
Post on 12-Aug-2015

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8/10 Musical Coffee Morning

W/C 20/10 Half Term Holiday

27/10 Children back to school

29/10 Year 6 Trip to Dam Sen Park



Dates for your diary


From Head of Campus 2

We Love Books! 3

The Very Hungry Caterpillar in EYFS + Musical Coffee Morning 4

Blogspot + EAL for Parents + Dates of Term 1 5

Community Service 6

PE Department + Holiday Programme 7

BBGV Fun Run + Finer Dinners 8




Contact information

43-45 Tu Xuong St, District 3, HCMC

Tel: (848) 3932 0210

Fax: (848) 3932 0770


Newsletter Issue 6|1

From Head Teacher - Ms. Sue Hill

Dear Parents, This week at TX, we certainly showed that ‘we love books’! The week started with parades of children, imaginatively dressed as characters from their favourite books. EYFS children were the first to parade, in the foyer, and were delighted to receive a surprise visit from the genie of the lamp. Next, it was the turn of the Year 1 to Year 6 children who showed off their amazing costumes year group by year group. The judges had a very difficult decision, however, managed to select one child from each year group as the winners. The teachers and teaching assistants also made an amazing effort and came as characters from the following books: EYFS – The Very Hungry Caterpillar; MP1 – The Smartest Giant in Town; MP2 – The

Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; MP3 – Around the World in 80 Days; the office team – Aladdin. In addition to the book character parade, the children have enjoyed fantastic activities and opportunities to get carried away with their reading such as snuggle down and read and browsing at the book fair. Adam Bushnell, our visiting author, really inspired our community, leading workshops for children, a coffee morning for parents and a staff meeting for teachers. Thank you to everyone who made the week a special one and don’t forget to keep on reading! The first coffee morning for the planning of our International Celebrations took place on Wednesday. We had parents representing the following countries: Japan, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Italy, France, Kuwait and Korea but would be keen to involve many more! If you are interested in offering ideas and/or support for this year’s celebrations, which will take place November 19th, then please contact Mr James (Year 6 teacher and MP3 Leader) or Ms Thanh (Head TA based in the office).

Newsletter Issue 6|2

Newsletter Issue 6|3

We Love Books!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar in EYFS

Newsletter Issue 6|4

In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf… and children in EYFS came dressed up as their favourite book character to welcome in our book celebration. A sea of book characters came to life as they paraded beautifully and confidently in front of their parents. Teachers enthusiastically walked as characters from the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Our book celebration was not complete without the ‘Snuggle up and read’ activity where children changed into their pyjamas and shared books with friends whilst sipping hot chocolate and marshmallows. Children were treated for a short play of the story as teachers dressed up in costumes and re-told the book. Mr Adam Bushnell a brilliant author and storyteller came to visit each class in EYFS to share stories about dragons and the big bad wolf. All children showed great enthusiasm learning the different sounds the animals in his story made. The children even got to meet the dragon and the wolf! It was indeed a fun and memorable book celebration in EYFS! Ms Grace F2 Teacher

Musical Coffee Morning

Musical Coffee Morning Wednesday 8

th October, 8 - 10am

All parents are invited to a special musical coffee morning on Wednesday. Mr Robbie will be hosting a musical event featuring many of our students performing on their instruments from Years 1 – 6. Refreshments will be available in the TX foyer as you enjoy the musical delights of our talented TX students.

Mr. Robbie

EAL for Parents


Today is World Smile Day and there have been plenty of smiles on the faces of the children at TX this week. Our annual celebration of reading was named ‘We Love Books’ this year and it is clearly true that we do. On Monday there was an amazing array of costumes to be seen as all the children from F1 to Year 6 dressed up as book characters; there are over 700 photos that you can download on the post ‘We Love Books’. We also had a visit from Adam Bushnell who is an author based in the UK. Parents, children and teachers alike only had positive things to say about his work. Our specialist teachers have been busy this week; Ms Jane has added a new page to the EAL blog to help parents support with grammar and spelling, Ms Charlie is looking for help in collecting together plastic materials for an art project and Mr Robbie is beginning to prepare for the FOBISIA Primary Performing Arts Carnival. Please see the blog for more details.

On my blog ( this week you will find the following posts:

We Love Books TX EAL Blog We Really Do Love Books Plastic Collection for Eco-Art Project A Message from Mr Robbie Finer Diners – MP1 Mr. Ian

"English Conversation Club is a friendly, welcoming group for our TX parents. We aim to improve conversational English by using spoken /oral communication skills. There will be a new, fun topic to discuss each week! This club is for adults who already have some spoken English language skills."

Club Fee: 8 weeks = 880,000VND TOTAL

Club Starts: Monday 6th October 2014 (8.00 – 8.45am)

Please contact Ms Oanh ( or Ms Alexea ( if you would like more information.

Dates of Term 1

Date Year Group/s Event

8/10 Y1 –6 Musical Coffee Morning

8/10 Y6 PDV visits Y6

w/c 20/10 All Half Term Holiday

29/10 Y6 Trip to Dam Sen Park

5/11 Y6 Y6 to PDV

6/11-9/11 Y4-6 Phuket Football Competition

14/11 All Interim Reports to parents

27/11 Y1-Y6 Parents’ Evening

29/11 EYFS Parents Teddy Bears’ Picnic

3/12 Y3 TX visits Thien Phuoc

3/12 Y6 Y6 to PDV

7/12 All Clubs Finish

11/12 MP2 MP2 Production (Evening)

12/12-15/12 Y4-Y6 Bangkok Feeding Frenzy Swim Meet

17/12 EYFS Christmas Concert

18/12 Y1-Y6 Christmas Concert (Evening)

19/12 All Term 1 finishes @ 11.30am

Community Service

Think Ahead Wear Your Helmet

Have you noticed how it always seems to rain as we are going home these days? But whether it’s raining to not, the roads can be dangerous for people on bikes and motorbikes. Think ahead - protect yourself and your children by wearing a helmet whenever you are on a

bike, electric bike or motorbike. Doing something so simple could save your life! Ms. Heather

The first Green Certificate of the year was awarded to 6T today. The Eco-Scouts monitored classrooms over the past weeks, and looked at the use or abuse of lights, air conditioner, projector, and the recycle box. They reported that many classrooms did a great job, but in the end, 6T was the only class displaying an updated Eco-Code signed by all class members (including teacher and TA). Well done 6T. Who will win the Green Certificate next month?

Ms. Heather


Thien Phuoc visits Year 3

On Wednesday, the Year 3 children welcomed twelve children from the Thien Phuc orphanage for a play date, as part of their community project for the year. Thien Phuc is an orphanage for children with disabilities, situated in Ho Chi Minh City. The orphanage receives no financial support from the authorities and is helped by charitable donations and the hard work and support of its volunteers. The Year 3 children split into three groups, with each group having a different responsibility. One group set up different play areas, with a range of activities in the foyer and soft play room at TX. Another group prepared snacks for the visitors, and the final group had a great time sharing games with their new friends. Over the year, the groups will take the responsibilities in turns and will also have the opportunity to visit the children at the Thien Phuc orphanage. We were very proud of our children, who showed great team work skills, empathy and maturity throughout the morning.

‘At first I was a bit shy but then I began to play with the children. I liked playing with them in the soft playroom the most’. Thao My ‘I liked playing play dough with the children. We made fruits from the play dough and we had lots of fun together.’ Pucca

Ms. Jessica

Newsletter Issue 6|6

Newsletter Issue 6|7

On Wednesday 1st October the U11 TX Basketball squad played against AP1. The boys squad consisted of; Bao Tran, Anh Vu Dang, Pana Duong, Tyler Nguyen, Yoo Min Park, Rishi Ahuja, Gia Vinh Nguyen, David Nghiem, Andrew Vu. In the first half the boys demonstrated assertion and determination. The team made some superb steals and attacks onto AP1’s basket with Gia Vinh the captain being the driving force. Anh Vu continually positioned himself in the middle of the key to receive the pass and shoot. However, AP1 caught onto this and double marked him quickly. In the second half the TX team lost their momentum and struggled to pass the ball into the key resulting in some wayward shots on the basket. Tyler Nguyen gets player of the match this week as his defensive play was unrelenting. The end result was TX 5 points and AP1 12 points. The girl’s team were on court shortly after. The team consisted of Jeanette Vo, Hannah Bui, Yu Gyeong Kang, Minh Nguyen, Susu Le and Kelly Tran. The girl’s team looked very nervous when they stepped onto the court. They were hesitant from the off with AP1 scoring the within the first few minutes. Jeanette the captain and Su-su tried to push and motivate the girls continually attempting to attack AP1’s basket. By the second half, the TX team struggled to keep up with the intensity of the play. The final score was TX 0 and AP1 10 points. The player of the match was awarded to Susu as she demonstrated sheer determination on court to get the ball within her defensive position. The TX squad’s next match is on the 15th October at ISSP! With hard work, patience and practise, the squad will rise to the challenge!

BIS Invitational Swim Meet- Saturday 1st November 2014 If your son/daughter is part of the early morning swim squad, they have been invited to participate in the meet. Please can you check your emails and update their availability for the event. Thank you Ms. Charlotte

Holiday Programme

PE Department

BBGV Fun Run

Newsletter Issue 6|8

Finer Dinners

Well-done to Ada, Kiet and Bao Nghi (Year 1), and Joshua, Jeremy and Hoai Thuong (Year 2).