New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-04-28 [p 6].Hewas standiiu; immediately betörethe...

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«.*. Bw**** Tayl-rr. er*«t»k".l»»"' BwXBS W"l~

.*»<.. Lea-eater.England. _ , . , _ u.J^r» PUiNu. I. x. ,^r..rl-.«l." T.tyKe». J B W ..bur. K.*e« r.

*A lUi.ol 1 Mr. base) Jane M. KayAi |.nr.v>»o em tse «««1 of the l*-tI MJ"" "

us*."*ü ü'«rbTsfrjeal SC He.krt),, f*» of «»¦> flaS-Cweo and of

VMlnül. I» «-eserita Bsrn Berredee. secoad danghter of DMtnai*v<r l'i.'i M"'"* . . _

i» Mar. « t». » t Ibe Ke. It B. Miration, ft the M.

«T. (bmck. Vr. W, B. H. llod.on lo Mas Emma Huad, all ol thai

"VbBsb PmacaKO,on Iks l-ili n't-, ky toe %¦» Dt T. L ?*», i . Iwwerl Don r< i.nit»l, ol Belgium, to Myva tr

CUl*-!».D. of" Iraaie.

Died.At sb*. Man-1. :*n, oa Noard atesui'lup Panama, of dvteaterr. Mr.

B. C P. t!< r, i New l.oi.di a, i 01. u., aa..| H y-ara. Bir.«: atBBoaterry.

Vrt. IS. at the re.ider.ce of Dr. Prrttvmao. .a Clockemaa Co.,*X T.. aller . long liiaeea, Jaiuta E. «aBOattk k, seed S3, '..rir.rrly of».auf.« J, IowaOa tlx 17th Man I:, Bu.Merry.of convulsion., Kate, infant daughter

fat Th< n a* W. aft. Juaaia Motherland.Oa Pa-ka'Bar, Joha Brvaco, aged V> year*. H* waiu'-'i f

BaronAle. .

la the aeaeriria River, on tbeiMi Mareh. Matthew Roberta, late asjkiies of Prna.ylvaiua. He was druwsarf in attempting lo savs lueaaaaliOor'a property.At Aubuts.on the «Uli Berth, ef ror.fe.ticB of the bowel*,..

Bib, formerly a bbsA**** at »». orce»ter («.km. ss«d 30 yara.At Stock ton. on the SSd March. Santiago Iterea. a oativs of Soso-

fa, M..Beet aboat 3* year..Oa Brown'. Fat, a exile ami a half shssf* ft »ora, Jsmea Parks, of

aWopar, s*ed about **,aaraaartj tram Alabama.Oa board Asaencsn ship Su-rpree, August M, James P. Storgis,

kala ot Macaola Bean wa. Ke»a«a Ca, on the ISd Marth. Dr. C. C Pope, m~<

. year., fcri-oer.'y froaa Warrra (t, ^. f. Heath auaed by a 1*11aVoai a KoreaOa soar* tlie br t Orleans, on her ra*eaie frem Raalejo to taa

Brae.-.'©, M Hammond. Mr.. Sai.-h and ilold, Ii. H. Viroll,Htrry Hce»e. Ji-e^ Mull. It.O.ard norland.At Ike »rate Hospital, te Sonors, on the ttth Marek, of rkronie

aWrrka* 1>«»«IS. Wilka*M.afed 40 yeara. a nam* of Wa aa.aadhtatjwfwl Ctaar, atefcattul Ca., Pa.On tke J4'h Mao h, ol < l.roa.. uiarrhea. at the aaaa* place,-..

Bicbola. M'dti yeara. at New Jork.Ü Mj iiiHiti i' T M PaBetaaa, Kaa,, Pak Co,,O. T.,*ataa

Bth mi Jam atPi B*jbj*bm a aaaart*f i M. Miller.Id Polk ( o <> I on the ltth of February, Rebec-a J. Myre.aad

two day. prior, aa inlant da'ifhter.tAkH), on ihetfid r.i Kebruary, W iliiam Myre, of ary-ipelaa.Ob Ttiarnlay, if'h otMar. h. at eaaaaaM am, lavateaed by the maa-

aaW.Mra Ektahetl. W. Brad'treet. w. r ol Samuel ». llradatraet,aajed «4, awaBaatj id Rowley. Maaa.Ü |aa iaaaitii - | eflb* IMA efBareA, aiur a i

Unjee- Dl <> . v -.e ef Stanfor«, l.iaroin C-.u»»y, Ky..aa** hfiyiar.. 1 r Bart Ml ktl katwai .r-in.| rir.i.iel BO Baaaao in IK3I, and waa ea«a»e<l ib aien ant.> pjrauila in countryall hiaen aratkoa to i alili nua, «ome three year, ni

hitttmmi-* si ¦/¦ Ba II. to MtrehTI. -Msrckai. Bkral eik Hat t Irefcu aa* I *anBarth t». Pal nek Pari» |i. Ireland, used '.'H yeara.Ban k £», PseaV Ei och, Ussakssa. t«e. to yeBsrilitre Ueai K. M ysaraBan h SI. Elisakelk BrssVtreet, »fed 54 years.Pied, at h>a ten lerne, mar S.m Jost, on the5- lb Msreh, Mr. Joho

Baiter, a r-»t.»e o! Verio, at, nfe.l M year- sad . mouth*. The daaaased.ot. hi. wsy home a lew d.y.'uii<¦. wastbnwafroaahisbsfey,aa* taa nss rs- Bwe*1 mV e latal

PACIFIC SHIP NEWS.i'orl oT San i ruiici«ii o ... Arrived.

MJaiBl 1U >. L-. > y .re. Urowu.f oui a BWSUB] MMBarn, 9' Msasser Qaicist*a),Ti :.'»r, koss eirei ,u « ar Mi.

Tseoos.' v

Mareht^-llBlk»^Valter. (Ham. I)re«r!i. r, IV. lays fm Haaahnrf,Vk» Ta'par m.o, 4» daya B*rs*r,Sk> n"', Iffidaya tm. Na* fork.Mao lit; Rh;» Raisdeer. l/.rd. I4S ilaya I'm. Worfalk, »ia Valpa¬

raiso, 4« daya nrur Matd ot Julidia, IBt) Beoi.a». J'- SBJ*BBVBoeol'.' i. viudwak lalaads;) Eawa, BuaAar Ika. I'mwut; tmai«.reatoB. Miiiloy, Im. Astoria.Bank »3-Ba.-k I'r.i.i - 11 tie, lit Kerr, 1434BVV*Mk IsWWOa,

via Palklard lrfs*«1s. M ds bi* Mary II...: o d, llr I r .uaack.'M daBe. Sa» AnU'Sie.Man I, .4 .*i..pVer»B.I'e«. Kn wie.. i3s«* fm Baalaa »>ark Caea-

assist. Parereal, Itrisjua; krit Saseea La Dtae. a*.i <'hma. Pleat,anas. Ini. »s'i*r».»r-. Ho pi"., !» ni .< a-Iir« Krraif rran a, to..'Ibi.i1 E. A.BUesr,Motaaa,FattBoss.BwebSt.«te*uatiii.<lti>o,HiliisnJ, *aa Ossfoi l!r. skip o'

Cakes, liordoa.'.: da. tin. Mosa K.»b|. W lsass.j ship Men e'ea.Let. 44 s>. ha, Vskarai T. 144 ssaa; Br. bark Meabury,Clark, no da.fa>. Hon« Koaa.DC Bsss.j Pru«. hark PreJ. lli.-hm, VVoiler, 71 da fm.Boat Kons, 7'< p...., Hi Ink 1..-«.-:'.-n on. Keii.irth, lai da. frn.lAaVgai B>. Bark Pnaeass Roral, vv.n-i. 4* d«. fm yakjaraiso, no

pass.; f. W. MaTeser,Staples 47 la le so.March Mi.ateanwbip Pacific, UsBSvsr.Saa Jaaavia Acapnteo; ah p

#aaaBertram, LeadboJai, looi, |kn Bosfiaj BrissPrasAlia Asasss,j*s>BI.t^asst Baaaa Tarewas, Blee, Psrtlassl, O. T. j E.ais. Sewsjl, 30.1. taa. H.o.oluliii 8. I. iCeuner, (Has./ krahke, 4'. M. Ba.VslpsreiM. i ll.lMi,.r-, Thork, lf> d». fm. i.,hs Hsjlowilt, aWet,BRes. fm. Maaallaa tia CaieSl. Lora- ; Cd. Fremont, Br-kiu-, MaaDie*«.

Bseiii » (Cl Law,M ds fin Valparaiso LaTesSata taaaai Hi. tt tt las. Vasasfaasoj kfias iniean,-, Se.m.u,and., to.. Realsjo sad taoJuso,an pa.sensers, 7 d -d-.n lasssasassiBssdsiena, (Brf**.) Bi 4* i- Biataea via Vetjaraaso,4M day. MlaassasasPS i Besetelk Newell. Bustk. Ji d-, lai. H .no

tala; aikrs. BViUaasa. (Haw.) Davis, 11 da. fss. I.ahaia., o.ld Fal¬low. ii i'o.'mBan h,»I ,p Co', ml ia, II|B. fm. Portland and A.tona,

fBh) Oaaer Cissswell, Akwader. 4. dsjra Inas Vesaaraisoj sens.Ayr.h. Lass Bs« M. lys fross HMan b vt saiss Kortk Carol i I ilsr, HI days lrosi*tloa| Koaa,

BSI pa." b(er. Aleiand. r 4f> day. In in l.adrone,AAyssiais, (llr.) (iordou,4« o.iy. u .in Valdai....... SU paa.aai.-ra, tBssslea.

Mar« h Jo «le.nier Sea 1'or.l, Haley, Mas Iliefo bark <yna, Mal-SAor, so dsys from Valparaiao.Banhlll llaik. BuaUaadoa, .li ne., fram Philadelphia tia <aa

Pedni. |f days. 8. A. I Pair, ;< h.l. M day. UOSJ V.ilparai.o.April 1- P. B. steaaailiii» Paii:oiia, .' W'.-okiri. I'-1 cm'iian i

4B>, reo» Paaama 111h Marek, «.a intermediate ss***, M4 paa.enteraP. B. .leam.hii'I ..I PrssBasBaJ M ttaw, Ese>, IroBi Parian.., via

katarmrd .lie i«.m(. UOBBSasasarsj tins. Eiuoy taiaUaiu. Mulsi, ISdays tea Cans Ulsad, lao hhla. ml.

( loan «i.Barth B> Bns. WiBsaaS. Ponland hrs. X. |k Pros!,

Beaspaiead. Bandw Iiissals Rasaaa Ua>Aw, VaapmovM.ohtt Br .. hr Apianli. n. Miller. SidneyBarthBB Btesssei Bemawalal < tr. Cresssy, S'.n Ju.n; barka

Mary Melville. Bjaikay, astaria; I It Caeeia, fcUU, Calksoj krajBoniareil. PoBS, Ml Helen.Bassa 14 lark Ma.eppa, Hull. Kew-Tork, sie PaSjarak*

bns Tsaat, l.on-. I Ksecl lissaa, Uaker,Bash io. Olivia. Msrnlbew, Bm rasseaiu t oyBsrrk IS Mr>. bus PaceOS* d1 Coiuapo, leekasrsa. Mai.Han ;

sekr Jiaeph Hewitt, Ei'i-.o >n rammt..« 'y .k-.p Hudaou, M liar,fttakt.nManh SA .lop Tbuma. tVatxm, l.yte. Philadelphia bark Alice

Barkaa, Lawlos, Mr* reeki kt i m a eeaws, l,-.o-u. Saa h ...

Bastntl Meameri. Hiliiaol,Baa Ilief.»j .k.p. Mailt,Boaer,hu.'. . N I. I.ifht. I.orinf. 4 ,,' Cakes. «Irent,CsaloBi barks, (Brax.) Barbaaa. arasakso) America, .HeBsBay.s.i.*' Bea ti ad |0k *sv*sjsoe,Baadeich Isatsds,askrs. Blue V\iu|, KtttassasSS, Backloai Surprise, It,ley, tti.ikt. u.

Bophi Ii *, sä s, laala Bsiliara.Bsnh ist- Ship Ak^Kiass, (Fr.) N. Cetard, Mshiaror*; bn| Jit. Jone«. I'orU in Pai aVBsnb 31- Situ.. E A. Siier, BaSBaa. Potl hewSJ Pmperor

Binar, IsA nf IllJSfS] MaiiUaio. Cole. BBS FaxBSO. aha.p lt.K'he.eter,BUM kl.ail. M.. kl. I.

April Meam-h.i' Pa* ide, I eF.vre. San Juas -hip Viet.- a.

(Br. B aB*. Panama oaik Hanna Sprafue, Haeiar, SauJuaa;Sskr. Okvis, BerriUiew Sacr.inenlo.


Wl liavc dates from Oregon to the "J6thull The Ü. 8L aktp N'incennes wus at Astoria on thoSOth mat, r« atly tor tea. She arrived ut that port on

the Ull,PAiiNrpt, Accinr.nt..As tin- stmmrr

James P. |lint, says The Suuttmui'i ut' the in»t., wa*SMBBBM error bbs i«iii,i-in twi-en this city un.l Portl.nul,last Weilnesdav nlteinoou, the " crown seat of herbtiiler sunk, im) the tieain mm ai'inir, ¦ badly snaldedthe engiueer, Mr. John Denuis, thut lie died In 18 hours.He was standiiu; immediately betöre the luruaee diair,Bund rceelved the toll cut lent ot the stemn, liten.lly tlay-ln|! hBB bH*sa He was broucht to this citv, where hisrenmiiis wcie hnernat Be formeily rvsMed la NewAlbni.\, lud where he leaves a »ilc m.d ohLVi It isauppia-ed the inimedliite cense ol lu« death whs tho in-BalaUi it ot *tesin. He wa* v.M.i year* ot age.

Capt Vü llet^en, of tikB i nit, caused every i.ttnitton to !>c bestowed upon the unfortunate man, and !*>fused ti lente until deHth ended his k*AwMndja undhe had i ci hu med the lust kind office of burial.The 1 ugle, which was near the Flint at the time of

the toeIdant, s< serouslj came to bar relief.The Stult»nun latya that the Pacific

Mail tie. in.I. |, t oii.iuiiiy have itshHahed their .er:-

oral.icj oi ut St. Helens, to whicli point tin' t'oluintiiawill Inic. iter um. '1 h -W loiuuette will connect withher

Tut: Si hoo.\>k Haiuuk.t Sakk..\V<Warn that the schooner Harriet, which left here for SaaFrancisco some tin e m 1 itvcmlver last, and which was

euppo*ed to hellet, arrived at Olympia. Pug.tV Sound,a few days since. pHssen-fer* and rrew all well. TheIlaniet abstained, soon after iBaTfBMJ port, eon-i.lor:.,'..elnjuiy, and was driven l«v the storms aa far in..-nonhwaid as M dettreea, where she had been kma kiiifabout until a favorable opportunity bfOBgBlBet to OajpaVpia. plhe had on board I l«ri;e cargo of ho^t, all ofwhiih either «lie»1 or u. r,. killed t -a,..- The personson board have sutl red every privaBOO, having li,«en noahort allow ,,nce lor at me time, mid Uvin,! on mu.clat,.whlcb were ulitAiiiod alou-i tlie Cw*>t. They, bow. ve-,

enjoyed ^wd health all ihe tune. Tue passenecrs Uh'kpas»a,,e BB the Columbia, at Kiu.iier. lor San Krauel*«...

11 Ireg.uiiau, 13th,Tht Sptctator has hecnilisiMiitinueil.Kit n i MiMT in Linn COUNTY.-

TV 7Mars eouti Ins a report «>1 u lm ue meetin; ot theawBaena of 1 tBayonaAr, Ot*s*Mt, aaariiiibhid at Aii>anTess the 1 Ith ol March, lor the purpose of taking iutöaonaub rain-ti tie c< «-.iied v lie iWleral idlicer*nf the Tenlttiry. The lollowiu.; is the tirst oia eertea ofraw, lull. - ...

«.*'**. *u*. It issaai that Judgi- Nelsi.u is en his wavap thenvar to make au atleapt t.. h. l.l Cosjtl iu the Count.. . .tMarion and Linn, tn o|>en violation ui the laws of tins .u-mrf Ux-iefoi*Ae*n<d. By the PBOfSSSd Linn County, in inaas raeetina

aswenibletl. that In :! - event , ,uch an attempt ,.u tlie anof .lodge Nelseu; in this County, while we wiH su tar as ikw-Bbla endea«. k a a - yStill lca.1 to kieachet ot ti e jv see, we will treat all rich at-teaiit* as an «>i*u «lolain es of the comm. -aatusuit to our unoeislandii.g and ta-.i iraoect-ai.d ia dirsatBubveiaK n of tlie oidet and peace ol the community.

Mr. Henry Tucker, ein]»loye«l upon thepUol h« st raii'. ri i.i, vsas drviwne i kt BH BMSBB of Cofund in lie. 'ir, Match IV Lvery et¬

wa* made to rewrue him, but wiliiout success, lie a at

ftoni Ki.*t| ort, Maine.All the ilitlicullie» with the Indians at

Cape Klau-iy bad !><« n BBBBsJ sati-lMctorilr. (Jor.Ik.tag lass bai d lnt«'l ...em irom KlatterrJack that be had executed ten of his tribe and buriedone alive.The Vincennes left Honolulu on the20rh

January, 1«'» and arrived at Puft't's Sound on the 5thFebruary, sml at Astoria on the 14!h March. She was

U£til U" S*B r r*»ei*x o on the *7lh or «»th.The foil, earing la a hat of Iks IIBM 111 «Uta. h.-J to the

Uliltrd SUtes sfcavn of-war \ incrnnes, Ivlng of«:er. \* * Hurlam, I. H II I.«ncl I. cut.

Joah A. lisiury ; Lwot MC Perry; Surge-« Cdwand J.Ratn-i; Lieut, Joba Wiikiaaoa; Manne 0"ic.r \\ . <Motd Assistant Surgeon. S. A 1 .,«),,. 1'«,., M, 1,.,:,. ,.. ,

and Artitg Maater o t ll.-v. r A'wm. J Maiariiruiaau, W ÜCrain. Captain's ( !erk, J VV Hawawa Miami,...ruaiT'j S ..

btaa, Mulsh', tan-enter w ni l^aighb .:Unaoei. K Mack, Boatswain, VV It P.r.tMe,. »alhUxr;,Thos TaiAUi.



Date*.London, April I V, Paris. I t.



By the arrival of the U. S. Mail Steam¬

ship F'nuiklin, Capt, J. A. Wotton, we are in possessionof file* of London and Paria papers, with letters fromour vsrious correspondent*, conveying news from E*

rope of fire days later date than that received by tholast Livrpool steamers.The Franklin left Havre at 8 A. M. on the l.'ith lust,

touched at Cowes on the evening of the same day, and

having received the usual semi-weekly mails via South¬

ampton, took her final departure from Cowes at 7 P. M-on the l.'th inst.The Franklin brings 07 passenger*, a valuable cargo

of French good* snd t8.\0u0 in specie.The Chimborazo and Naomi were entering the port

of Havre as the Franklin left.In consequence of the lowness of the tjdei on the

French coa.t, the Franklin was detained one day beyondher time of sailing at Havre. The low tides were occa¬

sioned by the long continuance of easterly winds.

April 2*>, in consequence of a thick fog, stopped en¬

gine* at 6 P. M., within sound of the fog bell of tho

lijjht-ship.remained there until t> A. M. this morning..The following persons came pussen-

gers in the FranklinUreaM Draper, 1". B. Consel at Harr», and Bearer of Dis¬

patcher Mrs. Draper. Hamilton & Hawkins, Brut. OefJ. JohnW He Peyster. lady and servant, John vä De Peyster, Jr^Frederick "be Pevster, Mis* Helen B'-ale, Miss Johnson. Mrs.

i* Mt». Wot- -., s .: at. I child. MeanerJ W.'Wottnn. Dr. Perils Robert Fon, J. C.dvi) and Udy, W.T Moese and lady, U Pavj end lady, Mi** Pavy, Mis* Au-

Ruta Bitumen, F A. Sciiiunaker and lady, Hush Irving,t w-1 ork ; franklin D<-xt. r. June* Siurruvv. Elliot C. Cow-

det. Boston; Mnutiin Stille, ledy, child and servant, (J.-ne-vieve Riclet, Mis* Lanssart, Paw Solomon and lady, Fii'la.delj'hia; Bisla p McCIoskey, Albanv: Col Peter S. Kwt-ner, Louisville, Ky.; toMM W, Jesrett, Vermont;Carl Arzhackeraiitl bay, Wisconsin: Henry MuhhVrg-r. Ed-iraekhv Jmr*. Doeehet, O.T.Tluiusuanan, San Francisco;James Brady. Barth, lernen Orattau. Petra ¦¦ onway, WaxHoflmsn. Kinnia Hoffman, Alice Hoffman, Captain ft. BairdSniKli, ft. K., Captain Mathew, C. Dum, Jr., H.A., ColMathew ('. Diaon, H. A and l^uly, Susan F. Dtaon, FrancisM. Diaon, Win Hums. England; Dr. Beylard, T. W. Stor-row. Leone* A'.at. K. Cavlus atui lady. Mis* Cay hi*. Miss E.Caylus, Vincent Jus is und lady. Ellen Larkin, A>:g.ntinsDreoi'. Auguste Dileafant. Remjie i Leprinoa, JaiesOuerner,J. Maina, r. Avegno, Mas Avegno, .M:*s Count, M.,Paris: Lortis Malausserie. Italy; Adolphe Heiaeoac.hmidt,Herrnana Sark-. Frees Deveas, Adolphe Voe Hi Iphone Maice FabtL Clara Nockin, Anna Schwab,Thoma» Jone*, OenaHarf.. The British and North American

Mail Steamer Niagara arrived in the Mersey on the Kith,having encountered very stormy weather.

. Much anxiety was felt for the arrivalof tlie Washington, which left New-Yerk on the 27thMarch, for Bremen via Cowes. When the Franklin leftthe Washington was in her 20th day..Tlie London Money Market was in-

*rca«iii-ly easy, and the glut of unemployed capital con.

tinued. Consols had nearly reached par, and idl sorts

of mouey securities were raj idly ri-ing in value.

ENGLAND.. Of political nH'uirs from England there

is nothing new, the House* of Parliament having ad¬journed for the Faster Holiday". The note of prepara¬tion for the ensuing general elections was, however, lavng sounded throughout the country, and everywherethe constituencies were preparing for the great contestw hich is finally and forever to settle the question ofFtec Trade versus Protection.. In the event of the Crystal Palace

being pulled down, it was understood that a Londonfirm had offered A70,000 for the budding, aud inteudedto noted it in one of the suburbs for tho purpose, of a

winter garden. In consequence of an order from tho(iovernment, the building ha* been closed to the public,and, we fear, w ill be soon removed.

.The bookselling difficulty continues toexcite atleiifion. Two close columns of Tin Virnr$ ofthe tilth are filed w ith the report of an interview be-tweeu the leading frit rids of tlie present system, Messrs.Murray, Longman, Röhn, Riving!'ui, and Lord Camp¬bell, who, with Mr. Mihnna ami Mr. drabs, had b?enappoiuted arbiteis. The question was fully argued infavor of the present system, und Lord Campbell saidthat he must leterve any expression of opinion until hehad heard the other side, of which Messrs. B'ntley,,Chapman and others, are the representatives.. A long correspondence has taken placo

between tlie Admirably and all the leading coast oft! era

in reference to the probable loss of two large ships uponthe northern coast of America. It WOO occasioned bythe following statement from Captain C.nvard of theship Renovation, which is again at sea, but upon who-ereturn strict inquiry wtD he Instituted

" April, 1831s when near the cast edge of the bank, oilNewloundlHiid, In tat 45° 30*, N wind N. F., fresh breezesand clear weather, a* much as I could carry foretop-niast-studdingsail, fell in with icebergs, one of whichwus very large, with held lee attiubed to It, in whichthere were two t! ree-nUsfted ships, having their nia'tsStriu k ami yards down, and all made snug; to all ap¬pearance they had passed the winter together in the ice.Abes*) ,r> o'clock in the rnornlng, when within on I mile ofthem, the mate culled me to see the berg and ships bythe time 1 tot up and droosad and on deck, mv ship wasabreast ol them ; took spying gUag and carefully exam¬ined them to see if there w as any one on board, butconti not sea any oaa, At the tune, l did not think ofMi John 1 tun a. ins missing ship; anxiety to get aheadout oi the dancer, while the weather was clear from logs,and being too tar past before I could make up my mind,camed me not to reduce sail and examine them m in¬accurately. I am since of opinion they might poskilnybe the missing ship."The Admiralty wish to ascertain if the ships mi$ht be

whale ships. Wo qm toWooi.w ich, Wednesday, April il, 18.12.

"The greatest activity ha* heeu displayed to-day atthe Dockyard to complete the store* required for thovessel* ol tlie Arctic F\|kdilion, that all may be onboard to-night or early to morrow morning, a*the wholeof the squadron are under orttstO to p roceed down theriver between I aad 10 o'clock A. M oa Tnursdny, April15. The Monkey Stenn vessel, Second Master Sal-lenger, will tow the Assistance, Capudn Sir El wirdBelcher, C B.; tlie Zephyr ste.iin vessel will tow theRcsoiute, Captain KeUen, C.B.; and the Adderstaaatvessel will tow the North Star, Cumm in i.-r 1'ulleu, toOr-eiihilhe, where they will have their compassesrtd.Misted. The Intrepid screw steam vessel, CommanderM'ClmtocV, and the l'ioneer screw stem ves»el. Lieu¬tenant l'on mainier (».'«.in, will e:. >i yet up their steamand proceed to Urt-eubithr at the same time.''

.Arrivals of gold from Austrnliu stillcontinued, and a great number of Mining Companieshad been formed, and were forming for the workin .

the gold mines in Australia. The share* vf thoCulitoiMsm Cold Mining Companies, on the other hand,were itmpnarilv disc:edited, end bad Idler. iMghjlj iiivalue. A mania lor raialng in Australia is likely tJ setin Managst the English pevple, consequent up. -n the ro¬ten: accounts.

BUIT1S1I INDIA.. The Overland Mail with dtteafrotn

China, February 27. Bombay, March ii, CaJcutu, March% had arrived in Loudon. The Brirl-h Fxpe-luionagainst Burmah cousisted of t"> 000 troops, two ships ofw sr and thirtoeu war steamers. Additional forces BrOntChina were expect«d. The departure of the expeditionwas to Uke place from Calcutta aud Madras on the 1 »;hMarch. The force* were to rendezvous at the ¦ tuthof the Casi or the eastern branch of the Iraweddy. ItWould probably proceed up the Utter branch to avoidthe resistance provided on the route by Rangoon,where 20,1X10 Burmese troops were ussemUe>L ThoBritish forces had orders to advance to Prome. Partiesol Burmese had ravaged the frontier villages.

FRANCE..MM. Mi. l.flef, (feinet and Mickiewi. z

are removed hy decree from their Professorship* in theI L vel-ity. .

M< Martin de Strasburg, Ctiuneillor atthe Court of Cessation, has refused to take the oaths ofallegiance, and lias resigned hi* place..On the 10th May it is supposed the

great army review wdi take place..M. Kmile (iirardin hirl received an of¬

ficial ni.iting as editor ol La frisss, in cun-Viouty wttii

the trnni of the Im on the Press. Another notice oftfaii sort will oTily be necessary prior to the sTippr^kraof hi« journal..The returns of the Bank of France had

been issued, and were ct ntldered of a favorable char¬acter.

.At a meeting of the Legislative As¬sembly on the 13th inst, a message wtis to be presentedfrom the President of the Republic which would containa general review of the affairs of the country since the

last message on the 12th November, ltS51.

.Prince Canino has returned to Pari*.

.The Government lifts take possession ofLonis Philippe's favorite JMe% and the domain ofklunaauz..It is stated that 30 Senators are to re¬

ceive dotations of from 10,000 to .Wioo franca

.The French Consul at Trieste has, byorder of his Government, taken down the escutcheon

bearing the words " Libcrte, Egditc, Fraternite,"' and

replaced it by the Imperial eagle.The political offenders who have been

transported into Algeria are to be divided into three cate¬

gories. The first is to romprisc those who poaaeas proper¬ty or are skillful workmen, and they are u> be placed inthe tewns on the roast, where th*y can live on their in¬comes or obtain emj. loyment. The-e persons would hivebeen unrit for agricultural labor, and the expense of es-

tabhthing them in the agricultural colonie* wwuld havebeen very considerable. The second category is to con¬

sist of such of the transported as present guarantees otgood conduct, or express repentence they are to beplaced iu different villages as free colonists, under thesimple superintendence of the authorities. In a shorttime the government will probably afford them pecun-iury lu-siotance, so that they may colonize on their ownaccount The third category is to comprise the miredangerous portion of the transported. They are to l»edivided among several tarnps or villages, in band- sub¬ject' d to severe discipline ; but their food and lodgingare to be carefully provided, and if th» ir conduct begood, they may become free colonists, obtain possessionof land, and do joined by thoir fändln» The district*to which the st-coud and third categories are to be sent,are Birkadem, [joaera, sfsasoii f'.irree. Bourkika, Aiu-Eenian, Ain-Suitan, and, it'necessary, Tixorain an lOuedB-iutan, in the province of Algeria; Bona, Caroubier.and the Diean, in tlie province of Cousfmlina, andtiers e| Keblr, in the province of Ornn. It it expectedthat the labor of the transported will greatly facilitatethe colonization of Algeria. The trnnerjorted of thefirst class, who are, it ig said, very grateful for the con-

cession made to them, intend to send lor their families.

PORTUGAL..Advice« from Lisbon of the 31st

March, Hate that in consequence of an adverse vote inthe Cortes, which threw the Ministry into a minority on

the Reform Act, the Ilukc of Saldaab.* and all his

colleagues tendered their resignations. The Queen,however, declined to accept it, and authorized thePrime Minister to take any measures he thought proper.Alter an ineffectual attempt to induce the majority to

come to a compromise, it was resolved to adjourn theCham!« rs till the 20th M.iy. The country remainedtrnnquiL.A melancholy shipwreck it rec inle 1

in a letter from Oporto, dated March 30:" A most lamentable occurrence, in the loss of the

steamer Porto, (Portu.ruese.') has thrown this city iuto thecreate «-t consternation 1.11 her passengers, (3»i in num¬

ber) having perished, and only seven of her crew saved.Thai untoitunate vessel saileu from this port on .sund.iymorning for LinboN, aim from some cause or anotherbore up acain alter belnc as tar south as Fiirueiru, andn tanSf the bar la>t evening about 11 o'clock she struck

On seme rocks culled the Korcidos, inside the b,ir. wh"iithe anchor was let go, but somehow or other she drift¬ed, and, not answerim; her helm, she got imbedded in a

reel of rocks, where no aid could lie sent to her | andm_l t coming on, she w ent to pieces in a few hiurs.Amour the sufferers ;>re Mr. Joseph Allen, of this place,and two daughters Mr. Aiidersoo, from London, ship¬owner, who was here on aecount Of the Harriet, boundto Australia; Möns. Dei-tre«», J-'reniii Consul at thispoit; Mr. Anderson's nephew; Menhor Jose AtlgUStUda r-ilveiro Pinto, nephew of the well-known SenhorAlbani). tit Lisbon Senhnr Antonia Jose Placido Braga;BenhOT Fratici CO Vieira de Sousa OHveirn, of the Corn-men 1*1 B.iiik. Ac yet no bodies have been picked up."

SPAIN..The new law on the [IT! IIB, published

by the Spunbh (iovernment, is almost a copy of that re¬

cently pn tnuL-fited in Paris by Louis Napoleon..El Clamor, La Nactmi, El Ileraldo,

I.a k'pi'.a, and Kl Obftrxadtir were *> igej on the 7th.La F.yprranza mentions having suppressed its first lenderIn eoneeirnanee of the rigor with which the other jour-DtJi were treated. Tlie directors of the Madrid journalsmi tin the previous day to deliberate ou the course

tbey should pursue under tlie new law on the press.Some suggested the propriety of suspending pro tempyrttheir daily publications, but no resolution was adopted,opinion beiug extremely divided..The Expand states that the Governor

of Matanzas, in Cuba, has l>eeu dismissed for not pre-venring the binding of some negroes who had been impi tied as slaves by several planters.

ITALY..Accounts from Turin state that a bill

for eontinuinc the fortifxatione of Casidr: had been ap¬proved by the Piedmontese Senate..An equestrian statue of King Charles

Albert is to be forthwith erected at a cost of £34,000sterling,

AUSTRIA..A Telegraphic dispatch from Vienna

states that Ctunt Buol Schaunstein, who had been sum-

montd from the Embassy in London, had been defini¬tively appointed Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs andPresident of the Council..The death of Prince Schwarzenberg;

whs not expected to lend to any change in the domesticor b n bra policy of the Austrian Government.A luw on the crime of rebellion is in

preparation. It is said that governors of provinces willbarn the right, should circumstances demand it, to in¬vest the civil authorities with militant power, and thusIn fart proclaim a i-tate of siege. The Kditors of theJjeWj journal of Tesehen, which is printed in the Fol-lsh language, have received notice not to continue to

preach up national separation and to propagate 1'au-lav-

.Ti e Kti.| . rur of Austria in expectedst Prague .r i .th ,,,r the fet«s of his unclethe ex-Kmprror Ferdinand. The Court of Banoa wilibe ; re-rut *t the letes which will take place »u the

It i» stated that the Eotperor Francis Joaenhwill Petth in May. 9

.The Kmpervr of Austria has addressedti the Senate ol Ilimburgh a letter of thanks lor thekind reception of his troops in that city, and announcingthat, as a proof his satisfaction, he has granted a pardonto Ki.-i-Mick, the citizen of Hamburgh who was inprisou in Austria availing his trial for high treason..The Barsuihalle, of Hamburgh, states

that on the day after the death of l*rince Schsrartzen-bet| the Emperor of Austria sent a circular to all his am¬bassador* at foreiirn coarta, orderiuir them to announcethat this event w ould cause no change in toe domesticor foreign policy of Iiis government

EGYPT.. By advices from Ait xandria to the 4th

of April we learn that Fuad sT**Oa*ii bad coma from Con-stfcLtiui ple on a spe-ci*| ndscion, to confer with Ah', utPasha on the subject of the Tanzimat, and to ascertainwhether the charge* nuide .-gninrt him at Constantinopleare well fouuded. It is probable that he will advise theTorte to cede the power of life and death possessed byMe! emet All, as the representative* of Franca and Rus¬sia have advised that the differences should be amicablyarranged without further delay..The railway is pro« res«,nr.gome

12.0CO to 15,000 people are at work at variout place* onthe lire, throwinj up the embankment pulling downhouses, preparing stone for bridge*, and miking a cut¬ting, which at this end will be from 12 to 15 feet deep,passing through a number of streets in the suburbs out¬side the city walls.

CHINA..The large American steamer Sasque-, Cosctuodore Auhck, arrived on the 5th. She Uof 8,400 tuna, nnd, we understand, is to remain on thissJjafJon. A visit to Japan is in contemplatfcaa..Tlie reports from the rebellious pro¬vince Kwangai nave been lees frequent There has pro¬bably been a cessation of hosdluies during the hoatday*..The China new year ha«. as usual,

ci.Ui<t.n.t ;o:i.iupL; u to trade. ImportsBeoerally

m-rrr we!1 maintained. Tea and silk hare undergonelittle »Iteration In value. Of the former the pico« of

exoor* tlii* year to date, compared with laat, la now onlyabout l.efO.UUC' Iba. Ol th« latter the decrease is equalto 2,703 bales.

COMMERCIAL*Liverpool Cotton Market. ...Arau. 11

The sale* to-dav are estimated at 5.100 to o.noo bales, andf. i; v ]'. rnaai and llaiaathaai a- *>.<i i Hd V' BaUa,6,0.; 30cEgvpU*n. aid.<r7d.; 500 Sürst,W-'j 4|A; 80 .seaIsland*. 134tl.ä lßd. The iroporta imce Thnrsday are 10,000bale* The market closes ateaddv. thoush tamely ; and com¬

pared with Friday'* rates price* of American and ail otherkind* are without change, and the choice of good stapledsort* i» not yet improved.-

Aral*. 13 .The nie* to-day are estimated »t «."no hales,and include about B0 Pemani and Maranham. at 0 6, a :.

60» Fsypnan. at 0 Tj: and Sue Surat. > If90 4 Themarket clow* tamely and rteadily;« of all kinds beingunchanged. ... ¦«.April 14.The *a>« of Cotton on Monday were 5.«0

bales, on Tue»dsy 6.000 and to-day 8.M1O to lO.mX) balea. To¬day tb<re ha* been a decided improvement in demand, audthe prices are*a turn against the buyer. Speculators andsz-portenhave taken together, 2,000.

Liverpool t orn Market.AraiL 13.The weather continue* drv, with light easterly wind*, and

the want of rain i* beginning to be felt on the pasture land*,winter ladder being nearly exhausted. The arrival* ofGrain and Flocr sre this week upon a moderate scale.while the export* are liberal. Ireland continues to take themost from us : the trade here dun rut the week ha* beenstrengthen! d by further purchase* of Red Wheat tor thesister country at pnee* rather over the quotation* of lastTuesday. Though the business transacted in Wheat and11 01 a at this rooming'* market wss not larg», tli» geu-era! demand was certainly better than on this day se'nnight,and at extreme price* fur both article*, holder* exhibitingmuch firmnes* with their *amp!es. Several thousand .pier-ters of Egyptian Reams changed hands, and fully recovereda decline ot ad. *> quarter which had been submitted to dur.ins the week.Imuas Coax was also in fair rennest at extreme rates,

and it i» not plentiful. Kern./«..Wheat. *)? 7u ffi. Cana¬dian mixed and red, 5 4r/5 6; white, 5 tW > II ; I nitedStates rrexed and red. 5 1-75 7: white, 5, 10/2« L IxolAXCoast. sJT' 480 It) American 28 6*9/; white, 30 9tUi :

Kiench. "Spanish. Italian. Ar., veii.iw, 2J! Cir29 wh'te. 30,S31 Ihrail and (ialatz, 29 a29 6. Indian Coax Meal,4> 196 Its, 13 «<r M t>. Fi oi a, ,* bhl*. of IM lb, Canadian,sweet, 19 924 : L'. S. Western Canal, sweet, 19 </l>9;Ohio. ?> 0*21 '; I". 8., Fhüadelphi* and Baltimore, sweet,19 1-/21 ; Ni u -Orlean*. 9/98/1 U. S. and Canadianheated sad sour, 17 a is 6; %? sack of 230 lb ; Kreuch, lineand supertine, 3<>; iiS2\ extra, 34 «.*>,.

Liverpool Mnibct«.APRtt. 12..The sale* fn-day are Si mar.2n0 hhds. Dem»-

rara. st 29,6 to 32 3 M hhds. da, 31 to M , vacuum pain.Castor Oil.15 rase, a: 3}. Svpanwooo.S>\ tuns, £9 5/to £9 10 Pr.Aki. Sauo.Small lot, HI;8.ArR'i. 13.The sales to d«v are: Siv. vr.4" hhds. Barl.v

doea, at 2« to 31, ; SB boxes yellow Havana, at 19 ti. ltt*M70 puncheons Hemeram, at previous prices. IticE.1 io tcs.Carolina, st II H.April 14..The sale* to-dav are: sugar.4<> hhds. An¬

tigua, at 32, to 33 Riot.MM hags onimury Bengal, at0 4L (in bond); 1» tierce* ( arolmo, at lit 3. FUSTIC -4S tunaMaiaceibo, at £32.6 to £3 5;. Jin:.10' bids., at £:< to £10.

London Corn Markets.At the Mark lane Corn Market, on the 15th

in-t.. the si.pplv id" English Wheat was verr moder¬ate, but tlie previous week'* prices were only barelymaintained. More confidence was shown by the hotdertof foreign Wheat. The supply of English Barley wv-i

very short rind price* arm. Bean* and 1'eas were Inimproved demand. Flour dull of sale. Floating car¬

goes ol Wheat from the Mediterranean commanded fullprie s, and Indian Crrn was held at an advanoO of ii 1.per quarter. A rally in the Corn markets was shortlyexpected.April 14.The downward movement in fh*i price ofWheat appears to have caused a general tailing oil in the.upplie*. At the principal provincial market* hel.l yester-dav (Liverpool, Leeds. Hull, Lynn and Spalding) th" qaan-titv brought forward M sale was very limited and altiaauibno quotatile arivance wa* ohtained, yet* the seller* had theturn in their tavnr, and mure confidence appears to prevailthat the downward tendency i» checked. Ib-re, in Mark-lane, a similar teeluig exists ; but the buyer* were so 0o*B>plettly baffled in their cslculation* bj the late d«clme takingplace without any assignable cause that they appear to beholding off till the »hortuess of the »upply actually drive* themarket up.The fresh arrival* of all drain this miming were univer¬

sally small, yet no sensible etlect was produced oaths price*.Um limine** done was, how. ver. at fully Monday's rate*.

London I'roduce market opened to-day with rather more firm¬

ness, the talcs lieinn dmderate, comprising onlv 8,340 bag*Mauritius, which, being of salable quality, sold freely atrsther stiller rates. The following are the price* realized33 M.a'M fid. for gfaal middling; 31 r/:B for niuldlltigyellow; 30, for sott grsvish yellow, and 9 M.99/ forgood strong brown refining, flnring the holidays, two car-gi s have been sold afloat, one of Havana (So. 31j) at21 6 for Trieste, and the other of Pernaiubuco at 12;6d.for Bremen.500 boxe* Havana are reported on the spat at 31,6d. 1?

34'; lbn boxes st 35,6*1., and 500 boxes whitest 27 also,1,600 bags Poraiba, at 16, «j> cwt. a cargo of Cuba KohMSSSi* *I*o reported for an outport, s. well a* another cargo ofPernarnhuco, insured fee of pa ticular average, at 15 3d.for Southampton.Correg.There were an public sales to-dav, and the mar¬

ket remains quiet. Privately 400 ba*-* Bio have boon so 1.1 atS8 i> cwt._

CUT ITEMS.ran nr. or Tin? TitEBMosirT-rn at

A. J. VtlatirUTB, (formerly Lynch St Clark ?) 2o'fc JTattM.1 N.1'A. 6 A. M. Noon. 3 P. It, » P. M

April SJ6.41) 5« 5803

The New Mail Roctx..The Poat-master (ieneral has estahliahed a mail route betsreOnthis City and Norfolk per steamnhip Hoanokc. Tliiamail closes at our Post-Office every Saturday afternoonat '1'.4 o'clock, and it will .10 doubt prove a convenienceto those correspending with Virginia and North I' irolina,as letters by it will arrive in Norfolk at least twenty-fourhours in advance of those sent via Baltimore, there beingno boat from Baltimore on Sunday.Ladies' Union Am SociKTT..The

first Anniversary of this benevolent Institution was

celebrated last evening in the (Jreen-st. M. L\ Church.A large congregation was present, who were mldresaedby Bishop Janes, Rev. Dr. Thompson, of Ohio, andseveral other Ministers of the fjoafen, who exhortedthem to assist in relieving those whom old age had pre¬vented from earning a living. Tho proceedings were

highly inteie-ting.

What 1« our Police (ioon For?.Yesterday morning a brutal pugilistic encounter tookplace at Riktcr's Island, of which some account is givenbelow. This affair was openly got up and arranged inthis was not only a common topic of couversa-

tiun iu certain circles, hut was advertised for severaldays in the official organ of that class ef people; tliename of one of the pugilists, the hour of starting, thename of the boat, and the place* where tickets could beprocured, were all puh!i-hed yet not one of the hun¬dred or more of detailed policemen, nut one of the Cap¬tains nor even the Chief himself made tlie first move to

put a stop to the mo-t flagrant violatiou of the laws, ofw hich not one of them ought to have been Ignorant, andnearly all mast have been well informed. It wouldseem that since the election of a Common Council,which secures the Chief in his official station, the wholePtpartnieiit has been stricken by "a wise and masterlybiact.vity" which is the very twin-brotber of laziuess.There are honon.ble exceptions, hut they are, unfortu¬nately, in a minoi ity so small as to be powerless. Of theoffensive exhibition yesterday, our reporter make* thofollowing notice- .-

A prize tight between two pugilists, narse.i (leorgeLees, ot Troy, and Philip Clair, ot Hudson, or Albany,came on ye»terday morning at Hiker's Island, in thepretence of 600 spectator*. The particulars of the tightare briefly a* tohows 1 In the tiret round, Lees threw1 is .v ei -nry a;id drew the first blood. In th-; next sixround* Clair was thrown each time. In the eighth,howev er, Clair struck his opponent four powerful blow*in quick succession, which knocked him senseless.}, heD ,.L,:iK,"e *«" eelled Lees atUl remained insensi¬ble, and CTsir was pronounced victor. When Lees fell,the report spread that he had been killed, and the wholeassemblage started off for the boat at a quick paceClair leaped over the ring, and was in such a hurry thathe outstnped the whole crowd, and arrived «r»t. Lees,however, recovered bciore the boat left, and the excite¬ment soon subsided. The stakes were fClOO against#250, Clair having staked the former iiinount.

EF* Rer. John Little, whose trial forh. r. »y we noticed some time since, wiU be installed asPastor of the Wesnniiuter Church, at St. Luke'* Hall,< r of Hudson and Grove-st*, at 7V* o'clock thisevening.

CF* We are reques.eil to state that theAnnual Exercises in Declamation of tlie Universityd'ran.niar School will take place in the University Chapelthis morning at 11 o'clock, and trill be open to the pub*lie.

GTSee Card of Youth's TemperanceMtXTiKG at the Tabernacle this evening.Real Estate..A. J. Bleecker sold

by suchen yestrrdav the following:1 lot cor. IMth-st and Sd-sv, 25x100.ttfn1 lot adjoining, 2Si KO. 325i lot do 25x100. 'j,01 lot do 25x11».I.'jrja2 lots en rear, on |i*Th-at., i-aeii 2Sx!is-.I1S6 each.3001 lot 00 do 25x!u'.2o02 lots bo do each Ja,uo, gl:« aach.jgO1 lot lie eo 22x100.ia0Hot do t!o 2?x!'*e.:.1731 let cn rear, en "AtlrU, ISxrtP..'ltj

CaPThe Williamsburjrh Kin Departmenthave elected the following oflceraAiwiuw MiRMULL, Thief Engineer.jtreufont» .meen .Ren? Duhots. The» 0 TsJbot, {{»nie

Cometork, R. H. Harding »nd Hillen McAvery.The IVpertinent ha* ten Engine«, three Hoee Carte,

and three Hook end Ladder Companies GOO firemeu.and 5,500 feet of Ho«e. There were «7 fire* last yearlots, 4M6,150; false alarms. Xh

tsF Miss Mnry Taylor will mako herfinal retirement from the »taire at Hurton s at the end ofthe present week. She will playafavorite character everyevening this week, supported by the full strength of thecompany. This evening. Miss Hardcastle, In the

Comedy of "She Stoop* to Conqunr," which trill be

played with "The Toodles." On Thursday, "Dombeyand Son," Susan Nipper by Miss M. Taylor, fur th¦ lasttime. On Friday, "The Serious Family," Mrs. Torr«a»,for the laut time, by M:--< M. Taylor. On Saturday trillterminate her ess*JRgefas*?*St, and on Monday her Fare¬well Benefit will take place, being her lost appoereuaeon any stage.

ft?" The following gentlemen were yes¬terday elected Trustee* of sJm New York Society Id-brary for the rncuine year l6PUAH c rri i' UKat, ;ini< n tit; <.Wit t jam im.i is, CHARLES M i ? CPP,AUXAKOBRB ROIKIERS, CHARLBS a bristi .>

DAYTOV HohaHI. Jolts K OOl'RUR,nUtDBRIC DsPETSTBR JAMBS w MBKHAtf,JA«. HaPr V»li:il HOHEN, iiksry J AJnttRSOit,J0«HI « i MT, siuuk* C. wti.l.iAMt.Ji'.-fPh DB1 vkielii,

ttT" Tlie steamship Union. Cant. Adam*,from Kew-Torh Saturday laot, 4 o'clock, P.M.. arrived ather wharf in Charleston on m mday cvem-ig.

('orntkrPKiti*o Case..A m:m namedJames W. Kyali. a few years was convicted of ma. **¦lacttiiing anal* passing base silver and golf] coin and sentencedto tin St.ite Pii-vn for t^ii veara. A'rsr serrii g mil aboutthree >>»:* of Ins sentence, lie was rani mil In the Exe-u-tiveupon the condition that he would leave the United State*.He tailed to do an, however, tuid as 1« all' f<i, ha* recentlybeen ensued lu carrying on hi* old b'laliif**. At an earlyhour ye-tt niaj DISsWatkS, I Miner Keet" ofth* Ci.iel's Office, ar¬

rest aa him en a ararranl Iseaad t<y IfayorGibeia, of Phdadel.phis, wlio desires the prisoner to be sent to thvt city for irial.RvhII was com netted bv the Chief of Police preparatory lo

being m nt to Philadelphia.

Fatal Accident..John Thornton, re¬siding nt No.34! Hintb aT, while riding through ibfaeviort-.t. about ii i.'rlnck < ii Monday evening, accidentally fell fromhe pole at o lumber track on which ho was sitting, andfr.king upon the back port of hi* head broke hi* tits-k. anddied in the course of a few minutes. Th" Cornier held an

inquest upon the body, and a verdict of accidental death > as

rendered by the Jury. Deeeased was a native of Ireland, 4-iyear* of age, and was a master mason by trad'*.

Crand Larcknt..(Jutlieb Miller tndOotlieh Clements, both Ocrmaiis, were vs»fe-,lay arrested bvOfficer llufloiii f the Vllrh W ard, on a warrant issued bv theCourt nt (ieneral Session*, they having been iialicted forgrand larceny it: «ti-ihug, abottl three uionrhs since, 40 pairsof pistols, valued at *.;'»». from a stun- in Maiden laue. Theaciuseil were commuted to prison m detail!? of f I.fal baileach. It is stated that others were engaged with the ahnve-named parties iu the larceny, who (led to Connecticut, » hernthe* wer" pursued, but the district-Attorney in the Countyto which they tied interfered, threatened, and liually suc¬ceeded in preventing their being brought back.

REJCÜKD prom Dkowmh;,. A Mr.Bylegate! Brooks, residing in the X Ith Ward, st midnig'iten 'lliursdsy accidentally walked of the ferry bridge, toot of(Irand-st. He was rescued by Mr. J. II. Stevenson andothers, and taken to the Sistion-H.mse, where pro;*» atten¬tion was abowti lnui, aller which he weut home.

CP* Two men, named John Holdridgeand Thuines Ivers, were arrested at 5 o'clock yestcnlay snssw-lug, bv OfaVefl Creamer and O'Connor of the X\thW ard, charged with having broken into a hug |ien in Thirty-filth-et., near Hroadway, und stolen therefrom three lineoik. :s, talu«a at %¦*'. tha accused waru takuu bctoro Jus¬

tice ilcUrelh fur examination.

iff' Tlie alleged perjury case was up f >rexamination ye«:nday,aiid considerable testiuiuuy was takenfor the defense. Tim case was not concluded and stands ad¬journed.

Circuit Court..Refore Judge Roose¬velt..Wearv CtSSSI f mf*. h'.torr <im< 'irrt Agauntthe Kulton Transportation Line, to recover *?t>nn, the value oftwo rases alleged to have heen lost, after being shipped fid-Bullalo. already referred to. Verdict fur defendant*.

'A.lverU.erseat.1txT F.xtraerdiniiry ut tract ions at Fkr-

cniu'i Museum to day. Cherry and Kmr Star rsprodussd forthis aftena on. Qaj Maunermg, with Meg Merrilias and allth* music, this evening.

[ A'Nerliaeineat.]VsT It is amusing to see how greedily

rats, cockroaches, and all vermin and insects devour Costar'sP.zteimiiiator, and how it attrn. U them. The next morning

you will lind rats Satd mice strewed alaiut dead, and othersduring the day will coine out to breaUie their last. lUuscheeyou can shovel up hv hn.hels, and the others hkewtie. Hiveit a tnal, you will I i,.l it an amusement Ui destroy them byCostar's Exterminator. It is the only thing that wiUdo it.

To be had at No. 144 kiroadway of Heiiry It Costar.

[Adverti.emeBt.]IT"' The Crayon Daguerreotyjie, an ex-

Jnisite thing, admired hy all true artists, is taken nnly l.y;oot, No. 3o3 Broadway. He owns the paUiut, and no one

except h lui can tak. thstai bj tins City.

[ Adt. rfiaaineat]KlKS ANn SlSMT.-I'rof. Hronson en¬

ables persons to preserve and restore the natural sight andcure near sight; also, to treat diseases of the eye. lie willbe ii.- iIna we. k. Thursday and Saturday. fiomO to 4 o'clock,a: Hi cm lambeiaSt j m Albany, at ilia Delatan House,on Prtafay, ai.d theticcfuilh OSsea ii^lhree weeks. No chargetor first interview.

[Adtertuiemsnt.]I.yon's Crkokxtiai.s..BtSsridea the high

testimony of Drs. Chiltoii ami Heid, to tha extrasrd'tiaryM ... e. Powder and Pill* for the destrue-

tion nt iiis» rts and serinin, K. Lyon is |eriiiittnl to refer toDrs. Valentina Mott, \ an Rensselaer, S. Moore. Francis,Hetterdorf si.d \S agatatl, all niernle rs of the Medical Col-lagi mi N.-w-York, beside* hundreil* of pnvate citi/.en* Readthe certificate* of Proli-asor* Chiltoii and Real on the wrap¬per of each box and flask. Look sharp for sliain affidavits,and avoid th" risk of being poisoned hy insect banes, capableof exteiminatins human Is ing», without being of any servicein destroying bedbugs. Lvon's depot is No. 424 Broadway.Purchase only of hini or of his anenta.

BROOKLYN ITK.MS.ttT" By a report from the President of

theBrociklyi OssO tnpaay, rea.1 in the Common Council on

Monday ni.iit. it appears that rapid progrew is making in Ihndistnbu'ien of mains throughout the city, and that all thede: set portions wul souu bo illunuuated with this brillianthght.

Resolution*, of tbkcommon ( 'ouncil..Resolutions were adopted at the late meeting of the Boarddirecting the collection of assessments tor Kulton av , openingfrom Beritord av. to Huntertfy Road ; Hainsdea-st., fromMyrtle av. to Auburn-place ; Cai.ton-*t., from Pultoa to HeKalL-av.; Leherts-st., from tisssou to Prankiui-av.; and Nor-toi, st. from Bedtiird to Kent-sv .requiring the Brooklynflss Light Company to complete their eontract with the cityby laying pipe in fi.-h sto-ets of the first five Wards as are

not already lighted with gas lalheilllllj the raising of $1.200in the Thud Ward, the ens ling year. In defray t»ie expensent placing lamp-pats in said Ward; requesting the Counsellorof the Board to report whs' right the city ha* to the landing*at the foot of several atreeia, from M un-at. to the Navy Yard,gai what ere the ruht* Of privat* parties in pesM>isav>n ofsaid landings: and uppropnatiag 120 for repairing fencearonnd the City Park.

tF'Three individuals residing niKelsey s

Alley were on Monday charged bef .re J lance King with ab¬ducting an infant hy taking it from its mother's arms wlula

walking in Allanin -at. Considerable n use was made aboatthe circumstance, when yesterday the child was restored to

its rarent.and the parties who had been taken into custodyrelessed. It appear* that one of the persons engaged in ta¬

king the chid was it* reputed father, who was unpreawdwith the belief that the mother did not take proper aare of is.

TRIAL FOR MURDER.Trial of Jacoli Roter for the Murder of

Will in oi Kelter.COCRT Of OTF.R ASH IIHMISl II -Le'ers Jadgs Isisosss

Sb* AlSsrsMa Ostisr sad Ssira.Ti tsUAV, April 77, U>1

Jacob Roter, indicted for the murder ofWm. Kelter, en night of 7th of March last, by shooting him iuthe shoulder with a gun loaded with shot, was placed upontnal. He is a German, about 30 year* of ago; hi* wife, a youngwoman, sat by hi* nde. Mr. Lowerre, hi* late employer,who has been indicted as an accessory after the fast, was alsopres. r.t. Messrs. II Y t » sj J J. W. Larson appeared labis behalf, and the District Attorney for the prueeeution.Several witnesses, among them a number of femalee, warnpresent. A jury was tmpaunelled without much outneuity,and the case proceeded.The foL. wi; f Vl. the names of the Jurors: Henry ftebnif.

W. William W'elltr, Daniel Lamb. Sam iel J. Sm t.'i, Hao.L. Lewis, Henry Ponitigur, Wtiliam II. Beam, HughPawtja Hennsn B Ripley, Kita* Peck, Richard C. Bnraaer.he th W illiam Young.The Daurict Attorney stated that the prisoner was io th*

empioymeet of Mr Cbarle* W. Lowerre, wuo ha* a varr.iebB.atiufaetory in Porty-fourth^t. near Third-av.. and reaidadadjeur.iD« the factor/ Or. S'u- day :.:«ht. 7rr» March, wfuchwss s blight mconhght night, the deceased (who was a na¬tive of Ireland, B y> arsof «ge, and resided on Third-av.) wasat a pisre in coir.pan;, aitii s fnend, and in passing thapremises ot Mr. Lowerre tore off a board from tha fencewhich inclosed the factory of Mr. L. A man ea-ne frain tbafac'onr with a gen, asd told deceased to pnt down the board,aad lolk. wed him wuich me deceased sie, and t ee peramwith the aon stili followed thein acrLss lias Third-av. De¬ceased had a j*ci.-lu.ifeTu h<* hand. The man with th« gun

id, '* 1 will »hr ct y u . *d oVctased Sav'i, * it yea da J»i. jit" Ihi matu fired, being bat ihrswustW

*^>T«e^SyWT ** smsAvmI ssara> \tvrn snslfa. f vt > t mXtmvmm JlsPsal ssWaM aauw?ssSa[ hmm WMt M %t | gj sMsdssaTsi


***< ftotn drrrsaed. and the chare* w«nt into the ah -mldar *#.mtnl, ¦.kini i v.l< u itw « <m'tm i* Dr***aa4tymiKril by the friend with him tili th#v rot to a sbeity;h«rr person* tun* op.among th*m, Mr. Lowerr*. <>a %ourftv n from > peram whether the hill had rsssm I ine*, ateLow. ire :*t:,*r»-'l that tr.»re vat no kail u the sue, ea*BMme shot. " Thro." Mid tha lud.» ideal. " it wm roar inehthat ft., t L in M- L-Said that it area. The per*¦ w-Me! o-. eta eera;».' Tlie p «mri *m su'seti i»ntiy sr-«*ta*Jat Ihr huuar ul Mr. L., and ci'iifrutrfcd with de »a*« l. (tretHeed tfll thh fcael land he seid that prisoner w\i the tnaevA formal ante mcrtrni exarmnettoo wee tb*a rails*!end the j .- error aed "her* ranged rntid Imbed. (In hem* auk t the individual, he lookenround and filed apon l ft" '«vi* ae the own The partwere .} r-n charged to ether rvai", '..«. and a(aiti he r-id tCfliter I), waa the man. The different indlvvdii.e* who Lrapa (the person who shot d"-e*eed having one) were aakto put them en. and "ft* - D*vt* was wobd-awn. Nat tffK

pr- aaee, ae Unkm« aneaV sa*athe lei* u who shit aim was not there. The Du V e»esy Mid notwithstanding :l n he expec'cd to prove thiet prte>oner wa* the man. It w;'i lie areae ot identityJcAn Ii'tvi, ¦wora.Reaidea in 4*b-s». near :ld a» *A

the mother of deceased, in tie haMO of Michael Dennis; *Za laborer; waa with dr.- ret i hjgjIbat evening at Patrick Met'an'a ahantv. aefeaa I* andXeva and I2H and 43d-eta w« left tb. re about l"J r/t '»-k. mmwent to James s*a a SABS in Uth-st; we remaieed theft10« r 15 m.natrti. *. - a en Boose,and ( went, I taAala) 11 rl i :.: i,| the Alt? ; « f»nce waa ther-, sad Aontout a board ort, w hen he .11 so a man cam- arrixa the |2ft. in Mr '"**".'* *"..*.T.ra i Mai nf rani bsaniaha *¦net that he won ../Continuing to cay he w.mli «>.>.( hun. when deceased ir>reelthe board; he mil foil i n-thmg was au i k*>tween tbem, which I did not hear: dee. ased I seal r* icAand the man shot tr.m ; '.<¦ iu*u then ran tow* <t Mr Live,erre'i bt use, which uog'.t be about thirtv verd* off; M|_went awav he Mid Maaetl lag whvh I did bm mil -ritsad; KWaas bn*hr moonlight night; the men wore a u i <kev <ach||and a rap, I pot my arm round the dc-«a*rd and hroaShim duwn tht old road aa far at Michael Dennia'a .tiantv bedropped there; I halloed otit, and the tint man ' taw wSMr. lAivrrrr, coming d iwiJjthe hill wi;h the man who shtfdeceased; the man bad the gun fill in hit haud UmaScame up to w here Ki lter was Iv-ni; the man stopped >>t>hltid I.i w» ire alai't .« ;v \ a-'.s alter sneak.i. . :u .n^, kfa,L. wert to Phihi' N"w :an s «liantv Dei bot » la lad .'»:«,in-law came ont. ar d then m chael Hrm.u Maes wes metL. had goue to NowkaVS U f re Mike arno out; t o man wmhad rhi gvi then ran en the klU, and h w v« .,.»>sikfMicbael Ilenpis; I then left to g.i and tell dereasr.Ct in h<4sereral people ha.: artive.1 deceased dnipp^Iheloaid and went, to the l» sl vf my knowledge, üftySthxty yards be lire the tutu rired there was a we.l, atefwhich the loard was dnsMS I i >av SOW o the intBwho had the gun Wo» ftpSi Detaakl when he ran aPer hnn- |did net know phanner pres oes to the tlsne tVeee« .1» teshttaOoss-ircsa«^.!.kww deceased since he was kt vean ¦

age; I had drank ?. n a '. at Deaais't .. itj I tna)quite aobrl d. c>- un .1 .) im in htm I d.d ruf Utaroad, kilt Keltei vent andt.a k oft the l.ianl, tl » r t whl^made s. i i> n, :<e he was ram in* nS the but- I v» hen rte)man came with the gun; he threatened to ehoet| i> msnfollowed Kelter, who pfedths .oari) it w neb eat a aSute or two alt»-v» srd v. Ncn the sun ws* fired sni hrlt**

j spesk, but ronM t.i\ v. IH n.-r he st'.l arivthn,« « >sitsknl%orotniahliii f could not say whrtn«r hi* arm we* tailed or nohsew the Baa's bee. but ttouhl not recogruxe him ; the <*#several times "I'M shoot," before William put dum t**>board ; do not know of William t**!!:. a iv ihm* tn> n ttt*e}before: deceased had a aocket-knife, with a *>>rt of .. :*|Ooinfa.1 biaib': do not know whether he hail ¦¦' the' u «liOjlie turned round utter he wa'Shot, and walked three or tj*j>steps toward me; I mid "W loam, are »»u eh».t II* re*tilled. " I am." and I Mil the wsrm tiliwxl trickle down t'm*Ahim took aim to the chanty Mr. Lowerre rame, sirrad*stated.

J hn fret, *w >m.I* Coroner; wo* called to held SB)ante-mcrtcm rniniuelsna ** le deceased ab.ut 'J ,.\I.<kmorning 8th ; he seemed be much Sxheested t'ie w.iiua]bad been dresaed; the man h ho wa* said tu hate shot InSAwin in the riK.i.i I, lew. and I sent for hun that. .lereassjmight identity Ion;. (Objected was shown that Je»reused, at the tune, on being asked a quest ion. «'i.oherjenot he thought he could lr.e, said he hoped he w. uld live,Tbe testimony « a* adastttetV net being saassrestdaj

Mil hurl /Vnnis sworn. Lived in one. of the lots bi fwes*M and Sd-ava, in «Ath-at4 Lower!e's sastiaj m bstweea letSlid ?d a\s., frontirg en 4tili st knew prisoner hy -.ibt b*>fiire deceased Writ shot; lie lived In a little building attarheito the factory; when Dillon rail'd. aft' le' Ii wt axsjhl ds»reared to my place, mv w ie snd ».*ter-i:; ti.> vi. nt outalittle before me; asked Dillon wiist waatli" Btattet he safclW il'iam l ad ern shot bj tin- man on the lull; saw the msattat i'it g there; he waa no- .j-nte so Car ee Lee 'rre's t»nc*jhe wm- akout a* far a* acres* the street tVoui wu- e«., «'a- taialfer im; he ran towmd Mr I. .wrre tt>sr.: heiume.1 round the fen. .- and win., ss »r sight of h.rntthe eight was light ai d eon d MS a couple Of afe'tO (test hkL.'s 1 ouse; I r. old not dWtingrihai bis clothe* | Ith ¦ h vatluv wile sil. mid ¦bottly sfttet heard Mr LoWi -r i»s voice,w!o sraa Heatbhi near the well; I treat aa to Mr Li* rra»and he went down with me to win PJ deceased ww lyingCnm+Kmrnrnti.1 cnakt not a %aythia| is t.i« mura

hand; I do not know who tired at dri»»*ed; when I rsaaf!< r the man I supposed l c would go rieiin! the 'v iv. aiajI wrnt in the Opposite .lire, iiou to head him o'l; did not <t.a>to see if he hui hid him*'If aiming tha tree < r au>wliea>ebeThow ,i4 rt* One of the Pol.f XI Vh Want,

Ariested |iri»oiii r alout o'clock in the uio.nn i it'.-r Ki*>ter had l.< ru »hol ...I so a* his own Ions.-; .\l l.i*i..n»wm with m*; ha ho.1 leen trrrsted before, bet wa*da>shaigei!; Mr L. knorke.l it the diNir. ai d wert in; pris.uiercame out. bav mg a long blacii coat and hat on ; sun'." ike)Rasa wanted him to put on the same rbithes at he lia.1 ae h*>fbre.and he went heck Snd one mir lu a ritm.lab.iiit osstssi'; (fa taok hiat to Deeaa's house, anl to tis ns.ui whoe)deceased w as. [Objected to |Jiimtt Hry,,n, sworn.It a police officer if MineteenM

W'erd; arrested prisoner thai n ghl ab nt'J' in n iie« la-f.ea12, ou Second av., nearer to Mr. Isiwerre's ho ise than to thehitter* i Mr. Loweris was with me; be polnnd ptrtaoner .*stto BM I rilled on .Mr. L. and told hun 'here i»a* <lissatisfs*>tion af Dennis's boeei a id .¦ ¦>»..! I- » is ;.e- afto go round wi'l, me and si. me the men ii hu eiuplol*meni; I urresud also aaethet men.e 0*imihi , they waasboth discharged after l.< u. g taken to the .Station 11 .rise, aalprisoner wss sgain sriested hv Mr Plan.

/.At/if. Mi IstVro, «wo! n lav« sm n BT soii. r ir.i; ken af IIa,L.'s; braid a Boats (hat night, and kroked Bt| ^-aot ta*>mail's *man. . werte w as thro wm present both liuiea when it wo* sg>rested; think the first line he was alxillt twi ntyfive featfreu Itr. L.'s basement; be bad on a rouudab*ptthe eSCOod time was ut his own house; lie can id ..'t IMrtJBwith a Ion* coat on.

»^i'tltt Srat*M**f HS did rot OBjOOf HI changing hisclofr«B.h iliruft /Vrum, IWO LtVra Hi um >aiii. h rite v*M)

Kelter; he was taken apStairs before I saw him saw eV.U wer"' flirre, ami also saw Kol. brought in h" |o itrdUKeller, who a so saw him tha Doctor **x. <1 da. Meed if mwould know the man that sl ot bias. [Objected taj

l>r. Jtrilrr, (worn- Was called upon to Stlei id KeltertI)r Morris hail reine llrre fa fore me; hs showed in < * starof the shot he li*il ettrsrlr.l I'roin Hie wound and a |>ot'BS]ef Iba noiscles et*the lasly ; u wa* an oval-thap. .1 woundj .niche* loi.r, J) n idr, and an inch to an inch and a hall da spttlir svsfrui hail been so shirked that It never recoveredf|told him he waa dang'rn tslv woiinded and had hut ottteebanre of life ; he made no ti ply ; alter the Coroie-r rani', BBMi.I. 'By J-. yee can't kill m« Uns ticner" eauaed KdBtrto be sent tor, on linding hon so dangerous and he ws* tlisetwhen the Corni er ciine; n.s».-d K'lter if he km v who hatshot bmi. (Ol.jerteil to | Saw h in agaiti o:\ Monday; haWM very bad the [irtest am* ih "aid he wann to oea>fess hun. and I left thMB alone, the pcMst was there als»when I firat wm'. do aot I e when he administered teaMciament; did not aswa a n iMl I si wUk deei ased s'tsr*ward; he died from th» r-rb-ct of ihr gunshnt wound; Itwould have killed ten in. i. M ''ke hun; ihn shot p* '>'Wftrd lato the chest and tic or »r«ji..! deconipotitiou rsfsa*ly *i turd the shot was small.

Dr. Mufr(a, twotSr.Wkea I ires m r h* aaalying on tha Hour Beetairs| the aant letse from ahaaWjbo. 1 (dnrk shot, ihr Dislnr' Attorney said); be dkl n rtea»

press to rue an> opiuiou whether he would get *¦ II or aakCn .. . .amini..' 1 '..rik - ami must hsi I. en diitatl

ror . iir with Dr D. xt- r thai the gun was pmhsvdy withinthn a ft rt; anon alter I w et there I was ask-'il |l I tb i<*B*to i .in would dm. snd * priest wm ml for; ho m.usbbvten d thr *arrame|if.Ma C»ii/i./r/i. »wurn .Afl. r iiMitling Kelter went tt B*

ter's house, and was tol ha w m not in.Chmrlm W. Lsweii*, Jr *\ he eaast

house near the la/ tory, himsrlf, wife and 11: l*T*aaoat the pre biIms bat ir. eh; never aware ofa person mgmsanpioyed trith a gun t<» cratch the pieeikee. wi« ^: '°fj^tber'* house when I heard the report of Hi' I w,dean.e down stairs, and found Rotor Handing on the litteiaBBtsteps; there wa* no gnu kept at inv father's Iioiim, mMWnever saw one in Kofi r i house j Unter wnt down inoitaal.asein.nt: OS going out I «aw two men niiiron* t.vrord thtrut Kiv« r ; one of tlieiri bast a run ; tl.t.'ier o .« iL isN)1» aBeswaid said Be had aitssse hsaei treat eowa totrMMthe rein w as at I lr nine's: ou bm return Jaroh was in the fsja»BMBl sitting by the (low; the uiao tiitt w i .i.uiug a*atnot Jacob.

Paalel ftillnyher. swirn.Lived in Fo'tva-tn"i4lhraj-d. rrit d..y, of Krlrrr btrins shot; do not know of SBfpers< n bring staplend to watch the nrefnise* ot Mr räa*

i ot from what I keaaa, [Taa Dutn.t AtigaMfw i«» »it to *how declarations ef Mr. Ixjwerre, bui it wMBaeallowed.)

'Ilie d> iug declaration of drrrasrd wa* then nv n 'aSJaVdsncs, in wn. I. d< easts .i said he hail .. aa tee ¦ as in u eatthim. but p' in trd out sthstS ss brins; lb* oar.The rase here rested for nroseeutlon, and Mr. Clerk

that tbe priwmrr br riisrhargerl. there being no u «UuMWhirh wnold amount to a rase of prnliable suapii .on.

The District AlU.rney said that it would lie for lie I'trypaSBWaa it lie thought there wer« matter* which<,i.rrd explanation. Pinaliv, he agrees! thai turn case

go to tbe Jury.The Court made a few remark* to the Jury, w b> wi

Im* r g thrir Mat*, rrndrred a verdict of mot ut'ii.TV.

The Distnct Attim.ey then moved that R/iter Is plaMeaaeeg nds t... ap; ear as a witness should the ether tn*ela(. und 'I ha tr.' t $rt *-d and denied, the u art Bathaving power in rich a rase.The* of Mr Lnwrrre, charged as sii stgew

sorv after the fart, on motion, wer« ordered to bo cooeataaVand the complain* dismiss. 1

91A It It IK I) i

On Tssarsy, Apr.! rJ.stti » '¦ mmmtmmfihmktosW's ***.' **f*JjHosoi Ol i -v is ..- - . i.rKftsaaBF.TTIM M'r M -"I'HO MkKr T.'T.K ."¦ .

OeMos st * cf K»' t.w, M « , . - . "J.MB Br ¦.".«. JOHN HAVM'.u i,,M«Jl."I !.'.'iIW,*w

'. . r v-_"t i .. i ;¦ '2I,,,. .o iltv-tmLul 1-* «a*i ..(.;<.-'-.' * i ».

IM I.'I) i

"STierfII ISI l st Arn! Mr. rHMtCUlWH KJmmWsfBsstsilssS,t »' - . . «s JBTs>H»r fneiMi* aaS ar*raainu*rr. «re r»p»efAillr ist tsvl to >' *****x.i»ii ¦- w. s 'ins .»< ¦., vv»ria«.4»vi»><>i»a«.st''»**^er

tl* rssU-tse *M f>wad> of th* fcsslly *'. ....ted I" i. ,

s.-s .¦.

res Fast Brsastvcj, no WeJss-sJaT »»Vrrs-oc, U.- bwb m

I o'rka-kM


...tcrievi .» tl.e l*m i <¦«¦¦*

.aAssat-/. Aar- » IO« H IKI) v a; sesd 33 - of,Hi. r.Mius ».'! tx use* .« «r-r«w-M CsstisterT f'»e .J...

Bs »try u>*> ««» *r I eVItrk t M His !«». Irw**s st»*» Isr* to silsw* as* ratersJ «,Uh>«i faitksr *«e> *