediate action. Why not concentrate on excavating terrorism,

curbing pollution and removing corruption rather than creating new issues by such hasty declarations. We

appeal to the ruling government, not to take away the national integrity and security, which we enjoy today.

A smile can change the world.

Author: Vandana         Member Level: Diamond      Member Rank:

12     Date: 03/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 2

Note: Members are requested to express their views in their own words and not copy-paste

information from other sites. Two of the above responses had entire paragraphs taken from

other sites. Hence they have been given negative markings.



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Author: Vandana         Member Level: Diamond      Member Rank:

12     Date: 03/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

Sam has made a very good point in his response, that division of a State is not necessary to

ensure development. How true!

Just because an area is not properly developed it does not justify the people of that area

calling for an independent State of their own. Have they thought about the modalities of

breaking away from the main State? They do not realise that to be independent there should

be proper infrastructure, facilities and resources that are sufficient for all the people of that

specific area. It is not merely a question of breaking away and having your own rulers and

policies. It is a question of providing adequate resources for all.

Assuming that these resources are sufficient, it still does not justify formation of another

State. Surely everybody can live in harmony and not create more rifts between communities.

As expressed in my views in the resource article on the creation of the State of Telangana,

we must not forget that our freedom fighters united us to get independence from British rule.

We are breaking up that very unity by asking for independent States. It will create a blot on

this era of Indian history.



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Author: Vilas      Member Level: Diamond      Member Rank: 25     Date:

03/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

Dear Vandana and Smitha,

The Main point is we are the Citizens of Union of India. See the example of Maharashtra State, It includes

West, Marathwada, Khandesh, Konkan, and Vidharba. There are total 5 major areas. You see a good

development in those areas who belongs to persons with big post in Assembly. Also areas like West,

Konkan, Marathawada and Khandesh having good infrastructure and development. Minimum no water

issues, and farmer related issues.

If you see Vidarbha only Nagpur is well Developed after that whole area having some problem. Buldhana,

Akola and Amravati farmers attempt suicide, why? Gosekhurd Dam project not completed yet? Many of

farmers not get water for extra earnings? Good educational facilities in Vidarbha but no good companies

or industry available. Maximum people from Vidharbha migrated to Cities like Pune, Mumbai &

Aurangabad why? Dear this is due to the direction of investment with respect to area.

So I want to clear that if we broke state in specific area then it is very helpful to develop the area soon as

possible. Dear there is no any separation because every day a student and in past we also pray "Bharat

Maza Desh Aahe aani Sare Bhartiya Maze Bandhav Aahet".

Think and Accept the Changes.

with best regards




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Author: RAMESH BABU      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 143     Date:

03/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

Hai Friends,

More Indian States Can we justify it? Yes why not? This is the right and ripe time not only to discuss but to

be practical in this sensitive issue.Now we got an golden opportunity to rectify the past mistake done by

our then Prime-minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,by splitting the nation in the linguistic basis.That is why

to-day we hear hue and cry of son of the soil,such as Marathi,Tamilian, Keralites and so on.If we split

Whole India into smaller States,the public will be benefited.

You can see in every states only the capital of the states improved,because the main ruling and opposition

politicians are residing there.The rest part of the states witness under development,and so the peoples

begins to migrate to the capital city.If the States divided there will be more job opportunities not only to

politicians but also to the youths of my nation.And the boundaries should be changed so that multi-

language will be there.

Now I come to the point made by Mr.Sam. His complaint was that non-Hindi speaking people wants their

language also should be made National language.Mr.Sam please note it down.They says that their

language is also get the treatment as Hindi. But what Hindi speaking people say? Hindi alone should be

the National language of India.

Can you show me any English sign-boards in Hindi speaking areas? But I can assure and show you Both

local language and English sign-boards,in all the south Indian states. Don't you think this partial attitude

will one ruin our Nation?

If there is smaller States it will be easy to monitor the developments not only by the authorities but also by

the public.I believe the ratio of bribe will be decrease and all the Government works will be done without

delay.Not our future rest in the hands of the politicians,but the future of the politicians will be rested in our


Hellow Mr.Jose Mathew why do you think this as divisions? This is not division, but only splitting into

smaller States. For example,if Bihar is splitted into four states,then ther will be four capitals and four Chief-

ministers & council of ministers.So they will take care to develop their capitals,since they have to reside

there only.So we will get enough infrastructure and other facilities without any delay.

Now I come to Vandana mam.In your words "They do not realize that to be independent there should be

proper infrastructure, facilities and resources that are sufficient for all the people of that specific area. It is

not merely a question of breaking away and having your own rulers and policies. It is a question of

providing adequate resources for all."Can you say that even after 63 years of Independence,these rulers

gave all the infrastructure equally to all the citizens of India?Even to-day there are so many villages lacks

Electricity,basic drinking waters,Road facility,Hospitals,and even I am ashamed to say they do not have

even latrine facilities in their villages.Have you ever think about that? How many hours you or our friends

who argues against smaller states will bear without electricity?Can I show you the villages that have no

electricity even to-day?

So,my choice is to have smaller states to have better administrations.

I wish to continue this debate after seeing others view.In a day or two I will write in the resource section



Ramesh Babu

Author: Vilas      Member Level: Diamond      Member Rank: 25     Date:

03/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 2

Dear Ramesh,

Yes i Strongly support "We are Indian first" and what is beneficial for my country is acceptable by me.

with best regards




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Author: T.M.Sankaran      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 215     Date:

04/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

I don't justify the claim for 'more Indian States'. This demand for more states is not based on any national

interest. It is purely a politically motivated move. Certain local political or social leaders find it convenient to

be at the top of affairs if a smaller 'kingdom' is sanctioned. Once it is sanctioned, they start dictating terms.

National parties make electoral adjustments with these local leaders and get through the elections. Once

the ministry is formed, these small groups influence the major ruling parties and start dictating terms, not

allowing the national parties to rule. There are several examples in the past for these types of misuse of


In 1956, the division of the nation into various states were done mainly based on major languages. It is a

fact that within every language, sub-languages are present. Regional variations can always be expected

for every language. But because of these variations it is not fair to treat it as a separate language. Hence

the claim for another linguistic state cannot be entertained, in such cases.

The backwardness of an area also cannot be considered as a criterion for a separate state. Once such a

claim is accepted different regions will come out with such claims and the whole nation will have to be

divided into very smaller units. Making use of the political weapon like hunger strike for these types of

gains should be discouraged.


Gold Member ISC

Author: Sam      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 165     Date: 04/Jan/2010   Rating:

    Points: 6

@ Vilas - You mentioned that Maharashtra was split into West, Marathwada, Khandesh, Konkan, and

Vidharba and witnessed development. But the point is that these places did not ask for a new State for

development and are still part of Maharashtra and yet developed. That is what my point was earlier, that

we do not need to have a separate state for development. If a political party is truly interested about the

people and their development, they can put their efforts without dividing too.

@ Ramesh - Yes I can show you thousand of sign boards with English signs. In Mumbai, the shops, the

local buses have all information displayed in Hindi as well as English. While in Bangalore, the local buses

still have their displays regarding the route and bus no in Kannada. Anyways this is not the point of

discussion. Our Prime Ministers divided the states based on languages and not religions. And I dont see

anything unacceptable in that. And it was not only left at the formation of States. The States were internally

divided into cities and villages for better welfare. And for these cities and villages, we have governing

parties who should be responsible about the needs of these places. These villages and cities were not left

alone on their own. The problem is that our politicians are more interested in earning through development

of cities than doing any better for villages and that is why we lack behind. In your words, if division means

good welfare the why onle telangana? Let all the villages be form into states as they need more attention

in terms of development. People wanting telangana only wants a division so that they can rule Telangana

and fill their pockets. Instead if these same people rather than wasting money and time on hunger strikes

and rallies would have used this money on some betterment of that place, people would have been much




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Author: Amit Siwach      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 137     Date:

04/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

India is a nation of different culture and different religion. You move to four to five kilometres and you feel

the change in culture and language. Still this is united and has a significant role from its citizens which

always think India on top and wish to be one of leaders in the world.

Our politics is so corrupt in today's era that they only looks for their party profit and development of the

country is neglected due to some ill elements in the politics which should not happen in this united country.

These are the only citizens of a country who make a nation leader and can move down the nation only by

some wrong steps. One should be clear enough that our main aim is to build a strong and a beautiful


I don't think for that we have to divide our country into small states which will take nations extra efforts and

develop ill thoughts in the minds of citizens. We have already suffered a lot since 1947 when Divide and

Rule policy of British Government applied in the nation and this is only due to some ill elements in the

politics who divided the nation into two portions. Even we are supposed to be the top most democratic

nation in the world still we need ourselves to divide in small states for development which is totally wrong

concept. I agree there are some benefit to divide states into smaller ones which will impact in the

development of the local areas of the state. But if we think about cons for dividing which always effect

economy of the state and centre which will take more time to develop the country. We need one more

government for state, more funds for that government. More politics in the public which ruins the country

as a whole.

This very cheap politics that we support such politicians which think only division can bring them into

notice. But we have enough rules so as to develop one state and easily can be handled by state if

corruption moved out from the politics. If everyone perform his task with pure and clear thinking then such

issues will never be raised.

Everyone today shouts we should have separate state to develop our area but no one thinks what impact

will this have on the nation's economy and expenditures to build another state. If we even try to pull this

expenditure on state development then their should be more and high impact on the nation economy and

citizen welfare.

Word "Divide" itself seems to be wrong in the unity of country and we are trying the same. We have faced

a serious battle with our neighbours many time only due to division in past and even if we can think that

division make a nation to develop in great way then I think we are wrong. Division always brings riots with

itself and we are facing those in different parts of country.

At last why should not we be unite and think about development of our country as a whole.We are capable

to do anything and we have done and made a place in the world by our contribution to world's economy

and various development areas. If one is true Indian then he will never raise the word of Division.

I don't know why our citizen be fooled by this cheap politics. We are united and stay united to develop our

nation to developed state.


Amit Siwach

ISC Gold Member

Author: Malhar      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 158     Date:

04/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

As soon as the demand of separate Telengana has been accepted by central leadership of Congress

Government, whole of India is gripped with Small State Syndrome. Demands for statehood, which had

been subsided for a while, have been revived. What is more, some new demands are coming forward. The

decision of congress to go ahead with formation of Telangana has opened the Pandora’s Box.

Presently, Indian Union consists of 28 states. At least five of them, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh,

Maharashtra, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh are bigger than most countries in the world. Various regions in

these states, which have distinct socio-economic and cultural identity, are often seen complaining of

discrimination in allocating resources by respective state administrations. We have Vidarbha region

accusing the more influential leaders from Western Maharashtra of inferior treatment. The demand of

Telangana also has taken root from the grudge feeling that the people of coastal Andhra have utilized the

Telangana region without bothering for its development. Hence, the demands and agitations for separate

Telangana, Vidarbha, Gorkha Land etc appear to be justified. In 2000-01, three new states, Uttaranchal,

Chhatisgarh, and Jharkhand were formed by separating the regions from their mother states, UP, MP and

Bihar respectively. Should the Indian government take a large scale formation of new states as nearly ten

different regions of then country are raising their voice for statehood?

When the British left this country, it had six provinces and hundreds of princely states which promptly

merged, most of them in Indian Union. These princely states were amalgamated with the provinces to form

13 states and some union territories. In 1955, the Government formed State Reorganization committee

which recommended formation of states on linguistic basis.

The first reorganization of states has been fairly successful. New states so formed resulted in all round

development of hitherto backward regions. Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Karnataka, these states, formed

after 1960, made huge strides in economic development. But this development has not been uniform. If

you take example of Maharsahtra. The erstwhile Bombay province was divided into Maharashtra and

Gujarat. Maharashtra was carved out by combining Marathi speaking areas of Konkan, southern and

western Maharshtra, Marathwada and Vidarbha, Out of these, Marathwada belonged to a feudalistic

Nizam state and Vidarbha region belonged to Madhya Bharat province, both underdeveloped in

comparison to western region which was under British rule and was already well on its way to industrial

development. This difference in the development and infrastructure continues to remain the same even

after 50 years of formation of Maharashtra. The case of Telangana is exactly similar as it was miles behind

the coastal Andhra which was under Madras Province.

Hence, in principle, the formation of smaller states like Telangana and Vidarbha is justifiable. The question

is will it be viable? The case of Jharkhand is a big deterrent. Even after ten years f its formation the status

people of Jharkhand is as it was earlier if not worse. If only, Jharkhand has seen country’s biggest money

laundering scam by its CM, Madhu Koda. Even the formation of six states by dividing Assam has not

yielded desired results. Nagaland, Mizoram etc were basically formed to appease the militant leaders from

these states. But it has not resulted in drastic improvement of economic conditions of the citizens of these

states. This shows that smaller states do not guarantee development.

Another aspect to be considered is the inter state disputes. Even after fifty years of reorganization of

states, many inter state disputes are still raging. The issue of border districts between Karnataka and

Maharashtra keeps becoming violent every now and then. The issues of sharing river water is a big thorn

in the flesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh are always quarrelling among them selves on

contentious issue of Kavery and Krishna river. Punjab and Rajasthan (Sutlej and Bias), Gujarat and

Maharashtra (Narmada River) are at loggerheads. There’s this issue raised by Raj Thakre about migrants

from Bihar into Mumbai. Even after sixty years of independence and fifty years of state formation, we have

not been able to put a uniform policy of centre state relations as well as inter state relations. Hence

formation of new state is inviting new and more disputes keeping aside main aim of all round development.

What then is the solution? The main concern of the agitating regions is that the region is not able to reap

the rewards of economic development and the development is not equitable. Hence in stead of going on a

spree of new state formation, due attention needs to be given for taking development up to grass root.

Most of the problems are because of failure of political and administrative machinery. The leaders with a

broad vision are needed. The imbalance in regional development can be addressed by setting up

constitutional regional development boards. In stead of playing to the gallery, political leaders should see

that the economic revolution that India is undergoing should benefit each and every Indian.


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Author: Vilas      Member Level: Diamond      Member Rank: 25     Date:

04/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 5

Dear Friends,

I am totally agree with Mr. Lathkar and Mr. Amit. As you point out the roll of politician. They plays main role

in development. But after independence none the "Social developer" I found. Every one take politics as

business. This leads to fight for power and maximum corruption.

How we overcome this problem?

Answer is only powerful central government. Now central government having many problems because of

only area wise, community wise, cast wise, language wise politician.

If anything happened they do strike and many more? As all we educated and professional person did you

participated any strike? No, because we need peace and improvement. They do strike and many things to

show there power only. They are strong due to central government have there own issue.

If we make small states. Its very easy to rule by central government.

with best regards




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Author: sanjay Nagpur      Member Level: Silver      Member Rank: 0     Date:

06/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

Dear friends,

We all are living in the modern age. As the man becoming civilized, his needs are increasing and changing

day by days. In past,there were limited sources of transport and it was hard to travel from one region but

today it is very easy to travel from one region to another.

After independence, we re-organised states merely on the basis of languages due to which we created

Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujrath etc., as separate states. At that time only

Hindi speaking states were separated in more than one state. At that time also Vidarbha had raised voice

for separate Vidarbha state but due to pressure from united Maharashtra state they accepted to join in


Now we are having very big states having more population and more area like West Bengal, Andhra

Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujrath etc., and it is not possible to control and give equal share to every region.

As all the state level offices and ministers are resides in the capital only and their are many places in this

states which are nearly 1500 KM away from capital of the state. It is very hard for common people to visit

the capital for regular work. If the area curtails, then one can easily find out the requirements and can

serve better.

In Europe, U.S.S.R. and U.S.A. they not only separated their states but they created small nations and

prepared not union. Recently Europe organized his states and created union and started new currency as

EURO and now it is above Dollars. It means in Europe, U.S.S.R. and U.S.A. they are benefiting by

bifurcating states/nations and their integrity is also not divided.

It is not good to say that our integrity will damage by separating states. As there are many Hindi speaking

states and they all are progressing, it is also crystal clear that forming smaller states will serve purpose.

It is very good to start debate of new issues but in India, there are many people who are always ready to

oppose every issue not on merit but gain something from that.

Taking into consideration all the facts, it is totally good to form new states for the progress of backward

regions and it increases the integrity and diversity of our India.

Author: Sam      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 165     Date: 06/Jan/2010   Rating:

    Points: 6

If new states are to be formed for welfare and development, no one would actually have problems. But

these reasons are actually just for namesake. They say that these smaller areas are overlooked and has

so many problems. So if these areas are overlooked and still lack behind the progress, isn't it because are

now-concerned political leaders were not interested in the development of these areas and more busy

than earning their income through states revenue!

And 'States' is not the lowest level of division, our States are divided into districts and further into villages.

And we even have governing groups to look after the welfare of these districts and villages. Now still if we

crib that it is not developed though we had ruling bodies to look after these areas, then what is the

guarantee that the new state formed will do justice tp all the small and big areas again in its state.

If Telangana is given as separate state, again some other part of Telangana is not developed will demand

a separate state. If we actually want to think about welfare and development of EACH area of India, why

not declare each village and tehsil as separate state?

The same political leaders who went on hunger strike and raised the question on separate state, could

have done some hard work for the development of Telangana instead. The reason could have been

validated if these people would have tried and were not able to do so means due to some other valid


And we are not opposing Telangana division just because we want to or we are not part of their sufferings,

but because the reason on which the demand has been placed is Invalid and with approval for Telangana

will come more new unnecessary demands for different states.

I rest my case here as this is my third post to GD



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Author: Vilas      Member Level: Diamond      Member Rank: 25     Date:

06/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 5

Dear Sanjay,

Nice to see your opinion its always true the small states will get good development because the funding by

Central Government directly comes to there hands. Now what happen if the chief minister of respected

area, then he developed his area only. it means the people having majority of area developed well.

Dear understand the people having good money and power always ignore them. if problems come to there

area then all party member demand for it. where the back word area ask huge people oppose them. so

why we cant have small state for development?

Dear Sam,

Its true some people have there own profit for small state but don't ignore if small states are there then

Central government ask for result. Now its complicated due to big states like UP & Bihar conformed the

central elections.

wit best regards




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Author: Dr. Apurva A. Tamhane      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 108

Date: 07/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

More Indian States has been in the news lately.

Well if we compare the smaller countries in the world like Singapore, Japan, we see that they are more

developed as managing a smaller geographic area is more easier than larger areas and thus same can be

applied for the states.

A smaller state will have better management than a larger one.

Another nice example is the formation of Uttaranchal state from UP.

If one visits the new state one will not immediate differences among which the development of roads is the

major factor.

Other development projects going on in the state are tourism related and the maintainance of renovation

of old structures.

I would thus support formation of new Indian States if it leads to improvement and progress of the state.


Dr. Apurva A. Tamhane

Consulting Homeopath and SpiderWork Websites Editor

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Author: ranganathan      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 244     Date:

07/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 4

Definitely it will affect the country's unity the more the states the less the unity. In my point of view

government should not separate AP at the same time why some group of people is asking for separate

state we must think that also.

They ask separate state because they have some problems in the society like they are still economically

lacking behind etc.. so government should ask them what is the problem and should solve it rather than

separating the state.

If government had fulfilled their needs already then they won't going to ask separate state.

Regards,Ranganathan Gold member of ISC

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Author: Rachita      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 0     Date:

07/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

More Indian states, can we justify it?

Few, days back we were discussing about Telganga state and now whether there should be formation of

further new states or not.

Here I would give my heartiest thanks to ISC to be a medium where we are actually getting a chance to

put our opinions about what we think.

When earlier there was demand for Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, no one raised any issue and everybody

was convinced by the theories being told that they are being made for the better governance and

upliftment of the weaker states. But all this was a scam to get the pockets of the Ministers and the

bureaucrats filled which was very easily done.

As to give you a little insight in it , both these states from there creation are at the bottom of the growth and

have seen nothing in terms of significant growth which was proposed to take place, and to add up here

Jharkhand being rich in minerals, still not even a single Industry has been set up there.

After seeing the current situation of these states which were made on wrong promises, all the Indian got

the awakening and raised there points against the formation of Telganga state, and still fighting for the

same but I feel our voice is still low, and if the Indians are unable to stop it then in near future we can see

the same situation of the Telganga state and its assets being sold to the bureaucrats.

So now at least I would request sincerely to all the Indians to unite together once again for the betterment

of our country and raise our voice in unity against the further formation of small states this will help not in

development of the country but will further weaken our country.

I think again we are seeing the same situation of Divide and rule which we saw at the time of before

Independence by the Britishers. But the difference here is just that it not the Britishers it’s the Politicians

and the bureaucrats who are just focusing on there monetary growth and are even ready to sacrifice the

country for there personal motives. A real Shame!

Would sincerely request to raise your voice against this where ever you get an opportunity and not let

those viruses attach our system our country and make it a mess for us to live as we want one India and

Healthy India. As I think it’s high time that we have let other countries make use of our assets and now we

should focus on uniting our country and not dividing it further.

I think all the members of ISC would be ready to support me in this.


Rachita Nagpal

ISC Gold Member

Author: Malhar      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 158     Date:

07/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

Flaws in the organisation of states on linguistic basis are now visible for all of us to see. Today the country

has 28 states which are unequally sized. On one side we have a sprawling state of UP with 70 districts

and population of about 200 million, Goa is the smallest with only 2 districts and population of 20 lacs only.

The demand for new states is coming from regions from bigger states like UP, Bihar, Maharashtra.

Obviously, the regions are far away from the capitals. As is the case of western UP which is pressing for

separate Harit Pradesh is more than 500 km away from Lucknow. Vidarbha region is also at a distance of

500 km from Mumbai.

Hence a fresh look at the reorganisation of states needs to be taken. After all, USA also has 50 states.

Hence, thre will be no harm if number of states in India goes up by ten.

Smaller states stand a better chance of all round development. Of course, there are examples to show

otherwise. Like Jharkhand. But then it is for the people to take opportunities. Democracy is all about taking

power to people. Smaller states will give them a chance to equitable distribution of resources.

Politicians, particularly belonging to Congress often boast of the progress made by the country. To be

precise, whatever progress India has made, it is in last two decades of economic reforms. This progress is

guided totally by market forces. The politicians don't have any right to take the credit. Now is the time to

transfer the benefits of economic reforms to the root level. The fruits of development need to be taken to

masses. It will be possible only if the distribution sysytem is efficient. Forming smaller states will definitely

help in taking the devlopment to the last man in the villages.


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Author: Amit Siwach      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 137     Date:

07/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

Question is not of area of the state rather it is for Development of State. Ain't we sufficient enough to

develop our states as a whole. If we can bring our country to this rank in the world then why not we can

build our nation more stronger keeping these cheap political stunts away from our country.

Now the time to control the mind of our politicians rather than struggling and spreading riots due to their

unwanted wishes. We have to brainwash our politicians not to exploit their power in a wrong direction

which turns to divide the nation for their profit, we have to build ourselves in such a manner that such

politicians who tries to influence us on the issues of religion and language should not be able to motivate

themselves in such directions which harm nation.

I know local public is always with the person who serves its people but people itself know their good and

bad. Political parties are not made by themselves they are made by citizen of India by welfare of the

country then why they don't look into the direction they are supposed to. They are given rights to develop

their area to full and if anything wrong happens then control their local public with peace and harmony. If

one thinks their area is not taken into consideration then he has to raise voice for its development but

making another state and another government is just sake of exploiting economical state of nation.

One should always be welcomed when he think about development but never given access to fool people

just due to their benefit or making another government. Doing one more round of Red light Cars and

making public money waste and filling their own pockets. We Indians are now much aware about these

tactics in politics and we have to think smart before deciding anything on such issues. I request people of

such states to think just about developing their area and help others peacefully.

We can do anything if we wish to do avoiding riots.There are lots of Country in the world who does not

have much states and doing great to develop their nation. If we always wish to divide our country into

small states then a day will come once again we have to face riots in all parts of country because of

religion and cultural matters.

Better we develop ourselves and don't think to divide into small. If person thinks area development then he

has to raise his voice to develop area not to divide area.

We develop our homes and everyone in past or now is not as strong as he is now and made himself due

to his labour to stand in the new area. So is applicable to any place. We should develop ourself not to



Amit Siwach

ISC Gold Member

Author: Vandana         Member Level: Diamond      Member Rank:

12     Date: 08/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 4

I feel that the call for an independent State is not really the voice of the general people at all.

More often, it seems to be politcially motivated.

A handful of people who wish to wield power are getting together to plot a breaking away

from the main State Govt. They simply have this urge to rule and display their clout. Has

anybody really bothered to ask the people themselves if they want to split and form an

independent State? The power-hungry political babus wouldn't care less.



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Author: N K Ravishankara         Member Level: Platinum      Member

Rank: 1     Date: 08/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

How can we justify more Indian states?

For what purpose our forefathers fought for independence, is it to make India in to further

pieces by dividing states, I do not accept to make a separate state further more, as when our

Home Minister has declared long back as Andhra Pradesh assembly will pass a resolution in

connection with a separate Telangana State, after this the part time and non working leaders

geared up with their own solution to solve the unsolved problems of few states, it is nothing

but dividing the country which has already divided several times.

One may remember that a leader of an state outfit has declared that Maharashtra should get

Marathi speaking areas of Belgaum and other adjoining areas which belongs to Karnataka at

present, but in other face he is opposing Vidharba from Maharashtra as he himself oppose

bifurcating states as he always favours ‘Samyukta Maharashtra, but it is learnt that all other

parties except one party favours a separate Vidharba, we do not need such leaders to rule us

anymore, they are not dividing the states, in fact they are dividing us.

Certain issues in politics is like a cancer, when it starts nobody knows, look now the Gorkhas

want Gorka land, Saurashtra wants to be apart from Gujrat, and recently the UP Chief

Minister declared that, it is difficult to manage whole UP as one unit, as it needs to be divided

atleast to three pieces and erstwhile separate state Coorg which was merged with Karnataka,

now want a separate entity, and there is an echo to bifurcate Tamil Nadu in to two pieces as

North and South for purpose of better administration now this issue is getting momentum.

And finally my question is who is demanding these people to divide the states?

Now after a hue and cry and several spree of resignations and also an opposition in

connection with the formation of Telangana, the government at the centre has back footed,

now it is an eye wash to prolong the issue further, it said it will form another states

reorganization commission, it means now that issue is half dead.

It is an easy work or job for politicians to make the states further small, as such activities will

pave way for them to form the government and it will be an opportunity for some who never

become Chief Ministers as they will get a chance, but what is the use to an ordinary man with

further division.

Ultimately I got an conclusion dividing an already divided state is an easy task, but who’s

responsibility is that to unite all the divided states again?

N K Ravishankara

Forum Section Editor

Author: Raaghavan Krishnamurthy      Member Level: Diamond      Member Rank: 21

Date: 08/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

Hi friends,

Impact of Telengana

While I was studying in School I remember that there were 25 states and 7 union territories.But now we

can expect the number of states might increase to 30 and above if Telengana is announce as a new state,

because once Telengana is announced as a new state, then the aftermath will be very critical as more and

more states will fight and protest for new states. Here are some example.

1) Gorkhaland from West Bengal

2) Vidarbha from Maharashtra

3) Harit & Bundelkhand from Uttar Pradesh

4) Bodoland from Assam

and more interestingly Karaikal( a region of Puducherry) might also get separated form Puducherry.

"OK" to new states

Well let me be very clear in my point, i.e if it necessary , we can go fop new states ( mainly for

administration purpose).

1) Administration:This is the main reason why we can accept the formation of new states. For example,

when we consider Uttar Pradesh , the present CM Mayawati came forward for the separation of new

states, because UP is a very big state and she might have felt the formation of new states will make the

Government easy to administrate these states and people also get benefited.

2) Better Exposure: The formation of new states will give people a great chance to perform well in various

fields. For example when we consider any sports, a new team will come form the new states, which results

in more new players getting chance to represent the states, and this would have been impossible, if it was

a single large state.But we must take care that we get talented individual.

View from a different angle

But at the same time there are some drawbacks in the formation of the new states and we can also say

that some parties demand for new states not on the interest of people but for political gain. This is very

dangerous, because if a new state is formed these political parties may involve in corruption and stay in

the post for many years, as they were responsible for the formation of new states.

At the same time, the demands are also very real , because some of the people of their area might not get

priority and they demand for new states with a belief that the formation of new states will be a great benefit

for these people.

We can say that, if the demand is very real and practical, then we can accept for the formation of the new


with regards,

Raaghavan Krishnamurthy

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Author: Vandana         Member Level: Diamond      Member Rank:

12     Date: 09/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 4

Raaghavan mentions that more States means better exposure to talented sportspersons. I

doubt it!

As far as many Indian sports are concerned, there is a State quota system in place. So team

selectors first look at States and then at talent (if at all, instead of favouring relatives and

friends!). Hence exactly the opposite may also happen: a talented player who would normally

have been selected for his State would be sidelined due to a player being selected from the

new breakaway State as per the quota system.

My final word: more separate States are not at all justified. Let's remain united as citizens of

India and not as residents of States.



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Author: N K Ravishankara         Member Level: Platinum      Member

Rank: 1     Date: 09/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

Do not divide states, we need unified India not diversified India.

When Potti Sriramulu started his fast unto death struggle in 1952 as the Telugu speakers

wants to came out with their own state, but after the death of Potti Sriramulu who after 58

days of fast succumbed ultimately triggered rioting, and under pressure the authorities

consented to the formation of a new state Andhra Pradesh, this was the root cause for the

linguistic reorganization of states.

The same tactics followed by another leader to make Telangana a separate state, but this

time the authorities became cautious and agreed to make Telangana a separate state, later

this decision invited heated debates, resignations, attempt to suicides after all over, the

authorities came to conclusion to reorganize the commission.

If Telangana issue is solved, then what is the guarantee that the people for who’s sake these

leaders asked a separate state will they guarantee that, the people of that reorganized state

will meet all their ends? And there could be all chances that later people of that state may

feel the North Telangana people may not like to be ruled by South Telangana people or vice

versa, or else the leaders who are asking for separate states ensure that the reorganized

states will stay intact in future.

As we have seen and famous too for our multi cultural and multi lingual social get up, further

dividing will nothing but aggravate the already aggravated discrimination, as the basic

concept of an regional identity will definitely overshadow the national identity.

Rather than dividing a states there could be all possibilities to help backward regions by

allotting funds, share the available resources between them, better governance and

administration is the need of the hour than dividing the states, as this process divides the

people not the state.

As we are observing that the other international communities are trying to clear up their

differences by wiping out the borders and they are trying to coming closer for the sake of

development, but unfortunately we are moving in the opposite way we are trying to draw

new borders within ourselves. To solve all these problems a better representation is the need

of the time, such diversification will become a weakness not strength as they argued.

This is the right time that one must understand all these are vote bank politics this must be

stopped, the central authorities should ensure that no such demand for separate states

should arise in future, if not there will be no end to this problem, today it may be Telangana

tomorrow it is another state, then one fine day will come all taluks will become states, as if

every region requires and demands for a separate identity, then imagine when can we stand

tomorrow? As this is the right time for people from all parts must understand the motive

behind such demands, making further small states the ultimate benefit goes to whom, not to

an ordinary person or not even to states what they are demanding now, the real beneficiaries

are the leaders who are asking for separate identities.

As one must understand there are certain arguments that making small states the

governance and developments will be good then why Jharkhand, Chattisgarh and Uttarkhand

have not yet become the best states from development point of view. Through some media it

is learnt even after 10 years the panchayat elections were also not conducted in few states.

As the decision of making small states have been taken on certain political pressures, and

this is the right time for people to wake up and they should not fall prey to the dirty desires

of some free and part time politicians and even the authorities should not agree to make

further small states by giving the reason the state at present are big to handle and


N K Ravishankara

Forum Section Editor

Author: Amit Sawarkar      Member Level: Bronze      Member Rank: 0     Date:

09/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

Good Evening,

To all members. I support to small states, yes its true recently separated state not doing well. but give

them some time they will take speed. Small state gives identity to respected area and other administration

start there work.

If you speaking about profit of politician then we are wrong. Only the politician handles the situation of the

country. all major role they will play in system.

Yes they have profit but respected area have big profit than others.



Author: Malhar      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 158     Date:

09/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

In my earlier two responses, I have favoured formation of more states. I would like to conclude my

participation in this discussion by answering to anxious reservations expressed by some of the members

opposing formation of more states.

1. Is the formation of more states harmful to unity of the country?

I think the apprehensions expressed by many members, that by forming more states, unity of the country

is at risk, is unfounded. Firstly, none of the votaries of new states, may it be Ajit Singh (Harit Pradesh),

KCR (Telangana) or Jambuwant Dhote (Vidarbha), are demanding independence. Their demands are

well within constitutional rights. In democracy, people’s aspirations must be respected. It of course is

different matter if the likes of KCR and Ajit Singh are merely echoing people’s sentiments or furthering

their own interests (I’ll come to that in my next point)

Secondly, yes – there is a definite threat to unity of this country. But that threat is due to infiltration, inept

foreign policy of the government, prospering terrorist organizations etc. Formation, or let us say,

restructuring of states is an issue of development, issue related to Economics. Let us not mix it with

emotional issues.

2. Will the formation of more states breed more corruption?

Again my friends are mixing two separate issues. As far as corrupt ways of politicians are concerned, they

can find inspiration for corruption even from cattle fodder. Hence it is difficult to buy the argument – don’t

form more states as it will result in more corruption. It is also true that the politicians who are agitating for

new states all of them are not having very bonfide intentions. But then it’s like saying – don’t use airplane

as it would crash. True, corruption is a major impediment in the progress of the country. But then, it

needs to be tackled by strong leadership, transparent administration and stringent laws backed by efficient

judiciary. So, whether there are 30 states or 50 states in the country, the nature and magnitude of

corruption will not depend on it.

3. Demand for new states keeps increasing. Hence keep the status quo?

One of the members has expressed fear that we might end up having as many states as number of

districts! Although it is a bit far-fetched, the present grossly unequal distribution of area of states can not

be overlooked. Even after separating Uttarakhand, the current UP has 70 districts with 20 crore

population. On the other hand Goa’s population is merely 20 lac. Is it not necessary that the states

should be more or less equal in size?

Let me give an example. I come from Marathwada region which had only one university. As the number of

students and number of colleges increased, the region now has two universities. It must be the same in

other parts of the country as well. Going by the same yard stick, as the population of the country has more

than doubled in last fifty years, country should have at least 40-45 states each consisting of 10-15

districts. In order to see that we don’t end up having 600 states, a constitutional moratorium can be


4. Will the common man benefit from formation of new states?

Well that’s what this exercise is all about. As I had said in my earlier post, whatever progress the country

has made, it has done it in last two decades, post liberalization, which is mainly guided by market forces.

The politicians, of any party, can not claim credit for it. Now is the time to take the fruits of this progress to

masses. This will require an efficient administration system. More decentralized administration will be

possible by more administrative units, namely states.

All of us want India to change for the better. But the change will come about only if all of us involve in the

mechanism of change. To change the system, we have to be a part of the system.



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Author: Gyandeep Kaushal         Member Level: Diamond      Member

Rank: 45     Date: 10/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

It is a very good topic when it comes to be discussed publically. Even I think that there are a

lot many things to speak about whether this is good or not. Since Jose sir has used a really

hot topic and a good one too, I will be making myself visible by making my posts, in which I

will be explaining different aspects of the GD.

The Telangana issue has always stroked us whenever we think about it. Not only Telangana

but also many other times we have experienced that a small group or a large calling for a

new state. We remember the time when the Punjabis called out for a separate entity for

Punjab because they had overfed themselves with success regarding the crop production

but then it could not be a success because of some reasons. However, today the Telangana

issue has once again brought some new aspects in front of us.

Well there are a lot many factors when it comes to Telangana issue and issues like this.

First of all let me tell you about the good points due to the division issue. There are some

points about which I can talk expect some few as following –

Special Entity - Sometimes people have a craze that their group or band gets a special

entity which they can together enjoy. This means that they want themselves to be a special

existence among the others too so that their interests can be fulfilled in a better way.

Sometimes people feel that being a special entity is a very big factor, but in my opinion it is

not so big. However, when it comes to the people who are indulged, they have some hidden

kind of factor behind this special entity thing also.

Division in Rule - Whenever a new state is formed, people get a new ruler. There is a

common methodology of a common man that if I get a new rule, there will be something

refreshing perhaps, but as seen in Indian cases, nothing brings a sudden change in politics

nowadays. But since there is a change, there is some chance of a rule which is new and

perhaps better than the last.

Rights in Concern - People also think that their rights are taken care of in the new rule.

They think that if they are separated in such a manner when only people of their group

belong to them, they can unite together. These days, unity is seen as a strength which can

even turn bad things into good and good things into bad. People think that if they are united

over a given regard then they can turn things over upside down.

Easier Progress - With the division of power and rule, the progress in the states can be

ignited and then there can be easy developments. The number of people and the area to be

ruled by a given government is less that is why people can be given more priority than

before. Then the people can also obtain easy help from the government because the

databases may be probably smaller.

Now I am going to talk about the things which I think are totally bad influences if the state

if divided into two or more parts. Well according to me the benefits or the merits of the case

that say that a state should be divided maybe more or less but they do not count as much as

the bad influences of the same case do. Let me impart to you some of my thoughts against

this division stuff among the states.

Disunity and Disintegration - Whenever there is a division in a state, maybe the new

state people face unity among themselves but then there is a social disunity and

disintegration too. Among the other citizens, there is a feeling that the people of the newly

formed states do not want to coagulate with the masses and that causes a feeling of

separation. To the country it is a big loss therefore because though a small mass of people

might feel that they are on the good side but then the bigger mass is in an untold loss.

Takes Time for Building up - Even if a new state is formed out of an old state and there is

a division but then that does not become something easy for the officials because to really

make the state a new entity and to set up the things accordingly, it takes about 3 or 4 years

at least. Moreover, the people of the two states are in big confusion. The reason to this is

that after the disintegration, the official people keep on rumbling up between the two

states, just like the people of Bihar and Jharkhand to face today. Moreover, Jharkhand and

Bihar are nowhere in a big difference today, just because of this.

Big Loss of Money - In the total set up of the new state, there is a big investment of money

from the central government and so on, but then that never creates a sense that as soon as

the state becomes an individual entity after the division there will be a sudden increase in

the development track. Instead, I would say that if we talk about the money, then the

amount which is used in creation and separation of the state, if used for the development,

can create miracles because it can really make a change. Mind my words; the amount is not

at all a small amount.

Difference Counts - After the division, there is often some sort of unfair or fair competition

between the people of the two states. They begin to have a degree of jealousy and

sometimes also personal egos in regard to the difference in the states. The best example can

be India and Pakistan but it won’t be a good thing to start a new issue in here because

today, both of them are completely different countries, however, we can use Bihar and

Jharkhand as the most enjoyable comparisons. Even Nitish Kumar said that Jharkhand

should collate with Bihar once again. I think it is not wrong to say that Jharkhand is not in a

hell heaven difference like it was in the last decade; things have not changed here that

much bigly.

We cannot generalize things so easily especially when it comes to politics but then in my

personal views we cannot justify the new states so easily. With advancements in time there

is always an urge for new states from different groups in different part of India and if we go

on creating even newer states then that day is not very far where there will be a state in one

colony and other in the next colony, India is in therefore once again into a critical political

situation and if someone can really stop it, it is our own will and I don’t think I need

anything more to discuss about will because people who visit ISC can easily understand

what will is and what willpower is.


Thank you.

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Author: kamble sunil      Member Level: Bronze      Member Rank: 0     Date:

11/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 5

The problem can be solved by effective depends alot on the ruling parties to handle such

sensible things with utmost care and at the same time being transparent in their moves.

It is high time to know the exact motive of demanding a separate state,is it the hunger of some so called

political leaders to see

themselves holding top posts or the need for improvement in standard of living of a particular region when

compared to its surrounding ones.

so the parties in power both at the state and central level need to look into the issue seriously and collect

opinions of all who matter the most before coming out with any solution.More often in the Indian history the

need for separate statehood arose because of rulers negligence for development and it could have been

dealt by assuring the regions demanding statehood more allocation of funds and projects than taking a call

for separate state

Author: RAMESH BABU      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 143     Date:

11/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

Hai Friends,

This is a welcome move by the people of INDIA,to think about the re-formation of our Country.

Thanks to the people of Andra Pradesh to intisiated such a debate on formation of new States.

First every one should understand that no one in India wants a separate Nation.They are asking only a

separate State

for the welfare of their deprived people.So what is wrong in that request?

Earlier our Late Prime-minister Shri.Jawarlal Nehru,took a wrong decision to split the States of India on

Linguistic basis.Now it is the Right and Ripe time to the people of India to think about the re-formation of

our Nation,so that we can march towards as the Super-Power of the World.

Now at present we are having un-equal size of States regarding area as well as population.For

example,Uttar Pradesh is the largest State which is having 2,40,928 sq.Kms with

a population of over 200,000,000 this more or less 20% of India's population.On the other hand Goa which

is the smallest state,which is having only 3,702 sq.Kms,with a population of 1,347,668 which

consist of 0.13% of India's total population.What a huge difference.

Find the remaining states with its population in the attached table.

Moreover every state has different number of members to the parliament.This is unfair.Uttar Pradesh is

represented by 80 M.P's and Mizoram,Nagaland and Sikkim are represented by only 1 M.P. each.Don't

you think this is unfair? So,there are many regional parties surfacing in the states supposed to safe-gaurd

the interest of their states.But unfortunately, slowly they involved in improving themselves instead of their

states,after tasting the power.

What is the Solution ?

Our Nation has about 33,000,00 sq.kms.,area excluding the water surface.In my view,it should be splitted

into 60 smaller states measuring 50,000 sq.kms.,/state.

There should not be any Linguistic barriers.If any present capital city fails to come under the solid 50,000

sq.kms.,areas then it must be declared as one of the Union Territories of India.

Every state should have 10 Parliamentary Constituencies of about 5000 sq.kms/constituency.

Each State should have 50 districts,with an area of 1000sq.kms. and every District should have 4 Member

of Assemblies with an area of 250sq.kms/ Assembly Constituency.

By this we will have uniform States and State Assemblies throught India.

Role Of Central Government

The Central Government should Nationalise all the DAMS , RIVERS and ELECTRICITY. It must distribute

the same according to the needs of the area and also on the basis of populations.

The Central Government now can distribute the finncial assistance equally to all the states,irrespective of

the party ruling over there.

The Central Government should have its CBSE Schools in all the Districts of India.

Every Citizen should be compelled to learn two more languages other than his/her mother tongue.

Now there will be 60 states and around 20 Union Teritories,India will have around 625 Member of

Parliament.And there should be a law that the counsil of ministers should not cross 10% of the total

strength of the Parliament.

The central Government should pass a law restricting the number of ministers of the State Assemblies

should not cross 5% of the total strength ie there should be only Ten ministers other than the Chief-


There should be a law,that the salary expenses of the State government employes should not cross 10-

15% of the Revenue Income of the State.

Governing the smaller states are easy than that of the larger states. Since all the states were allocated

equal financial assistance,there will be a healthy competition among the states to develop themselves.

Slowly the regional parties will disappear. People will also get awareness of their elected

representatives.Being the states are small,the basic needs of the people such as Health,Education and

agriculture will get importance.

By this Structures we will have more Advantages than Disadvantages.


1.All the Citizens will get Basic Drinking Water.

2.All the citizens will get due attension to their Health as ther will be more Hospitals.

3.All the Citizens will get Electricity.

4.All the Citizens will have easy access to their State Capital with minimum expenses.

5.All the Citizens will have good contacts with their elected representatives.

6.All the Citizens will get aware of their Rights.

7.All the States will get equal shares of Financial Assistance from the Central Government.

8.Coruption will be less.

9.Collection of Taxes,and all kind of arrears not only from the common man but also from the V.I.Ps.,will

be made in time as the new states need funds to develop,and meet the expenses.

10.Employment oppertunities will be higher.

11.Hero worship of the Politicians will slowly disappear.

12.Capital of the City should be planned at the center of the State.


1.For the first few years there may be problems of building Infrastructures.

2.Every State need financial assistance from the Central Government to built their capital city.

3.Density of the population will not be increased in a particular city.

4.Initially the present politician,and their heirs may get a little benefits.


Ramesh Babu

Author: Amit Siwach      Member Level: Gold      Member Rank: 137     Date:

15/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

There are so many parameters which will be affected when we decide to form a new state. Let me clear

some facts while moving to end this last entry in the contest.

First and foremost thing while deciding a new state formation is the riots which will took place when we

think of one application sent and others denied for the same. There are so many leaders which are

supporting mini states to be formed.

We all have seen the situation in Telangana and still favors the formation of new state. Every one knows

how Andhra citizens become miserable while riots took place. We, people of India, from the starting are

against for any riots. So I deny the concept.

Secondly we will be having a huge financial burden on Central government while providing funds to the

newly formed government. Anyone has idea from where those funds will be given. This is only Indian

citizens who are going to bear this burden.

Now coming forward to development, can any leader take the guarantee for development if new state is

formed. This is not possible as we know our politicians very well and their hunger for money and

corruption. These political stunts are seen many times in the history also and I deny such stunts to take

place in future.

Moreover impact on public is more when we form a new state, development of previously formed states

are known to everyone. Governments came and gone but for development point of view we did not find so

great influence on board. Only paper work done by our leaders which is pathetic. Every one knows the

case of Jharkhand CM Koda. Still you need such corrupt leaders to enhance their ill motives.

While splitting nation into states at early independence time is to unite public on the basis of language is

just to improve their work ability to develop that area. We are now in a state of common language and we

even can develop our nation in a superior way without dividing more.

Regarding the common man I never think it really help them to move to next step while building

themselves. They will always in loss and will remain as it is just voting for corrupt politics and then

exploitation by politicians imposing new rules and regulation for the sake of development.

We are running in a age of high priced products and increasing cost for every needed resource and our

leaders says We are not astrologers to predict the price hike then why they are placed for such post to

control hikes in prices and run country without having any problem to common man. Only for dividing the

country and raising issue which always harm common man.

There is no harm while developing a state and making small states when there is a need for that but for

the sake of some political stunts we have to oppose them. We even can do better if we remove this

corruption part from our country and achieve more benefit and developed states.

I don't think there is need to separate country only for some political dramatic incidences and after giving

much force to build new state through the burden on the public directly or indirectly. At last we are the

people of India who are going to suffer from these political stunts. Don't we think we have suffered a lot

from our politicians and politics they do in the country and still we need to mess up these political dramas.

I urge to Public on India please beware of these culprits of nation and think with your own understanding

what is good and what is bad. At least we want to live in a well developed and peaceful city which is only

possible when we think only about our nation to go in right direction by doing our work in a proper manner

and without corruption.


Amit Siwach

ISC Gold Member

Author: Hafeezur Rahman P         Member Level:

Diamond      Member Rank: 56     Date: 19/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 6

Hi All,

Well, I saw few of them comments regarding this GD topic, very well written. I would like to

share my opinion also over here but brief…

Can we agree with the division of more Indian states?

Yes, we can agree the division of more Indian states; it is just because we need to honor

democracy decision on their own region, people favor and voted for that purpose in Andhra

Pradesh since the agenda of Telangana was already there before the election and center

agrees and joint with them. More states will not break our country however; instead benefit

for common public will be there where some of the state used it only for influential person.

What are the benefits of these new states?

Adding in list one more state in India, different strategies will be there, different allotments

will be there, different outcomes will be there as same as once India was at the same

situation before separating the present states.

Is it only benefits the politicians?

No, it is not only the benefit for the politician but common public, state and government too,

it will boost the development of their own region in terms of economy, education, seating

capacity in all areas, and it will help to take their own decision in most of the state power

cases within shorten time and many more steps ahead.

Do these divisions will affect the unity of the country?

No, it will not affect the unity of the country, because, we are already following “Unity in

Diversity” subject, if we think as such, it would have been affected earlier when our states

already separated.


Hafeezur Rahman

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Hafeezur Rahman

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Author: Shankar Ganesh      Member Level: Diamond      Member Rank: 49     Date:

19/Jan/2010   Rating:     Points: 5


My point is, there is nothing wrong in making more Indian states.

Because, apart from government, politics, economical improvement of the country, there is a big thing.

"Surviving". All the Indians should survive till their end. One can die in disease, accident, or crossing age

limit. But should not be killed.

We can see in newspapers often that the difference of opinion between two different races have been the

cause for most of the clashes in our country. If increasing the number of states of India will reduce

unpeace in the country means, why shouldn't we do that?

How many of us have known the daily problems in the family that depends on a particular race living in a

state where the majority people depends on another race/cost?

So, I don't think making more Indian states is not a wrong thing.

Jai hind.

R.Shankar ganesh.

R.Shankar Ganesh

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