New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1870-11-01.A «Lispalcb from Zurich sa>s thatthe SwissGov¬...

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Lo»ii>Ort, Monday. Oct. 51,1870.

Th.- special corresj-ondci.t of Tra TB-NM mHIGaribaldi, writ» s finn Dijon on tbe ¡if'th: "Al

.taliarc very anxious about tbe position. Garibaldirinks too niucli, os usual. He ifao nearly mado piis-enrr yeaterday."The Franco-tireur» demand G..b._ilian officers.

Mau» »1.1 Garibaldi.s oro awaiting lea» e to como

in in lt.ily and will probably arrive ooon. Italians

|lMl Utitkétm fffl| HI 1--**T0 formed » 1.*kíod that,

carne la-«t night, armed and equipixd. A Marseilles

legion »I*« arrived, armed with Minie rifle«. TlieFrontier National (¡nards left IHjon on Saturday to

.nui G:iriVal<.i under a Colonel of gendarmerietaineu? a? a Ki publican.Lavalle. Armo and aminn-

l it ion ai-e greatly m anting. Lrba has bnt seven

rirti l ;in(l 15 round» of ammunition for a whole battal-i ib. The French reeeite the Garibaldi;.it*with «ti. j! kindness. cj.jK*a. line mm li aid."Tbe» eorrc«i>onilent writaeo on the "Tth from

M .lean de 1Mb: "l'util my arrival la*«t night Iliad not BM Garibaldi pince on the eve of M> iit.ina

he sent me into Kome to cfleet an exchange of tho»» ouiidfd. Tin alteration in his epp»sarauce is strik¬ing. Iii» lingers nie bent willi rheumatism ; he ia in bodily frame, but bio face ia calm andbright as it er." We had two hours'talk. TTie position is peculiar.

Arming at Tours siiiiultauecuoly with Gami-etta,Le- found the hitter not over-pleaeed with the ovi-

tions to G uri baldi. They had an interview there.Guiiliahli then wrote Gambetta : 'I se« I have madea mistaki. I am um less and shall return.' But thatwould not lintr Mudd the peojile, aothey gave Gari¬

baldi ttui.u.aiid of the I apartment of the Jura." Ile is reported to lave 10,(X»J men; in reality he

has not Ml..S].auiah, Italians, French.a motleycrew. Gui. (arilrid.-at Bisancdii h».i3.r>,(KiO. Oatt»hthii baa With .Mi hit son-in-law C'.tii/io, Chief of«Vtatl; llBBI ih his S*eretary; others are arriving.Moot of his best ofbeers are not here. 1 said, 'Gen¬eral, if »on call the» will (onie.' He replied in hisgravee! »one, 'That is what I cannot do; it wouldK ton lu»n j .» ii*»i-oiibiliilily ; each mutt come on bia01» li IK ('H' t.'

" Yea** rda.v he lad decided to return to Aucange*.Daring the ni.Jil mere caine news that f«,»**00 l*ruo-

nai.e oran concentrating iu the neighborhood; so

G.»iil«.iidi left word that ho should stay. Heex-jHtts watt} day to be attacked. Ido not aee what

is to slop the I'rusfaisns if they attack. Beyonddoubt ( «ii ib.ildi's coming is a mistake. The jealousyof Frein h geturals is eui h that he can do nothing;but he is here, and tb» re is n« retreat."

M-IOM IBUM TO THE ROM.B>Toi'RS. Monday, Oct. Si, 1870.

An .«flii lal dispatch received by the Ministers to-

du*, fr« m ii« anne, dated yesterday, announce* thatthe l'luw-iaiis hat e occupied the City of Dijon. The

iTu-a.a:.- wttt amJRS uti ung, and were well providedvitli arti lory. They attacked the city at 9 o'clockIn tlie for»n.»on of Sunday, and the bombardmentwa* continued till nearly nightfall. The town w<.

iiot foi tun «I, and the com.auder of the French, not

being al.l»' to resist with lus small force, wa« corn-

pell' d to

Gen. Em st lins been appointed to the command of

the Anny f tin La It, in place or Gen. Cainbil. 1,whowa* t. ii.)t il.ti tai nt-ign ou account of ill health


111. IKK lAUTlCLI. Mt» OF THE CAlTtTRES.ORIG¬INAL nan-Mi of the forces felRREN-


WmWatklb» 11 LI OKA! II TO TTJB TRlBliri.)

Lo.M.ov. Monday, Oct. SI, 18ia

1 .it (¦.>(.( lal ('«rresi-oiidcnt (.f Tut" at lit r-

Ha send* I dispatch with the following particularsof ide siiriindir at Metz: " Th» capitulation includes

H iiifaiitr» t. ginictit*; IS battalions of foot chas¬seurs ; 1«-» loll and depot battalions ; 86 cavalry regi-lut-iiU. nairn!» : lu of i in rasai-ers, 1 of ginties, 11 of

dragoon*. I of lan. in, 8 of btosars, 6 of t haaseurs,and ii ii GhaaaMH (lAíiu-iie, al*,. «$ depot Mjuad-tn.ns; ll'> lu 1.1 batteries: 17 batteries of mitrail-Icu«^ tit cai-'lt*-: belonging to infant!» ...'of which

Ml t i|>l«n> d at Mars-la-Tour, and 8rj eagle» belong¬ing to tai ali»" Lui ¡di.'.g the «gaitíniu surrendered, the army

si.» i output« d tti batts.ona of infantry »andlit. squadrons ti In !>.. The original numerical

stniiKtli was PmtXAtit infantry, 21,.0 cavalry, «*-J

glin*, and 108 u lit allic iii»es.

" Beeide« Ui* foiegoiiig, there were threemarohalaO.Bai.ine, ( ai.icUrt, and Lcbepuf; three corps com-

»landers -Frc-ssoid, IV Caen, and Ladnnraiilt ; IOdi» Huon general» ; loo brigadier genérale; of sound

prinonera, i",oo sent to North Gerniany and 5o,000Ml South the mi k and »so.ided being diatribatedin the M.le pro|K)rtiun."Aft».11 aemtaRM 90 RETAI* TI1E1B 8WOBDS.


EoaooN, Monday, Oct. 81,1870.Tit. 4.I French officers taken priaonero at Atttt

Lan- a*ke«l ja*rini-.-ioii of the Pruasiaii military »a-

tüi.ntM*«, l'nnce Frederick Charle«, to keepth«ir swoid*.Madame BbbBBM left Tonr* last evening.Ad» ices ftom lnurs flos da» mention that Gen.

li ».ibaki, in » i. »»¦ nf tlie (ajutulation of Mttz, boou*ik d a pua lainatioii to the «soldiers at Lille, datedJ»»>t< ida », lie aayahe baa lai*n called oikhi bj the. *t.r («f Wai t.. ((» the Army of the North.1 In- task i* gteat, and. but for patriotism and thea»> MB BB_MBBBfl all, would Ik- above hisOtteiigth. li«* puii-otae »»a* to organiy,| mniiidiat«lyI" Arno ( taya, wall ptnrtaiaa -Aith materialo of«"«'»r, lu g«, ta» tin* aid of the l-eaicged fortreaaeo. He8"ild gue hi« U>t alUiitn.n, and In* life if need'¦ ¦' aTOth Which tin ( and all

. in, m i,(.v. mm i,ai,,eU, the national jI» f. ti*(. < .snt*.,rd and i Mkmm tWt iuu*t noiv eui«!.Ii.e is.liii,/* and raHmn miglit eoiiti! upon hi«V ."lion, atal he eli« ..Jil (mint u|-oii then pani« tn-tn. jJ!«» iiiit bowb of hit lib- beluogod i«. ii.c c«muiiou j.OOrll tai i m j.}, ti,, ,-n,*inv iilKl OTOBgC f'fali« e.

'¦' Pi t 'is i.: u mi r» ('iiniiiiaiiiRttthrti a u-aiBM.bal . 1 lint nts UllirgTajb to ti,«* KI"t I"m eij.i. .vliig the lilii.i ht li.difii.tIn,o al thes'.ireini.i <»f Meta, and tin* .1. Iel mina u.ii to , »n-

I i,.»« t.. ¡m lent »r« wat*"'¦¦ i» d t! ,


eterice to the Tour« Government; that IWaine hatIm-i-ii soling in acc«»rdan«*e with inatmction» fromNapoleon; and that Gea. Changamier, refusing tosurrender, to«»k command of the troop« in Met! andwill cut his way out.In nearly »all the t<»wna of the ««»outh and Weat the

National Guards and .iti/eui have tundo iiupoaing.1«m«.nstr-..t .«m» m favor of the Republic. Upon re¬ceiving newa «»f the capitulation of Met* a patrioticdemonstration was made in the city. All the publicplacea were close-d and reunions held.



London. Monday, Oct. si, liTO.The » correspondent of The Trwcxe at Ber¬

lin, under date of 'Ji-th inst., anys : "An officer on

YOB Moltke'a stalT writes me from Versailles, £_Jdinst., ' When the Paria affair will be ended no mor¬

tal man can certainly tell. My own personal calcu¬lation ia that it w ill culminât/' w it I,m a fortnight or

three w«M'ke, but I may lie mistaken. At all event«,we shall do tbe busiut«s thoroughly, having hungerfor out liest ally."SlCCF.SSFl.-L ATTACK OF TUE rPlSSIAVf» NEAR


I/ONim«, Monrtsy, Oct. 81, TBTO.It i* gcnoT'illy belli veil lure in the (Stock F.xchangn

that Paris will oller a determined resiHtaiiee to thebesiege re.The following dispatches are dated Vf rwiillee, Oct.

30: On Friday last the French «lryve back tbo Ger¬man outpost at Ia- Dourget, about a mile east of FortSt. Denis, on the uorthirn of Paris. Atevening <j# that «la.v, the Fren« h »MBN <lis<ovcre<l in

occupation m force of the position which th« y hadfortitied.To-day, therefore, the second division of the guards

attacki'.l the point. Aft» r a hot and de« isivo tight,the French were driven from the position back be¬hind their fortifications. Thiity «»Iii« «is and aboutI,.'«.»!) men were taken prisoners. The Prussian Iosm s

are ii« knowledged to be quite heavy, at the Fleuchfought behind earthworks.The -railway from Ch&lone to Tari», by way of

Soissons. has Ix'.ti restored, and the Pru.inns aro

now using it asa means of transporting troops andSupplies.French prisoners, rerenlly captured, report that

the troops b.hind the fortiti. ation» receive only halfa ponml of meut twi> <« a week. .Many Fiein'h womenand children fiom F.u is approach the Prussian lilies,and though they at« wanted ti««v will be shot iftbev attempt to ccmo nearer, Tather court inntantdeath than suffer siarvntion it, tin < it v. Tin« rule toexclude all strangers from Fat is, and to prevent thee«scaj>eof citizens is riindlv enf« red.A «Lispalcb from Zurich sa> s that the Swiss Gov¬

ernment has at-hed of Frussia t«, be included in thep«-rmit t«. have a courier lenve I'aris every week withdispatches to the n«»utial Government«.The follow-ina* dispatches from Versailles are dated

lins day : Invitations have been sent to the rulersof the various Stat««?*« of S«,uth Germany t»» come for¬ward to witness the bombaidmei.t >«f Pal is.The Germans aroutul I'aris are holding solemn

Hlillian li l »tleai it i*J The bombardment ti the« ity . ommtucos to-niorrow.



|BY TELEGRAPH IO TUB TitTRf!" |LOMJOV, M«ili«__y, Oct. 31, uro.

The sppcinl correspondeut of The Trimneat Ton it» sende a dispatch as follows: "On the-13th1 returned from I«« Mans, 'lhere were no troopsthere except National Guards and Gani« s Mobiles ou

the way to Rennes, Keratry's hca<1<|iinrifrs. Everytown and villaire on the road wa« tilled B ith soldiers.Small anus t'h.iiti«« p.'»', Remington, and Suyder lillee.M.¦ t«» be abundant. The anny of the Loire will

pass through Toms a large infantry forte anu,,ltoday. Tioopb fiom ¡r-albris are rapnllv joining theSixteenth Catt* ami advancing toward Vend.'inie.The object of theae maneuvers is not apparent."



Lomion, Monday. C»ct. to, 1*70.

It is reported fiom Luxembuig ad»ta« li¬ment ofMM ti«»«ip» from the army at l'rince Fr« d-erick Charles has gone to be__ge Longwy, near tbeIle 1 trian Isirder.ThelTussianB continue the sicr« of Ff.ilbbtirg lan¬

guidly, re<k«w:ing on starving <«ut the garrison,whose supplies are I*pinning t«> fail.Gen. liombaki has arrived at Amiens. The small¬

pox is raging with viol, nee in that city. The dis¬ease wm brought then hy fugitives from Paiis.At a meeting of the Manchester Chamber of Com¬

merce, to-day, the Chairman deplored the continu¬ance of the war, which, he hoped, would now bebrought lo an end by the effort« of M. Tlm-is. Hismission to Y ornai 11es would certainly result in pea« e.

Am a compensation for tin- ills »liflii.ii, in eonse-

.jn« tu* of the war, by England, there was au lt.tluiof American visitare, who would otherwise have»tata traveliug on the Continent. 'lhere had als«,been a vant increase in business ordere, a bile, at thesame time, cotton was docliuing.The Xoueelli*te de f'eriiaÁlle* says, in advance of M.

Tlii«Ts's corni.«fr, his visit will certainly be fi nul« se.

A Colomie dispatch dated yesterday saya Ibat Prus¬sia and the North German Confedi-.ration lukve fur-niHhed 740,0(10 trooj»s for the present war, and theStates of .South Germany 116,000. Of this »grand to¬tal of 815,000 men, nearly all aie now on Fren« h soil.They are erpecU-d to «complete the couqneet ofFiance in a short Winter cam ps im.The P«>lh*h Jews openly niatiifest their sympathy

for France, and in a more decided manner thai» theother natives of P«.land. The authorities are ol.Tig.-tlto forbid public prayers for the eucceaeof the FrencharmaA telegram from Florence statte that M. S< t:ard.

the FriTi« li repres«mauve, hutt theKim. of haly on the energy and moderation whichhave aseadisplaytd ii tim at-couiphahiuciit of Ita¬lian unity. Siguor Yeuosta, replying for the King,express« d his thanks for the good wold» of M. Seu-iinl. and added tliat Italy itself is not only regene¬rated, but universal civilization ia promoted, by thelate event« at Rome.Papers lately found at a chateau near Versailles

are .«aid to compromis«, several not:,LI» », in« hidingeoiue of the South (J« mian diplomatist...

THE FRFNTH IN SAN I RAM ls('0.Pan Fran« I*.'«*», Oct. Ml..The Fnrn h rc*i-

d« nts «f lid» city burt- leant ii the foil«.wini. iid«lnn»:

lo the ileinbcrt of the Frene!, Hountintnt. OeaflMaetaithat, by »uiieiid« riii»: Met/., Murslial Baislne tins eoin

m..teil HU at! of trea«l.'l.l nu« »siujiled lu Mi. si.ii..- .;

Iiii'lôlmI'l.nniil.riiiij'His!, in »ituilar cmiuiisrai,«*«*». t«> remsln

»ii« nt woald tup \ i«'ii,|'.i' O willi tin u.iil<»rs. uni d<ii ..iirw Ive» iii»!:,..uti in «1

V»,« Kremh .iti/ni* »» ««»an Fran.-ltcn, eoitv. ne«l In

gen« rsl i»« mi«.», nu»«» |>aa»nd in« full ivun/r renlution»:Urti M.».-!i.i! li. /¦ i» i- tis-t««r to lilt «-Hurry.Stand 2 Tin Hep.m«, .lotie »»ve Irtnoe.i,ni- A »»liol- u..!!« n II«, t i.«si_»l_i»».i« n m«! fl iit«f..r

ii- i.iii« :«¦ .i. li In« in. iii«; iwMidreMaikBllMerBttoUMa-oi

ril,'.»Ti' 'ni ttS UM '...<« 'I I« II"'.

lill/,««- It I« «. I'll M.« nln, "«I iinliUIi «Ik'I« Unit Weliare i.*-»«»<t ..( the infamous li.a« i..n <i Mu-i...i ita

Bata '.! rsl b1 -t Empire M m «tin i n.« lu-mjb1 on, .,',¦! " : i, p« pi« otant pi« ve i" ii««.

,.« H» s i« ubi at the I .i.«« ti'i.i, I.», Itara


territory! War to death! Tho French BepubUo ni »ino»perish.ViYelorranra! Viv* lo Ropuliliouo I The ConMoj

Committee of California will i*e_lt you Will wael (*,.O0franc« for th« National Defense.

LOCAL WAR NEW*.Tho Gennin Patriotic Aid Society of Hobo¬

ken has r» reived subscriptions amounting to |S,K70 0«.

Articles left over at the German SanitaryFair am to be sold at autioa this evening, «oorner ofHi <«, ay and I litrty tlfI Ii «t.

The German l'atriotie I.did Fair of Brook¬lyn, on account of the election on the »th, will t* o|ietii*dat the Atbeua-iiin on the »tri lust., with ad.ln-sses In En-

glUb and Herman and music. A Fair OaatUe will I»published dall»'. Th» off.« ers of the Managing Cominlttiv,are: Mrs. Magnus, I'ie-mdcrrt* Mrs. (hrl-ulan droite,Trcaaurer, Mr». Schmidt, Recording Haere.ry , and Mrs.Dr. Kainiiierer, ('orresp<)iidlng Secretary.The French Benevolent Society held it« an¬

nual meeting last evening at Deltnonli o's. The Treas¬urer re (Mirteil : Heoelpts, Including laat year's balance,l!3,Sii») 13: eTpemllture*, W,!.«. ii; fund OB hand, I.,M is.The folio win* «iflleers were elia ted for the ennuin« year:l're*ideut, F. M. (aoudert: Vlce-l'reai-lenfs, A. Karnet, W.l'rovot, ii. Marriland; Treasurer, F. llrossard; Heere tory»' Francois. A Board of Directors was also eb-tieii



Newport, B. I., Oct. 28..For several monlhsHie health of -Chtef-Jurtlce Cha«e has been the sub), ct of

newspaper reports, h'1 of them doubtful, most of ihemfui*e. m » .mil the fact that he had liecii stricken hy sud¬den and serious lllne.s all wan surmise and uncertainty.As usual, when correct Information cannot be obtainediil-on a subject of public lnteieat, some Journals have

piibllnli. d the most ret klein and lrrespoiidble statementsabout the condition of the ( hu f-Justicc, which have

Ulled the tuliids of his friends with »painful anxiety, ardOOOa the cause of regret tin«jii^Duiit the country, luord( r to relieve thut aim» f v, I send you the followingfull account of Mr. Chase's lib pup:After a protracted omi »(ry laborious session, the

Supreme Court adjourned on i-aturd»iv, the 30»li al April.Ou Monday, the 2<1 «>f M.iy, tlio Chief Justit e PfOBOi theI'ulti (1 States Circuit Court at Richmond, Va. After a

week of iucestsaut lalmr, Le returned to Warhtugton lo

write his opinions in (awi resert ed from the last andpresent term of the Court. B«iiuo of these were of greatimportan, c, Involving «questions of Mate and Nationalinterest, snd required the most exact and careful studiiirtd reaearth. For «li week», lie detotcd UOMOlfM this» -i I» v l;!i lue i,ab.t,.m industry ami chum iciitious re-

gard for duty. Through all that torrid weather if last

June, he continued his exhausting labors, «ending offthree or four opinions a neck, most of tin u. long, all ofti,« in can fully considered.With hi« health somewhat shattered by this excessive

work, he lelt Wsshlugtou towanl the end of June foranextended trip through the North West, lit spent three

or four w (ie k s lu Minin-ota, at ht. l'an', Minneapolis,Duluth, and on tho waters of the I'pjcr Mis-ls.-iipi-About the first of August lie . ¡sited the c««ppi r minc»« ou

lo_I Superior; after reinsliilng lu the copia r region ta o

(»r tl.i'.t days, he set out for Kingura Falls, tia (.reen

Ray, Chicago, and (".cleland. Mr. Chase's health was

far .rum being la-iietlted by this rapid trip. Almost con¬

stantly lu motion, hnrrylng from placo to pla«e, sleepingon steamboats und cars, he waa so eil «noted when hereached the Fall» on the Mb of August, that he determinedto icst th« re a week, ami tin ii » ls.t the Grccnbiicr WhiteBullion Spnuga for two or three weeks.At'J p. lil on Tuesday, tim l61 li of August, Mr. Chase

li'lt Nugara Falls forNt »-York. Mi»s ('haaeund Mr. Mos*w< II Higgs of Wa- Li net .r. mt oiupaulcd lum. That evening'between 6 and 7 o'clock, shortly afta r Mai mg Roi hecter'the Chlcf-Justlcc was att.nke.i hy paralysis. Fortu¬nately, tiny were In a through car. A bed was made upfoi lum, and everything dono by the employe« of theNew-York Central liuilroud that was pos&ible under the,n nu.»!.u te». The parulysis continued to In¬

crease, and when the party arrived In Kew Yoikou Ok» morning of the 17th Mr. Chase's rightside, from loud to foot, wurt scn-tbly alf«« t. ti, so

that his-peech was scan <ly Intelligible. Ile was takento tli( It ttiniiii I! «ii-c. Drs, Clarke ami Hamuiond were

siam In attendance. They both agreed In pi.mount lugHie attatk paralysis of the right sl«Ie, but unutuallymodérate. In a week he was well enough to lie remo»edIo the residence of his daughter, Mrs. William fipragu«-,at Nurragausett, K. I. There, In the enjoyment of thatrest which he so mm li needed, he continued to Improveso rapidly that, by the 20th of Beptember, he was able to

dictât»» to lils secretary, to walk a mile In the ti,«j mug,

and drive Uve or six miles in the afternoon. He took hisregular meals with the family, amused hlmseif by read¬

ing, or listening to others read, talked cheerfully, tookau interest In the news of (he day, and waa hopeful ofrrci-iiling over the Supreme Court at the adjourned term.

On the ¿»iii of September a dinner party was given tit

Anthony'sa fbliing point on the seashore, Hire« milesfrom Narr.igHiiM tt. The Chief-Justice hsd a good appe¬tite, ami indulged rather fieely at table, eating, »cry nu

prudently, gre« u «urn jmd muat.roouis. Aliuu»t liiiine-diatelv after (linier ko felt unwell, and retiitiu d home.'I night waa n nlirht ot agony ; his sufferings were lut. n-.- und ato-ealing ; his entire light aide and chest wererackcil by pains winch nothing -. u «i torciste. ForBOOenl (lays after lids lie was worse than he had Ixen atany time since the first week after lils al tai k. Ills phy¬sician put him on strict dint of bei f ten ami OOOOaoO ofbeef. I'ndei tin« re-timeli lu« health of the Chief Jtlatle«I., piii t» Improve nguiu.and in two weeks hu was ableti. his walks and hi« «li'.»..-. Now ho is betterthan In* has ever la en since Ins tlrst attack, lliscoiu-ptato roeovorj .al ooeooaartly be »low, but if koooo>tinues to Improve aa he lum il««iii< .liiriiig the last Week,he will be able, at no »cr» distant day, to resume hisduties m the Bupreiuo Court.

MEETING OF THE StTRKME COIKT.Wamiinoton, Oct. 81..The Supreme Court

met to-di»y, all the Judges present except Chief J,.«ti.«Chase sod Associate Justice Nelson, Assoclate-Juslk«Clifford presided. Judge Clifford announced thst theCourt would meet at 11 o'clock heieafti r. AssistantAttona j-(ieiier-il Talbot said that since the Court wa«

lu t in »essloii Judge Hoar had resigned as Attorney,(icneral, and that A T Akennan of Georgia had been

i appoint. «1 us lils sin rcssor as head of th» 1« partment ofJustice tinder a recent law of Congre-*.. Ile then pre«ente«! the < oiiiiiiissinn of appointment, which wa« readbj- the i lerk of the Court.Mr. Ak« nnan remarked that since the Court wo* last

in aaaaaaa n ii. iiristow hail looa amounted BaMaMo»(icneral, under the act establlahtng the 1 «.¦ n*»rtui< ni ofJustice, li.-. oioiiiii* bu» wa- also read. On the nuit ionof Mr. Akennan, the new Attoroei (icnnral, Mr. Hill wasr du.¡tied t.« luit, ti« e. and took the usual osth. Be»eiaJot her attairuey « >» er. aleo admit te«! am practitioners.J. A. Milboy Aslitou, »«j , ioMi« se. .1 in, ( ,,uil a«

follows:"Mav It pl«-ase theOmrt Tlie honorable but meian,

(holy duty of presenting to this Court the proceed ingaau«l resolutions of the liar of Philadelphia, on tho o«*(a-sion of the dent h of the late Mr. Justice (irter, ha« lieend( :f gut» (I to me. Pince the Bdloumuient of your Hunora, lie who occupied for so many years a seat upon thisDelicti, and who so recently retired from 1U labors, hasdeparted this earthly life. Full of years and full of hon¬ors, be has la-en called to a higher and holier life. Theliar of 1'hUadelphla, loy whom ht» waa dearly beloved andprofoundly respected, having assembled for the («urpoaeof «< lunn noir.»tins this sad event, adopted a aeries ofresolutions which they d.-emed proper should be broughtto tin-knowledge of thl« Court; and thi ae roeoluUona Ihave now the honor to prt-acnt to the Court.*"'The Act tug Chief Just I. e ordej*ed the proce-Nllugs and

r«a-uiut,on». t<« I» read, and said tin- Court fully sy moathited with the regrt Is of the Philadelphia Bar. and mdorsed al that was «ai«1 In the resolution«; «abite thee»»nair».»n the death of Judge drier, uiourneil Hie loasOf an upright .lutlgi uiol uii|-artial »i»l honi»t man.

Th'- proceedings and resolutions were ordered to liepla»»a on the minutes; aud In further testimony of re-tpOOt, th* Court inlioinned antil to morrow at 11 o'clix k.

TF.iai.uKAPHic Mona....On»'death from yellow fe»cr in New Orleaiia

Sl Ml* 1.»

_.UIW fell in various parts of Xew-UampalnreH.-'iL »¦

_The lirst srht_r__mt_M ot the M ¡ison at I.ew-lll"' He ,'.».l.ia-Lr. t«. Snail.) Ulttat.

fiiclinioiul is rapidly tilling wtm otranirero»ni-«) U. «ii-B«i tia- ^UIT K«ir «bt.k Upm '«. .*

_TWO hundred and lift» Ftieuds paused through*, r », tuen l| lu ai.'i.aiik' «-arl« una lil« al (,reati<w»,,

10(1 ti. ('.

Six iiich»* («I sim»» lilal Miistol. N. |<J., f-»*it«»r.»¦n. n «lal. lui »Ih.ui tlie um. iraoun. ii Sra Ij.oIuu. T.« Whu«.«atr>iii»la ;.. ait rui.rnl a.Ui »no«, ,

.'Hu* lirst exi irinn linder the direct i.,n ofM.» t.. J »»ilii.««u(i ««*» IS» M..*.n> a. . ti.tunir*»-*« Ballr». «J w«ua« f>»i»* »lal reliarhr«l na Sal li«.

.Judge Maniard je-tcrdaI d_Mlva| the laat¦ ii»« Um (*aW at ike*UwS at On woikm ii »n'uri »«J

l.lir li«iii".'l «»<< Hw- »air «aill UM It" I« n» r ».

-Tin lllllHI.ll Ule« llliü of (li,. \S eil« ni I rae! andli,»,i «,,j .tt i, ,.i |....e ,* «ni kali «..»rj.. |ta ,..| . ¿mm. l»rina* jr»»( »n Ol'' »I» 'e' »'r |l«i»|i, »ji

_TI" .m .u (N to the . x h i lu ton, H| the CincinnatiI.»I*.cr. >' ..iiiirt.l 1...1.» Tttr-u* »,.,«. ,,* ,,j ,,

. i. '.¦¦ I ti. ml«,I SUMS M ii«.'*« I «W III br «J- li» rf la «I-.M.I «ii ti».» It» ili.a, ,.. ., I,,»»

* ' » ., K.«I" ' ..«.''. %, r|.,

«. i. L ti ma*I



M a uri i>, Monday, Oct. H, DM.The formal Approval of the candidature of

A«i«t.. for the Hpsnish Crown, by England, Prnssls, Italy,Anstrl», »nd Iiuwia, u officially «acknowledged by theBpanUh OovemmeutAt the opening of the Cortes, Nov. 1, the party of the

J.eftwl.1 present a proposition of censure »guiuist «theGovernment fur It* course In the matter of tbe Duke ofAosta's candidature. The candidature -»ill be officiallypre-siiied to the «Cortes in the early part of the week.


I«i»iiov, Monday, Oct. 31..A now Cabinetluu l^tu funned miller thu rrc»ld.__i< j of Avlis m fol¬lows:

Avlis, Minister of Foreign Affair».Bishop VlibJ, Minister of the Interior »sad Public In¬

structions.«"srvslho, Minister of Finance.Davigo, Mim-ier of War.Ooinbil, Mlnistei of Marine.


REOPKNED.«OM-VBaaaa, Monday, Oct. 31,1.370.

Trosiùa ESS proiniaed Denmark to fulfill» «if ti»«- Treaty .f Prague relative to NorthMleanrtf. ReEM King Christian, In lils last Bpeeehfrnm the throne, wus enabled to refer to tho future withcouti) le in*.»,


Lo»_kin, M««nday, Oct. 31, I«*»T0.

Dispatches from tho Baal «tate that theP« r«e« utlon <«f the ( Uiistlau» ha» been revived in Da-Dia««Tii, ami on great Is tho Irritation «if ti.«j native»Si/ mint Hi« m that a iuii--«i« i* lean .1.


UIC1IAKD CONNOLLY.Ion toy, Monduy, Oct. 31, lino.

Lnto ailvicoa from China state that thoChristian iiiiiM.(»illirie» whose live» were threatened nt

Fiiugclmw, have liven nu« u« «1 sn.l brought to a pla« . ofsafety.Ricbar» Connolly, Reeond Becretary of tho Brltlíh Le¬

gation at Pckiu, Is doini.


Lisiiom, Munday, Oat to, 1U70.

Later advice« have Iieen received from SouthAiueili-s. New* from Montevideo i» to tl.e « thattho d'oviniui. tit anny has I«. «,. Is.aten at Corraletu» bythe lilaticoa anny.


Lake Cirr, Fla., Oct. 31..An arrival at Ha-vbiib, from Vera Crut, bringa advices from Hie .Try ofMexico to the l«»th lint. Tl.e new» 1» decidedly morn patitle. Tl.e iistinii It« much more tiainpul than formerly,and the Federal siithontii's ar«> »r»-,i«T-,«My r> .in I/« .1 andolxpyed. Highway robberies arc less frenucnt, tho Cov-cniin. nt having Bli «rtc«l ita authority to suppress law¬ler»»!.ess.Tin iTi»t«iiii-Hi'ii*. at Bias!, in Yucatan, has been or«

«liieilt-«:« removed t«. Progress, «Illili port will he«.I» lnal in J.iii 1«71, iiii.l the p«.rt .«f sinai un»« «1. I ni«,

1>e«l«i ha» bceu .!¦ .-¦.»¦« . t Ciovumor of the r»tute of HanLui « rot.«»!. A llgbthuitas lias In ttn ordered tor tbe en¬trance of tlie li.n «ii u. Tainptco.T !i« I ml in N.iioi «i, i.i.ipj, sod Yucatan continue

their «leiiMtilailtu.M mi a »mail aisle.tnefnii Lou ii ¦« Us» i'ii «« ntiil to Congress ti.« snnual

Treasury report. It i- a full and explicit il««« ninetit.The pt..p.«-. «1 new tariff allow* master» lo t-'gn Muiruni.ufe*!- without «xai-ilnatliiu by tin ir . thh-ii.«.

(iiiati-mai.» pi up.. -. n.ii .-iimi..m (o Nsttlo her difference»with M« xico. 'iLi- iuiue.» KaiUoud bill ha» paas**-! theCongress.

LATER INTELLIGENCE.Havana, Oct. 31..Late advices have been

received fruin Mexico. The Mènerai Amnesty bill badlnH-n p__>ee«l hy Congreas, and had lieeij pro..|aiu.e«l hyJ nair r. It» provisions extend to all « x« «-pt Marquez,Ma»:ii, i|n ri'«, Archbishop Lobestida, and BishopC»«'heii.

T..«« Tehuantepec lilli progresses favorably. Cánidaha« l»e<*ii nppointeil Charg- te Altalr» (o lyiy. Neguete,In a circular ie< ently i**ii,«1, thank» the MRtieBB is-oplefor tile amnesty grant« «I to MB lu eotniimii sith .«tin rs,and fcW. ars lie will »mt»c un a »in.pie no1.her in tho le*f« I.*», of Mexico »1...nld ne« .(«lull offer.Many the aiiu.esty I» i««o general. An a,! I.Monal

«'..iime In«» na-»«al ' '..nirt.-«» whereby tiloso Indi, ted can¬not !..' mi,leim «I I«, «I» al li.

Aftalr» st teat* hi«' «pitet. A telegraph line fromfinn» ma* to Aieou is Imll.Imp. The railway fruiu(___»y-iii.i» t«« l'as» diT Norie 1» iituli r constructlou.


IN«I KKFCTION IN MARTINIQI' B.Lake City, Fla., Oct. 31..The following die-

pat« hoe from Havana weie n cerved here to-day, by mailfrom Key West, having tivvn «lelaye«! by the a« ¦« Ideut to

the cable coane, tin* Key West sith Punta Kassa:

Ad» le«-» from Cardenas »tate that the loss of life In thatetty by the burri, a.«e wa» .pate »mall, but tie «lenlrtn-t!..n of property Has very great. All the warehouseswere destroyed and a majority of the vessel» lu port »tthe time were dismasted and wrecked. No ii.mii » havelu u rerett .-.I. The lu«» will re.olí million* of dollar».The A nniii un » «¦*.«.T In .ulrhaw is »«hore near Matanzas.Ah far as known nu live» were lost Irom American vessels,either st »luían/.»- »r OBftiaaflB,Two men, arrested at Mataura» for stealing property

wwamoni i»v Um hurricane, were nmttawahhttot and shot.Two ttiibu«.tiTiiip aafeaaaanlMaa ihe i Ht«i»-> i¡.i\e

lu-.-h raptured unir Ni.evita» by the authorities.Tiny were laden with ann» and clothing for the insur-g. ni». Four of the erew aro prisoners.Advice» from Aspluwall announce that the Panama

and West India Table Expedition has sad, d. At the lustiiuiUthe pavmr «nt was going on »uceeatfully and

the signal» won jier.«*.!.Furt in r »«I» i«-»-n state that another dreadful hurricane

o«. nniii un the *»l h. the »everest ever known at theWest end of the Islam!. A Ion»; Hie ««South coa»«, mai.ytowns wen- Inundate«!, the cr.«i>« dam age, or destru. e«l,railroads »..ha», rge.l, and telegraph» pmatraU'il. Ma¬ «11.-.III. »utter« «i terribly. As fa. ma know n, uu> live*have been !<i«t. ...

The schooner C.nldiiifr B'ar drairsed her anchor*, andwas driven aaiiure, ..inplei« I» wrecked, under ««aban,»»,near the guard »hip. The hark Florence Peters waa

«la...Dp) «I Tbe American i«rip..i.tine Peunluiau I* .Ashorest Kingston. Jstn, sud will be a total loss. The crew

»in! «-argo were «aawd.Ijiite adv.««« from Martlaiqne announce that the

Fren« h authurltlc» have already »hot twenty of the i_ii_*

l«aadir» In the recent linurrecllun. One huuilred ui«,r«j

hsve been srreste.1, Slid sre liable to t«. shot. The opin¬ion is gaining gi «uiud that the iciieiiioii was lustlgste-dby tbe PruN-laii».TELEORAPHIO COMM I NKATION. »T. TIIOMA6


Havana, Oct 81..Telegraphic and mail eom-

miiDiration» tbroughoot th« Inland are sh.wly The effects of tlie last burri, ano In the west¬

ern half of the Inland were more diakstrou», eapeclally to

the growing crop», trees ami building», than wm at first

"JS^'hTnaBsa who murdered Ive of his countrymen wm»hotln Havana yesurdsy morning.The nsw law regnlaUng tlie work of Ciiatom Hoaee offl-

« la!» ha* been put«!i»l«"d. It I« very strict.

H» a r»x»*:ui «leiree, all f«»rvlgii built vesselaof all «tie*are aUowed to regiitertslubaaiid Porto Rnv», anddnti.won ali mstensl» for hulldlug and rep__ring vessels intho*». .aland* are to I*» relumed.Advices fr. Ht. Thomas t«. the l»th lust., hsve been

received Ita Mr.ti*li brig W. M.T.eo.1, Bsltimore for

Port» Rico arriv««! thereon the Kith, l.'uklng. She lostin a tra «. her fuivtopniast and UMwom, and had t«. throw«»».« r her d«*s k i«»a«L Vesnel« Imm Havana were «piaran-tu.« d jodav» «»i» aeeeant «al cholera. The health of theIninti«! was'p'Mxl, though there had l»eei, much ralu. TimF. H. mani.f war NauUskct, from tíam.aii-», waaat&L

'IhoDias, coaling. _, .... , , ,,, , ,

Porto luce .lute« are to tl.e lilli lnst. All «arrival«there from H»»«»u» are .|ii:u-auUucd. The pr»sp<-«-U ofthe mm ne t- I" »re poid.Î,,Ti»«.l..u,po .ist.-. ...«¦ t.« the ititi. The jUaaatlafc li ...

Biraiu»t Hot/, wa* gen. rsl, mut a rliltig would have tilt.u

pla.» Jn.iiir .._<« i'»»t forth«- ni'sen«'.' nf an Amcrli.iu mi.--

ofwar. the l'"»n with Ilartiuont A C«.. of London MMpliiti.1 :t faillir«' ._ m..

Hav il w »s st ivies--. Pre»t«lent ««aget continued to In¬cite lii«.irrecM.«n In «"»an Doming" sgaltiit lia. a.

The »íean.eríTt» of Ueretht, fr.n. V. ra «nu. aiTiv«sdst Havan.« Uni w««k ti» e T..) ¦ «verlier time, hav log I») li

detained bl heavy '«cMiei. .,.,__,,.ri.,..i.n fr. .m is* Taaaa attaaW m insurgents near

Hi»- ca«l wli.r«' Miev w..«¦ waill.ii' f«U av.^el williarm» 1 be r« It» I« dlsi*ra« «I. lea« lug I» killed.

Ti,* ati«iiipic| te» "!«iil"ii'»'('".'.* *»'«'.. ha»he<n mp-pre».~» d. «

Mis« n.i.AM <>i B CABLI DI8PATI )l\.<

....T«»-,iu\ i.iiiii: iíaeaaage i>«»> ti»«1 »Baak"f England will Is I«.»« «I.

... N«.v«H t',1.1. \'« « '" b - ' '' .' ,';'1, }"mt-

karn*».milli) agjli htl'l «'Si. i ' . " ."' »l"" E * bil» m*

had been banished for »bowing favor to the Insurgents,but Praableui Blanco refused «to eanctlon the« act, and re

called the Archbiabop.....It ia rnmorcd fr«»m Conitantinoplo that

Biseque Hey will uot return to Washington._F 1.1».nenia of a v«w»»«l, ovi<l«*nll.r the

Oein a of »Quebee, hsvo c««u,e ashore at Pentsnce, Bug..... The lirat India mail by way of Madid-,

Haly, was dlspatehed thence ou the 2Mb uit. The eventwas ieiiiatcil by a banquet._In eitf»o of the «lisKolntion of the Italian

Phi which Is now threatened, the election» fornew «lep.itle» will occur onthe 30th lust. The P.n l aiu.iitwill assemble on Dec. 6.


tEkmRtRRñ ON LAKE ONTARIO.Kingston, Ontario, Oct. ST..Duriii* a hcvctc

gale on Lake Ontario on Sunday night, the schooner Wil¬liam John with 1,000 bushels of wheat from Co'urg forI «I vi ar.lsl.iirg. went »shore, and with the cargo will be a

t«»tal loss; unlt.iurcd. Tho tug Sarah broke from her

mooring» and went »»hore on Point Frederick.Tlie crew of the Rankin was rescued this evening by

Cspt. Noble of the »«'hooncr Hlppegraffe. A won.sti

i.ame«l Cook was the only person lost ; she wa» washedoverboard last night. The life-boat kindly sent hy ('apt.Dow from Buffalo arrived after tho rescue. The ltanluuis ii total lo»».

Tin- natue* of the three men lost out of the prepellerYoung Ainern ,i» are K. D. «.«mp-«,ti, Alexander «Mc-Oregor, sud J.¦lu. Mills.The hurk H.i|M*ri. r srrive<l at Port Coltturn thl» »Mer¬

noo», having lost mime of her -purs and sail«. She le-

j«iiris li.nt M.e »cliooner W. ... Keith is ashore at I>mgI' Tin l,,,rk lani,y au.pliell arrived sith M v« ralof h«r «all* Mata

THE «*TOI!M AT «CLEVELAND.Cleveland, Oliio, Oct. 81..A tornillo storm

raged hero last night. Tie propeller Neptune, with twotimber barge« In tow, cast off the barge«, and in makingport, beat against a do« k, until she »auk. She belong» to

the Erl« Transportation Company, and 1» f.oni DetroitNu n..iliug vessel has lu eil n porti'd wreek« ,1. A con¬

sul« ruble ptirtiou of VtlualuW'S brick block oa River-at.waa blowu duw11.


8t. IjOCIí«, Oct. 31..Heavy ruins have fallenhere at Intervall» during the past three dais; »i»terd.»ymorning during a violent »bower high wind prevailed,s hi« li blew down tin-malt-house attached t<» Ho. k &('s brewery. About 1,(WObuehela of malt wereburled In the ruins.A until, r building, belonging to Rn.nswi. k A B.othcr'»

billiard table i»nn,itact««ry, i i« Fifth -t.. wa» « inab. «1 bl a

high wall which wrs blown over upon i(. In.i:iii«gSustained several »iiflnlnlted ta.'les and coiirtid« rab.o marterlal. The total los» Is about .in.iflO.


Erie, Penn«, Oct. 31..The Canadian schoonerBritannia, l>oiii,d from Vermillnm to Toronto with a curgoof griQ.I«t»ne», went ashore here thl» morning. One of

to» I IBM was faUUy; four ether» succeeded In

rea« bing the »hore early this morning. Tlie captain andone mau clung to the rigging for four hour», but were rescued l,v a tug.l'hc * li« oner illyria, owned and commanded hy Capt.

Rent of L > li«, (»Ino, Wen( anliore In the gale last Ili-Titon the Peninsula, opposite the eily. Tl.e crew clung tothe bowsprit and rigging all night," and wer«- not re«, m dHil tbi« afternoon. The first eutlter of the revenue cutterCommodore Perry was swamp««! In going to their aid.Two acamen, I«.«... Smith an«! John Royre, ware ttwwaatlu th« breaker». Other» of the crew wcie picked up bya tug.A bark In dlntres» drifted past here thl» morning. The

Commodore Perry han gone in pursuit.other u.s.ihi.m .u-,- feared, as the gale of last night ex-

cc«.(ie<t in violence any knowu for many y« ara uu theLake».


RrFFAi.o, Oct. 31..A terrific gale has prc-vuileii here since last night from the t-o.ith and E.i»t.The water of the Lake Is higher than at any time Mu»

»easou. The tug Harrison foundered at 2 o'clock a. in.,

off Sturgeon Point. The crew was saved hy the tug Coru-

pouml. Capt. I>aveiip«irt of the Harrison was taken ii oin

the water utter his tug had »uuk. A «cboouer, supposed1.« lie tin \V III. Kell} in 11*1.1,1 e otT Will«.Ililli Point. Im«

crew «au u- seen banging to the rigging. A lile-buat hasgone to their lewue.Tlie schoouer James Platt, which left here yesterilav for

«li. ago, has retui i.« d in di»lics«, with all her sails split.It I» «taara. Mint great damuge has t«c« ti dune to the »hip¬ping on tho Lake.

LOCAT. DISASTERS.The storm which h«yan early on Sunday

«.v. nmg became a gal« at 1 o'clock In tho iiioiiiing, audcontinued lu the harbor nearly all yesterday. The grvatfall of rain during Hie night canned much interruption oftravel on Hie various railruad lui» s diverging fruin the

city. At re vc ra I points on th« New-Haven Road thetrack was mtnm rged with water, and the Northern

mulls duo yesterday «morning »u. delayed severalhours. During the «tonn, the Pacitle and Atlantic Tele¬graph Company of this city lost onncetion through oneuftbeir cables in th«' Nnrtll River at Nlnetleth-sf. Theanchor uf a schuomr became entangled with the wires

nml broke communication. Tho Company having othorline«, however, there was no int. it upturn of bunn.ces.Yeebrday afternoon, a» a boat containing »»-vcu em¬

ploye» of the (.Viitral Il.ii.rou.I wu» etoeslaa the .**niithCuve at Jersey citv, it wa» swamped, ai.d «Michael Fallon,In uti« Hi am ¡uni Putrli k I, «hagan Wiro droviiud.Fallon leaves a wit»- and Ive; II« ..rn a wife andthree children; tiahagau Wa» uiin«aii,«d. The bodieswere not recovered.Iuthu morning, while the lighter Clara, owned by

lal- v .v Co., of No. 107 Wall st., was in the Li-: River offFulton Ferry, the high w lud. aus. d the jib lo break loome,siul lu Its fail two of the crew became entangled in theheavy fold» of estivas, and were aweyt ovirlioa.d. Oneof them, Joseph Regucy, ai-e.i 45, of Nu. ii) Wl. low-st.,Brooklyn, wa» pit ked up in a v. r> much e\ha«.nie«l con¬dition. The other, Henry Bog, rs of Sackctt-st., wasdrowned.Tue house of Mr». Welsenberg on Zubrtskie-at., Jersey

C*ity, was blown down on bunday night, the family nar-ruwly escaping.At Governor's Island, the aca broko over the landing,

and the Boldiirson guard feared Hie whole structure»«i IT tie carried away. Twu of Hie »mall tree* lu Castle(larden were uprooted, and at high' water tho wai>*

broke over the wall.The tiri.). Ottawa went ailiore at Bridg-

hai'ipton, L. 1., y.'*i«-rd.iy forenoon, and will be a totalwn ck.

The tlirre-miuited schooner Rutludiaw, Imundto lialtiui-ii«, went ashore >eat» tdav morning at emita'»Point, nil the south »nie uf Long Ir-ali.t.


Lkxington, Vu., Oct. 31..At a meeting ofthe Hoard of Trustees of Washington College on S.itiir-

«lay, (Jen. «'. W. Lee, »ecoDd »on of Oeu. It. Lee andProfessor In the Military Iustitute, wa» unanimouslyel«-« .< -I tu succeed bl» father as President of th* college.Prof. Pratt of South «'aroliua wss elex-ted l*rofe«»«)r ofApplied in-mint i«.. The Hoard also chang» d the uame oftlie oin gc le the '. Waslilngton Lee LTiliersity."Tlie family of (len. Lee have tina ly determined to let

th«- elna 11«- of Men Lae Ile where tiley ore, lu the li.«;«-«1« -igii»-«l sud erected by himself.

I-Llt-ON A LIT! ES-ti V TELEGRAPH.....Jefferson Davis ia in Ric!mmi ni._Senatur Morrill» health «ia improving very

kio*!«. Mr i» »nil «*»« I »ml hi ki»

_Tbe Ker. .Richard Hugh Hagley, a Haptiat Min-«_*rr «th »so«u UioaftMl Um SuatS, 4ml ia «jtirkiaoua «a Hua.*/»igbc

CRIMES AND CASUALTIES.BY TELECRAPIT..1 lu- body of an unknown mau was fourni

la «A* wood« *»»r H»rrriij»n oa,.

_'Hie vault anil safes of A Kochereau, in Xew-Oi a .» «r.» r a,ij«l »¦ s«_,l_;. »«J», el *.«."««»._J. Hielmtui's tannery in I »ayton, Ohio, was

larstal oo »witt. I. -M »»»»it el" '**>. i»rt.»¡ ij is.urrd.

_The nude body of a man, with a rope aroun.lki« ar«_k, »»» ftMul ia Um Kit«, *t Aii-ia-. j**i»r.»r.

_(¡co. A. Turner of Montreal wa« knocked down,ten i, y txralra, tai rubl«*xl al ?»»». ia L.iS*ll. Baa*., ua San-la/ aifht._J. Hyland'a coffeehouse, No. 1,'JIO Canip-et.,

5«» «irkui*. he» btmiixi oa B»ad*,r *i(. t. Looa. MJ'.tiOu, la-aral uathe Mrn-btata' , '-rapan.

_Wm. Martin, aged about .10, son of ('apt. IsaacManta «'al* n . rr ,,g nr«r Brnua Ci I. f<*aa)__*J ii,art,,a», maaiira***)l bj ils» ftri-ng el hi« ¡mel. Ilia «»li a.« lui tr«.,irrni_Dr. Seymourof 8Ll»oui» wa^shot and wounded

oa S*l*nU, iiftit m ML I..«*.» i.» M*iwrll»n4 -V.m»i »Vu,*, !,i . ,,.)a«. 1« «¦(»-<>c»j( l*Jj I« «bia. I»«.»««!, Lal altusa -tica«-.*»* wild dia-l«aBvr»KI» «i»»ift«»._Tlie charge of Muiiggliiig fl.V.diO worth of

Uquur». auuuff«. »ad au. lea *.« i- lum ii« |n«rt uf M«««(<tu. |n-».lioga «.o»t 1'n'ir ! M il» S*m:r. h. l.itatl, Vi,:,. H mis ». «... -ig, L'aifcir*._»!. «mt »uta* « lii.rl'Til «. alder us» eil »»liou L« Um Oraul JanIta I.f»».i«_«.i*.*, lim« baa''_ISuutU A Sterrett's x.-g.-taKI.- oil facforv in

Cm-«»**«! ¦.. pan »II; La.»ni ,nt»r,|. ,i«i«r*.*it l.«>w ,i,.ut »x ,«».¦

l»»ar»-l IS O* f.«II". Uf u««r, .Sat.»uti .(l .,..; t ¡t ¡_ .,.r yji. ,

l«hiiair» lixl-lu V.rt- m4 B»rln*. l_rrii.«. ut ll'iiiin« l'Ut i u *f iiari-t««rl - 0 «J ia »*ch o*rt.tad Sitml.« of |t « 1 ,k, *:««".....The trial of Jam«», Wainh. Charles Forty, »nd

TI .ma» K-» i. I!«« n'k.t l uait, ll«*bi*. fmawanir ant. i'«n i*i.*i lo

III! J»i.* Mr« rl u.»t»i,(ll. Au,,, ,., .he*A i*«m A I'»¦flarll _* Ie«*il»n»»4:»«gr»»skFulhni,. jir. J.»,^ M.i »*.' ,ua-i--t anUt Onmilt* I )«i.r:«-r .«( I .«o'. Krlii.w. , viui»b «¦ a I...-1 ti .- .n««»r Al»««» Jlit*! «at ««B iL» iiifb a««» »,«, t^rB ,-.«81«,, im tu »«nil lb* .« true at «li ,

Urtu»: )«rr.

....The stal.le ,,f JJ c. Sims, Rgy, | N..n*.lil-Sl..¦a*i«a ».up-;-, ,.r«.r,. « ., >,. .n .» "lb Ml««rM. .*,! « B«ui.r (rirt.i^r, ,u,| .¦(. of |..b«»-i tad «I»" '¡'» '«<. r

« f-boaM* al Ctiettim Wage* mi Ja*** Baba, «a»I.-» Ifartl.ll. _B.| l_»'l -Ul.e .,( Il»»lt<l «v U «t«»«. .«' ".

lli«*..«.rril»«lrrtl 'h- lill ¦ Ua»_»r *rr»»r»»ld»»»~T. I»»

Au.ti_ Hua« «Ul.k- .Ni,,.., I« ui is», »inll sr«* «¦.a»i!i«j#* oa

Maaua.l .¦¦,. ka, . ki maur» ¦«.!»*'I..; , ., ,« ardo »a- ti,, »titi at

. I



Wxsiiiscto»». Monday, Ott. xt, ung.The Han. J. J. Hinds, "fate Senator of Alabama from

the Decatnr Pistrlct, arrived here yesterday. He «ayithe entire Republican t'cket In Alshuma will he elerulbj ut least K) non ma|ority that Major Norrta, tbe mcpublican eandidate for Congrea« in the TII<1 lilstrht»whose election ha« Iveen heretofore considered doubtful,Is now almost certain of timWmt\ that the only diatj-trfs In the Slate B.«fe the Democrat* claim are tbiVth and Vlth; but hopes are entertained tor Mr. Mn«t« r

s«.ii. the Republican candidate In the Vit li Instit, t, thalthe Republican majority In the Legislature will boolleast-jo on Joint ba'lot, which insures the election of a

Republican Senator In Senator Warner's phi« I and thalRenjamln Turner, the color, d nomine« In the Mobile Dia#trlet, will be elected by ov« r I,«..»majority, notwithstanding the d.fect,ou of certain Republicans, who ««ppo«S«negro candldute«. Jumet T. Kapler, also colored, th«Republican candidcate tor Secretary of State, and tlialion. Joshua Morse, nominee for n mwtt tlon as Attorney*General, are making a v!g"toi:s camas», and will doubtles« run ahead of their ticket. Il.e Hon. Auln r Rin-fhain, candblate for reflection as State Treasurer, Is w>0 I» (rig the support of Influential Democrat», in eonso

(|(ience of his honest administration of the State finance»A. J. Mun«lilla, es% M. !'., f««r SliefTi li, F.vp, cal.ed

n[mn Secretnry noutwell today and was by him Intro¬duced |0 the President, with win m he had a Very pi« ..a

ant Interview. He cxamliit d the Treasury I>. pariun-nithoroughly, taking special Interest In the sy:t»iu «f ea-

amlnatlon for appoltitnicnts, etc., recently s<:< t« «I II«afterward caded «m Se« ret.iry Cox, Gen. Tarker of ti.«Indian I.iircnti, und (¡en., Cmnu-r-loii« r «,f Edina.Ion. Mr. Mundi -Ila thinks our st hool system the moilliberally endowed an«l sustained «»f any In the world, anddeclares tnat our educational l»u ldltigs, Intel it r arrangemeut j and apparatus are in, e.[ual« «t. though t L« re

serious defects lu our «ysti ni of tea. hing, «lual'.fl« ati.JUof Im-tnictors, and In the want of l.iwsieiifon lu/ attendance. |||. Is surprised to tim! so liff!« .iff»-lit¡««r. paid ta1« cl'tt» b1, De>.*igning, lind otlii r IfOOMU schools inteudedfor the Industrial arts mid m |em e».

Th.» President ha- amtt*Wtmi V»»n Cleft, Civil Erigin« titat the N« w York Navy Yard, and appointed Thomaafctrattou lu his place.

'»'be Controller of the Currency has anthorlrcd tticfPlr«!National Rank of Rl. -tiinond, K-, ., |li-0,000 capital, ami Ilia1 r-t National Hunk of Kvanav.d, Wlocuuaui, looroo cap¬ital, toe mun nee biisiners.There are at present the fo'l«»w1ng numlicr of toba, co

bonded warehouse« In this country: 6 lu New-York, I tn

Philadelphia, 3 In Baltimore, l in Richmond, 1 in NewOrleans, and 1 in San Froncis, o.

During the quarter .tuting laaab mber 30,1870, 3,172 em¬

igrant- arr:»ed I«Sun Fruin-isco, otfwhotn j,"»« wire Chim se, l*JMEuglU!imeti, and '»1 Iii hu.« ii 1,00» males,Mti niales.Among the popere to accompany the anonal report ol

the Comnil»-.|(«iier of lain« ;,»i««u I*) one on Indian i.diniylion. The follow ing »u u. tuai y of f;o te are e \ ti. mt« «1 :

Including Alaska, the Iii'liaii population Is cstlmau-dat drina \o nom; ulMitit MMSOt WOOa are within agesitiiabliiig tn« iii to ni'ive iiieiru. tnui. lint 1M sa* ho«» liare snow 111» be lu aparoMoO, with ji ten« hers and <,90larhalora Ide appropriations made ut the last session ol(.ou*»t»jss for this ptirisM-e is estimated at tne,uo 90. ol»»,'. cii»l(io.lSl*lsinbuU,aii«l|'l.i< e.i under .Odia, ret lou «iitbO i-x'il« tai'.» of the Inteiii'i for the maintenance of indus»t: ial and other sa linois. To Hu ano»e amount, inoktllano hy religious bisiie« ud«l fis.M* «so,.nu! by tribes and Individual Indians, %-if),trii «,miking a total for the «-um ni of WeWAtt M Cnd.-itreaty stipulations the liabilities fur educational pur|Mise.« are estimated al |l x.'HA M. W11" total lialulllt« s foithis pur|Mi»e me given as t>o ».nu 03, while the S« Insil am)Orphan*,' Funds held in trust bv the United Stan s ainnuul!«> »1,111,4.0 ('¦.... inaWinii the total lu»I.Piti.-s t".',im.-«'.'0 7kThe Indian stat, a that sic a 1-OS alM>ve eightmillion «1.»lal*«, have boro appropriated for Indian educa¬tion. The amount now expended is an one dollar In teaof all appinpriatlolia for loo civilization ami relief uJIndiana.Tue annual report of the Paymaster-General *u na

reived at the War 1>» pattun nt to-day. The followingsummary Include« all the pun* ipal Item« coiitaiuel»herein:Pilawi on haDal it th« IWir ir.Bf «if Ui* lirai jon. ending lily I ¡Mfc

13 «ij:!ti " iec« .»eil «ia leg tlir <U.»I »car iruai li«- lr.«».,r. Oils«,1, Tee*.*.vu! f, m u'l.T -uLr. < I »>.!.,. TStlt * .'J. J.'."ii. 'I lu

im<>aat ii»;,t,r*»«l ta» tin- »ni iinji .ug -le M.i.'irf A«-j«I.*iar, «att li 113.37'.; t» volunteer» 0 111 *l ..Lit«*«' in to» ha -la ./ Pi»lu..ter«, t- 'Ti «J ti a T^r »wi.xj» i.i»liui»nl for n*a-.i*»tnirt ««« .ij ..».<¦

io «be »ei«rai ilalnrr« i*r»i loll..«»: i-ir«i Ih »net «¦'.(' (.'4* tronad,tu, a Ti.tnl. gjdl.LXI k4, luanb. gaUtSJ hu, y.tll, «'ii.ii: JtI al.i *»^7J-»7l .«1»



fliBNKBAL PREm-I PI.tPATCn.)Erroneous statement a lia» li te re«. ntly Ix en pu bl lahed

con« cluing Chief-Justice Chare, It is projier t<« say thalon th* tki Mat, he mailed a letter from Narragjnsett t«

Mr. Middleton, dei k of the gupt. ti. C« urt of th.* 1'nltedStates, m which ho mentions that HMM mmtt I*Sttt h«v. r««t<* tu *»-»«" i-te .lur-ti« e Nelson, informing hiui that hawould lie unable to attend the adtoiimcd fenn today,and expressing the hope that Judge Nelaon would b«able to cake IM pi.« e. Hut, to th.- ««.ipii»«* and legtet olthe Chief-Justice, he rec( Iv.d a lett, r ft».I Judge \cl»onSa»iug that Ins iinu lu a It It. Iii "Ugh lu. ¡J"» un, w «mili no1permit lum lo attend Court. The Ciiiti-Jusine thereforewrote !.' Mr. Middleton, that the . «nut might know Hi«tin u uni;»!.« -, and that the -cinor Judge (( lilford) might1«- i«r, pared to take the pluce thus temporarily vacated.The (In. f Justice coneliidei hi« letter by saying: "1walked Uns tuoiulng som.' .u mu.nie-, and I shall ride Inan hour or two. in it T d<> not regain my strength as rapidlyaa I bapod." Tho letter, as a.ah whs written by biscerk, but was signed by I.uiim j, tin* writing showing uo

unusual sign« of foeblOBOao,t-iinon Wolf, eoq., to reply to many liiijulrles from other

cities, visited the l"T»*t«l<lei,t to-day to aecertalu why thoIsraelites had been omitted in tin* t«*« «j.i appointment ofIndian agents. He was mloriucil that th ; new ap|*iinlr>liients were made sei olding lo the new |M»lriy noom-

nietided liy various religious di noininatioiis who hav«i, i».*».«itiitiy s.«, i.ln-s. The Jews, haling no stn li asso. ia»

tiMii, rcieive«! no apiHiintuieiil. Aa an « v.. I« «... of Inagiant will, however, ti e Fie»liletit ezpooaoad his readl*ness to appoint some Israelit«-to the ofHco of Indiou eu-pertuteiideiif.Tue l'reeiilcuf gave a state dinner this evening. All

the members of the Cabinet, with the eiccption ««f H» c-

nt.iry Rol-enon, who Is absent from the city, w. r>* prea-cut, with their when; also, Mr. and Mrs. (';.-. », Mrs.Ort ille (iran(, Henator Eiliuunda and wif«*, uinl eeuatorMorton. E»-Secretary Cox was Invited, but was notptc-wnt, having pre» lotislv sompleted his arran<»eiiieut»«ft r leaving Washington luff Ohio in au early train.Tue Navy Deport.«at has adnu*« tr.un tb« U. 8.

Consul at Gibraltar to tho 11th lust , lug (liaarrival there of the C. S. steamer Saco, Meut. Com-mander Terry, from Cadiz, hhe would «UI the sam«

vening for Malaga and MafOOUk a AH we 1 on »»» «I.Tbe President to-day appointed R«.n W. Jewell of

MissisMippI I'uiteil Htates i oiisul at Canton, ami llorac«H. Ilougliton of llliuoia ( «iisul al I'l-riiitmbueo The ap-)h>ii.Ium ut of (lurle« R. C«,r«ter na Internal Kexuue Out«lector of the Sixth District of Nea -York ia ««til« inly au



Washington, Oct. 81..The clerk« and cra-

ploy-i-s of the Internal Revenue Office, Ineluding th«

ladle«, assi-mbled this aft«moon In tho room of First

Deputy Douglass, to bid the outgoing Comnn-siouer

goo'l by. Mr. Douglass, on la-half of those a»- n,«»,ad« resta d Mr. Delano as follows:Mu Df.IjINO: The ladles and gentlemen pre-« ut ha««

a-ieiiil'li d to say good-by to toil, lu thus eipresaiua;.mr regretful fi-elings, we eauiiot but IMBI no 01 liol our

lons Is your gani, lu tin- well-earn« d and honorable pro¬motion wbieti you go toenjo». Your oaliiiiutsli.iii"" aflbOInternal Revenue lifflie li»» Ihiii r..i widely omimudedand so signally sue« essful that w ni- of praise, if 1MB»priate bete, would lo- OOOloaa. W» ki ow that that i*d-luiiii.tritiotl has tiecn as pure u» it baa iMCla . rtl'lclif,while your personal Hit« -MouraC >»Hh us ha« broa a! way a

liiiisll.IIMl im.l ktn.l. «Va i »snoot pay you a in»»r. ilttiugtribute in parting than by wlablugyoii, in your new netdof labor, great MHCOooaad pml .»l'l'rtnal.Mr. Delano replied as follows;I.ttillJt AMI (ir.NTIKNlN Of Tin OWtWMt TiM w. rd

gtMsl by In this world «f ehan« hi.« trei-uenfiy to hasiNiken. not alwavt willi u-rtt-t, t.t g>i.. rally with r»v

got. While ti Is with re^nl thai I -pc*ik ii to you to«.f,I cannot but resnemh rwiih uieaaure tin* /«, honesty.amiability willi which »«»u have aid«.! and «iiat_n,d

I me ni the perforinaiif» <>r ''.» duty. Though I have no1fre.iuelitly had the pl.ttsiilcf met tillar you ali ill t los«mi. r, aurae, still, wjiIi some of ».»n the i«*k ution li.ihw u i.-ilaiint intimate. Thal Intimacy lia« assured m«

that where», r «mr duly mai rall ii- iii life We will flin]ah;.'ami worfln h« l|» m ihe line of «lutv ; ami | :,*el a*

iui'f«lthat m "».* l'Cnre. as w, ...» ¡:, th« paot, y««il willIk* t--i-i-eably a«««»cii»i'd m ".'" i-erforu ance of » uurdutyr*r»nideuoe«liasanonèarad ile I«»» »liât hajipiness ouieu»,'..« iini-t foi "w tit» fuithf ii .li-« bam of pabilo amipíllala abilSaHlOi». Ill »on. Ill-Ion, ladles Slid (Mt.-men, ali".»'me t.« .vi.res- t«» »ou my earnest Ihai.ks forlin* i'..,irt«*i»ils atien'loii shown m« ou retiring from ,»t|, ,.,MI..I I h«»|a- lhat lltroiigh'.ut life you shall ne h »j pi ..miMI. ea i-f'l'¬Art.T this they al! passed I» lum, shaklu«; hi» h... «I ...<!

y-ti um txprooMoa i<> ton' h n ii.og.

fill»)« K!N(. Mill. Ml RDI.».

Cl* INN » I I, Oct. :|l.~I>|i|>.ltcl|. 1 lldtn liltl.l,ohio, iti'lv th«? a "..i-i i. :vl li» ung» r. li» in* .'.« al

li | III 'li tll.l |' " . a: l.|. li .! Ilir H ila i.,»t Mou.I » m a n .*»t ib-seklng manner, I - -<

lime to kill his children If thev divulged Um crl F-M>low iii*»' Ins tint , tn» I li!..* body« theiri. er riu'cr the .»