Newcycling AGM 25 March 2014 - Sally Hinchcliffe Cycling Embassy GB

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Cycling Embassy of Great Britain

An update

The Accidental Cycling CampaignJan 2011

Cycling has found its voice

• Cyclists and campaigners are becoming a force to be reckoned with

Cycling for everyone is the aspiration...

The great city is not the one that has highways, but one where a child on a tricycle or bicycle can go safely everywhere. – Enrique Peñalosa

But mediocrity is built in by design

• ... meaning hard-won money is likely to be wasted

4.1 LTN 2/08 Cycle Infrastructure Design provides detailed advice on the underlying principles of designing for pedestrians and cyclists. Key amongst these are the core design principles, the identification of certain cyclist categories (the ‘design’ cyclist), consideration of traffic speeds and flows, and the hierarchy of provision.

Or worse...

Designs which actively endanger or at best inconvenience cyclists

Sometimes it seems anything ‘Dutch’ goes ... except ‘going Dutch’

Making ‘Go Dutch’ work in the UK• Translating ‘I want what

they’ve got’ into something concrete

Showing what can be done

Responding to consultations

A growing body of expertise

• Research documents• Infrastructure safaris• Policy pages• A-Z of cycling• Blog roundup• Advice and guidance• Probably the largest agglomeration of ‘kerb

nerds’ anywhere on the internet...

What’s next?

• Get international best practice written into the design guidelines (and made standard)

• “Space 4 Cycling” must mean real space – for everyone

Oh, and a little reminder

• Pedal on Parliament, 26th April, Edinburgh