News 2.0: Personalized and Customized

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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This is a deck for a presentation that I gave during a News 2.0 forum hosted by The Cincinnati Enquirer and Cincinnati Social Media.During the presentation I posed that News 2.0 will be personalized and customized. We're a society that already customizes everything from iPhone covers to products being sold based on the point-of-difference that they're customizable. We take the same things, such as Facebook and Twitter, but we make them our own with our own brand. There's little reason to think that the news will be any different.The vast amount of information that is available today requires more and more filtering, optimization and work to extract what we are looking for. We have developed our own filters, such as who we follow on Twitter or what RSS feeds we subscribe too, but these often aren't enough.That's where Nicholas Negroponte's idea of Interface Agents come into play. Interface Agents are tools that scan the universe based on a user's preferences and bring back custom content. Pandora Radio is an example of interface agents in action today. With Interface Agents, no one's front page will ever look the same again.


News 2.0[Personalized and Customized]

Taylor WiegertSocial Marketing Associate, Empower

Have It Your Way...

[Customize Everything]

Make the Same...

[Your Own]

Interface Agents[Your Information Seekers]

Most people generally make a false assumption that more bits are better.

More is more.

“ “

” --Nicholas Negroponte

People Optimize With...

[Human Filters]

Interface Agents[Scan the Universe][Extract the Information][Deliver Custom Content]

The Future[Custom Aggregation]

Local News Goes...


The Crowd Defines Individual Interests...

[Agents Deliver Individual Content]

Agents Learn...

[What Content and What Form]

What is News 2.0?

[You Decide]

The [End]

About Me

Taylor WiegertSocial Marketing Associate,

Empower MediaMarketing