Newsletter No 10, Friday, 31st July 2020 · Donna Beaney Principal Jasmine Marrett Assistant...

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North Avenue, Northfield S.A. 5085 Ph: 8262 2607 Fax: 8349 7830


Donna Beaney Principal Jasmine Marrett Assistant Principal

Rob Varley Wellbeing Leader Mel Manoel Coordinator

Newsletter No 10, Friday, 31st July 2020


Welcome to term 3 We had a lot of building work over the holidays. Thank you to students who attended OSHC and families who used our grounds during the holidays, for looking after our school. We are excited about the work that was completed during the holidays:

Two new classrooms: Media Room and Mr Thomas’s Class

Refurbished toilets

New capping and tiling of our swimming pool

New alarm system

Our Front Office and Intervention Spaces are still being refurbished. The estimated completion date is Friday 7th August. Cindy will have a new area to work at and welcome our community into our school. We will have a new space for staff preparation and new intervention rooms. These intervention spaces will be used for mini lit, speech and language, in school psychology and meeting rooms. Caren and Cindy have been working from our staff café during this refurbishment and I would like to thank them for putting up with a challenging working space. Families and students have been very understanding when visiting our temporary front office. COVID information Areas that are frequently touched by students and staff will continue to be cleaned daily. Student’s hygiene routines and social distancing for families and other adults who do not work at our site remain priorities. At this stage, to ensure the safety of our students and staff we are not allowing parents to enter classrooms. Getting to School on time Some classes are talking about the importance of routines and being at school on time. When students are consistently late for school, they miss out on morning routines, which is valuable when setting up for a successful day. Teachers start the day with explicit routines and learning instruction in literacy or numeracy. When students arrive late, the teacher then repeats the instruction. When there are several students arriving late to school, teachers repeat these instructions several times. Students have discussed how this can disrupt learning. Some classes have brainstormed possible reasons for being late and how we can be organised and manage our time to avoid lateness. Students identified how being late to class after recess and lunch can also cause disruption to learning. This is a great opportunity to talk to your children about the importance of other daily routines such as bed time, getting ready for school or sporting activities.

Donna Beaney

IMPORTANT DIARY DATES Monday, 3rd August Pupil Free Day Tuesday, 4th August SAPSASA Knockout Soccer Boys Northfield Wednesday, 5th August SAPSASA Knockout Netball Boys Woodville Gardens Friday, 7th August Excursion Rooms 17, 21, 22 & 23 Monday, 10th to Friday, 21st August Science expo - Only students to attend Wednesday, 26th August School Photos Friday, 28th August Photo catch-up day Wednesday, 3rd September Great Book Swap Friday, 26th September End of Term 3

NOTE Assemblies cancelled due to covid19


Dear Families,

During Week 4 and 5 of Term 3, we are conducting a modified Science Expo. This will give our Year 6/7 students from Room 9, 11, 18 and 20 the opportunity to showcase their learning in Science to the rest of our school. Our senior students will be using their science lessons to develop a scientific question they would like to investigate, present research and conduct an activity / experiment for our younger students during their science lessons. Due to the current restrictions, we are unable to invite families to come and watch, however we will upload lots of photos and videos to Seesaw.

Reception- Year 7 Science Project Competition

This year all students at Northfield are invited to enter a science project into the Northfield Science Competition. An example could be a scientific model, diorama, information poster, experiment (completed at home with photos for evidence) or an investigation to be put on display in the Science room in Week 5. They can even enter a project based on something they have already learnt about in their science lessons. All entries will receive a Participation Award and will be judged in categories based on year levels. Projects will need to be attention grabbing, interesting, show clear information and show an understanding of the concept investigated.

We have attached a table of some ideas which they can investigate, or they could come up with one of their own. These projects will need to be completed in their own time at home with the Science Room being opened on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunchtime in Week 1, 2 and 3 (Term 3) for students to access if they wish to work on them with the guidance of the science teachers.

These projects will need to be student’s own work. We encourage families to support their child in their thinking and helping to provide materials, take photos but the idea and overall presentation must be by the student. Students will be able to see the Science competition entries during Week 5 during their science lesson.

All projects will need to be handed in to the Science Room by Friday, 7th August (Week 3). If you have any questions please do not hesitate to see Keira, Tara or Mrs Krstic for more information. We look forward to seeing your children display their amazing scientific knowledge!

Kind Regards,

Keira Thewlis, Tara Cousins & Sarah Krstic

Science Teachers

Examples for Ideas for Projects

Science is based on asking questions and investigating to find the answer. Listed below are some ideas which you could use for your science entry or you may

Reception, Year 1 & 2 Years 3, 4 & 5 Years 6 & 7

What are things around my house made of? What are solids, liquids and gases and how are they used?

Which materials are natural and which are processed (ma made)? What do we use certain materials for? You could focus on one…i.e. wood, cotton, plastic

How can I use my senses? Can you test liquid viscosity (how quickly a liquid flows down a ramp?)

Does water disappear when it’s evaporated?

What can I find in my house that is made of glass? Why is it made of glass?

Can you describe the water cycle? What are differences between a chemical and physical change?

What things in my house can bend? Why do they need to bend?

Are all animals four-footed and furry? Explain you answer.

What is filter and how are different types of filters used?(not Instagram filters :P)

What things can stretch? Which materials stretch? What can you find around the house that stretches?

What is a life cycle? Can you explain some animal cycles? Does a plant have a life cycle?

Where does salt go when you mix it with water? Can it be reversed?

What happens when we mix things together? (i.e. salt, oil, water, dish soap, sugar).

What is camouflage? Which animals use camouflage? How does it help them survive?

What impact have bushfires had on the environment?

What animals need to stay alive? What do your pets need? How do you look after your pets?

Pick an animal or plant and tell me about their adaptations. (Adaptions are features or behaviours that help animals survive).

What are food webs and food chains? Can you give some examples?

What animals live around your home? Can you find some insects? Birds? What do you notice about their homes?

Can you design and create a new ani-mal with adaptions to help it survive in its environment?

Can you research a natural disaster? Could you design a model of something to help people in a natural disaster (a house on stilts to prevent damage during flooding).

How do we know if something is alive? Can you make a list of things that are living and things that are non-living around your house?

Does the sun move across the sky or are we moving? How can you explain this?

Why do we have seasons?

How do living things grow and change? Has your pet grown and changed during its life?

What is erosion? What is weathering? How do landscapes change? Can you show an example using your sandpit and water?

How do we use electricity? Does electricity only pass through wires? Which materials can conduct electricity?

How does the weather change? What do we need to wear if it’s hot? What about if it’s cold?

How long would it take to reach other planets?

What is gravity? If something is not mov-ing, the forces on it are balanced. If it is moving, the forces are unbalanced. Ex-plain.

How does the sky change? Does the moon change? What do you notice? Do the clouds change?

Could we live on mares in the future? Why? Why not?

What are the moon phases and how do they impact our tides?

How do you use water around your house? What are some ways we can save water?

Create your own space shuttle. What features would it have? How would it land?

What is a complete and incomplete circuit?

Why do things roll? What things around your house can you find that roll? Do some things roll down a slope faster than others?

A thermos keeps soup warm. How does a thermos work? Put a metal spoon, plastic spoon and a wooden spoon in warm water and touch the ends of the spoons. What do you no-tice?

Kids Safety

During the school holidays Port Adelaide Enfield Council commenced road works around the school to include speed humps.

It is important Kids Stay Safe at all times in particular when crossing the road when being dropped off and picked up at school. Please remember school zones have a speed limit of 25 km/h at any time a child is in the zone, whether a child is on the road, footpath, median strip or even if they are on a bike.

I would like to ask families to be mindful of their children and other children at the beginning and end of the school day. Sometimes children need assistance when crossing the road and should never be left alone to cope with

traffic situations. It is important to hold your child’s hand when crossing the road. Please explain the road rules to your child and set a good example of road safety.

Tips to keep kids safe

Hold hands when crossing the road

Set a good example for children around traffic and road safety

Talk with children about traffic and road safety

Stop At the Kerb

Look Both ways for traffic

Listen For traffic

Think About whether it is safe to cross the road

It is always important when driving your car to keep an eye out for children and to keep within the speed limit particularly around the school grounds.

SAPOL do periodic checks — parking on the yellow lines around the school will incur a fine.

Boys and Girls toilets renovations During the school holidays the boys and girls toilets were renovated. The students commented they like the new look of the toilets.