Next Gen Learning: How New Tech is Changing the Game

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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CIPD L&D ShowMay 2014

Next generation learning: How new technologies are changing the game

Meg GreenHead of Production (Products)

• Trends that impact organisational learning.

• What do learners want/need?

• What are the challenges for L&D departments?

• How new innovations in technology help bridge these and provide real benefit for organisations.

Today we’ll be looking at…

Trend: Innovative companies are seeking knowledge workers

"We're seeing more and more jobs that simply didn't exist five years ago but were created as a result of employees driving toward new goals and objectives."

– Chris Hoyt, a recruiting strategist at PepsiCo []

Empowered learners, wanting to enhance their own knowledge…this is the dream of Learning & Development…

Right?What challenge does this trend present for L&D teams?

The game is always changing

learning needs must be focused on continual growth

No one has time to learn during their normal working day, needs to be easily accessible, mobile

These learners get bored easily, and know how to search for information themselves.

But how quickly can they find it?

And is it best practice for your organisation?

• Give learners a cutting edge environment where they can take control, find content that’s interesting to them

• Show learners not only what they should do, but what they might want to do next

• Not only show them what to do, but ask them what they’ve done

• See what external and internal learning is most useful and impactful, and quickly and easily make updates

• Provide instant access, from anywhere, anytime

What if we could…

Trend: multiple careers per learner

• At all levels• Subject matter experts… leave!

Challenges – knowledge loss

Onboarding is not just for new recruits

What if we could…• Provide learners with a specific space to quickly

get up to speed on their new role, with a community focus

• Harness existing knowledge from experts at all levels of the business and use that knowledge to help train new staff

• Motivate and engage existing employees to share their own expertise, reducing the cost of content creation

• Create a space to share best practice and coach people starting in new roles within an organisation

Less emphasis on ‘knowing’, more emphasis on being able to find the answer quickly.

Trend: ‘just in time’ learning

• Learners need bite-sized learning, search enabled

• Mobile and instant access is vital

What do learners need?

‘I know what I need, I can just find it myself – I’ll just google it’

• L&D as framework owners and curators

• Introducing the coach

New opportunities

What if we could…• Create a google atmosphere with

bite-sized, just in time learning, that achieves larger business objectives

• Give learners additional focus and attention with 1:1 coaching and feedback, framed by role-based objectives that encapsulate formal and informal learning

• Learners are more attuned to technology than ever before – the emerging workforce don’t know how to cope without it

• Learners are more aware of the boundaries and etiquette of online social interaction than ever before

• Organisations are starting more and more to use social tools for learning – 66% according to the latest Towards Maturity benchmark

The good news

New learning technologies

Employees are ready and eager to learn, to promote themselves

1. promote meaningful connections between learners, even across distance

2. provide instant access to carefully curated resources at time of need

3. capture learning from individuals for future use by organisations or learners themselves

4. enable companies to swiftly on-board their ever-changing staff

5. provide an org-led framework to qualify informal learning

6. motivate learners to use their own time to better their opportunities in your organisations

So how can we…?

How can a total learning system take us a step away from the traditional LMS and…

• Improve engagement• Reduce cost• Increase quality productivity

Give learners control of their own learning: access to what they need to do, plus what they may want to do

Core training plus additional resources

Enable learners to draw their own external, informal learning into the system

Give time for reflection on informal learning

Enable that learning to be shared and discussed with other learners

Enable benchmarking of formal and informal learning against tasks and learning objectives

Enable coaching and motivation for learners, from their peers and line managers

Enable this to happen anytime, anywhere. Quickly, easily.

Organisations can benefit from the work these employees are ALREADY putting in, but currently can’t be harnessed by the organisation.

• Other learners benefit• Organisations get to keep the

learning for future onboarding• Orgs get the data to show the

work patterns and informal learning activity of motivated/engaged employees

Harnessing these opportunities enables organisations to promote:

• Faster learning• Smarter working• Stronger performance

Thank you

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