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Nile basin development challenge


Planning of RWM and NRM with different actors Diga District report

Bako agricultural research center & Wollega University

Integrated RWM f…………….. Agriculture -is the daily income of Ethiopian people (85% )• -predominantly subsistence,• - low-yielding • -dependent on rain-fed. Population size: ever increasing

Impact: drastic change in natural resource plus climatic condition that exacerbate the low down of agricultural productivity.

Seriousness of the problem: following the blue Nile basin & its tributary This problem is serious particularly in areas around. Way to anticipate : restore landscapes to more productive condition there is a need to reverse land degradation and improve productivity.

Project objective

1. Any interventions that increase the water productivity and water availability within the watershed.

2. Efficient and effective management and utilization of water for the targeted purpose with minimal damage to the land and other resource.

What are RWM/NRMWhat are RWM/NRM

1.© Terrace2.© drainage furrows, 3.© contour ploughing, 4.© crop rotation, 5.© Agro forestry, 6.© crop-live stock integration, 7.© micro catchment, 8.© check dam, 9.© rain water harvesting pond, 10.© mulching, grazing land mngt, 11.© area closures, 12.© afforestation,13.© conservation tillage 14, etc

Major Major RWM and NRM Technologies RWM and NRM Technologies

Study area • Five PA (kebele) in Diga district • 1 Arjo Qotee bulaa • 2. Adugna• 3. Bikila• 4. Gudisa• 5. Lalisa Dimtu

Over all RWM/NRM PLANNING in the study area

a. To what extent is planning of RWM intervention effective• Evidence based planning is made based on actual problem of farming communities

particularly at kebele level for some of the tech. Tailored to different social or ecological conditions The plan is developed based on the topography of the land, farmers’

interest & ease of applicability, economic feasibility, technical capability,

• Cross- sectoral Each sector plan their owns, no common discussion forum,

implement (if any) separately• Participatory At farming community level, there is participation of farmers in areas

where there is NRM structures such as soil banding, terracing, irrigation river diversion, nursery development, etc

b. Skill or knowledge of actors to plan effectively ( gaps?)

√ Very limited knowledge√ the different actors plan separately√ What is planned is different from what is implemented + reported√ most of them has no sufficient knowledge in land use planning, GPS or Google earth based characterizing of the site for effective implementation, etc.

c. Planners’ awareness of different RWM approach and their advantages/disadvantages?

√ The awareness to the different NRM/RWM approaches depends on their field of study or specialization or current field of work. Hence, this awareness gap has an impact on planning and implementation

d. Barrier to more effective RWM planning

• Lack of trained man power/technical skill• Lack of actors collaboration

• unavailability of the required equipment • No sufficient budget• Awareness and active participation of farmers (pre & post


• No on job capacity building/Training

• No inter & intra sector linkage

• Participation of different organizations (NGO, GO)• lack of strong policy• influence of administration

-Role of stockholder-Involvement in design-planning process-criteria used to plan-Coordination b/n actors-Downstream impacts-Requirements for effective planning

RWM/NRMRWM/NRM planning by the different actors (expertise, DAs, Researchers)

Woreda NR head

Actors Natural resource expert/head

stakeholder’s role in planning RWM? Problem identification, proposal development based on the plan that come from different PA

stakeholders involvement in the design of the intervention (who decides, location, technology choice, beneficiary selection)

The NRM team is more responsible-Location: based on the resource (eg. Water,…) availability, topography, -easy and cost effective to practice, -Beneficiary selection: based on farmers interest

Planning process for RWM intervention? (How is planning done, who is involved, what information is used? Are quotas set and by whom?)

= It begins from farmer and DAs level-SWOT analysis and technical review would be made at Woreda level, compiled & send to Zone-region-the identified problems and personal observations can also be a base-Quota from Zone (on afforestation & compost preparation)

What criteria are used to plan intervention?

The question raised from farmers, DAs, problems identified, personal observation, seriousness of the problem

Coordination between actors -NRM, BoARD, Water resource team, -different team has different plan/intervention role in NRM/RWM

Downstream impacts in planning RWM? Yes, cut of drain, bund, etc would be made at up streamBalance of water use for irrigation purpose

What do you think would make planning of RWM effective?

Availability of the required equipment and sufficient budget

Woreda water

resource head

Actors Extension expert/head Water resource head

Stakeholder’s role in planning RWM?

Very limited role, mainly concerned on irrigation water related issues

The team mainly concerned on developing plan on river diversion that can be used for irrigation,

Stakeholders involvement in the design of the intervention

NRM, based on topography, the site identified determine the beneficiary

The decision is up to the team, location can be where there is water resource that can be diverted manually, farmers having land around river & others will be benefited.

Planning process for RWM intervention (how. who is involved, what information is used? Are quotas set and by whom?)

Kebele, DA, Woreda BoARD, Zone-then region-approved and back for implementation-identified problems, productivity trend, natural resource trend. There is no quota from higher level

To plan irrigation water diversion, first identify of water resource with possibility to divert for gravity irrigation, its feasibility, social and environmental impact would be analyzed. There is no quota

What criteria are used to plan intervention?

The level of the problem identified, trends of NR in the area, capability to implement with resource available

Possibility to divert, soil type, economical environmental impact,

Actors involved and coordination level

NRM, BoARD (at Woreda, zone and region level), Water resource, land use and environmental protection

Indirectly, Woreda BoARD irrigation team, administration and NR team

Downstream impacts in planning RWM

Yes, the water committee is there to balance the distribution

Yes, the amount of discharge would be considered so that the people at downstream would not be affected.

What can make planning of RWM effective?

Collaborative work, awareness and active participation of farming community, budget availability, training, etc

Intervention of NGO, training, facility (Motor, vehicle, etc), Inter an intra sector linkage, availability of sufficient money.

Role in planning RWM

WBoARD head

Actors Woreda BoARD Crop expertStakeholder’s role in planning RWM (SWC, land use, etc)

No land use planning at Woreda level but, area for SWC and irrigable land was identified

-The expert do not involved in SWC or land use planning.

Stakeholders involvement in the design of the intervention

The decision made by NRM team, water resource team and crop sector decides -Location: problematic area-Beneficiary: interest based/convincing

Crop related RWM practices Location: Based on the nature of their land, Beneficiary: willingness, Model farmers

Planning process for RWM intervention

It starts from kebele level (SWC, afforestation, cropping system etc).From Woreda expert (eg.. Irrigation river diversion, nursery establishment, site selection for afforestation -Agro-ecological information, social and economical feasibility, acceptance with -Quota for afforestation, nursery establishment, etc

Collection of information from secondary data, use of recent soil and crop related recommendations, farmers demands-There is a quota set by Zonal BoARD(compost preparation, fertilizer distribution, etc

Actors involved and coordination level

There is no cross sectoral discussion when developing plan for NRM. But there is close linkage between teams in implementing the task of Woreda BoARD

No other actors or sectors plan together specific to RWM and NRM. Each team plan their own and this plan has direct or indirect influence on NRM

Consideration of downstream impacts in planning RWM

No, until now, no body consider up steam and down steam impacts in planning RWM,

Nothing was considered

What make planning of RWM effective

Participation of different organizations (NGO, GO), capacity building, availability of budget.

Integrity within and between sectors, appropriate identification of problem, sufficient budget and skilled man power

Bikila PA

Development agent as an actors in NRM/RWM Planning

ACTORS SITE 1(BIKILA PA) SITE 2 (GUDISA PA)Stakeholders roll in planning

-Identification of the problem regarding SWC, NRM and other crop and livestock related activities and partly land use, and then develop a plan in collaboration with farmers

-Classification of the land for different roles (land use planning)- Identification of areas for terracing and afforestation.

Stakeholders involvement in designing, decision making, site selection, beneficiary selection

-DAs and farmers -location: based on the problem identified, topography, type of practices - Always model farmers are selected to popularize a given NRM/RWM technology

-DAs and farmers -location: based on the problem identified, topography, type of practices,-beneficiary – interested farmers, model and capable,

Planning process -Problem identification, personal observation, discussion with farmers -Plan developed according to operational calendar- at kebele level, only DAs and farmers involved in planning -problems of farming community would be taken in to consideration- There is quota set by Woreda

Each NRM/RWM activities will be planned according to operational calendar - There is quota set by Woreda for afforestation, input distribution, nursery development

What criteria are used to plan intervention?

Seriousness of the problem, trend of crop productivity,

Severity of the problem, its impact on livelihood, farmer’s interest and financial capability.

Actors coordination -no other actors -no other actors involved at PA level, but the Woreda BoARD can implement latter.


Stakeholders roll in planning

-identify the problem, discuss with farmers and convince them, only traditional irrigation is there

very limited role in land use planning-Identify problems, select site, discuss with farmers, develop plan.

No role No DA on NR field

Stakeholders involvement in designing, decision making, site selection, beneficiary selection

-DAs and farmers -location: land history, topography, problematic area, -technology: applicable and acceptable ones by farmersBeneficiary: based on farmers/community interest and strength.

Farmers and DA decide the technology which can solve the problems identifiedlocation: based on landscape beneficiary: interest, problematic area,


Planning process - Problem identification, convincing farmers, technology selection, develops a plan according to the capacity to implement.-no other actors involved in planning.

Gather information from secondary data, personal observation, orientation would be given for farmers, technology selection, develops a plan according to the capacity to implement.-no other actors involved in planning.


What criteria are used to plan intervention?

-pin point responsibility, type and extent of the problem,

The impact of the problem, ecological situation, applicability of the intervention


Actors coordination No body No. Very rare case, instruction comes from Woreda expert


Planning process (researchers)-Problem identification (baseline information, REFLAC meeting, secondary data) - Problem prioritization - Project preparation - Project Review (at sector, center, region, national level)- Preparation of action plan - Awareness creation for collaborators, clients & farmers - Implementation- Monitoring and evaluation -Impact assessment (at the end)

Trend in NRM/RWH• A growing demand for crop and live stock products drive an

intensification process in the study area and has increased pressure on water and other natural resource and threatening to undermine long term productivity

• As it has been seen from the Time line and community walk assessment made across the study village the radical change in natural resource coverage (particularly forest, soil fertility, amount and quality of water, LGP) within the last 30 years

Causea. settlement, for instance, lalisa dimtu pa (1984), b. low attention for NRM, c. no strong policy on NRM as compared to the former regime = KIKING LIKE A BALLd. government transition increase in population, f.the decrease in productivity per unit area, g. Over grazingh. Increase in human demand for tree productsi.Forest firej. etc

Forest f

Dead bodies forWitnessing

• Impact on livelihood• Change in climatic condition (rainy season shortened from more

than 6 month to 3 month)• Crop and live stock productivity decreased (productivity per unit area)=Food shortage in most of the months in a year at some HH

Opportunities Still there is the remaining resource to be maintained and rehabilitated Involvement of other non governmental organization like ILRI (IWMI, SLP-

CR), ICRISAT, CIMMIT(SMILESA), PABRA, RCBP A number of research recommendations Green light for collaborative work that bring an impact on livelihood of farmers

Scaling up of Farmers indigenous knowledge

Unutilized and unmanaged resource, 5 river crossing a single PA, but farmers are under risk of food access 4 months suffering with food

Several research output that can fit for the different agro-ecologyBako Agricultural research Center (more than 46 years research experience)

Cereal crops research

Hort. cropsPulse & oil crops research

Agro forestry research

Dairy research Feeds & nutritionMeat research Apiculture & sericulture

Soil imp. & SWCResearch

A. Crops research process

B. Natural resource research process

C. Animal science research process

Soil fertility management

Scaling up of Farmers indigenous knowledge

Team members on innovation, livelihood (different groups) time line and community walk survey,

Scaling up of Farmers indigenous knowledge

• Livelihood constraints and opportunities• Crop production• 1.poor soil fertility• 2. cost of input• 3. termite• 4. poor extension system• 5. land holding size• Livestock• 1. Disease and pest• 2. lack of grazing land• 3. lack of improved cross bred• 4. no vet• 5. no improved feed• 6. poor extension system• Natural resource• Deforestation• Weak government policy on NR• Population pressure• Soil erosion/degradation =low productivity