Newsletter # 3 · MORE HOME REMEDIES OR NATURAL REMEDIES FOR ACIDITY Eat more vegetables rich with...

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Newsletter # 3 (December 2014) From The Desk of Dr. Vinod C. Mehta

Acidity or acid dyspepsia is a disease caused by the wrong food habits or dietary errors. This is more predominant in the urban areas than in the rural areas. Our food habits are guided by our taste buds and our liking of the taste does not allow our intellect to decide what is good for us. Thus our emotion controls our activities instead of the intellect. We go for rich food dictated by our taste bud and are indiscreet. For digestion of what we eat we require some physical activities which we do not have in the city life especially. Even for going to a place of about half a kilometer we use our 2 or 4 wheeler right from the childhood. There is no chance for any other bodily activity in urban areas. The digestion is impaired due to lack of physical activities and the rich oily and tasty food cause to produce more acid in the stomach.

For every human being the digestive system requires a small quantity of hydrochloric acid among other digestive juices to break down the food we partake into various energies like proteins, carbohydrates. amino acids, glucose, various vitamins and minerals etc. this process is called the digestion and the absorption of these energies into the system is known as the assimilation of the food which in turn gives energy and produces the cells for replacement of the worn out and dead ones. But when the hydrochloric acid so produced becomes excess and lies in the stomach and starts its counter productive and destructive works in the system.

SYMPTOMS OF ACIDITY Burning sensation in the stomach. Heartburn Feeling of Nausea Dyspepsia Burping Lack of interest in foods Sour blenching

NATURAL CURES FOR ACIDITYFirst of all it is extremely important to quit smoking and give up alcohol completely. It is also important not to sleep just after the meals. One should avoid late nights and eat only when he or she is hungry. Anyone who is prone to acidity should avoid spicy and junk foods and needs to drink lots of water. Eating more Alkaline foods is also helpful.


Eat more vegetables rich with vitamins especially Vitamin B & E. Do exercise and other physical activities. Avoid drinking beverages after the meals. Eat Almonds as they can help to cure the heartburn. Eat more cucumber and watermelon as they ght against acidity. Drink lemon juice with water, it helps to prevent heartburn. Drink fresh mint juice every day. Basil leaves are great to get relief from nausea and acidity. Drink more coconut water.

Eat Kalonji beej or Takmria or Falooda Seeds soaked in water with Rose water or Milk. Mix Milk and Water, churn and drink.

Soak 10 Black Raisins with Dhaniya and Saunf powder overnight. Squeeze , Filter and drink early morning.



Aciden V – Nature-al Remedy for Acidity

How is useful? Aciden V

It is an effective and safe Ayurvedic oral treatment for acidity. It is useful for treating Ulcers, Hyper Acidity, Burning, Gastritis, Duodentis, Vomiting, Sour / Bitter Bile, Heat. Aciden V is specially formulated

Helps to reduce acidity and stomach heat. It also helps in treating ulcers Gulab: and prevents swelling in the intestine.. It is regarded as an antibacterial, aromatic, blood purier, cooling, diaphoretic, diuretic,Valo: emmenagogue, febrifuge, refrigerant, and stimulant & stomachic. It removes excess heat from the body and gives a cooling effect.. It is used traditionally for digestive, gastric and complaints of the upper abdomen. Dhana:

Being palatable, appetizer, digest, carminative, analgesic astringent and anthelmintic,Jira: Jira is used in disorders caused by disturbance in Agni like anorexia, emesis, loss of appetite, indigestion, atulence, pain in abdomen, sprue and hemorrhoids etc.

It is coolant for stomach, hyper acidity, heart burn etc. Its acts as blood purier also.Variyali:

Used for treating stomach ulcers, heartburn, upset stomach, constipation andJethimadh: acid reux. The avonoids and chalcones in the herb help in decreasing the irritation and the swelling of the mucus lining of the stomach and intestinal tract.


The sole purpose of this newsletter is to provide information about Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained medical practitioner who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively.

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