NEWS LETTER - Dorrington House Care members of staff: Aimee & Shaun. We hope you all...

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Publisher: Linda O’Riordan Volume no. 9 Issue no.1 Date: JANUARY 2018

Cheryl’s Column

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year to everyone, we hope that

you all had a good festive season and

hopefully were able to join us for some of the

entertainment we had over the month of



JANUARY: Alf B 9th, Joan M 14th, Garth

W 21st,

FEBRUARY: Violet G 10th, Val S 15th,

Denis B 20th.

MARCH : Rose L 7th, Doris M 10th, Joan S


“Happy Birthday & Very Best Wishes

To You All”

Recent Events in the Home

Extend with Shelley Pictured below Jack with Snowwoman

Shelley and below Iris, Pauline H, Joan S,

Jean E & Pauline S all enjoying Shelley’s

gentle exercise to music Christmas class!


On 11th December we had a visit from

Zoolab, a company whose rangers bring a

selection of animals into the home for our

residents to meet and have a cuddle with.

Pictured above from top left: Ken with a

guinea pig, Eric with a giant beetle, June

with the giant beetle, Terry with a lizard,

Jean with a hedgehog, Jack with a snake and

Eric with a guinea pig. Everyone had a great

time and lots of our residents were very

brave holding the snake and lizard, our

ranger also had brought along a tarantula but

funnily enough nobody wanted him to come

out to play!

Keyworkers From 1st Feb there will be a photo of your

keyworker displayed by the pigeon hole in

your room.

Your key worker will offer you support and

guidance. Should you have any

questions/needs/concerns please do not

hesitate to ask. If your key worker is not on

duty, any member of staff is available to


The key worker is your point of contact

should you have any needs outside of your

day to day care needs.

Shipdham Choir

On 15th December we had a lovely visit from

Shipdham Choir who came and sang carols

for us, this visit was very kindly organised by

Colin’s wife Mrs Rant as she also sings in the

choir. Everyone had a lovely time and joined

in with all of the carols they knew.

Mini Donkeys

Pictured above with the 2 donkeys who

visited us on 21st December, Beryl, Jean and

Celia, everyone absolutely loved the visit

from the donkeys and they even went to visit

those people who are unable to come into the

main lounges, everyone thought they were


Jenny & Rufus

Rufus our Pets As Therapy dog and his

owner Jenny come and visit everyone every

Thursday and everyone absolutely adores

him and makes a huge fuss of him when he is

here (which he loves), as you can see Rufus

made a special effort for his Christmas visits

and wore a variety of Christmas outfits!

Everyone thought he looked super! Rufus &

Jenny pictured above with Pauline &


Hope Choir

On 6th December we were lucky to have

HOPE Choir come along and sing Christmas

carols and songs for us all in the main

lounge, it really put everyone into the

Christmas mood and we finished the visit off

by enjoying mince pies and cream with a

nice cup of tea.

Personal Belongings Just a little reminder to make sure that all of

your relatives clothing, shoes, slippers are

marked with their name, this also includes

wallets and handbags, teeth, hearing aids and

glasses too as these are the type of thing that

go missing and it is much easier to return

things to the right people if they are marked

with their name. Also just a reminder that we

cannot be held responsible for items of value

or worse still sentimental value going

missing. If something is especially dear to

you please take it home and keep it where it

will stay safe.

NHS Cutbacks As the NHS will no longer be prescribing

creams for people who do not have a

dermatological condition, if your relative

currently uses emollients or moisturizers,

they may have to buy this for themselves

over the counter from the pharmacy. Also if

prescribed a PRN (Pro Re Nata – as the

occasion arises or when necessary)

medication like paracetamols/lactiloses/fibre

gels etc these too will be affected by the NHS

cutbacks. If the GP stops prescribing

something like this for your relative we will

let you know.

We have great pleasure in welcoming our

new members of staff: Aimee & Shaun.

We hope you all enjoy working with us here

at Dorrington House Homes ☺

Employee of the Month

OCTOBER 2017 – Alex D - Several

compliments have been received from

families saying what a very nice person Alex

is, he always has time for everyone, he is

patient, kind & an asset to the home. Alex is

hardworking, cheerful & uses his initiative,

an excellent example of a carer, he makes a

positive influence on the home, residents &

staff. NOVEMBER 2017 –-Kim H – Nominated

by residents family – Kim is always on hand

to help with residents and their families if

healthcare assistants are busy, always enjoy

the meals she cooks too!

DECEMBER 2017 ––Lauren S - nominated

by residents family - In the last month on my

visits I have noticed that Lauren is a friendly

and caring pleasant person. She will always

find time to talk to or comfort residents. I

know this is her job, but it gives me comfort

to know that my husband has a good carer.

Well Done & Congratulations To You All!

Residents and relatives can nominate staff

and forms are available in reception or ask in

the office if you would like to complete one.

Dates For Your Diary

05.02.18 – Extend with Shelley at

1.30pm join us in the main lounge for some

gentle exercise to music

13.02.18 – Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day

& we will be having pancakes for

pudding today!

14.02.18 – Valentine’s Day Today we

are holding a dress up day with a Love theme

to raise funds for Friends of the home, wear

something love themed or red!

15.02.18 – Holy Communion Service

join Rev Gerry and her Church

helpers in the salon from 10.45am for church

service and to receive the Holy Blessing.

16.02.18 – Residents & Relatives Forum

come and have a chat or if you

cannot attend but there is something you

would like to raise at the forum please come

and let me know and I will add it to the


19.02.18 – Entertainment from Frank Taylor

come and join us in the main lounge

from 2pm for some singing and fun.

Tuesday’s every week – Tina the


2nd Thursday of every month

Residents & Relatives Forum.

1st Monday of every month Extend

with Shelley.

Every Thursday visit from Rufus

our P.A.T. dog and his owner Jenny.

Any further dates for entertainment will be

advertised on the noticeboard’s throughout

the home so keep your eye on them and you

are always very welcome to join us for all
