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Newsbriefs Volume 18 Issue 12 December 4, 2014

New Hope Housing, Administration Office 8407-E Richmond Highway,

Alexandria, VA 22309 703-799-2293

Rethinking Homelessness since 1977

THANK YOU to everyone who helped

make Giving Tuesday 2014 a big success! We set a goal of $30,000 for the day and

exceeded it with a total of $32,611.84 during the contest period.

That. Is. Awesome.

Thank you to everyone who shared a story on Facebook or emailed their friends and family to encourage them to donate. I think you all do very important work and I am glad that more people know about what you do. And now for the winners: Most creative Social Media post goes to Oliver Reid for his series of videos on Facebook and Insta-gram telling New Hope’s story, music and all: Honorable Mention goes to Stacie Thomas whose video can be seen if you’re her Facebook friend here: https:/www.facebook.comvideo.phpv=10152855613663544&set=vb.759638543&type=2&theater

It was very close for the Team Award – less than $20 separated the top 2! Coming in 2nd place with $520 raised is the Admin and Operations Team. And in 1st place with $536.79 raised is the Community Services Team! Congrats to CST – you receive a catered lunch from Moe’s in the very near future. For the Individuals, it was very close for the top 5: 5th place, $205.00 raised, is Lee Voltmer 4th place, $206.79 raised, is Oliver Reid 3rd place, $250.00 raised, is Reed Livers 2nd place, $272.05.00 raised, is Ollie Dawson And the top spot, with $310.00 raised is Lara Ostapiej!

Thanks again to everyone!

Human Rights Day is observed by the international community every year on December 10th. It commemorates the day in 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The formal inception of Human Rights Day dates from 1950, after the Assembly passed resolution 423 (V) inviting all States and interested organizations to adopt the 10th of December of each year as Human Rights Day. When the General Assembly adopted the Declaration, with 48 states in favor and eight abstentions, it was proclaimed as a "common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations", towards which individuals and societies should "strive by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance". Although the Declaration with its broad range of political, civil, social, cultural and economic rights is not a binding document, it inspired more than 60 human rights instruments which together constitute an international standard of human rights. Today the general consent of all United Nations Member States on the basic Human Rights laid down in the Declaration makes it even stronger and emphasizes the rele-vance of Human Rights in our daily lives.

The High Commissioner for Human Rights, as the main United Nations rights official,

and her Office play a major role in coordinating efforts for the yearly observation of

Human Rights Day.

For more information about Human Rights Day visit:

What are human rights? Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelat-ed, interdependent and indivisible. Universal human rights are often expressed and guaranteed by law, in the forms of treaties, customary international law , general principles and other sources of international law. International human rights law lays down obligations of Governments to act in certain ways or to refrain from certain acts, in order to promote and protect human rights and fundamental free-doms of individuals or groups. Universal and inalienable The principle of universality of human rights is the cornerstone of international human rights law. This principle, as first emphasized in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights in 1948, has been reiterated in numerous international human rights conventions, declarations, and resolutions. The 1993 Vienna World Conference on Human Rights, for example, noted that it is the duty of States to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms, regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems. All States have ratified at least one, and 80% of States have ratified four or more, of the core human rights treaties, reflecting consent of States which creates legal obligations for them and giving concrete expression to universality. Some fundamental human rights norms enjoy universal protection by customary international law across all boundaries and civilizations. Human rights are inalienable. They should not be taken away, except in specific situations and according to due process. For example, the right to liberty may be restricted if a person is found guilty of a crime by a court of law. Interdependent and indivisible All human rights are indivisible, whether they are civil and political rights, such as the right to life, equality before the law and freedom of expression; economic, social and cultural rights, such as the rights to work, social security and education , or collective rights, such as the rights to development and self-determination, are indivisible, interrelated and interdependent. The improvement of one right facilitates advancement of the others. Likewise, the deprivation of one right adversely affects the others. Equal and non-discriminatory Non-discrimination is a cross-cutting principle in international human rights law. The principle is present in all the major human rights trea-ties and provides the central theme of some of international human rights conventions such as the International Convention on the Elimina-tion of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The principle applies to everyone in relation to all human rights and freedoms and it prohibits discrimination on the basis of a list of non-exhaustive categories such as sex, race, colour and so on. The principle of non-discrimination is complemented by the principle of equality, as stated in Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Both Rights and Obligations

Human rights entail both rights and obligations. States assume obliga-

tions and duties under international law to respect, to protect and to

fulfil human rights. The obligation to respect means that States must

refrain from interfering with or curtailing the enjoyment of human

rights. The obligation to protect requires States to protect individuals

and groups against human rights abuses. The obligation to fulfil means

that States must take positive action to facilitate the enjoyment of basic

human rights. At the individual level, while we are entitled our human

rights, we should also respect the human rights of others.

Congratulations Stephanie Sheehan

(Alexandria Community Shelter, Case Manager)

Stephanie gave birth to healthy baby Kennedy (7lbs 14oz) on her due

date November 22, 2014. Mom and baby are doing

fine, and Stephanie thanks everyone at New Hope Housing for their

well wishes!

Do you want to get in shape?

Are you looking for a workout challenge?

Do you want a healthier


If you answered yes to any of these questions then the New

Hope Housing “Get Fit Challenge” is for YOU!

If you’d like to sign up for a chance

to be the Biggest Loser at New Hope, contact LaKesha

McGuire for more details.

I need everyone to read the following very carefully!!! As we approach year end, we have been notified by ADP of a change to our normal paycheck dates. For pay period ending December 26, 2014; PAYCHECKS WILL BE DATED FOR FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 2015 NOTE: A FRIDAY. (our normal pay day is Thursday). This is due to the fact that January 1, 2015 is a Federal Holiday and all banks are closed.** Therefore, direct deposit of your paycheck will happen on JANUARY 2, 2015 A FRIDAY. Non direct deposit checks will also be dated for JANUARY 2, 2015 A FRIDAY. Please contact your bank to see how this may affect your individual banking account(s). Timesheets will be due as normally scheduled, so no changes there. However, be mindful of the holiday season and make sure your timesheets stay up to date daily. If you have any questions, please contact either Lee or myself. Thank you everyone! Jo Mullen (HR Director)

**In addition to the federal holiday/banks closed, New Hope Housing pays biweekly, therefore, we enjoy 26 pays per year. Paycheck dated for December 18, 2014 is the 26th paycheck for year ending

2014. Paycheck dated for January 2, 2015 will be the 1st paycheck of 2015.




EXEMPT STAFF (Case Managers, Education/ Employment Specialists, Housing Specialists, Residential Coordinators, Supervisors, Directors, Administration):

All exempt employees will have the day off with pay

NONEXEMPT STAFF (Resident Services Specialists, Custodians, Cooks, and Facilities Specialists): Nonexempt staff will be scheduled to work as usual. All nonexempt employees who work

(both Full Time and Part Time) will receive holiday “Work” pay (2 x hourly rate)

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2014 – CHRISTMAS DAY EXEMPT STAFF (Case Managers, Education Specialists, Employment Specialists,

Housing Specialists, Residential Coordinators, Supervisors, Directors, Administration): All exempt employees will have the day off with pay

NONEXEMPT STAFF (Resident Services Specialists, Custodians, Cooks, and Facilities Specialists):

All nonexempt employees (Both Full Time and Part Time) (Resident Services Specialists, Custodians, Cooks, and Facilities Specialists)

who work on Christmas Day, Thursday December 25th will receive holiday “Work” pay. (2 x hourly rate)



WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 – NEW YEAR’S EVE: EXEMPT STAFF (Case Managers, Education Specialists, Employment Specialists,

Housing Specialists, Residential Coordinators, Supervisors, Directors, Administration): All exempt employees will work as usual

NONEXEMPT STAFF (Resident Services Specialists, Custodians, Cooks, and Facilities Specialists):

Nonexempt staff will be scheduled to work as usual

All nonexempt employees who work (both Full Time and Part Time) 4pm to midnight will receive holiday “Work” pay (2 x hourly rate)

THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 2015 – NEW YEAR’S DAY: EXEMPT STAFF (Case Managers, Education SpecialistS, Employment Specialists,

Housing Specialists, Residential Coordinators, Supervisors, Directors, Administration): All exempt employees will have the day off with pay

All nonexempt employees (Full Time and Part Time) who work on

Thursday, January 1, 2015 will receive holiday “Work” pay (2 x hourly rate) Please remember: Holiday hours are not to be used for calculating overtime.

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Did you know that federal and Maryland/Virginia/D.C. earned income tax credits are available to certain low-income individuals and families?

These credits can reduce the amount of income tax you owe or increase your income tax refund; and, you may qualify to receive some of these credits even if you did not earn enough income ·to be required to file a tax return.

2014 Maryland/Virginia/D.C. Earned Income Taxcredit (EITC)

Maryland/Virginia/D.C. EITC is a credit for certain taxpayers who have income and have worked. The

state EITC reduces the amount of state tax you owe. The local EITC reduces the amount of county tax you

owe. Some taxpayers may even qualify for a refundable Maryland/Virginia/D.C.EITC.

Most taxpayers who are eligible and file for a federal EITC can receive the Maryland/Virginia/D.C. and

local EITC. The allowable Maryland/Virginia/D.C. credit is up to one-half of the federal credit. To be

eligible for the federal and Maryland/Virginia/D.C. EITC, your federal adjusted gross income and your

earned income must be less than the following:

$46,997 ($52,427 married filing jointly) with three or more qualifying children

$43,756 ($49,186 married filing jointly) with two qualifying children

$38,511 ($43,941 married filing jointly) with one qualifying child

$14,590 ($20,020 married filing jointly) with no qualifying children

To receive the Maryland/Virginia/D.C. EITC, you must be eligible for the federal credit. If your income is

less than the amounts shown in this notice, visit the Internal Revenue Service Web site at, or

contact your tax advisor, to learn if you meet the other requirements. You also may be entitled to a

refundable state EITC and to a local EITC.

If you are a part-year resident or a nonresident of Maryland/Virginia/D.C., you may be entitled to a prorated share of the credit, if you have state earned income.

For more information about the Maryland EITC, visit the Web site at or call 1-800-MD- TAXES (1-800-638-2937), or 410-260-7980 from Central Maryland. You mu st have a valid Social Security Number and file a tax return to claim this credit. For Virginia, you may visit and for D.C., the site is

Reminder: Legally married same-sex couples must file as married filing jointly or married filing separately

for tax year 2014. Employees wishing to adjust their withholding to reflect married status should complete a new Maryland Form MW507 (VA & D.C. when applicable), as well as federal Form W-4.

2014 Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

For more information about the federal EITC,

visit: or

call the IRS at 1-800-829 1040

New Hope Housing - Newsbriefs Page 12

Martha Faconer Gives Kudos To: The Next Steps staff for assisting me with setting up food baskets and Tava White for assisting with Thanksgiving preparations. Big shout out to Donna Pusey for working and preparing food on Thanksgiving Day.

Ollie Dawson Gives Kudos To: Luis– Great job with the FCWS program; you are doing a great job with everything! Clarence- Great job with the evening shift at MP and for handling some challenging situations with dignity and respect. Zach –Great job at MH! I’ve seen some changes you have made, and its outstanding being around and working with the clients.

Chimere Stanley Gives Kudos To:

Tava, Ashley and Alyss for working together to assist our clients with having a Happy Thanksgiving. Tava for going above and beyond the call of duty.

Nicole Dillon Gives Kudos To: Jan, Martha, Alex, and Donna for all of their hard work in preparing for the Thanksgiv-ing holiday while I was out of the office. You guys Rock!

LaKesha McGuire Gives Kudos To: Susan V. and Lara O. for your creative ideas! Jo & Pam for giving me the green light to make this year the best holiday season ever here at admin! The decorations around the office and festive activities will definitely lift spirits and I am excited about the jolly good time we will all have!

Pam Michell Gives Kudos To: HUGE Kudos to Jan Sacharko for his excellent leadership in getting the word out about Giving Tuesday. Job well done!

New Hope Housing - Newsbriefs Page 13


New Hope Housing is currently accepting resumes for the

following job opportunities:

On Call Resident Service Specialists-

Mondloch House/Mondloch Place/Kennedy/ACS Responsibilities include monitoring the shelter, answering the phones, greeting visi-

tors, and most importantly interacting in a positive manner with our residents. $13.13

an hour. Must be flexible, dependable, and have the ability to work with a diversified

group of individuals. A High School diploma or GED is necessary, and previous

experience with the homeless/mentally ill a plus. Successful candidates will be called

to duty when we are short staffed. Hours are flexible, not scheduled, and you must be

willing to cover shifts at a moment’s notice. $13.13 an hour. EOE/ADA that values


On-Call Residential Service Specialist for Susan’s Place and Max’s Place

On-Call Residential Services Specialist (RSS) for chronically homeless adults with

substance abuse/mental illness/or co-occurring disorders located in Arlington and

Falls Church Virginia. Must be able to establish rapport and build trust with residents

and be comfortable working in a program with few rules. Need to be flexible and have

an ability to handle crisis situations. RSS will assist Outreach Counselors with leading

life skills groups/activities, cooking and cleaning with residents and general upkeep of

the house. RSS monitors residents medication. Must be able to work well inde-

pendently and must be reliable. Provides On-call coverage. Must have a valid driver’s

license and BA in behavioral science or related field. Experience can be substituted

for education. BSW preferred. Two years experience with homeless adults, adults

with mental illness or substance abusers. Counseling and crisis intervention skills.

Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Salary is $13.13 an

hour. EOE/ADA that values diversity.

If interested, please send resume to

New Hope Housing is proud to be an EOE/ADA that values diversity!

New Hope Housing - Newsbriefs Page 14


New Hope Housing is currently accepting resumes for the

following job opportunities:

Case Manager Full Time– Next Steps Family Program Reporting to the Director of Family Programs, the Case Manager will provide the support services needed to ensure

that program participants succeed in securing and retaining their housing. Emp-hasis is placed on regular home

visits and utilizing programs and benefits designed to increase income, financial stability, and quality of life. Will

be responsible for assessing participants to determine eligibility for both prevention and rapid re-housing assis-

tance. Will work closely with the Housing Locator in identifying suitable housing for program participants. Must

be able to develop a Housing Services Plan with each household; meeting with households as often as needed, at

least on a monthly basis to ensure that the participants are working towards the goals stated in their Housing Ser-

vice Plan, such as paying rent on time, maintaining the terms of their lease, maintaining employment and taking

care of their financial obligations by maintaining a budget. Bachelor’s Degree in a social services field required.

Must be a self-starter, have excellent written and oral communication skills as well as excellent interpersonal and

organizational skills. Ability to work with persons with serious mental illness and/or substance addiction is critical.

Empathy, patience, and persistence are fundamental characteristic required for this position. Knowledge of Word,

Excel, and Homeless Management Information System databases is required. Candidate must have a valid driver’s

license, a clean driving record, and willingness to use their personal vehicle to perform work related duties.

$40,000 annually. EOE/ADA that values diversity!

Residential Services Specialist- Mondloch House Full Time

Shift is: Sunday 11pm to 7a.m. Monday – Thursday 11p.m. to 7 a.m. Friday.

In this position you will serve the residents residing at Mondloch House II, a group home environment for residents

with mental health issues. You must be reliable, on time, and willing to work with a diversified group of residents

suffering with different forms of mental illness. This is considered the “midnite shift” but staff are expected to re-

main awake, alert, and do walk around/security checks. Duties include: positive interaction assisting residents with

living skills such as cooking and cleaning; answering questions, providing assistance, and ensuring a safe and

comforting environment. You will also be the face of New Hope Housing to donors and volunteers who may stop

by to drop off donations and to assist. Answering phones, basic office work, and working with the NHH team will

all be part of your daily duties. May be called upon to assist the Operations team in stocking supplies, light clean-

ing, and moving light furniture from time to time. Qualifications include: Successful experience working with resi-

dents in similar environments, understanding of the NHH philosophy, dependable, reliable transportation, flexible,

good with people, basic computer skills, etc. Must be able to lift office and cleaning supply items at times,

paper products, etc. Salary is $13.13 an hour with benefits. EOE/ADA that values diversity!

If interested, please send resume to

New Hope Housing is proud to be an EOE/ADA that values diversity!

New Hope Housing - Newsbriefs Page 15


New Hope Housing is currently accepting resumes for the

following job opportunities:

Case Manager-Full Time (Bridging Affordability II)

Reporting to the Community Services Director, the Case Manager will provide the support services

needed to ensure that program participants succeed in securing and retaining their housing. Em-

phasis is placed on regular home visits and utilizing programs and benefits designed to increase

income, financial stability, and quality of life. You will be responsible for assessing participants to

determine eligibility for both prevention and rapid re-housing assistance. Will work closely with

the Housing Locator in identifying suitable housing for program participants. Must be able to

develop a Housing Services Plan with each household; meeting with households as often as need-

ed, at least on a monthly basis to ensure that the participants are working towards the goals stated

in their Housing Service Plan, such as paying rent on time, maintaining the terms of their lease,

maintaining employment and taking care of their financial obligations by maintaining a budget.

Bachelor’s Degree in a social services field required. Must be a self-starter, have excellent written

and oral communication skills as well as excellent interpersonal and organizational skills. Ability

to work with persons with serious mental illness and/or substance addiction is critical. Empathy,

patience, and persistence are fundamental characteristics required for this position. Knowledge of

Word, Excel, and Homeless Management Information System databases is required.

Candidate must have a valid driver’s license, a clean driving record, and willingness to use per-

sonal vehicle to perform work related duties. $40,000 annually EOE/ADA that values diversity.

Full Time Case Manager-Kennedy Shelter

Full Time Case Manager needed for our single adult shelter serving individuals with mental health

issues and substance abuse. You will be part of a dynamic, “Case Management Team”. Responsi-

bilities include resident assessment, service plan development, counseling, and crisis interventions

and committed to rapid re-housing. Some early evenings may be required. Bachelor degree

required, preferably in social services. Bilingual preferred. Candidate must have a valid driver’s

license, a clean driving record, and willingness to use personal vehicle to perform work related

duties. $40,000 annually EOE/ADA that values diversity.

If interested, please send resume to

New Hope Housing is proud to be an EOE/ADA that values diversity!

New Hope Housing - Newsbriefs Page 16


New Hope Housing is currently accepting resumes for the

following job opportunities:

Case Manager Position - Full Time (Housing First Case Management)

Reporting to the Program Coordinator, HUD PROGRAMS, you will case manage up to 14 single adult

residents at scattered sites in Fairfax County. Will work with area agencies to identify individuals on

waiting lists and/or in programs in need services of supportive housing. Works with residents, and other

service providers to develop a plan of service to meet social, health, emotional and economic needs to

prevent or end homelessness. Coordinates services using a wraparound approach. Provides individual and

group life skills training, socialization skills, and enrichment activities, including money management, cook-

ing, nutrition, etc.

· Addresses and if necessary, diffuses crisis situations with residents. Assesses safety issues and assists

residents to access emergency services as needed (e.g., mental health services, adult protective

services, women’s shelter, homeless shelter).

· Advocates for and actively assists residents in obtaining services (e.g., health, mental health, intellectual

disability, alcohol and drug, housing referrals, financial assistance, home based services, training,

medical services, mentoring, and socialization).

· Assists residents with upkeep of apartments by meeting regularly with residents in their units. Through life

skills training, teaches residents simple household chores, upkeep, and cleanliness of their homes.

· Develops and maintains a positive relationship with the property management for units.

· Transports residents as needed.

· Meets with the resident as needed to provide feedback. Regularly assesses, supports, and facilitates

resident progress. Maintains case notes in HMIS.

· Maintains records in compliance with agency policy and compiles requisite statistics.

· Attends interdisciplinary meetings regarding resident progress. Prepares clinical reports for inter

disciplinary team.

· Works flexible hours in order to accommodate residents’ needs.

· Models caring, concerned, respectful attitude toward residents. Maintains adherence to resident guidelines

and is familiar with and complies with policies and procedures of New Hope Housing, Inc.

· Identifies and addresses volunteer needs for program. Develops and maintains a positive relationship with

volunteers and donors.

Performs other duties as assigned. BA/MA degree and considerable experience working with adults with

serious mental illness. Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Experience with

chronically homeless adults and adults with substance abuse issues. Strong counseling and crisis interven-

tion skills. Flexibility, creativity, and leadership skills. Able to make decisions independently and work

autonomously. Will rotate “on call” phone with other team members. Candidate must have a valid driver’s

license, a clean driving record, and willingness to use their personal vehicle to perform work related

duties. $41,000 annually EOE/ADA that values diversity!

New Hope Housing - Newsbriefs Page 17

DECEMBER Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 3 4


5 6

7 8 Pohick Church Holiday Party

9 10 11 12 13

14 15

16 NHH Staff

Holiday Party

17 18


19 20

21 22

23 24 25 26 27

29 29

30 31


m M



Name Location Dates Times

Next Steps Team Sacramento Drive Every Wed 9:15am

ACS Team ACS Every Wed 2pm

EUKS Team EUKS Every Thu 2pm

Housing 1st and Bridging Affordability MP Conf Rm 4th Tues of each month 2pm

Gartlan, Susan's, Max's, Just Homes Team Susan’s Place 3rd Tues of each month 10am

Mondloch House and Mondloch Place MH Conf Rm Every 1st Wed of each month 11:30am

Community Services Team Admin Every 1st Monday of each month 10am


Name Month Day

Bahria Parker Dec 3

Arisha Assaf Dec 6

Bernatria Alexander Dec 7

Stanley Royals Dec 8

Roxanne Watkins Dec 9

Sandra Mclean Dec 12

James Maltzahn Dec 13

Cordelia Maweni Dec 13

Michael Byrd Dec 16

Marsha Johnson-Colquhoun Dec 17

Samir Suarez Dec 27

Marian Washington Dec 31

Name Month Day Years

Bernatria Alexander Dec 17 12

Priscilla Castillo-Woyak Dec 1 5

George Montgomery Dec 20 15

Samika Roy Dec 9 1

Alex SaintFleur Dec 30 1

Daryl Wagner Dec 2 12