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(An Experimental Research at the Fifth Grade of SDN 01 Manggungsari

Weleri Kendal in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Gaining

the Degree of Bachelor in English Language Education


Ahmad Sofi Irwanto Student Number: 073411030






I am, the student with the following identity:

Name of Student : Ahmad Sofi Irwanto

Student Number : 073411030

Department : English Language Education

certify that this is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the

content of this thesis. Other writer’s opinions of finding included in the thesis are

quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

Semarang, May 7th

, 2012

The Writer,


Student Number: 073411030





Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka (Kampus II) Ngaliyan Semarang

Telp. 024-7601295 Fax 7615387


Thesis with the following identification:




(An Experimental Research at the Fifth Grade of SDN 01

Manggungsari Weleri Kendal in the Academic Year of


Name of Student : AHMAD SOFI IRWANTO

Student Number : 073411030

Department : Tadris

Filed of Study : English Language Education

had been ratified by the board of examiners of Education Faculty of Walisongo

State Institute for Islamic Studies and can be received as one of any requirement

for gaining the Bachelor Degree in English Language Education.

Semarang, June 27th

, 2012


Chair Person,

Dr. Musthofa,

NIP. 19710403 199603 1 002


Siti Tarwiyah, SS, M.Hum. NIP.1972110 8 199903 2001

Examiner I,

Dr. Muslih, M.pd.

NIP. 0744444 67 88899

Examiner II,

Daviq Rizal, M.pd.

NIP. 19771025 200701 1015

Advisor I,

Siti Tarwiyah, SS, M.Hum NIP. 19721108 199903 2001

Advisor II,

Drs. H. Abdul Wahid, M.Ag.

NIP. 19691114 199403 1 003


ADVISOR NOTE Semarang, May 7th

, 2012


The Dean of Education Faculty

Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

I inform that I have given guidance, briefing and correction to whatever extent

necessary of the following thesis identification:




(An Experimental Research at the Fifth Grade of SDN 01

Manggungsari Weleri Kendal in the Academic Year of


Name of Student : AHMAD SOFI IRWANTO

Student Number : 073411030

Department : Tadris

Field of Study : English Language Education

I state that the thesis is ready to be submitted to Education Faculty Walisongo

State Institute for Islamic Studies to be examined at Munaqasyah session.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Advisor I,


ADVISOR NOTE Semarang, May 7th

, 2012


The Dean of Education Faculty

Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

I inform that I have given guidance, briefing and correction to whatever extent

necessary of the following thesis identification:




(An Experimental Research at the Fifth Grade of SDN 01

Manggungsari Weleri Kendal in the Academic Year of


Name of Student : AHMAD SOFI IRWANTO

Student Number : 073411030

Department : Tadris

Field of Study : English Language Education

I state that the thesis is ready to be submitted to Education Faculty Walisongo

State Institute for Islamic Studies to be examined at Munaqasyah session.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Advisor II,



Title : The Effectiveness of Music Performance to Teach

English Cardinal and Ordinal Number

Writer : Ahmad Sofi Irwanto

Student Number : 073411030

One of measurements of teaching learning process success is the

participation of student in teaching learning process. However, the success up to

now is still difficult to achieve. It is because of the lack of appropriate media in

learning process. In this research, the writer focuses on using music in that music

can improve students’ motivations when teaching learning run. It also happens at

SDN 01 Manggungsari Weleri Kendal. Based on beginning observations of

English teaching learning process which run especially cardinal and ordinal

number, it showed that teaching learning process is still teacher-centered;

meanwhile, students are only passive in joining the lesson. Monotonous situation

caused students bored and ignore the lesson. “using music as a media to maximize

human ability will be a very significant effort because music is able to motivate

and encourage participation in activities which will help to achieve the learning


This study is about The Effectiveness of Music Performance to Teach

English Cardinal and Ordinal Number at the Fifth Grade of SDN 01

Manggungsari Weleri Kendal in the Academic Year of 2011/2012. The statement

of the problem in this study is; How is the effectiveness of music performance to

teach English cardinal and ordinal number at the fifth grade of SDN 01

Manggungsari in the academic year of 2011-2012? The objective of this study is

to find out the effectiveness of music performance to teach English cardinal and

ordinal number at the fifth grade of SDN 01 Manggungsari Weleri Kendal in the

academic year of 2011/2012.

The population of this research was the fifth grade of SDN 01

Manggungsari Weleri Kendal. The research method was an experimental research,

which conducted in two classes; the experimental group (VA) and control group

(V B) was. The( VA) was taught by using music performance, while the (VB) was

taught without music performance (using conventional method). The writer gave a

test to gather the data. There were two test; pre test and post test. Before items of

the test were given to the students, the writer gave tryout test to analyze validity,

reability, difficulty level and discriminating power of each item.

After the data had been collected by using test, it was found that the pre-

test average of the experimental group was 65.17 and control group was 65.50.

While, the post-test average of the experimental group was 80.00 and control

group was 73.16. The obtained t-test was 2.055, whereas the t-table was 1.67 for a

= 5%. The t-test score was higher than the t-table (2.055> 1.67). It was meant that

Ha was accepted while Ho was rejected. Since t-test score was higher than the t-

table, the use of music performance as media in the teaching of cardinal and

ordinal number is effective. Based on the finding, the writer assumes that music

performance may be used as one of alternative medium in the teaching of cardinal

and ordinal number.



As this final project was done, I would like to express my deepest thanks

to Allah SWT for his blessing all along my beautiful life, whom give all I have

and have done to.

Bless and Salutation may be granted to our noble prophet Muhammad

SAW and his family, his friends, and his followers who have brought Islam until

this present.

The researcher realizes that he cannot complete this final project without

the help of others. Many people have helped the writer during the writing this

final project and it would be impossible to mention all of them. The researcher

wishes, however, to give the writer sincerest gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Dr. H. Sujai, M.Ag, as the Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty

2. Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum. as the Head of English Department and also as the

first advisor who would like to make time, energy, and thought for advising

and directing me during the arrangement of this thesis.

3. Drs. H. Abdul Wahid, M.Ag. as the second advisor for his patience in

providing careful guidance, helpful corrections, very good advice as well as

suggestion and encouragement during the consultation.

4. Lectures in English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty for valuable knowledge,

guidance, and advice during the years of my study.

5. My Beloved mother, Asmanah and beloved father Samroni, You are

the best supporter for the researcher.

6. My beloved brother, Ikhsan Agus Ryan who always support and motivate me.

7. My dearest friend, Dyah Listiyani. Thanks for accompanying me, without

your support this thesis would not have been completed in its present form.

8. All my family in KPT BETA who always give me inspiration to play theater

and Music.

9. My Band “SIMBIAN” (Namex, Tarjono, Eko Agus, Rose Blues, W7, Pip) we

are Rock “N” Roll.


10. All members of English Language Education ’07 (especially TBI A) The

writer will always remember you.

11. All my friends, Hasan Basri, Azis, Eka, Suprianto, Ade Lukmono, Ulum.

12. All members of my boarding house, Kupu Biru House, Wismasari No.27 and

all people who might not be mentioned individually here.

13. Last but not least, those who can not be mentioned one by one, who have

supported the writer to finish this thesis.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect.

Therefore, the writer will happily accept constructive criticism in order to make it

better. The writer hopes that this thesis would be beneficial to everyone. Amin

Semarang, May 7th


The Writer,


Student Number: 073411030




TITLE .................................................................................................................. i

THESIS STATEMENT ...................................................................................... ii

RATIFICATION ................................................................................................. iii

ADVISOR NOTE .............................................................................................. iv

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xii

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1

A. Background of The Research ............................................... 1

B. Questions of The Research ................................................. 4

C. Objectives and Benefit of The Research .............................. 4


A. Previous Research ............................................................... 6

B. Theoretical Framework ....................................................... 7

1. General Concept of Media ............................................. 7

2. General Concept of Music ............................................ 8

3. General Concept of Music Performance ......................... 11

4. General Concept of Vocabulary ..................................... 16

5. General Concept of Cardinal Number ............................. 20

6. General Concept of Ordinal Number .............................. 23

7. The Characteristics of Elementary School Students ....... 25

C. Hypothesis ............................................................................ 27

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................ 28

A. Research Design ................................................................. 28

B. Research Setting ................................................................ 28

C. Population and Sample ...................................................... 29


D. Variable and Indicator ....................................................... 29

E. Data Collection Technique ................................................ 31

F. Data Analysis Technique ................................................... 33


A. Description of The Research ............................................. 39

B. The Activities of Experimental and Control Group .......... 40

C. The Data Analysis and Test of Hypothesis ....................... 44

D. Discussion of Research Finding ........................................ 58

E. Limitation of The Research ............................................... 59

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................. 60

A. Conclusion ......................................................................... 60

B. Suggestion ........................................................................... 60






Table 1 Cardinal Number, 21.

Table 2 Ordinal Number, 24.

Table 3 List of time of the study, 30.

Table 4 The List of Indicators and Variables, 32.

Table 5 The Frequency Distribution of Pre Test of Class V A, 52.

Table 6 The Frequency Distribution of Pre Test of Class V B, 53

Table 7 Test of Homogeneity of Pre Test, 54.

Table 8 The Frequency Distribution of of Post Test Class V A, 57.

Table 9 The Frequency Distribution of of Post Test Class V B, 58

Table 10 Test of Homogeneity of Pre Test,58



Appendix 1 The Subjects List of Try-out Class, 1.

Appendix 2 The Subjects List of Control Class, 2.

Appendix 3 The Subjects List of Experimental Class, 3.

Appendix 4 Table Analysis of Validity, Reliability, Discriminating Power,

and Index of Difficulty Level of Tryout Class, 4.

Appendix 5 Validity Computation of Tryout Test, 6.

Appendix 6 Reliability Computation of Tryout Test, 7.

Appendix 7 Difficulty Level Computation of Tryout Test, 8.

Appendix 8 Discriminating Power Computation of Tryout Test, 9.

Appendix 9 Pre-Test Score of Control and Experimental Class, 10.

Appendix 10 Post-Test Score of Control and Experimental Class, 11.

Appendix 11 Test of Normality Data of Pre-Test Control Class, 12.

Appendix 12 Test of Normality Data of Pre-Test Experimental Class, 13.

Appendix 13 Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances Data of Pre-Test between

Experimental and Control Class, 14.

Appendix 14 The Test Average of Similarity Pre-Test Score of Experimental

and Control Class, 15.

Appendix 15 Test of Normality Data of Post-Test Control Class, 16.

Appendix 16 Test of Normality Data of Post-Test Experimental Class, 17.

Appendix 17 Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances Data of Post-Test

between Experimental and Control Class, 18.

Appendix 18 The Test Average of Difference Post-Test Score of Experimental

and Control Class, 19.

Appendix 19 Lesson Plan for Control Class, 20.

Appendix 20 Lesson Plan for Experimental Class, 40.

Appendix 21 The Questions Sheet of Tryout Test, 65.

Appendix 22 The Questions Sheet of Pre-test, 68.

Appendix 23 The Questions Sheet of Post-test, 70.

Appendix 24 Answer key of Tryout Test, 71.


Appendix 25 Answer key of Pre-test, 72.

Appendix 26 Answer key of Post-test, 73.

Appendix 27 Transcripts Sample of Students’ Work, 74.




A. Background of Study

It is based on the fact that language learning is influenced by some factor,

like motivation, and reinforcement. A teacher should be careful in observing the

students understanding of the material in teaching learning process. One way to

make better image in teaching learning process is a good method. One thing that

should not be forgotten the tendency of linguistic posessed more by left

hemisphere of brain than the right one. We have known that the function of left

hemisphere of our brain is only for right hand control, science and technology

ability of Conversation, thinking, written language, and memory, otherwise, right

hemisphere of brain has functions for left hand control, awareness of music,

imagination, art awereness, perception and three dimensions.1 Convensional

method more focuses its attention on use of left hemisphere than right hemisphere

of our brain we have to balance both hemispheres. In fact, we also have to solve

this problem. The writer conducts this study to find new way of balancing use of

both left hemisphere and right one.

Experts believe that learning process by using music build a new pathway in

the brain and give more than just a causal relationship to the development of

certain parts of the brain in the long term. Music stimulates a greater connection

than can be provided by any other stimulus to the left hemisphere of the brain with

the right ones and between the areas in the brain responsible for emotion and

memory. Using music as a medium to maximize human ability will be a

significant effort because music is able to motivate and encourage participation in

1 Bobbi DePorter and Mike Hernacki, Quantum learning (translated edition), Bandung : PT

Mizan Pustaka, November 2009, p.36-38


activities which will help to achieve the goals in the social functions, language,

and motorist.

Furthermore, Sari said that the brain will work optimally when both

hemispheres are used together. This can be seen if children only learn by using the

left hemisphere which has a function cultivate about science, business and

education while the right brain is not activated which should have the function of

thinking, feeling, imagining, and creating. As well, they are just using the right

brain without balanced with the utilization of the left brain, he might be a lot of

singing, talking, or drawing, but only a little knowledge can get into his brain. One

way to combine left and right hemisphere functions is by using music when the

students understand easily the lesson.2

One of measurements of teaching learning process success is the

participation of student in teaching learning process. However, the success up to

now is still difficult to achieve. It is because of the lack of appropriate media in

learning process. In this research, the writer focuses on using music in that music

can improve students’ motivations when teaching learning run. It also happens at

SDN 01 Manggungsari Weleri Kendal. Based on initial observations of English

teaching learning process which run especially cardinal and ordinal number

materials in fifth grade, it showed that teaching learning process was still teacher-

centered; meanwhile, students were only passive in joining the lesson.

Monotonous situation caused students bored and ignore the lesson.

To make the students motivated and enjoyable to learn, the teacher should

use interesting teaching methods, as Jeremy Harmer said that teacher’s method in

teaching could be intrinsic motivation which motivates the students to learn.3

Therefore, it is important for teachers to gain some knowledge. Harmer’s

2 Sari, N.R. 2005. Musik dan Kecerdasan Otak Bayi, ( Bogor : KH. Kharisma Buka Aksara) p.

45-46. 3 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English New Edition, (England: Longman, 2007), p.20.


statement is supported by Hadits Anas bin Malik about happy and enjoyable


"Narrated Anas bin Malik: The propet Muhammad SAW said: Facilitate

things to people (concerning religious matters), and do not make it hard for them

and give them good tidings and do not make them run away. 5

That hadits explains that the learning process should be made easy and fun

so that students are not pressured by psychologist and do not feel bored in the

classroom situation, as well as what is being taught by their teacher. A learning

should also use appropriate methods adapted to the circumstances, especially

considering the circumstances of people who will learn. In addition, music

performance is used to motivate students and create a more relaxing.

That is why the writer uses music performance to teach English cardinal and

ordinal number. It is also based on the fact that learning styles are divided into four

kinds. Namely :

1. Kinesthetic Style

This style usually called hyperactive character. Because the character

easy in memorizing teaching learning material by using body movement.

2. Auditory Learners

Auditory is something that is related with sound and most of us learning

with sound and most of us learn with soul that we hear and listen everyday.

Like growing infant, the first step they learn to speak is by listening to mothers


4Imam Abi Muhammad, Sahih Bukhori, (Bairut: Darul Kutub Al-ilmiah, 1992). P.60

5Muhammad Muhsin Khan, The Translation of the Meaning of Sahih Bukhori Vol.1,(Islamic

University: Medina Al-munawara: 1980), p.60.


3. Visual Learner

Is a simbol learner. It means that this style is easy to memorize

somethimg representated in sybol, picture, map, diagram, or area condition as a

visual medium. This character thinks based on object, concrete thing.

4. Intellectual Learner

This style is covered all styler, there is no specific style for this character.

This style is combination between the three character above.6

This study wants to know how music performance can scope distintions of

students learning style. From explanation above, the writer hopes that this study

can help teachers find best method to teach English, especially cardinal and

ordinal number, that is by performing music.

Based on evidence above the writer tries to study it in the research by title:

The Effectiveness of Music Performance to Teach English Cardinal and Ordinal

Number (An Experimental Research at the Fifth Grade of SDN 01 Manggungsari

Weleri Kendal in the Academic Year of 2011/2012).

B. Question of The Research

According to background of study above, so the problem can be formulated

in the research, that is: How is the effectiveness of music performance to teach

English cardinal and ordinal number at the fifth grade of SDN 01 Manggungsari in

the academic year of 2011-2012?

C. Objective and Benefit of The Research

Based on research question above, the objective of this study will be to

identify the effectiveness of music performance to teach English cardinal and

ordinal number at the fifth grade of SDN 01 Manggungsari Weleri Kendal in the

academic year of 2011/2012.

6 Bobbi DePorter and Mike Hernacki, Quantum learning, p. 112-118.


The benefits of the study can be mentioned as follows:

1. For students :

By using music performance as a medium of teaching English cardinal

and ordinal number the students will be enjoy to follow the English class. They

will be easy to understand the lesson and memorable, so that, it can improve

their understanding on English cardinal and ordinal number.

2. For teachers :

Teacher can use the result of this study as a reference when they want to

improve their teaching method. The result of this study may also show the

teacher that music performance can be an interesting media in teaching English

cardinal and ordinal number.

3. For the writer

It hopes that the result of the investigation will be useful input for the

writer to improve the knowledge about teaching vocabulary especially on

cardinal and ordinal number and it will be useful in the future as the prospective

teacher in preparing teaching process.




A. Previous Research

Previous research which is relevant is the description of the relationship

between the problems examined in the theoretic framework used and in relation

to the relevant previous research.1

In composing this proposal, the writer considered some previous

researches related to this study, those are:

1. Thesis entitled, The Use of Songs to Improve Students Pronunciation. This is a

classroom action research of the eleventh Grade students of MANU Limpung-

Batang in the academic year of 2008/2009.2

The similarities between her research and the writer’s were on the use of

songs. The differences were on research approach, object of the study,

participant, and the data analysis.

2. Thesis entitled, Identifying The Effectiveness of Using Songs to Teach Parts of

Speech. This is an experimental research of the seventh Grade students of

SMP Negeri 01 Bansari Temanggung in the Academic year of 2009/2010.3

The similarities between her research and the writer’s were on the use of

songs, research approach, and the data analysis. The differences were on

object of the study and participant.

1Abdul Wahib, dkk,. Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi Program Strata Satu (S.1), (Semarang:

Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Walisongo, 2010), p.12. 2Ulfatun Kurnia, (043411077), The Use of Songs to Improve Students Pronunciation,

(Semarang: English Department of Tarbiyah faculty IAIN Walisongo Semarang, 2009) Unpublished

thesis. 3Resmi Handayani, (053411075), Identifying The Effectiveness of Using Songs to Teach Parts

Of Speech., (Semarang: English Department of Tarbiyah faculty IAIN Walisongo Semarang,2010)

Unpublished thesis.


B. Theoretical Framework

1. General Concept of Media

a. Definition of Media

Media is the plural form of medium. According to Azhar Arsyad,

“Media are the accessories that can send and transmits learning messages.”4

In teaching learning process, media is much needed. Media not only can

send learning messages but also sometimes entertain students. Example,

occasionally, teacher gives the students songs and asks them to sing cardinal

and ordinal number songs in their lesson, students will be comfortable and


b. Kinds of Media

According to Kasihani K.E Suyanto teaching media can be classified

into three categories. They are:

1) Visual Media

They are media that can be seen. It would captivate visual sense

eyes mostly. It can be formed of picture, moving picture or animation and

flashcard, etc.

2) Audio Media

They are media that can be listened from audio media. It means that

audio media has sound which is listened by us. And to mean as thinking

that the contents message in audiotape form such as vocal cord/tape

recorder and video compact disk which can stimulus thought feeling, idea

and students it happens on teaching and learning process.

3) Audio visual media

They are media that have sound and picture. Video is an example

from audio visual media in teaching and it has a sound because it is

4Azhar Arsyad, Media Pembelajaran, (Jakarta: PT. Rajawali Press, 2011), p. 4.


produced to get to appear the reality picture in the original form it

describes science theory and animated.5

In this study, the writer uses audio visual media named music

performance as the interaction media, because by using music

performance it can motivate the students to learn and pay attention to the

material given.

2. General Concept of Music

a. Definition of Music

“Music is arrangement of sounds made by instruments or voices in a

way that is pleasant and exciting.”6 It is said to be an art, or form of

entertainment, it is also often defined by contrast with noise or speech. Some

definitions of music place it explicitly within a cultural context by defining

music as what people accept as musical.

In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, “Music is the science or art of

composing the tone or voice uttered, the combination and temporal

relationships to produce a composition (voice), which has a balance and

cohesion, tone or sound organized in such a way that contains rhythms,

songs and harmony (especially those that can produce that sounds)”.7

Based on the definition above, the writer can conclude that the music

can also be called as a medium of art, where in general people express

creativity and their artistic expression through the sounds or voices. Hence

the definition of music is universal, depending on how people play it and

enjoy it.

5Kasihani K.E. Suyanto, English for Young Learners, (Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara, 2007), P.102

6Edinburgh Gate Harlow, Longman Advanced American Dictionary. (England:2007), p.1049.

7Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Digital (Software PC),


b. Kind of Music

1) Classic

“Classical music, strictly defined, means music produced in the

Western world between 1750 and 1820. This music included opera,

chamber music, choral pieces, and music requiring a full orchestra. To

most, however, classical music refers to all of the above types of music

within most time periods before the 20th century.”8 As we know that,

classic music is the oldest music genre because it is present before 20th

century. Most of them play acoustic guitar with using nylon string.

2) Blues

“Blues is a type of slow, sad music, originally from southern US, in

which the singer typically sings about their difficult life or bad luck in

love”.9 Usually blues music is played by Afro-American, like as Jimmy

Hendrix. Blues music dominantly play electric guitar blues, such as

Fender stratocaster or Gibson less Paul. Like as Jimy Hendrix, blues

musicians play guitar while singing.

3) Country

“Country music is a popular music which is based on a type of

traditional music from the Western and Southern United States.”10 The

term country music gained popularity in the 1940s in preference to the

earlier term hillbilly music. Country music is used today to describe


4) Jazz

“Jazz is part a type of popular music that usually a strong beat and

parts for performers to play alone.”11 Usually performers use jazz guitar,

8 [Accessed at 29/9/2011].

9 Pono Banoe, Kamus Musik, (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2003). P. 57

10 Pono Banoe, Kamus Musik, P. 98

11 Edinburgh Gate Harlow, Longman Advanced American Dictionary. (England:2007) p.859.


trombone, piano, trumpet, and saxophone. Important element in jazz is

the blue notes, improvisation, polyrhythm, syncopation, and shuffle notes.

5) Rock

“Rock is a type of popular music with a strong loud beat which is

usually played with electric guitars and drums.”12 Rock music developed

during and after the 1960s, particularly in the United Kingdom and the

United States. It has its roots in 1940s and 1950s rock and roll, itself

heavily influenced by rhythm and blues and country music. Rock music

also drew strongly on a number of other genres such as blues and folk,

and incorporated influences from jazz, classical, and other musical


6) Pop

“Pop is modern popular music, usually with a strong beat, created

with electrical or electronic equipment, and easy to listen and to

remember.”13 Pop music (a term that originally derives from an

abbreviation of "popular") is usually understood to be commercially

recorded music, often oriented towards teenagers, usually consisting of

short and simple songs.

From several kinds of music above, a teacher has to truly understand

if he or she wants to apply music as a medium of learning, and not all

types of music can be applied in the learning process because each types

of music have a distinct character of different tones. So, the writer uses

country music when he/she sings the cardinal and ordinal numbers

because the tone of country music is more dominant on major chords

which use happy tones. Hopefully, students are able to learn enjoyably in

the learning process.


Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 3rd Ed. (Software PC). 13

Pono Banoe, Kamus Musik, P. 341


3. General Concept of Music Performance

a. Definition of Performance

Performance is a show which is played by person and group in certain

time and place. It has several types like musical show, theatre, comedy, and

opera. A teacher who teaches in class can be called as a person who makes a

show because in teaching, teacher shows his skills to his students.

From explanation above, it can be concluded that show has several

kinds like musical show, theatre, comedy, and opera. So, in this case musical

performance can give positive effect to English learners especially in

cardinal and ordinal number.

According to Longman advanced American dictionary, performance is

“An act of performing a play, piece of music, etc or an occasion when it is

performed.”14 A performance comprises an event in which generally one

group of people (the performer or performers) behaves in a particular way

for the benefit of another group of people (the viewer or viewers, or

audience).15 Sometimes the dividing line between performer and audience

may become blurred, as in the example of "participatory theatre" where

audience members might get involved in the theatrical event.

Based on those definitions above, the writer concludes that by using

music performance the students can learn easily and fun because music can

motivate students’ enthusiastic.

b. Music Performance as Media in Teaching

Students in the elementary school are not often motivated by

themselves. So, they sometimes need something which can attract them. In

this case, the teacher must really select appropriate techniques or using

Medias to present the lesson well. Media is a plural form of medium that


Edinburgh Gate Harlow, Longman Advanced American Dictionary. p.1174. 15, [Accessed at 30/09/2011].


means a way to express ideas or communicate with other. The use of media

can obtain maximum benefit in improving human performance and

promoting learning especially in education. Media can often help the

students to understand something presented better than telling them verbally.

From the explanation above, the researcher has to choose the

appropriate media to get students’ interaction. Music is great tools to use in

the classroom. Everyone likes listening of music and the right song can not

only be fun for the students and teacher but also be used in affective way to

teach variety of language, like teach phrase, grammar, and also vocabulary,

especially vocabulary cardinal and ordinal number. To get maximum result,

the teacher should choose and select the music that is suitable with students’

needs and the aim of the teaching. Music is chosen as a great technique to

teach English for children because tune and rhythm are important parts in

children life and also as tools to teach language to the children. Teaching and

learning language, especially foreign language will be more interesting if it

is served with interesting media.16

The writer uses cardinal and ordinal number song, which he takes from

tone of children song, for example Naik-Naik ke Puncak Gunung and Hari

Minggu. Children songs are a good media to teach students, because children

songs have power to attract students to follow it. According to Cambridge

Advance Learner Dictionary, “performance is the action of entertaining

other people by dancing, singing, acting, or playing music.”17 It can be stated

that performance is an action to entertain other people through dancing,

singing, acting, or playing music. It has meaning and interested to be acted.


Kasihani K.E. Suyanto, English for Young Learners,p.114. 17

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 3rd Ed. (Software PC).


Therefore, a performance should be able to attract other people to

enjoy it when the performance happened. Singing and playing music are one

of components of performance that can attract the audience.

In this study the writer uses music performance as media to teach

English cardinal and ordinal number because music performance can

motivate students in the learning process. Through music performance

students can enjoy to follow learning activity that can affect students easy to

understand it.

c. Consideration for Choosing Music Performance

Music performance, if done properly by the teacher, is an excellent

medium in learning process. Unfortunately, music performance are still

unfamiliar for teacher because teachers usually plays music or sings a song

just by using tape recorder, whereas this method are more attractive than by

using tape recorder.

Choosing the right children songs for elementary school students is not

easy. Children songs that are used should suitable for their world. When

teacher wants to apply music performance in teaching and learning process,

teacher should know what kind of song that she/he would bring into the

class. Harmer suggests two ways to solve the problem about the way in

selecting the song to be brought in the class. The first is to have students to

bring their own favorite songs in the class. The second way is to use the old

song. Teacher could ask students whether they like the song or not. Teacher

can choose songs which they like and which are appropriate for the



Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Pearson Education,



In this research, the writer uses the old song because it is more familiar

for children. So, when teacher teaches cardinal and ordinal number song,

students are easier to follow it.

There are several reasons why learning can use music performance in

class time:

1) Music is fun and learners will like performing it. Through music children

interact with their environment.

2) Music adds variation to a lesson and increase motivation by providing a

plausible incentive to use the target language. For many children between

four and twelve years old, especially the youngest, language learning will

not be the key motivational factor.

3) Music can help students that have less intelligence.

4) Music is used to relax the mind and body. Music enables learners to be

free from pressure and stress.

5) Music is deliberately used to teach language, society, and culture. Songs

encode cultural meanings, inspiration, and worldviews. In other words,

songs tell thousands of human stories.

6) One of the most important factors for achieving teaching and learning

effectiveness is social harmony among learners. In a classroom, children

often sing together to celebrate birthday, to play games together, to

appreciate the feeling of togetherness.19

From several reasons above, music performance is very useful because

we can build students’ motivation in teaching and learning process. In the

learning process, there are several factors that make a lesson not delivered

optimally such as lack of motivation, class situation, boredom and lack of

concentration. It becomes classical problems in the learning process. So, as a

teacher we should be creative.


Djohan, Psikologi Music,(Penerbit Buku Baik: Yogyakarta, 2003), p. 112-114


d. Teaching The Cardinal and Ordinal Number Through Music


Music performance can help students in learning cardinal and ordinal

number because in learning activity students can enjoy in catching the

materials from the teacher when teacher gives material because the material

is a song which is easy to remember. Music performance also has direct

interaction between teacher and students. Teacher uses guitar to play or sings

cardinal and ordinal song. It aims to attract students’ attention when a song

is played.

In the explanation above, music performance can be used to teach and

encourage students on cardinal and ordinal number. Teacher needs a guitar

or piano to play cardinal and ordinal number songs. There are some steps to

sing cardinal and ordinal number songs:

1) Teacher explains the materials conventionally.

2) Teacher writes the text of cardinal and ordinal number songs on the


3) Teacher sing cardinal and ordinal number songs by himself.

4) Teacher sing cardinal and ordinal number songs and the students follow


5) Teacher chooses three children randomly to sing cardinal and ordinal

number songs with him.

6) Teacher let students to sing cardinal and ordinal number songs together.

7) Teacher asks students one by one to write the cardinal and ordinal number

in the blackboard correctly.

8) Teacher gives assignment for students.


4. General Concept of Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

One of the general components, which have to be mastered well by

students in learning English, is vocabulary. If the student lack of vocabulary,

they will have difficulties in using English to know what vocabulary is, the

writer would like to present several definition suggested by linguist, Hornby

said vocabulary is:

1) Total number of words, which (with rule for combine them) make up the


2) (Range of) words known to or use by a person in trade, profession, etc.20

Webster states definition of vocabulary is “a sum or stock of words

employed by a language, group, individually or in work, in a field of


From the definition above, the writer concludes that vocabulary is a list

of words that have meanings that are used to communicate between one

person to another.

Finocchiaro explain that students’ vocabulary can be divided in to two

kinds, they are “active and passive vocabulary”22

Active vocabulary consists of words which students understand, can

pronounce correctly, and use constructively in speaking and writing. While

passive vocabulary consists of words those students recognize and

understand when they occur in a context and they never use them in

communication. They understand them when they hear or read them, but

they don’t use them in speaking or writing.


AS. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English,( Oxford : Oxford

university press, 1986), p. 959. 21

M. Webster, Merriam-Webste’r Collegiate Dictionary, Eleven ed. (Springfield: G. Merriam

Webster Company Publisher, 2003), p. 1400 22

M. Finoochiaro, English as Second Language from Theory to Practice. (New York, Regent

publishing company,inc, 1974), p.73.


b. Teaching English Vocabulary to Elementary School Students

Teaching vocabulary plays an important role in language acquisition.

Vocabulary is one element that links for skill of listening, speaking, reading,

and writing all together.

For this reason, teacher should pay more attention to teaching and

learning English vocabulary to children as the learners. Teacher has to select

the suitable words to be taught in the first stage and they also have to limit

vocabulary to be taught.

Haycraft also suggest some guidelines on which the choice of

vocabulary can be based on the following:

1) The most common words

It is important to choose the words that are commonly used. It will

be easy for students to understand and memorize.

2) Students’ needs

If the students want to know a certain words, the teacher has to

teach it because motivation will help them to remember it.

3) Students’ language

If the students are from one language group, knowledge of their

language can be helpful. The words that are similar in their language and

English will be easily learned. From example, the words “class” in

Indonesian will become “kelas”, “glass” will become “gelas”, etc.

4) Word building

It is often useful to choose a word because a general rule can be

transformed, for example: work-worker, direct-director, possible-

impossible, etc.

5) Cross reference

A lot of words are applicable to different situation or specification.

For instance the teacher wants to explain the word “car”; it is worth to


have words that are common to other means of transformation, such as

bicycle, train, airplane, bus, etc.

6) Related structure

Many structures have their own vocabulary, if the teacher is going

to teach a word, he will introduce vocabulary connected with the word.

7) Stated in the classroom

The vocabulary discussed among the students (in the classroom)

should be taken from and related to the list of vocabulary advised by


However, it should be noted that the words selected by the teacher

make students become enthusiastic in teaching learning process.

Finoochiaro suggests several commands related to the teaching of

vocabulary, they are:

1) Vocabulary should be taught in normal speech utterances.

2) New vocabulary item should always be introduced in known structures.

3) Whenever possible, the vocabulary item should be centered about one


4) Whenever a familiar word is met in a new context, it should be taught and


5) Vocabulary item should be taught in the same way we teach everything

else. We give our students an understanding of the meaning on many

ways, dramatize, we show picture, paraphrase, etc.

6) Vocabulary should be practiced as structures are practiced-I substitution

drills, transformation drill, question and answer, etc.

7) When teachers present new vocabulary, they should primarily try to

achieve two things: 1. to enable the students to recognize the vocabulary

well, 2. to make spelling and word building absolutely clear, so that when


J. Haycraft, An Introduction to English Language Teaching.(London: Longman group, Ltd

1969), p.44-45.


the students produce them, propped by the teacher, they know how to

spell and what kind of vocabulary that they are learning.24

c. The Principle of Teaching Vocabulary

In teaching vocabulary, the teacher as the authority of the class has job

of managing the students’ learning to gain the target of the vocabulary.

According to Wallace, there are six principles on which teaching

vocabulary is to be based, they are:

1) Aims

“How many of the things listed does the teacher expect the learner to be

able achieve the vocabulary what kinds of words?” The aims have to be

clear for the teacher before they teach vocabulary to the students.

2) Quantity

The teacher has to decide on the quantity of the learned. The decision of

the number of new words in a lesson is very important. The actual

number still depends on a number of factors varying from class and

learner to learner.

3) Need

In teaching vocabulary, the teacher has to choose the words really needed

by his students. The students should be put in a situation where they have

to communicate and get the words they need.

4) Frequent exposure and repetition

The teacher should give so much practice and repetition until his students

master the target words well. He also should give opportunity to the

students to use the words in writing or speaking.


M. Finoochiaro, English as Second Language from Theory to Practice. p. 73-74.


5) Meaningful presentation

The teacher should present the target words in such a way that their

meanings are perfectly clear and unambiguous, so the new word should

be presented in context not in isolation.

6) Situation presentation

The students should learn words in the situation in which they are


From the principles above, in teaching learning process the teacher

should be able to identify who are the students, what are their needs, and

how should the teacher teach in simple and interesting way. Different age of

students indicate that they also have different need and interest.

5. General Concept of Cardinal Number

a. Definition of Cardinal Number

“A number such as three (3) or eleven (11) or four hundred twelve

(412), used in counting to indicates quantity but not order.”26 So that, we can

conclude A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of something

there are, such as one, two, three, four, five.

b. Table of Cardinal Number

The following table shows the names of numbers. These numbers are

sometimes called cardinal numbers. You can see from the numbers in this

table how to form all other numbers.

Table1. Table of Cardinal Number

Cardinal Numbers

0 zero,

1 one

26 twenty-six

27 twenty-seven


M.J. Wallace, Teaching Vocabulary, (London: Heinerman, 1982), p.27-29. 26

Joseph P. Pickett, The American Heritage Dictionary of The English Language. (New

York:2006), p.281.


2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine

10 ten

11 eleven

12 twelve

13 thirteen

14 fourteen

15 fifteen

16 sixteen

17 seventeen

18 eighteen

19 nineteen

20 twenty

21 twenty-one

22 twenty-two

23 twenty-three

24 twenty-four

25 twenty-five

28 twenty-eight

29 twenty-nine

30 thirty

40 forty (no "u")

50 fifty

60 sixty

70 seventy

80 eighty

90 ninety

100 a/one hundred

101 a hundred and one

110 a hundred and ten

120 a hundred and twenty

200 two hundred

1.000 a/one thousand

1.001 a thousand and one

1.010 a thousand and ten

2.000 two thousand

10.000 ten thousand

11,000 eleven thousand

100.000 a/one hundred thousand

1.000.000 a/one million

2.000.000 two million a/one billion 27


A. Faidal Rahman Ali, English Grammar Completed Edition, (Jakarta: PT Buku Kita,2010),



c. Spelling of Cardinal Number

1) If a number is in the range 21 to 99, and the second digit is not zero, we

should write the number as two words separated by a hyphen:

25 twenty-five, 57 fifty-seven, 89 eighty-nine

2) Numbers over 100 are generally written in figures. However if you want

to say them aloud or want to write them in words rather than figures you

put 'and' in front of the number expressed by the last two figures. For


203 two hundred and three

622 six hundred and twenty-two

3) Numbers between 1000 and 1,000,000 is usually said or written in words


1,803 one thousand, eight hundred and three

1,963 one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-three

2,840 two thousand, eight hundred and forty

4) Expressing Millions.

1.412.605 one million four hundred (and) twelve thousand six hundred

(and) five

2.760.300 two million seven hundred (and) sixty thousand three


5) Saying years.

We normally say a year in two parts. In the case of years ending in "00,”

we say the second part in "hundred":

1058 ten fifty-eight

1706 seventeen hundred and six (or 'seventeen oh six')

1865 eighteen sixty-five

1900 nineteen hundred.28

28 [Accessed at 21/09/ 2011]


6. General Concept of Ordinal Number

a. Definition of Ordinal Number

“A number indicates position in a series or order. The Ordinal Number

are first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), and so on.”29 In other word an

ordinal number is a number that expresses position in a series, such as 1st,

2nd, or 3rd.

b. Table of Ordinal Number

Table 2.Table of Ordinal Number

Ordinal Numbers

1st first

2nd second

3rd third

4th fourth

5th fifth

6th sixth

7th seventh

8th eighth

9th ninth

10th tenth

11th eleventh

12th twelfth

13th thirteenth

14th fourteenth

15th fifteenth

16th sixteenth

17th seventeenth

18th eighteenth

19th nineteenth

20th twentieth

21st twenty-first

22nd twenty-second

23rd twenty-third

24th twenty-fourth

25th twenty-fifth

26th twenty-sixth

27th twenty-seventh

28th twenty-eighth

29th twenty-ninth

30th thirtieth

40th fortieth

50th fiftieth

60th sixtieth

70th seventieth

80th eightieth

90th ninetieth

100th hundredth30


Joseph P. Pickett, The American Heritage Dictionary of The English Language. p.1238 30

A. Faidal Rahman Ali, English Grammar Completed Edition, p.409-410.


c. Using of Ordinal Number

We use in ordinal number several ways:

1) As names of streets

2) To express dates

3) To show sequence.


From explanation above, the writer concluded that there are several

ways to express ordinal number. First, ordinal number is as names of streets.

Second, ordinal number is to express dates. Third, ordinal number is to show


d. Spelling of Ordinal Number

1) Just add th to the cardinal number:

four - fourth

eleven – eleventh

2) Exceptions:

one - first

two – second

three – third

five - fifth

nine - ninth

twelve – twelfth

3) In compound ordinal numbers, note that only the last figure is written as

an ordinal number:

421st = four hundred and twenty-first


= five thousand, one hundred and eleventh


Robert J. Dixson, Grammar to Go 1-3: English Grammar Practice, (New York: Longman,

2004), p.96.

First Street Fifth Avenue

March 2nd

December 31st

The second person in the row the fifth floor in the building


4) Abbreviated form

When expressed as figures, the last two letters of the written word are

added to the ordinal number:

First = 1st

Second = 2nd

Third = 3rd

Fourth = 4th

hundred and first = 101st

5) Titles

In names for kings and queens, ordinal numbers are written in Roman

numbers. In spoken English, the definite article is used before the ordinal


Charles II - Charles the Second

Edward VI - Edward the Sixth

Henry VIII - Henry the Eighth32

7. The Characteristics of Elementary School Students

Elementary students are different from other school students. It is because

they have different characteristics and motivations. Generally elementary

school students in many countries have the same characteristics. Based on a

book entitled Psychology Perkembangan that is written by “Tim pengembangan

MKDK IKIP Semarang”. The characteristics of elementary school students are

as follow:

a. The elementary school students at the age seven to twelve years old.

b. They are in the smart age. It means that they often show what they know

from school and they are really proud of it.

c. There is strong correlation between physical condition and school


32 [Accessed at 10/10/ 2011].


d. They intended to praise themselves.

e. At the end of this phase, they begin to have an interest in special subjects.33

In general, the elementary school students are enthusiastic to know and

learn everything. They also grow in physical, cognitive, moral, emotional, and

psychological development area. The characteristics of elementary school

students in each of the area are:

In the area of physical development, the characteristics of elementary

school students include: they grow during elementary school; they develop their

skill in readable writing; boys and girls during elementary school years double

their muscle strength; girls are generally are taller than most boys before ten;

boys tend to be more noisy, energetic, and competitive than girls during the

ages of 5 to 10.

However based on the area of cognitive-intellectual development,

characteristics of elementary school students include: they can follow even

relatively complex instructions; they have definitely longer attention spans;

they are able to cooperate their own personal knowledge; they start to establish

logical patterns amount of information; they are able to think at higher levels;

they are very curious to know new things and develop new skills.

Therefore, in the area of moral development, characteristics of elementary

school students are: Elementary children can differ clearly paradox thing such

as black or white, good and bad, right and wrong; they basically worry about

being punished (time-out; loss of recess, etc.); second grade students tend to

need friends to further their own interests; they develop and show empathy for

others lately; most of them tend to grow up their empathy to others; later they

understand important attributes such as trust, loyalty, and respect.


Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi dkk, Psikologi Perkembangan,(Semarang:Semarang Press, 1989),




Moreover, in the area of psychological development, the elementary

school students have some characteristics as follow: early elementary children

analyze relative such as son, daughter, brother, sister; elementary school years,

especially from third grade on, are characterized by students playing with same

gender classmates; they try to learn socials skills such as tattle-tails, bossy, and

sows-offish; they develop a sense of humor; they tend to feel their parents and

teachers’ attention and encouragement to keep on trying and learning new


Based on the characteristic above, the writer would conclude that

elementary school students are the children at the age of 7 to 12 years old. They

are very enthusiastic in learning something new. They still love to play. They

are able to differentiate between abstract and concrete things. Children usually

get bored quickly if they face something difficult. There for, the teacher should

provide an enjoyable atmosphere in class room with encouraged the students to

be eager to learn English.

C. Hypothesis

“Hypothesis consists of words hypo and thesis. Hypo is under or less or

weak. Thesis is theory or proposition that showed as a proof.” 35 Hypothesis is a

temporary answer of problems in research until proved from the data which

collected.36 So, hypothesis can define a weak truth statement towards problems on

research and need to prove the truth after collecting data. The hypothesis of this

research is: The use of music performance as a medium of teaching is effective to

teach English cardinal and ordinal number to the fifth grade of SDN 01

Manggungsari Weleri Kendal in the academic year of 2011/2012.

34 at 3/1/2012) 35

Sutrisno Hadi, Statistik, Vol. 2,(Yogyakarta: Andi, 2004), p. 210. 36

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta,





A. Research Design

In this study, the method used was experimental research. An

experimental is the way to find the casual relationship between two factors

which are raised by the researcher in purpose by reducing or eliminating any

distracting factors.1

There are two groups in this model of experimental research. First is

experimental group and the second is control group. In this research, the

researcher used cluster random sampling is a technique to choose sample by

random each class (population) and it is based on lottery. The writer decided to

choose V A as the experimental class and V B as the control class. The

experimental class recieved a new treatment. It was taught by using music

performance as media. While, the control class taught by using conventional

learning method. It was not recieve a new treatment.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted on the first semester in the academic year of

2011/ 2012 for about 14 days, began from 14th

up to 30th

2011. It was

conducted in SDN 01 Manggungsari, Weleri, Kendal Kode Pos 51355.

Table 3. List of time of the study

Number Activity

Month/ Date







1. Try out

2. Pre test

1Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, p. 3


3. Treatment 1

4. Treatment 2

5. Post test

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation as cited by

Arikunto, population is a set (or collection) of all elements possessing one

or more attributes of interest.2 The population of the research was the first

semester of fifth grade students of SDN 01 Manggungsari Weleri Kendal

in the academic year of 2011/ 2012. The number of the population is 60

students. Thre are divided into V A and B.

2. Sample

Arikunto states that “sample represents a part of research

population”.3 Sample is taking of a part population using certain

procedure. So that can be expected to represent the population. Two

classes were taken as the sample of this research. The classes that got

learning by using music performance was as experimental class. Then, the

class that got learning conventional method was as control class. In

addition, the sample in this research in class V A was as experimental

classs consist of 30 students and V B was as control class consist of 30


D. Variables and Indicators

1. Variables

According to Sugiyono, research variables are all things that shape

what is defined by the researches to be studied in order to obtain

information about it, and the conclusion drawn on next.4 There are two

types of variables: independent variable and dependent variable. The

dependent variable is the variable that focuses on the central variable, and

2Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, p.130.

3Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, p.131.

4Sugiyono, Statistika untuk Penelitian, (Bandung: CV.Alfabeta, 2007), p.4.


other variables will act if there is any relationship. The independent

variable is selected by researcher to determine the relationship with the

dependent variable.

So the variables in this study are:

a. Independent Variable

It is a variable that influences or causes of change or emergence of

the dependent variable.5 The independent variable in this research is the

use of music performance in teaching cardinal and ordinal number or

the media used in teaching and learning process.

b. Dependent Variable

It is variable that is affected resulting, because of the existence of

the independent variable.6 The dependent variable in this research is the

fifth grade students’ achievement of SDN 01 Manggungsari Weleri

Kendal which shows their understanding on cardinal and ordinal


2. Indicators

Based on the variables above, we can make indicators that support

the variables. The indicators of teaching and learning technique using

music performance are as follows:

Table 4. The List of Indicators and Variables

Variable Indicators

a. Independent Variable

The Use of music


1) Using cardinal number song.

2) Using ordinal number song.

b. Dependent Variable

Students’ achievement of vocabulary test score in cardinal and

ordinal number.

5Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, (Bandung : CV Alfabeta, 2005), p.3

6Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, (Bandung : CV Alfabeta, 2005), p.4


Sub-Variable Indicators

Sub-Variable; Students’

ability in understanding

cardinal and ordinal


1) Memorizing cardinal and

ordinal number.

2) Writing cardinal and ordinal


3) Singing cardinal and ordinal


E. Data Collection Technique

The writer collects the data to achieve the research. The techniques of

collection consist of:

1. Test

Test is a question to measure competence, knowledge, intelegent, and

ability talent which is possesed by individual or group to collect data.7 In

this research, the test was given to tryout class, control class and

experimental class.

The instrument of the test in this research is objective test. Objective

test is frequently critized on the ground that they are simple to answer than

subjective test. Objective test are divided into transformation, completion,

combination, addition, rearrangement, mathcing, correct and incorrect (true/

false). and multiple choice.8 The writer used multiple choice form and

matching items form. The choice of the test type is based on the

consideration that multiple choice test are:

a. Easier to be scored and it does not take much time score.

b. More objective to score because it just has one correct answer.

c. Not subjectivities to score.

7M. Chabib Thoha, Teknik Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2001)

p. 43. 8J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Test, (London: Longman, 1975), p. 12-13.


J.B. Heaton states “although it is among the most difficult of all

objective item types to construct, it is simple to score and administer”.9

In this research, the writer used pre test and post test, they are:

a. Pre-Test

Before the teacher taught new material by using music

performance, the teacher gave a test to the students. Pre-test was given

before the experimental and control classes in same way. This test was

given before the experiment was run.

b. Post-Test

Post-test was given to the experimental class and the control class.

It was given in order to know the score of students’ achievement after

they were taught using music performance (experimental class) and

without using music performance (control class).

2. Documentation

Documentation is the collecting, abstracting, and coding of printed or

written information for future reference.10

The researcher function to the document related to the object research

such as students’ name list and the English subject shcedule. The

instruments here are documents. Document are used to get the information

about the students’ achievement there. The researcher collected the data of

the activity in the class by taking photograph which helped by his friend or

done by him self. The photograph taken when the students doing the try-out

test and post test, and while the researcher conducted teaching. In control

class and treatment in experiment in experimental class. Then, the

researcher made some conclusions based on the documentation. In this

study, documentation only used to support the data about the students’

condition reflected on their activity in the class.

9 J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Test, p. 14.


David B. Guralnik, Webster’s New World College Dictionary Of The American

Language, (New York: Warner Book,2002), p.422.


3. Observation

In the psychological definition, observation involved an activity that

focused toward the object by using all senses.11 In this study, an observation

was used to observe the subject of the study in same aspects. The aspects

that were observed were students’ attendance, students actively in asking

questions to teacher, students actively in answering questions, students’

ability in doing assignment from teacher, students’ attention during the

lesson, and students’ cooperative attitude during the lesson.

F. Data Analysis Technique

There are three kinds of test that will be held in experimental research,

they are try-out test, pre-request test, and hypothesis test. So there must be

three process of analyzing the data collected from test.

1. Try-out test

The writer prepared 25 items as the instrument of the test. Before the

items were given to the students, the writer gave tryout test to analyze

validity, reliability, difficulty level and also the discrimination power of

each item. The tryout was given to VI A of the students of SDN 01

Manggungsari Weleri Kendal. After finishing the test, the answer sheets

were collected in order to be scored. An analysis was made based on the

result of test by using the formula of validity, reliability, the degree of test

difficulty and discriminating power.

From 25 test text of tryout, some items were chosen as the instrument

of the test. The choosing of the instrument had been done by considering:

validity, reliability, the degree of test difficulty and discriminating power.

a. The Validity

The validity is an important quality of any test. It is a condition in

which a test can measure what is supposed to be measured. According to

Arikunto, a test is valid if it measures what it purpose to be measured.12

11Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, p.156

12Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, p. 65.


Is measurement that shows the validity of instrument? The validity

of an item can be known by doing item analysis. It is counted using

product – moment correlation formula:



rxy : The correlation coefficient between X variable and Y variable

N : The number of students

X : The number of each item score

Y : The number of total score

Calculation result of rxy is compared with r table of product moment

by 5% degree of significance. If rxy is higher than r table , the item of

question is valid.13

b. Reliability

It means “consistent”.14 Reliability refers to the consistency of test

scores. Besides having high validity, a good test should have high

reliability too. Alpha formula is used to know reliability of test is

K - R. 20.


r11 : The reliability coefficient of items

k : The number of item in the test

p : The proportion of students who give the right answer

q : The proportion of students who give the wrong answer

2S : The standard deviation of the test


Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2007)7th

Ed, p.78. 14

J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Test, p.155.






k r


Calculation result of r 11 is compared with r table of product moment

by 5% degree of significance. If r 11 is higher than r table , the item of

question is reliable.15

c. Item Analysis

After scoring the try out test, item analysis was carried out to find

out the effectiveness of the items. Item analysis discussed two main


1) Difficulty level

Heaton states that “ the index of difficulty of an item simply

shows how easy or difficult yhe particular item proved in the test”.16


a teacher knows deeply about item difficulty in making a test, he can

make his test easy, medium, or difficult. A good test is a test that is

not really difficult and not really easy. Formula for degree of test

difficulty is.




P : The difficulty’s index

B : The Number of students who has right answer

JS : The number of students17

The criteria are:

P = 0.00 30.0 p Difficult question

P = 0.30 70.0 p Sufficient

P = 0.70 00.1 p Easy


Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan , p.198. 16

J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Test, p. 172. 17

J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Test, p. 207-208.


2) Discriminating Power

It is used to know how accurate the question differ higher

subject and lower subject.

To calculate the index of disriminating power, the writer used

the formula as follow:










D : The degree of question distinctive

JA : The number of participant the upper group

JB : The number of participant in the lower group

BA : The number of participants in the upper group who answered the

item correctly

BB : The number of participants in the lower group who answered the

item correctly

PA : The proportion of participants in upper group that answered true

PB : The proportion of participants in lower group that answered


The criteria are:

0.00 20.0 p Less

0.20 40.0 p Enough

0.40 70.0 p Good

0.70 00.1 p Excellent

2. Pre-request Test

Before the writer determines the statistical analysis technique used, He

examined the normality and homogeneity test of the data.

a. Normality Test

It is used to know the normality of the data that is going to be

analyzed whether both groups have normal distribution or not. The

18 J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Test, p. 213


normality test with Chi-square is done to find out the distribution data.

Step by step Chi-square test is as follows:


i i








X2 = Chi-square

Oi = Frequency that was obtained from data

Ei = Frequency that was hoped

k = The sum of interval class

If countX 2 > tableX 2 , the data is not normal distribution and the other

way if the countX 2 < tableX 2 , the data is normal distribution.19

b. Homogeneity Test

Is used to know whether experiment class and control class, that are

taken from population have same variant or not. According to Nunan,

a test should be given to both classes of students before the experiment

just to make sure that the both classes really are the same.20

The steps as follows:

1) Calculate variants both classes (experimental and control classes),

with the formula:








xxS And









2) Determine Vk



Vb : Bigger Varian

Vk : Smaller Varian

Determine dk = ( 11 n ): ( 12 n )


Sudjana, Metode Statistika, (Bandung: Tarsito, 1996), 6th Ed p. 273.

20David Nunan, Research Method in Language Learning, p. 27.


If countF > tableF , the data is not homogeneous and the other way if

the countF < tableF , the data is homogeneous.21

3. Hypothesis Test

To respond the objectives of the study, the researcher examined the

data in the following steps. Firstly, the test was done in both groups,

experimental and control group. Secondly, the result of the test of test was

scored by using analytic scale. Thirdly, the means score of the two groups

were determined. Finally, the two means were compared by applying t-test

formula. T-test was used to differentiate if the result of students’ taught

using picture and those taught non picture was significant or not.

















1X : The mean score of the experimental group

2X : The mean of the control group

n1 : The number of experiment group

n2 : The number of control group

S12 : The standard deviation of experiment group

S22 : The standard deviation of both groups

If the obtained score was higher than t-table score by using 5% alpha

of signifinicance, Ho was rejected. It means that Ha was accepted.


Sudjana, Metode Statistika, p. 250




A. Description of The Research

To find out the difference between the students who are taught by using

music performance and the students who are not taught by using music

performance in cardinal and ordinal number, especially in SDN 01

Manggungsari Weleri Kendal, the writer did an analysis of quantitive data. The

data is obtained giving test to the experimental class and control class after

giving a different learning both classes.

The subjects of this research were divided into three classes. They are

experimental class (V A), control class (V B) and try out class (VI A). Before

items were given to the students, the witer gave tryout test to analyze validity,

reliability, difficulty level and also the discrimination power of each item. The

writer prepared 25 items as the instrument of the test. Test given before and

after the students follow the learning process that was provided by the writer.

Before the activities are conducted, the writer determined the materials

and lesson plan of learning. Learning in the experimental class used music

performance, while the control class without used music performance.

After the data were collected, the writer analyzed it. The first analysis

data is from the beginning of control class and experimental class that is taken

from the pre test value. It is the normality test and homogenity test. It is used to

know that two groups are normal and have same variant. Another analysis data

is from the ending of control class and experimental class. It is used to prove

the truth of hypothesis that has been planned.


B. The Activities of Experimental and Control Group

1. Activities in Experimental Group and Control Group

a. Experimental Group

First Meeting:

In opening the class, teacher greeted the students and checked the

attendance list. Then, told the topic of the day followed by giving

introduction about the material by asking some questions, like, “Do you

know cardinal number? Have you ever counting?” And students

answered these questions orally.

Because teacher used music performance as teaching medium, so

teacher gave explanation about it. After that, teacher explained about

cardinal number. Teacher also did not forget to give the example of

cardinal number. After students understood the material, the teacher gave

songs about cardinal number.

To know the students’ comprehension of the material which has

been given, teacher asked students to sing cardinal number and answers

some questions. After that, teacher chose some students to come forward

and to sing the songs.

And the last, teacher sang together with students the songs and

gave suggestions to students to study hard and memorized the new

material. Finally, teacher closed the class.

Second Meeting:

Same with the first meeting, teacher opened the class by greeting

the students and checking the attendance list. Teacher reminded students

about the previous lesson by asking students to mention some examples

of cardinal number. Students answered orally. After it the teacher asked

students to make groups, each group consist of 3 students. Then the

students sang cardinal number song. After it, the teacher chose some

students to write the answer in front of the class.


Teacher concluded together with the students the material today

and gave suggestions to students to study hard and memorized the new

material. Finally, teacher closed the class.

Third meeting:

In third meeting, teacher greeted the students and checked the

attendance list. Then, told the topic of the day followed by giving

introduction about the material by asking some questions, like, “Do you

know ordinal number? Have you ever counting?” And students answered

these questions orally.

Because teacher used music performance as teaching medium, so

teacher gave explanation about it. After that, teacher explained about

ordinal number. Teacher also did not forget to give the example of

ordinal number. After students understood the material, the teacher gives

songs about ordinal number.

To know the students’ comprehension of the material which has

been given, teacher asked students to sing ordinal number and answers

some question. After that, teacher chose some students to come forward

and to sing the songs.

And the last, teacher sang together with students the songs and

gave suggestions to students to study hard and memorized the new

material. Finally, teacher closed the class.

Fourth Meeting:

Same with the previous meeting, teacher opened the class by

greeting the students and checking the attendance list. Teacher reminded

students about the previous lesson by asking students to mention some

examples of ordinal number. Students answered orally. After it the

teacher asked students to make groups, each group consist of 3 students.

Then the students sang ordinal number song. After it, the teacher chose

some students to write the answer in front of the class.


Teacher concluded together with the students the material today

and gave suggestions to students to study hard and memorized the new

material. Finally, teacher closed the class.

b. Control Group

First Meeting:

At the first meeting, teacher greeted students and checked the

attendance list. Teacher told the topic of that day to students and also

introduced the material by asking some questions: “Do you know

cardinal number? Have you ever counting?”And students answered these

questions orally.

After stimulated students about the material, teacher started to

explain the definition cardinal number. Then, teacher gave the example

of cardinal number.

For the next activity, same with the experimental class teacher gave

some examples of cardinal number and asked the student to write down

on the black board. After that, analyzed the answer together.

After that activity, teacher wanted to know the students’

understanding about cardinal number. So, teacher gave some assignment

and asked students to write down in their book. Then teacher pointed

some students to write it on black board.

At the end of the lesson, teacher did not forget to review the

material on that day and gave students suggestion to study hard and

memorized the new material. Finally, teacher closed the class.

Second meeting:

Same with the first meeting, in opening, teacher greeted students

and checked the attendance list. Next, teacher told students about the

topic of that day and also reminded students about the previous lesson.


After that, teacher gave paper that contains cardinal number and

asked to the student to read loudly together. After students read it,

Teacher asked students to spell together the cardinal number. After that,

they were asked to answer the question on the paper. For the next

activity, to know students understanding on cardinal number teacher

asked to students to answer other examples by themselves. Then teacher

pointed some students to write it on black board. Teacher discussed the

student’s work clearly.

Teacher reviewed the materials and gave time to students to ask

some questions. And finally, teacher closed the class.

Third Meeting:

At the third meeting, teacher greeted students and checked the

attendance list. Teacher told the topic of that day to students and also

introduced the material by asking some questions: “Do you know ordinal

number? Have you ever counting?”And students answered these

questions orally.

After stimulated students about the material, teacher started to

explain the definition cardinal number. Then, teacher gave the example

of ordinal number.

For the next activity, same with the experimental class teacher gave

some examples of ordinal number and asked the student to write down on

the black board. After that, analyzed the answer together.

After that activity, teacher wanted to know the students’

understanding about ordinal number. So, teacher gave some assignment

and asked students to write down in their book. Then teacher pointed

some students to write it on black board.

At the end of the lesson, teacher did not forget to review the

material on that day and gave students suggestion to study hard and

memorized the new material. Finally, teacher closed the class.


Fourth meeting:

Same with the previous meeting, in opening, teacher greeted

students and checked the attendance list. Next, teacher told students

about the topic of that day and also reminded students about the previous


After that, teacher gave paper that contains ordinal number and

asked to the student to read loudly together. After students read it,

Teacher asked students to spell together the ordinal number. After that,

they were asked to answer the question on the paper. For the next

activity, to know students understanding on ordinal number teacher asked

to students to answer other examples by themselves. Then teacher

pointed some students to write it on black board. Teacher discussed the

student’s work clearly.

Teacher reviewed the materials and gave time to students to ask

some questions. And finally, teacher closed the class.

C. The Data Analysis and Test of Hyphothesis

1. First Analysis

The first analysis represents the result of try out test that was done in

the try out class. This analysis is used to make an instrument. This

discussion covers validity, reability, level of difficulty and discriminating


a. Validity of Instrument

As mentioned in chapter III, validity refers to the precise

measurement of the test. In this study, item validity is used to know the

index validity of the test. To know the validity of instrument, the writer

used the Pearson product moment formula to analyze each item.

It is obtained that from 25 test items; there are 21 test items which

are valid and 4 test items which are invalid. They are on number 1, 4, 11,


18 . They are to invalid with the reason the computation result of their r xy

value (the correlation of score each item) is lower than their r table value.

The following is the example of item validity computation for item

number 2 and for the other items would use the same formula.

N = 30 ∑ Y = 493

∑XY =385 ∑ X2 = 22

∑X = 22 ∑ Y2 = 8655






r xy = 0,412

From the computation above, the result of computing validity of

the item number 2 is 0.412. After that, the writer consulted the result to

the table of r Product moment with the number of subject (N) = 30 and

significance level 5% it is 0.361. Since the result of the computation is

higher than r table, the index of validity of the item number 2 is

considered to be valid.

b. Reability of Instrument

A good test must be valid and reliable. Beside the index of validy,

the writer calculateed the reliability of the test using Kuder Richarson

formula 20(K-R 20).

Before computing the reliability, the writer had to compute

Varian(S2) with the formula bellow:

N = 30 ∑Y = 493

∑ Y2 = 8655 ∑ pq = 4.848















The computation of the Varian (S2) is 18.446 . After finding the

Varian (S2) the writer computed the reliability of the test as follows:








768.011 r

The result shows that 0.768 is more than 0.361, it mean that the

items of instrument were reliable.

c. The Level of Difficulty

The following is the computation of the level difficulty for item

number 2 and for the other items would use the same formula.

B = 22

JS= 30

P = JS

B P =



P = 0.733









It is proper to say that the index difficulty of item number 2 above

can be said as the easy category, because the calculation result of the

item number 2 is in the interval 0.70 p 1.00.

After computing 25 items of the try-out test, there are 11 items are

considered to be easy, 13 items are medium and 1 item is difficult. The

whole computation result of difficulty level can be seen in appendix 4.

d. The Discriminating Power

The discrimination power of an item indicated the extent to which

the item discriminated between the testees, separating the more able

testees from the less able. The index of dicrimining power told us

whether those students who performed well on the whole test tended to

do well or badly on each item in the test. To do this analysis, the number

of try-out subjects was divided into two groups, upper and lower groups.

The following is the computation of the discriminating power for

number 2, and for other items would use the same formula.

BA= 13 BB= 9

JA= 15 JB= 15





D= 15



D= 0.267

According to the criteria, the item number 2 above is enough

category, because the calculation result of the item number 2 is in the

interval D 0.40.

After computing 25 items of try-out test, there are 3 items are

considered to be good,18 items are enough, and 4 items are poor. The

result of the discriminating power of each item could be seen appendix



Based on the analysis on validity, reliability, difficulty level and

discriminating power, finally 21 items are accepted. From 21 items, only

20 items are used as instrument to make the scoring easy. They are

number 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,


2. Second Analysis

The second analysis represents the result of pre-test and post-test that

was done both in experimental and control group. This analysis will answer

the research question “ How is the effectiveness of using music performance

to teach cardinal and ordinal number? we can conclude music performance

is effective when the result of post test of experimental class (using music

performance as medium) and control class (using conventional technique)

has significant differences.

Before the researcher tested the hypothesis that had been mentioned in

the capter two, the researcher analyzed and tested hypothesis prerequisites

which contained of normality test and homogeneity test. Second analysis

dealt with normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test (test of difference two

variants) in pre-test and post-test.

a. Analysis of Pre-test

The experimantal group (Class V A) was given a pre- test on 15

November, 2011 and control group (Class V B) was given a pre-test on

15 November, 2011.

1) Test of Normality

Test of normality was used to find out whether data of control

and experimental group which had been collected from the research

come from normal distribution or not. The result computation of Chi-

square (X2

score) then was compared with table of Chi- square (X2


by using 5% alpha of significance. If X2

score X2

table meant that the

data spread of research result distributed normally.


Based on the result of V A students in experimental group,

before they were taught cardinal and ordinal number by using music

performance , was found that the maximum score was 95 and minimal

score was 45. The streches of score were 40. So, there were 6 classes

with lenght of classes 9. From the computation of frequency

distribution, it was found (∑fixi)= 1938 and (∑fixi2) = 129720. So, the

average score (X ¯) was 64.6 and the standard deviation (S) was

12.50. After counting the average score and standard deviation, table

of Frequency Distribution was needed to measure Chi-Square (X2


Table 5. Table of the Frequency Distribution of Class V A





Z to




of Z


to Z Ei Oi

44.5 -1.61 -0.4462

45 – 53 -1.61 0.1333 4.0 5 0.2504

53.5 -0.89 -0.3129

54 – 62 0.2461 7.4 9 0.3536

62.5 -0.17 -0.0668

63 –71 0.2764 8.3 8 0.0103

71.5 0.55 0.2097

72 – 80 0.1888 5.7 5 0.0779

80.5 1.27 0.3985

81 – 89 0.0784 2.4 2 0.0529

89.5 1.99 0.4769

90 – 98 0.0198 0.6 1 0.2782

98.5 2.71 0.4967

χ²count = 1.0233

Based on the Chi-Square table (X2

table) for 5% alpha of 5%

significance with df 6-1= 5, it was found X2

table = 11.07. Because of


score X2

table , so the data of control group distributed normally.






While from the research result of V B students in control group

before they were taught cardinal and ordinal number without music

performance they reached the maximum score and minimum score.

The streches of score were. So, there were 6 classes with length of

classes 6. From the computation of frequency distribution, it was

found (∑fixi) = 1982, and (∑fixi2) = 136988. So, the average score

(X¯) was 66.07 and the standard deviation (S) was 14.4. After

counting the average score and standard deviation , table of Frequency

Distribution was needed to measure Chi- Square (X2


Table 6. Table of the Frequency Distribution of Class V B

Class Limited

of Class

Z to




ty of Z


to Z Ei Oi

24.5 -2.88 -0.4980

25–45 0.0751 2.3 2 0.0287

45.5 -1.42 -0.4229

46–56 0.1766 5.3 5 0.0169

56.5 -0.66 -0.2462

57–67 0.2858 8.6 9 0.0212

67.5 0.10 0.0395

68–78 0.2659 8.0 8 0.0001

78.5 0.86 0.3054

79–89 0.1423 4.3 5 0.1254

89.5 1.62 0.4477

90–100 0.0437 1.3 1 0.0742

100.5 2.39 0.4915

χ²count = 0.2665

Based on the Chi-Square table (X2

table) for 5% alpha of 5%

significance with df 6-1= 5, it was found X2

table = 11.07. Because of


score X2

table , so the data of control group distributed normally.



iO 2


2) Test of Homogenity

Test of homogenity was done to know wether sample in the

research come from population that had same variance or not. In this

study, the homogeneity of the test was measured by comparing the

obtained score (Fscore) with F table. Thus, if the obtained score (Fscore)

was lower than the F table or equal, it could be said that the Ho was

accepted. It meant that the variance was homogeneous.

Table 7. Test of Homogeneity

Variant Sources Control G Experimental G

Sum 1965 1955

N 30 30

65.50 65.17

Variants (S2) 176.47 162.90

Standard Deviation 13.28 12.76

By knowing the mean and the variance, the writer was able to

test the similiarity of the two variants in the pre-test between

experimental and control group. The formula of the test of

homogeneity as follows:

F = Biggest Variance

Smallest Variance

= 176.47/ 162.90

= 1.083

On a 5% with df numerator (nb-1) = 30-1 = 29 and df

denominatore (nk -1) = 30-1 =29, it was found F table = 1.85 . Because

of Fscore Ftable , so it could be concluded that both experimental and

control group had no differences. The result showed both groups had

similiar variants (homogenous).


3) Test of Difference Two Variants in Pre-test Between Experimental

and Control Group.

After counting standard deviation and variance, it could be

concluded that both group have no differences in the test of similarity

between two variances in pre-test score. So, to differentiate whether

the students’ result of cardinal and ordinal number in experimental

and control group were significant or not, the writer used t-test to test

the hypothesis that had been mentioned in the chapter two. The writer

used formula:
















Based on the table IV. First the writer had to find out S by using

the formula above:




S = 13.026

After S was found, the next step was to measure t-test:







= -0.099

After getting t-test result, then it would be consulted to the

critical score of t t able to check wether the difference is significant or

not. For a= 5% with df 30+30-2= 58, it was found t table = 2.0.


Because of t score ttable, so it could be concluded that there was no

significance of difference between the experimental and control

group. It mean that both experimental and control group had same

condition before getting treatments.

b. Analysis of Post-test

The experimental group was given post test on November 29, 2011

and control group was given a post test on November 29, 2011. Post-test

was conducted after all treatments were done. Music performance were

used as media in the teaching of cardinal and ordinal number to students

in experimental group. While for students in control group, they were

given treatments without music performance. Post-test was aimed to

measure students’ ability after they got treatments.

1) Test of Normality

Test of normality was used to find out whether data of control

and experimental group which had been collected from the research

come from normal distribution normal or not. The result computation

of Chi-square (X2

score) then was compared with table of Chi-square


table) by using 5% alpha of significance. If X2

score X2table meant

that the data spread of research result distributed normally.

Based on the result of VA students in experimental group,

before they were taught cardinal and ordinal number by using music

performance, was found that the maximum score was 100 and

minimal score was 60. The streches of score were 40. So, there were 6

classes with lenght of classes 7.

From the computation of frequency distribution, it was found

(∑fixi) = 2418 and (∑fixi2) = 198697. So, the average score (X¯) was

80.6 and the standard deviation (S) was 11.4556. After counting the


average score and stsndard deviation, table of Frequency Distribution

was needed to measure Chi-Square (X2


Table 8. Table of the Frequency Distribution of Class V A

Class Limited

of Class

Z to




of Z


to Z Ei Oi

59.5 -1.84 -0.4673

60 – 66 -1.84 0.0764 2.3 3 0.2177

66.5 -1.23 -0.3908

67 – 73 0.1585 4.8 7 1.0596

73.5 -0.62 -0.2323

74 – 80 0.2288 6.9 8 0.1878

80.5 -0.01 -0.0035

81 – 87 0.2300 6.9 3 2.2044

87.5 0.60 0.2265

88 – 94 0.1610 4.8 3 0.6931

94.5 1.21 0.3875

95 – 102 0.0845 2.5 6 4.7311

102.5 1.91 0.4720

1.91 χ²count = 9.0938

Based on the Chi-Square table (X2

table) for 5% alpha of

significance with df 6-1= 5, it was found X2

table = 11.7. Because of


score X2

table , so the data of control group distributed normally.

While from the research result of V B students in control group

after they got usual treatment, they reached the maximum score 95

and minimum score 25. The streches of score were 70. So, there were

6 classes with length of classes 12. From the computation of

frequency distribution, it was found (∑fixi) = 2195 , and (∑fixi2) =

166760. So, the average score (X¯) was 73.167 and the standard

deviation (S) was 14.56. It mean that there was an improvement of

students’score after they got treatments. After counting the average






score and standard deviation, table of Frequency Distribution was

needed to measure Chi-Square (X2


Table 9. Table of the Frequency Distribution of Class V B

Class Limited of


Z to




of Z


to Z Ei Oi

24.5 -3.34 -0.4996

25 – 46 -3.34 0.0331 1.0 1 0.0000

46.5 -1.83 -0.4665

47 – 58 0.1234 3.7 2 0.7821

58.5 -1.01 -0.3431

59 – 70 0.2704 8.1 10 0.4387

70.5 -0.18 -0.0727

71 – 82 0.3119 9.4 7 0.5937

82.5 0.64 0.2392

83 – 94 0.1893 5.7 8 0.9480

94.5 1.47 0.4286

95 – 107 1.47 0.0623 1.9 2 0.0094

107.5 2.36 0.4908 1.9

χ²count = 0.0094

Based on the Chi-Square table (X2

table) for 5% alpha of

significance with df 6 - 1 = 5, it was found X2

table = 11.07. Because of


score X2

table, so the initial data of control group distributed


2) Test of Homogeneity

The writer determined the mean and variance of the students’

score either in experimental of control group. By knowing the mean

and varience, the writer was able to test the similarity of the two

variance in the post-test between experimental and control group.






Table 10. Test of Homogeneity

Variant Sources Control G Experimental G

Sum 2195 2400

N 30 30

X¯ 73.16 80.00

Variants (S2) 209.45 122.41

Standard Deviation 14.47 11.06

The formula of the test of homogeneity as follows:

F= Biggest Variance

Smallest Variance

= 209.45/ 122.41

= 1.71105

On a 5% with df numerator (nb-1)= 30-1= 29 and df

denominatore (nk-1) = 30-1 = 29, it was found F table = 1.85. Because

of Fscore Ftable , so it could be concluded that both experimental and

control group had no differences. The result showed both groups had

similiar variants (homogenous).

3) Test of Difference Two Variants in Post-test Between

Experimental and Control Group

After counting standard deviation and variance, it could be

concluded that both group have no differences in the test of similarity

between two variances in pre-test score. So, to differentiate the

students’ result of cardinal and ordinal number in experimental and

control group after getting treatments were significant or not, the

writer used t-test to test the hypothesis that had been mentioned in the

chapter two. The writer used formula:

















Based on the table VI. First the writer had to find out S by using

the formula above:




= 12.881

After S was found, the next step was to measure t-test:







= 2.055

After getting t-test result, then it would be consulted to the

critical score of t t able to check wether the difference is significant or

not. For a= 5% with df 30 + 30 -2 = 58, it was found t table (0.95)(60)= 1.67

Because of t score > ttable, so it could be concluded that there was no

significance of difference between the experimental and control

group. It meant that both experimental and control group had same

condition before getting treatments.

Since the obtained t-score was higher than the critical score on the

table, the difference was statically significance. Therefore, based on the

computation there was a significance difference in cardinal and ordinal

number achievement score between students were taught using music

performance and those taught without using music performance for the

fifth grade of SDN 01 manggungsari Weleri, Kendal. So, it can be said


that using music performance is effective to teach cardinal and ordinal

number, and so the action hyphotesis is accepted.

D. Discusssion of Research Finding

The result of the research shows that the experimental class (the students

who are taught using music performance) has the mean value 80.00.

Meanwhile, the control class (the students who are taught without using music

performance) has the mean value 73.16. It can be said that the test score of

cardinal and ordinal number of experimental class is higher than the control


On the other hand, the test of hyphotesis using t-test formula shows the

value of t-test is higher than critical value. The value of t-test is 2.055 while

the critical value on ts 0.05 is 1.67. It means that there is significant difference

the achievement in cardinal and ordinal number score between students taught

music performance and those taught without using music performance . In this

case, the use of music performance is necessary needed in teaching cardinal

and ordinal number.

Music performance is an effective media to teach cardinal and ordinal

number. There are some reasons why music performance is effective to teach

cardinal and ordinal number. They are as follows:

1. By using music performance, the students will have encouragement and

curiosity to understand of cardinal and ordinal number.

2. The teaching of cardinal and ordinal number using music performance can

give motivation and interact students’ enthusiasm.

3. By using music performance, the students able to remember cardinal and

ordinal number easily.

4. The teaching of cardinal and ordinal number using music performance can

make condition in classroom relaxes and enjoy.

In contrast, not all students have good understanding of cardinal and

ordinal number. Those are caused by some factors that influence the students in

learning English. They are as follows:


1. The perception that English is the difficult lesson in school.

2. A poor motivation from the students to learn English seriously.

3. There is no big willingness to learn English.

4. Students supposed that English language is not used in the daily activities.

In this research, the writer used music performance to teach cardinal and

ordinal number at SDN 01 Manggungsari Weleri Kendal. So, the research

findings are only representative in that school. The writer hopes that more

researches will be done by the others to prove this method to teach cardinal and

ordinal number And to find out other methods in learning and teaching


E. Limitation of the Research

The researcher realize that this research had not been done optimally.

There were obstacles faced during the reasearch process.

Some limitations of this research are:

1. The researcher’s ability

The resarcher realize that the implementation of the research process

was less smooth; this was more due to lack of the researcher’s experience

and knowledge.

2. Limitation of time

Relative short of research time makes this research could not be done


3. Limitation of application

In this research, the researcher only gave two times treatment to the

experiment class, so the result of the research was not maximal.

4. Limitation of the design

In this research, the researcher used short design. So, the research can

not be done maximally.

Considering all those limitations, there is a need to do more research

about teaching cardinal and ordinal number by using music performance so

that the more optimal result will be gained.




This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion. It concern with the

conclusion of the researcher about her thesis. It is divided into two sub sections.

They are conclusions and suggestions.

A. Conclusions

Based on the finding and discussion in chapter IV, it could be concluded

that the use of music performance as media in the teaching of cardinal and

ordinal number is effective. It was proved by the obtained score of t-test. The

t-test showed that t-score 2.055 was higher than t-table 1.67. It mean that Ha

was accepted and Ho was rejected. Since the t-score was higher than the t-

table, there was a significance difference in the achievement between students

in class V A who were taught cardinal and ordinal number using music

performance as media and students class V B who were taught cardinal and

ordinal number without using music performance as media (using text only).

Therefore the average score of control group’s before treatment (65.50)

and the average score of control group’s after treatment was (73.16). Whereas

the experimental groups’ average before treatment was (65.17) and the

experimental groups’ average after treatment was (80.00). It mean that the

experimental group (class V A) was better than the control group (class V B).

B. Suggestions

As a result of the research, the researcher gives some suggestions for all

the readers of this thesis. There are some suggestions that are proposed by the


1. For English Teachers

a. The creativity of the English teacher is needed in teaching English, as

his/her duty to transfer the knowledge of English to the students,

consequently the student can easily recieve and understand the material



b. The teacher should be patient and ready to guide the students in facing

their weakness and difficulties when they learn English.

c. It will be better if the English teacher finds out the appropiate and

interesting material as students need.

d. The teacher should teach the students by using interesting media and

method. The use of interesting media and method to teach is for making

students enjoy the learning process.

e. The teacher should motivate his students in learning English, therefore

the students will improve their competence in English.

2. For Students

a. They should love to study English first.

b. It can improve students’ understanding about cardinal and ordinal

number by using music performance.

c. The students can understand and write the cardinal and ordinal number

based on situation easily.

d. Students should study and learn intensively to increase their English

cardinal and ordinal number.

3. For Readers and the Next Researcher

a. The writer hopes this thesis can be useful for the reader, so they know

that using music performances is more effective in teaching cardinal and

ordinal number.

b. The researcher admits that there are so many limitations in conducting

research. The researcher realizes that this thesis is far from perfect. This

can be caused by many factors, such as the limitation of time, so it is not

prepared well or perhaps because the lack of the researcher

understanding. The researcher hopes that the next researchers can prepare

everything as good as possible in conducting the research and can do the

follow up of this research.

Finally, the researcher concluded that although using music performance

as an aid in teaching learning is not the best one, probably it could be useful to

create a more lively, fun, and joyful learning atmosphere.


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Hadi, Sutrisno, Statistik, Vol. 2, (Yogyakarta: Andi, 2004)

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Education, 2001.

Heaton, J.B, Writing English Language Tests, London: Longman, 1975.

Hornby, A.S, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (New

York: Oxford University Press, 1963.

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Digital (Software PC)

Kurnia, Ulfatun, (043411077), The Use of Songs to Improve Students

Pronunciation, (Semarang: English Department of Tarbiyah faculty

IAIN Walisongo Semarang, 2009) Unpublished thesis.

Khan, Muhammad Muhsin, The Translation of the Meaning of Sahih Bukhori

Vol.1, Islamic University: Medina Al-Munawara: 1980.

Muhammad, Imam Abi, Sahih Bukhori, Bairut: Darul Kutub Al-ilmiah, 1992.

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Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, Bandung : CV Alfabeta, 2005.

Suyanto, Kasihani K.E, English for Young Learners, (Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara,


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Place and Date of Birth : Kendal, 29 September 1989

Address : Desa Manggungsari Traju Rt.02 Rw. 02 Weleri Kendal.

Phone : 085799944515

Email :

Education Background :

SDN 01Manggungsari, graduated in 2001

Mts Darul Amanah, graduated in 2004

MAN Kendal, graduated in 2007

IAIN Walisongo Semarang Semester X

Semarang, 7 may 2011

The Writer,

Ahmad Sofi Irwanto

Student number: 073411030

Appendix 1


No. Name Code of Students

1. Achmad Fadlan Hamid T-1

2. Adinugroho T-2

3. Alimuhsin T-3

4. Alifah Sarifah T-4

5. Ani Wulandari T-5

6. Bagas Sidomukti T-6

7. Deni Saputra T-7

8. Desi Endang Dwi Lestari T-8

9. Febiyanti Rosalinda T-9

10. Hasan Basori T-10

11. Hikmah Andini T-11

12. Kuncoro T-12

13. Lala Puspita T-13

14. Laeli Mabruroh T-14

15. Muhammad. Aris Rosid T-15

16. Muhammad Sukron T-16

17. Muhammad Nafi Danang T-17

18. Muhammad Ramdhan T-18

19. Mukhamad Nur Kholidin T-19

20. Muhlisin T-20

21. Neli Fatimah T-21

22. Nur Eka Fahmi Safitri T-22

23. Nurrudin Hazmi T-23

24. Raras Larasati T-24

25. Ririn Indah Dewi Artika T-25

26. Rizka Wiwik Fitriyana T-26

27. Siti Masruroh T-27

28. Siti Maisaroh T-28

29. Uli Fitri Rahma T-29

30. Zuhri T-30

Appendix 2


No. Name Code of Students

1 Abdulkarim C - 01

2 Ade Sujiwo C - 02

3 Ahmad Kuri C - 03

4 Ami Sundari C - 04

5 Anggi Yuliani C - 05

6 Anisa Sulitiowati C - 06

7 Dini Fika Zulfa C - 07

8 Dinna Lutfiah C - 08

9 Handoko C - 09

10 Hengki Firmansyah C - 10

11 Ilimiah C - 11

12 Laeli Rizqi Amaliasari C - 12

13 M. Aziz C - 13

14 M. Burhan Hidayat C - 14

15 M. Hilman Hasyim C - 15

16 M. Ibnu Abil C - 16

17 M. Irfan Gunawan C - 17

18 M. Muhtashib C - 18

19 M. Syaifudin Zuhri C - 19

20 Moh. Zaenudin C - 20

21 Mustamim Arif C - 21

22 Naili Farah Meilani C - 22

23 Nur Wakhidah C - 23

24 Putri Arumsari C - 24

25 Salma Ayu Indah C - 25

26 Siti Aini C - 26

27 Siti Nur laily C - 27

28 Siti Zulfa C - 28

29 Tri Puji Lestari C - 29

30 Vina Safira C - 30

Appendix 3


No. Name Code of Students

1. Abdillah Ade E-1

2. Ahmad Nur Alim E-2

3. Ali Maskur Musa E-3

4. Annisa Nurul Khikmah E-4

5. Diah Puspita Sari E-5

6. Duwik Utami E-6

7. Hadi Susanto E-7

8. Heru Kurniawan E-8

9. Ikhsan Agus Ryan E-9

10. Ika Nikmatul Hidayah E-10

11. Ika Varhana Putri E-11

12. Indah Fitri Rismala E-12

13. Joni Stiawan E-13

14. Lilis Ayu Saputri E-14

15. Linda Wijayati E-15

16. Manda Disilvia Ifa E-16

17. M. Faiz Ramdhan E-17

18. M. Imanullah E-18

19. M. Iskandar Muda E-19

20. M. Iwank Kasano E-20

21. M. Kholid Ridwan E-21

22. M. Reki Aria Putra E-22

23. M. Reza Ardiansyah E-23

24. M. Rizal Al-Gozali E-24

25. Mukidin E-25

26. Mutia Zahra E-26

27. Nur Ika Yuliana E-27

28. Rendi Johan E-28

29. Tias Tuti Aprilia E-29

30. Wahyu Wijayanto E-30

Appendix 9




1 C - 01 85 1 E - 01 85

2 C - 02 70 2 E - 02 60

3 C - 03 60 3 E - 03 50

4 C - 04 60 4 E - 04 55

5 C - 05 60 5 E - 05 75

6 C - 06 70 6 E - 06 50

7 C - 07 75 7 E - 07 60

8 C - 08 80 8 E - 08 50

9 C - 09 70 9 E - 09 95

10 C - 10 55 10 E - 10 80

11 C - 11 60 11 E - 11 55

12 C - 12 75 12 E - 12 60

13 C - 13 80 13 E - 13 85

14 C - 14 85 14 E - 14 65

15 C - 15 60 15 E - 15 60

16 C - 16 65 16 E - 16 60

17 C - 17 55 17 E - 17 45

18 C - 18 70 18 E - 18 60

19 C - 19 45 19 E - 19 80

20 C - 20 60 20 E - 20 60

21 C - 21 65 21 E - 21 65

22 C - 22 90 22 E - 22 60

23 C - 23 55 23 E - 23 65

24 C - 24 60 24 E - 24 85

25 C - 25 25 25 E - 25 60

26 C - 26 80 26 E - 26 80

27 C - 27 55 27 E - 27 75

28 C - 28 70 28 E - 28 60

29 C - 29 70 29 E - 29 50

30 C - 30 55 30 E - 30 65

∑ = 1965 ∑ = 1955

n1 = 30 n1 = 30

x1 = 65.5 x1 = 65.16666667

s12 = 176.4655172 s1

2 = 162.9022989

s1 = 13.28403242 s1 = 12.76331849

Appendix 10




1 C - 01 85 1 E - 01 95

2 C - 02 85 2 E - 02 75

3 C - 03 70 3 E - 03 65

4 C - 04 50 4 E - 04 80

5 C - 05 70 5 E - 05 90

6 C - 06 75 6 E - 06 70

7 C - 07 95 7 E - 07 75

8 C - 08 90 8 E - 08 70

9 C - 09 75 9 E - 09 100

10 C - 10 70 10 E - 10 90

11 C - 11 65 11 E - 11 70

12 C - 12 85 12 E - 12 75

13 C - 13 80 13 E - 13 95

14 C - 14 75 14 E - 14 85

15 C - 15 65 15 E - 15 70

16 C - 16 70 16 E - 16 75

17 C - 17 70 17 E - 17 70

18 C - 18 85 18 E - 18 75

19 C - 19 60 19 E - 19 100

20 C - 20 75 20 E - 20 85

21 C - 21 75 21 E - 21 80

22 C - 22 95 22 E - 22 75

23 C - 23 50 23 E - 23 85

24 C - 24 70 24 E - 24 95

25 C - 25 25 25 E - 25 60

26 C - 26 90 26 E - 26 85

27 C - 27 70 27 E - 27 95

28 C - 28 80 28 E - 28 75

29 C - 29 80 29 E - 29 65

30 C - 30 65 30 E - 30 75

∑ = 2195 ∑ = 2400

n1 = 30 n1 = 30

x1 = 73.16666667 x1 = 80

s12 = 209.454023 s1

2 = 122.4137931

s1 = 14.47252649 s1 = 11.06407669

Appendix 19




a. School : SDN 01 Manggungsari

b. Subject : English

c. Grade/ Semester : V/ I

d. Skill focus : Speaking

e. Material : Cardinal number

f. Time Allotment : 2 X 40 minutes


2. Speaking

To express very simple instruction and information in context of school



2.1 Speaking

To make acceptable conversation with expresses activity and includes

speech act of giving instruction and information using cardinal and ordinal



To mention cardinal number correctly from 1 to 50.

To give instruction of using cardinal number in context of school.


By the end of the learning, the students will have been able to give

instruction of using cardinal number between 1 to 50 in context of school.


Conventional Method


Hand book


Cardinal number

Definition : Cardinal number is a number such as three (3) or eleven (11)

or four hundred twelve (412), used in counting to indicate

quantity but not order.

Cardinal number

1 = one

2 = two

3 = three

4 = four

5 = five

6 = six

7 = seven

8 = eight

9 = nine

10 = ten

11 = eleven

12 = twelve

13 = three-teen

14 = four-teen

15 = five-teen

16 = six-teen

17 = Seven-teen

18 = eight-teen

19 = nine-teen

20 = twenty

21 = twenty-one

22 = twenty-two

23 = twenty-three

24 = twenty-four

25 = twenty-five

26 = twenty-six

27 = twenty-seven

28 = twenty-eight

29 = twenty-nine

30 = thirty

31 = thirty-one

32 = thirty-two

33 = thirty-three

34 = thirty-four

35 = thirty-five

36 = thirty-six

37 = thirty-seven

38 = thirty-eight

39 = thirty-nine

40 = forty

41 = forty-one

42 = forty-two

43 = forty-three

44 = forty-four

45 = forty-five

46 = forty-six

47 = forty-seven

48 = forty-eight

49 = forty-nine

50 = fifty

Instruction of using cardinal number

Put five books on the desk please!

Give me ten glass of sugar to make a coffee please!

Take me five watermelons in the refrigerator please!

Kick three balls into goal!


1. Pre Activities

a. Teacher opens the class by greetings.

“Good morning students, how are you today?”

b. Teacher checks students attendance.

c. Teacher gives review about cardinal number

2. Main Activity

a. BkoF (Building Knowlwdge of the Field)

Teacher gives introduction about material by asking some


“Do you know cardinal number?”

“Have you ever counting?”

Students answer the question orally.

b. MoT (Modeling of the Text)

Teacher gives explanation about definition of cardinal


Teacher explains the using of cardinal number.

Teacher explains the spelling of cardinal number.

c. JcoT (Join Constraction of the Text)

Teacher gives students a paper that contains cardinal number


Teacher reads the cardinal number aloud. Then, students

repeat after the teacher.

Teacher asks students to spell the cardinal number in front of

the class.

d. IcoT (Independent Construction of the Text)

Teacher asks students to write down the cardinal number on

the black board.

Teacher gives worksheet to students and asks students to

answer it.

3. Post Activities

Teacher reviews the materials.

Teacher gives the test to the students.

Students do the test.

Teacher motivates the students to study in their home.

Teacher close the lesson.


1. Form : Written test

2. Technique : Students are asigned to answer the question in

the worksheet.

3. Aspect to be assessed : Identify the cardinal number.


1. Test item : 5

2. Score of each item : 20

3. Total score of all item : 5 x 20 =100


Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c, or d!

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a,b,c, or d!

1. Put ……pens on the desk


A. tree

B. try

C. three

D. tie

2. Take me…….apples in the

refrigerator please!

A. sick

B. sheep

C. ship

D. six

3. A: “What number is it?”

B: “It is number………

A. one

B. eleven

C. twelve

D. ten

4. There are ……… cows.

A. five

B. Six

C. Nine

D. Eight



5. Mr. Campbel is a richman.

He has …..... cars at home.

A. Eight

B. Nine

C. Two

D. four

Answer key

1. C. three

2. D. six

3. B. eleven

4. A. five

5. B. nine


A. Faidlal Rahman Ali, SE.Par, English Grammar Complete Edition,

Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama, 2010.

S.A. Susanna, S.Pd, Buku Pintar Bahasa Inggris SD, E-Book:

Semarang, Oktober 23rd


The Researcher

Ahmad Sofi Irwanto

NIM: 073411030

Approved by

Headmaster English Teacher

Hardiyono, S.Pd Hikmah, S. Pd.

NIP. 19580417 197802 1 001

Appendix 19




a. School : SDN 01 Manggungsari

b. Subject : English

c. Grade/ Semester : V/ I

d. Skill focus : Speaking

e. Material : Ordinal number

f. Time Allotment : 2 X 40 minutes


2. Speaking

To express very simple instruction and information in context of school



2.1 Speaking

To make acceptable conversation with expresses activity and includes

speech act of giving instruction and information using cardinal and ordinal



To mention ordinal number correctly from 1 to 30.

To give instruction of using ordinal number in context of school.


By the end of the learning, the students will have been able to give

instruction of using ordinal number between 1 to 30 in context of school.


Conventional Method


Hand book


Ordinal number

Definition : Ordinal number is a number indicates position in a series or

order. The Ordinal Number are first (1st), second (2nd), third

(3rd), and so on.

Ordinal number

1st = first


= second


= third


= fourth


= fifth


= sixth


= seventh


= eighth


= ninth


= tenth


= eleventh


= twelfth





= fourteenth


= fifteenth


= sixteenth


= seventeenth


= eighteenth


= nineteenth


= twentieth


= twenty-first


= twenty-second


= twenty-third


= twenty-fourth


= twenty-fifth


= twenty-sixth


= twenty-seventh


= twenty-eighth


= twenty-ninth


= thirtieth

We use in ordinal number several ways:

1. As names of streets

2. To express dates

3. To show sequence

First Street Fifth Avenue

March 2nd December 31st

The second person in the row the fifth floor in the building

Instruction of using ordinal number

Switch off all lamps in the second floor!

Remember me the final examination on the sixteenth December!

Call me the first winner please!


1. Pre Activities

a. Teacher opens the class by greetings.

“Good morning students, how are you today?”

b. Teacher checks students attendance.

c. Teacher gives review about ordinal number

2. Main Activity

a. BkoF (Building Knowlwdge of the Field)

Teacher gives introduction about material by asking some


“Do you know ordinal number?”

“Have you ever counting?”

Students answer the question orally.

b. MoT (Modeling of the Text)

Teacher gives explanation about definition of ordinal


Teacher explains the using of ordinal number.

Teacher explains the spelling of ordinal number.

c. JcoT (Join Constraction of the Text)

Teacher gives students a paper that contains ordinal number


Teacher reads the ordinal number aloud. Then, students

repeat after the teacher.

Teacher asks students to spell the ordinal number in front of

the class.

d. IcoT (Independent Construction of the Text)

Teacher asks students to write down the ordinal number on

the black board.

Teacher gives worksheet to students and asks students to

answer it.

3. Post Activities

Teacher reviews the materials.

Teacher gives the test to the students.

Students do the test.

Teacher motivates the students to study in their home.

Teacher close the lesson.


1. Form : Written test

2. Technique : Students are asigned to answer the question in

the worksheet.

3. Aspect to be assessed : Identify the Ordinal number.


1. Test item : 5

2. Score of each item : 20

3. Total score of all item : 5 x 20 =100


Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c, or d!

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a,b,c, or d!

1. March,……. 2011

A. 3

B. 3 st

C. 3 nd

D. 3 rd

2. Call me the ……. Winner


A. 1

B. 1 st

C. 1 nd

D. 1 rd

3. Switch off all lamps in the


A. 2

B. 2 st

C. 2 nd

D. 2 th

4. Messi is …….. winner

A. third

B. three

C. tree

D. two

5. Santi is in the …. floor of

santika hotel.

A. ten

B. teen

C. tenth

D. tea

Answer key

1. D. 3 rd

2. B. 1 st

3. C. 4 th

4. A. third

5. C. tenth


A. Faidlal Rahman Ali, SE.Par, English Grammar Complete Edition,

Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama, 2010.

S.A. Susanna, S.Pd, Buku Pintar Bahasa Inggris SD, E-Book:

Semarang, Oktober 23rd


The Researcher

Ahmad Sofi Irwanto

NIM: 073411030

Approved by

Headmaster English Teacher

Hardiyono, S.Pd Hikmah, S. Pd.

NIP. 19580417 197802 1 001

Appendix 19




a. School : SDN 01 Manggungsari

b. Subject : English

c. Grade/ Semester : V/ I

d. Skill focus : Speaking

e. Material : Cardinal Number

f. Time Allotment : 2 X 40 minutes


2. Speaking

To express very simple instruction and information in context of school



2.1 Speaking

To make acceptable conversation with expresses activity and includes

speech act of giving instruction and information using cardinal and ordinal



To mention cardinal number correctly from 1 to 50.

To give instruction of using cardinal number in context of school.


By the end of the learning, the students will have been able to give

instruction of using cardinal number between 1 to 50 in context of school.


Conventional Method


Hand book


Cardinal number

Definition : Cardinal number is a number such as three (3) or eleven (11)

or four hundred twelve (412), used in counting to indicate

quantity but not order.

Cardinal number

1 = one

2 = two

3 = three

4 = four

5 = five

6 = six

7 = seven

8 = eight

9 = nine

10 = ten

11 = eleven

12 = twelve

13 = three-teen

14 = four-teen

15 = five-teen

16 = six-teen

17 = Seven-teen

18 = eight-teen

19 = nine-teen

20 = twenty

21 = twenty-one

22 = twenty-two

23 = twenty-three

24 = twenty-four

25 = twenty-five

26 = twenty-six

27 = twenty-seven

28 = twenty-eight

29 = twenty-nine

30 = thirty

31 = thirty-one

32 = thirty-two

33 = thirty-three

34 = thirty-four

35 = thirty-five

36 = thirty-six

37 = thirty-seven

38 = thirty-eight

39 = thirty-nine

40 = forty

41 = forty-one

42 = forty-two

43 = forty-three

44 = forty-four

45 = forty-five

46 = forty-six

47 = forty-seven

48 = forty-eight

49 = forty-nine

50 = fifty

Instruction of Using Cardinal Number

Put five books on the desk please!

Give me ten glass of sugar to make a coffee please!

Take me five watermelons in the refrigerator please!

Kick three balls into goal!


1. Pre Activities

a. Teacher opens the class by greetings.

“Good morning students, how are you today?”

b. Teacher checks students attendance.

c. Teacher gives review about cardinal number by asking students

to mention cardinal number.

Could you mention cardinal number?”

2. Main Activity

a. BkoF (Building Knowlwdge of the Field)

Teacher reminds students about the previous lesson

Teacher asks students to mention the cardinal number.

b. MoT (Modeling of the Text)

Teacher gives example of cardinal number.

Teacher asks students to memorize the cardinal number.

c. JcoT (Join Constraction of the Text)

Teacher gives students a paper that contains cardinal number


Teacher reads the cardinal number aloud. Then, students

repeat after the teacher.

Teacher asks students to spell the cardinal number in front of

the class.

d. IcoT (Independent Construction of the Text)

Teacher asks students to write down the cardinal number on

the black board.

Teacher gives worksheet to students and asks students to

answer it.

3. Post Activities

Teacher reviews the materials.

Teacher gives the test to the students.

Students do the test.

Teacher motivates the students to study in their home.

Teacher close the lesson.


1. Form : Written test

2. Technique : Students are asigned to answer the question in

the worksheet.

3. Aspect to be assessed : Identify the cardinal number.


1. Test item : 10

2. Score of each item : 10

3. Total score of all item : 10 x 10=100


Complete the missing numbers form one to eleven, then Choose the

correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c, or d!

One – (1)…..… - three - four – (2)……… -six- (3)……….. -(4) ………… -

nine – (5)……… - eleven.

6. Put (sepuluh jeruk) in the kitchen please!

A. ten oranges B. ten grapes C. nine oranges D. ten apples

7. Give me (lima belas ember) of water to fill the bath tub!

A. five pail B. fifty pail C. five teen pail D. fifth pail

8. Take me (tujuh semangka) in the refrigerator please!

A. seven melons B. seven icon C. eight melons D. seven watermelons

9. Kick (dua puluh bola) into goal!

A. twenty balls B. thirthy balls C. nineteen box D. two-nol

10. Look at me by your two eyes.

A. empat mata B. dua mata C. dua bola D. tiga mata

Answer key

1. two

2. five

3. seven

4. eight

5. ten

6. A. ten oranges

7. C. five teen pail

8. D. seven watermelons

9. A. twenty balls

10. B. dua mata


A. Faidlal Rahman Ali, SE.Par, English Grammar Complete Edition,

Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama, 2010.

S.A. Susanna, S.Pd, Buku Pintar Bahasa Inggris SD, E-Book:

Semarang, Oktober 23rd


The Researcher

Ahmad Sofi Irwanto

NIM: 073411030

Approved by

Headmaster English Teacher

Hardiyono, S.Pd Hikmah, S. Pd.

NIP. 19580417 197802 1 001

Appendix 19




a. School : SDN 01 Manggungsari

b. Subject : English

c. Grade/ Semester : V/ I

d. Skill focus : Speaking

e. Material : Ordinal Number

f. Time Allotment : 2 X 40 minutes


2. Speaking

To express very simple instruction and information in context of school



2.1 Speaking

To make acceptable conversation with expresses activity and includes

speech act of giving instruction and information using cardinal and ordinal



To mention ordinal number correctly from 1 to 30.

To give instruction of using ordinal number in context of school.


By the end of the learning, the students will have been able to give

instruction of using ordinal number between 1 to 50 in context of school.


Conventional Method


Hand book


Ordinal number

Definition : Ordinal number is a number indicates position in a series or

order. The Ordinal Number are first (1st), second (2nd), third

(3rd), and so on.

Ordinal number

1st = first


= second


= third


= fourth


= fifth


= sixth


= seventh


= eighth


= ninth


= tenth


= eleventh


= twelfth





= fourteenth


= fifteenth


= sixteenth


= seventeenth


= eighteenth


= nineteenth


= twentieth


= twenty-first


= twenty-second


= twenty-third


= twenty-fourth


= twenty-fifth


= twenty-sixth


= twenty-seventh


= twenty-eighth


= twenty-ninth


= thirtieth

We use in ordinal number several ways:

1. As names of streets

2. To express dates

3. To show sequence

First Street Fifth Avenue

March 2nd December 31st

The second person in the row the fifth floor in the building

Instruction of Using Ordinal Number

Switch off all lamps in the second floor!

Remember me the final examination on the sixteenth December!

Call me the first winner please!


1. Pre Activities

a. Teacher opens the class by greetings.

“Good morning students, how are you today?”

b. Teacher checks students attendance.

c. Teacher gives review about ordinal number by asking students

to mention ordinal number.

Could you mention ordinal number?”

2. Main Activity

a. BkoF (Building Knowlwdge of the Field)

Teacher reminds students about the previous lesson

Teacher asks students to mention the ordinal number.

b. MoT (Modeling of the Text)

Teacher gives example of ordinal number.

Teacher asks students to memorize the ordinal number.

c. JcoT (Join Constraction of the Text)

Teacher gives students a paper that contains ordinal number


Teacher reads the ordinal number aloud. Then, students

repeat after the teacher.

Teacher asks students to spell the ordinal number in front of

the class.

d. IcoT (Independent Construction of the Text)

Teacher asks students to write down the ordinal number on

the black board.

Teacher gives worksheet to students and asks students to

answer it.

3. Post Activities

Teacher reviews the materials.

Teacher gives the test to the students.

Students do the test.

Teacher motivates the students to study in their home.

Teacher close the lesson.


1. Form : Written test

2. Technique : Students are asigned to answer the question in

the worksheet.

3. Aspect to be assessed : Identify the ordinal number.


1. Test item : 5

2. Score of each item : 20

3. Total score of all item : 5 x 20 =100


I. Unscramble the letters to find the numbers:

II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c, or d!

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a,b,c, or d!

6. Call me the ……. winner please!

A. 1

B. 1 st

C. 1 nd

D. 1 rd

7. Switch off all lamps in the …..


A. 2

B. 2 st

C. 2 nd

D. 2 th

8. Sit down in the …… row please!

A. first

B. fish

C. feet

D. feel

9. Come in the …… (kamar ke dua

puluh) of santika hotel!

A. two room

B. twelve room

C. twenty room

D. twentieth room

10. Meet me on the …………..

(jalan ketiga) of Wismasari


A. Three street

B. Tree street

C. third street

D. thirty streeet

Answer key

1. first

2. second

3. third

4. fourth

5. fifth

6. B. 1 st

7. C. 2 nd

8. A. first

9. D. twentieth room

10. C. third street


A. Faidlal Rahman Ali, SE.Par, English Grammar Complete Edition,

Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama, 2010.

S.A. Susanna, S.Pd, Buku Pintar Bahasa Inggris SD, E-Book:

Semarang, Oktober 23rd


The Researcher

Ahmad Sofi Irwanto

NIM: 073411030

Approved by

Headmaster English Teacher

Hardiyono, S.Pd Hikmah, S. Pd.

NIP. 19580417 197802 1 001

Appendix 20




a. School : SDN 01 Manggungsari

b. Subject : English

c. Grade/ Semester : V/ I

d. Skill focus : Speaking

e. Material : Cardinal Number

f. Time Allotment : 2 X 40 minutes


2. Speaking

To express very simple instruction and information in context of school



2.1 Speaking

To make acceptable conversation with expresses activity and includes

speech act of giving instruction and information using cardinal and ordinal



To mention cardinal number correctly from 1 to 50.

To give instruction of using cardinal number in context of school.


By the end of the learning, the students will have been able to give

instruction of using cardinal and ordinal number between 1 to 50 in

context of school.


Communicative Learning Teaching (CLT)




Cardinal number

Definition : Cardinal number is a number such as three (3) or eleven (11)

or four hundred twelve (412), used in counting to indicate

quantity but not order.

Cardinal number

1 = one

2 = two

3 = three

4 = four

5 = five

6 = six

7 = seven

8 = eight

9 = nine

10 = ten

11 = eleven

12 = twelve

13 = three-teen

14 = four-teen

15 = five-teen

16 = six-teen

17 = Seven-teen

18 = eight-teen

19 = nine-teen

20 = twenty

21 = twenty-one

22 = twenty-two

23 = twenty-three

24 = twenty-four

25 = twenty-five

26 = twenty-six

27 = twenty-seven

28 = twenty-eight

29 = twenty-nine

30 = thirty

31 = thirty-one

32 = thirty-two

33 = thirty-three

34 = thirty-four

35 = thirty-five

36 = thirty-six

37 = thirty-seven

38 = thirty-eight

39 = thirty-nine

40 = forty

41 = forty-one

42 = forty-two

43 = forty-three

44 = forty-four

45 = forty-five

46 = forty-six

47 = forty-seven

48 = forty-eight

49 = forty-nine

50 = fifty

Cardinal Number Song

D Em

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,


Eight, nine, ten, eleven


Twelve, three teen, fourteen, five teen, six teen, seven teen,

D Em A D

Eight teen, Nine teen, twenty


Twenty-one, twenty- two, twenty-three, twenty-four,


Twenty-five, Twenty-six, twenty-seven,


Twenty-eight, Twenty-nine, thirty, Thirty- one, thirty-two, thirty


Three, Thirty four, thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty-nine

D Em

Forty, forty one, forty two, forty three, forty four, forty five, forty six,


Forty seven, forty eight, forty nine, and fifty.

Instruction of using cardinal number

Put five books on the desk please!

Give me ten glass of sugar to make a coffee please!

Take me five watermelons in the refrigerator please!

Kick three balls into goal!


1. Pre Activities

a. Teacher opens the class by greetings.

“Good morning students, how are you today?”

b. Teacher checks students attendance.

c. Teacher gives review about cardinal number.

2. Main Activity

a. BkoF (Building Knowlwdge of the Field)

Teacher gives introduction about material by asking some


“Do you know cardinal number?”

“Have you ever counting?”

Students answer the question orally.

b. MoT (Modeling of the Text)

Teacher gives introduction about music performance as a

teaching media to help students on studying about cardinal


Teacher gives explanation about definition of cardinal


Teacher explains the using of cardinal number.

Teacher explains the spelling of cardinal number.

Teacher gives explanation about the function of music

performance in teaching cardinal number.

c. JcoT (Join Constraction of the Text)

Teacher sings cardinal number song.

Teacher lets students to sing cardinal number songs together

with him.

Teacher asks students to sing cardinal number songs with

correct intonation and pronunciation.

d. IcoT (Independent Construction of the Text)

Teacher chooses three students randomly to sing cardinal

number in front of the class.

Teacher gives assessment by looking the performance of


Teacher gives worksheet to students and asks students to

answer it.

3. Post Activities

Teacher reviews the materials.

Teacher gives the test to the students.

Students do the test.

Teacher motivates the students to study in their home.

Teacher close the lesson.


1. Form : Written test

2. Technique : Students are asigned to answer the question in

the worksheet.

3. Aspect to be assessed : Identify the cardinal number.


1. Test item : 5

2. Score of each item : 20

3. Total score of all item : 5 x 20 =100


Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c, or d!

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a,b,c, or d!

1. Put ……pens on the desk


A. tree

B. try

C. three

D. tie

2. Take me…….Apples in the

refrigerator please!

A. sick

B. sheep

C. ship

D. six

3. A: “What number is it?”

B: “It is number………

A. one

B. eleven

C. twelve

D. ten

4. There are …… cows.

A. five

B. Six

C. Nine

D. Eight



5. Mr. Campbel is a richman.

He has ….. cars at home.

A. Eight

B. Nine

C. Two

D. Four

Answer key

1. C. three

2. D. six

3. B. eleven

4. A. five

5. B. nine


A. Faidlal Rahman Ali, SE.Par, English Grammar Complete Edition,

Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama, 2010.

S.A. Susanna, S.Pd, Buku Pintar Bahasa Inggris SD, E-Book:

Semarang, Oktober 23rd


The Researcher

Ahmad Sofi Irwanto

NIM: 073411030

Approved by

Headmaster English Teacher

Hardiyono, S.Pd Hikmah, S. Pd.

NIP. 19580417 197802 1 001

Appendix 20




a. School : SDN 01 Manggungsari

b. Subject : English

c. Grade/ Semester : V/ I

d. Skill focus : Speaking

e. Material : Ordinal Number

f. Time Allotment : 2 X 40 minutes


2. Speaking

To express very simple instruction and information in context of school



2.1 Speaking

To make acceptable conversation with expresses activity and includes

speech act of giving instruction and information using cardinal and ordinal



To mention ordinal number correctly from 1 to 50.

To give instruction of using ordinal number in context of school.


By the end of the learning, the students will have been able to give

instruction of using ordinal number between 1 to 30 in context of school.


Communicative Learning Teaching (CLT)




Ordinal number

Definition : Ordinal number is a number indicates position in a series or

order. The Ordinal Number are first (1st), second (2nd),

third (3rd), and so on.

Ordinal number

1st = first


= second


= third


= fourth


= fifth


= sixth


= seventh


= eighth


= ninth


= tenth


= eleventh


= twelfth





= fourteenth


= fifteenth


= sixteenth


= seventeenth


= eighteenth


= nineteenth


= twentieth


= twenty-first


= twenty-second


= twenty-third


= twenty-fourth


= twenty-fifth


= twenty-sixth


= twenty-seventh


= twenty-eighth


= twenty-ninth


= thirtieth

We use in ordinal number several ways:

1. As names of streets

2. To express dates

3. To show sequence

Instruction of using ordinal number

Switch off all lamps in the second floor!

Remember me the final examination on the sixteenth December!

Call me the first winner please!

Ordinal Number Song


First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh,


Eight, ninth, tenth, eleventh


Twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth,


Eighteenth and Nineteenth


Twentieth, Twenty-first, twenty- second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth,


Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh,


Twenty-eight, Twenty-ninth, thirtieth, Thirty- first, thirty-second, thirty Third.


1. Pre Activities

a. Teacher opens the class by greetings.

“Good morning students, how are you today?”

b. Teacher checks students attendance.

c. Teacher gives review about ordinal number

First Street Fifth Avenue

March 2nd December 31st

The second person in the row the fifth floor in the building

2. Main Activity

a. BkoF (Building Knowlwdge of the Field)

Teacher gives introduction about material by asking some


“Do you know ordinal number?”

“Have you ever counting?”

Students answer the question orally.

b. MoT (Modeling of the Text)

Teacher gives introduction about music performance as a

teaching media to help students on studying about ordinal


Teacher gives explanation about definition of ordinal


Teacher explains the using of ordinal number.

Teacher explains the spelling of ordinal number.

Teacher gives explanation about the function of music

performance in teaching ordinal number.

c. JcoT (Join Constraction of the Text)

Teacher sings ordinal number song.

Teacher lets students to sing ordinal number songs together

with him.

Teacher asks students to sing ordinal number songs with

correct intonation and pronunciation.

d. IcoT (Independent Construction of the Text)

Teacher chooses three students randomly to sing ordinal

number in front of the class.

Teacher gives assessment by looking the performance of


Teacher gives worksheet to students and asks students to

answer it.

3. Post Activities

Teacher reviews the materials.

Teacher gives the test to the students.

Students do the test.

Teacher motivates the students to study in their home.

Teacher close the lesson.


2. Form : Written test

3. Technique : Students are asigned to answer the question in

the worksheet.

4. Aspect to be assessed : Identify the ordinal number.


1. Test item : 5

2. Score of each item : 20

3. Total score of all item : 5 x 20 =100


Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c, or d!

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a,b,c, or d!

1. March, …. 2011

A. 3

B. 3 st

C. 3 nd

D. 3 rd

2. Call me the ……. winner


A. 1

B. 1 st

C. 1 nd

D. 1 rd

3. Switch off all lamps in the ….. floor!

A. 2

B. 2 st

C. 2 nd

D. 2 th

4. Messi is …… winner

A. third

B. three

C. tree

D. two

5. Santi is in the …floor of

santika hotel.

A. ten

B. teen

C. tenth

D. tea

Answer key 1. D. 3 rd

2. B. 1 st

3. C. 4 th

4. A. third

5. C. tenth


A. Faidlal Rahman Ali, SE.Par, English Grammar Complete Edition,

Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama, 2010.

S.A. Susanna, S.Pd, Buku Pintar Bahasa Inggris SD, E-Book:

Semarang, Oktober 23rd


The Researcher

Ahmad Sofi Irwanto

NIM: 073411030

Approved by

Headmaster English Teacher

Hardiyono, S.Pd Hikmah, S. Pd.

NIP. 19580417 197802 1 001

Appendix 20




a. School : SDN 01 Manggungsari

b. Subject : English

c. Grade/ Semester : V/ I

d. Skill focus : Speaking

e. Material : Cardinal Number

f. Time Allotment : 2 X 40 minutes


2. Speaking

To express very simple instruction and information in context of school



2.1 Speaking

To make acceptable conversation with expresses activity and includes

speech act of giving instruction and information using cardinal and ordinal



To mention cardinal number correctly from 1 to 50.

To give instruction of using cardinal number in context of school.


By the end of the learning, the students will have been able to give

instruction of using cardinal number between 1 to 50 in context of school.


Communicative Learning Teaching (CLT)




Cardinal number

Definition : Cardinal number is a number such as three (3) or eleven (11)

or four hundred twelve (412), used in counting to indicate

quantity but not order.

Cardinal number

1 = one

2 = two

3 = three

4 = four

5 = five

6 = six

7 = seven

8 = eight

9 = nine

10 = ten

11 = eleven

12 = twelve

13 = three-teen

14 = four-teen

15 = five-teen

16 = six-teen

17 = Seven-teen

18 = eight-teen

19 = nine-teen

20 = twenty

21 = twenty-one

22 = twenty-two

23 = twenty-three

24 = twenty-four

25 = twenty-five

26 = twenty-six

27 = twenty-seven

28 = twenty-eight

29 = twenty-nine

30 = thirty

31 = thirty-one

32 = thirty-two

33 = thirty-three

34 = thirty-four

35 = thirty-five

36 = thirty-six

37 = thirty-seven

38 = thirty-eight

39 = thirty-nine

40 = forty

41 = forty-one

42 = forty-two

43 = forty-three

44 = forty-four

45 = forty-five

46 = forty-six

47 = forty-seven

48 = forty-eight

49 = forty-nine

50 = fifty

Cardinal Number Song

D Em

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,


Eight, nine, ten, eleven


Twelve, three teen, four teen, five teen, six teen, seven teen,

D Em A D

Eight teen, Nine teen, twenty


Twenty-one, twenty- two, twenty-three, twenty-four,


Twenty-five, Twenty-six, twenty-seven,


Twenty-eight, Twenty-nine, thirty, Thirty- one, thirty-two, thirty


Three, Thirty four, thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty-nine

D Em

Forty, forty one, forty two, forty three, forty four, forty five, forty six,


Forty seven, forty eight, forty nine, and fifty.

Instruction of using cardinal number

Put ten oranges in the kitchen please!

Give me five teen pail of water to fill the bath tub!

Take me seven watermelons in the refrigerator please!

Kick twenty balls into goal!


1. Pre Activities

a. Teacher opens the class by greetings.

“Good morning students, how are you today?”

b. Teacher checks students attendance.

c. Teacher gives review about cardinal number by asking students

to mention cardinal number.

Could you mention cardinal number?”

2. Main Activity

a. BkoF (Building Knowledge of the Field)

Teacher reminds students about the previous lesson

Teacher sings cardinal number song together with students.

b. MoT (Modeling of the Text)

Teacher asks students to make a group, each group consist of

3 students.

Teacher asks each group to come forward in front of the class

to sing cardinal number song.

Teacher chooses some group to write the cardinal number on

the black board.

Teacher and students analize together.

c. JcoT (Join Constraction of the Text)

Teacher lets students to sing cardinal number songs together

with him.

Teacher asks students to sing cardinal number songs with

correct intonation and pronunciation.

d. IcoT (Independent Construction of the Text)

Teacher gives worksheet to students and asks students to

answer it.

Teacher and students analize together.

3. Post Activities

Teacher and students conclude the material today.

Teacher give the test to the students.

Students do the test.

Teacher motivates the students to study in their home

Teacher closes the class..


1. Form : Written test

2. Technique : Students are asigned to answer the question in

the worksheet.

3. Aspect to be assessed : Identify the cardinal number.


1. Test item : 10

2. Score of each item : 10

3. Total score of all item : 10 x 10 =100


Complete the missing numbers form one to eleven, then Choose the

correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c, or d!

One – (1)…..… - three - four – (2)……… -six- (3)……….. - (4).……………

- nine – (5)……… - eleven.

6. Put (sepuluh jeruk) in the kitchen please!

A. ten oranges B. ten grapes C. nine oranges D. ten apples

7. Give me (lima belas ember) of water to fill the bath tub!

A. Five pail B. fifty pail C. five teen pail D. fift pail

8. Take me (tujuh semangka) in the refrigerator please!

A. seven melons B. seven icon C. eight melons D. seven watermelons

9. Kick (dua puluh bola) into goal!

A. twenty balls B. thirthy balls C. nineteen box D. two-nol

10. Look at me by your two eyes.

A. empat mata B. dua mata C. dua bola D. tiga mata

Answer key

1. two

2. five

3. seven

4. eight

5. ten

6. A. ten oranges

7. C. five teen pail

8. D. seven watermelons

9. A. twenty balls

10. B. dua mata


A. Faidlal Rahman Ali, SE.Par, English Grammar Complete Edition,

Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama, 2010.

S.A. Susanna, S.Pd, Buku Pintar Bahasa Inggris SD, E-Book:

Semarang, Oktober 23rd


The Researcher

Ahmad Sofi Irwanto

NIM: 073411030

Approved by

Headmaster English Teacher

Hardiyono, S.Pd Hikmah, S. Pd.

NIP. 19580417 197802 1 001

Appendix 20




a. School : SDN 01 Manggungsari

b. Subject : English

c. Grade/ Semester : V/ I

d. Skill focus : Speaking

e. Material : Ordinal Number

f. Time Allotment : 2 X 40 minutes


2. Speaking

To express very simple instruction and information in context of school



2.1 Speaking

To make acceptable conversation with expresses activity and includes

speech act of giving instruction and information using cardinal and ordinal



To mention ordinal number correctly from 1 to 50.

To give instruction of using ordinal number in context of school.


By the end of the learning, the students will have been able to give

instruction of using ordinal number between 1 to 30 in context of school.


Communicative Learning Teaching (CLT)




Ordinal number

Definition : Ordinal number is a number indicates position in a series or

order. The Ordinal Number are first (1st), second (2nd),

third (3rd), and so on.

Ordinal number

1st = first


= second


= third


= fourth


= fifth


= sixth


= seventh


= eighth


= ninth


= tenth


= eleventh


= twelfth





= fourteenth


= fifteenth


= sixteenth


= seventeenth


= eighteenth


= nineteenth


= twentieth


= twenty-first


= twenty-second


= twenty-third


= twenty-fourth


= twenty-fifth


= twenty-sixth


= twenty-seventh


= twenty-eighth


= twenty-ninth


= thirtieth

We use in ordinal number several ways:

4. As names of streets

5. To express dates

6. To show sequence

First Street Fifth Avenue

March 2nd December 31st

The second person in the row the fifth floor in the building

Instruction of using ordinal number

Switch off all lamps in the second floor!

Remember me the final examination on the sixteenth December!

Call me the first winner please!

Ordinal Number Song


First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh,


Eight, ninth, tenth, eleventh


Twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth,


Eighteenth and Nineteenth


Twentieth, Twenty-first, twenty- second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth,


Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh,


Twenty-eight, Twenty-ninth, thirtieth, Thirty- first, thirty-second, thirty Third.

Instruction of using ordinal number

Switch off all lamps in the second floor!

Remember me the final examination on the sixteenth December!

Call me the first winner please!


1. Pre Activities

a. Teacher opens the class by greetings.

“Good morning students, how are you today?”

b. Teacher checks students attendance.

c. Teacher gives review about ordinal number by asking students

to mention ordinal number.

Could you mention ordinal number?”

2. Main Activity

a. BkoF (Building Knowledge of the Field)

Teacher reminds students about the previous lesson

Teacher sings ordinal number song together with students.

b. MoT (Modeling of the Text)

Teacher asks students to make a group, each group consist of

3 students.

Teacher asks each group to come forward in front of the class

to sing ordinal number song.

Teacher chooses some group to write the ordinal number on

the black board.

Teacher and students analize together.

c. JcoT (Join Constraction of the Text)

Teacher lets students to sing ordinal number songs together

with him.

Teacher asks students to sing ordinal number songs with

correct intonation and pronunciation.

d. IcoT (Independent Construction of the Text)

Teacher gives worksheet to students and asks students to

answer it.

Teacher and students analize together.

3. Post Activities

Teacher and students conclude the material today.

Teacher give the test to the students.

Students do the test.

Teacher motivates the students to study in their home

Teacher closes the class..


1. Form : Written test

2. Technique : Students are asigned to answer the question in

the worksheet.

3. Aspect to be assessed : Identify the ordinal number.


4. Test item : 10

5. Score of each item : 10

6. Total score of all item : 10 x 10 =100


I. Unscramble the letters to find the numbers:

II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c, or d!

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a,b,c, or d!

6. Call me the……

Winner please!

A. 1

B. 1 st

C. 1 nd

D. 1 rd

7. Switch off all lamps in the …..


A. 2

B. 2 st

C. 2 nd

D. 2 th

8. Sit down in the ………….. row


A. first

B. fish

C. feet

D. feel

9. Come in the …… (kamar ke dua

puluh) of santika hotel!

A. two room

B. twelve room

C. twenty room

D. twentieth room

10. Meet me on the …… (jalan ketiga)

of Wismasari regency!

A. Three street

B. Tree street

C. third street

D. thirty streeet

Answer key

1. first

2. second

3. third

4. fourth

5. fifth

6. B. 1st

7. C. 2nd

8. A. first

9. D. twentieth room

10. C. third street


A. Faidlal Rahman Ali, SE.Par, English Grammar Complete Edition,

Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama, 2010.

S.A. Susanna, S.Pd, Buku Pintar Bahasa Inggris SD, E-Book:

Semarang, Oktober 23rd


The Researcher

Ahmad Sofi Irwanto

NIM: 073411030

Approved by

Headmaster English Teacher

Hardiyono, S.Pd Hikmah, S. Pd.

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