NEWSWEEK - · Lancing Shop: 01903 756793 ... ing the installation of the new...

Post on 27-Jun-2018

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Contact Details: Welcome In: 01903 234497 Lancing Warehouse: 01903 750594 Lancing Shop: 01903 756793 (Inc. collection & delivery service) Rowlands Rd. Shop: 01903 824256 email: Website:

Corps Mission Statement: We are a Spirit-filled, radical, growing Corps with a burning desire to become better disciples of Jesus; leading people into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ; actively serving the community and fighting for social justice…...pray that we may accomplish these goals.

Corps Officer: Associate Officers:

Major Marian Parker Captain Samuel Shahzad:

Captain Rubina Samuel

Welcome In Café Good News: Our brand new all

singing, all dancing coffee machine has arrived. Now available for £1.50: Latte, Cappuccino, Hot Chocolate,

Decaf Coffee of every configuration and a lot more besides. We even have

that good old cup of tea for 80p. Bad News: Increased demand follow-ing the installation of the new machine means we are desperate for volunteer help—if you can spare even an hour to come in at the peak time please speak

to David Morgan


On Easter Sunday morning (1st April) I

have been asked to cover the

meeting at the small Corps at

Brighton Bevendean. They have no

pianist or band. Would someone be

willing to play the piano for us on this

special Sunday? I am more than

willing for that person to be collected

and travel to Bevendean with me in

my car. Please contact me at the

Corps or telephone 01903 242102.

Many thanks!

Major David Botting


Sunday 25th March 10am Palm Sunday Worship Tuesday 27th Easter Choir 7.30pm ‘A Great Cloud of Witnesses’ - An Evening of Easter Music interspersed with the Easter Story Thursday 29th, Band Easter ‘We were there too—A time of reflection on the

Meditation—7.30pm lives of key people who witnessed the events leading up to Jesus’ death Good Friday Meeting—10.30am Followed by Tea, Coffee and Hot Cross Buns In the Welcome In and March of Witness at 12 midday to the Town Centre (Guildbourne Square) for an act of united worship. Good Friday 4pm Film Night—4pm—Face Painting, 5pm Film, 6.30pm, Discussion. Refreshments . Sunday 1st April—Easter Day Easter Celebration at 10am

Today’s Flowers: Karen and Keith Kennard In memory of Christine. Next Sunday: Johnathan and Cat Brown Thank you. If you are able to help, please add your name to the flower list at the back of the Hall.

Please join us for refreshments which will be served following the meeting this morning. Fair and ethically traded tea & coffee is now served. A small donation to cover costs would be much appreciated.

NEWSWEEK Worthing Corps Weekly News Sheet

Sunday 18th March 2018


This week: Ian Richards 25th March: Richard Howlett 1st April:: James Thomas


Welcome to worship and fellowship today at Worthing Corps. Do join us for tea, coffee and a chat in the Welcome

In after the meeting.

When we consider the many ways we can express our Christian love to one another we typically look at practical and caring ways in which we can help people. There are many positive ways, as members of our Corps family, we

can show our Christian love, be it helping with the Community work, supporting the homeless initiative, or

simply supporting and caring for a friend or family member. They are all very different ways of expressing our Christian

commitment and love to others.

This morning we are exploring a very different expression of love, Mary washing Jesus’ feet with a very expensive

perfume, in a very passionate and intimate way. You may feel as Judas did, that it was an unnecessary extravagance, but Jesus approved of the actions recognising that it was a precious moment, proportionate to the suffering that lay

ahead of him.

This morning we may not have the chance as Mary did, of an intimate expression of our love for Jesus, but with regular

prayer and reading His Word we have the wonderful opportunity of maintaining a close and personal

relationship with him .

Thank you for being a part of the Worthing Salvation Army Community

God bless you.

The Third Sunday Team

Our Corps Family Please continue to pray for:

Those with on-going health issues:-

George Adams Gerry and Mildred Arnold

Eric Bull’s mother Ken and June Clark

Margaret Ffitch Colin Harris

Major Ken Hawken Ken Heward Ada Hollands Pat Howlett

Mary Lavender Sue Neville Dove Julia Neville Dove

Norah Samuriwo—Apuldram Ward, St Richard’s Hospital, Chichester

Today’s Activities: Sunday 18th March 2018 10am Meeting led by the Third Sunday Team.

Regular Weekday Meetings

Mondays 10.30am Community Spirit Choir

Mondays 1-2pm Knit & Natter

Mondays 2.30 pm Home League Ladies

Mondays 8pm Badminton at Davison Leisure

Tuesdays 10.30am “Set Apart” Prayer Meeting

Tues & Thurs 10-3.30pm Welcome Break Respite Care Group

Tuesdays 7.45pm Evening Bible Study/Songster Practice

Wednesdays 10am-12 noon Parent and Toddler Group

Thursdays 2.30pm Cameo Club

Thursdays 7pm Thursday Club—Karaoke

Saturdays 10-1pm Child Contact Centre (Fortnightly)

31st March, 14th April

Coming Events:

Wednesday 21st March 7pm Safe & Sound Training 1 with Anita Gellatly

Sunday 25th March 10am Palm Sunday Meeting.

Wednesday 28th March 2.30pm Light Classical Music with Les Boniface

Holy Week Events Please see back page.

Saturday 7th April 10-12 Coffee Morning

Honor is away on leave from Tuesday next week. Any items for Newsweek will need to be sent

by Monday 19th March.

Those recently unwell or hospitalised:-

Philip Carrington-Moule Joyce Cheal

Gill Clancy’s Mum Vicky Ian Clark

Jo Crawford Richard and Mary Crump

Judith Cunningham (at home) Arthur Gardner (Andrew’s father)

Amanda Griffiths, niece of Dawn Marlow. Now at home having rehab following a stroke.

Chris Hammond Ruth Justice home after surgery

Major Christine Tulloch

Please keep us informed of our Corps family so that we can keep them in our prayers.

Please let Honor know if you know anyone whose situation has changed

QUIZ NIGHT IS BACK! This year’s annual quiz night will be on Saturday 14th April at 7pm

All you need to do now if form a team of six of mixed ages and with varied interests—specialist knowledge not required.

Please bring your own drinks and nibbles. £1 per person, proceeds to Corps Project. Please let Bryan McDaniel know if

you wish to take part.

The Corps Prayer List

Monday - Margaret Ryder Tuesday - Charlie Sarjeant Wednesday - Ken and Mavis Sillence Thursday - Alan and Daphne Slator Friday - Alan and Sue Smith Saturday/Sunday— The new Retail Manager and all the staff and volunteers at the shops.

“Set Apart” - Corps

Prayer Fellowship

Tuesdays -


In the Main Hall

Next Meeting

20th March

Major Lilian

CORPS PROGRAMME DIARY If you are a group leader please don’t forget to record

the numbers attending your sessions (0-16 and 16+ separately) and put the numbers on the Diary sheets

which you will find on the notice board behind the Welcome In.



This training is for everyone, but particularly those who are

involved in working with children or vulnerable adults. If you

have done the training before, it needs updating every 2-3

years. Please let Toni know by the end of Sunday if you

are able to attend on Wednesday evening.