Post on 12-Jan-2016

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'The lifeboats did not lower properly, the crew 'The lifeboats did not lower properly, the crew didn't know what to do, they were unprepared didn't know what to do, they were unprepared in dealing with an emergency, wrong orders in dealing with an emergency, wrong orders were given such as being told to return to were given such as being told to return to cabins.cabins.

1 ½ -2 pages typed double spaced 12 1 ½ -2 pages typed double spaced 12 font Current Event Due Next Week font Current Event Due Next Week January 31January 31stst

Would a more rigorous passenger Would a more rigorous passenger safety lesson have saved any of those safety lesson have saved any of those who lost their lives aboard that ship? who lost their lives aboard that ship?

Should the Captain of the ship be Should the Captain of the ship be charged with manslaughter? In your charged with manslaughter? In your opinion, what should happen to the opinion, what should happen to the captain of the Concordia disaster?captain of the Concordia disaster?

Effects of the Effects of the ReformationReformation

Protestant churches flourished, new Protestant churches flourished, new denominations developed.denominations developed.

Council of Trent-Catholic Church more unifiedCouncil of Trent-Catholic Church more unified Catholics/Protestants emphasized education Catholics/Protestants emphasized education

in their their beliefs. Status of women in church (stayed same)Status of women in church (stayed same) Individual monarchs and states gained powerIndividual monarchs and states gained power Led to Enlightenment-questioning churches Led to Enlightenment-questioning churches

beliefs.beliefs. Overthrowing existing governmentsOverthrowing existing governments

Age of ExplorationAge of Exploration Pretend you are an explorer in the 1400’s. Pretend you are an explorer in the 1400’s.

You are asked to explore a completely You are asked to explore a completely UNKNOWN island. You do not know what UNKNOWN island. You do not know what lives there, how to get there (exactly) or how lives there, how to get there (exactly) or how long you will be there.long you will be there.– What will you do? What will you do? – What rewards (besides jewels) might come from What rewards (besides jewels) might come from

exploring the sea?exploring the sea?– What risks might you entail by embarking on What risks might you entail by embarking on

such an unknown journey?such an unknown journey?

Around 987 Viking’s Around 987 Viking’s (Scandinavians)accidentally visit North (Scandinavians)accidentally visit North America continent.America continent.

Why? Early 1400’s Europeans ready to Why? Early 1400’s Europeans ready to venture beyond borders. (Renaissance –venture beyond borders. (Renaissance –adventure and curiosity) Set up trading adventure and curiosity) Set up trading links with spice producing lands in Asia.links with spice producing lands in Asia.

Explored during Crusades (control of Explored during Crusades (control of Holy Lands), Marco Polo reached China.Holy Lands), Marco Polo reached China.

Motives: 3 G’s Motives: 3 G’s Gold, God, and Glory!Gold, God, and Glory!


GOLD! (WEALTH! )GOLD! (WEALTH! ) – New spices in Europe New spices in Europe

(introduced during the (introduced during the CrusadesCrusades) = demand ) = demand for the spices.for the spices.

– Europeans wanted to Europeans wanted to cut out the middle cut out the middle manman ! !

– Europeans try to find Europeans try to find new trade routes new trade routes because they want because they want new sources of wealth. new sources of wealth.

Italianssell it

to Europe for

MORE $$$

Europe buys it for a

higher price

Muslims sold Spices to Italians

for lots of $

GOD (Spread of GOD (Spread of Christianity)& Glory!Christianity)& Glory! The Crusades pushed Christians The Crusades pushed Christians

to feel it was their duty to spread to feel it was their duty to spread their religion and convert people their religion and convert people to Christianity ( and not to be to Christianity ( and not to be Muslim)Muslim)

Glory-Be the first to conquer! Glory-Be the first to conquer!

TechnologyTechnology New vessel- Caravel, Sturdier than New vessel- Caravel, Sturdier than

vassals. Triangular sails helped vassals. Triangular sails helped sail against the wind. sail against the wind.

Used astrolabe, (Muslim invention) Used astrolabe, (Muslim invention) (rings to sight altitude of stars), (rings to sight altitude of stars), compass (Chinese invention)compass (Chinese invention)

Sextant used 1700s-determine Sextant used 1700s-determine latitude and longitudelatitude and longitude


The introduction of the Caravel made The introduction of the Caravel made travel easier !travel easier !– 65 feet long = more space for food/ppl.65 feet long = more space for food/ppl.– Able to explore Able to explore

close to shore.close to shore.- Larger sails for Larger sails for

easier movement easier movement

and power!and power!

New Maritime New Maritime TechnologiesTechnologiesNew Maritime New Maritime TechnologiesTechnologies

Hartman Astrolabe


Better Maps [Portulan]


Mariner’s Compass

New Weapons New Weapons TechnologyTechnology

New Weapons New Weapons TechnologyTechnology

Portugal Leads the Portugal Leads the WayWay

Leader in sailing Leader in sailing Portugal.Portugal. 1 1stst Euro Euro country establish trading outposts country establish trading outposts along West Coast of Africa. along West Coast of Africa. Portuguese pushed further into Portuguese pushed further into Indian Ocean.Indian Ocean.

Prince HenryPrince Henry (son of Portugal (son of Portugal King) Used own fortune organized King) Used own fortune organized 14 voyages along west coast of 14 voyages along west coast of Africa.Africa.

Henry-Founded navigation school Henry-Founded navigation school 1419. Portugal's established trading 1419. Portugal's established trading posts on Africans shoresposts on Africans shores

Portuguese Sailors Portuguese Sailors Reach AfricaReach Africa

Portuguese thought to reach Asia, Portuguese thought to reach Asia, sail around Tip of Africa.sail around Tip of Africa.

Bartolomeu DiasBartolomeu Dias 1488 ventured 1488 ventured far down coast of the tip of Africa. far down coast of the tip of Africa. Storm took him to South east tip of Storm took him to South east tip of Africa. Exhausted, low on supplies, Africa. Exhausted, low on supplies, captain returned home. He captain returned home. He wanted to go to India though!wanted to go to India though!

Vasco de Gama-Vasco de Gama- Vasco de Gama-1498Vasco de Gama-1498 began began

exploring East African Coast. exploring East African Coast. Reached Calicut –coast of India. Reached Calicut –coast of India. Spices, silks, and gems.Spices, silks, and gems.

Filled ship with spices. 27,00 Filled ship with spices. 27,00 miles Portugal had direct sea miles Portugal had direct sea route to India!route to India!

Spain Makes ClaimsSpain Makes Claims

Spain monarchs want to find direct Spain monarchs want to find direct route to Asia.route to Asia.

1492-Christopher Columbus 1492-Christopher Columbus convinced Spain (Ferdinand and convinced Spain (Ferdinand and Isabella)Isabella)

Sailed west across Atlantic Ocean. Sailed west across Atlantic Ocean. Columbus reached island of Columbus reached island of Caribbean. He thought he was in Caribbean. He thought he was in East Indies Oops!East Indies Oops!


Pope Alexander VI stepped in to Pope Alexander VI stepped in to keep peace btwn Spain and keep peace btwn Spain and Portugal. Imaginary line North Portugal. Imaginary line North to South threw Atlantic Ocean. to South threw Atlantic Ocean. All lands west of line Spain, all All lands west of line Spain, all lands east of Line Portugal. lands east of Line Portugal. 1494 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas.Treaty of Tordesillas.



Portuguese took control of spice Portuguese took control of spice trade from Muslim merchantstrade from Muslim merchants

English and Dutch challenge. English and Dutch challenge. Dutch (Netherlands)-sea power, Dutch (Netherlands)-sea power, Largest fleet ships in the world Largest fleet ships in the world 20,000 vessels. 20,000 vessels.

Dutch East India CompanyDutch East India Company - -direct trade routes to Asia, make direct trade routes to Asia, make treaties, mint money, raise treaties, mint money, raise armies. Dutch drove out English.armies. Dutch drove out English.

1501-1502 Amerigo Vespucci1501-1502 Amerigo Vespucci first explorer to come up with the first explorer to come up with the

idea that these new places were not idea that these new places were not Asia but a "New World." Asia but a "New World."

In 1507, a pamphlet "The Four In 1507, a pamphlet "The Four Voyages of Amerigo" and the author Voyages of Amerigo" and the author suggested that the new land that suggested that the new land that Amerigo had explored be named in Amerigo had explored be named in his honor. his honor.

New VoyagesNew Voyages John Cabot-John Cabot- discovered discovered

Newfoundland (Canada) while trying Newfoundland (Canada) while trying to find a Northwest Passage to Asia to find a Northwest Passage to Asia under Henry VIII(England) .under Henry VIII(England) .

Pedro Cabral-Pedro Cabral- (Portugal) discovered (Portugal) discovered S. America by accident. S. America by accident.

Vasco Nunez de Balboa-Spain- Vasco Nunez de Balboa-Spain- went acrosswent across Isthamus of Panama and Isthamus of Panama and first to discover Pacific Ocean 1513.first to discover Pacific Ocean 1513.

Christopher Christopher Columbus Columbus [1451-1506][1451-1506]

Christopher Christopher Columbus Columbus [1451-1506][1451-1506]

Columbus’ Four Columbus’ Four VoyagesVoyages

Columbus’ Four Columbus’ Four VoyagesVoyages

Christopher ColumbusChristopher Columbus Daring voyage in Spain 1492. Sailed west Daring voyage in Spain 1492. Sailed west

across Atlantic, searching for Asia. Landed across Atlantic, searching for Asia. Landed in Caribbean.

Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria sailed out of Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria sailed out of port. Landed in Bahamas. The Taino were port. Landed in Bahamas. The Taino were living there.

Called island San Salvador “Holy Savior.”Called island San Salvador “Holy Savior.” Goal: Transform Caribbean into colonies. Goal: Transform Caribbean into colonies.

first to explore the West Indies, Cuba, first to explore the West Indies, Cuba, and Hispaniolaand Hispaniola

Isabelle and Ferdinand delighted, finance 3 Isabelle and Ferdinand delighted, finance 3 more trips. more trips.

Ferdinand MagellanFerdinand Magellan 1519-Convinced King of Spain to fund 1519-Convinced King of Spain to fund

voyage, 250 men, 5 ships, sailed voyage, 250 men, 5 ships, sailed around southern end of South America around southern end of South America and into Pacific. Food supplies ran out, and into Pacific. Food supplies ran out, explored Guam, Philippines, became explored Guam, Philippines, became involved in local wars and was killed.involved in local wars and was killed.

Out of whole crew 18 men and one Out of whole crew 18 men and one ship arrived back in 1522 (3 years ship arrived back in 1522 (3 years later) later) First persons to First persons to circumnavigate-sail around the circumnavigate-sail around the

Ferdinand Magellan & Ferdinand Magellan & the First the First

Circumnavigation of the Circumnavigation of the World:World:Early 16Early 16cc

Ferdinand Magellan & Ferdinand Magellan & the First the First

Circumnavigation of the Circumnavigation of the World:World:Early 16Early 16cc


1600s-Dutch control Indian 1600s-Dutch control Indian Ocean trade. Trading posts in Ocean trade. Trading posts in Asian countries. Controlled Asian countries. Controlled Cape of Good hope. Cape of Good hope.

English East India Company-English East India Company-establish posts in India.establish posts in India. English English join-stock company ended up trading join-stock company ended up trading mainly with the Indian subcontinent. mainly with the Indian subcontinent.

INDIA BEFORE CONTACTINDIA BEFORE CONTACT The Mughal Empire was The Mughal Empire was

richer & more powerful than richer & more powerful than any kingdom in Europe.any kingdom in Europe.

They did not want to trade They did not want to trade with Europe. Still, Mughal with Europe. Still, Mughal emperors allowed European emperors allowed European trading companies to build trading companies to build forts along the coast of India forts along the coast of India

INDIA AFTER CONTACTINDIA AFTER CONTACTMughal government Mughal government collapsed- French and English collapsed- French and English traders fought for control of traders fought for control of India India

The British East India The British East India Company used an army of Company used an army of British troops and British troops and sepoys. sepoys. The company gained control The company gained control of Indiaof India

IsolationIsolation 1433-China abandons voyages of 1433-China abandons voyages of

explorationexploration 1500s Chinese severely restrict 1500s Chinese severely restrict

trade with with foreigners. 1612-Japans outlaws Christianity 1612-Japans outlaws Christianity

and drove out Christian and drove out Christian missionaries.missionaries.

1630s Japan “closed country policy” 1630s Japan “closed country policy” isolated from Europe for next 200 isolated from Europe for next 200 yearsyears


Spanish Conquests in Spanish Conquests in MexicoMexico

Hernando Cortes-Spaniard landed Hernando Cortes-Spaniard landed in Mexico. in Mexico.

Conquistadors (Spanish Conquistadors (Spanish conquerors) -conquerors) -carved out carved out colonies in Mexico, SAmerica, colonies in Mexico, SAmerica, and USand US

Spanish were first European Spanish were first European settlers in America. settlers in America.


Cortes Conquerors the Cortes Conquerors the AztecsAztecs Cortes and 600 men meet Aztec capital Cortes and 600 men meet Aztec capital

Tenochtitlan (emperor Montezuma II) Tenochtitlan (emperor Montezuma II) 1520 -fighting and killing began btwn 1520 -fighting and killing began btwn

Spaniards and Aztecs.Spaniards and Aztecs. Cortes conquered Aztec bc 1) superior Cortes conquered Aztec bc 1) superior

weaponry-muskets and cannons. Aztecs weaponry-muskets and cannons. Aztecs only had arrows., 2) Various native groups only had arrows., 2) Various native groups helped Cortes 3) Disease- Measles, helped Cortes 3) Disease- Measles, mumps, smallpox, and typhus European mumps, smallpox, and typhus European diseases brought to Americas. diseases brought to Americas. ****NAmericans had no immunity to these ****NAmericans had no immunity to these diseases.diseases.

Spanish Conquests in Spanish Conquests in PeruPeru Francisco PizarroFrancisco Pizarro marched force into marched force into

South America (1532) Conquered the South America (1532) Conquered the Incan Empire in Peru. (civil war Incan Empire in Peru. (civil war occurring) 200 men. Emperor of Incan occurring) 200 men. Emperor of Incan Emperor (Atahualpa), Spaniards Emperor (Atahualpa), Spaniards kidnapped him and killed him. kidnapped him and killed him. Remaining force of men after death of Remaining force of men after death of Ahtulpa retreated. Spain had steel Ahtulpa retreated. Spain had steel weapons, gunpowder, horsesweapons, gunpowder, horses

SpainSpain created American empire- New created American empire- New Spain (Mexico and Guatemala) , lands in Spain (Mexico and Guatemala) , lands in Caribbean and Central/South America.Caribbean and Central/South America.

MestizoMestizo Relationships btwn Native Americans Relationships btwn Native Americans

and Spanish common the mixed and Spanish common the mixed population called (Mestizos)population called (Mestizos)

-Spanish conquerors oppressed -Spanish conquerors oppressed natives for precious resources.natives for precious resources.

Encomienda-Encomienda-Natives farmed, Natives farmed, ranched, or mined for Spanish ranched, or mined for Spanish landlords. landlords.

Abuses occurred, and many natives Abuses occurred, and many natives were worked to death.were worked to death. 1542 system 1542 system abolished. abolished.

Mulattoes:Mulattoes: People of People of African and European African and European descent. descent.

Mestizos and Mestizos and Mulattoes were the Mulattoes were the lowest social class. lowest social class.

Spain’s Influence Spain’s Influence ExpandsExpands

1616thth century century Spain’s colonies richest Spain’s colonies richest most powerful nation in the world.most powerful nation in the world. Built a powerful navy, and army. Built a powerful navy, and army.

In 1513- In 1513- Juan Ponce de LeonJuan Ponce de Leon landed in landed in Florida and claimed it for Spain.Florida and claimed it for Spain.

Mostly priests sent to Southwest to Mostly priests sent to Southwest to explore ad colonize. (no riches)explore ad colonize. (no riches)

New Mexico filled with Missionaries, New Mexico filled with Missionaries, headquarters for Catholic Region. headquarters for Catholic Region. Capital Santa Fe “Holy Faith”Capital Santa Fe “Holy Faith”

Africa and Slave Trade Africa and Slave Trade

Atlantic Slave TradeAtlantic Slave Trade

African slaves used for sugar and African slaves used for sugar and tobacco plantations (NA’s died from tobacco plantations (NA’s died from disease, warfare, and brutal disease, warfare, and brutal treatment)treatment)

1500 -European colonists began 1500 -European colonists began enslaving Africans in the Americas.enslaving Africans in the Americas.

Slaves needed for increased sugar and Slaves needed for increased sugar and cotton plantations in the West Indiescotton plantations in the West Indies

Slavery in AfricaSlavery in Africa Advantages of Africans 1) exposed Advantages of Africans 1) exposed

European diseases, immunity. 2) European diseases, immunity. 2) experience in farming 3) less likely experience in farming 3) less likely to escape land is not familiar. 4) to escape land is not familiar. 4) skin color easy to catch them skin color easy to catch them

Americas-African slave trade-Americas-African slave trade-Buying and selling of Africans for Buying and selling of Africans for work in Americaswork in Americas

1500-1600 1500-1600 300,000 Africans 300,000 Africans transported to Americas. transported to Americas.

By 1870, By 1870, 9.5 million Africans came 9.5 million Africans came to Americasto Americas

1717thth century 40 percent of all Africans century 40 percent of all Africans went to Brazil.went to Brazil.

How did it start? European traders How did it start? European traders waited in ports. African merchants with waited in ports. African merchants with the help of local rulers captured Africans the help of local rulers captured Africans to be enslaved. Delivered slaves in to be enslaved. Delivered slaves in exchange for guns, gold, and other exchange for guns, gold, and other goods.goods.

Triangular trade-Triangular trade-Transatlantic trading Transatlantic trading network. network.

Step 1 Europeans transported goods to Step 1 Europeans transported goods to Africa, Step 2 Africans transported across Africa, Step 2 Africans transported across Atlantic, and sold. Step 3 Merchants Atlantic, and sold. Step 3 Merchants bought sugar, coffee and tobacco and bought sugar, coffee and tobacco and sailed to Europe with these products.sailed to Europe with these products.

Africans enslaved in Africans enslaved in the Americas 1451-the Americas 1451-18701870

Total Number imported: 9.5 millionTotal Number imported: 9.5 million 40% Caribbean Islands (Dutch, French, 40% Caribbean Islands (Dutch, French,

British)British) 4% British North America4% British North America 2% Europe, Asia2% Europe, Asia 16% Spanish America and Spanish 16% Spanish America and Spanish

CaribbeanCaribbean 38% Portuguese Brazil38% Portuguese Brazil

Middle PassageMiddle Passage

Voyage brought captured Voyage brought captured Africans to West Indies (Later to Africans to West Indies (Later to N and S America) N and S America)

Cruelty, dark holds of large Cruelty, dark holds of large ships, whipping and beating, ships, whipping and beating, diseases spread, suicide 20% diseases spread, suicide 20% perished on slave ships.perished on slave ships.