Nihilanth - Lone Wolf Elims

Post on 13-Jun-2015

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Nihilanth Lone Wolf Elims at IIT Bombay set by Suraj Menon.





Identify the singer ( audio removed)


Who’s last words were “Don’t worry, they don’t usually swim backwards.” ???


Opened in Lens last month as part of an initiative taken by the government to expand cultural horizons for its people. This is the first ever branch of what???

4Constructed on images captured by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. What was this a model of??

5What event does this cover represent???

6This small, privately run museum opened in Vienna, Austria in 2005. What is so unusual about this museum???


What one word has

been blanked out

from the title of this movie???


Only discovered by accident in 2008,in the remote Fuja Mountains of Indonesia what popular nickname did this frog species get from its resemblance to a character in literature

9Identify all three people being played in this still from a recent movie


They derive their name from a Persian word behesht, meaning paradise, and the name is said to have been given to the community on account of their ministering to Muslim soldiers at a battle.

They claim descent from one of the uncles of the Prophet Mohammad, Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, hence they are also known as Abbasis.

What community???????

Bhishtis or water carriers


 Who is Neville Cardus talking about

“I once asked Ted Wainwright, the Yorkshire cricketer, what he thought of, and Wainwright said, ‘X, he never made a Christian stroke in his life’. Why should he have done? The style is the man, and X belonged to the land of Hazlitt’s jugglers, where beauty is subtle and not plain and unambiguous.”


Identify this chap (in the red jacket) who headed the New Zealand Ross Sea support team for the Commonwealth Antarctic Expedition


Illustration from an essay titled The Indian Crow, written during his stay at Bombay’s Watson Hotel. Who is the chap pictured????


What place in Bombay has a name that as per the Bombay City Gazetteer means "four channels" and is “evidence of the inroad of the tide before the western foreshore was reclaimed "


In 1976, Utpal Dutt starred in a Bengali film called Xer Meye ( the girl of X) in which he searches for a bride for his son, the only condition being that she support X, unaware of the fact that his son is already in love with someone who supports Y.In the 90s, a movie called Yer Chele ( The boy of Y) was released with a similar storyline.

Id X & Y. No half points.


Minimalist poster

referencing what work of



About what often controversial and divisive book did Dorothy Parker say “This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.”


A train was started between Howrah and Tatanagar which was given a name meaning steel.

Today the route has been extended from Tatanagar all the way upto Titlagarh in Orissa.

What is the name of this train???


The success of a1975 single Black Superman released by Johnny Wakelin & The Kinshasa Band was thought to have prompted DC to release a comic book pitting him against Superman. Wakelin himself followed it up with another hit single called In Zaire in 1976. Who was the subject of both these songs???


Over the course of the last six months or so, the LA Times issued instructions to its journalists to use “punk group with a profane name” as a substitute for what name???


Identify the person reciting this poem by Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Audio removed Daag Daag Ujala – From the film Firaaq


What is this the first few

bits of the ABCD of???


“30 for 30” is a series of documentaries which chronicles 30 stories from the ‘ESPN era’, each of which detail the issues, trends, people, teams, or events that transformed the sports landscape. One such documentary was called, “The 16th Man” following his involvement in a particular sporting achievement in 1995.



Following what recent sporting achievement was this ad released???


Relased for download in November 2004 by Scottish company ‘Traffic Games’, why did this game face major controversy


Identify the subject of this Amul ad


In 2004, Blackie was auctioned off and the proceeds donated to a drug and alcohol rehab clinic- the Crossroads Centre.It was purchased by an American music chain for $959,500, a then world record.

Who did it belong to ???


Identify the person speaking

Audio from the IQ2 debates


Identify both these gentlemen


What genus of plant gets its name from a Greek root word meaning testicle due to the shape of its roots (in middle english it was also referred to as the ballockwort as a result) ??