NEWSLETTER - Mentone Primary School, Mentone …€¦ ·  · 2014-05-15Term 4: 6 Oct – 19 Dec...

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NEWSLETTER ‘Learning today for tomorrow’

May 15th 2014 NEWSLETTER NO: 13

6 Childers St Mentone Tel: 9583 2995 Fax: 9585 0414 Email: Get the full colour version from our Website:


Marcelle van Maanen Assistant Principal: John Bernau School Council President: Tiger Pillay Parent Club President: Karyn Clancy

Our Values Honesty Respect Teamwork Caring Friendliness

2014 Term Dates

Term 1: 30 Jan – 4 Apr Term 2: 22 Apr – 27 Jun Term 3: 14 Jul -19 Sep Term 4: 6 Oct – 19 Dec

Principal’s Update

Mother’s Day

I have had excellent feedback from parents regarding the events of last Friday. Our enormous thanks to Karyn Clancy and the whole team of Mother’s day helpers from our parent club who started working early on that cold Friday morning last week to provide a full day of events. Lovely early morning coffee and sweet treats for mums, followed by an excellent Mother’s Day stall for our students to purchase a gift for their Mum, topped off with a spectacular beauty and entertainment expo, the Pamper evening. Well done to all involved, Karyn has more details for you in her newsletter piece in this issue.

Sustainability Congratulations to Sustainability Leader, Lauren Terry, Gr 6. A true student leader - within and outside of our school community.

Just over a week ago Lauren represented the school as part of her ambassador role for "I sea I care" program. She attended the "Walk for Westernport" in Hastings, which is supporting & raising funds for research into dolphins and

local Marine Life. It’s great to see Lauren enjoying her role and setting such a terrific example even in her own time on the weekends, Well-done Lauren and thank you to her parents for supporting her at this event.

Student Voice & Leadership. As I have mentioned previously, we have a dedicated group of students in our Student Leadership team who meet regularly with our Leadership Coordinator, Mr Bergen and I. The aim of these meetings is to develop the leader’s skills, receive their feedback and the feedback from their peers and to investigate and implement student led initiatives. I promised you that I would have the student leaders tell you about themselves and today we begin with our 2 School Captains, Jakob Gale and Eva de Bruijn. Hi my name is Jakob and I am one of your 2014 School Captains. I wanted to be a leader of the school so that I can encourage and teach other children to reach their full potential whilst knowing I am doing the right thing myself. I would like to represent my fellow students at Mentone Primary School by supporting them to plan events and let all children enjoy school as much as possible. I would also like to be able to host some events such as assembly with others from the leadership team which we are planning to do with our principal, Ms van Maanen in the near future.

Hello my name is Eva, I am one of your 2014 Mentone Primary School Captains. Being a school leader is a role that I have been willing to take since I started here at Mentone Primary. The idea of leading and encouraging other peers is amazing and I personally feel that everyone should have a voice in this school community, I will be there to be represent their opinion. A school leader should be a caring, but fair role model, they should be reliable and co-operative and this is my aim for 2014, to set an example, and lead other children into success. I am also hoping to inspire other children to become leaders themselves as it is a wonderful experience that every child should participate in. This year the leadership group will organise many events, much of them run by us as student leaders. With Ms van Maanen, we plan to have student leaders run assemblies and other events, we also need to hear you opinions and ideas to help achieve the best outcomes possible for our school.

That's what I plan to be and do this year. Thank you. Eva de Bruijn Student Safety We did have a near miss last Friday with a child involved in a crossing incident with a bus. This occurred at a very busy intersection and thankfully the student is well, there were no severe injuries and he is back with us at school. However, this close call was traumatic for the student, the family and indeed the bus driver so it’s a timely warning to have a chat with our children once again about road safety. We must all remain vigilant in and around the busy roads that surround our school. Students who cycle or scooter to school MUST wear helmets. Students who walk or get dropped at school must be careful of

cars parking for pickup, or moving in and out of streets and over crossings. We are fortunate to have crossing supervisors at many critical road points before and after school. However, they expect that students are also taught how to handle road safety and can obey road rules. Have a great week and I’ll look forward to seeing you at Open Night next week (details of which follow in this newsletter,) or before at our Working Bee this Sunday- “Many hands make light work!” Marcelle van Maanen

Contents Principal’s Update ................................. 1

Math Mind Benders ............................... 4

Parent Club ............................................ 4

From the Hub ......................................... 6

Working Bee .......................................... 6

What Happens at Open Night? ............. 7

What will be happening in each of the classrooms? .......................................... 7

Choir ....................................................... 7

Dates for Your Diary

Whole School Assembly in the

Multi-Purpose Room every Friday at 2.50pm.

Families welcome.

Date Event Information

Sunday 18th May Working Bee 10am till 12 midday – lunch provided

Monday 19th May District Cross Country Qualifying children in Grades 3-6

Wednesday 21st May Group Tours OPEN NIGHT Worm Incursion

10am and 2:30pm tours available for prospective parents 6:30pm – 7:30pm Free incursion provided by the Kingston Waste Centre - Grade 3 & 4

Friday 23rd May Special Lunch Day Pies & Sausage Rolls – order on QkR by Friday 16 May

Friday 30th May Prep Assembly Parent Club Meeting

9:10am in the MPR 9:15am in the conference room

Friday 6th June Curriculum Day No school for students – contact City of Kingston if care is required for your children

Monday 9th June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Tuesday 10th June Grade 5/6 Coonawarra Camp

Tuesday 10th – Friday 13th June

Wednesday 11th June School Council 7:30pm in the staffroom

Friday 13th June Prep,1 & 2 Movie Night TBA

Tuesday 17th June Indonesian Day TBA

Friday 20th June Book Fair Friday 20th – Wednesday 25th June

Friday 27th June Prep Assembly Special Lunch Day Last Day of Term Two

9:10am in the MPR TBA School finishes at 2:30pm

Next Working Bee Sunday May 18th 10am – 12pm.

Looking forward to seeing as many helpers as possible.

Lunch will be provided and there will be a lucky prize for one

family from those who attend.

Math Mind Benders

See if you can work out the answer to the Math Mind Bender question.

Fantastic Folding

Answer both questions:

If you could fold a piece of paper in half six times, how many sections would there be?

How about eight times?

Place this sheet with your answer in the Math Mind Bender box outside the Office by

Thursday of next week. The winner will be drawn at Friday assembly next week.

Answer: 1. ____________ Answer: 2. ____________

Name: _______________________________

Grade: ______________________

Parent Club Thank You

I would like to thank everyone involved in our Mother’s Day Events in particular Nikki Ford who co-ordinated our Pamper Night, Georgi Hallam who organised the Mother’s Day Stall and our Parent Club volunteers Liz Fairley, Despina Lambrou, Cheree Jowzy, Deb Granell, Tracey Rigg, Jo Sinclair and Lucy Lettini. I would also like to thank Robyn, Belinda, Catherine and Di in the school office for their help and support. Thanks to all the local businesses that donated gifts and pampered our Mums Café 3four , Mentone -

Anna Teseriero – Vocalist

The Corner Store - thecornerstore3195,com Vixon Salon - 95834621 Kevin Mooney at Alias Wines Lizzy Ann Designs - Lorraine from Postie Fashions – 0425


Arbonne -

Regnier Cakes Andrea Lowery Tarot – Infinity Centre - Bayside Massage – KITSU-MI Massage Back in Motion - M Health - Ahla Natural - Ficelle Restaurant BeBe Nails – 03 85552010 Bella B Photography -

Rokk Ebony, Mentone

Station Stop Café, Parkdale Dan Murphy’s, Parkdale Plaza Bayside Sweets Lunar Drive In, Dandenong Genesis Fitness, Mentone -

Victoria’s Accessories Southern Cosmetics –

Est Café -

Karyn Clancy Parent Club President

From the Hub:

It’s been fantastic to see so many students and families in the Hub this week. Below is a

timetable of Opening Hours:

Monday: Lunchtime and 3.45-4.15 for family borrowing.

Tuesday: Lunchtime.

Wednesday: Games Club with Miss Wallace

Thursday: Lunchtime.

Friday: 8.30-9.00 for families and Lunchtime.

Story time continues on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 2.00.

Lego is on the table on Fridays.

A new gathering of “Trainiacs” began last Tuesday driven by Chris Hirst in Grade 4. If your

child loves trains encourage them to come along.

In response to requests from some of our more ”mature” readers a new Young Adult Fiction

section is being created. It will include series such as The Heroes of Olympus and the

Cherub series and authors including John Green and Eoin Colfer. As the concepts, language

and storylines of some of these novels are quite “grown-up,” I will be restricting the

borrowing from this section to those who are deemed ready to read them, and, will be

requesting a signed permission slip from their parents before students can borrow. (Feel

free to come in and check out the collection if your child gets a form and you have any


I hope to see lots of you in The Hub sometime soon!

Cath Beaumont

P.S. It’s been lovely to have some of our parents helping in the Library lately.

Working Bee Sunday 18 May 10am-12pm Lunch provided for all helpers All helpers in the draw for a prize! Working bees are a great way to build our community and clean up the school at the same time. Last term the families who attended worked hard to clear drains, sweep the grounds and fix up loose screws and bolts. The next working bee has several gardening jobs and small maintenance tasks on the list, as well as repainting the yellow poles. Come along, even just for half an hour to paint a pole or sweep a corner of the courtyard. Lunch will be provided afterwards, and all families who come along go into the draw to win a ticket to our School Ball. We hope to see you there! The Building & Facilities Team

What Happens at Open Night?

But what is Open Night? On Wednesday the 21st May it’s Open Night. The school will be open from 6.30-7.30 for students to bring their families and friends and show them what we do in all our learning areas. At 6.30 there will be a brief assembly. Following that, families can wander around the school wherever they like to see what goes on in other areas of the School. At 7.00 when the bell rings it will be time for Night school-everyone will go with their own class to show their visitors how they work. At 7.30 the bell will ring again and it will be time to go home. We look forward to seeing lots of you at Night School.

What will be happening in each of the classrooms?


Prep H Prep H Science

Prep I Prep I Science

Prep K Prep K Science

Prep L Prep L Science

1/2 D 1/2 D Science/ Literacy

1/2 E Art Room Art

1/2 J Multi-Purpose Room P.E.

1/2 P Library/Tech Room Tech display/Circle activity

1/2 Q 1/2P/Q Buddy Activity with 3B

3/4 A 3/4 A CAFÉ Activity

3B 1/2P/Q Buddy Activity with 1/2Q

3C 3C Maths/ Procedural Text

4F Music Room Music


5/6 R 5/6 R Science

5/6 S 5/6 S Science

5/6 T 5/6 T Science

5/6 U 5/6 U Science

We hope to see you ALL there!

Choir The school choir will be singing a Bruno Mars song at tomorrow’s assembly (Friday 16th May). They will be accompanied by a band of three teachers, and Harry Jowzy from grade 6, who will be featuring on drums.

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