Nicola Pisano Nativity, Pisa Pulpitsstone/art202/review1.pdfNicola Pisano Nativity, Pisa Pulpit...

Post on 22-Apr-2018

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Nicola Pisano Nativity, Pisa Pulpit 1260. Giotto Lamentation 1305.

Duccio Maesta Altarpiece (madonna in Majesty) 1311

Ambrogio Lorenzetti Good Government in the City 1339

Lorenzetti Good Government in the Country 1339

Robert Campin Annunciation c. 1425

Jan van Eyck Ghent Altarpiece (open) 1433

Van Eyck Wedding Portrait 1434. van Eyck Man with a Red Turban 1433

Rogier van der Weyden Deposition c. 1435

Limbourg Brothers October (Tres Riches Heures) 1416. Martin Schongauer Temptation of St.

Anthony c. 1480

Donatello St. Mark 1413. Feast of Herod 1427.

Ghiberti Jacob and Esau c. 1435. Donatello David 1440-60.

Antonio del Pollaiuolo Hercules and Antaeus c. 1475. Andrea del Verrochio Colleoni 1496.

Masaccio Tribute Money 1426

Masaccio Trinity 1427. Fra Angelico Annunciation 1440s.

Andrea del Castagno Last Supper 1447. Paolo Uccello Battle of San Romano c. 1455?

Piero della Francesca Flagellation of Christ 1455-65. Andrea del Mantegna Ceiling of the

Camera Picta 1474.

Pietro Perugino Delivery of the Keys of the Kingdom 1481. Sandro Botticelli Primavera c.


Filippo Brunelleschi Interior of the Pazzi Chapel begun 1442. Michelozzo Palazzo Medici, façade,

begun 1443

Leonbattista Alberti Façade and interior of Sant’ Andrea, Mantua begun 1470.

Leonardo da Vinci Last Supper 1498, Mona Lisa 1505

Raphael School of Athens 1510

Michelangelo Pieta 1499. David 1504

Michelangelo Moses 1515. Interior of the Sistine Chapel 1508-13

Michelangelo Sistine Chapel, Creation of Man 1512. Last Judgement 1535-1541.

Donato Bramante Tempietto 1502. Medallion of St. Peter’s 1506.

Giorgione Tempest 1508. Titian Assumption of the Virgin 1518.

Raphael Galatea 1513. Titian Venus of Urbino 1538.

Michelangelo Rear of St. Peter’s 1564 (dome 1590). Palladio Villa Rotonda 1570

Mannerism. Giulio Romano Palazzo del Te court 1530. Giacomo Pontormo Entombment 1528

Venetian painting. Veronese Triumph of Venice c. 1585. Tintoretto Last Supper


Court Mannerism.Bronzino Venus, Cupid and Folly 1546. Giambologna Rape of the Sabine

Woman 1583