N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 20 No 15 May 4, 1966

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College


Speaker Says U. S. Must Convince Viet Cong U. S. Will Win

The bluest aJnal~ problem ol the Viet Nam war Ir. to convince thP OPPolition that we Intend IO dellla t them. Thia !\llltement wa.' made !:ti' R('v. Daniel L.•ona. s.J .. \IOnch,y, Apnl :?5 at ll coue,.. usembls ro1 •hlch be SPOiit'.

Father LJol\5 teaU II td a the specJlll t.alina btld bJ the House Commit!< e o" Foreign Arf111rs, F'Pb. L5 and 16. He ls a mt>mbu o f tbe Asian Speakers Bureau. and has leciured throu1thnut the U.S.

In tesll !Ytns before the committee. Falher Lro"" pointed out that our policy Jn Viet :Sam Is basically cor­rect. It Is not onb JusU II ab! e. but momll,y commendable. The rollo"1na are a selec ­llon or Father Wons views ab>ut the dangerous euotS. In varying degrees. that tbe U.S. Is mokl ng concemlnc Viet Nam policy:

1. FearofChlm domlratea all or our other pollclea •••

2. We think !tat "eakneea. ca !her than etrensth. "Ill

•bnng ab>ut a setllemt>nt. 3. We let our diplomats

override such ba.slc military decisions as bloekading

•HAlphong. ~ . We undereall mato the

lmporta.nce or the cold v.u • rront In the United Sta tea.

5. \\'e base our policy on the mistaken notion that Communist Rus!<la I "ome­

•ho" on our sick- ••. 6. \\e th! nk tbat North

Vlet !'Jam wuJ il''t' up e•llY. ao we keep on gl vlnR sanc­

IJ!Uary to R11Jpbonc nnd Hanoi. 7. We work under the ll ­

luslon that o alalemate Is ;;omeho-.. i;olnR IO make the

..enemy ... 1 thdra-.. Ill or hJs troops and cHe up a.II that he has been n ahttni: for.

8. \\e fall IO raallze the rf!llt dancer or ln\'lnt: other

-..ars of UbemUon comr11ence wltlle this war drap on In· termlncbly, even thouah wt'

-.ire committed to defend ~ I other na.llons at the aame time.

9. We Cail to realize tba 1 't111ssl les can never replace bor11bers tn smlll-5eale 11:­cresslon. '- ~10. \\e ra.11 to .. ~ 1h11 onlr , ::.ovtet RusS1a has the power to dl.'stioy us. a.nd that we wmpt the Kremlin "hen "'' rolon111he war. 11. lie la.11 to realtzf' that

Commun! sis can Justlf) aru -thlnc they -.1n1 to do.

• 1~. lie ftul to realize 1h11 '"" can •In the ,.az -..111111 a year. \\e underestlmaa our ene!ll) tr "e think that ne111·

;,:ions can be bad Just ror the a:ikl ni:.

13. \\C tlink tlat thlll IS prlmanly South VIC'lna.m•s

Cillrar. I nstend or th<' free "'or Id's.

u. \\e seem con,1 need that, If •"l' IQ· to Win the "Ill

c;.ithln 1 yeas. China •ould enter, but II "'' ta Ile ri.,, yc1is IO •1n, ht -. II not

8nter._ - ------APP LI CA TIOHS HEEDED

All siudenl.$ .. ho pla.n to .:rturn to NlJC next rnll nrc L!lked to flll out oPPllcauons for readmission and submit them before Jul) 1. lt m11.1 ~ 'mDr~ com·tnlent for mo..!

tudllnlS to ium 1 n th~r appll~aon 5 pnor to the end of the 5Chool year. •

15 Students On Dean's List At Nine-Week Period

A ll'\~f' Of 1" ld...,~rr Ster r;r&des aho• tba1 75 tu.11-ttlll!' students •~re dalnc .. B .. or better wollt 11 t.'le end or lbe lasl rin~•ttlt pertocL

There were th!'!e ;. or "stralctn A" atudcc:.s. lolal'­lb·n Ca:::pbell. Carl Xelson. and S&U1 Spun.

Othe1:5 Wllb cradie pol DI averaces or 3.5 and abo\'ll' were Joe Clarie. Otnd.• !>.lbl. Fronk DarUnston, Lon:a.ine Drees. Ronald A her. Gret· rhen Gob:. Mable JiatlJl(ln. Jean \larUn. :"ell Pe~aon, Klllll'n Sand. C1&1re Slmmoas. !\athel ~encer. K~lll'tll \\alters. and Unda Wllson.

Those 'lf!th crade po!i:t averages or l>en.een 3. and 3.5 .. et\' Elaine Adkins. Cathr:i·n Andre-.. , Ah• ~to. Robert Bennett, Shc~I Berg-strom. Vlrs:I nla Blantoid. John Brocn n, Jan Bull . E:ucene Buncb. G~T Burm. Arlhw Cooper, John DieBa.rber. Penney Duri.<:bl, D:ane Fllcb. \larclJI F'l 17.hush. Candy Fuller, Judlth <lt'hlen. lit.lier Gilman. '>laolyo Gros.:., Tt>rry lla"'ood. Otrole Huies. \lel­vln H11..H1>, ~llchael Hen­drlek&, Vonna Hensley, Rnymond Holt. Bell\' Jo tins ' II. Alan K.iebert, Al Ian Koski. Dare Kn\'lltch. Allen Lil~-.

)lazy AM Lueotxe, Ja111ce llcE:uen. Eileen llcPoland. \'lr'1] Mlll,.r. Henry Su:el, Lorcai ne !'ii cbob. Da.n Sipp, Jo AM ()l·eisb:r, Karen Pa:· nott, Da\1d Pence, Gordon Pnce. \lede Re111or. Nlcoo­l&S Rhoads. JoAnnie Rich­mond. Olrol RIRGS. Robin Sel\"aee. Joseph SlosHr. Ed't< f n Sul II ''lln. Robert Toedter. Slllrle)· tllz. La.rry Verhel, Jerry Wainer, Diam Vi ell er. Ga~ Vi hlte, Susan \\oklen. Carol V.ortbl llCIOn. James 'll'l'lle • .WerlleP 'iou~


CommencPment a re be1 nc sent to huslnnlb a.nd t:"radua 1es.

t n•·ua lions 111rent.:> and

wh·es of

A fev. t'Ura ID\1taoons were orck-red and ue l\'llll· able C.;ir any craduates •ho m11Y w1"h 1;i lll:r thee:. Thier "l&.T be >blal n,.d ffl"m the re11str11•., omc.- Cot :>c ea.ch.


Students iue rcm1 nded that 11rades for the econd aeme..· ter v.111 not bf' t11aill'd. Ho,.. · e,·er, a111onc who would llkP I Student copy Of h.l • re­cord to dat.1 ~ haTP ll malled to mm b> leavt Di a alll.lllped, s~ir .. ddrl.'5sed en· velope tn W. re11htrar•s olTlce b<-fol1:! hf' !~aves school.

Mll.Y ~-"Tl>_• ... OUtH' lh::tt Roared"-SUB 7.30 p.m.

Mo &--Os>t'n House. i to 9P.m.

May 13 .,, I ~-All·school ou11na and picnic

Plan College Open House ..

,,,. '°" [)o,,o d "'"" I( .. "' Ntr . "°''""' ''"'• O~ pJt I ffV ' lf~n _.,,

•Q'f ft ""' p • .... ,,.~ • Og.tt

;o.;uc •ill tav" nn 01>t'D ck!partmtnt or tndlcated m11Jor houee Cor the l)&lents or hl1h lntNest for dc.-mon&tml!ona. acoool atudt'ntl> and the 1en· \'le,.tn1 or &lhl bits. and n era I public. May 6. 7:00 p.m. b~ er talk by departmont per· ta 10:00 p.m .. accordlnc to 110nn!'I and o Queatlon-answt'r Dorald \'an Klceck, Instructor pedod • and chairma.n or the open bOuae co1111:11ttee.

Purpose of the tv<'Dt Is IO aho-. tbe fadUUes or the collece. hdp to Curlher lu relaaonshlp W1 th tbe public and pomotti tn~ll'!lt w1111 the peopl., or oorthem Idaho. and In particular, with pa.rents of PIOl>PPCtl\'e SIUdenta. Gu~ts "111 '"Slater In the

umnulwn Crom 7:00 p.m. to 7:30. and be u~lgned IO the •P«lal IDtt'resl group or lhelr cbolee. A i;Wded tour or tbl' enu re college will rouo-.. The tour tnroucn toe deparll':ents will <'Dd at the

R!'lreahrnenta will be arrved lall'r In the alllder.1 urion tulldlo;i: •Ith bckClllODd music pro•1ded b:r tho NlJC Oarre Band and thr A Cap­Pl'llA Chol r.

Each a>lle1e club wlll hove ma.nnl'd bootba and II te11lurt­concernln1 the aoclal acU"" 1111'8 11.nd runcuons for colleee titudt'nts. NIJC s~r.iee clubs and volunteers will proYld~ Mata LDd IDI01:tallor. P•r­llOMel.

Studen1a are encouca1ed to attend the tvt'nt Nltn lbe!r parPoll!. Van Klt'~dt said.

Both Fun, Serious Events Are Part Of Annual Campus Week

Bur.<tlna b111l1ion I nllo•d V.lth wnt.>r, tnnel" rurt>u, •nd a <'Ill em11Mh v. et•• Just arnplea c•I the lun-<11llkln1 1cth1th•n dunnc a&ml'U5 daVR at NIJC, ,\pd) 27. 28. 29.

\\~Dellda.\, Apnl 27. v.aa .. CNhb.r day". 'Thia mmnt that dolhinc "' ~ rn 11C!.'d or tallNeO cundlU<>n "' . •orn b1 moat or th~ atudrnt. ..

Thl'rt \\iW a tu• or war cont~sl b..t .. 1•on 1mphom11rl'll and rr,.,.hm~n In lhn wuud~d I hi Cle el ht-hind lh•• ndrnlnl· "'" uon bul ldJ na. II ac1•rn"d dllOcul t 1a tell •m won, but In any ev<'nt, many Pl"OPle nme out wet and muddy. 10 HJ lhe l t'aat.

A batll!md 11u1omoblll! ,.L~ placed In thP ptrllln1 lol, and pcople Wl'lf· allo•t~l to BrnllJI h It with n ell'd&• h11111mrr for a •mall f••t'. Thi &<'l'm••d la bi• Just what •lod~nta •anted 11«-au&I' one PNoon look a dollar'S worth ol ew1np b'· fore he rtnhhrd.

Too tl!lll1Un1nc du· 1cd'1-Uee conauted of aoaliln£ un­rorturall! YkUms With wawr Oiled balloons, dru1tdn1 Pl!~ · pl e lh11>ulh th• mud, and epra 11n1r ah4111n11 cream on anytlina or anybody.

E\•en.lna aeuvlun wNe some-.. ha.I subdued. A mo vi~ WIS llOO"Nn In th" llllldrnt union bulldlnr. It •aa U tied, "The \\'lid One". wldch &eemed quite •Pn>PO& IP r('o

l:aUon to !he daJ''s previons acu \10"5.

Tnurediiy was cultural da}. Studcnta wen• uknd IO wear !ormll 11tUrr.. andm<Jat of lh<'11 did. It WU llald bY Mm" ob· a•n• r on campus that the etud•nts looked vrr7 nlc~.

A Went show •as bt>ld dut· Inc acU\11)' pcnod to the e11Jc1en1 uclon. Pcrformtts wete well rc~hro b:r th(' audlencf. A PllJ' called :·Tom Jones" 11aa pn.senU!d b) m~bers or IM drama dr.­partment Tbuisdo and Fndu Dier ht . Tht• Friday nJ 1ht p•·rforma.nce qs foll o•~d b v a dance In the fa('ul 11 p1rkl111 lot.

A tnc;ocle ract' dunnc acll· •ltY p:-l1od and a pll' uUn1 contest 11.: noon addlld up ' llr.e ecU!nAlnment, fnd.y. du.nae i;uct'll dlr. Aleo tbat di.) •nto: a volleyball IQlrne at noon and a son.ball gnme bet .. cen free tmen and 11opho· more• at 3:00 o'clock.

Thici a wlJI piobably i.eem U~"" atflll alll't all of thr.M' eventa. but II ••""I'd u If the atu~nt.o eDJ01f'd tbe ac11,1Uf'S whil<' Ibey la.~1<'<1. Oc<'.uloaall7 thrre must bt' 1 rel<ss<" !ro- Ul~ ordinary acad•mlc " OIM " . Ca pix cby -.t:"rtr.rd ta pr'' 1dr this dJ\fl!'lon. - Donald 11 .. tkklla

MOVIE TDHITE "Tb~ ~'u"'" t!IJI Roat~d"

will br 'be'• n 1 n thr Sludtont u clon or. )faJ' i . Thi« t.rcl:· nlcol ' ptock:CIJDD • lll ti. u .. !Ital lillOW ol t~ 196H6 achoo! :.cr.n •

THE N.LJ .C. REVIEW , ... 1'-4 S.• •·Mfffbiy 0.,., ...... ~· y.., ., .i-..- -- .. ....


E•t0' •••••••• •... ••••••.••••••••• ()oftahl .... I.It; •O

A••O<fat• Eel·•~ ••••••••••• • •••••• • ..... M..Abft: H.,.,on; r•r· \>IO' DI'\.,,. , •• ••• , •• • • ,., • ••• •••... Jot" '#or;t Re,, oo .. u: P•9it Oo1i,.,.ott, (Oft"'• Von Heu, Ard•'°'t Jot-.n•oti, 1(01M•~ Fto''• Robb Sehro~. Sv'O"'I DN.,flet, S..t11 Johnsott, S....,,,, Rowt, LorH Lo"tdoJtt, /.A.1ke Het1•1ch, Oovglo. Renlrow,

Coro' • ••'·


TIME IS ONE'S MOST PRECIOUS POSSESSION ,. ~ ...... • "'< po'scsses.

n >f bocoU$C! •

• (, We h:Jw, perhaps, t:".UO llll'O !hon onyit. "9 O SC.

Howevor, ,., our mt.<dcrn wcv od we seldom f1na • mo • do rho 1h1ng •ho• ~ wonl 10 do, and ofron wo lone! o.;•Mtl.1e~

0' 1ng fo, 'm ' O dotfio"° !'lings lhot muil ~occ;omp'1shed. C.O...~~e>n!ly, - !ind ovsol1es ong•o•:.cd rn c.•drnory oc•,. . 111 m0$• I t"O ••mo, ollo ... ng 111110, ,f O"Y, '"" c• pursue pleosur blr. oc•1v.r1os.

Trmc 00!!'' ro ho;e tho wings of o bud 0< rho leg• or o r "t ~. //!Y,n NO or<? busy t1mu 1110 • Noon wo oro 001, •lmc og • Somo pl ilo~i:ihers bol1eve 1ho1 cno "'u•t slow up cince n o while so •hot ~omn1h1"Q NetthNhilo con co· up w •

him. J. de •h15 moy bo trlK', aood ttung> moy bypo• • o per-on 1f ho' OW$ up •oo ""'ch. fhere so hoppy rrcdo.im sane·

W I•

So dcm d ' o person ho~ timo 10 s•• daNn w in one.the< ond ho.., 0" int lf19cn1, 1.-:lepth discus 10t1. llon-t pe•sors

rr tr •°"It •no1t lives g v1ng ll•tlo ctt r.• on to th ng· o!!>cr •ho who! noc uory, ond when •hoy 9 r old, •noy N0<1dc• what • y hava dl710 w11h thoir '"'O .

A pr " l1fo con• is•• of l1nd1ng hu ro ~s O'>d 'TICS · 'e<tng •!>om w11I who1 .ff!• tool of 1n•ol •l!""Co ond Otl<!rg' .,e pos ' . And N1th rl11s dodtco11ot1 •o o spec 11c ~I or Pov~· rio e, o r r on must roko rune 10 cvoluo1r1 him· If ond othor• orOU<ld I 1m, •o thor oll moy lx-nof11.

L" I~ u CQ11l1nuol proc• H of oduco11or1. Somt- p<rr~ons ti 1nl., 0101 , ill attort stc;p' when thuy gor ou• of k11Jh school er oil • On"h • onrrury, 10 learn 1• •o 1111 • but "ho' use •s

fofto, if w don'• pnuse momon1ortly lrom °"' ocl 11111os t cn1oy 11 nloo L ff ~ O'l(f orJvanlOp!!S ')

II 10 h dot o !>'!' on se•s os•do wmo '"'"' I do rho t 1ngs raolly wonl 10 do, he will bo hopp••~. how II •111 V'' h'

w:'>fi dcnr., and t~ world will boa l1ttl la' h C'•C po v


the l hrml' or • •l.Yle hoy, ht•l d In lh~ Slud~nt Unton llullllinA on th•• l'l·tinln1 or Ma> 4. Th~ Myl r show " hlch c

COfUlt D'ALENE STrl.f SHO, i>O'>IEN'S r\ EAR

Fo .. d.11.,. , • Dreuu • Coo11 S,.11••ffr ood Lio9erie

3116 H. - St. • C.... .(Al. ..




P . o .. t .,.o .. ~ .... • ,~, 6

00 N . , .. S • • tt '

Co t t.1 • o A\. t ... t. to-. .. o

.. IS a l'On!IO tMI 11) the !'I UC llom" Eco no mt QI cit' par11111mt, •111 prr~rntl'd to ;-; UC In· atruc.-Wr; and lhl'lr wti·t>a, Donna Blanlon:I r"pont'd.

Ml--~ Bl anlord 111td tlat th(' mou~l11 fot thr .. how "ere thr .. rudlonl:o tn thP o.d1anc~ clollltn~ cl.,. 11 and th1• talloi­lna ~la' • She uld that all ol illr CIOUlt'a that .. .,!!! modelrd M'I\' mldr bY th.• arudrnlli.

l-'ae!Wons Cor all cxcG.S!oru.· from WOfta to &>rmab-·•ere l•arun•d. Ml &t~ Juhn· s ~n .. as rbe modc111 tor.


Doi Gittel

SUB version QUE.,TIO.\ "Do '°" Ultu t/IDI lk cot11~g S<kclat<! S<n1u Qaahflclllroa Tc.st Is oa acCrr70te cnUnoe to Adp dra/I boards •eke d<"C'ISto:i.s o• a stlldut·a eta 1111flca-

ttcm '"* J.llKE ROSS. Freallllan,

B.S: "l\hY not? II .. 111 al•e some or the 11rudrnts tbat ha•e brains, bit who arr 1et· 1101 poor t1radra, a chance to remain In COlll'Se; bit II .. 111 n 01 hun Ulo e wub bl sh 11adea."

lallCRAEt. BL.ACK. Pl\'sh· riaa, pre· mortuar;: "So. mlLQ)' studenta •bo l1n-e a bl1b academic raa:is la scbool ac:Qlll u.• a low iatlac on tbe SSQT. Tb! a al"° trOllta la re\'erse. The test dot'lln't C1Te a uu~ evalua ­tion ora 11tudent'.i 1lltll1Y."

CiE:'iE l.IELLICK. Presb· man, Buataua: •:Jr you want to SD ID achoo! tlll' letil IS One. and 11 to )-Our advantai:E" ID taltt> It. You are not. ho .. «'''er, h!!atin1 the dnL!t. Tbe1 will IN you sooner or later. No Amedcan &hould want to beat tbe dQft."

DA\1D DURBIN. F'resbrnan. Enc!netll a&' "Yes. because the arudl>nta that aren't dotn£ well btt"•llSe lht1 Ill n been r:oofloic o tr mlicllt sho• •!Jlt Ibey could oo tr Ule1 ta ed."

HAROLD L. !oo:-is. F'Tesb· maa. F'or,.atry Tecbnidan: "To me the comlni; quallfl· cation teat 11 a war for hlsh and medium aocletr people to ~t their sons f'.Jtempt lrom the draft. In tlr &Udwest there all! many Cann 'kids' who would tmke e1ceUent studenta, but tht'lr families can't atrotd IO llt'nd lllrr.i '° coUese. Co1>11cquentl;r. lhe:r are not allowed ID take Ute ~t. and therefore. th~l r chance or set tine dratted are llttter. I !eel that 11:0· 'isloa1 should be made for farm : kids•. too."

DA\1D PORTREY. F1ub· man. lndustrtal Elklc111or. "Tiil. t.esr ta probabl! the beal "0 IO selt!C t ire In· dl\1duals ro>r colll'CP to tile nation 111 a 11hole, but ~&df! Point a\·ura,.. 11hould be lak~n Into C'OMldeniUoo. Some peep le cannot la!< e a teat f'uil:r, ao It mt ,iit tund•r IDllll'•d or trip tllrc:. In m) <l'lnlon. no 1e11 la I~ llCCUJalA'."

lll.C. Sl'Ll l\'A.'>, SOJ>bomut. B.A. "ll'a rf'aaDnable :o 155tlllll' tlllt lbe tell will help ID decldiDE a suide:ll'~ Quilt II cations bowl!" et, I feocl t'tlt'b ca sc should be Judcf'd on 11& own indh1d:lal mertl.'\."

RICHARD NELSON, ~ah· man, Pre·Dt>nllstrv: ":\o. b l'CaU!IC drl t\ loel' la a~ ma tn!J made up cl math and sdenc" ciunllons, and tbl1 canrot objec tlvel1 t.est .. hetbt'r a &llldent should be f'it:nptf'd from the draft ID otdtrtrJCODll:lue bls1llldles."

F'RANK BOCiARDlS, 5'l$lb­omore, Pl>!ltieal Sclt'DCe' ":The c111enon ah>uld be pen;oftlll f.!lde lo belnc a mllll, and a a tlzen or tile Uni t~d Sbt • Otllens t=.Te ~ac:lflc~ Ulclr Qmt' and S&Vt' Ult'lr U\e to keep llU& a lrM- countr,. T~ll' .. hould ht' no Qlll'Oltion oC wt1U111-

!'ol.l .J.C. REVIEW, C.-r 4'AI.,.., ldoho, W•d., Moy 4, 1966

Scene From 'Tom Jones' 0

-or.: x,r,. (HON'V SmlrnJ ,. ,,,..,..,; ro CO"VI~• Sophia ..,.,,.,trt 0 ·"'O' .-,. ,,en o,....e>;s be•"' ,.,,_,. ,." ;.,.,. n s:>t •• ol whet her OlJl'lt Ml11 "•s:"t',.., Cot1'11 H•r :~J 'O ,, ,,.,_ -~"' ~C•""O wos trom 0 TOl"'I J;,,. .... s10)1ed by r.i.,. 'al'ftO ci•Po',..,..•"' Aprll :.c-29. Ith o •"'rllz•d '°''"• of ' • 8th C•,,•o.1ry p1:x:lvc~d '" o rioderr monn- r oudl•rte• panlclpo110l'I'. 0

ness to seT\'<' In bl'hall or tb<' Vntted State~."

RON MCC RACK.ES, Flea b· rcaa. Blolou· "I bt'lle\'e It I" an o.ccurat• cni.enon, but It shotild not ht' ~ e nb cn-1eno11 . n• tved."

ASB MINUTES The II! 1:111.r we -1<1~ Dlft'U nr

o! the Studl>nt Board or Coll· trot or !'lorth Idaho Junior Colle11e wa.. called to order on APnl 19 II>' Preetdent Etll<'I Bncht. Thi' minutes <?r Ille previous ml'~U ntt M'rr read and approved.

Under old business. EUlel Bn c ht !old Ull' board !lat Cathy Henza. v. ho was i.>ln1 :o bl- the asaoctat<' t:'dl ior or ttr yurbook, wlll not re1ll m ant Tt'ar. }!.)""."'· Ciao Clappell bu &'1e~ to a•· sum" :11.- entlt<' ~ponslbtUtr ~: tbe annulll. II appol nted bor :he b>erd. ~b ss Bn ltht tbt"n fPIJo,lnM that Chai>PC'll is eLll bl l' ror appo! ntment .,. !11 a pad~ are con· c•·med. Sht' also read a rnc0111mendaaon 101 him by urlfllt<'I Ci1tl•. tn•truo!or. It

'AU mo' Pd and h<'Conded to appoint ChllPP<'ll l'dltor or t!IL' !('arbook for th!> folio.,.­'"' rear. Th<' motion canted.

E:l>el also told Ill.- boatd :la: sht'. Fiank ~'loRtta. and Ca:::d,T Ila bl Ate worlit n1 on t!:le In! tr"Jllon booth for the Open l\luse.

Coder n~ bi;!l!ne;s. cunl Cbas" "n-se:l:ed 1 pl';lpoi;ed caor:act ! r ~11 7ear·s ar.· m:al !.ti: a total cost or SZ761.C.O C.:i.to.,.tar dlscountt<. Tb Is amount It! about $:!00 O\~r the currellt yeat's bud· c• t. Th .. ne .. annual •Ill be 9 bl I~ and ha n• 12 ruor< paces. It ,....,. movf'd and seocood'd to acc.,pt lbe con· tlllCt. Tile motion can 1f'd •

C. 11esion l!Atcll tbt'o u· ;tlo.1ned lbl! 0'.ACCllll StalJ' • i:ie::t. a COP1 of •licb •aa llfCSectt"d to eu:b =~r.

n •u mo'l'ed and seconded to appro~ a at• et cb~ on Fe r. APlll '.!9. t llo"1DI tbe pla.r, Tom Jones. In con­JuDC:ion '111111 CAll:llUS Da' 1. Thi' motion ca med.

\Lscles come IUld co. bit n3.b COl'S en !or,'\ rr.



:Se..- officers !ot the t 96«r67 school Yt'ar we!\' elected at Ille recent meeunc of tbt Ne .. inan Club. Th"Y are: Doug Land!n ed. prt>S&dt'nt­elect and Linch lJI uen. >'lee presldent-<?lect.

Members decided IO wall until next fall to elect a secretaiy, accotdanl! to Roblli. Sel"a&e, membt!r.

PHI THETA KAPPA Phi Theto Kappri (P:TK \

NtJC scholastic honorary soctecy, will hold It.~ spnn1t In! tlaUon ba1111ue1. Mo s. o.t Ton.r's resiau!llnt. t\\O mil ea.st or Coeur d ' AIMr on Hlcl11ras Io.

F'ocnal dress wtll b..• .. om at till' e\•ent. It •Ill luP lro111 7:00 p.m. to 1\:30. ac· conh og ID Robb &1'·1Je, \iCt' prt"Sldent.

CIRCLE K CLUB Twomembeis or the Clrclr K

Club, an NI JC bovs • ~r rvtc._ club, wlll ottond the Pndnc Northwest District Ctrcl~ K Coo,•endon, Mu S·8. In PorUond, OlellOn. accordln, ID \like Hendrick>. secre!Ary. Dele1t11t~ art'. Ru~t.Y Cooper and Douc Dionne, Hendrtch !<aid.

Woodcock's Drug StorP. C..nd1e1 - Sundr ei


116 N. Fourt.. St • Co•wt c1•Al•ae


v•l1c OU\ Ho"'burgers

Fostesr S•r••Cc In Town

1724 S ... ,,"'4" A"..,,"'t


llEHT S&LES Af PAlll o,.,, ... & "''" ' ~ • •••••

'"'c•surc TYPCwRnCR Co • 1 s......... ".. , ... ,.. .. ) 4 1 I



DR.PEPPER DrPepper Moraoriol Sp1071 4 Florol

Arroo~"'C'At~ CoUol"I Oe1i9nt d Off ''" ·1 Per• t..•,11~, 4., •. •

T '"' ,.~ ·' e1 Cl 10 BH· ,.,. ..J T tltfloro Ordt r> A•ywhtrt I• Ht 'llorfd Ph MO '·8218

Ande·fl,Of", Ti'!Cft'IU Anto"t•l"I, Rov"'°"d Boil•'t· Col"''" E. 8o1..1e,.1..o, '#tlho"" Boll, G.. n. ..... Bo''•''-0!"• Etflot S.od.11, Do• d

S.<l, ""II"' O.ott"0 A: .. o

Slo"'t°'c:. v,,D" a Sogor<fv"• f,onL 8ro.,1on. Ronold

&•:• ns.Lr). John &1;"1, E1~.1 Mo~ Brown, Otnn11. &o..,.,•nQ.. lot'l &~M•. Kcrl!.n Co~rO". Mwrd~ Co""'lpbd '• Mc-.lyn G.atf·e d, C.C•t Oa.r "· Jo,cg., ~lter. Jc1'et Cro.,.,ford, K•"'•" Cr-. Edword 0. OorUno ron, Fron1.c Oo•enpott, Teny o .. i. ... Choryl Oono1, Al'o Erwi"• Lelo"d E"'o"•· Aoul

Candidates For Graduation 1965-$6

H 'lor,Mlb• H.o•"'Of'"", Potr C•Q

Harwo o4, - *'"" HcN-4'" • 11 01"

litt• • $he,.., 11..,.f, ~ • M.ct... H,. I If , VON\11

J•fft H , R d\o:•d Jo-M10tT, S.•ty )ohf':s~ . eo .. d Joluuor, Y.:c. • JofW!•~. -cr,nt: Jc•, R11su l(~ .. Go<J l<1tbr1t, A e 1(,.,,,,, JoH.o-h

KOC1'P· Wo.pt•

Ko•~·, "II"" Le•""""• Monie., le"endoh~"• °"'"" L.r-n. 1Cc1rh L II,. Allen

' ~ • v ';' ,.,,bt, ... , ,:J~ MoulH 01o Jr"t•t N ... . 1, '°C' "'"'h. N cf-...ols. lc.tr:t N

Ob.•IJfl, S•o·t.y

°''°"· Os.t.C' Q,f .. ,4. ~ •• Po a...,,.. ri

p. l'!l'I"!. 0..ocl.#\c, Pe,, 'r.. KO"r' Pe!lc•. O.· a P • ..,,,, r'hocaca Pt•lffsr. J«-«• A: I pi. Gar«lo Pool, Do• Proet.t. l .. roy p ... Ge

""""' ........ d RHMN•U.rloe "..r,m ft, Mtch..­Ri..••· .. d>olo1

""''""°""' '"""' Ron. Andreo I! 11 ...... Btvc. R: ...... 11. Ccrofyn Rutull. Ect.ord St. ~4. Leoto S..a. Kor.,

Ot« O, 0.,.... •

sc-r ••. l!ol,,i. $i(~1ft. 8orbctG

Sc~hf. Robeo

Sdaoo '•'• l<c1•1'I Sdwiht, 0o .... 1,, Sc.."'u ''· "• "' S. •og., C>o~" 9'!•9Mrd. P., .. , si ..... J ...... s.,, !!-, Ho<>.., s.1., ... G.y Soh, 4 ~· Soo "'• Sa ., S.0.Me, [)a,., • I

*"'"'• No•'i•I S..ll••Ot'. M c1> .. 1 T-•.liooold 1 ...... o. .. ~, To.U. f..!- .. T •••· D•e • • r, Oiterlo• .. 11' 4el, O.f• Wohl,~. • 'lmd,V•rql'llo .... dw .. 4. Ro_, "or1iel4, KotMe.,.. Viiyhe, C.rold

"'acht • •· DI.,• 'ioenet, Jetry

Fto""'9ruone, lo••.-nct F111hvgh, Mo•<•o Fttntdod, Gor-y

L n1n91u, 111,IJ.01'1 Lon;. 0...;los Ui .. dt•t, Mo" A1'fl\ L.,nch, Gor-1

Completed Wort Pri• To May, 1966

f,.~ •• E"'O-l'tt fron'Wft, Jol'!'lt i Fr~ MO\lreen fuch1, Emu1 Ful1on , Rjchord Golh-.cn, Edwo1d

Gordn•'• Oa "'1d Go1...-..,., Gerold

• c;.i.1 .... J•d· .~ Gfl"O", trchtr Go':, G•tchen

L.,N", Ed.,.Vfd Ly0t, Joo1"1 McGuu .. , Michael Monly, Judy Mann, Lynd•ll

Mouh. Do"'d Mou1ri, Jeon

Mo .. to, Ge"• Me, •• , Ro., loll>•l•cl<, Jo1"' ..... 11 ••• Thomo1

Ar. .... Jolw

8.N\f'' t,. Ptow • 8tom11ocl, R. J .. 8roo4s, J !'l!IMI• 0•··· Do .. d Col~. Vln.clfl'lt O.JoftO• cl<, Dole Et1c\.•on. P"' I :i ~I 1Je, t, ThOl'NU• Hotr Mf", .-,1 19'1

H.t;'>e1, f,.<

DEBATER'S FltU.L TRI P S111deni:s • ho re preaeated NIJC al llU! IOllllllmtDI were Shery I ~rptrom. Pats:r Brown, JoAnne Rlclmond. and Candy Dahl.

The NIJC Debllt' ll>am lefl IP" !hei r n11111 trip for Ibis year A.Pd I 28. 1helr cfto,.. II nation "ns che Uni 1·ers11y or Montana's 1n111nuonal .speech and Deblte Tourna ­ment at \llssoula, \t netna.

• Double life.

Thlrty· the Pactftc North· 1-es1 collecf!I "ere repre · 51.'ol.ed at chis debate IOurr:a·

)•tun" JoQ K .. 1.,, Robe•t Kl•bo1 I, 5,\IO,_ lot11, Povl M.t.k• t , Porr1clo p,j ce, l••tl• Roulow, [)DN,ld Sc•olf .. d. Botbo•o SooT:, Af'idno T01h, Robon r..,,.,.r, •1ll1cra

SEAWORTHY? UltlmatelJ man will bA\'e IO

occupy the sea, sos an oceanopapheL No doubt a bout It: ~ can barelJ' ktep lis head above "at.er now. -The BlnrJnsham GUch.1 Ee·


That's \\ hat Lhe Pepsi generation Ii\ es toda}.

Regular Pepsi-Cola. Diet Pepsi-Cola. Bolh official drinks of your generation.

One for lh·ely lift. The other for cutting calories.

Why not take h\o and see?

'<,l.J .C. ~E \IE• . C • • '• •


1 SCLil;VI! I CCIUl.D ""LL'< c.ET c;ERIOU'S A.OUf" G~ IF S..E ....... 5N"r 50 ~ T/<U.. ,,


A photo1raph of lhl' Cataldo Mlaalon ha.' b<>en prnB•rnl!'d to NIJ C by Clract \I . llall. 'The pl CIUrt' wlll ~ Pll~l'd In Ille dbplar ca.,<· In clu! hall 11H1 the Ubr:al;".

Tbla picture. 111:cordlnc IO Gra~ HaU. I& , . .,,,. unusual bec:auato the onclnal pnot wu made tor a color P.tit· card In 1855. The UnlWd Stale• had no colt>r pholO· a111ph7 at that lime , and the nepll ve h.S to bt• aent to Genn&l\l to be pro · cened. Snee the Cat&ldo Mllalon wa• bum lo 1853, th11' la prolatll7 one of Ille eulleet pboiosiapbs of that cbu~~h~·~~~~~~

Poll Ile Ian: Per..on •hO ap· proaches e\"ery problm •Ith an open mou lb.


SPEAKER TALKS ON RACE RELATIONS T, II)' 01 bt.o n, a llldt•nl frorn

ECL<tem Wa11hl n110n s 1o.11.1 Col· leae. spok e obou t race role · t1on1> IO Ruymon d SIOnr~ llOClOIOIY clua Apdl 29. In hi& dlacus~lon h~ p v" the '1r,.1>0ln l of a N "'""

Gi bson la a a e nlo r ard will 111aduate In AUIU•I. He • aid lhll o f all the area& he has •poken, he admire s Ille P"C>Pl e of Coeu r d ' Alen" lhe moat . Thry ar" more open minded lllan mal\l pe1110ru., hi' added.

Sff "' ror K'"" SUPPllES ea cl er -PAW' 'Zlr. S 4th Strfft




AGES 12 THROUGH 21 YEARS . . . Information And Applicatiom Are A vailable Through Your 1Vorthweat

A irlines Campus R epreaenlat.ive

Miss Kathleen frost 506 South 15th Street Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Telephone MO 4·3294

You can use your .Vorthwest Airlinea' ••J.D." card on most other airlina such

as l 'nited. Western. and W esl Coa1t icill honor it ejf ective .Vay 7, 1966.

10• JOies' Is Colossal Success; 400 See Openiq Night Performance

Sv Mool• He>"'•°'" ap.n curtains and a ta"' dnerve, bul sk!Utltl per·

ala• 1neted earl1 anlvala lbrmanc•a by John Killman. at lbe openin1 nlllhl per· as SQulrr Alhrorlhr. Ka lhl ronaance or TOM JONES. on Zunmerman, u L&d1 Bella· Tbuiad&1. APrll 211. aron, and Pal :O:ttser. u

ThlDP aoon cban1ed u thr ia•IDI Ulslsnan f1CZ.. Ill• NI.IC DDllD• dPparunrnt patnck. added to 11>e zest a1Udrn111 swun1 lnlO act onf'. nr tM Pl8J'. smplr. man"11•eable. and T bre d::ama ac.idenlll, llicblr errf'cQve props uana- Ka Qe Br.>dlr, Bill Df'IJ'ea. form<'d tM tarr atacr lnlO aid .lladeltne 1'11Ml, dese~ London ..,IQllOI aa tbct play special mention !Dr tbelr prosresaed. dell b&Ddllnc or two mies

Helen Holland. aa tbl' each. !only Sopbla 'llestem, Hany Ollrr &elOts ..-bn added IO Smith u Tom. and Garr tbe run !""r" P.alpb Beckman. Chapprll, as Panrtdr 1h" Ron Hoell.,, SancJ 'lla!ch, iaraalor, ll!d tbl' out throusb Tom Ball. Den nl Bum.'. and th!! awtrtl1 paced. hilarioua l<ar<'n SchoolN. acQ on. The$f' lbml" aciora 1'ihllf' mos1 or the pbJ was we!'!' cechnlcallr th .. stam, •ld .. •Plllllnc comedy, II DUI all thf' rolf's wem ex· "ould tr ull)U&l ID overlooll cellently prrrormed. bUCh aubtlellf'!> as Ule pen-

In raet. u Paruld.- com· comlme - l!ke aucena1011& or ml'nled In thr tll!lt act, ac11on by the acto111 ,..hen the "them are no small pan1. narrauona ot Paruidge broke only Amal! aclotM... On lnlO theH apeecbes. TburadaJ' nl11ht Ibero 1111'11' Till' Btalll had to be on no 11111all aci.oro ... 11 or 11'1l thl'lr roes al all dmes or nsk perlbnnera pla,yf'd thf'lr role ha\·ln1 their .cenes stolen to the 11111·-oll contr1but,.d u the, piopa were rearranied 11tatly to 1he auccus or th<> around lh@lll. Effective sta~ play. af'tQnp-manor housea, and

One or the> hlchUchta or iM London Bild~ creat«! b7 Drat acl was the fox hunt ltd stair manap:r Tom Ball br Ganh Roaamond. who added a creat dt>aJ to the pl llJ'ed thP exuberant and Illusion o r reallty. chlorlc Ml. 1'iPSIA'm. Ganh In ack!Cl.lnS TOM JONES. malnl.a.lned his domll'l'Prlnc Mn;. Ma rcarPt Gale. lhe father '°'" bfoautl fully to the ell reci.or. made a radical and Dnal curl.a.llL H" was ablJ challflnc!ni d"panure from uslalA'd In hts l!llrltal plans lhe type or play. and the for Sophia by his 11111,.r, conYl'nllona I stallog ex-Ml• ~.sl<'rn (Cathy HPrlza). peeled In amateur !heater.

Thi! ftrat act also con- but her drama sllldents were lalned a rantullc farce equal to the challenae. lallll' bc't•ern Tom and thl! The r~uJ remf'nlS or a buge dt-cdlful and petulant e11n1 cut C2l 11CLOr:l),theelaborace <David C:Olllns)-Jnm·s rt•'ll coaium1ns /provided b7 Mis. for Sophia '• land. Thomas V.ood), an:l the

Act 1wo openl'd with Tom•• ''arlety or pro(J8 and seUI ni;s rescue of J"nn y Jonr~. alias (arra.n~d by lhe students). Mrs. WatNs, (Po Oohnnani could lwne made lhla play o from a hilariously lftl•pl colta .. 1 ra11ure--tns1ead lhe hl1hwarman playl'd b) f'rank nl)l'nln II nlghl prrfollllance, YamamoLO. beforl' an audlmcr or almost

f'ut·paced, IAuRh·prn\'Okl na ~ 00. wu a colOll!llll suocesa. HCf'nl"a look thl' llCIOlll lo Mrs. 1'ihlll'ftPld'a fJn11n Lson) Inn, and rvnnhnllY LO London whl"fl' all mlsundN11lllndln~ finally worlcPd out t.ppllv. Spoc~ 001.•rn'I prnnl 1 m1• to

mcnUon ••VMY "°""'' 11nd PVNY IClol In th<• dPtol I thr.v

WISE STUDENTS ~IOHI ooll l"lle 11Uden111 are

rrallstlc-they fl."'I 11111 belnc brok t' I 11 somethl na you wrl le home ulnut. -The Sllvt'non(Ohlo) R<"l>Ortl't

Supoort Yout Adv•rtuen

,-., ~&A-t- ) '7



\\ e•h .. tt11•u11• 'h'l1" •In rn1I \ou"ll luu· ont \our

·• I I h 11 .. th• 1111;1• ul •• uwtnl• rin,: "''°'" .. """ thl• ''' '"tt•I l \.. I•• 1,. ,,m,1111 .. r••I "''" .1 •auo1l1l\ \11.lo.tu 11lu1 ~,.,.Im~ · t11I "" i.1n1l '' 111 I lrut11 11ur

... 11111t. t• •·•II•· 11 .. 11 .. 1 \ 011., ... ,11111 1..ar.I .. , '"'"I" r •••II ii •ii\•' ul ,,.,.,., 1 t•I•



Members of lllt' SAC have staned plaon!Dc lht ca IPn· dM d 1tuden1 acth1tles ror 1he J 966-67 school year Mr. Gary O'CoMelL SAC 11111mti..1, repomd.

O'Conotll aa Id Ila l I he croup la sttU won.101 oa pl&m> for an NIJC &ludent ouunc on lbe Dancewanaa. Be aald that lhl• event 11 len:a Q vrJ1 plallned for tbe ta tte: i;art oOuy.

There will be a moYlt In the SUB OD 'll~n~da7, 'Ila\' t, O'Colllll!U •a:d.


App:oxlmalrls 4!I paptr back books, Tbe Scleace Stadt S.rlea, publlsbed by Doable· day PuWsbeis. &Jc cataloPCI aDd on the sh.,Jvea, acco1dln1 LORWi!lellSoderlloL Ubradaa.

Fields or awdy Included In th! s senes are: ornithology, outer space, tbe u"' •emt, electionlc computers, chcmlJJ· m·. pb7slcs, and llloerapllles. Thi s Is Just a suolt or books ava.llable on speelftc subjects.

Th" series will bt localed la the 500 seclloa of the library, Sodedlnc .said.


Th!rty membem or tbe Coeur d'Alene Ki"anl• Cl ab attended a luocbeon meeuac In tbe ).1JC Student Union OD APrl I 2i. The fealU!l'd apealter or tbe meellac was Satab CQllOD, paycbolo17 In· 'llNCIOL



).lrmbers or tbe womena. dollllltol:'I' a1 NIJC pruec1ed 40 dollara to ~ Kootenai Memodal bnspltal fund. Relen Barclu, membtr or tbe fund ra.ISIDI oommltlet ror th" new hospllal, receh•ed tile cbed<.

WHICH ARE YOU? Some membem keep tbelr

orpnJz.atlon suonc -WbUr others Join Just ID

belonr. some \'IOlunteN and do thPlr

sh&Je While some llr back and

Ju6l don't ca re. On meelinc dllya socu al·

waya bho• W lllle !here are otbers who

Df"\"~f 10

S>me alwaya pa_~ tbel r du• a bead.

Slm• C!'t beb.lnll for moatba IOSl4'1d,

Some do !heir besl - Soce build Some mate,

S 'lie M' er do - Jost Sit and take.

Some lac beblnd, 90Clt let lhlr.p 11>

And n~er belp etelr l!OllP 10 crow.

Some drac - Somr pull -SJC'lf d:ln 't - SOIM' do 1

C'Oaslder - WbiC~. ( lh~t an~ yoc'> Tbr CI•t•I or •~rill• !s



OPlN 900 A. M. TO 5 lO P. M

H.IJ.C. REV1EW, Co9'.I' cl"Al.ne, ldaho. Wed., Moy.£.. 1966

.Car Smash Popular Event

Talent Shmo Entertainers

F°"'' ot t"aiP •",..,,o,,,.,.a dvrmg o tal..., • of Compu1 t\e...,. llil'ate Kor•n SchO('ll"tr 'CIP ,A" ~. rl9hr. Gwen Srol•y, JON•' l•lt. 0ttd Port L -o (

• A &altnt st.>~ by ~1JC A piano aolo. ''Don't Sit srudent" v.as one or the Under tbe Apple Tree," was hl(lhllghts or Cultural D3), pla.)ed b.Y Karen S:l»olN.

0Thuisda,y, Apdl 28. Tlr Thi! ftr&I mimber or the shov., "hlch "L'S hc>ld in pro(iralll ,.as a sroup or rour the Slud\'fll Uruon du 11 ni; :;on;:s "If ch •ere Slit~ ti) lunch hour, "as under the Pat:)" Lennon and Pa!IY

tosupenulon or M:ister ot B&.111.le. The !!OllCll WPre Ceremonle5 On\·e Collins. "Side b)• Side," "Moon

Patcy Lennon bep.n the River, " •'Gonna G I Alona enlPtt&.lnmcnl with a baton \UlboUI You ~ .. w. " and

"and dan<:C' number to muSic "~numental Joum•·: .• " from "Thi' lies! Side Slory."

Vocal solo:; were presented bJ Diane James and Gwen

BALANCING ACT Th<' st'Crel or ec>- nDCIJ' is

to Uve u cbeepl• the !list re" da.T" :a!tcr p:sJdAJ as 100 did the fe,. da~ S bl'fM>'.

'°'Slaley, accompamed b> Karen Schooler al the plano. Diane :;ang" \\'ouldn't II be Lovely,"

>nd Gwensnn1 • swnmerume. " -Tlr Hllea.h<Fls .. R · N~;;

THE PIN CUSHION BOAT DRIVE INN .. Exclv""" Yord090 Shoo f ~ry rh1n9 F0t The Seomsrress

Fr .0 C- C• -

Hort• ot '"• Cont',. • o~? ()elic ~' Hotr!bl.l'Qlt"'I s,._. Ot"'4"

.. •

310 Lo~t'S•de Ave. 1306 f,.,..t ••• Coeur d' Aft'<'lt', fdcho

(!lftt• ~fA ~ •tw

MODERN DRUG CENTER s~c·ol·~"'9 ,,, Cot.'9•o•t' t«e.os

l0t H"Ol•h ond HOPtJ•nf!SS

().,. Plo:a l?c~•aU'O'I' P .,a,e\ 0 olo•e or-a p.,...,.

1101 H. Fw.,i. MO· 4 .. 223


S.rvu•9 Your Srur/enr Union

PASTEU•IZED MILK MEANS 100% SAFE M ILK ,,,,........ 0..-ttt - 0-. M .. ltt~ - lne .. y

USE COEU• D' ALINE CREAMERY M ILK )OJ N. ,,. .... ,, . , S• ..,. • D .,,,. . HO'I! !•, !

Moser Attends PNCUA Meeting

Dexter Moser, NUC counse­lor. attended Che Pac:lllc N or..bwest Coll"~ and t:nl ­Tt:sltI Assaciatlon con•ec­Uoo. Apn I H -1$. at Orei;on Sate Uru•eisflJ', Con'allf.s, Ort&Da.

The two d&JS or t 11 & cor. · oreaoor: •ere deY.J:Cd !O discu5$lons of w.,-s that 1mprovemen1s could be madt In the t~blnc or ee1tnce a.nd enci~ncc.

The med tor tnld Df(!DDS

tl'!Ct.::iCall3 WU dlSCU&at'd aloni: .. Hh Ul" need lo r mo rt ensjneen111 llld tecbnoloo cou es In colleces and uni · TerslUH, 3l>ur uld. Ho•­.,Hr. bt cocUaaed. tile maJor e111phas1.9 -.. placed on "1.1"' to make It tuft'r for a~em5 10 ti.:iater tr_..., J 1'1101 to aentt>: CXllleiea. A coadu5lon dulTed !'!om t.hJ cliscusafaa •u that bl'tter com1111alcaUoos bet•ccn lbe!OP lmllllJQons of hiS:hPI lamiDS would help t'llm1na1 .. lrans­rera.nr probleru . Moaer con­cluded.

P:-:CVA 11 an ori:anluUon d. 11>ted to tbe purpose or lmll"'' n11 teaclfnc In CXll · lt'SU aod unhel!llllts throurb­ouc th<- Pacific Nortlrwesc. Moser Is the omdal tn1C11u­uana1 repre,.entath e tor ::-1JC In the 1earhln1 of aclt'ace.

ik'rschell RJ.ebe, NlJC 1~ 61ructor, allended lhe math depa111ue111 meeani: o! tbat aac:e oronlzaaoo, April 2~ 30. ac the Vnlvtr•ll;Y of Oresan. Eu1enP, Ore111n.

Robert •ncbt. :'\1.JC In· alrJctor. wUI aacnd tbe pbylllc:a di panment confer· ence, May &-7. at the Uni · vemltyotl\a:;hlnllOn. Seattle, l\asb°"°o.


u oder tbe dlJeclloD of the ln1>cr.rc1Dr, l4r. Swanaoo, went on a II eld td p on Tubb'a ruu on April 2s.

Tbe cl us la stnd"1 ne: the corrKt ucllntqoes !or ex­posini: scenic ptcwres. and Ansel Adam's " pay scale" In collft"ctlon wl:h black aod ,., ..a~ pbot Sf'&ph.T.


S.e UJ '°' botte<•es, needles. ·ube~



repo1rs on ·ope "ecordre'! ~

S'e<eo ~·s - ·:id OS

SCHOOL CLOTHES Coe ur d 'AleH Laundry

& Dry Cleaners F.ee l"idup •"d 0.liwry

>07 f.o• • uoi..-1 4-IS•• le==========================-=

N.l.J .C. ~~VIE•, C ... , 4'AI•"•• ldoi.o, Wod., Mo.,'· 1966

Goljers Practi_ce Swings


Ethel Bii 1ht, NIJC IUdl'nt bocb" PJbldfDI. •1 ll alk' nd the ·1161 anrwal Pact n c Slu· ~ nt Prl' ldenca • A.uorl allon con•enuon, Mni -1·7, nt NPW )lexlco Stat<! Uni •<er.<Hy. Comln& fiom 75 c11rrerrn1 col­les• and UIUVNSlUe In Che western un11Pd Stai,.,., 1110 reprl'St'Dlntlve:s wlll 111udy lht' problema or "Lt>edl' • hi p ... A Look At OW.. th eoo. "

lll1bll1hu n1 tile m.-onr will bi> •P&akel'!I from Oenei.l MOlolll CO!llOraUon. IBM Corp­nrciuon. and lhP uru It'd Statea pal!Ucal oc•ll<'. D•l.,ates .. 111 aho br treated to lllShl· 11~1'1 nii In C:ludOd Juarez. MPllco, durl n1 th~lr ftlaJ.

PSPA I• Diii' o f lht' oldtll ru!onal •Cudtonl oraaniza­Uona tn lht' Unlt•d SlatM, "1th mf!Tlbt•llll'4p drawn from tho 13 Wt'flternalllk's. Mulco, and BnUah Columbia.






The Sturdiest Of Their Breed - In Ma ny Styles And Colors.



Permanently Creased Sports Casuals. 50% Fortrel Polyester, 50% Cotton. Fortified with Fortrel.




HIJC 1 - WHITWORTH 5 WIUl•orlb Junior Var.ill,Y

-lbpa• SlrYr Col•rll Ut­itra!IJ' deteac.d Ille Cardlll&I• bJ' ldm•Jr Apftl 1~ on th• NJ.JC dl.,,,ond. ff" avr up onl7 onr bit, a slhslr b7 Jlllrrdl ID thl' third, and awd: out 20 Cardl,.la ID Ille nlDr-!nniDC umr: bf' walk~ lllr-. ThPn In ti.. BClllh attM Brusb i.d slDcled and 1111Uaa:s walktd, b• po trd a lone llom"' run to c:rnt•r ll •ld IO brl'llll up a 1-1 ball pmr with bl s thrtt'­run blast.

NJJC too~ • I ·O lead In the tblrd wbf'n Slrmions nlk,.d, was !<&Cft llc:rd IO Sl'COad b) Biii Bal<l•nllo, •l'nt IO tlird on an t'tTOt and aoorl'd on Munell ' a incl~ 'ill:lllroctb lalll'°'d !ta l!flh NII 1n lbr ninth on a aalk, rnor anc! alnclr.

Clatrr Simmon.a ala rt4!d tor NJJC and was rrllrv"d bv Hammond In th" 11r\'l'nth, •lo In turn 11>•c "•7 to Rabin tn lllP ninth. Thl'y care up seven i. ts, walked lhtl'l' and auud: out :Sne. Pirates. NIJC J.V.

001 000 000-t I J 000 010 OJI-$ 7 J

HIJC a-sec 16 a>okanr Comrr.un117 Coll tll'

rruptr d lot rlsht run.a In thr fourth to swamp NL/C 16-8 APrll 1 9 on thr Cardlnlll I! rid, th~r third win this af'atlOn OVt'I NIJC. Thi' SlllllP. ....

UPd l · I •hrn lllf' honf'ndous fourth unfoldrel.

Did< S<:hultz rnch~ Orsi on an rnor and Biii Bak.lrnko slnclrd him In IO clve thf' Card"' a l·O !rad In thr Or•I I Ml nL The Spartan• U f"d ll up In llle third whrn Oar)' Archrr waJk Pd and c1111w hrJmc• on a ..in11r b) DaJ1• Callahan.

Starter Jade Hammond RA•" wo to Mak~ Tlabln "n thr mound for NIJC In llxl founh. II<> •alkt'd O"e and D"" JP a lllncle lor lour run brfor<' lht'y •ere rrU rrd. Thi' ,_,at• tans a.ddrd lhrri• In th" n nh, thrre In ttoe ..a~th and onr In lhr l\O•Vrnth lor lrt­~uranc"' runt•.

NIJC llCOtnd llR 81'1'0nd run In lh<' n Ith on a I nAlt by lllnk AodN"'-'"· llt 'toll'._

1, ~ ..




EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP F., 0 ... 1.t,. eiad S.••"'•

'· • ..,,.. ··- · 4 ., • 4 &A •• J1) ~e•l'9'e• A•e • C.e .,t 4 Al• • •

........... _ Ploy Pool 41 Co·~ Bowl

Roi .. : 60c p., Hovr

aroood and •mrt'd oo a pl d<· o I! throw wlllc:h Wt'nl wild. In tllf' rlsblh Biii Murtoo stn&led and 11001 .. d on Biii Balllenllo'& ho111er. The Cards talUrd lour morr !Imes tn the nlnlll on aocresaln.' lllndea b> Munrll. Schie! bet and Atclllaon. tao walks and nro SPol<ane errou.

O.Uahan had :.:ic,.for· ! ,g, l'or sec aad CiaQ c::.ra:s a~d lhrer-lo:-f»ur. Bat· Jenko !«I lb~ Cuda With 11' -for· bur.

Don Mallion was the wlnnlns pll c:hN, rhoush tPIJ r•·ed bJ Al Cohenour In the &t'•entb. Rabin '!'H ch11 scd "1th th!!

los.ooi.. ""°".... 001 IJJ 100-1• ,, .. ~'""'" U.tt.o 100 010 014- • 10 J KM••· e.....,. ('1) ._, llt&ley. H M't (6).: ,.......,, bMl!I (4 • C.... ....... ' , A"'t•c•'• "- tt. ... n ~). ... 01••"" Au , • ....._ ....

U OF I 10·12. HIJC 5-S Tbr t; ol I f:o ~. converted

23 111111 Into ~: nia.. to ~weep a doublt'hf'tldt'I from NIJC 111 COl'lll '1 'Alt'n~ Aplll 23, 10·$ and l:?-5. Boll! i:amea wem s !!Yen I anl Ill twn '!S.

ldalrl openi'<I lb~ aoonni In th~ ltrst •ltb onr ro::i aod ad<Pd ltve In the third oa lira e: i::>r<, a "'lllk a ad tbt"' II ta (one a 111Pl'I b7 &>b LaCC;:). 1'1JC caml' baek In thl!lr h!lll wttn four run.a whrn Morton slnR}l'd , Rabin walked and AIChlson tilplrd IO cf'n~r. A lont' run 1n the lllxlb rlXled SJJC ,;c;otlntt

i..ortor• t.r.cl Slmmo1111 eacb bad two Ill 111 :Or tbr Cazd s. Garman had to•o ror Idaho.

Claire s1mmns •Pnt thr route for ;>.1JC; Skip Ivie also •orlced all seven lnnlnca !or th~ F'm•h. 1'1•• atruclt ont nine and ,.alklld two: Simmons atrudc ou1 flw· and v.alkecl n .....

Ln lhP n,.1r, Murrell and Gal)' l.ort&don -..ere a stand­orr on the mound unUI th~ F1011h oprnf'd up •1tb escht bl ts and e•en runs l n the 11hth and eH•nth 1nnin1~. hlchllChlrd by Oazman';; llomr run In thr alllh and Coon ' . lrtPlt' In the 81?' entb.

NIJC took a 2·1 l»ad In lhe flr,1 whrn Mortun, Schultz and El\ htl 11uoCM•h·t'





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slncl,.. and Mu1'dl !.lllo•"d W1111 a clDablf', ..c:onnc 1110 rone. F'our slndes i;ave Idaho three runs In th• tturd bu1 thtt Can:la came b&c:k wt tll U•O or 1he11 otrn on a walk J110110n•11 utple ano a 1>11111•• by Rabl,n IO u .. II up.

)IOrl011 and Rabin both bll t•o for three IDr :•IJC. Gsr­man bad bu: ror !he !t>r the f"Nab and tad plem:r ol brlp. Oner added tlirtt bits alll Re.sen and Do1le nro each u part of the Frosh':s 15-lllt txurac!'. sue oo• 001 o- • • • tDAHO 10~ 1:0 1- 10 • :1 .. _ ... end kh,.U•r:. hr1e .....

aw • .., •• 1"'UC lO.l 001 0- .S I l IDA.ttO 101 SO) 4- t": U .S

liilwn-1 • ._. ~"" ....... r: l.Apd.• ....... 1 .........

CBC 3·13, lllJC 6-6 Tc.·· Cara. I'll. 1:1..o<bii.ll h::i

dropp• <1 a ...., .r f "3~ IO the Colll!nbia Basia Fr.J5b April :?O Oil th NlJC dlamnlll, 8-e and 13-6. Botb i;:ime 11 Wtrf' played In a llJhl min. th•• first lll.'• ·~ lllllJw:s aad :hr finale a Qve-1nalni: &lliur.

Ill tbc first i;ai:r NUC lfd ulldl tbe &e'<enth •llen I.be CBC Pro1h 12!l!rd lo: roar runs, topped b; a :iome rua b7 Slacc:s. The Cazds scomd t•loe In tbe Orst. once ... ch In the ll<'Cond alXI third and t•lcf' mo,.. tn the rounh. Blll Monon and BUI BatlOI\ eac:b hid two hits for NL/C, u did F'Oll!.Yth.. and a.a fur CBC. Bl~ blowa or I.lie amr

were a doable and ll'tple by OH. a triple by !\1.iC':I Atchison and :he llomer by Sla1t111. Claire SlJ:tmons went 1he roulll ror !\lJC Gonz:ab.s was th!' winner !or 1he f'rollb.

Homl' runs we!'@ the &ton I n th!! nlabicap, three b7 CBC and two by NIJC.

CBC Jumprd t.:i a onr-ru n 1 ... d In the l!i:.1. alll added 1.11e<>, l•o. thrtt, and row lo tb~ lollo•lnc 1nnJ01S. !\IJC aaired t,.lc:e la the &eCQlll, a.ddt'd lbr!'C In Ille third Anl one In the lourlh.

Morton and Murr@ll hoir.ered for NL/C, Clut~. Da'ls, all! Ryan did tho Glime tor I.he F'roah And Sl&Ri:< addl'd a threr-l>Qsarr.

Jad: ll11m1110nd started on tbe mound ror the C&rd5 And

'"" l'!'lll'•l'd by Murr~u in lhl' thl rd. l..Allon&la puc rod all the .,,,_,.for CBC. Ua.•~• Flu! G.... -cac 001 101 ' ........ sue :11 100 0 ...... J IAftL ~• {Sl •Ad tik

11:."'C' .. IOA.. a.._. ..... OJ•-.. !i.C...S a-. -CDC u: ,_. 0•10-<t ._lJC Oll to ........ ~ Laeoncl• aad WcXNdtUn... H_...

• ......,.. M\ll't'lfU •od Oho1t,. 1ctoi .... 1'"'' (.t).

WHITWORTH S-NIJC 0 V.loltwortb'., Jumor \'arsltr

blanked the Callllnah 5-0 at Spokane .o\J)al ~• bl'hlnd Ste"e Col•.,ll 's three·bll pt tchloi:;. Colnll • htrrl'd 18 Cardinalli In rbe nlDMnrunc caml' :o add 11> the ~o ~ rstrucll out to ao earlier camt': he wallted one.

Cla.11<' Simmons lllded for 1'1JC. 11'1 lllt us> el aht hi la aod three "alts a.nd a1aklnc out e1c1tt.

The ollly eitm. basl' blo• was a doubl• b1 llh111>orth ' Aman with the bases loa.dl'd la the tblrd.

11!11 &worth scored thre-llmes ID llll' UUrd on thr"" bite, two errors 11nd a stol~n baM•. ThPY added ln~urance

runi< In the bullh and Olth. Bob Ely bad 1 .. 0 of lh•

thr,.. Card bit•: Murrc-11 had the othcs. For 1br J\"'11. both Ron V.1!son ud Terry Aman had t•o hit • :O."lJC 000 000 COO-O .) 2

WHJTTORnl t 110 OQa.-J I I


NlJC',; i:ollPis lost n I ~~2~ match to Columbia &:01n Colll'~t' at the. Cocw d',\ler:e Public eou"'e April :?S. Gal)' Chatl!rld scar~ the oaly C:udirel potu11.

.141.'c.t mE'dallsl WU CBC':; J Im ~toore •I Ill a i8. Low scorer tor tht' Cards \\1l6 BU 1 lolcFnrland ,.1th an 82. Other NIJC llCOll'S: O.ry Frensdotf 89, Gary Chatfield 95, Ron lhn&<>n99, Sle\'e lolills 107.


105 Skomo~ A••· ·.MOhtw\ 4.5121

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Coco -Cola add• extrc fun ro datrng--<ingle or double. Thar'l becouoe Colee ha• • • the la•I• you never gel lrred of . . alway• refre>hing. That" why rhing• go i..tfer walh Coke ••• afhr Colee , • after Colee •

..., •• _.,. - .. - -.... - • --· •. t.."ft..A'liiD •M.Ptal: COCA-CO-.A 90lTUSC COMPA:i.-Y •