Nine ways of using sms messaging in the insurance industry

Post on 10-Aug-2015

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Nine ways of using SMS text

messaging to generate more

business in the insurance industry

SMS as a tool in the pursuit

of new customers

1Confirmations and reminders are good services to customers

Confirmations and reminders are good services to customers

Does your organization offer personal meetings with an insurance advisor?

An update straight to the cell phone is added customer value and reduces the risk of the meeting being forgotten.


We want to remind you about your appointment with insurance advisor Tom Ericson at 10 am, March 1.Welcome to Insurance Company, Insurance Avenue 1.

2Activate consumers with interactive SMS promotions

Activate consumers with interactive SMS promotions

Using outdoor, TV and other advertising we encourage people to get in touch, online or by phone, to purchase or to find out more.

Offering the possibility to text lowers the contact threshold level.

”Text your

registration number

to 12345 to get a car

insurance quote”

3Simplify purchases with offers straight to the cell phone

Simplify purchases with offers straight to the cell phone

Offer new car owners the chance to request an insurance quote straight to their cell phone.

The offer can be presented and easily accepted with a texted reply.

Congratulations to your new car! We can offer you insurance for $39/month. To accept, reply to this SMS with ”YES”. To decline, reply ”NO”.

Insurance company

SMS for better customer

care and increased sales

4Generate increased sales through targeted promotions

Generate increased sales through targeted promotions

Improve efficiency by letting automated processes handle personalized promotions, event invitations and product information to numerous customers simultaneously.

Take the opportunity and review your insurances! During March we offer free insurance consultancy. Reply with ”FREEBIE” and we will call you back to book an appointment with one of our insurance advisors.

Insurance company

5 Reminders of important events

Reminders of important events

Dispatch information and reminders connected to various events in the customer relationship to improve the customer experience and extend customer lifecycle.

Dear NN,

Your home insurance term is nearing its end. Remember to renew it in time to stay insured.

Reply with ”RENEW” and your insurance number to renew.

Insurance company

6 Improve customer insight by using surveys

Improve customer insight by using surveys

Connect an SMS service to your customer service application to trigger an automated follow up of a call to your company's customer service. Or use the channel to dispatch market surveys to a selection from the CRM database.

Help us get better!

How likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or collegue?

Reply with a number between 1 (not likely at all) and 10 (extremely likely).

Insurance company

SMS services simplify and

improve the customer offer

7Reduce damage through preventative tips and advice

Reduce damage through preventative tips and advice

Texting is an excellent way to provide policyholders with preventative advice and information aimed at minimizing the amount of damage. The result: improved customer satisfaction and reduced number of personal and property claims.

Weather alert

Winds in the 40 mph range are expected in your area from 1 pm tomorrow and until midnight.

We recommend that you stay indoors during that time.

Insurance company

8 SMS alerts facilitate rapid assistance

SMS alerts facilitate rapid assistance

For accidents and other emergencies, texting makes it easier for those involved to report the incident and receive rapid assistance.

Help! Car broke down, engine failure, and I can’t get it started again. I need some assistance.

Got you. Tow truck and replacement car is on its way to you.

Insurance company

9 Improve customer experience when claiming

Improve customer experience when claiming

Online claiming makes it easier for the insurance company's customers. Texting confirmation of a claim having been filed and giving continuous status updates improves the customer experience. Fewer calls to customer service also saves money.

We have registered your claim and will contact you with an initial indication within three days. You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions.

Insurance company

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