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New PublicationsSource: The American Art Review, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Dec., 1880), pp. 80-81Published by:Stable URL: .

Accessed: 20/05/2014 18:45

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from the two magazines. This'time'it will be 'a real port folio, with loose sheets, not a bound book. The edition is to be limited to I500 sets, at $5 each. The same firm is about to publish new editions of Dr. Schliemann's AJycenx, revised and 'enlarged, and.of Mr. Clarence Cook's Houtse Beautz/ul, both at reduced prices.

MESSRS. SCRIBNER & WELFORD have ready for publi cation rapanese Pottery, by a native of Japan, with an introduction and catalogue by Aug. W. Franks. The

work is fully illustrated. MESSRS. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co. have ready for publi

cation Rev. Henry Formby's Ancient Rome, and its Con nection with the Christian Relzigion, which will contain numerous illustrations of ancient monuments, sculpture, and coinage, and of the antiquities of the Christian cata combs.

MESSRS. JAMES R. OSGOOD & Co. announce The Open Fireplace in all Ages, by J. Pickering Putnam, architect, of Boston, with 269 illustrations, and new editions, some what smaller in size and less in price, of the heliotype col lections known as the Dresden and the Landseer Galleries.


MESSRS. SAMPSON Low & Co. hlave in press 4 Short History of the British School of Painting, by Mr. George H. Shepherd.

THE ART JOURNAL, under the .new editorship of Mr. Marcus .B. Huish, will number among its contributors Mr. Ruskin, Prof. Colvin, Mr. Burne Jones, Sir Frederick Leighton, and Mr. Holman Hunt.

MESSRS. MITCHELL & HUGHES have issued the eigh teenth volume of the publications of the Kent Archreologi cal Society, illustrated with a large chromolithograph and various engravings of the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral, etc.

MESSRS. CHATTO & WINDUS announce a new volume,

Pencil and Palette: a Book for Artists and Lovers of Art, by Mr. Robert Kempt.

MR. WALTER SMITH publishes a new work by the Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, entitled Greek and Gothic: Progress and Decay in the Three Arts of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting.

MESSRS. SEELEY are about to publish a new and cheaper edition of Mrs. Charles Heaton's Life of Diirer, illustrated with reproductions by M. Amand Durand.

MR. W. STREIT, of Dresden, announces Angelica Kaufmann, Fifty Selected Works in Phiotographs. The work is to be issued in seventeen parts, the last part to be accompanied by the text for the whole. The same pub lisher issues a series of one hundred cabinet photographs from the works of Raphael.

M. ROZEZ publishes an illustrated Catalogue of the His torical Exhibition of Belgian Art, edited by M. F. G.

Dumas. M. ALFRED MICHIELS'S book on Van Dyck et ses El ves

is to be published in the month of December. THE FRENCH MINISTRY OF WAR possesses a collection

of water-colors, by staff officers and by artists who.accom panied the French armies, representing all the sieges, com bats, and battles in which French soldiers were engaged, from the end of the reign of Louis XIV. down to the second Republic. About one hundred and fifty of the most impor tant of these sketclhes are to be lithographed and united I into a volume, for distribution by the Ministry.



British painters; with 8o examples of their work engraved on wood. New York: D. Appleton & Co. i88i [i88o]. 6 + I62 pp. 4to. $8.

The new puiblic buildings on Penn Square, in the city of Philadelphia. Address of Hon. Benjaiimin Harris Brewster, at the laying of the corner-stone, July 4, 1874; with a description of the buildings, the statistics and progress of the work up to Januiary I, i88o, and a sum

mary of legislative and municipal action relating to the ulndertaking; with a brief history of events pertaining thereto. Printed for the Commissioners. Philadelphia. i8So. 38 pp. and Io heliotype plates. 8vo.

VALENTINI, PHILIPP J. J. The Landa alphabet: a Spanish fabrica tion. Worcester, Mass.: C. Hamilton. I880. 35 pp. Illustr. 8vo.

WOLTMANN, DR. A., AND DR. K. WOERMANN. History of ancient, early Christian, and medieval painting. From the German; trans lated and edited by Sidney Colvin. New York: Dodd, Mead, & Co. I880. 26 + 505 pp. Illustr. 4to. $7.50, $I0.50, $r5, according to



ADELINE, J. Hippolyte Bellange et son ceuvre. Paris: Quantin. 280 pp., with etchings and fac-similes (8 plates and 28 text illustrations). 8vo. 20 francs.

ANCILLON DE JouY, G. De la propriete litt6raire et artistique, en droit romain; De la propri6t6 artistique, en droit francais. Nancy. 319 pp. 8vo.

Annales de la Soci6t6 Acad6mique d'Architecture de Lyon. T. 6. Ex ercises I877-1880. Lyon. xciii + 215 pp. Plates and portrait; Large 8vo.

ATKINSON, T. BEAVINGTON. The schools of modem art in Germany. With numerous illustrations. London: Seeley. Folio. Li uIs. 6d.

AUGEROT, A. D'. La peinture et les peintres c6lebres. Limoges: M. Barbou & Cie. xlix + 238 pp. 8vo.

BARBER, MRS. MARY. Some drawings of ancient embroidery. Lon don: Sotheran; 4to. ?2 2S.

Baukunde der Architekten. Unter Mitwirktung von Fachmannern der verschiedenen. Einzelgebiete bearbeitet von den Herausgebern der Deutschen Bauzeitung und des Deutschen Baulkalenders. Mit etwa io68 Holzschn. I. Thl. Berlin: Toeche. i88o. viii + 587 pp.

8vo. io marks. BENOIT, A. Joachim de Sandrart; etude sur Claude Gell6e et sur son

s6jour i Rome. Saint-Die. 14 pp. and portr. 4to. (Extract from the Bull. de la Soc. Plziiomati9ue Vosgienne.)

BETHKE, HM. Decorativer Holzbau. iI.-I6. Lfg. (As previously announced. See REVIEW, Vol. I. p. 406.)

BOILEAU, L. A. Principes et exemples d'architecture ferroniere. Les grandes constructions 6dilitaires en fer; la halle-basilique. Paris: E. Lacroix. (i88i.) 40 pp. and 8 plates. 6.50 francs.

BOUGUERET, A. Cours de dessin lin6aire et de geom6trie pratique d'apres les programmes de la ville de Paris. 20 6d. Paris: Hachette & Cie. i6o pp. I2mo. i.8o francs.

Catalogue de peinture, sculpture et dessin du mus6e de Nimes. Nimes. 88 pp. iSmo.

CHAULNES, DE. Notice sur les vitraux- de l'6glise de Notre-Dame de Sabl6. Mamers. 29 pp. and plate. Svo. (Extract from the Revue

Histori9ue et Archieologique d?{ Maine.) COLONNA, F.. Le songe de Poliphile, etc. Fasc. 2-4. T. I. (fin).

(As previotusly announced. See REVIEW, Vol. I. p. 83.) Congres arch6ologique de France. 460 session. S6ances g6n6rales

tenuies a Vienne, en I879, par la Soci6t6 Frangaise d'Archeologie pour la conservation et la description des monuments. Paris: Champion. lvi + 602 pp. and plates. 8vo.

DESJARDINS, E. Les monumens des thermes romains de Luxeuil. Paris: Champion. 55 pp. Illustr. 8vo. (Extract from the Bul letin Monumental.)

DEVILLE, J. Dictionnaire du tapissier, critique et historique de l'a meublement frangais depuis les temps les plus recul6s jusqu'd nos jours. Par J. D., pr6sident honoraire de la chambre syndicale des tapissiers. 4th (and last) fasc. Paris: Claesen. Pp. 433-543, tables, and 27 plates. 4t0. The complete work, 4 parts, 20 francs.

FEHRMANN, E. G. Die architektonischen Formen der Renaissance, etc. 5. Lfg. (As previously announced. See REVIEW, Vol. I. p. 3I6.)

FAVRE, MGR. Vie et travaux de M. L6on Moynet, statuaire i Ven deuvre. 20 6d. Saint-Dizier. 114 pp. and portr. 8vo.

GOTH, THD. Methode des elementaren Zeichenunterrichts. I-3. Abth. Lahr: Schauenburg. i88o. 99 lithogr. plates. Folio. 6 marks.

GOUT, P. L'ceuvre de Viollet-le-Duc. Par M. P. G., architecte du gouvernement. Paris: Ve. Morel & Cie. 62 pp. Illustr. 8vo. (Extract from the Gazette des Beaeux-Arts.)

GRUNER, L. Die decorative Kunst. 5. u. 6. Lfg. (As previously an nounced. See REVIEW, Vol. I. p. 451.)

HENRIET, L. D'. Cours rationnel de dessin a l'usage des 6coles 6l6men taires. Le dessin d'imitation. 30 ed. Paris: Hachette & Cie. 156 pp., 8vo, with 2o6 figures in the text and an album of 44 lithogr. copies.

Japanese Pottery: Beina a native report, with an introduiction and cata logue by Augustus W. Franks. With illustrations and marks. (South Kensington Handbookcs.) London: Chapman &Hall. 112 pp. Post 8vo. 2S. 6d.

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LAFFETAY, J. Notice historique et descriptive sur la tapisserie dite de la reine Mathilde (exposee h la biblioth6que de Bayeux). 3e ed.

Bayeux. 79 pp. 8vo. LATTEUX, L. Memoire sur les anciens vitraux des departements du

Pas-de-Calais et du Nord, pr6sente au congres tenti par la Societ6 Francaise d'Arch6ologie k Arras en i88o. Amiens. 36 pp. 8vo.

LECUREUR, A. Le salon dti Havre en iS8o, revue coiiiplete de lexpo sition des beaux-arts. Le Havre: Impr. du journal le Havre. 115 pp. 8vo.

Manuel i l'usage des 6leves de la troisieme classe. Notions sur les arts: architecture, sculpture, peintuire et musique. Paris. 574 pp. i8mo.

MARIETTE, A. Cataloguie 6ne'ral des monuments d'Abydos d6couverts pendants les fouilles de cette ville. Paris: Imp. Nationale. viii + 598 pp. Illustr. and photogr. plate. 4to.

MOCKEL, G. L. Atisgefihrte und projectirte Kirchen, Villen und Wohnhauser mit ubersichtlicher Ztisammenstellung der Herstellungs kosten. I.-3. Lfg. Dresden: Gilbers. i88o. Each part, 6 fol. plates in heliotype, 6 marks. (To be completed in 12 parts.)

Real-Encyclopadie der christlichen Alterthiimer. Unter Mitwrirkung mehrerer Fachgenossen bearb. u. herausgeg. von F. X. Kraus. Mit zahlreichen, zunI grossten Theil Martigny's Dictionnaire des Antiqui tes Chr6tiennes entnommenen Holzschn. 3. Lfg. Freiburg i. Br.:

Herder. I880. PP. 193-288. 8vo. i.8o marks. REICHENSPERGER, A. Parlamentarisches iiber Kunst und Kunsthand

werk, nebst Glossen dazu. Koln: Bachem. i88o. 96 pp. 8vo. I mark.

SCHLUMBERGER, G. Le tresor de San'f (monnaies himyaritiques). Paris: Leroux. 69 pp. and plates. Large 4t0.

WELFORD, RICHARD. A descriptive and historical account of the monuments and tombstones in the church of St. Nicholas, Newcastle upon-Tyne. London: Hamilton. 4t0. Li Iis. 6d.

WOLTMANN, ALFRED, AND WOERMANN, KARL. History of Paint iing. Vol. I.: Ancient, early Christian, and mediaeval painting.

From the German edition, by Sidney Colvin. London: C. Kegan Paul. 520 pp. Illustr. Medium 8vo. Li Ios.


[Only those American Periodicals are included in this list which are not specially devoted to Art.]

ATLANTIC MONTHLY for December: -Gifford. I. The Closed Stu dio. II. Of Winter Nights. Two poems. By Edmund C. Stedman.

THE NATION for Nov. 4th: -The " Restoration " of St. Marks. By W. J. Stillman.

NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW for December: - Discoveries at Olympia. By Prof. Ernst Curtius. -The Ruins of Central America. Part IV. By Desir6 Charnay. Illustr.

SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY for December: -Glimpses of Parisian Art. I. By Henry Bacon and Frederick H. Allen. Illustr. -Jean FranSois Millet. Peasant and Painter. IV. By Alfred Sensier. Illtistr.




tion of the new building for the National Museum, with a perspective view, ground-plan, and section, is given in the Americanz Architect of Oct. 23d. An appropriation of $250,000 for this building was made by Congress on

March 4th, I879. On March 25th following, the construc tion of the building was placed in charge of Messrs. Cluss

& Schulze, architects, the authors of the adopted design, who are about to finish the building, within the limit of the moderate amount placed at their disposal. The building, which will be ready to receive the cases and the steam heating apparatus by July next, forms a square with sides of 327 feet, containing a net area of 102,200 square feet, and surmounted by a cross and a dome. On the main floor there are seventeen halls, affording 80,300 square feet of floor space, and a proportionate amount of wall space. There are, besides, 135 rooms for administrative purposes, etc., the majority of which are located in the upper stories of the four corner pavilions and eight towers. The build ing is constructed of brick, in a modernized Romanesque style of architecture, in keeping with the adjacent Smith sonian building.


The trustees have ordered from Mr. M. Ezekiel, Rome, the sculptor of the four statues in niches in front of the Gal lery, seven other statues, of the same style and material, for the niches on the west (17th Street) side of the build ing. The life-size bronze bust of the late President of the Board of Trustees, Dr. J. C. Hall, by H. K. Bush

Brown, Newburgh, has arrived, and is placed in the Bronze Hall. Mr. Frederick A. Bridgman's superb picture of the Procession of the Sacred Bull Apis, lately exhibited in Boston, was purchased by Mr. Corcoran for the Gallery as soon as it arrived here. The Gallery has purchased from Mr.-B. C. Porter, of Boston, his well-known portrait

of a lady of that city, wherein a pug-dog is introduced on a chair before her. This picture was exhibited here some years since, and excited great -admiration. Mr. Jervis

McEntee's picture of Clouds, just returned from London, where it was exhibited in the Royal Academy, has been placed on exhibition.


examination of the catalogues of the loan exhibitions of paintings held in the 14th Street building in I873, I874, I875, and 1876, and in the new building in Central Park

during the present year, reveals the following facts. Eight catalogues of loan collections of pictures have been issued. They contain the names of very nearly i,ooo distinct pic tures, from the hands of about 475 different artists of vari ous schools. During the same time, the Museum has exhibited about 330 pictures of its own, the work of 140 artists not included above, making the total number of pictures exhibited over 1,300, and of artists represented over 6oo. If to these figures are added those of the Cen tennial Loan Exhibition in I876 at the National Academy of Design (which was collected by the joint efforts of the Academy and of the Museum), the grand totals rise to I,760 and 740 respectively. The first exhibition in the new building - April to October, I88o -brought together 315 pictures not owned by the Museum, of which 282 had not been hung upon its walls before. The names of 178 artists appear, of whom 82 had not been represented be

fore. TIhe present exhibition, which will continue through the winter, contains 342 loaned pitcures (235 not pre viously exhibited), and illustrates the work of I48 artists, of whom io8 have not been previously represented. -The

Museum, as before mentioned, has lately received from

Italy, by the liberality of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, one of

its trustees, a very extensive and valuable collection of

drawings by old masters, principally of the Italian schools. The collection was begun in the last century by Count

Maggiori, the author of an artistic guide-book to -Loreto

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