New ppp draft

Post on 09-Apr-2017

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Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

About Us Established in 2009, Viva Islam is a registered charity set up in

order to convey the peaceful message of Islam across Latin America. Our work is guided by the teachings of the Quran and authentic Sunnah.

We aim to demonstrate the true message of our faith through positive action, thereby allowing non Muslims to see and experience the beauty of Islam. We pray that through our efforts - and of course the guidance of Allah (SWT) - people will learn about Islam and accept it as a way of life.

When they listen to what has been sent down to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of what they recognise of the truth. They say, “Our Lord, we have believed! So write us down among the witnesses.” [Surah Al – Maidah, Verse 83]

Our Vision

Our vision is at the heart of our work and shapes all of our activities as a dawah organisation. Through our work, we hope to reach out and touch a part of the world which knows little about the reality of Islam. In doing so, we hope to be counted amongst those who Allah SWT refers to in the following verse:

"To spread the noble message of Islam across Latin America, leading by virtuous example to guide, inspire and educate communities to a better

way of life”

“Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good; enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, they are the ones to attain felicity.” [Surah Al Imran, Verse 104]

Islamic Centre In

Baja Mexico

Rosarito used to be a neighbourhood of the Tijuana Municipality and became an independent city back in 1995, with a population of 150,000 according to last census.

It is very well known for its good gastronomy, especially lobster and seafood, its nice beaches and weather.

It has a big diversity of Religions derived from Christianity.



December 2009, VIVA ISLAM was contacted with a request from two sisters in the city of Rosarito, Baja California Mexico. They needed support to host a dawah event in their local community and had heard of the food and clothes distribution project that VIVA ISLAM had already undertaken nearby.

VIVA ISLAM agreed to provide financial assistance to host a small dawah event which was organised in the home of one of the two sisters. This was the first such funded event of its kind in the area and proved a great success, Alhamdulillah, with the local Muslim community actively engaging with the rest of the residents, informing and educating them about the teachings of Islam



VIVA ISLAM visited Rosarito, B. C. in April 2010 and it was clear that the local Muslim community, many of themselves converts to Islam, had a great desire to spread the teachings of Islam in the local area. With the support of VIVA ISLAM the first Islamic association of Baja, Al Wahid A. C, was setup, which would act as a satellite organisation to spear head the dawah in the community.

The visit also highlighted the clear need for a place of worship for the Muslim community in the area. No such facilities existed wherein the people could perform their daily ritual worship and use as a focal point for dawah and Islamic education. It was from here that the Rosarito Islamic Centre project was born, with the aim to build an Islamic Centre which would provide worship facilities for 250 people as well as a dawah and education hub.


The Rosarito Muslims, although small in number, are committed and are very active in their dawah to the local community. To date there have been many Shahadas and the numbers continue to grow.

Muslim brothers from the U.S. come to Rosarito on a regular basis to teach Islam and Arabic and some have even moved permanently to Baja.

Many brothers and sisters come down from San Diego, Los Angeles and other parts of the US for short breaks and are regular visitors.

The Baja Muslim community is quite small with around 75 Muslims including individuals and families. Alhamdulillah the numbers continue to increase and with the presence of a Islamic Centre the dawah has huge potential.


New Masjid and Islamic Centre in Baja California


The first challenge was where to locate the new centre. Up until then, a local sister had allowed her home to be used as the focal point for prayer gatherings, local classes and dawah events. It was also home to the new Al-Wahid organisation setup earlier in the year. The place was well known by the locals and after initial negotiations with the sister, VIVA ISLAM commissioned a surveyors report on the property and land with a view to purchase both for the site of the new Islamic Centre.

Wanting to share in the reward in this great project, the sister magnanimously discounted the purchase price by a generous 50% and VIVA ISLAM also agreed to rehouse her and her daughter.

The remaining money was generously donated by 3 brothers from the UK who had been actively involved with VIVA ISLAM from the beginning.

It was decided to relocate the sister and her daughter to nearby premises and then demolish the existing house in its entirety in preparation for the new centre.

Al-Wahid offices were also relocated and the temporary premises currently provide :

Prayer and wudho facilities for approx. 40 people.

A teaching room & library with internet facilities.

Kitchen facilities with capacity to cook for the local community throughout the month of Ramadan, again being sponsored by VIVA ISLAM




“Who is it that will lend Allah a goodly loan that He may multiply it for him manifold? And Allah receives and enlarges, and to Him shall you be made to return."

Al Baqarah:246

Ground floor with shop First floor – Segregated

prayer area, wudhoo facilities, kitchen and class rooms

Second floor – consisting of a two bedroom and one bedroom apartment

A top terrace for events & activities

The shop & two apartments will be rented out for to help

towards the running costs of the Centre.



VIVA ISLAM to acquire premises and land for redevelopment. Relocation of current occupants of the premises. Relocation of Al Wahid offices to act as temporary Mussallah and

teaching centre. Engage an Engineer to :

Demolish the property. Level and clear the land. Fence off the land in readiness for Stage 2.



• Engineer cost logs and reports• Structural plans to scale • Taxes and permits required for

construction • Digging and laying structural foundation • Laying drainage and other amenities.


(a) Structure: Ground level with shop Waterproofing walls and roof on all floors

Internal partitions and installation of windows, doors and fittings

to main structure in all floors (b) Structure: First floor (c) Structure: Second floor (2 apartments) (d) Structure: Terrace

The structural development will be done in 3 parts, Ground Floor, 1st Floor, 2nd floor, Terrace depending on availability of funds. Precise costing logs will be done during stage 2 of the engineer’s cost logs, plans and reports with time scales. However, by completing the ground floor, it will enable some activities to be carried out at the Centre whilst the remainder of structure progresses. The above stages are a very brief summary of work to be done, there will be many other things carried out which will be reflected in the engineer’s plans and reports.


Internal partitions Connection of essential supplies (water,

electricity, drainage and other cables) Installation of wudhu /bathroom and kitchen

areas in both centre area and apartments Plastering and installation of electrical

sockets, water connections and drainage Carpeting, tiling and painting



VIVA ISLAM 19-21 Crawford Street Suite 720 London W1H 1PJ

BANK TRANSFER VIVA ISLAM Barclays Bank 2-4 Aldermans Hill Palmers Green, LONDON N13 4PH, United Kingdom

ACC: 634 79 897 Sort /Code: 20-98-21 Swift Code: BARCGB22 From U.S.: BARC GB22 XXX I BAN: IBAN – GB42 – BARC 2098 2163 4798 97

The example of those who spend their money in the cause of Allah is like a seed that sprouts forth seven pods, in each pod there is one hundred seeds; and Allah multiplies for whoever He chooses, and Allah is Encompassing, Knowledgeable

Al Baqarah 261

Tree Plantation

Environmental and agricultural projects form an integral part of our work as a charity. Through our tree plantation scheme, we have already planted 1000 tree saplings, which will flourish and mature over the years. The trees will improve the soil and landscape of the area in which they are planted, as well as provide fruit. Local farmers are used to plant the trees, which provide them with much needed income and support for their families. Through this initiative, we hope to plant thousands of trees which will benefitany communities insha’Allah.


Make a DifferenceWe know there is a lifetime of work ahead of us, and the undertaking of it is huge. However, this also means the opportunity to gain a lifetime of reward. Indeed, Allah says in the Qur’an:


Through our work, we aim to take the message of truth to a part of the world which knows little about Islam. Imagine being part of the rewards of thousands and thousands of people accepting Islam as a new way of life...We would therefore like to extend this unique opportunity to you by inviting you to join us on this journey to attain Paradise insha’Allah.You can help us by:

Making sincere du’as for our work Raising the profile of our charity Donating money to help us carry out our projects

“By time! Surely mankind is in loss. Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to patience.” [Sûrah al-`Asr]

‘Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good; enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, they are the ones to attain felicity.” [3:104]

Current Projects