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SOCI 1101 A & AA Spring 20186

Figure 1Photo from Ferguson, Missouri

Figure 2

SOCI 1101 Sections A &

AAIntroduction to

Sociology Jennett 1111Spring 2018

T & Th 9:30-10:45 AM

Sociology Central is the name of the education “game” you just became a part of when you joined our class. The mission of the game is to learn sociology, see how the discipline of sociology can apply to your life now, as a college student, and in your future career, be it as a nurse, a lawyer, a physician, a pharmacist, a journalist, and so on. You will “play” both as soloists, learning on your own, but also as ensembles, as sociological teams. If your team cooperates with each other, studies together frequently, and works well together, you can earn more points in the “game” that is our class. Course DescriptionFundamentals of sociology, focusing on basic concepts, theories, and methods of research and inquiry. Emphasis is on applying the sociological perspective to understanding social inequalities and stratification, culture, social institutions and groups, social change, and

the relation to the individual to society. (3-0-3 credits)Your MissionsYou will have many opportunities to achieve the grade that you desire. See later in this syllabus for descriptions.Required Readings and TechnologyThe Real World: An Introduction to Sociology, 5th edition by Kerry Ferris and Jill Stein (W. W. Norton 2016). I strongly suggest buying the e-book so that you can access it anywhere, but you can also buy the paper version and then purchase (additional cost) access to the required Inquizitive online software you’ll need to earn points in the class.There will also be required short readings from newspapers, magazines, and blogs. They will be in D2L modules. Everything in D2L is required and will be testable. Every week I will post some videos in D2L or case studies for each of you to think about;

you should ask yourself “Why did Dr. L post this to illustrate today’s class concept(s)?” It will be an open discussion – so feel free to share your ideas and think out loud. You might even see some of these again, say, a test!We have a Fb page – Sociology Central @ VSU. Come join us: . Follow Dr. L on Twitter: @LowneySociology.Meet Sociology Central’s TeamProfessor Kathleen S. Lowney (“Dr. L”). Her office is Nevins 1025. Her office hours are Mondays 8:30-11:30 AM; Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:30-1:00 PM. I am in my Nevins office more than just these office hours, so please feel free to stop by and talk about life, assignments, ask questions, etc.

Photo from Ferguson, Missouri Protests, Summer 2014. Source:

Embedded Peer Tutor: Ms. Jessica Millican. Her office hours are at the Student Success Center: Tuesday/Thursday: 5:30-6:30 PMSunday: 3:00-4:00 PM

Ms. Millican took this very class with me and made it through with a great grade. Use both of us to help you learn. Why We Do Learning This WayI believe that learning takes effort—but can be enjoyable, work. Successful learning requires repeated exposure to concepts. So you’ll read the e-book and have in-text quizzes, then come to class and we’ll practice together, with special attention to concepts that are the most difficult. At the end of class, each of you will write an exit question about something you are still confused about and I will answer them every day and post answers to D2L Discussion board. Then after class, you will take post-class quizzes in D2L – now you should have mastered the material. If you don’t do well on this after-class quiz, you need to come see one of us for help. That is your job—to realize you aren’t understanding a concept and seek help before the week of the test.

VSU General Education Learning Outcomes This course meets the Area E’s New Core Learning Goal, which states “Students will demonstrate knowledge of diversity in individual and social behavior, the structure and processes of the United States government, and the importance of historical changes over time.” [Our class in particular will focus on understanding how individual behavior can be influenced by small and large groups, bureaucracies, and other external social forces. Special focus will be placed on the historical changes in Western Europe in 13-17th centuries, which led to the “birth” of sociology. We will emphasize cultural relativism and diversity when we discuss how individuals and groups work.]B.A. Sociology & Anthropology Learning Outcomes1. To familiarize students

with sub-disciplines, theories, methods, and core concepts of the discipline they elect to study in the department. [Tests, exit questions, D2L and Inquizitive quizzes]

2. To develop in students the ability to apply and utilize the basic quantitative and/or qualitative research and analytical techniques they will need in their professional careers. [Tests, paper, D2L and Inquizitive quizzes]

3. To support students in the development of the skills required to communicate effectively with people and organizations representing diverse social and culture backgrounds. These skills

include writing, speaking, and computing. [Tests, D2L and Inquizitive quizzes, exit questions]

Accessibility for Our Class I want every student to be able to do his or her best in our class and to succeed. So I am happy to work with any student to ensure that the class is as accessible as I can make it -- please come talk with me. If at any time you are experiencing difficulty accessing any of the printed documents or items inside of D2L BlazeVIEW, please let me know in enough time that I can try to provide you what you need; this means a few days before a deadline, please!Valdosta State University is committed to providing inclusive learning environments. Equal access can often be achieved through course design. However, barriers to learning or assessment may still exist for a student with a disability in this course. Access Statement: Students with disabilities who are experiencing barriers in this course may contact the Access Office for assistance in determining and implementing reasonable accommodations. The Access Office is located in Farber Hall and can be reached by calling 229-245-2498 (voice), 229-375-5871 (videophone), 229-219-1348 (TTY) or 229-245-3788 (fax). You can also visit the website at or email for more information.


FLC Policy Statement about Sharing of Grade InformationThe FLC coordinator is Ms. Beverly Cribbs. If you have scheduling questions or problems, feel free to contact her via phone (333-7572) or email ( a member of an FLC, please be aware that your professors regularly communicate with each other for a couple of reasons:First, we wish to be a web of support for you because we want you to succeed in college and beyond. To facilitate this communication, faculty and staff use an electronic portal that enables us to alert various campus resources to reach out to you. You can choose to accept this help or not. We also communicate about your academic progress in our classes so that we can provide resources and extra guidance when it is appropriate. This information cannot be shared with any other person in strict accordance with Federal Law. If you wish to sign a waiver that allows us to share your grades with other people than your instructors, it is available at Click on “FERPA Student Records Release Authorization Form.” Second, we wish to strengthen your ability to make deeper, more lasting connections among the subjects you are learning, and to connect your classroom learning to real-world situations. We do this by

having regular conversations about how we see those connections, and we collaborate on building assignments that ask you to practice making those connections. 

Title IX Statement: Valdosta State University (VSU) is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive work and learning environment free from discrimination and harassment.  VSU is dedicated to creating an environment where all campus community members feel valued, respected, and included. Valdosta State University prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex (including pregnancy status, sexual harassment and sexual violence), sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, national origin, disability, genetic information, or veteran status, in the University's programs and activities as required by applicable laws and regulations such as Title IX. The individual designated with responsibility for coordination of compliance efforts and receipt of inquiries concerning nondiscrimination policies is the University's Title IX Coordinator: Maggie Viverette, Director of the Office of Social Equity,, 1208 N. Patterson St., Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia 31608, 229-333-5463.

Want to know what you will be doing in our class? That’s up next.

Your Missions1. Exit Questions 15 points2. Tests (3 x 75 points) 225 points

3. Success in Class assignments (all in D2L BlazeVIEW) 33 points -Assignment 1: 18 points Syllabus quiz -Assignment 2: 5 points Student Information form -Assignment 3: 5 points Exam 1 Retrospective form -Assignment 4: 5 points Exam 2 Retrospective form

4. D2L Post-class quizzes (done after most classes – 5 points each) 50 points

5. Inquizitive Pre-class quizzes embedded in the text. Different amount of points before most every class 50 points

6. In class questions (19 x 3 points) 57 pointsYour lowest test score will be dropped. I strongly suggest you take all 3 tests.

Total Mission Points 355 points

Extra Credit Points1. Each review day before a

test, a student can earn up to 5 extra credit points by answering questions.

2. “Make It Better” option, worth up to 5 extra credit points (can be done twice during semester). Find a better video/commercial to illustrate something we have studied? Then make next semester’s class better by submitting it using the short “Make It Better” form in the Assignments.

Optional Final ExamThere will be an optional comprehensive final exam. To be eligible, a student must be within 15 points of the next letter grade. If eligible, it is up to each student to decide if she or he wants to take the final. The student must tell me on the last day of class if she or he is taking the exam. To earn any points on the optional final, the student must receive a minimum score of 35/50 on the final. Every point above that will be "extra credit" toward raising the grade. If students do not attend class on the day when grades are discussed, it is the students' responsibility to contact Dr. Lowney to see if they are eligible for the optional final. It is not my responsibility to contact students.

Grading Scale: A: 319-355 points

B: 284-318 pointsC: 248-283 pointsD: 213-247 pointsF: 0-212 points

Missed Test Policy: For an absence on a test day to be excused, the student must contact me AT LEAST TWO HOURS PRIOR to when the class begins the test (7:30 AM), either in person or through D2L BlazeVIEW email only and explain the absence OR the student must give to Dr. Lowney – by the test review day before the exam -- a valid VSU excuse (i.e., athletic or scholastic event). If the student is unavailable during the test or immediately prior to the exam due to seeking emergency medical attention (for example, at Farber Infirmary) or needing law enforcement assistance, he or she must present documentation (or give enough information in order to obtain the documentation) to Dr. Lowney as soon as possible after missing the test, to have her determine if it is a valid reason to have missed the test. Until the test is made up (see below), the grade will remain a zero and will significantly impact the student’s average in the class, including the In Progress (midterm) grade, which will be posted.

Only Dr. Lowney will decide if the reason warrants the student be able to do a make-up examination. A student

can only make up one examination. Neither vacation nor oversleeping is an acceptable excuse for missing a test. Please do not just skip a test and assume that it will be excused. Unless it fits these reasons – it will not be excused. Arriving too late to class on test day (i.e., after the first student has turned in the test and left the class) will not mean the student can take the makeup exam. A student can decide not to take a makeup test and instead have the other two test grades be the two that count toward the final grade.

There is only ONE make-up test time during the semester. It will be all essay/written short answer. Students MUST attend the make-up exam if they missed one test and it was excused by Dr. Lowney – there will not be any acceptable reason for missing the makeup test. If a student misses the makeup test, that the test grade will remain a zero. See class schedule for date of make-ups.Late assignments will earn zero points. “Late” will be understood to mean, depending on the assignment directions, either: A) not turned in to me before the start of class or B) not submitted via D2L BlazeVIEW or in Inquizitive by the time



listed on the assignment’s directions. [See the “Class Policies” organizer on D2L BlazeVIEW about deadlines should D2L BlazeVIEW be down within 6 hours of when the assignment is due.] With this many students, it is impossible to have flexible deadlines, so I will not. Deadlines are important. Please follow them exactly. Please be aware that D2L BlazeVIEW works this way: I set the deadlines. For example, let's say an assignment is due by the start of class on January 26th (hypothetically). Since our class starts at 9:30 a.m., exactly, at 9:31 a.m., D2L BlazeVIEW will no longer accept any student submissions for that assignment, and so you will automatically earn a zero grade for not submitting it if you try to submit it after 9:31 a.m. So there is a one-minute “grace period;” that is all. So please recognize that the time that an assignment is due is very important. Inquizitive works similarly.D2L BlazeVIEW also lets a student submit once per assignment – so be sure that you are uploading the correct version of the assignment, not for example, a draft version that is incomplete, etc. If a student uploads the wrong version of the assignment (or the wrong assignment) to D2L BlazeVIEW, that is unfortunate, but the student will not be allowed to send the correct version after the deadline via some other means. I will only grade what has been turned in by assignment deadline via D2L BlazeVIEW so please do not

send me the complete assignment afterwards and expect me to grade it. If you sent me a file that I cannot open (i.e., not Word or PDF), then you just gave yourself a zero grade. I also realize that not all of us have exactly the same time on our watch/phone, etc. They may slightly differ. For assignments to be turned in to me at the start of class, the clock on the computer in the classroom will be the official "time" we will use to assess when assignments are due. For assignments to be turned in via D2L BlazeVIEW, the D2L BlazeVIEW clock is what will "count." Moral of this story: be early about turning in assignments and you will never have to worry about getting locked out or being late!Plagiarism: Should a student plagiarize (see the directions for each assignment on D2L BlazeVIEW for how not to plagiarize), the student will earn an immediate zero grade on the assignment. The student will have 72 hours to fix the plagiarism after I send a D2L BlazeVIEW email notifying the student of the error. The student must send me a revised copy of the assignment via D2L BlazeVIEW, using the e-mail function.

If the error is fixed correctly,

the student will lose only five points from what the grade would have been had there not been plagiarism. Students need to check their D2L BlazeVIEW email frequently in the days after assignments are due in case they receive a message about this from me. Failure to see the D2L BlazeVIEW email notifying the student of the plagiarism does not reset the 72 hour clock – it is up to students to be aware of this policy and log in frequently. Should the student plagiarize a second time – on ANY other assignment during the semester – the student will earn a zero grade on the second assignment. While the student will have to fix this second error also, the zero grade will stand. Each assignment will contain clear directions on how NOT to plagiarize. If a student plagiarizes more than once in the semester OR if the plagiarism is so numerous and severe, even in one assignment, then I will follow the VSU Academic Integrity Disciplinary Response policy: the incident will be reported to the Dean of Students. Please read the entire policy at this website: ( OF CONDUCT FOR OUR CLASSIn order to have a classroom environment which is conducive to learning, the following set of rules will be enforced at all times.

Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice’s Statement on Disruptive Student BehaviorDisruptive behavior is student behavior in a classroom or other learning, which disrupts the educational process. Disruptive class behavior may include but is not limited to the following behaviors: verbal or physical threats, repeated obscenities, unreasonable interference with class discussions, unauthorized use of a cell phone, or inappropriate use of computer in class, leaving and entering class frequently in the absence of notice to the instructor, of an illness or extenuating circumstance, and persisting in disrupting personal conversations with other class members. Disruptive behaviors may also include threatening, intimidating, or other inappropriate behavior toward the instructor or classmates outside of class. Sanctions for such behaviors will be enforced in accordance with the Valdosta State University Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook, and may include dismissal from the course and the program.

Statement about Following the Rules for Our ClassWe are a large community all wanting the same goal – that each student learns enough sociology to pass the class. To that end, these are our rules for being together. Failure to

live up to these rules will have the following consequences: A student cannot earn conduct points, but one can lose points off the final letter grade. If a student violates these rules and has to be spoken to, then the student will lose five points. Each further time the student has to be talked to about the same rule, will be another five points.

Norms During Tests – These Will Help Prevent Cheating on Tests

1. No one will be allowed to wear any kind of hat/hoodie/head covering during tests, including hoodies. If you have a religious reason for a head covering, we need to talk about it before the first test occurs. This prevents a certain kind of cheating from taking place.

2. If someone is late to the test, that student can only take the test if no student has finished it and left the room. If even one person has turned in the test after seeing the questions, then the student, who was late, just gave him/herself a zero grade on the test. Having this happen, by the way, does not mean that the late

student can then take the makeup test – it means that the student just gave him/herself a zero grade on the test and that the grade is permanent. It is not possible to take the makeup, in this situation. This eliminates the possibility of one person seeing what questions are on the test, turning it in blank, then leaving the room and telling someone else the questions, who studied for a bit and then comes in late to start the test.

3. Students must stay for a minimum of fifteen minutes once the test has begun. This rule will allow anyone who might be late to arrive and not have to earn a zero from Rule #2 above.

4. The tests and the final are to be written in PEN only. Dark ink please. Please bring two pens to class. If pencil is used, the test will not be graded.

5. If I or the proctors catch anyone cheating the student will receive a zero on that particular test AND perhaps, an F for the course. There also would be possible further academic ramifications. It is not worth it - trust me!!

6. Please practice what I call "custody of the eyes." If you are


thinking of an answer, look down at your paper OR look straight up at the ceiling OR look straight at my eyes. BUT DO NOT look around the room, at desk level. Wandering eyes which appear to be looking on another's paper arouse my and the proctors’ immediate and undivided attention.

7. All books and notebooks must be closed and covered and put in the designated places in the classroom. No paper can be showing from books and notebooks at these locations.

8. Cover your examination paper(s) at all times with your arm/hand. If I suspect cheating is occurring – my presumption will be that BOTH/ALL people are involved in the deviant behavior until proved otherwise -- so be sure that I do not think that of you AND ensure that someone else is not cheating off of your papers.

9. No one may leave the room and then return to complete the test (i.e., take a trip to the restroom). If a student leaves the room during

a test, then the student has automatically finished it. So if you have a cold, bring some Kleenex to class, etc., so that you do not have to leave the room.

10.No electronics can be used during a test). No electronics can even be with you at your desk.

Norms for Classroom Discussions

11.First, and most importantly, only one person can talk at a time. I will call on those who have their hands raised. That way, everyone has a chance to participate.

12.Students are to be silent in class unless called on to speak or unless we are working in groups. Any student who is not obeying this rule and disrupting others who are trying to learn or disrupting my teaching will be asked to leave the class for that day.

13.Also we need to learn the difference between fact and opinion. While personal opinions will be accepted, please learn to state that it is your opinion. I will do the same should I share my opinion as

opposed to facts known to the sociological community. Facts, in contrast, are things you can back up with evidence, which is accepted by the scholarly community.

Other NormsThese will ensure that everyone in class has the best possibility to focus on class lecture and discussions and will ensure that I am not distracted during class:

14.I expect you to be on time and to stay the entire class period.

15.Late work, no matter how late, will receive a zero (0) grade. It is very disruptive if you come in late, both to me and to your classmates who got to class on time.

16.If you know you must leave early, please clear it with me before class begins. If I see students leave and don’t know why, I get distracted wondering if they are ill, should I send someone to assist the student, etc. I promise to be on time every day as well.

17.Electronic devices CANNOT BE USED during class time. This includes but is not limited to a laptop computer, a phone of



any kind, an iPod, etc. Only exception: Tech Day – then bring laptop/smart phone, etc., if you have one..

18.If a student is caught using an electronic device the student must

a. Tell Dr. Lowney, the peer tutor, or the proctor his/her name and calmly show her/his student ID card.

b. Turn off the electronic device immediately and leave class for that day, quietly and calmly.

c. The student will lose any other points which might be awarded for that day.

d. Lose points off of his/her final point total.

19.If a phone rings, I will ask the class whose phone was that. The student will be expected to answer my question promptly, and then turn the phone off, so that no more class time will have to be spent on the violation of rules. Once the student identifies him or herself, Rule #18 will be enforced.

20.VSU does not permit

smoking or tobacco products in the classroom. You will not be allowed to drink sodas, coffee, etc., in class.

21.At least twice a week (preferably on Thursdays and over the weekend), students should log into D2L BlazeVIEW and check the class website. Look at the “News” section for any messages from Dr. L or embedded Peer Tutor. Not seeing an assignment or e-mail about class, which was posted, is not an acceptable excuse for not completing the assignment.

22.Each student must hang a sign off the front of his/her desk with the student’s first and last name (I will accept a nickname in place of the first name) every day.

23.After a few weeks, where you sit will become “your” seat, and surprise attendance checks will be done based on that seating chart.

24.Each student must bring her/his VSU student ID card to class every day and show it to Dr. Lowney if asked. Failure to show the student ID card when asked to show the ID card will result in the loss of five points off of the final grade.

STUDENT OPINION OF INSTRUCTIONAt the end of the term, all students will be expected to complete an online Student Opinion of Instruction survey (SOI) that will be available on BANNER. This is part of your duties as students in this class. Students will receive an email notification through their VSU email address when the SOI is available (generally at least one week before the end of the term). SOI responses are anonymous to instructors/administrators. Instructors will be able to view only a summary of all responses two weeks after they have submitted final grades. While instructors will not be able to view individual responses or to access any of the data until after final grade submission, they will be able to see which students have or have not completed their SOIs, and student compliance may be considered in the determination of the final course grade. These compliance and non-compliance reports will not be available once instructors are able to access the results. Students will not earn points or extra credit points for fulfilling this requirement. Complete information about the SOIs, including how to access the survey and a timetable for this term is available at


CAMPUS AND ONLINE RESOURCES TO HELP YOU: I want each of you to succeed and I will do my best to help you to accomplish that. There are several ways that you can seek additional help:

1. Come to my office and let’s talk. It helps me as a teacher to know if there is a concept you are struggling with, etc. So please let me know. I can – and want – to help you.

2. If you are not able to see me in my office hours, okay – let’s talk in cyberspace.

A. Send me an e-mail using D2L BlazeVIEW. I check it at least three times a day,

ending at 10:00 P.M. Please DO NOT write me at my other VSU e-mail account. I will not reply to emails which are not written in D2L BlazeVIEW.

B. Chat using the online office hours –I guarantee to be online to help.

C. Before each exam we will have an online review chat using the D2L Chat function.

D. We will also have at least one out-of-class review session before every test as well. Do your best to attend – all these can help your grade!

3. Use the VSU Student Success Center and visit Ms. Millican, who is our embedded peer tutor and is

present in class every day: she will have office hours to help you if you are struggling. To schedule an appointment with the embedded peer tutor, please go to this website: and follow the link.

4. Use your class notes, the class PowerPoint slides which are placed on D2L BlazeVIEW, our textbook and all readings, and the D2L and Inquizitive quizzes. Use them all to help you study, as well as the in-class review, my office hours, the embedded peer tutor’s office hours at the SSC for more in-depth questions.

Please note: I have “front loaded” the course so that all of the points come before the last week of classes. I know a lot of courses require the most work the last week of the term – I am not one of those faculty members.

Does Our Class Require Work? Sure it does. All worthwhile things require work; I think it is so that if when one succeeds, it can feel good. But I am here for you. But you have to want it. We’ll be with you every step of the way.The latest in brain science has proven that humans learn best when a person learns (via reading, discussing, talking) and then has repeated retrieval opportunities (being asked to recall the new


information, in a variety of ways). Being quizzed as you are reading the new material helps to cement the learning process too. Science also shows that how each of us views intelligence (especially our own), shapes how we learn and our views on learning. Some people have a fixed mind-set (e.g., intelligence is born into a child and cannot be changed) and others have a growth mind-set (e.g., intelligence is not fixed; it can improve with hard work and effort). I believe in growth mind-sets – for each of you and for me. I don’t promise all our work will be easy, but I do promise that if you keep at it, your sociological skills will get progressively better over time (say by the end of the semester, when final grades are due!) ! Are you willing to approach your sociological skills by repetition, by going back and learning old and new material at the same time, and with the sense that your brain can and will let you learn our material? Then let’s get to work!So you’ll take the InQuizitive quiz before class – and you can continue to take those questions until you earn 100% on it, if you want to, within the time limit – then you will come to class and we’ll go over the material in more depth, spending time in particular on difficult concepts which many students get confused – then in the next 25 hours, you will take a post-class quiz worth 5 points on D2L to assess how well you have learned the concepts. Each day you will also ask a question that has stumped you and get an answer. So your brain will have plenty of learning-retrieval-recall-reassessment in this class. According to the brain studies, this kind of repeated retrieval process tends to increase grades by 10+ percent – that is one letter grade!Here’s two key studies about brain science research and college students which support our class process:Brown, Peter C., Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel. 2014. Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. Boston:

Belknap Press.Lang, James M. 2016. Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

What follows is the Class Schedule. Changes to the schedule will be mentioned in class and posted on D2L BlazeVIEW. If changes are made to this schedule, they will be made using a red font.

In the schedule which follows, “D2L BlazeVIEW” = “D2L” to save space and the Inquizitive software (embedded in the e-book) will be referred to as INQ.


e Topics Readings – Ferris & Stein and other required material

Due Dates and Other Reminders

Part I: The Sociological Puzzle: Building Your Sociological Imagination01/09

1 Intro to our class -Post to the “Introduce yourself” discussion


1 Sociological Imagination

Read pp. 6-17 focus on pp. 13-17-Sternheimer, “How to Think Like a Sociologist” (in D2L)-Read the entire syllabus-Conley, “Using Your Sociological Imagination” in D2L-NPR Invisibilia Podcast (link in D2L) (1 hour)

-Success Assignment 1 open and can be completed (syllabus quiz)-For NPR podcast, listen for differences between soc perspective & psych perspective on mental illness -INQ quiz on How To Use InQuizitive (due by 01/16 at 8 AM)


2 Technology Day No readings assigned for today -INQ quiz on How To Use InQuizitive (due by 01/16 at 8 AM) -Bring laptop/tablet/smart phone to class if you have one


2 Social Construction of Reality

Read pp. 105 -“Understanding Social Constructionism” (D2L)-Wade, “Pluto and the ‘Problem’ with Planets” (D2L) -“How Many Continents Are There?” (D2L)

-INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM over 01/11 material -D2L quiz closes at 12 noon on 01/19-Success Assignment 1 must be done by 3:00 PM today

Part II: The Puzzle of Self and Others: Life in Groups01/23

3 What Is Culture? Read pp. 70-93, focus on pp. 73,76-79-Raskoff, “T-shirts, Symbols and Assumptions” (D2L)-Monks & books video (D2L)

-INQ pre-class quiz due by 8:00 AM due by 01/23 over pp. 70-93 (combines material from 01/11, 01/18, and today)-D2L quiz closes 12 noon on 01/24-Success Assignment 2 due by 8:00 AM – upload via Assessments/Assignments function in D2L


3 What Holds Culture Together? Norms &Values and Why We Obey Them

Read pp. 70-93, focus on pp. 79-80-Wright, “Norms” (D2L)-USA Today, “Are Social Norms Unraveling?” (D2L)

-No INQ today-D2L quiz closes at 12 noon on 01/26-Look for review sessions announcements in class and in D2L Calendar


3 Do You Judge Others’ Culture? Should You? Ethnocentrism & Cultural Relativism

Read pp. 70-93, focus on pp. 73 (bottom)-75

-INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM-D2L quiz closes at 12 noon on 01/31-Review sessions this week. Check D2L calendar

02/0 3 Where Are You in the Pp. 111-114 (top) -INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM

Date Module Topics Readings – Ferris & Stein and other required

material Due Dates and Other Reminders

1 Social Structure? Statuses, Roles and You

-D2L quiz closes at 12 noon on 02/02


4 Review Test 1 Can earn 5 extra credit points today – come prepared


4 Test 1


5 Who Are You in Groups?

Read pp. 120-47, especially pp. 123-34 and p. 138-140

-INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM-No D2L quiz today


5 How Do Groups Influence Us?

Read pp. 120-47, especially 134-38 -INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM-No D2L quiz today -Success in Class Assignment #3 due by 3 PM today

Part III: The Puzzle of Socialization: Who Are You?02/20

6 Nurture & Sociological View

Read pp. 94-116, focus especially on pp. 97-103-PPT: Nature nurture (not shown in class, but testable)

-INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM -D2L quiz closes at 12 noon on 02/21


6 Does Socialization Really Matter? Case Studies

Read pp. 94-116, focus especially on pp. 110-111 (resocialization)

-No D2L quiz -No INQ pre-class quiz

Part IV: Putting the Puzzle Together: Thinking and Acting Like a Sociologist02/27

7 The Big Three: Durkheim, Marx, & Weber

Read pp. 18-27 AND 187-89-Study “How Sociology Was Invented” PPT

-INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM-No D2L quiz


7 Order or Conflict: The Macroscopic Theoretical Perspectives

Read pp. 18-27-Lowney, chapter 2 on Theoretical Perspectives (D2L)

-INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM-No D2L quiz-Bring 1101 Theoretical Perspectives update to class-The chapter I wrote is for another Intro Soc textbook in production – will talk about all 3 theoretical perspectives-Last day to withdraw from this or any class


7 Is Shakespeare Correct? Is All The World’s A Stage? The Microscopic Theoretical Perspectives

Read pp. 27-31, 35-36, 103-06,-Raskoff, "Courtroom Dramaturgy" (web link in D2L)-Henslin & Biggs: Soc in Pubic Places (D2L)-Reread Lowney, chapter on Theoretical

-INQ pre-class quiz-No D2L quiz today

Date Module Topics Readings – Ferris & Stein and other required

material Due Dates and Other Reminders

Perspectives (D2L)

Date Module Topics Readings – Ferris & Stein and other required

material Due Dates and Other Reminders


7 Practice Using the Theoretical Perspectives

Reread pp. 18-27-Reread Lowney, Chapter on Theoretical Perspectives (D2L)

-No INQ pre-class today-No D2L quiz today -Bring case study handout to class-Bring 1101 Theoretical Perspectives handout to class

03/13 – 03/17 SPRING BREAK!!! Be safe and have fun.03/20

8 Review Test 2 Can earn 5 extra credit points today – come prepared


8 Test 2


9 The Scientific Method in Sociology

Read pp. 38-66-“Spurious Correlations – What Are They?” (web link on D2L)- Lowney, “Adolescent Satanism as…” (D2L)

-INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM-D2L quiz closes at 12 noon on 03/28


9 How Do Sociologists Do Research

Read pp. 43-57, focus especially on 43-60-Lowney, “Adolescent Satanism as…” (D2L) cont.

-INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM-D2L quiz closes at 12 noon on 03/30-Success in Class #4 due by 3 PM via Assessments/Assignments


9 What Are Ethical Limits in Sociological Research?

Read pp. 38-66, focus especially on pp. 58-63-“IRBs: Why Do We Need Them?" (D2L)

-INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM-No D2L quiz today-


10 Life’s Not Fair #1 Read pp. 175-270 -INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM over pp. 178-238- D2L quiz closes at 12 noon on 04/06-Make it better extra credit assignments due by 04/05 at 11:59 PM (these are optional, found in Assessments)


10 Life’s Not Fair #2: Applying Sociology to Real Life

Read pp. 175-270Review Theoretical Perspectives PPTs, and Life’s Not Fair PPTs and text pages associated with them.

-INQ pre-class quiz due by 8 AM over pp. 240-69- D2L quiz closes at 12 noon on 04/11


10 Life’s Not Fair #3: Talking about Race, Class, & Gender at VSU and in Our Lives


11 Review Test 3 Can earn 5 extra credit points today – come prepared

Date Module Topics Readings – Ferris & Stein and other required

material Due Dates and Other Reminders


11 Test 3


12 Monday Makeup Test Date

8:00 – 9:15 AM if you have been approved to take a makeup test

Come to Nevins 1025


12 Grades and Wrap Up If students choose not to attend class today, it is their responsibility if they later learn they were eligible for the optional final and did not take it because they skipped class. Dr. Lowney will not contact students about their grades who choose to skip today nor will she respond to emails from those who did, for any reason.


12 Review for Optional Final

Class today is only for those students who are eligible and who are choosing to take the exam. We will review. Rest of class – rest up and study for other finals.


12 Optional final Exam 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM Only for those students who are eligible and who choose to take the exam.


What To Do Every Day In Our SOCI 1101 ClassDay Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Readings Scan notes and readings from last week for questions. Identify all assigned readings from long version of the syllabus. Then read all assigned for class on Tuesday several times.

Take reading notes.

Read pages from Ferris and Stein several times, if you did not do it yesterday. Find them in the syllabus, last few pages.

Take reading notes.

After class, you should review your notes from the readings and from class, the PPTs in D2L, and fill in any holes in your notes.

After class, start the assigned readings for Thursday’s class.

Read pages from Ferris and Stein for Thursday’s class several times, if you did not do it yesterday. Find them in the syllabus, last few pages.

Take reading notes.

After class, you should review your notes from the readings, and from class, the PPTs in D2L, and fill in any holes in your notes. Remember to use the Notes view of PPT slides.

Pre-class InQuizitive Quizzes

InQuizitive will open.

Pre-class quiz, which is embedded in InQuizitive software which comes with e-text, closes at 8:00 AM on Tuesday. Can be taken as many times as you wish to earn maximum grade.

Pre-class quiz closes at 8:00 AM today.

InQuizitive will open.

Pre-class quiz, which is embedded in InQuizitive software which comes with e-text, closes at 8:00 AM on Thursday. Can be taken as many times as you wish to earn maximum grade.

Pre-class quiz closes at 8:00 AM today.

There is not a pre-class quiz due every Tuesday and Thursday, so check syllabus carefully so as not to miss one!Post-class D2L Blazeview Quizzes (found in D2L’s Assessments/Quizzes)

Post-class D2L quiz opens at 11:00 AM.

Post-class D2L quiz closes at noon

Post-class D2L quiz opens at 11:00 AM.

Post-class D2L quiz closes at noon.

Success in Class Assignments

#2,3, and 4 are found in D2L’s Assessments, then Assignments. #1 is found under D2L’s Assessments/QuizzesSuccess in Class #1 Syllabus Quiz: due by 01/18 at 3:00 PMSuccess in Class #2 Student Information Form: due by 01/23 at 8:00 AMSuccess in Class #3 Post-Test 1 Retrospective: due by 02/15 at 3:00 PM --- check directions to see if you are required to do this one. Based on your score on Test 1.Success in Class #4 Post-Test 2 Retrospective: due by 03/29 at 3:00 PM --- check directions to see if you are required to do this one. Based on your score on Test 2.

Other Come to office hours!

Come to class, ready for discussions. Stay actively engaged during class & participate in "Class-Teach" moments. Follow all class policies for conduct during

Come to office hours!

Come to class, ready for discussions. Stay actively engaged during class & participate in "Class-Teach" moments. Follow all class policies for conduct during class.


Come to office hours!

Come to office hours!