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Post on 26-Nov-2021

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Segers Ave Padstow NSW 2211

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Term 2 has been a very busy term for the staff and students. We have been steadily focusing on conduc�ng assessments in all Key Learning Areas, developing processes of consistently evalua�ng each student’s progress against the syllabus outcomes, as well as targeted benchmarks and expecta�ons of student effort and applica�on towards their learning tasks.

Parent and teacher interviews will be held on Wednesday 4th July and in this week’s newsleter feature I have offered some insight into how you can gain the most from this opportunity to discuss your child’s report with the class teacher. See page 4 of the Newsleter for booking informa�on.

Support staff who work with individual students will also be available to have discussions with parents and I would encourage you to take advantage of these opportuni�es as well, so that you understand the structures of learning assistance that the school is delivering to support your child. A manual interview booking sheet will be provided by Support Staff to the students that they work with, as they cannot access the Parent Portal interview booking process.

I congratulate the students on their efforts to date this semester and thank the staff for the professional manner in which they have conducted assessments, collated informa�on and supported one another to develop quality assessment and repor�ng prac�ces at our school.

Dates for your Diary

Week 6 Friday 8th June SRC Assembly Season 2 PSSA Commences Week 7 Monday 11th June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Wednesday 13th June ICAS Spelling Test 8.30am in library Thursday 14th June ICAS Writing Test 8.30am in library Friday 15th June K-2 “Gary” Incursion in the school hall Sunday 17th June FOIM performance at Opera House Week 8 Friday 22nd June 3 Diamond Assembly (5/6B assembly has swapped with 3D) Week 9 Wednesday 27th June Choir students at Choral Festival rehearsal Thursday 28th June Student Reports sent home Week 10 Wednesday 4th July Parent teacher interviews 3pm-8.30pm Friday 6th July 5/6 Grevillea Assembly Last day of school for Term 2 2018

Term 3 Week 1 Monday 23rd July Staff Development Day Tuesday 24th July Students return to school for Term 3 Week 2 Friday 10th August 5/6 Banksia Assembly

Term 2 Issue 5 - Week 6 Friday, 8th June 2018

Principal’s Report

SAVE THE DATE - The School’s 90th birthday celebra�ons Saturday 8th September 2018.

More details to come.

We are aiming to ensure that

• we meet our professional obligations to compile student reports that contain personalised information about individual student learning progress and achievement, and preview plans for meeting future learning goals. (School Excellence Framework)

• We work with our colleagues to construct accurate, informative and timely reports to students and parents/carers about student learning and achievement. (Australian Professional Standards For Teachers)

Mrs S. Simpson Principal

Feature this edi�on

Ge�ng the Most out of Your Child’s Semester One Achievement Report and the Parent/Teacher Interview Opportunity

Our parent/teacher interview sessions are only 10 minutes in dura�on so that as many parents as possible can meet with the class teacher/s. The students will be bringing their reports home on Thursday 28th June which gives parents 6 days to read the report and discuss it with their child.

• I would encourage you to discuss the report with your child and ask them where they feel they are experiencing success within their learning – start with identifying their strengths. It is critical in ensuring that your child understands that you believe in them as an active learner.

• Ask them how they know they are developing skills in that area or how they know that their learning is improving in that area. This approach will reinforce the strategies that we are implementing in the classrooms, which demonstrate to students how they can be visible learners who take an active role in understanding the steps/progress points within the learning tasks they are attempting to master.

• Praise your child for the effort they have applied and/or the progress they have made. • Ask your child - Which learning area do they feel they need to improve in most? Discuss with your

child how they feel they could set a goal for increasing their learning in that identified learning area. It is important that you know and understand as a parent how your child feels about their learning and their perceptions of how they can work on skills, knowledge or understandings that they have yet to master. After all – we want them to be the owners of their own learning, understand how to learn and apply effective habits of thinking and doing. (Reflect on the information in the previous newsletter relating to Visible Learning)

• Praise your child for setting a goal that is related to improving and be encouraging. Children believe in themselves if they know someone else believes in them as well.

• Arrive at the interview having read the report and having had these discussions with your child. • Talk to the teacher about what your child feels are their areas of improvement and ask the teacher

what areas they feel the child needs to focus on. Discussing your child’s strengths is non- productive in terms of the time available. However, gaining insight from the teacher regarding the next steps in your child’s learning progress allows a deeper and more resourceful, holistic approach between the parent, the school and the student working together to create a strong partnership focused on learning.

• If there are other issues you wish to discuss with the teacher please make an appointment for another time and your child’s teacher will be happy to accommodate your request.

Winter Uniform

Just a reminder that students should be wearing winter uniform this term and throughout Term 3. If girls are wearing �ghts, they need to wear navy coloured �ghts with the winter tunic. Our tracksuit is also acceptable a�re and can be worn to sport throughout the winter season.

Thank You So Much Book Covering Volunteers

I cannot express the depth of my sincere gra�tude to the team of caring, parent volunteers who gave their �me so generously on Friday 24th May in our library to cover so many of our new school Home Reading books and Guided Reading books. Your efforts were outstanding and the challenge was taken up with such support that as a result of your efforts, we are very much on track to being ready to launch the use of these resources in the next couple of weeks.

The parents listed below all stayed and assisted, and others, including those who atended in the library, who have willingly taken home dozens of the unfinished ones to cover at home, ensuring that my goal to see our students u�lising quality, levelled texts will be a reality very soon.

Thank you so, so much, your community minded support is greatly valued and appreciated. The combined efforts of all parents who have assisted in this process has resulted in over 1700 books being covered in less than 2 weeks.

Tina Barbagallo Kavita Chand Reena Ching Clare Hockings

Ian Hockings Kyley Hunter Adrienne Jenkins Sonia Katrib

Melody Lawson Lai Sian Ng Thi Huyen Nguyen Kellie Phillips

Nada Rogers Annie Shea Moona Taouk Jennifer Tran

Rudi Yunin

Thanks to the Athletes Foot at Bankstown

We also would like to gratefully thank Mr Paul Sawaqued from The Athletes Foot who atended our school last week to provide us with Gi� Vouchers to the value of $300. This accrued dona�on from their School Rewards Program, has been made possible through our community shopping at the store in Bankstown and purchasing their back to school footwear as well as other family footwear needs. We encourage you to support this business, which is in turn suppor�ng our school, our students and its local community. In Term 3 he will be coming back to run some shoelace tying lessons for our Kindergarten students so that they develop these skills early in their school career. Thank you Paul and the team at The Athletes Foot, Bankstown. Pop in and see them for all your footwear needs and tell them your school is Padstow Park Public School and your expenditure will contribute to our rewards. You can phone them on 9708 5929 to enquire about their shoes and footwear services.

Parent Teacher interviews will be held on Wednesday, 4 July 2018. All interviews will be conducted in G Block. Parent Teacher interviews for students in Years 3-6 will be held in the hall and Parent Teacher interviews for students in K-2 will be held in the downstairs classrooms of G Block (please see signage on the evening). Years 3-6 interviews will commence at 3pm and K-2 interviews will commence at 3.30pm.

Once again this year we will be using the PARENT PORTAL on SENTRAL to book interview �meslots with your child's classroom teacher. Teachers have marked their availability for the evening. If you require an interview outside the �me allocated please see your child's teacher to organise a mutually suitable �me. You will be able to register for an interview from Tuesday, 5th June through to Monday, 2nd July.

Each interview will be scheduled for 10 minutes. Parents are requested to adhere to this �me in the interest of fairness to all. If necessary, longer interview �mes may be booked with the teacher at a later �me that suits both teacher and parent.


Please contact the office if you are having trouble logging in to the portal.

****Put in an ar�cle about Zayne being the highest fundraiser****

The ceremony started at the break of dawn, very early for most children. Dozens of people gathered along the road facing the cenotaph at Padstow sta�on. Many children came to represent their school and lay poppies down at the wall which displays the many wars that have been fought over �me. We faced the Australian flag in silence as the trumpet played thinking about the sacrifices that had been made. We watched as they marched in commemora�on of the Anzac’s and what they did for our country and all of us.

By Ruby Lindsay and Alyssa Momircevski (5/6 Grevillea)

Thank you to our SRC and their parents who represented our school so beau�fully on Anzac Day. It was very early and cold. The respect that they showed for such an occasion was truly an indica�on of what amazing ci�zens they are and how well our school is portrayed in the community.

Mrs N Hopper

Posi�ve Recogni�on for our Anzac Day Service

The Principal Padstow Park Public School Segers Avenue Padstow NSW 2211 Dear Mrs Simpson On behalf of the President and members of the Padstow RSL Sub Branch, I extend our thanks to you and the School for attending our ANZAC activities, it was appreciated. We also thank you for inviting us to your School’s ANZAC Service. This Service was a credit to you and your teachers and students. Everyone did an excellent job. We look forward to meeting you on Remembrance Day 11th November 2018.

Anzac Day

We came to school at 6:00am cold and excited on Monday 21st May. We got on the bus and then le� the school at 6:30am.The bus drove for around 2 hours then we stopped at the Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains to take a break, then took off again to con�nue our journey. Our next stop was the Sheep and Catle Drome. Everyone got to pat the sheep and see a parade of cows. We arrived in Bathurst and stopped at a park to have lunch then we split up into our classes to do a scavenger hunt or go to the old post office, then we swapped over. Our next des�na�on was going to a museum full of minerals and fossils. The main atrac�on was the full sized T-rex fossil. A�er we visited the museum, we went to our cabin/motel at Mt Panorama to put our bags away then go have dinner. A�er dinner, we stopped at a camp fire to sing songs, dance and listen to storytelling. We were all exhausted from the long day we had gone through so we all went to our cabins and fell asleep. We woke up at 7:00am, had breakfast and got ready for our second day in Bathurst. We split up again into our classes and either did outdoor ac�vi�es or went into the mini museum. A�er we had switched over and did the ac�vi�es, we started to go panning. Many people had found gold. We had our lunch and went off to head back to school while having a break in between. Many of us had a great �me and would love to do it again. By Ruby Lindsay and Luke Thompson (5/6 Grevillea)

Stage 3 Bathurst Camp 21st-22nd May 2018

3/6 Acacia’s Harvested Lettuce

Please Note: Book club closes on Wednesday 20th June

3/6 Acacia have been industriously plan�ng, growing and harves�ng some letuces from their vegetable gardens. The students were responsible for looking a�er the plants and have now enjoyed the fruits of their labour. Mrs Simpson and some other staff bought the letuces from the students so they can invest in some new plants to prepare for spring. Mrs Simpson made a salad with the letuce and reports that it was absolutely scrump�ous!

On Monday 20th May 2018, we woke up at 7am, ate a quick breakfast and got ready to be picked up by Lachlan’s Dad at 7:15am sharp. We were already feeling anxious on the night before, but the 45-minute car ride to Sydney Olympic Park Sports Hall turned our nervousness into excitement. As we walked towards the sports hall, we could hear the countless table tennis balls bouncing from table to racquet from the 198 students and 99 teams who had come together from all across NSW. We knew it was �me to put many hours of training into mo�on.

Our first round-robin round was against Carlingford West Public School and Chatswood Public School. We beat both teams convincingly 3 games to 1. Knowing that we would advance into the knockout round, we had lunch at the nearby park outside the sports hall. We were relieved, but also nervous that we would have to face a stronger team in a few short hours.

A�er lunch, we faced off against Meadowbank Public School. A�er 2 wins and 2 losses in the singles part of the match, we knew that the final doubles round would decide our fate and chance at medal conten�on. Luckily, we stepped up our game in the doubles match and won 3-0, which meant we would progress to the semi finals.

In the semi final round, played against another team from Carlingford West Public School, but unfortunately, we couldn’t match their skills and were defeated. Nonetheless, we were s�ll very happy knowing that we would take home a bronze medal represen�ng PPPS. By Caleb Chen (4R) and Lachlan Leung (3/4S)

Stage 2 have been writing informative texts, practicing very hard to include all of the key elements they are learning about as part of the Seven Steps to Writing Success program. Izel has enjoyed this learning so much she was motivated to do her own extensive research and complete a piece of informative writing at home, by herself. Mrs Sartor asked Izel to bring it down to show me her efforts. I have decided to showcase her excellent writing in the newsletter this week.

Mrs Simpson

Guinea Pigs by Izel Hersli 3/4 Sapphire

Appearance A guinea pig has four toes and 400 grams is the minimum that an adult guinea pig can weigh. It also has 2 small round ears and a pink nose. A guinea pig has lots of whiskers. It has small round eyes, soft fur. An adult’s length is 20 to 25cm.

Diet Guinea pigs like to eat parsley, cucumber, kale, watermelon, lettuce, banana, capsicum, asparagus, strawberries, carrot, broccoli and eggplant. They are herbivores. Guinea pigs can’t eat avocado, onions, meat, chocolate, potatoes, shelled nuts or shelled seeds.

Habitat Guinea pigs live in grass land bush areas and rocky areas. They live in herds.

Breeding A guinea pig is pregnant for 59 to 72 days. Guinea pigs give birth mostly in spring. They also have a fight over who should breed with the female. Their babies are called pups.

Classification Guinea pigs are not marsupials, but they are mammals. They come from the rodent family. Guinea pigs live for 7 years. There are two species: short hair and long hair.

Interesting Facts A female is called a sow, a male is called a boar. Their teeth never stop growing! If a guinea pig is squeaking a lot then it is scared.

2018 Primary Schools Table Tennis Championships

Student Writing Feature

Fun Run

Well done to everyone who got involved with our Fun Run Fundraiser. We raised an impressive amount for our school, which will be put to good use for technology resources. Thank you for suppor�ng our school – Let’s try to top our efforts next year!

Our top 5 fundraisers this year were:

1. Zayne Chikarwe (2/3 Emerald)

2. Alexander Pritchet (K Red)

3. Zion Diaz (K/1 Green)

4. Micah Diaz (3/4 Sapphire)

5. Lucas Dang (2 Purple)

Representative Sport

Well done to Kobi Brasch, Shea Cox and Takerei Barden-Te Amohanga on their participation in the East Hills Rugby Union team. Congratulations to Takerei on his selection for the Sydney South West Team.

Special mention to Chloe Jankoski, Cyan Taripo and Dawn Taripo, who represented Sydney South West at the recent Basketball State Carnival in Broken Hill. The girls finished 2nd in the state – a fantastic achievement!

Sport News

Community News

“Panania Village Market Saturday 9th June

The Rotary Club of Padstow Inc. is hosting the Panania Village Markets on Saturday 9th June.

Stalls will operate from 9.00 am to 1.30pm, located around the Panania Library Park, corner of Anderson Ave and Tower St Panania. The market offers a wide range of quality stalls including Art & Crafts, Baby & Children’s Apparel, Bric a Brac, Candles, Cards, Cosmetics, Essential Oils, Fashion, Gifts, Honey, Jams, Jewellery, Organic Food, Plants, Records, Cd’s & DVD’s, Toys, and

more, all at a wheelchair friendly Outdoor Market.

Interested in playing Baseball? - well come along and see East Hill Baseball Club’s stall this month.

Please come along and support our local market.

A project of the Rotary Club of Padstow Inc.”

Community News

Community News Community News Community News Community News

Community News