Nine Common B2B Blogging Mistakes

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Nine Common B2B Blogging Mistakes

Publishing Long, Dense Posts.

Avoid this look:

Keep paragraphs short. Include elements such as headings, icons, images, blockquotes and italics in your posts.

Not Including a Search-Optimized Top Image.

Sign up for a royalty-free image service such as Fotolia, iStockphoto or Getty Images.

Make sure that the file name and alt text includes your keyword.

Use the image on your social posts.

Promoting Your Company’s Product or Service.

“Companies can’t help but talk about themselves. It’s the default mode.”– Ann Handley

Inform and educate. Avoid promoting and selling in your B2B blog content.

Not Teaching Your Readers Something New.

Even if you create content that’s focused on your audience and not on your company’s offerings, it’s important to always try to teach your readers something they didn’t know.

A common B2B blogging mistake is to write about a topic without first doing a little research to find some interesting survey results or quotes from industry thought leaders.

Not Including a CTA at the Bottom of Posts.

Failure to provide a next step to visitors after serving up compelling content is of the more egregious B2B blogging mistakes.

Start by developing one piece of downloadable content and create a corresponding CTA.

Not Marketing Your Marketing.

Prime the social media pump by sharing your own content on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+.

Reference your content on a podcast.

Use SlideShare!

Ignoring the Post’s Title and Description.

A relevant title and meta description can result more click throughs on the search engine results pages.

This is also a off-page SEO opportunity.

Don’t forget to spend time on these elements!

Not Examining Your Blog’s Analytics.

Discover what your most viewed posts are and then try to determine what made them popular.

Then, try to replicate what worked previously.

Staying In Your Comfort Zone.

At CRM Switch, we know a lot about CRM, but we aren’t content marketing experts - we only know by doing.

So, we’ve left our comfort zone by creating this slide show and writing this post.

You don’t have to be a consummate expert in an area to write about it!