Newvine Growing social media best practices for NAFDMA convention

Post on 06-May-2015

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From the North American Farmers' Direct Marketing Association convention in 2014, this session gives tips on building engagement with social media marketing. We will discuss practical tips for building community, engaging customers and making sales using major platforms like Facebook and Twitter and smaller platforms like Pinterest and Foursquare. Whether you have never tweeted in your life or you are glued to your smartphone posting photos and videos, we will share pointers to improve your use of social media — including highlighting some successes of fellow NAFDMA members.


Social media best practicesNAFDMA 2014

Colleen NewvineNewvine Growing

Our agenda

Tips and tricks for Facebook and Twitter An overview of LinkedIn, YouTube,

Pinterest, Instagram, Foursquare, Google+ and Tumblr

Broad suggestions that work regardless of platform

Ideas from fellow NAFDMA members Your suggestions and questions


First, what do you say?Consider your audience:

o What information do they need?o What information do they want?o What’s the specific next step you want

them to take?o What’s in it for them?


Like a newsletter, but better


Getting started on Facebook

Five basics for marketing on Facebook: Set up a business page


Getting started on Facebook


Five basics for marketing on Facebook: Fill in your “about” section Manage your page settings

Getting started on Facebook


Five basics for marketing on Facebook: Post a mix of content

Getting started on Facebook


Five basics for marketing on Facebook: Check your results

Getting better on Facebook

Five advanced tips for Facebook: You can schedule posts ahead of time


Getting better on Facebook

Five advanced tips for Facebook: Tag other users and businesses


Getting better on Facebook

Five advanced tips for Facebook: Reposition photos


Getting better on Facebook

Five advanced tips for Facebook: Highlight important posts


Getting better on Facebook

Five advanced tips for Facebook: Integrate apps


Getting started on TwitterFive basics for marketing on Twitter : Set up your account


Getting started on TwitterFive basics for marketing on Twitter : Add photos and a description


Getting started on Twitter


Five basics for marketing on Twitter : Set up saved searches

Getting started on Twitter


Five basics for marketing on Twitter : Follow people

Start by following NAFDMA


Getting started on Twitter


Five basics for marketing on Twitter : Talk to people

Getting better on TwitterFive tips for marketing on Twitter as you get more established: Use hashtags but don’t overdo it Tweet regularly Tweet content more than once Retweet and respond to people who

mention you Ask people questions


Photos win Facebook

Photos get the most likes and shares, and do well with comments






Time of day matters

Late afternoon into night is most active for shares and likes




6-8 p.m.

Weekend use spikes

Note the spikes in likes on the weekend – and the dip on Thursdays




Same is true on Twitter

Click through rates are higher later in the week and later in the day



Thursday, Saturday, Sunday


4 a.m. 2 p.m.

How you say it matters

The length of your tweet and where you put a link affect engagement




Calls to action work

When you ask for a retweet, people are more likely to retweet


Top 10 social media sites


Pinterest – virtual scrapbooking


Instagram – mobile photos


YouTube – video sharing


LinkedIn – business networking


Foursquare – location x3


Google+ - tied in to search


Tumblr – blog and reblog


Regardless of what toolImprove your engagement on any platform: Focus on what your audience wants and

needs Have a two-way conversation Share photos, graphics and videos Use descriptive words and hashtags Include a call to action You don’t have to do it all


Be responsive

Social media users expect responsiveness: Reply promptly whether it’s positive or

negative Use saved searches to find mentions Set notifications so you don’t miss

mentions Answer complaints but don’t be

defensive Respond publicly, discuss privately


How can I do all of this?

Social media does take time: Schedule it into your day Break it up into bite-sized pieces Use your available time Make tools work for you You don’t have to do it all


Ideas for engagement


Ideas for engagement


Ideas for engagement


Ideas for engagement


Take this talk home


Newvine GrowingMarketing strategy and tactics for farmers, farmers markets and farm-to-table restaurants
