News from Newchurch Primary School and across the...

Post on 24-May-2018

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News from Newchurch Primary School and across the Federation Executive Head teacher Miss K Howarth Head of School Mrs J Payne

22nd June 2018 Value of the week: FREEDOM


Thank you to all who joined in our ‘Dress Up and Dance’ event for Macmillan last Friday. We raised £145.15 which was fab considering all we did was have fun! Thank you again to Lyssa Truman who kept us all moving and smiling throughout!


Staff are very organized and are already thinking about next academic year and the basis for the school calendar is all in place! We are now in a position to confirm the following INSET for next year. Please note that staff use the time allocated on these days to update their training needs and hence why one date is still to be confirmed as we need to be sure we can access appropriate training on this date.

School will be closed to pupils on: Monday 3rd September 2018

Friday 19th October 2018

Monday 3rd December 2018 (To be confirmed)

Monday 22nd July 2019

Tuesday 23rd July 2019


Thank you to all parents who took the time and trouble to respond to our parent survey. We had a 35% return which will be helpful to help inform future school improvement planning. Well done to Year 4 who returned the most responses and have therefore earned themselves an extra playtime. We are still in the process of analyzing the feedback in detail however some key themes have emerged.

Lots of positive praise for staff and friendliness of the community and high quality care for the children

Lots of praise for the range of opportunities on offer, strong academic focus in school and the behaviour of the pupils.

Some parents raise communication could be improved—we promise to look at how we can do this.

Some have requested a review of home learning—we will consult further with staff and children on this before next academic year before making any changes.

Sports News

KEY DATES FOR NEXT HALF TERM: 26th June Year 1 Class Assembly 26th June Baylink Games 27th June Baylink Games 29th June Move Up Day 4th July KS1 Sports Day 5th July KS2 Sports Day 16th July Awards Evening 17th July Year 2 Class Assembly 19th July Year 5 Class Assembly 20th July Leavers Assembly

CRICKET SUPERSTARS! On Tuesday our U11 Girls played in the Island Cricket Semi-Final against St Francis at Arreton Cricket Club.

In an extremely tight but well natured match, St Francis were chasing our score down and we knew it would be a close finish. Unfortunately due to Mr Tuck’s mathematical error, St Francis won by just two runs. On a second look he realised that in fact Newchurch had won by two runs!

Mr Tuck spoke to the St Francis teacher, apologised, and as their girls were extremely excited at getting to the final, he told their teacher that he was more than happy to honour the result as it was his mistake.

However, Mr Tuck received an email on Wednesday to say that the teacher had spoken to the girls, and they showed true sportsmanship and wished that we attended the final as the rightful winners. Their girls said they enjoyed the match so much that their only condition was that we give them another friendly match as they loved the spirit in which the game was played!

What a true showing of the spirit of cricket and incredible sportsmanship!

The final is to be played at Newclose on Wednesday 27th June

On Wednesday afternoon our U11 Boys took on Carisbrooke in the Quarter-Final of the Island Cricket. Newchurch batted excellently, losing just one wicket to post 256. Carisbrooke got off to a poor start with us taking 2 wickets in the first over, but still got very close to our total in a very competitive match, finishing on 249. This meant we faced The Bay in the Semi-Final. We batted very cleverly in this game posting 261 and winning by 24 runs.

We now play Wootton or Greenmount in the final, also to be played on Weds 27th June at Newclose. We are super proud that both Newchurch teams have reached the Island Finals!

SUPER CYCLISTS! Well done to Moore Class for their brilliant cycling this week. The instructor was surprised by how confident and competent they were on the bikes. Almost all of the non-riders were able to cycle by the end of their session, and the more confident improved their skills and played fun games on the bikes.


This week Lacey Class have been learning about the amazing octopus! We watched a clip of one escaping through a tiny tiny hole and one escaping from a jar. We’ve learnt that the only hard part on an octopus is its beak and that it has lots of string suckers on its eight legs. We have also been working very working hard on letter formation. We’ve tackled i l and t, the straight and r, n, m and h. We’ve talked about small and tall letters and we are trying to work on the correct size. We went for a tour of the year one classroom on Wednesday and got a sneaky peak at their exciting toys and equipment. We then went back to have a play and a story in their today.

In Murray Class this week, we have found out about the jobs on board a pirate ship, before completing a job application form to say which job they thought they would be best suited to! We had a lovely time at the beach, digging and building sand castles/ boats and creating shelters in groups. We also began looking at map reading in the park and created our own symbols for the playground and benches. In maths, we have been extending our number knowledge by estimating where a number would lie on an empty number line.

We have been having a great time in Year 2 learning all about the Great fire of London. First we set the scene by learning about the period after the Tudors and read a short text and did some drama about the Bubonic Plague. Then we asked some questions about the Great Fire of London and researched our answers on the internet. This meant that we were then able to create a timeline of events. The children have really enjoyed this topic so far. A particular highlight was learning all about Tudor streets in London. We have started to make Tudor houses in order to create a street that looks like a real 17th Century one!

Briggs class has been busy writing instructions for the Pie Making machine in our class book. Explaining how each part works and how the couple will be cooked all in the luxury of a pie. We have been learning to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and looking at equivalent fractions. We have been making our printing blocks and then uses them to print patterns onto paper. We rounded up the week making our maps of the village.

Sotherton Class have been using their persuasion techniques this week. They read their letters to our very own pharaoh who listened to reasons for their former slave to be returned to them. We also created hidden messages using hieroglyphs and furthered our skills in reading comprehension. Maths has seen us finish off our studies into equivalent fractions and decimals by recapping our prior knowledge through assesments to pick up any misconceptions and gaps. We have also learned more about recycling and what we can do to care for our environment and reduce waste. We hope this ‘re-use and recycle’ message will be taken on board and used at home and at school. Other learning this week has included; further progress on our cooking and plastic free carrier bags in D.T, cricket and athletics skills in P.E and a look at mummification in Ancient Egypt. Attrill Class had a fabulous taster day at Medina College on Monday, we had a Science and a Drama Lesson in the morning. The afternoon consisted of a tournament of different sports with the 15 different schools that attended we played handball, basketball, tag rugby and cricket. The children were excellent and had a fabulous day. We have been undertaking some of the Year Six SATs tests in Mathematics and English this week just to test our knowledge before we become the top class in school. The children in Martin Class have been working on creating a Theme Park in Maths. They have to spend exactly £500000 on rides and facilities for the park. They then have to work out the profit and loss figures as well as creating a map for the park. In English we have been writing letters to the Hooke Court staff; thanking them for our brilliant time there last week. We are busy running through our lines for our production in July. In Science we practised making circuits for our lighthouses that we have made in Technology. Hooke Court

Last week Martin Class and children from Nettlestone spent three days camping at Hooke Court having an amazing time. Hooke Court is a residential centre in Dorset.

We did lots of different activities. On the first day we did orienteering and low-ropes which were exciting and very challenging. In the evening we made and raced Balloon Buggies – Evie’s buggy won overall!

On Thursday we had a whole day of Tribal Kingdom. It helped us to realise what life thousands of years ago would have been like for different tribes. We learnt how they would have survived by foraging. We tribal shelters by finding branches in the wood, We also made a camp fire next to our shelters (although we didn’t

light the. We elected a chief and created a tribal dance which we performed to everyone. In the evening we sat around a camp fire and sang lots of different camp fire songs. We loved the ‘Bungalow song’ and ‘Oh a leyle’ tribal song which we sang all the way home on the coach. We also sang this to Dancing Jim whilst waiting for our ferry home at Southampton.

Attendance updates: Year R 96.7% Year 1 95.3% Year 2 99.0% Year 3 95.2% Year 4 94.5% Year 5 90.6% Year 6 97.3% Whole School Target 2017/18 97% PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE EDUCATION WELFARE SERVOCE ARE MONITORING LATE ARRIVALS TO SCHOOL

Education Welfare Service are monitoring any pupil under 90% as this is considered to be Persistent Absence. Please be aware that we will need to ask for evidence, such as doctor appointment cards, to present to EWS should medical advice be sought. Please remember we are unable to authorise any absence from school due to holidays during term time, and that this is Government Legislation not an individual school or Federation decision. The Truancy Penalty Notice for unauthorised absence during term time is £60 per parent per child.

Celebrating this week Headteacher’s Awards: Briggs: Lucas O Sotherton: Harrison T Attrill: Freya D Martin: Whole Class Caring Sharing Cup: Kai H Class with best Attendance: Moore Class! Tidy Classroom Award: Attrill Class

Resilience Cup: Noah Mc Writers of the week:

Cara A

Speller of the Week:

Charlie W, Freya E and Nicole S

Sticker Cards:

Tom C, Imogen B, Max G and Max J

Certificates for Achievements:

Katie S, Harrison T, Mason H, Rafe H and Travis A

Lunchtime Menu — Caterlink for week beginning 25th June 2018

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Main Sausages with Mashed Potatoes & Gravy

Spaghetti Bolognaise

Roast Turkey, Roast Potatoes & Gravy

Messi’s Meat-balls in Red Card Sauce with Spaghetti

Salmon Fish Fingers & Chips

Vegetarian Vege Sausages Quorn & Veg Stir Fry with Noodles

Quorn Roast, Roast Potatoes & Gravy

Beckham’s Bolognaise (soya mince) & Golden Goal

Cheese, Onion & Spinach Quiche & Chips

Dessert Peach Crumble & Custard

Chocolate & Beetroot Brownie

Sliced Cheese , Apple & Biscuits

Full Time Cup-cake

Iced Sponge

Yoghurt & fresh fruit is available daily as a dessert choice