Newsletter #January Issue 3

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  • 8/3/2019 Newsletter #January Issue 3


    A New YearA New LogoCampaign for an American DREAM(CAD) announced that EdgarSaavedra of San Francisco was thewinner of the art contest todetermine the organizations newlogo. His Undocumented andUnafraid artwork is now theofficial logo of the Campaign.

    Saavedra will receive $500 and a round-tripairline ticket to join the walk at itsconclusion in Washington, D.C. inearly November.

    Saavedra, 24, was raised in a firstgeneration immigrant family fromLeon, Guanajuato, Mexico. Hegrew up in the Pilsen neighborhoodof Chicago and received hisBachelors degree in Sociology andStudio Artfrom North EasternIllinois Universityin 2010. He is aprint-maker and graphic designerwhose work references workingclass and immigrant issues.

    continued on page 3

    MITT ROMNEYpublicly stated that he

    would veto the DREAM Act if it came to

    his desk, receiving heavy ire from

    immigrant rights groups.

    PRESIDENT OBAMA announced changes

    to immigration extradition based on a hardship

    waiver which would allow those petitioning for

    legal status to remain in the country without

    having to leave.

    CECILIA MUNOZWhite House promoted

    her this week from the Presidents point

    person on immigration to director of the

    Domestic Policy Council.



  • 8/3/2019 Newsletter #January Issue 3


    The CA DREAM Act Stands

    by Felipe Escobar

    CA DREAM Network

    On October 8th 2011, afteryearlong advocacy efforts bymany groups in CA, Governor

    Brown signed the second half ofthe CA Dream Act (AB 131) whichoffers financial aid forundocumented students who havegraduated and attended highschool in the state for at least 3years. The legislation immediatelybecame threatened whenAssemblyman Tim Donnelly (R-Hespedia) bowed to lead acampaign to overturn thelegislation by collecting 504,760

    signatures to qualify the measurefor this years November ballot.

    Im pleased to report thatAssemblymans Donnellys effort toqualify the referendum for theballot failed to gather the requirednumber of signatures by collecting447,514 during the 90 day periodwhich was given to collect registervoters signatures. In a statementDonnelly said This is disappointing

    news, but it is no less of a warningto Gov. (Jerry) Brown and everyDemocrat legislator who voted tocreate a new entitlement program

    for illegals while the state still has abudget deficit of over $9 billion,and cannot even meet its obligationto legal California students.Donnelly also mentioned that hewill decide within two weeks if hewill lead another campaign againstthe CA Dream Act. During hiscampaign Assemblyman Donnelly

    was aided by the conservativeradio show John and Ken ingetting the word out andencouraging listeners to attend the

    signature gathering event.Donnellys campaign, however, wasnot a total disappointment. TheAssemblyman now has a contactlist-serve of 400,000+ who he canencourage to take action in futureanti-immigrant efforts. Theimmigrant community here in CA isaware of these facts and is

    prepared to organize to uphold theCA Dream Act with the sameintensity that was used during thecampaign to pass the legislation.


    I think Romney. I think the GOP

    establishment recognizes that he has

    the best chance of winning the general


    Sarang Sekhavat, MIRA Coalition

    Hope = Rick Perry. Romney = a

    fraction less bad than ... Santorum =

    worst choice. But Romneys neck is

    sticking out.

    Laura Lopez, Napa Valley DREAM Act Coalition


    With the help of our fiscalpartner, Harvest of Hope basedout of Gainesville, Florida, all ofyour donations are tax-deductible.Please visit us at:


    Join us in contributing to the

    safety and continuance of

    this odyssey across the

    nation for the #DREAM Act

    Jani Kim, Finance Chair
  • 8/3/2019 Newsletter #January Issue 3


    Drop the I word

    by Tonatiuh Torres-Garcia

    Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

    The DREAM Act has notonly faced obstacles in thepolitical arena, but it has

    also been subject tounprofessional coverage by

    a large portion of themedia.

    The latter promotes stereotypes anda misunderstanding about the issuesconcerning immigration andundocumented students. Consideredby many people as the 4th branchof government, history has taughtus the powerful influence that themedia has on the audience.

    Although in much subtlerways, the DREAM Act movement isfacing now what African Americansfaced during the Civil Rights era. Inthe 1950s and 1960s

    desegregation consumed a majorityof the news coverage. Newsorganizations focused on coveringstories of protests turned into riots,crimes committed by African-Americans, and the socialdysfunctions caused by integratingblack students into predominantlywhite schools (i.e. The Little RockNine and the riots that ensued.)

    As an undocumentedstudent studying Journalism, I am

    conscious of the misconceptions thatthe news media creates about theDREAM Act. Coverage of DREAMAct rallies and upcoming votes isoften juxtaposed with stories aboutthe current budget cuts to ournations schools. The implications ofthis action leads the citizenwatching the news to believe that ifthe DREAM Act were passed, it

    would create a further disruption ofthe economic system especially inregards to Financial Aid and itslawful recipients. Coincidentally,stories about illegal immigration areoften followed by stories about cutsto government programs, economicrecession, and violence in bordertowns. Not only does thecorrelation of undocumentedimmigrants with violence andeconomic burdens createstereotypes, it is also misleading.Surely the contributions of cheap

    labor and over $50 billion in SocialSecurity fail to make it to theheadlines.

    Many supporters forimmigrant rights have joined forcesto drop the word illegal when itcomes to talking aboutundocumented immigrants. Theword illegal not onlydehumanizes immigrants, it createsa feeling of fear that surrounds theissue. The I-word is deceptive as

    not all undocumented immigrantsare unlawfully here in the United

    States. When the media usesthe word, it stereotypes allundocumented immigrantsand influences the audienceinto having amisconception about agroup that has now

    amounted to 12 millionpeople. In the past, minorities havebeen typecast as problem peopleduring economic, social, andenvironmental stress. Japanesepeople were marginalized after thePearl Harbor attacks as they wereplaced in internment camps as wereMuslims following the September 11

    attacks. News organizations haveto deliver news in an unbiased waythat lets the audience make up theirown minds about the issues theycover. In order to avoid themistakes of the past, we must lookto a future where the news mediastrives to provide comprehensiveand informative news about theimmigration issues.

    -The Year of Artivism,

    continued from page 1.

    From a community ofundocumented people, Saavedrahas witnessed firsthand the plight ofbeing an immigrant in the UnitedStates and the incredibleachievements of immigrant people,no matter the circumstances.Because of his personal and hiscommunity's experiences ofinjustice, he actively seeks tocommit his personal life tochallenge multiple forms of

    oppression, including xenophobia.Winning the Campaign for anAmerican Dream logo contest is anhonor and will motivate me tocontinue creating artwork that ispart of a movement-buildingprocess, he said.

    CAD received more than 100submissions to its logo contest andchose the top-10 finalists to bevoted upon by the public from

    December 27, 2011-January 1,2012. More than 540 individualscast votes in that time period withthe winning logo receiving morethan 40 percent of the total vote.

    Reporting by Tim Farrell, Chair ofMedia/Communications for theCampaign for an American DREAM

    Many supporters for immigrant rights have joined forces to drop the wordillegal when it comes to talking about undocumented immigrants.

  • 8/3/2019 Newsletter #January Issue 3


    Raymi GutierrezFrom Salt Lake City, Utah

    Raymi is an ally that has been working over-time with

    the Salt Lake Dream Team and as a C.A.D. Walker

    Get involved with

    Campaign for an

    American DREAM!

    Meet the Committees

    1. Logistics CommitteeVickie Mena, who worked with the Trail ofDREAMs, is the Chair of the LogisticsCommittee managing some of the mostimportant components of the campaign.

    2. Legal CommitteeSarang Sekhavat, CADs outstanding LegalChair, works as the Federal Policy Directorat the MIRA Coalition and brings hisexpertise to CAD.

    3. Finance CommitteeServing as chair of Finance Jani Kimmaintains the fiscal solubility of CAD byraising and managing funds.

    4. Media/Communications CommitteeCAD is truly privileged to have TimothyFarrell as the Chair of Media as he bringstremendous knowledge and experience inthis much needed field of efficientorganizing.

    5. Outreach CommitteeDr. Eric Castillo of the University ofFlorida has become an integralcomponent of CAD by chairing ouroutreach effort to communities acrossthe U.S.

    6. Chair EmeritusJesus Guzman heads up messaging andwalker internal coordination to effectoptimum cohesiveness both in publicand internal relations, including asEditor of the DREAM Newsletter.

    Remember to visit us at:

    Social Media


    Meet the C.A.D. Walkers

    1. Raymi Gutierrez2 Nico Gonzalez3 Jonatan Martinez4 Lucas Da Silva




    Five students will come together March10, 2012 to walk across the nation fromthe Golden Gate Bridge to WashingtonD.C. with the aspirations of creatingproductive dialogue around the plight ofundocumented youth in small towns andbig cities along this journey. Gathering

    in community meetings where people cancome together, discuss, and organize tohave DREAMers included into Americasfuture by passing the DREAM Act hasbecome our call to action. Can you helpsupport the 3,000 mile trek from thePacific to the Atlantic? Will you be therewith us? Will you be at the communitygatherings? Let's walk and talk.


    Sign on today as an individual or

    organizational supporter of the

    Campaign for an American DREAM to

    stay up to lend your help to this 21st

    Century human rights cause.