Nichole PowerPoint Presentation

Post on 18-May-2015

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PP Presentation of technology


How can technology be incorporated in a classroom?

Nichole Royston

Why should teachers use technology in the classroom

How can students benefits by using technology in the classroom

Why is integrating technology in education important

What are some new integrating technology skills to bring into the classroom for teachers and students

There three advantages of using technology in the classroom:

• Teachers should use technology in the classroom because its wide range of uses and forms that has the potential to reach students of all learning styles

• The interest and motivation that technology induces in students makes its usage in schools important

• Teachers better prepare their students for the future when using technology aimed at addressing each learning style

Technology use in teaching

Using PowerPoint For teaching lessons Giving students visual aids of the topics

Using Internet To find information To download websites

For example, good websites for teachers teaching K-3 may use:

Sending e-mails To maintain communication with students To maintain communication with parents of your students

Watching a movie Downloading video for educational and entertaining purposes in the classroom

Educators aim to use technology to enhance individual learning styles but not aware of the all the different benefits of using it their teachings.

Technology is continually changing and improving. It is necessary for all teachers to learn and incorporate technology in their lessons.

If teachers utilizes technology, then their students educational experience will meet the needs of how to manage information, and develop thinking skills that will allow them to be competitive in a global market.

Teachers who are incorporating technology in their curriculum are preparing their students with analyzed information instead of just memorized information.

•More challenged

Students can master basic and advanced skills required for their future success.

•More engagedLearning and developing meaningful information

•More independentPositively impacting students attitudes towards learning, building their self-confidence, and self-esteem

How technology effect students ability to learn

Technology uses improves performance in all subjects especially in English and Math.

Technology is introduced to all students at every grade level. Teachers have to incorporate the use of technology in their instructional activities. So I have demonstrated what I compared Wayne Township ISTEPS scores in the year 1996 to the year 2008. As you can see the score in year 2008 is a slightly higher than the year of 1996 and one reason is due to the students ability have more use on the computers.


Students’ motivation increases when they use technology in the classroom

If educators used technology in the classroom it helps to prepare students for the outside world

Technology can offer resources and experiences that books are not able to offer.

Students are more excited about doing their work and feel less pressure when working on computer.

Karasavvidis, I., J.M. Pieters & T. Plomp (2003). Exploring the mechanisms through which computers contribute to learning, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19, 115-128.

For Teachers: Technology allows teachers to demonstrate different strategies for learning. Technology is used in training to help organize and provide the necessary tools and

skills to become better educators. Technology gives teachers a way to connect with each other and extend the

learning experience.

For example, using a camera to capture moments and upload them into a slide show for parents to see also!

For Students:

Provides students the tools to enhance their learning. Students can understand their technology experiences through verbal, written,

spatial, quantitative, and graphical display Using technology is a great way to have fun while they are learning.

For example, creating graphs is more effective using the programs on the computer.

The earliest blogs started in late 1990s

Blogs are websites that individuals create for online diaries

Blogs show the most recent entries first

Blogs are used for personal, educational, political, and business purposes

Blogs include: text, images, links, pictures, video, and audio just to name a few

There are over 100 million blogs with more creating blogs everyday

Blogging is a great way to stay in touch with parents and students.

They can incorporate blogs into their lesson from K-12 because it is our future.

Teachers can share ideas through networking with one another

Teachers can use their blogs to speak on issues pertaining to their teaching style and receive feedback through their comments

Teachers can collect and organize information pertaining to subject areas that involve the use of technology

Educational technology has demonstrated a significant positive effect on achievement within all major subject areas for students in grades K-16.

Educational technology has been found to have positive effects on student attitudes toward learning and on student self-concept.

The level of effectiveness of educational technology is influenced by the specific student population, the software design, the teacher's role, how the students are grouped and the level of student access to the technology.

Introducing technology into the learning environment has been shown to make learning more student-centered, to encourage cooperative learning, and to stimulate increased teacher/student interaction.

Courses for which computer-based networks were used increased student-student and student-teacher interaction, specifically with lower-performing students, and did not decrease traditional forms of communication.