Ngádja Ngana-yángka Ngana-nóra?Ngádja Ngana-yángka Ngana-nóra? · nga-nóra - I sit, I stay,...

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Ngádja Ngana-yángka Ngana-nóra?Ngádja Ngana-yángka Ngana-nóra?

Ngádja ngana-yángka ngana-nóra?What are you doing?

A text in the Ndjébbana language of central coastal Arnhem Land, for use in the Ndjébbana bilingual program at Maningrida Community Education Centre.

Written by the Ndjébbana StaffIllustrated by Marsha Ashwell

© NT Government Department of Employment, Education and Training, Maningrida Community Education Centre

First printed with assistance from the Schools Commission and the Aboriginal Arts Unit of the Australia CouncilFebruary 1990Revised and reprinted January 2006

Produced at Maningrida Literature Production CentreManingrida CECPrivate Mail Bag 67Winnellie NT 0822

ISBN 0 86783 292 4

Ngádja Ngana-yángka Ngana-nóra?Barra-bbínjbiniba: Barra-ngarráma barrakébba barra-mángka barra-rénjdjeya Ndjébbana Ngúddja

Ka-bbórbana: Marsha Ashwell


Ngáyabba nga-kkúndja



Ngáyabba ngá-nmarramarlo

nga-rénjdjeya, bana-kkábbiba.


Ngáyabba nga-bbínjbiriba



Ngáyabba nga-yóra.


Ngáyabba nga-rénjdjeya.


Ngáyabba nga-wénjdja ngi-yirríya

kúrla málaya.


Ngáyabba nga-nóra.


Njínjdjabba, ngádja ngana-yángka



English translation:

What are you doing?

2. I am running.

4. I am swimming through the water.

6. I am writing.

8. I am sleeping.

10. I am standing up.

12. I am climbing a tree.

14. I am sitting.

16. What are you doing?

Glossarybana-kkábbiba - in the water, through the water

barra-bbínjbiniba - they wrote it-Masc


barra-mángka - they get it-Masc

barra-mángka barra-rénjdjeya - they work

barra-ngarráma - women (they-woman)

barra-rénjdjeya - they stand, they are

ka-bbórbana - someone drew it-Masc

kúrla - tree

málaya - high, up

nga-bbínjbiriba - I am writing

ngádja - what activity

nga-kkúndja ngá-rakarawo - I am running

ngana-nóra - you sit, you are

ngana-yángka - you do (like this)

ngana-yángka ngana-nóra - you are doing (like this)

ngana-yóra - you are sleeping, you are lying

ngá-nmarramarlo - I am swimming

nga-nóra - I sit, I stay, I am

ngá-rakarawo - I am moving along

nga-rénjdjeya - standing

nga-wénjdja - I am climbing

ngáyabba - I

nga-yóra - I am sleeping, I am lying

ngi-yirríya - I am going

ngúddja - story, language, word

njínjdjabba - you

Printed by Maningrida CEC’s Literature Production Centre Tel: (08) 8946 6876

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