Nickerson east aurora sept 4, 2012

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Amanda Nickerson, Ph.D. Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention | University at Buffalo

East Aurora School DistrictSeptember 4, 2012

Promoting Dignity for All Students through Prevention and Intervention


Dignity Act for All Students Act

Recognizing and understanding bullying and harassment

Best practices in preventing bullying and harassment

Dignity Act Overview

Intent: “No student shall be subjected to harassment, discrimination, or bullying by employees or students”

Took effect July 1, 2012 (signed into law 9/13/11)

Cyberbullying amendment takes effect July 1, 2013

Applies to all public schools, BOCES, and charter schools

Definition of Harassment in Dignity Act

“the creation of a hostile environment by conduct or by verbal threats, intimidation or abuse

that has or would have the effect of unreasonably and substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits, or mental, emotional or physical well-being;

or conduct, verbal threats, intimidation or abuse that reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause a student to fear for his or her safety.”

Protected Classes




National origin

Ethnic group


Religious practice


Sexual orientation

Gender identity


…Obligation extends to harassment not related to protected class

Dignity Act Requirements for Schools

Policy (Code of Conduct) intended to create an environment free from discrimination and harassment

Designated Dignity Act Coordinator within each school to handle reporting and responding

Instruction for students (K-12; excludes charter) Civility, citizenship, and character education to address prohibition of

harassment, bullying or intimidation of protected classes

School employee training

Annual reporting

Reflection and Planning

Is our policy communicated in understandable terms to employees, parents, and students?

How do we involve students in creating a climate free of harassment?

How do we teach students about harassment and protected classes?

How do we identify and report incidents?

What are our intervention options?

Do we work with both the perpetrator and the target (separately)?

How and when do we communicate with parents?

Suggested Resources Regulations, guidance policy document, voluntary implementation

self-assessment checklist, webinar, Power Point, informational brochure, fact sheet, sample lesson plan Information about bullying, preventing, responding; Kids’ section

with videos Resources for educators, parents, kids and teens (book lists, links to

videos, bullying prevention programs)

What is Bullying?

Olweus (1978);

Acts of aggression (verbal, physical, relational, or cyber) intended to cause harm

By a peer (or group of peers) operating from a position of strength or power

Usually repeated

How is Bullying Different from Conflict and Playing?

Playing: Mutually desirable interaction (positive affect, give-and-take) – rough and tumble and playing the dozens often mistaken for aggression and bullying

Conflict: A struggle, dispute, or misunderstanding between two equal forces

Quick Bullying Facts

Estimates vary WIDELY, but about 1 in 3 children and adolescents are involved in as bully, target, or both

Bullying peaks in grades 4-7 Bullying is more likely to occur in less closely supervised areas

(bathrooms, hallways, playground, lunch, bus, online) Both boys and girls bully, but there are some differences

Boys more likely to be direct/physical with younger, vulnerable target

Girls may engage in more subtle, indirect forms with same-age girls

Cowie (2000); Nansel et al. (2001); Perry, Kusel, & Perry (1988); Skiba & Fontanini (2000)

Students who Bully: Common Characteristics

Desire for power and control

Get satisfaction from others’ suffering

Justify their behavior (“he deserved it”)

More exposed to physical punishment

More likely to be depressed

Engage in other risky and delinquent behaviors

Myth: Most are loners with low self-esteem

Fact: Most report average to high self-esteem and are popular

Batsche & Knoff (1994); Beaver, Perron, & Howard, (2010); Olweus (1993); Swearer et al. (in press); Vaughn, Bender, DeLisi, (in press)

Students who are Bullied: Common Characteristics

Most are perceived as weak or vulnerable Different in some way (appearance, age, disability, race/ethnicity,

sexual orientation or gender expression) passive and lack assertiveness; do not invite the bullying

Fewer provoke others (provocative victims or bully-victims) Offend, irritate, tease others Reactive; fight back when attacked

Boivin, Poulin, & Vitaro (1994); Hodges & Perry (1999); Olweus (1978, 1993, 2001); Schwartz (2000); Snyder et al. (2003)

Signs that Child May be Bullying Others

Refer to others negatively (wimp, fag)

Lack empathy

Strong need to get his or her own way

Hostile or defiant attitude

Easy to anger

Deny or blame others when behavior addressed

Signs that Child May be Bullied by Others

Change in behavior Withdrawn, lack of interest

Not wanting to go to school or be in social situations

Physical complaints (headaches, stomachaches)

Unexplained cuts, bruises

Those who bully More likely to experience legal or criminal troubles as adults (even after

controlling for other risk factors) Poor ability to develop and maintain positive relationships

Those who are bullied Emotional distress (anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts) Loneliness, peer rejection Desire to avoid school In some cases, may respond with extreme violence

Andershed, Kerr, & Stattin (2001); Crick & Bigbee (1998); Farrington (2009) ; Farrington, & Ttofi (2009, 2011); Hinduja, & Patchin, (2009); Nickerson & Sltater (2009); Oliver, Hoover, & Hazler (1994); Olweus (1993);Ttofi & Farrington (2008)

Effects of Bullying

Peers and Bullying

Peers see 85% of bullying incidents, most do not try to stop it (and many join in), because: “It’s none of my business” Fear of retaliation (by bully or other peers) Target must have done something to deserve it Actions will not be effective

Charach et al. (1995); Hawkins, Pepler, & Craig (2001); Rigby & Johnson (2005)

School Staff and Bullying

School staff are often not involved because: Most students do not report it to adults May not see it or notice it Beliefs that this is a common part of childhood May not know what to do In some cases, fear of bully

Banks (1997); Chang (2003); Cohn & Canter (2002); Hughes, Cavell, & Willson (2001); Limber (2002); Mullin-Rindler (2003); Skiba & Fonanini (2000); White, Sherman, & Jones (1996)

Summary of Key Points

Alberti Center Slide Show

Hazler & Carney (2012); Rigby (2000); Ttofi & Farrington (2011); Swearer, Espelage, & Napolitano (2009)

Bullying Prevention in Schools

Collect Data

Whole-School Anti-Bullying


Skill Development

Increase Awareness & Supervision

Respond Along


Include Parents

Best Practices in Bullying Prevention in Schools

Collect data to better understand extent of problem and to monitor effects of interventions

Have high expectations for behavior Acknowledge and reward desired behavior Use teachable moments and apply meaningful

consequences for unacceptable behavior

Arrange for active supervision in “hot spots” (hallway, lunch, recess, before school) Everyone should know intervention and reporting procedures

What Schools and Educators Can Do


erticenterfor other resources

Respond to Bullying

Intervene to stop the bullying Describe the behavior and why it is not acceptable Apply consequences consistent with policy; emphasize progressive

discipline and teaching rather than only punishment Be aware of humiliation or retaliation if confronted publicly

Document and report the incident May need investigation where parties interviewed individually

Work with colleagues and support staff to assess issues involved and plan accordingly (increased individual supervision, parent communication, targeted intervention based on needs)

Respond to Target

Listen and empathize “Tell me what happened,” “That must have been upsetting”

Ask what would be helpful to support the person

Indicate what is being done to address the bullying (protect confidentiality)

Suggest possible coping responses (avoid blame or “silver bullet” approach) Do not show you are upset (OK to feel upset, but showing it may fuel more bullying) Assert self using a calm, strong voice if safe (“Stop,” “Give it a rest”) Say something to deflect it or make a joke of it Tell a trusted adult Surround self with supportive people

Check-in regularly

Don’t join in… speak up if it is safe to do so

Band together as a group against bullies

Tell an adult about the bullying Tattling/ratting

To get someone into trouble Telling/reporting

To get someone out of trouble (unsafe or hurtful behavior)

Reach out to isolated peers, offer support

Empower the Bystanders to be “Upstanders”

Communicate in proactive and preventive manner

Be timely with communication!

Focus on the behavior (not the person)

Avoid blaming or judging (expect denial)

Emphasize how this type of behavior can be a problem for their child, the other person, and the school environment

Inform parent about school response

Work together to help child behave in other ways

Communicate with Parents

Targeted and Intensive Interventions

Students who bully Identify function of behavior

Need for power and control? Bullied by others and lashing


Develop plan and intervention for change

Assess for other problems (e.g., drugs, suicidality)

Targets Identify areas of need and

intervene accordingly Teach social and coping skills

Enhance social support from peers and significant adults

Encourage involvement in an activity to experience success

Develop safety plan (follow-up)

Assess for depression or other mental health problem

Provide Students with Resources in and Out of School

1-800-273-TALK (Suicide Lifeline) 1-866-4-U-Trevor (LGBTQ Youth Suicide Hotline) 716-834-1144 or 1-877-KIDS-400 (Buffalo Crisis

Services Hotline) – has over-the-phone language interpreters 24/7

For Spanish speakers Suicide Lifeline 1-888-628-9454



"They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

- Carol Buchner

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