NEWSLETTER Hoot N’ Holler - Squarespace N’ Holler 2017 Board Members Executive Board ... just to...

Post on 02-May-2018

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Hoot N’ Holler

2017 Board Members

Executive Board


Emma Horlick

Vice President

Alana Lowry


Stephanie Croteau

General Treasurer

Emily Snyder

Welfare Treasurer

Kaycee Livesay


Krista Wirley

General Board

Newsletter Editor

Nicole Little


Colleen Gaudette


Kelly Lumpkin

Ways & Means

Amanda Rummel


Toni Porter


Ana Collier


Nancie Lexie


Kelly French

Thrift Shop Manager

Kristi Hollopeter


Yolanda Easton

Paula Redden

Melanie Simmons

Tina Bennett

Honorary Advisor

Kristen Moore

Hoot N’ Holler


May 2017

Upcoming Social Events

Lunch Brunch– May 8th

Enjoy a break from the Monday blues for a delicious

lunch at Primavera Mexican Restaurant 11:30am.

Family Game Night– May 12th

Join us Friday 1800 at the KMCC party room for a fun

filled night of games for the whole family.

Membership Drive Social/Wine Tasting—May 18th

Thursday May 18th at the Woodlawn Rockers

Check in Begins at 1800

Play Group—May 25th

10am at a local play area TBA.

Watch the Facebook

event page for more


In This Issue

Message from the President 2

May Social Flyer 3

Volunteer Corner 4

RESA Announcements 5

RESA Thrift Shop Information 6

April Welfare 6

Thrift Shop Food Pantry 7

Ways & Means 8

RESA Merchandise 8

April Social in Photos 9

RESA Family Photo Session 10

RESA Membership 11

RESA Charm Bracelet 12

Calendar & Milestones 13

Contact RESA 14

2 Hoot N’ Holler

Message from the President Hello Members!

Wow! April was a very busy month for RESA. In April, RESA had the oppor-tunity to volunteer at the Quarterly Airman’s Birthday Dinner at the Rhein-land Inn Dining Facility on Ramstein. The turnout was fantastic with more than 50 Airmen served! All the attendees really enjoyed the dinner, had the opportunity to play some entertaining games and walked away with birthday gift cards to shop at the BX. We look forward to providing volunteers for the quarterly dinner again in July!

At the end of the month, RESA had 16 members attend the American’s Work-ing Around the Globe (AWAG) Annual Seminar in Garmisch, Germany. We all had a fantastic time and came back with a wealth of knowledge that we are so excited to pass on to RESA! If you have the desire to be in a leadership position with RESA in the future, or any organization for that matter, or even just to better your own personal resume, I highly suggest you attend AWAG’s local regional seminar in the fall and the next annual seminar next spring.

May will be another busy, yet exciting, month for RESA. We get to start off the month with a wonderful Volunteer Appreciation Trip to Dusseldorf, Ger-many. I don’t know about you, but I am very excited for this trip! We will also be presenting the KMC Scholarship recipients with their scholarships at the awards banquet, along with our sister organizations ROSC and KLSA. And

at the end of the month, we get to host the Deployment Buddies picnic for all of the students that have gone through the Deploy-ment Buddies program at Ramstein Elementary School this year. We also have our monthly Meet and Greet and Lunch Bunch tak-ing place that all of our members are invited to attend! Check out the calendar for more details on each of the upcoming events.

Our May Wine Tasting Social will also be a Membership Drive, which I am very excited for! Don’t forget to bring your friends who may be interested in joining this fabulous organization! There will be some awesome prizes for members who bring guests as well as guests who sign up as members. And of course, there will be some delicious wine to taste! I look forward to meeting all of your guests who, hopefully, will become our newest RESA members!

We will also be saying good-bye to one of our wonderful advisors, Paula Redden as she will be leaving Ramstein in the coming month or two. I’d like to thank her for everything she has done for this organization and all the advice and support she has more than willingly passed our direction. She has been a huge asset to RESA and the Board, and we will miss her greatly!

As I sit here writing my last letter to you all as President, I can’t help but look back on the incredible adventure this experience has been! Over the past three years, I have seen RESA continue to give back and remain a vital piece of the KMC, making a difference in this community far beyond what I could ever imagine! Thank you so much for entrusting me to grow in this organization!

In serving as your President, I have been honored and humbled to be able to see firsthand just how much of a difference RESA makes in our local community. Every single person that I have ever met with in regards to RESA business has always had something positive to say about our incredible organization and all the wonderful things we do. This is a direct reflection of YOU, our members, and the relentless effort you all give to make RESA the best it can be and to always keep our community at the forefront of our efforts. I seriously cannot thank you enough for everything you have given to drive this organization forward. As with everything in life, there have been ups and downs, but regardless, RESA has always stood strong on our morals and mission, continuing to make a difference.

I hope you all have a wonderful month! I look forward to seeing you at some of our upcoming events!



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Volunteer Corner We here at RESA have always valued our volunteers. Aside from the weekly, monthly, and quarterly events noted in the calendar,

we would love to hear from our membership of any local organizations or events in which RESA can participate. Contact any

member of the board at the next social or send an email to for further discussion.

• Volunteers receive quarterly recognition in the form of

BX gift cards based on the amount of hours donated:

Up to 10 hrs = $5 Min 60 hrs = $50

Min 15 hrs = $10 Min 75 hrs = $62.50

Min 30 hrs = $25 Min 90 hrs = $75

Min 45 hrs = $37.50 *Max $150

• Childcare reimbursement is available to members while

attending volunteer functions. Reimbursements are based

off the current childcare rates at the Ramstein CDC.

• In lieu of being paid, another RESA member may elect to

earn volunteer hours watching the children of a RESA mem-

ber who is volunteering for an event that childcare would

otherwise be reimbursable at the rate of one hour per child,

per hour watched.

• Committee chairs (lemonade stand, gift wrapping, etc.)

receive gift cards in amounts specified in the By-Laws.

• Travel to and from volunteer events (up to 15 minutes

each way) counts toward your volunteer hours.

April Volunteer Recognition

Thank you Michelle for all the

hard work and dedication you

have given to RESA! We

appreciate all help



Michelle Chatman

USO: Toni Porter, Alana Lowry, Michelle Chatman, Nancie Alexis, Emma Horlick, Jenn Wood, Krista Wirley, Ashley Arleth, Ana

Collier, Emily Snyder, Sara Orr, Carrie Duarte, Brittany Phifer, Bethany Stephenson, Kaycee Livesay, Emilee Jenie Dowda, Kayla

Luna, Stephanie Croteau

Deployed Family Event: Amber Mignosa, Jenn Wood, Emily Snyder

Meet & Greet: Kaycee Livesay, Alana Lowry, Toni Porter, Michelle Chatman, Kelly Lumpkin, Kacey Assad

Airman Birthday Dinner: Emily Snyder, Krista Wirley, Alana Lowry, Kasey Assad, Ana Collier, Michelle Chatman, Kayla Luna, Sara

Orr, Kayla Calhoun, April Gerstner

Fisher House: Kaycee Livesay, Alana Lowry, Stephanie Croteau, Ana Collier, Toni Porter, Yolanda Easton, Nicole Little, Emily

Snyder, Nancie Alexis, Emma Horlick

USO Kindermarch : Ana Collier, Krista Wirley, Jenn Wood, Emily Snyder

Thrift Shop: Nancie Alexis, Ana Collier, Stephanie Croteau, Colleen Gaudette, April Gerstner, Emma Horlick, Nicole Little, Kaycee

Livesay, Alana Lowry, Kelly Lumpkin, Kayla Luna, Toni Porter, Emily Snyder, Krista Wirley

May Volunteer Opportunities

Cooking for Club 7—May 5th

Thrift Store Fashion Show—May 5th

Meet & Greet—May 11th

Deployment Buddies– May 24th

Be on the lookout for signups on the

RESA Facebook page.

5 Hoot N’ Holler


Congratulations to Krista Wirley who was voted as the new

RESA President. Krista has served on the executive board

this year as the parliamentarian and has now taken on the

responsibility and privilege to serve as RESA President for

the remainder of 2017

Another new addition to the RESA executive board is Nicole Little.

She currently holds the position of RESA Newsletter Editor but

will have the honor to now serve as both the Newsletter Editor

and the RESA Parliamentarian for the 2017 RESA Board.

and Welcoming to the General Board ...

Sara Orr

New Social Chair

Sara Orr is a 32 year old mother of two, Anabelle 8 and Ethan

7. She and her husband Justin have been married for 12

years. They have been stationed in Texas, Hawaii, Georgia,

California and now Germany. They have been in the KMC area

for 10 months. In her free time she loves to craft and is a jack

of all trades when it comes to crafting. Her favorite craft is

card making. She looks forward to enjoying many socials

with RESA.

Interested in joining the RESA general board as the Belles

Boutique Chair? Please email to

be considered for the position.

6 Hoot N’ Holler

Hours of Operation:

Monday: 0900-1400

Wednesday: 1400-1900

Friday: 0900-1400 3rd Saturday of the Month: 0900-1400

*Closed Federal Holidays*


Ramstein AFB, Building 2494

“Did You Know?”

For every hour you volunteer in the RESA Thrift Shop, you earn one Thrift Shop Buck that can be used toward your next RESA Thrift Shop purchase.

The RESA Thrift Shop is owned and operated by RESA.

Earnings from the Thrift Shop provide funding for all events and welfare


Volunteer Opportunities

RESA Thrift Shop

Anytime during business hours

Thrift Shop Night Crew: Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 1900-2200

The RESA Thrift Shop is always in need of volunteers.

Contact to find out how you can help.

Kristi Hollopeter,

Thrift Shop Manager



• Girl Scouts

• KMC 1st Four

• KHS Senior Parent Association

• 569 USFPS

• HAW Booster Club Papa AB, Hungary

• Vogelweh Pack 69

• Ramstein HS Robotics Team

• Airlifters Booster Club

Total Granted: $6,770.00

April Welfare Requests Granted

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$5 $7

$10 $10

Available for purchase at the socials or by

contacting the Ways & Means Chair, Amanda

Rummel, at



$10 $35

RESA’s hoodie $30

May Ways & Means Have an opportunity to win these items

at the next Social.

All proceeds benefit the Ramstein Enlisted Spouses’ Association.

$1 FOR ONE Ticket

$5 for SIX Tickets

Shopping Cart

Coin $2

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RESA Membership is open to members assigned to an installation located in the KMC who are:

• Spouse of active duty enlisted military member

• Active duty enlisted member serving in the U.S./NATO Forces

• Civilian employee GS-7 and below

• Spouses of retired enlisted U.S./NATO Forces and civilian personnel

• Adult relatives or legal dependents residing with active duty or retired enlisted U.S./NATO

Forces families

• Spouses of geographically separated active duty enlisted military member

RESA membership dues are $42 for 6 months or $84 for 12 months.

To request more information about RESA, please email our Membership Chair at If you’re ready to become a member today, download the

application at, fill it out, and return it at the next RESA event or

the RESA Thrift Shop.

RESA Membership

Know Someone Interested in RESA?

This is a great month to join!

Bring a friend interested in RESA to the May social and you

both will be entered for a chance to win a prize.

A brief RESA 101 session will also be held during this social to

give an overview of RESA to potential new members.

12 Hoot N’ Holler

Are you interested in RESA's new member charm bracelet? All RESA members will receive a

charm bracelet and can fill it with the charms (in the picture below) from certain volunteer

events. The bracelet and charms are given out at our monthly social. This is how you can earn


2017 RESA Charm Bracelet

Light & Dark cat's eye beads (1) for board mem-


Lucky clover (2) for club 7

Cupcake (3) for sweet treats/other baking events

Blue star money bag (4) for thrift shop

Family cylinder (5) for deployed family events

Wings heart (6) for viking challenge

House (7) for Fisher House

Red, white and blue ribbon (8) for USO

Chain lock (9) for meet and greets

Gift box w/blue crystals (10) for Quarterly

Airman Birthday Dinners

Russian doll (11) for Mom2Mom & Child Care

Owl and bracelet included with membership.

NOTE: You will only receive one charm for each event you complete as outlined above. For an additional

completion of that same volunteer activity you will receive the light or dark blue crystal spacer beads (12) .







6 7






13 Hoot N’ Holler

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6

Club 7 1745

Fashion Show


7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Thrift Shop OPEN


Lunch Bunch


Thrift Shop Night

Crew 1900-2200

Thrift Shop OPEN


Meet & Greet


Thrift Shop OPEN


Game Night 1800

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Thrift Shop OPEN


Thrift Shop OPEN


Social 1800 Thrift Shop OPEN


Thrift Shop OPEN


21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Family Photo


0900– 1300

Thrift Shop OPEN


Thrift Shop Night

Crew 1900-2200

Thrift Shop OPEN





Play Group


Thrift Shop OPEN


28 29 30 31

Thrift Shop


Thrift Shop OPEN


May 2017

Bianca Reagin 5

Cathy Sterna 5

Anne Whisenant 7

Michelle Arredondo 11

Carrie Duarte 14

Kacey Boyle 17

Darcy Lorow 20

Rachel Marion 26

Nancy Alexis 29

April Gestner 30

Ashley Cuevas 31

Happy Anniversary

Michelle & Donald Chatman –May 10th

Sani & Julio Cela-Garcia –May 10th

Tam & Kevin Frese –May 10th

Toneda & Gregory Randle –May 25th

Morgan & James Fraser May 26th

Delia & Paul Montalvo May 26th

Nicole & Steven Little May 29th

Melanie & Samuel Simmons May 29th

Happy Birthday

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Contact Information Ramstein Enlisted Spouses’ Association


Unit 3240 Box 535 RESA Box 63

APO, AE 09004


Social Chair:

Membership Chair:

Interested in advertising?

Please contact the Newsletter Editor at for more details on how to

advertise your business or other items in the RESA Hoot N’

Holler for a nominal fee.