NEWS FROM THE HILL - · 3 There were 90 youth and 2 Advisors participating in the...

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Vol. XXXX No. 10 October 2019

Ladies Night Out – Tuesday, October 1st

Come and join us for dinner at Paul’s Deli at 5pm

followed by watching Downton Abbey at 7pm

at New Town Regal Cinema.

Join us for dinner, the movie, or BOTH!

Talk to Barbara Shaal or Joanne Weber

for more information.

The Mission of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church is…

Making Christ known through worship, education,

and witness, we invite and serve the community and



Sharing the Story,

Living the Faith

Virginia Synod



Thoughts from Pastor Alex… I am really excited for this month. I get to do one of my favorite things as a Pastor, welcome more people at the Table. On Sunday, October 6, we are celebrating the First Communion of six of our kids, ages ranging from Kindergarten to 6th grade. Why welcome kids at the Table? First and foremost, I wholeheartedly believe that the Table is not mine but Jesus’. And I wholeheartedly believe that is exactly what Jesus would do. I myself was 5 the first time I took communion. There’s a scene that appears in three of our Gospels (Mark 9:33-37, Matt 18:1-5, and Luke 9:6-48). There are slight variations in the three texts, but it basically goes like this. The disciples are arguing about who is the greatest among them. Jesus takes a little child (padion, the diminutive form of the word for child – so not just a child, but a small child) into his arms and says, “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.” (Mark 9:37, NRSV). Where else would we want to welcome Jesus but at his own table? Where else would we want to accept Jesus’ promised presence among us but at this feast of bread and wine, the Body and Blood of Christ, feeding us all with the gifts of love and forgiveness? In the Gospel of Mark, just a chapter later, Jesus hits on this point again. “People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’ And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them” (Mark 10:13-16 NRSV. See also Matt 19:13-15, Luke 18:15-17). If we believe that Jesus is truly present “in, with, and under” the bread and wine, who are we to keep little children from Jesus’ presence among us? Who am I to stop them from coming to Jesus? The Kingdom of God belongs to the kids around us just as much as to the adults in the room. The gifts and blessings of Jesus belong just as much to the kids around us as the adults in the room. In a world where kids are discounted and often invisible (remember, it took Jesus’ parents TWO days to realize that he was missing), Jesus lifts up kids not just as important, but as examples of faith. Jesus lifts up welcoming kids as a way of welcoming him in our midst. When Jesus feeds the 5,000 (and the 4,000), he doesn’t feed just particular people – women, men, people who were confirmed, over a certain age, etc. He fed everyone. At the last supper, he fed everyone including Peter who was about to deny him and Judas who was about to betray him. Jesus’ feeding doesn’t depend on our identity or our understanding (thank God for that! – It would no longer be a free gift!); these are free and abundant gifts for us all, from the youngest to the oldest. If all are welcome, then all are welcome! In worship on October 6, the service will feel a little different. We’re bringing in language from the First Communion curriculum, A Place For You. I hope you all will join us! Peace, Pastor Alex


There were 90 youth and 2 Advisors participating in the Youth Works Mission Trip to the Eastern Shore July 28-August 2. Returning to an area that some of the youth were at 2 years ago was both a blessing and a curse. In Nya’s words, “It was nice to see people again but sad to have to say good-bye after spending time with them.” The youth are very thankful for the support and generosity that made it possible for them all to attend. Aside for a day of rain, they spent the week working with kids, cleaning, painting and working a food bank. Please be on the lookout for upcoming fundraisers to help offset the cost of the 2020 mission trip. The Youth Group started back up again on September 8th with 12 youth attending. Anyone in grades 6-12 are welcome and encouraged to participate. The theme this year is the New Testament. Meetings are every other Sunday from 6-7:30, upstairs in the church, beginning with a shared meal. If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Pastor Alex Witt or Joanne Weber.

Lydia Circle has been sponsoring a CAP Family for over 10 years, providing Christmas gifts to families in need. The project was presented by Rose Gross and continues in her memory. Christian Appalachian Project’s mission is building hope, transforming lives, and sharing Christ’s love through service in Appalachia.

Our CAP family this year consists of a mother and her 3 daughters, ages 9, 5 and 4. What wonderful ages to shop for – baby dolls, books, games and clothes!!! You are invited to join Lydia Circle October 7th at 5:30 for dinner at Huntsman’s Grille followed by shopping for the CAP family or you can just meet us for dinner or shopping. Contact Diane Priestley or Joanne Weber if you have any questions. We will be wrapping Christmas gifts November 4th at 7pm in the conference room. You’re welcome to join in the fun.


A long-standing principle in scripture is that we’re able to comfort others out of the comfort that we’ve received ourselves. This happens a lot in Stephen Ministry. This month we want to talk about the spiritual growth people experience when they’re serving somebody else. In the twelve steps, which are really drawn out of classical Christian practices, the final step is that we take what we have learned, how we have healed, and use it to help other people. That notion is crucial—for every individual and for the church—that ultimately there is no healing without helping. The more my focus is only on me, the more self absorbed I become and the less I heal. But when I quit focusing just on myself and help someone else, not only does it help the other person; it also becomes healing for me. We live in a world that encourages us to focus on ourselves—so much so that people don’t even anticipate how healing it will be to focus on another person. So getting people to shift their focus to helping others is really powerful for Christians, for personal growth, for your Care Receiver and the Stephen Minister. Stephen Ministry offers an approach to caring ministry that’s holistic. It includes great insights and practices from the social sciences and mental health disciplines—but the ultimate goal is conformity to Christ. Stephen Ministry is informed by the best possible sources of wisdom, research, and knowledge, but remains Christ-shaped and Christ-defined. It brings together the best of all possible worlds in that regard. The Christ-centered nature of Stephen Ministry is reflected in the logo. The broken person behind the cross and the whole person in front of the cross symbolize that we are all broken people and it is only through Jesus that we can be made whole. We invite you to seek a Stephen Minister to walk with you, pray with you, listen and hear you. We are available and ready for you. We join in prayer for the ministers in our Church, our members, our community, the earth, and all of those who are in need. We will walk with you and let the Holy Spirit be our guide. May you, through our Lord Jesus Christ, receive what God has promised all of us, grace, mercy, and peace. Evie Braukhoff Stephen Minister Leader Evie Braukhoff Stephen Leader Pam Wildenberger Stephen Minister Pastor Alex Witt Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church 757-564-3745



1 Lindsay Venable 3 Michelle Priestley 4 Irene Meyer 12 Tom Noblin 13 David Jenson, Liesa Mc Ghee 14 Janette Kline 17 Les Leonard III


5 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gulden 7 Mr. & Mrs. Bill Shaal 8 Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Lyons

Lifting in Prayer

Church family: Phyllis Cody, Katherine Ford, Jeanne Fullman, Ann Gautreaux, John Held, Thelma Lee, Janice Leonard, Liesa McGhee, Teena Opheim, Bill Rorer, William Rorer, III, and Lynn Starling.

Family and Friends: Gladys Allen, Lois Barber, Joan Beck, Donna Benson, Raymond & Catherine Bowles, Forrest Braukhoff, Zadie Brown, Bill Carpenter, Ellen Cobb, Nancy Curtis, Sean Dalton, Larry Felts, Carl Gaulkie, Kelly Gray, Kenny Gulden, Matthew Hafer, Bunny Haynes, Susan Hutchens, Helen Hyatt, Allen Jenson, Annie Johnson, Tabitha Jones, K.M., Mike King, Evelyn Kirby, Rachel Lawson, Lindsay, Lloyd, Katherine Martin, Vivian Matthews, Ray Minor, Lawrence Olson, Donna Phillips, John Phillips, Maggie Quinlan, Bill Ridenour, Robbie Robertson, Mary Satchwell, Pastor Tom Shelley, Preston Smith, Richard Smith, Mary T., Pat Tabb, Louis Turnage, Sr., Sarah Waid, and Shelton Whitehurst.

NOTE: If you have not seen your birthday or anniversary listed, and would like it included, please contact the office at 757-564-3745 or email

NOTE: To add or remove a person’s name from the Prayer List, please contact the church office at 757-564-3745 or email

Feeding the hungry Non-perishable items for our local food pantry, FISH, Inc. can be placed in the Hall lobby. Please check expi-ration dates on foods. Always welcome: cereals, canned meats, soups, Chef Boyardee items, beans, peanut butter, and paper grocery bags with handles. The Hope House Pregnancy Center is in constant need of diapers, wipes, all baby needs such as blankets, bibs, clothing, strollers, pack-and-play, and maternity clothes. Please leave donations in the fellowship hall “Baby Crib”.

If you have, or know of, a child that would like to learn to be an acolyte, please contact Joanne Weber. Any child entering the 5th grade is able to assist.

They do not have to be confirmed in order to be an acolyte. Someone else can assist during communion.

Training will be provided.




LECTORS: USHERS: ASSISTING MINISTERS: 6 Luther Hanson 6 Adam & Michelle Priestley 6 Scott Braukhoff 13 Pamela Wildenberger 13 Dick & Janette Kline 13 Richard Hartman 20 Bruce Brelsford 20 Barbara Broady & Lynn Edwards 20 Brandon Tate 27 Joyce Moore 27 Ellen & Roger Picard 27 Bob Zimmerman

ACOLYTES: Ashley Venable 10/6 Nya Hubbard 10/13 Ashley Venable 10/20 Nya Hubbard 10/27

ANNOUNCERS: Christine Weller 10/6 Evie Braukhoff 10/13 Richard Hartman 10/20 Scott Braukhoff 10/27

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 3-5:30 PM Playin' For Fun 6:30 PM Cub Scout Plan. Mtg-Conf. Room 6:30 PM Exec. Comm. Meeting 7 PM AA

2 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 10 AM Staff Meeting 4-9 PM Flute Frenzy 6 PM Prayer on Wednesday 7 PM Choir

3 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 10:30 AM Worship/Music @ Au Bon Pain 6:15 PM Cub Scouts

4 Church Office Closed 9:30-12 PM Family Focus


6 17th Sunday after Pentecost First Communion Sunday 9 AM Sunday School/Adult Forum 10:30 AM +Holy Communion 11:30 AM Coffee Fellowship 6 PM Youth Group 6:30 PM AA

7 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 7 PM Lydia Circle 7 PM Boy Scouts

8 3-5:30 PM Playin' For Fun 4:45 PM Hall Comm. Meeting- Conf. Room 7 PM AA

9 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 10 AM Staff Meeting 4-9 PM Flute Frenzy 6 PM Service of the Word 7 PM Choir

10 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 6:15 PM Cub Scouts

11 Church Office Closed 9:30-12 PM Family Focus


13 18th Sunday after Pentecost 9 AM Sunday School/Adult Forum 10:30 AM +Holy Communion 11:30 AM Coffee Fellowship 11:30 AM Parish Life Committee Meeting 6:30 PM AA

14 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 7 PM Boy Scouts

15 3-5:30 PM Playin' For Fun 7 PM AA

16 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 10 AM Staff Meeting 4-9 PM Flute Frenzy 6 PM Prayer on Wednesday 7 PM Choir

17 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 6:15 PM Cub Scouts

18 Church Office Closed 9:30-12 PM Family Focus

19 10 AM Casserole Caravan

20 19th Sunday after Pentecost 9 AM Sunday School/Adult Forum 10:30 AM +Holy Communion 11:30 AM Coffee Fellowship 12 PM Parish Council Meeting 6 PM Youth Group 6:30 PM AA

21 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 7 PM Boy Scouts

22 3-5:30 PM Playin' For Fun 7 PM AA

23 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 10 AM Staff Meeting 4-9 PM Flute Frenzy 6 PM Prayer on Wednesday 7 PM Choir

24 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 6:15 PM Cub Scouts

25 Church Office Closed 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 6-9 PM Jay's Jam


27 Reformation Sunday 9 AM Sunday School/Adult Forum 10:30 AM +Holy Communion 11:30 AM Coffee Fellowship 6:30 PM AA

28 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 7 PM Boy Scouts

29 3-5:30 PM Playin' For Fun 7 PM AA

30 9:30-12 PM Family Focus 10 AM Staff Meeting 4-9 PM Flute Frenzy 6 PM Prayer on Wednesday 7 PM Choir

31 9:30-12 PM Family Focus