News Coverage prepared for: The European Union...

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News Coverage

prepared for: The European Union delegation

to Egypt


“This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The

contents of this document are the sole responsibility of authors of articles and under no

circumstances are regarded as reflecting the position of IPSOS or the European Union.”


Thematic Headlines

Domestic Scene Advisory Council Recommendations to SCAF Egypt Challenges Washington by Prosecuting American Activists Shura Election Updates Mubarak Absent From Trial for Bad Weather MPs Hold MOI Responsible For Killing Protestors Presidential Elections to be held in June About the Case of NGOs

Calm Prevails Around the Ministry of Interior

Shura Runoffs without Voters

The Revolution Victims Protest

Is Football Prohibited in Islam?

The Perils of “no” US Aid

A Member of Parliament Sues the Speaker

The Egyptian Military Delegation Cuts Short its Visit to Washington

Female Prison Warder Acquits “Virginity Checks” Doctor

Mansour Hassan to Determine his Position from Presidential Elections End of February

Cautious Calm Prevails in Tahrir Square

People’s Assembly Holds MOI Responsible for Bloody Clashes

Aboul Naga: Egypt has Sovereignty over All Organizations Working on its Territory


Newspapers (80/02/2011)

Pages: 3 Author: Muhammad Hijab and Jamal Abu al-Dahab

About the Case of NGOs

The Egyptian decision to refer the suspects in the case of NGOs and foreign funds to the

Criminal Court has triggered wide reactions.

While some people called for complete transparency in revealing all the details of the

case, others considered the case to be a reflection of the tensed relationships between Cairo and


Meanwhile, al-Wafd Party rejected any foreign interference in Egypt internal affairs, and

other observers called for uncovering the Muslim Brotherhood’s funds and funders.


The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information considered the comportment of the

U.S ambassador in Cairo Anne Patterson in this response to be a factor of escalation in the

campaign led by Egypt’s Minister of Planning and International Cooperation. Patterson has

violated the transparency and authenticity rules by refusing to uncover the names of the

funding organizations.

Responding to the calls to uncover the funding sources of the Muslim Brotherhood, Dr.

Ahmad Abu Barakah, one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party’s leaders

said the Muslim Brotherhood enjoyed a legal status since it was established in 1923.

Abu Barakah denied having received any foreign funds in the group. He described the

allegations about the group’s “secret funds” to be mere “illusions.”

On the other hand, Dr. Yasser Burhami, vice president of the Salafi Call said Egypt was a

sovereign state and the United States, or any other country, did not have the right to interfere in

Egypt’s internal affairs.

America has banned donations to Islamic organizations under the pretext of fighting

terrorism, so doesn’t the Egyptian People have the right to defend itself against the foreign

conspiracies that aim at dividing Egypt?! Burhami wondered considered compliance with such

conspiracies to be treason.


Pages: 6 Author: Bassant Zain al-Din

The Perils of “no” US Aid

The American Administration asserted that the US Aid to Egypt was in danger after the

escalation of the Egyptian authorities’ “suppression” of foreign NGOs.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the American Government was serious

about the issue that will influence the Egyptian-American relations, and especially American

aid to Egypt.

Republican Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich expressed his rejections to Obama’s

reaction to the case and compared the prevention of 19 American from leaving Egypt to the

crisis of the American hostages in Iran in 1979.

The Senate declared that the detention of American citizens was a red line that should

not be transgressed.


Pages: 7 Author: Imad Fuad and others

A Member of Parliament Sues the Speaker

In what is described as unprecedented step, MP Hamdi al-Fakharani said he would sue

the Speaker of the People’s Assembly Daad al-Katatni.

Al-Fakharani said he had to take the step after the offense he felt when the security

guards of the People’s Assembly prevented him from accessing the building to resume his sit-in

after having left for a while to buy medication.

A group of MPs had decided to stage a sit-in in the Parliament to protest the Ministry of

Interior’s comportment.

On his part, al-Katatni said he provided all the facilities for the MPs who wanted to

stage the sit-in. However, he gave instructions to the security to prevent the access of anybody

to the Assembly after all MPs have left.


Page: 14 Author: Fathy El-Sarawy

Mubarak Absent From Trial for Bad Weather

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, was absent for the first time on Tuesday from the

court session due to bad weather conditions, that stood in the way of transforming him with a

helicopter to the Court.

Judge Ahmed Refaat proved in the session’s record that the first defendant in the case of

Mr. Mohamed Hosni Mubarakwas unable to attend due to bad weather.

Yesterday’s court session, was to listen to the pleading of the seventh defendant, Habib

El-Adly’s aide, Adly Fayed.


Page: 1 Author: Samar Nabih

Advisory Council Recommendations to SCAF

The Advisory Council held a meeting yesterday that discussed the recommendations the

Council had submitted to SCAF regarding the presidential elections and the Constituent


Salah Fadl, Advisory Council member, stated that expediting presidential elections was

one of the Council’s recommendations. However, holding the presidential elections does not

mean postponing the formation of the Constituent Assembly.

The Advisory Council has urged SCAF to start forming the Constituent Assembly

during presidential publicity period.


Page: 1 Author: Azza Gerges

Egypt Challenges Washington by Prosecuting American Activists

New York Times reported that Egypt is challenging Washington and the US

Administration by insisting on prosecuting American activists. The American organizations are

among the most targeted by the Military Council for their opposing stances.

The American Congress threatened to cut the military aid to Egypt.

Similar news was reported in Akhbar pages 8&9


Page: 5 Author: Alaa Kahwagy, Ramy Kenawy (&others)

Shura Election Updates

Reruns for the first phase of the Shura elections started yesterday. The turnout was

extremely low as the polling stations were almost empty all day.

Mansoura’s Administrative Court invalidated the elections in the first constituency after

a lawsuit submitted by Union Party due to a discrepancy in the vote count numbers.

Similar news was reported in Shorouk page 3


Pages: 1, 9 Authors: Amira Ibrahim, Mona Selim (and others)

Female Prison Warder Acquits “Virginity Checks” Doctor

Military court adjourned the “virginity checks” case to a session on February 13. The

case became more ambiguous as the two witnesses who were called to testify in the case of

Samira Ibrahim, one of Tahrir protesters who was subjected to a forced virginity check, denied

that any virginity checks were conducted on female protesters arrested from Tahrir Square.

Ibrahim’s lawyer called for testimony the head of military unit in which protesters had

been imprisoned and requested adjourning the case.

The two witnesses were Fawzeya Sobhi and Abir Rashad, female warders. They testified

that none of the female protesters who were detained were forced to take off their clothes or

were subjected to virginity checks.

Samira Ibrahim told Al-Tahrir newspaper that she was shocked that the court called for

testimony two female warders who were not present at the time she was subject to the virginity

check. “One of the two witnesses retired a year ago, so how can she testify to an incident that

took place after her retirement?” Samira asked.

Al-Ahram: Page 3; Al-Shorouk: Page 7.


Page: 1. Authors: Bessan Kassab, Mohamed Hamzawi (and others).

Mansour Hassan to Determine his Position from Presidential Elections End of February

Head of the Advisory Council Mansour Al-Hassan said he will determine his position

from running for presidential elections by the end of February.

He welcomed the decision of the High Elections Commission to open the door for

candidacy for the presidential elections on March 10. He considered this to be a good response

for the proposal presented to SCAF by the Advisory Council.

Head of the High Presidential Elections Commission Senior Judge Farouk Soltan

explained that a detailed schedule for presidential elections cannot be determined except after a

series of meetings the committee will hold to set the procedures for presidential elections.

According to Soltan, the commission will begin coordinating its work this week with the

Ministry of Local Development and the Ministry of Interior to prepare and secure polling

stations and sub-stations.


Page: 2 Authors: Ismail Al-Wassemi, Sediq Al-Eissawi (and others)

Cautious Calm Prevails in Tahrir Square

Cautious calm and darkness prevailed in the streets close to Tahrir Square, which

witnessed bloody clashes between protesters and security forces, after security forces retreated

to the Ministry of Interior building and protesters in turn retreated to Tahrir Square.

This concludes the bloody clashes between protesters and security forces, which took

place in the area near the MOI and lasted for five days.

The clashes resulted in tens of dead protesters and hundreds injured by white weapons

and gun shots. Eyewitnesses confirmed that another three protesters were killed by live bullets

in the head or the chest.

Many protesters were injured by birdshot pellets; among them was Wassem Raouf, 18-

year-old student at the French University in Egypt, who was shot by security forces in

Mohamed Mahmoud St. on Monday. “A CSF vehicle chased my son and two other protesters

and shot them with birdshot pellets. One of them died immediately when he was shot in the

head, while Wassem was shot in separate parts of his body. The pellets caused him injury in his

kidney, colon, right hand, right leg, and back,” his mother said.


Pages: 1 Author: Muhammad Ismail, Rami Nawwar and Muhammad Hajjaj

Is Football Prohibited in Islam?

Spokesman of the Salafi Call Abd al-Munim al-Shahhat said the victims of Port Said

violence were not martyrs but victims of “haram” [prohibited] fun, adding that football was not

amongst the games authorized in Islam.

Al-Shahhat stated that Islam authorized there sports only; swimming, shooting and

horse riding.

Al-Shahhat bemoaned the popularity of football in Egypt.


Pages: 2 Author: Ahmad Hassan and Mariyam Badr al-Din

The Revolution Victims Protest

The Revolution victims resume their sit-in in front of the Ministry of Finance to protest

the delay in paying their dues.


Pages: 4 Author: Ali Hassan

Calm Prevails Around the Ministry of Interior

A state of cautious calm prevails in the surrounding of the Ministry of Interior.

Bloody clashes have taken places between protesters and people of Abdin neighborhood

downtown Cairo. The residents of the area accused the demonstrators of disturbing their



Pages: 5 Author: Islam al-Nahroui

Shura Runoffs without Voters

Very low turnout was reported in the runoff round of the first phase of elections to the

Shura Council that was held yesterday.

Some observers blamed the low turnout on the bad weather conditions.

Polling stations in Abdin downtown Cairo were transferred to other areas because of the



Pages: 1&5 Author: Shorouk reporters

MPs Hold MOI Responsible For Killing Protestors

Yesterday, the People’s Assembly in its session discussed the latest security updates.

Minister of Interior, Mohamed Ibrahim was present claiming “CSF used only tear gas to disperse protestors.” This contradicts the findings of the Assembly’s fact-finding committee that proved birdshots were used against protestors.

At the end of the session, PA Speaker, Saad El-Katatni delivered a speech that held the Interior Minister responsible for killing protestors.

A number of Parliament members are staging a sit-in inside the parliament. They are starting a hunger strike as well in protest of the recent clashes.


A parliamentary source reported that matters are getting out of control inside the People’s Assembly; members are exchanging accusations

Clashes around the Interior Ministry stopped yesterday as protestors retreated to Tahrir square. The clashes lasted for five days leaving 12 dead and hundreds injured. Protestors put barriers in Mohamed Mahmoud Street to prevent CSF from entering the square.

Protestors called for demonstrations on what they named “Friday of Challenge,” in addition to a civil disobedience which was rejected by the Muslim Brotherhood and its Party, FJP.

El-Katatni, held an emergency meeting with the heads of the Specialized Committees to reach a consensus over the current crisis.

Salafi MP, Mamdouh Ismail, was ordered to “stop talking and remain quiet” by the Speaker after he loudly recited the Azan, or the Muslim call to prayer, while ministers were in session on Tuesday.

Similar news was Dostour pages 1&5; Gomhoria pages 4&5; Ahram pages 1&4&5; Masry Youm pages1 &7; Youm7 pages 1&5


Pages: 1&5 Author: Mohamed Basal, Ahmed Fathy, Rania Rabei (&others)

Presidential Elections to be held in June

The Supreme Presidential Election Commission, headed by Farouk Sultan, head of the Supreme Constitutional Court, held its second meeting to finalize the timetable of the presidential elections, and set dates for receiving electoral contestations.

The preliminary date for holding the elections will be the first week of June. Presidential candidature will open in March, right after Shura elections. Candidate registration will last from March 10th until April 1st. Candidates have to submit their candidacy papers, in addition to the documented approvals of 30 MPs or 30,000 civilians. The publicity period will last two months.

Presidential hopefuls welcomed the commission’s latest decisions. Abd El-Moneim Abul-Fotouh described this as a step on the right way. Selim El-Awa said that this gives candidates amble time to be prepared. Amr Moussa said it is a positive step.

Similar news was reported in Dostour page 3


Pages: 1 Author: Saniyah Mahmoud

The Egyptian Military Delegation Cuts Short its Visit to Washington

In what the author considered to be a clear indication of the tensed relationships

between Cairo and Washington, the Egyptian Military Delegation to Washington left the United

States before accomplishing its task. The delegation left to protest the US’s criticism against the

Egyptian authorities’ decision to refer the suspects in the NGOs funds case to the Criminal


American Radio Sawa announced that the delegation had canceled a meeting that was

scheduled later this week with prominent Congress leaders.

Radio Sawa claimed that the cancelation was due the White House’s and the Congress’

threats of stopping the annual US Aid to Egypt because of the trial of American NGOs.

The United States Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice threatened Cairo of

“the serious consequences” of preventing 19 Americans of leaving Egypt. Responding to Rice,

Egypt’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Amr Rushdi stated that the Egyptian-American relations

are as important for the U.S.A as for Egypt. He asserted that the case had become the

responsibility of the Egyptian judiciary.

Reuters reported on Egyptian officials’ statements about Cairo being willing to retreat

because this conflict might cause serious economic consequences on Egypt.


Page: 3, 8. Authors: Ahmed Abd Al-Hamid and Ahmed Magdi.

Aboul Naga: Egypt has Sovereignty over All Organizations Working on its Territory

International Cooperation Minister Fayza Aboul Naga confirmed that the investigations

in the case of civil society organizations, which receive foreign funds, are now in the hands of

the judicial authority and the government will not interfere by any means in the course of


In a meeting for the human rights committee of the People’s Assembly, the minister

revealed that during the period from March to June 2011, unregistered civil society

organizations received $175 million in foreign funds. There were other remittances some

organizations received from Arab institutions and governments.

Senior Judge Amr Roshdi, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that

Egyptian-American relations are important to both countries and there are mutual interests

between them.

Al-Akhbar received information that the US Department of State has summoned the

Egyptian ambassador in Washington to ask him about the procedures taken by Egypt against

civil society organizations and the accusations directed against American citizens working in


Similar news was reported in: Al-Masry Al-Youm: Page 7; Al-Tahrir: Page 1.


Page: 9. Authors: Mohamed Al-Fiqi, Ahmed Abd Al-Hamid (and others)

People’s Assembly Holds MOI Responsible for Bloody Clashes

After a heated session yesterday, the People’s Assembly, headed by Dr. Saad El-Katatni, agreed on the recommendations of the committee that investigated the clashes through a field visit to the Ministry of Interior and the surrounding streets.

Based on the recommendations of the committee, the People’s Assembly held the MOI responsible for killing and injuring protesters and obliged the ministry to immediately halt all forms of violence used against them in the area surrounding the MOI building.

The committee also advised protesters to return to Tahrir Square to allow a chance to distinguish between real revolutionaries and thugs.

The recommendations also included obliging the MOI to initiate a purge of the ministry from corrupt figures and improve its performance.

Al-Katatni said that the legislative and complaints and proposals committees will finish the bill on ensuring and organizing the right to demonstrate and hold a sit-in. He also said that the MOI is the authority responsible for providing security in the country and everyone should work to support them in their attempt to restore security and stability.

MP Hatem Azzam demanded a purge of the MOI and arresting all thugs who are out on the streets. He demanded appointing a new Minister of Interior and holding all those responsible for killing protesters accountable.

Similar news was reported in: Al-Masry Al-Youm: Page 7.


TV Coverage (80/80/2012)

Program: Al-Hayat Al-An Channel: Al-Hayat

Host: Maha Bahnasi

Minister of Interior denies using bird shoots pellets.

against protestors.

Mubarak didn’t attend his trial yesterday due to bad weather conditions.

Egyptian Military delegation cancels its meeting in Washington after the US congress

threatened to stop US aid to Egypt.

Stock market gains EGP 4bn after setting a date for the presidential elections.

Initial fact-finding committee report shows intentional negligence by the security forces.

Foreign Ministry continues the vote count of expatriates

Foreign Ministry discusses with the European envoy means of returningEgypt’s

smuggled money.

Mubarak’s trial delayed to listen to the Former Head of National Security

Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yom (Talk Show) Channel: Al-Hayat Host: Sherief Amer Guests: Ibrahim Abdel-Ghafar, Former Warden of Al-Akram Prison

Mahmoud Amer, Member of Parliament

Minister of Interior said we didn’t shoot protestors with birdshot pellets, although we had information about their attempts to break into a number of police stations and into the Ministry of Interior building.

Salafi MP recited the call for prayer inside the hall of the People’s Assembly.

MB announces their boycott to the February 11 strike and calls Egyptians to refrain from participating in it as well.


Program: Masr Al-Gadeeda (Talk Show) Channel: Al-Hayat 2 Host: Moataz Al-Demerdash Guests:

Ahmed Al-Meslemani, Journalist

Cautious calm prevailed in the vicinity of the Ministry of Interior in Tahrir Square.

Al-Meslemani said:

Mubarak would have brought SCAF generals to trial if the revolution failed.

I am sure that SCAF welcomed Mubarak’s overthrow.

The Egyptian people are one from the best nations in the world.

Program: Hona Al-Asema (talk show) Broadcaster: Lamis al-Hadidi Calls for civil disobedience on February 11 that demand to hand over power to a civilian


Monofeya and Qena slate elections will continue today.

Low turnout in Shura elections reruns.

Administrative Court decides to announce the results of the Shura elections in the first

constituency in Mansoura.

A number of MPs start a hunger-strike over the recent incidents.

Al-Katatny said MPs have the right to sit-in and will be provided them all the means of


The committee in charge of investigating Interior Ministry clashes said the Ministry is

responsible for the protestors’ injuries. Itit calls for purging the Ministry of Interior and

withdraw confidence from its Minister.


News All Day Channel 1” National TV” Time: 27:00:00

The Muslim Brotherhood rejects calls for civil disobedience as they belive it’s not in

Egypt’s best interest.

Vote count for the first phase of Shuraelections reruns was conducted in the substations.

Calm dominates the Ministry of Interior vicinity after clashes ended between protestors

and security forces.

The Parliament calls for purging the Ministry of Interior.

Al-Azhar rejects calls for strike and urges people to go to their work for the sake of the


Similar news was reported on CBC Channel during “Hona AL-Asema”

Program: Yeseed Sabahak Channel 0”National TV” Host: Ghada Abdel-Salam and Hany Tawfik

Al-Katatny appoints Legislative Committee to select members of the constituent


Al-Katatny appoints Defense and National Security Committee to draft a law on

purging the Ministry of Interior.

Vice Head of the Supreme Constitutional Court ,said presidential candidature will start

on March 10th .


Channel: ON TV Program: Baladna bi al-Masry (talk Show) Broadcaster: Reem Majid

We should not mix between the three authorities, and the executive authority shouldn’t

interfere in the judicial authority’s affairs, said Judge Mohamed Hossam Al-Ghryany, head of

the Cassation Court and head of the Supreme Judicial Council.

Over the phone, Talaat Fahmy, leader at al-Hizb Al-Shaaby Al-Ishtraky [The Socialist Public

Party], said the sit-in outside the parliament was to support the MPs’ sit-in staged inside the


In a phone call, MP Ziad Al-Elimy said MPs had suspended their sit-in and strike as their

demands, regarding stopping the violence against protestors, were fulfilled. We are waiting for

the People’s Assembly Speaker’s approval to interrogate the head of SCAF and the Prime

Ministers, he added.

Program: Akher Kalam Channel: ON TV Host: Yousry Fouda

MP Kamal Abu Atteya said the authorities must fulfill people’s demands to avoid the strike on

February 11.

Dr. Seif Abd al-Fattah, lecturer of political science at Cairo University, said the revolution

would continue and would not end until all demands are fulfilled.




Radio Coverage (80/82/2012)

News Channel: Radio Masr

Shura elections runoffs start today. 12:00 PM

The Muslim Brotherhood denounces the calls for civil disobedience on Saturday. 8:00


In his statement to the People’s Assembly, the Minister of Interior denies claims about

the police alleged use of live bullets and birdshot pellets against the protestors. 3:00 a.m.

News All Day Channel: Al-Shabab wa al-Reyada

The Administrative court decides to cancel the Shura elections results in the first

constituency in Mansoura. 1:00 a.m.

News Channel: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat

Cautious Calm in the surrounding of the Ministry of Interior after clashes between

protestors and security forces have ended. 23:00:00

The Parliament calls for an urgent purification of the Ministry of Interior. 23:00:00

Shura elections run-off round continues tomorrow in Monofeya and Kena. 23:00:00

Calls for a civil disobedience on February 11 to demand the handover of power. 22:00:00

Al-Azhar rejects calls for strike and demands the citizens to go to their works for the

sake of Egypt. 22:00:00

Ballot boxes closed in the runoff elections of the first phase of Shura elections. 19:00:00


News All Day Channel: Al-Barnameg Al-Am

Shura elections runoffs start today. (16:00:00)

News Bar Channel: Mega FM Time: 18:00:00

Low voters’ turnout in the Shura elections runoffs.




Internet Coverage (00/02/2012)

Facebook We are all Khaled Saeed:

The report of the Fact-finding committee and the Health Ministry’s statement confirm the death of 8 Egyptians with gunshots and birdshots in Interior Ministry and Suez clashes. The MOI hands are stained with the blood of Egyptians. If he cannot purge the Ministry, he must leave his post.

Many comments say we ignored the casualties from police and army personnel. We are only mentioning the Health Ministry’s report.

We dream of a country that respects human rights, a civilian authority elected by the people and an independent country that gains the world’s respect.

The Interior ministry in the last 4 days did not make us forget our main cause. We will never forget the 74 Egyptians who died in Port Said; also we won’t forget the 8 who died protesting the Ministry’s tyranny.

Egyptian Cabinet:

People’s Assembly took a number of decisions:

The Ministry of Interior must be purged.

Demonstrations should remain peaceful, and must be restricted to sit-ins and protests. Protesting should not include attacking governmental institutions or facilities.

Protestors must leave Ministry of Interior vicinity and return to Tahrir Square, to distinguish protestors from thugs.

A legislation that protects the right of peaceful demonstrating must be drafted.

The Minister of Interior delivered a speech in front of the People’s Assembly.


Arabawy Blog

VIDEOS – Pigs crack down on revolutionaries in downtown Cairo

Central Security attack in Bab El-Louk.

CSF attack Bab El-Louk with tear gas

Muslim Brotherhood Site

Muslim Brotherhood Secretary-General: Civil Disobedience Unacceptable Now, Peaceful

Protests Suffice

Dr. Mahmoud Hussein, Secretary General of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), asserted

that the group does not support calls for civil disobedience on Saturday, February 11, and urged all Egyptians to double their work efforts and positive endeavors to help build, not destroy, the homeland, and so not to take part in this strike.

In a press statement, Hussein said, “This is very dangerous to the interests of the homeland and its future. It means a general strike that will stop the railway service and virtually all transport, factories, institutions, universities and schools, and will stop payment of monies owed to the government (taxes - electricity, water and gas bills). He pointed out that all this would exacerbate the already difficult situation in the country (economic, social and services). This will lead to the state’s disintegration and downfall.


Dr. Hussein called on those responsible for this action to listen to the sound of reason, wisdom and logic, and to place public interests above any trifling, limited (personal - categorical - party) interests, and to work hard to save this their homeland and their people, and to drop this destructive action.

He continued, "If someone intends to demonstrate on that day, this is their right. However, this should be done in a peaceful, civilized way, with exclusion of anyone intent on sabotage and destruction from the ranks of patriotic demonstrators. A protest cannot be both peaceful and destructive at the same time".

The MB Secretary-General added, "We succeeded, with the Grace of God, in electing a People’s Assembly (PA) that truly represents us all. It is only appropriate for us now to turn to that elected PA with our demands which it shall meet. We have to be patient, though. Demands are many. And the new PA has to effect reforms of thirty years of rampant corruption, which cannot be done in one day. We must not lend our ears to the media which resort to excitement and agitation and call for violence, sabotage and destruction.

MB and the Gulf States

As the Muslim Brotherhood ascends to power, a question remains on how the once

“banned” group will handle the issue of ties with the Arab Gulf states.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are today the two states in the Gulf that are most skeptical of the Muslim Brotherhood. And yet these are precisely the two countries that Egypt's Brotherhood must try its best to build bridges with. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are, after all, thetwo largest economies in the Arab world, and the biggest investors in Egypt despite what other Gulf countries claim. Almost 500 UAE firms operate in Egypt with investments valued at US$10 billion, the same amount invested by Saudis. The latter have additionally promised to grant Egypt several billion dollars in aid. It is also worth noting that 1.5 million Egyptians work and live in Saudi Arabia, while 250,000 Egyptians are residents of the UAE.

The Muslim Brotherhood, however, does enjoy a semi-recognized status in two other Gulf states. For instance, although it suffered a recent elections setback in Bahrain’s previous parliament, the Menbar Society, a Bahraini offshoot of the Brotherhood, had previously held six seats out of a total of 40, in addition to the post of second deputy speaker. In Kuwait, Islamists won an overwhelming majority of seats in parliament this month with the Kuwaiti Muslim


Brotherhood, known as the Islamic Constitutional Movement, winning all four seats it contested in the 50-seat body, doubling the number they had earlier held.

As of today, though, representatives of Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been alone among Gulf states in announcing their skepticism of Egypt's Brotherhood. A recent opinion column by Tariq al-Homayed, editor of the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that is owned by Saudi Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz, criticized what he called “disciples” who “come out to defend the Muslim Brotherhood, acting as if they are the Muslim Brotherhood ambassadors to Saudi Arabia or other Gulf states.” Additionally, in a widely circulated video recording of a recent speech in Bahrain, Dubai’s police chief, who enjoys close relations with the country’s prime minister, warned against the Muslim Brotherhood, stating that their “threat” to the region was just as serious as that of Iran’s. Additionally, I outlined in an article in Gulf News last year how a petition calling for reform sent to the UAE government by 130 academics was stillborn due to the fact that some of the signatories were affiliated with the Brotherhood in the country.

Dr. Essam El-Erian: Elected President Would Support Democratization Process In Egypt

Dr. Essam El-Erian, Vice Chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) and Chairman

of the Committee on Foreign Relations at the People’s Assembly (PA), asserted that transfer of power from the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) to civilians is one of the most important ways to support the democratic transition in Egypt.

Egyptian Parliament Recommends Review SCAF Laws, Compensation for Martyrs of

Revolution and Torture, Committee to Reclaim Egypt Monies

The Egyptian People's Assembly Plan and Budget Committee, in its Monday session, headed by Saad Al-Husseini, approved a draft law submitted by Ashraf Badr Al-Din, MP for the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) and the Committee’s Deputy, to raise the value of martyr compensation from 30 to 100 thousand Egyptian pounds (approximately $16,667).


Twitter @AsmaaMahfouz

Many young people were arrested during recent clashes and their future will be at stake. I wish

MPs discuss their situation.

The trial session for Ahmed Douma, political activist, will be held in a while in Al-Tagamu’ Al-

Khames. Anyone who is capable of going there, please do, the number is very small and we

must put pressure on them to release him.

It is a very bad feeling to be always expecting death, paralysis, blindness, etc. I pray that God

protect Egypt and protect help us achieve victory over the oppressors.


Our battle with those bastards is getting more personal. This is the story of Salma Said’s injury:

Yousef was killed in the football match before he could see his unborn child!

Maybe if they released Amr El-Beheiri, I will have a new space in my head for another

revolutionary detained!


“Are bloggers and tweeps going on strike on #feb11 too?”

“Look Egyptians they're outdoing you MT @EidH: Israel general strike shuts down airports,


“New on Arabist: I hold these facts (about MB and SCAF) to be self-



One of the figures who helped promote for conspiracy theory was Gamal Abdel Nasser. He had

a very narrow mind and many followed his pattern of thinking.

When will the live comedy show of the parliament begin today?



I hope we view the calls for strike on February 11 as a start. People are always asking where is

the role of workers? Workers are not an option we press on whenever we need their support.

We should encourage all sectors to join the strike on February 11. Workers and students should

be one hand. Factories and Tahrir Square are one hand!


“72 hours to #Feb11 >pls join me today in spreading this video on Facebook: "SCAF's Money &

Privileges" - Thank You.”‎

“English version of my last video "Egypt's Military Inc." is now available


“SCAF's money & privileges & what you can do to stop the



“We've come a long way from post-2006 when Nasrallah was considered a hero. Now he's one

of the villains of the #ArabSpring.”


Publication overview

Al-Ahram: Egyptian state-run official daily newspaper

Founded in 1875, is the most widely circulating Egyptian daily newspaper, and the

second oldest after al-Waqa'i`al-Masriya (English: The Egyptian Events, founded 1828).

It is majority owned by the Egyptian government.

Al-Akhbar: Egyptian state-owned semi-official daily newspaper

It was founded in May 1952 as a part of Akhbar El Yom.

Al-Gomhoria: Egyptian state-owned daily newspaper

An influential state-owned Egyptian Arabic language daily newspaper. It was

established in 1954.

Al-Shorouk: Egyptian daily independent newspaper

Is a prominent Arabic newspaper published in Egypt [1] and several other Arabic

nations It is a daily independent newspaper, covering mainly politics, militant affairs

and sport.

Al-Masry al-Yom: Independent daily newspaper

On 7 June 2004, it published its first edition. The paper initially circulated primarily

amongst Cairo’s intellectual elite, providing objective news coverage in the belief that

good news would beat sensationalist reporting found in other Egyptian print media.

After 3 years, it was challenging Al-Ahram for the status of being the national paper of

record. Though

Tahrir: Daily independent newspaper

Dostor: Daily independent newspaper

Yom 7: Daily independent newspaper


Table of Content: Newspapers ………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………3-23 Al Ahram Newspaper

About the Case of NGOs …………………………………………..……………………………………………….3-4 Al Masry Al Yawm Newspaper

The Perils of “no” US Aid …………………………………………………………………………………………5 A Member of Parliament Sues the Speaker……………………………………………………………………………….6 Al Gomhoreya Newspaper Mubarak Absent From Trial for Bad Weather……………………………………………………………………………7 Al Dostour Newspaper Advisory Council Recommendations to SCAF…………………………………………………………………………8 Egypt Challenges Washington by Prosecuting American Activists ………………………………………………….9 Shura Election Updates ……………………………………………………………………………………………………10 Al Tahrir Newspaper Female Prison Warder Acquits “Virginity Checks” Doctor……………………………………………………………11 Mansour Hassan to Determine his Position from Presidential Elections End of February………………………… 12 Cautious Calm Prevails in Tahrir Square ………………………………………………………………………………..13 Al youm al saba Newspaper Is Football Prohibited in Islam ………………………………………………………………………………………..….14 The Revolution’s Victims Protest …………………………………………………………………………………….…..15 Calm Prevails Around the Ministry of Interior …………………………………………………………………………16 Shura Runoffs without Voters …………………………………………………………………………………………….17 Al Sherouk Newspaper

MPs Hold MOI Responsible For Killing Protestors ……………………………………………………………..18-19 Presidential Elections to be held in June …………………………………………………………………………...20

The Egyptian Military Delegation Interrupts its Visit to Washington……………………………………………..21 AL Akhbar Newspaper22 Aboul Naga: Egypt has Sovereignty over All Organizations Working on its Territory……………………………..22 People’s Assembly Holds MOI Responsible for Bloody Clashes……………………………………………………….23 TV Coverage………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………24-28 Al Hayah TV Channel ……………………………………………………………..….………….………………………….24 CBC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………25 Channel 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26 Channel 2…………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………….26 On TV………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………27 Links………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………...28 Radio Coverage……………………………………………………………………..…………..…………….………………09-31 Radio Misr……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………..29 Al Shaba Wal Reyada…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..29 Al Shark Al Awsat Channel……………………………………………………………..……………….…………………..29 Al Barnameg Al Am…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..30 Mega FM ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………30 Links………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………31 Internet coverage………………………………………………………………………………...………...…………………32-37 Face book……………………………………………………………………………………….…………………...……..….32-33 Muslim Brotherhood Site ………………………………………………………………………………………………...….33-35 Twitter…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………36-37