News from The Heart€¦ · Our parish appeal timeline is the month of March 2020. Sacred Heart’s...

Post on 07-Jul-2020

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News from

The Heart

Loving God,

A century ago the hardworking

people of Sacred Heart built a

church and a parish to your glory.

As we gratefully celebrate 100 years

of grace and blessing, sweat and

tears, tradition and change, we ask

that you fill us with the same

courage and passion as our ancestors

of faith—to dare to do something

great for you.

Make us all an extension of your

Son's self-giving love. Transform

our community in Muskegon Heights

into a sign of your presence, and

bless us with new and dedicated

members. Mercifully welcome into

your arms the people of this parish

who have gone before us marked with

the sign of faith.

Inspire us who remain to conform our

hearts to your Son’s Sacred Heart.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Amen. ~ Fr. Phil

Parish Priest:

Fr. Douglas Braun

Newsletter Editor:

Liz Barnes, Parish Secretary

Volume XVII, Issue III

Centennial Issue VII

March 2020

OUR ANNUAL CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL HAS BEGUN. Your gift to the CSA enables the Catholic Church to reach out to people in our 11 counties in a variety of ways, including through formation of our seminari-ans; youth programming; support for the homebound and incarcerated; families who are struggling; the hungry, and the homeless. Through the

CSA, we all work together to care for the Church by sharing the gifts God has granted us. Our parish appeal timeline is the month of March 2020. Sacred Heart’s assessment from the Diocese is $34,931 (any amount raised above this stays in our parish). Please return your pledge card the weekend of March 14/15 via mail to Sacred Heart or in the weekend collection basket (checks are to be made payable to Sacred Heart). Thank you!

Born into Eternal Life:

Gloria Cline, 90 years, on February 24, 2020

Eternal rest grant unto her oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon

her. May her soul rest in heavenly peace. 2

Happenings in our Parish








3:15—3:45 PM. SUNDAYS OF LENT THRU PALM SUNDAY: 12:15—1:00





Noon at Sacred Heart (Good Friday Liturgy: St. Thomas, 3:00 PM). Easter Vigil: April 11,

9:00 PM, St. Thomas. Easter Sunday: April 12, 11:00 AM.

See page 5 for more pictures from the Valentine’s Dinner/Dance & also on the website.

1st Gloria Holmblade 3rd Jasmine Sutton Mary Jane Lewis 4th Faith McGruther 5th Rosemarie Pospisil 6th Sandi Carlson 7th Kathy Haase 8th Kathy Benkert 10th Joe Gingras Brian Jett Melanie Lyonnais 11th Lauren Alexander Elida Martinez 13th Tom Gabris Kenny Lehan Sara Rost 15th David Bickford Norm Devendorf Dan Lewis Gail Smith

17th John Nic 18th Mike DeLore 19th Karen Edens Rosa Martinez 20th Bernadette Glover 22nd Don Mastee 23rd Ty Bays Mallory McAvoy 24th Carol Devendorf Gail Gabris 25th Beth Chandonnet Sue Jawor 27th Shannon Charlesworth 28th Richard Backer Layla Benavides Antonio Vieyra, Jr. Maddie DePhillips 29th Theresa Gritzmaker 31st Sparkey Spetoskey


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Louis Leonard Anderson was born on December 14, 1937 in

Detroit, MI to Evert Leonard Anderson and Stella Gertrude

Bonk. He has one sister, Alayne Howard.

He was baptized at Patronage of St. Joseph Church in Detroit,

MI on July 20, 1938. He made his First Holy Communion at St.

Francis Xavier Church in Grand Rapids, MI in May 1945 when he

was in the 2nd grade, and also made his Confirmation there on

May 28, 1948. He attended St. Mary’s School, Muskegon, MI in

1949—1953 during 7th through 10th grades. He finished his 11th

and 12th grades at Muskegon Catholic Central High School, once it opened in 1953, and

graduated in 1955 as the second graduating class. He was influenced by the strong faith in

people of parishes where he grew up to become a priest. His studies for the priesthood

began in the Fall of 1955. From 09/06/1955 to 06/05/1957 he attended St. Joseph’s

Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI. His studies continued at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in

Cincinnati, OH from 09/1957 to 06/1959. He received a STB degree (Sacrae Theologiae

Baccalaureus degree, Latin for Bachelor of Sacred Theology) from St. John’s Seminary in

Plymouth, MI where Fr. Robert Rose was the rector at the facility. At the Catholic

University of America in Washington D.C. he earned his B.A. and M.A. degrees in Theology.

He was ordained as a priest on Saturday, June 1, 1963 by Bishop Allen J. Babcock, along

with 10 other deacons, at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew in Grand Rapids, MI. Ten made

the sacrament of Holy Orders for the diocese of Grand Rapids and one for the archdiocese

of Detroit. On June 2, 1963 Father Lou celebrated his first Solemn Mass at 12:30 PM at

St. Mary’s Church located at the corner of First Street and Webster in Muskegon, MI.

His education continued when he attended Aquinas College in Grand Rapids from 1969 to

1974 to earn his M.A. degree in Religious Education. In December 1976 he began studies

for a Doctorate degree in Social Ethics Ministry at Boston University in Boston, MA and

received it after completing his thesis on May 16, 1982.

Father Lou came to Sacred Heart Parish on Wednesday, January 13, 1982 as the 7th pastor.

He could greet each parishioner by their first name and that made parishioners feel they

were important. Many changes took place during his tenure at Sacred Heart Parish:

-Communal penance began and many parishioners took advantage of this reconciliation

service. The sacrament of Extreme Unction (the last rites) was changed to Communal

Anointing of the Sick. The revised sacrament is for anyone seriously ill and no longer

reserved only for the dying.

-CSA (Catholic Services Appeal) was a new way and title for the support efforts of the

diocese to carry out certain services to people. Formerly, it was called DDF (Diocesan

Development Fund).

-In 1982, the crucifix above the altar was changed to a simple cross, returning to

triumphant crucifix at Easter.

-In 1982 an open house took place after remodeling the rectory and a parking lot

project was started.

-The 25th anniversary of the new Sacred Heart Church was dedicated on

November 3, 1982.

-In 1983 the RENEW program started as a principal effort for spiritual growth in

our parish and diocese.

-Formation of lay leadership within the parish community began.

4 continued on pg. 8


Valentine’s Dinner & Dance February 15, 2020

Special thanks to the Gillings family: Jim, Mary, Ryan & Amy; and Scott & Sue McAvoy for planning, cooking, serving, and making this dinner/dance possible!

Thanks also to Jason &

Tim for handling the


Dear Parishioners,

Can you believe it is Lent already? I have had the old palm

boxes out in the entrances for a couple of weeks and have

already burned what were deposited for Ash Wednesday.

These will remain out for a little while longer so please get those old palms

in. Remember, they are blessed and should be burned or buried not just

thrown in the garbage.

I have managed to get a couple more things done on the pipe project. The

south end and the floor penetration have been insulated. I mixed and poured

the concrete for the floor and it is now ready for flooring—one end down,

one more to go. Well, the leak in the Gathering room appeared again and it

will be addressed as soon as the ice melts and I can dry out the area.

I have also begun making the upgrades and repairs to the areas on our semi-

annual self inspection. I have already added a new outlet and installed a

couple of ground fault circuit interrupters that are near some water sources.

This past week I had the pleasure of meeting with Father David Gross on the

WIFI project for the school. This will help with the Religious Education

program and increase the usability of our school. There will be WIFI in the

classrooms and gym. Father David installed the system at St. Mary’s School

in Spring Lake when they did their school remodel, and is willing to help me

out with this project. Thanks to Father David’s help, we will be able to make

this project affordable.

Do you see the light? Well, you will. The lights in the gym hall are going to

be rewired and replaced with LED bulbs. A number of them are out, and

instead of replacing the ballasts, I have decided that it will be more cost

effective to upgrade just like we did in the church. It has been

approximately 6 years since I have had to change any of the track lighting

bulbs in the church, so we have saved on both labor and the cost of running


I hope all of you enjoy your Lenten journey. I heard in a sermon recently

that Lent is not just about what you are giving up materially but it is more

about what you can take in spiritually. It was put that it is like spring

cleaning. When you clean, you can get rid of some of the worst clutter and

junk that is affecting you spiritually and take in something new. When I

heard this explanation the words of Forrest Gump came to mind: “mama

always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.” In closing

I will end as always. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve this

wonderful Parish. May God bless and keep all of you safe.

Your Brother in Christ,

Garret A. Kelenske

Facility Maintenance Manager

From the Desk of the Facility Maintenance Manager


March 2020 When I wrote the February article, I had no idea what was yet to transpire! Who would have thunk it? First, that I would fall and fracture the small leg bone, the fibula (fibia), or that I would have surgery replacing the one wire defibulator that runs in my chest with a three wire pacemaker/defibulator…and that as I would write the March article, I would still be recovering from both. But with the prayers and good wishes of many, I am coming along and the “boot” for my leg will soon be history…by the time this article is read by you, and the incision should be mostly healed by that time as well. In so many ways, I have felt God’s love and blessing even in these not terribly serious crosses, so gratitude and humility are the virtues of the day.

Both of these incidents, accident and necessary surgery, are a sort of prelude for me and the season of Lent for several reasons: First, they have given me “again” the opportunity to recognize that I have a wonderful and caring wife who is and always has been at my side in times of adversity. That is exactly what Jesus calls of each of us—to be for others in their need.

Second, it has given me pause to think about crosses, my small ones, for that is what they are compared to the young man who has perhaps only weeks to live because of a brain tumor, or all those with cancer undergoing chemo and radiation, and so much discomfort, or those of my age, older, and younger suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia, or those who are not at all able to get around...I only had the awkwardness of the “boot.”

Third, it has given me a little more time to pray, and to hopefully draw a little closer to the Lord, a sort of introduction to Lent which begins at the end of this week on March 1. Lent always calls us to prayer and to a closeness with the Lord. Now I have shared with the Lord that I did not think that I needed two adversities, but he said, “Offer it up. You need to do that more often and maybe we will get along just a little better.”

And what about March? Will March become the month of winter of which we have not experienced so far this winter? With my leg propped up, and a healing chest wound, I have to tell you that watching golf on the tele has put some dreams in my head. Could March lead us into warmer weather? We really do not know, whatever will be will be. I pray that you have a great Lent and grow closer to the Lord and no matter the weather, that all of you are safe from adversity. Some thoughts for Lent:

The Fast Life...(read, pray across) Fast from judging others; Feast on Christ dwelling in them. Fast from fear of illness; Feast on the healing power of God. Fast from words that pollute; Feast on speech that purifies. Fast from discontent; Feast on gratitude. Fast from anger; Feast on patience. Fast from pessimism; Feast on hope. Fast from negatives; Feast on encouragement. Fast from bitterness; Feast on forgiveness. Fast from self-concern; Feast on compassion. Fast from suspicion; Feast on truth. Fast from gossip; Feast on purposeful silence. Fast from problems that overwhelm; Feast on prayer that sustains. Fast from anxiety; Feast on faith. (Author unknown)

7 ~ Deacon Dave

Fr. Lou Anderson—continued from page 4

-On Monday, November 26, 1984 the empty classroom next to

the library in the new school building was utilized for a chapel

and weekday Masses began to save on heating costs.

-The weekday Masses returned to the church on Saturday, April

14, 1984 for the 8:00 AM Mass.

-A babysitting program began during the 10:30 AM Mass.

-Father Lou asked the ushers to make use of one half of the rear

pew for their own seating to hear the Word of God and Reserved

signs were placed on the pew.

-Locks on both school buildings, the rectory and the church were

changed for safety purposes.

-During the final week in August 1984, demolition work began to tear down the house

attached to the bus garage; the house was torn down in 1985 and the landmark disappeared.

-The Catholic Men’s Club of Muskegon Heights gifted new carpeting in the church.

-The baptismal font was moved for the new carpeting.

-Frank Korson, a retired painter, painted the church sacristy and vestibule of the parish

offices. More office space was made in the rectory.

-A daytime Catechumenate for second shift workers was offered.

-A prayer network in our parish was established, praying 15 minutes for the needs of our

parishioners’ intentions that were submitted.

-Sacred Heart School opened a Kindergarten class in the Fall of 1985.

-The US bishops sought input from every diocese regarding the role of women in society

and in the church.

-Some additional maintenance in 1986 included roof repairs, 5 steel doors installed about

the parish, and painting of the church and rectory.

-A parish picture directory was published in 1987.

-On June 26, 1988 the first annual Father/Son breakfast was sponsored by the Catholic

Men’s Club of Muskegon Heights.

-A farewell reception for Father Tom Bolster and Father Lou was held.

Father Lou had played many sports throughout his life: basketball, bowling, golf, skiing, and

tennis. At the present time, his only hobbies are playing golf and reading.

Priesthood Assignments:

June 1963—Assistant Pastor, St. Patrick, Portland; June 1968—Assistant Pastor,

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Belmont; July 1970—Resident, Assumption of the

Blessed Virgin Mary, Belmont; July 1970-Feb 1972—Director of Religious Education for the

Grand Rapids Diocese; 1971-1974—Appointments Committee Secretary (conducting priests

assignments); February 1972-August 1975—Pastor, St. Michael, Remus; August 1975—

Professor, St. John’s Seminary, Plymouth; June 1979—Pastor, Christ the King, Howard City;

January 1982-June 1988—Pastor, Sacred Heart, Muskegon Heights; June 1, 1988—25

years in priesthood; June 1988—January 1989 Associate Missionary Father, Maryknoll

Fathers, Korea; Spring 1991—September 1993—English Professor, Yanbian Medical College,

China (only priest); September 1993—Assistant Pastor, St. Mary Magdalen, Kentwood;

January 1994—Administrator, St. Mary Magdalen, Kentwood; July 6, 1994—Pastor, St. Mary

Magdalen, Kentwood; July 10, 2002—Administrator, St. Mary, Big Rapids; July 2, 2003—

Retired; 2003—2006—Preacher, Pax Christi Michigan & Michigan Peace Team; 2004-2013—

Preacher, Catholic Relief Services U.S.A.; 2004-present—Chaplain, Holland America

Cruise Line