Ninth ADDual Report - Nebraska Publications …

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Ninth ADDual Report

of t1..

Nebraska Public Library


LIDcobl • Nebrub.

NOnlmber H, I'll


Nebraska Public Library CommissionII. Q. WYER, Pruldent

Librarian Or !.be Unl,.eMllty or Nebruka


Cb&nceUor or the Unl't'enltJ ot Nebruk&


State SQpel1JltllDdeat of Public 1D.IItruc:t10D


State Ubrari&a.

C A. SQIUIEil. Uucola


.JULIET .... VOa., Ubnr1.LD

NELLIE WlLLI.A.II8IJbnJ1&II for State luttblUoDa



lecret&ry'a Rlport

Tbe report whleh tolto..·• tbe biennial period from DecemberI. lUI, to NO'f"ember 20. 1'18. For a year aDd a balf of the two ,...,..we were at war aDd lIb""rin b...e been affected In m&D.,. w.,. b,. wa.raeth1tlea.

Public L1hrarlee hue lened an IOn. 01 patriotic <:aUl". Tbe balld.tnaa have been ned by the Food Admlnl.t""Uon, tbe Couoelle 01 Delen.e.aDd tbe Red Cro88. aod IIb""rI80, bave U818ted 1D. tbe regletratlon ofDuraea. the rell8tratlon of WOlDeo tor lenlce. they have acled .. 8ecre­tanel lor the Red Cros., the,. hllve bad eb.1'I8 ot yarD and ho.pltaJ c.r­meDt mater1ale for dl8trlbutlon. tbey hue aold thrift ltamp' and buedlatrlbuted material on gardenlnC, caoolDC' aod tood conlenaUon. ADUlDber of IIbrarle. report a clecrea!lll iD eueulaUoo, chiefly In fiction.becaue or their patrone being ablorbed to war work; OD the other handthey report Uae DIe cot tbe library for reterence work locreased.

In man,. public Uhran. war reeonb of the community are bel~

11I:_ 10 lICrap boob 01 dlppl....od card record. or tbe meD wbo bat'ecooe from the commDnlty lato tbe le"lce. Tbll will be • nlaableCOllltrtbuUon to local hlltory.

AI a .pedal Ubrary war lertlce. pnbUc lIbran. bat'e collecteeLaorted. and preplJ'(ld tor clrculatloo mao,. tbouaallld 11ft boolla for tileeamp UbRrI-. and IA 8eptember. U17. collected Ot'6 111.000.00 ...eoatrlbuUoo to the American Library AaoclaUon Wu 8en1ce FuDd.Tbe Ubranea bat'e a'lIO aulate4 In the Uolted War Work eaaapalp IIINOYember. 1911. in which over IZOO.OOO.GOG baa been railed. 2.61% ofwblch will CO to tbe war fuod 01 tbe American Library Anoelallon.

OUr library personnel baa lufrered rrom the W'ar. Llbrarianl bueheeD. drawn lnto better paylog occupation. and It 18 doubtfUl It we caneYer ...t back I1brarJau or tbe Quality we have had until lalarlea areIUMtaDtlaIly locreued.

Public Llbrar...

ID Iplte of the war. more Dew Ilbrarletl bave been eatabUlhed 10 tbll


b..... UIaIl. III aD,. pnTloua ~o ,...... The~ at Aa8J.CWb. OrIeUa aDd 811fti' CftQ. aad Uae toWlm 01 Coad. GUll ....H~ 1..aJ,qtoD. JloniU. Red CIoM. Bcocta Bhdr, Table IlocIr. ...W,..... MY. eRabU.bed DeW Ubtv* aod yotel! a tu tor their .........wldle Ubran. at CrelPtOD, RaDdolpb, W"»lD, Water aDll West'rioae17 maiDta1Ded b)' library auoeI&tIOM, ave beea takeD cw.- b)'the elu.. At WaQ.U,. Comatoell: and Newm&ll OrGYe Ubrary ledee baMbeen m&cle, but Ubrarle. ba" Dot ,.et been orpnlnll.

TIa1II cty" u 108 tu·..pported Jlbl'arlee lD tha U&e" 12 01 u.­beiDC towuhlp l1brarlea. We DOW baY. oaJ)' ODe town 01 a poJ4daUoa.of a.eot .bleb doea BOt tax ItMU fOl' a ~...,.,.. aDd elPt to... of apoflIIatloa of from 1.000 to 1.000. 1D two of Uae latter IJ'OOP. bow",••U......... an ID&1ntaiDed b, e:•• wbteb .W ulloabted.l1' 100II~pQbIIe Ubrariea.

'!'be muilDam lIbral'J' le'7 uder the Stale law II I mI1la aDd I'towu lUke the taU 1..,,.. The aYeraae .....,. la 21 mlUa wbleb II •IDll1 bIFer thaD the aYe..... of th. lut bI'DDIDm. A a mUl Ie.,. III •uaall town I••ntlrely Inlumel.. aDd tb. mWmum .boulll be ralleclto" mlo..

TIle aYer..e IDDual Cln:ulatioD per C&lJlta popalalJoD II ... wllOe tbebiPeet drculatloa per capita .. 11.-'I'll...... I:leeD aD u .....1 Il1lmber' of UbIV)' ctfta. W. T. Auld of0 can to Red CIODll no,OOO.OI tor a Ubnr7 aad to GUlle Roell".IS OO. Tbe Ublary at Galde Roell: Ie • memorial to • trieDd. aDd~... auoclete. .ad la lmoWD .. Ibe Auld-DoucIBa LlbrarJ'. J. II.~ballt 1D1l eqatpped. a beautltDl IIbr'll'J' at 0,._, .. a memol1aJ to Il1Iwife. L. O. Bee",.t. of Hebn:lb, beque-tbed to Ibe cit,. 110 acres or farm.IaDll anll otber property to be CORyertell IDto • fuad to eatablllb a1Ibrar7'. From tbe will of Jacob Kent Ma,. the J'remODt Lib...,.,. receln4'500.00. J.. K. Alder, of Ala.wurth, pffteatetl lb. Alder Llbn:r)" ...tIl •",too... Ilber1)' boall. At Weeping Water Ibe CollCNPtIoDaI Cburcb.... pr..eated an old .tone elIareh to tb~ to_ for • Dbnry. toptlMr

wtlll "tot YOhuDn. .....81,. • retentDce coUecUoa. .bk:b e-at1hted. tIMW....... Watw Academ, LlbnI'y The elIarcb bu beaD reatOdelled Iatomle of lbe _t elIarmlq 1fbnry be)ldIDp III tile _tate. A IMI__ lot

... PNMDted. to Uae Red Croee at 0&Jt1IDd &ad lUi~ PYe It tothe Womaa'. Club 10 be belli .. a 1116 for a fatare Db...,.,. buDd....

la addlUon to th... ctfb. tile C&meete CorporaIJoa .... made thefol1o"'a. donatlonl: Ruea.... 110,000.00; DaYI4 CIt,., '10,000.00;8tromlbul'l'. '10,000.00: W"ID~, 'JO,ooo.OO; Raadolpll, 'I,GOG.OO; 1..«IIAC"toll, '10.00...0; ClartI, '7,100.00.





Tr.~lIn. Llltr.r1...

StadT club8 allover the Itate haTe e1ven up ftgular Itudy work andhave devoted themaehes to Red Cf'081 and war activities. and our Ipeclalreference work has falleu otr 'rf*tI, &8 a reeult. The cloalng of eeboolaand llbrarl81 of from four to Ilx weeu on account of Innuenu. practicallystopped onr travenng library work for that period. In tbe winter of1111-18 treft;bt ablpmenta were greatly delayed which waa anotber lOorceof 1088 of clre.laUon. That, 11rltb tbeae handicapl. the circulation hasheld Ita cnrn wltb the circulation of wt biennium. wblcb W&ll tbe la....tcirculation III our blatory, III a creditable Ibowlnc.

The lO&D8 have bello more widely distributed ceographlcaUy tb&oever befon!, and tbere II only oDe county out of nlnety·three to whichwe bave lent DO loaDS durin, the biennium.

We have added to tbe travellog library department 4,838 volumesand bave wltbdrawo 1.149, leaving us with 19.719 vo!um89 on December1, 1918.


Qrou,. of T.~)'4I"" Other Oro-nlDllo...Requntl Filled _........ 282 Requel'" F1I1ed _ _ ..Volumel LoaDe4 tt,645 Volumes Loaned _ .

Public Llbr.rfee IndlvldUIIleRaquel18 Filled ._._ _ _.._ U. Requ88U Filled .Volumu Loaned _ 1,768 Volum. Loaned .

Schoola Charitable Inallwtlon.Requettl Fltled 390 Requestl FilledVolumel Loaned .19,742 Volumel LoaDed - .

Stud)' Ch"HI TotalRequMbI Filled .._ _. __.__ '1' No. or Raquette...................... 3.126Volumea Loaned 768 No. or Volumes Loaned 60,943


R.po" of the Librarian

Incident to frequeol cban«ee and retrenchment 10 number or employeeeIn atate lnatltutlonl, tbe lIbrariet have eulfered, 0100« wltb all otberdepartmentl, lOme leeeening of eervlce. However, 10. every Inetltutlonthere ill In acting librarian clvlnc eUP8"lelon to the worlr..

In lOme placee. notwltbalandlog present economic condltlool. thellllUatiotl baa materiaJly Improved. Thll Ie particularly true at thp Tuber·culoul Hospital, wben! a chance of loaatlotl In library quartera, Inalalla·tlon of a char«lOIt Intem. 81ld .. librarian wbo "Illite the wardl dally,have combined. to lucreaae Intereet aDd clreulatlon.

The work at tbe eehoole ror the Feeble Minded and ror tbe Dear baabeen IOme.-bal Itres&ed during tbe past bleonlum because condition. 10.


bo~ places justlll.ed. a proporlK.nately Jaraer addition of boob. No elaaDaeof IocaUotI iD aDJ' lUUtutioD. .... beeD DWrfl appreciated thaa that attH bolD. for tlroe Feeble MiDded from aD \lII.I.uraetJ,... lacoD"..... roomto til. beaatlf.1 Ubnl'7 In tbe new,lIeIIool k1141aa. 1D the Bebool f.tile Deaf. the placiD&, 0( P'OuplI of bookl iD tlro. lIdlool rooma has lItbD..late4 hat.erelt ID tlae Ubrary OD tlae pan of both teach.1 and ,uplJa.

III the thirteen ltat. Inltltatlonl to which tb. Libra..,. Oommlllloll.. hlral.blq book.. 11 a combined. populltlon or ".ttl. uelal,..01 .mpkJ,.ee.. SUed on ltatisUca «!yetl by the SQperintendenta... IlIldsa a...,... of 46% of tb.. pb,..leall,. or mental17 .....llk to read. _blebnIlIae. the numba' of poulble iDmat. patrons to appmnmatel7 .lIlplo:r- ot tbe iDIUt\lUOBl number "G, tlro1ll makiDc t1II. total..-41DI: popaJatIOD. r,75Cl. With a record of 44.,912 "Ol1l1a. 1a.Ded. duillctbe Teu. then II • per c:aptta. elreU1atlOD. of 11.1.

Thlre are 13.211 "Ohlme. l.D tb. lb1J1.eeD. Ubrarf•• :'111 01,.. beet1 added durlnl lb. biennium. TIlere b.... beell "M boobreboaDd.

The Llbraq CommJ..lon &110 lublCrtbel for 241 periodlcall fortwel.,e of lbe lnltltutloDI. The ptrtocllcal circulation .. recorded OAITat tile PeDlteDtlary wb.,. It wu 11,%91 darlae Ibe put ,...,..

AI lbe Mmi-auuaJ conrere1lce ol S1IperiDteDdeatli 01 State~daIu III M17. 1917. tbe UbrwlaA read I paper 00 Libraries ID State ...ut1ttJoaa. be&rtD1 apoa their: matptlon. their PI"QCNII. &Del tlrof'tr~1...... Deemlq lbe pnlbleml worthy l'artber eoul4enUoD. & L1brarJCommittee ... appolDted to make recommeD4aUe:m. relati"e to UblV7matten III the nriou btltitatlona. Tble committee, wttb the Ubrariu..met aDd dllCossecl plans for tbe IDCreued uetalDe-. ot InltltadOllIIbrari.. AI tbelr r:e<lueat a secolld paper w.. preaented by t1II. librarianat Ibe Dexl conference In November. 1917 TIlls dealt more IpecUIeall1'Wltb coDditiODI and poe.lbllttle. in Ibe leveral Inltltutlol1ll.

At tblJ; time, the Library Committee. cou.IIUtII' ot hpL F. W. Bootb.Scbool for the De&t'; Mi.. Leua Ill. Ward. Supt. IDdutrIaJ Bome torWom_. an4 Dr. W. S. PUt, SapL Hc»pltal tor IlIaDe. tBclellde...~IDltted Lb. tollowlo! f'NOhltlonl wbleb were utI&tIlmouly adopted:

"JlMoIftCI,. That It .. tile teD.Ie of lb" CODI'ereDC8 to recoIDID•• tothe Boud of Co_laklDen of State wtll_dons tIlat lbe 1.1""" bemade a rcular department of tbe InlUttlllo1l aDd II _b that a cel1alDapeeltle4 UDle be dented to 118 coocerna: that repocU from tile actiq'1ftH'ari&D be MDt rerularlJ to the Library Commlalton. aDd Uaal theSuperinlencleDt8 Illcorporate ttl 'WorkJnp IDto their pabllahed reporta.

•..t Ia &110 reeommendecl tbat the lIbrarlall of State lDIItltutloU beautborlsed to talte up wttlro each Superlatelldenl lIbfU'f problema... tIle7pertaID to the rupeet.l"e iDstlludOD. aD. wttlro -.ell bead. 'WOrk oat &

plan or emploJ1D1 tor put or taD tim.. & librvtall tor each lUUtatlla.


• 1.6&1.32

F'rom appl"O-pri,tlon-19tH;

Boob .._.._ .._.. ._ , 1t4.87Tn.,.1 __. . ._.. __.._ 158."B1D.dlDI . ._.. ..__ _.._._ 41%.1 tP11DtlDl' __.____ %%4.4%OtIce. lappl", etc. .. 1'1.&3Ibtn Belp . __ 62.76BookI, ete. tor State lIIStltaUona______ 1,S41.K........,. __.,,__~._______ 600.00LIbrarIaD ..._..". ". __.._ SOO.OOA_letant llbI'IrIaD .:...... _._ _ ..._ lOO.GO~pber .._._ " .._._._ .._.......... .._ ......

"'It .. rurther recommended tbat coDalderla&' tbe Deeeult,. 01 ear­talD.. apeDl. duna. the ansettled IDdWltrial coDdltiOD. 11 possible. DOpiau be made It the present tlme .bleb "ould can for 1101' addltioD totile pll,.·roll..

•• .rat,.. 1.17. the l.aUtation libraries "eN represented upon thepropam of the AlleaLlta and NeorolU«lat, of America. meetlnl In IlDDual_100 In Cblcap. The Nebraaka Inatltutlon librarian read a paper onthe Llbruy from tbe patlent's point of .Ie". deaJinr wltb books La thelaaaDe boepltala.

Expenditure.. Dec:. 1, 111~No\l. 30, 1111

From appro­priation, 111l1·tt

, USUSnUtsOI.n.....




Total _..~ '21,639.63AppropriatioD, 1917·t 'U.500.00

Balance ............•..._ _._ __ _ 1,541.6'



J(II~ I I IPLACE PopalatloD Le., Jacome . Volame. Patronl CireUlltiOD Librarian

1 Alalwon-b' ..--..- -- .--1 ".__ _.. I _..... ""'''' Mra. A.D.... ToUTer

• Albion ._--_._. l,5U _._ '100.00 ..... .00 10.000 MrI. Jeanie Gradon• ......... ---- 3,IN • 1.101.00 1,111 ..... 11,6%4 "rI. Nellie WIII?D

• Alma -_._-- 1,061 • 671.00 2.632 1,OS8 3,1157 &frl. Jenule Taylor

• ADol.,~ ...._.__.- 1,213 , .........- ........ -_..- _...... MI"I. H. L.. Fowler

• Arcadla-' .._............... 1,061 , 1,06900 1,548 '" _...... jMra. P. I. Cromwell7 Arila(toD ._.............. .., , 460.00 731- ~R4 a.ssa Mn. A. E. Da.h(cNl

• Albland ...............__ 1,379 , 600.00 Ml>O ... 8.534 Ne'lie BextOD

• Aaburu .................... %.729 11. 760.00 1.000 96' 8,197 LllllaD Scofteld10 .&.lU'Ora .._ .._ 2,&30 11. 1,246.00 8.1'16 %,764 14,1,. Lllllaa Moore11

...U1ce ____ U6I , 3.000.00 11,855 9,Of6 36,6JZ Merlyu AbbottII ..... __._-- ,.... , 1,000.00 :,64S m 8,%70 May lIeQDlJTleII Bloomleld 1,'" • 600.00 1,'" ... 90.· M~. Mlle Dnr:J!n14 Brok_ Bow ___ U .. , 1,268.00 3,400 m 10,780 EmU, RoberUouIi ......... ---_...-. .Ii , "%.00 1,346 '" ',304 Bulb L. BordeDIt ConolI ---'--' '"

, 116.00 ... '" ._- )(rI. M. S. Llno17 Cod_ Rapld•._....... '"

, 260.00 1,167 ,.. 7,432 Mn. E. L. Meh1nII CeDtnl C1t7........_..~ 1,0116 , 1,000.00 3,917 1.081 10,080 MBf'lBret Andenoa11 Chadn>o .................. U81 , 1,438.00 3,%94 ,...... 17,161 Mrs. EllzBbetb SmithJO Claru" ........_ .._..•_ 1.318 ........ ............ ........ ........ .. ...... Mn. HUI1eU LittleJ1 C1a7 CeDter ._.......... 1,066 ......_. 1.812.00 1.011 ... un An~ Byrklt--


TAX..$UPPORTlID U.RARIEa-{CoaU.....d) \--- I


PUC. Popalati01ll LeT> lacome Volum. Po,""", Clmola.... LlbrarlaD

Z2 ""'- Vlew__ 1.508 -- ..... U6li 2,171 I ..." Nola II. Beanleley •" Colam... ._-_._- 6,014 1.36 1.000.00 U" UN 1'.1lI "- Riddell.. Coa4' ---_.- 1.091 - ---_. ....- -- .__. lCdilh I. Alleaa Cnwt... _.__ un " 191.00 I,'" U. 4.838 Mn. C. J. "_byU .......... 1,.173 , 121.00 939 '" ".644 WlIlnle Jane M~'rr ..... -----_. ~... _..- l,OOUO 6,4•• ..- MOl LIllie ... MuUlDa 0."" CItJ'._._._....• 1.177 '" 1,200.00 ,.... Ott ..... LUliaD 8tmpkilul.. 0. WItt ___._ .., '" 300.00 1.409 ... .._._. Amy Phleoen10 - _._.._.- .-i~H , l,n•.GO '.... ..... IU'l _ »a..,. c. McQuaid

" ........d "-'-'-'- 1,054 • It6.00 ....._. '" Uf7 Bertha erawfON!.. hi.. "'V---.-..- 1.2~ ........ 2,043.00 ',427 U. .ua -M..,. HutehlD••.. J'raIlkUD __._.•._ H' • 1,10'.00 1,678 lit 11;"1 Ml1I. J. T. Jl'eeH.. -, ..._.__.._.. -1,118 '" U12.00 USI U78 'UIT ....... GouellDlca ......... _._-..._- l.211 .._.... ............ Gertrude ADdre1l'1U FllIlvtoll ...._...._... 1,838 • ...... 3,710 1,27' 14.:03 M... Nettle Johnson

" 0-. ...~....._._..... 1.741 • 1,140.00 1.Ii33 10. 8,876 MrlI. 18abel BIJ:byII Genoa ___•__.._ 1,376 ........ 2U.00 1,600 ... 6.200 MrlI. C. H. Shield,II Gibbon· ...._.._..._- 1.161 1 750.00 %.336 '10 I,t80 Mattie PIerce.. .........,. 1,730 • J,160.00 1,777 171 ll.SfS 8. Frane. BotkinU """" .....d__ 10,3%6 • %,.500.00 1,961 %,815 auto Datl1 Hoacll.. a.... Rock' __...__ .to • _......... .._-- _...... ........ Katlter1De 0.,



PLACE PopalaUon Lo.,. IDeoIDII VOblDl" ....... CImoIalloo Ub........ HutIDetOD" ............ UtI ........ ............ ........ ........ .._.... Ita Bryant.. ......... _ ..._....- l,10S • 121.00 un '" 7,71i1 Mr.. A. J. "ulloa.. .....- ....__......- 1,811 ........ 1,100.00 9,02G Uff 88,8418 Mn. Ida E. cap»-.. Ha..~11 ._....,-..- ..... II. 1,401.00 ~... 1.018 lUI., Mn. BuM. O. SmUll

" H...... _....__.._- _I,nl --"- ---"-- ........ ........ ......- ..........•.........•._........... Boldreae _.___....__ a,030 • l,too.OO ..... ...._.. 10.H6 "N. CatbUfDe Will... H_ ....._._...•...... 141 II• 413.00 1.760 ... U4a Joel Wanaer.. IIwDboldt -_._-_... 1.171 • 701.00 ..... ....._.~

lin. J. K. Uaett61 Kearn.,. .._--_..- 1,1.2 ... UtS.OO 18.07. ..... "N. ....... ........ .......,._--- 61 • ...._. --- _._- ..- ..- -_.- R. L. Lathrop.. '-' --- 0.- J --- _..... --_.. -- _.._-----_._-_...... ......... ----- fun 1.1 16.161." 44.39t 12,80t 111,3'71 Lulu Borne.. ......... ---- "' J 14'.01 ... 170 ...... Illdtlb F. Shryock.. lAo• CIt,"___ _I,&tO - -- ._...- -.- --- .....-.......57 ..<CoH -_._.._.... 3,7U • UIO.OO UOf ..... I,HI 0_ WUlettaOJ ....... ---- __1,701 J 1.100.10 3,177 '" Mrs.. Roee Bo«ue.. ...... _..__._.- UU J UOQ.IO 1,131 SOl ~i:m "N. H. K. AltJalOllo.. lllad_ -_ .._-_.. .... • ...... 3,681 1,110 .,111 lin. Helea E. Shaner11 ........ ...._.._.._..- ......- --.... -_..._. ...._.. _...... --'- _._-_ ....__......... N_bruka Clt1..._ .... UII "' UGO.GO ? ... J.OlII 12.10. Anae SteY8IlMJaIS Nel't;b ................_... __1,6" J 1.233.00 3,8.. .n 1,392 MN. Com. M . JODes, ....

TAX-8UPPORTED L1."AIUa6-(Contllu,M)

MillPLACE Popldallon Le" Income Volume. "'''''9 ClrcalatloD LibrarlaJl.. Norfolk" .................... M26 ........ 1 ............ ....... ........ ........ L.... Durland.. North Be8d··............ J,106 3 1,129.00 3,169 681 7,8'. lA.UfI. Roump

68 N..... P1aU..........._. .,711 21' 1.too.00 3.54' un Jl.856 Loretta Murpby

" 0_ ..._...._._.._- IH,074 ,._..- 41,tn,oo 81.721 17.186 404.061 edltb TobttlII O'NeI.Il· --_.._..- ..... • 1,200.00 2,712 1.301 t,862 "arme CoG'e,68 0'.....• ----- 1.313 3 1.*.00 1.411 '" UCO )IN. selma Hapard.1. Oocaola --- 1,105 -_. ...... 1.117 -- -_. II.., II.....71 ..~.. 01"_ -1,,110 • 1.llHI.OO UII UN 11,1n """' ........." ...... ... -- ltO.OO ~... 100 ...... M,.. R. J. AnlhoIt

" ...... ---- I,ZOO • 6".00 2.&34 ... 2,831 lin. J. A. Andre.

" PlaiDTIn' ---- on 3 ...... 1,111 168 ..._-. lira. P. H. ParllerTO PlattmDcNUl.

----~UI7 '" 1.110.00 .- UOO 11.132 C. OU?e Joa.

" ....... _---_._- ',GOO • fiO.OO ..... 1,100 1i,In lin. II. "'''17 Randolph· •.....•....•... 1,131 ._..... ......._... ...._.. .......• ........ ........._..........._..- ....-11 Ra,....' ........_...__ . l.I6I , ............ ........ ........ .......• Nellie V. Clark11 Red ClO1Ul'"_'''''''''''' 1.111 ........ ............ ........ ........ ........ Yola Swarb.. ....,.... .._--_.-. 1.161 • I,OU.OO a.sll 1,663 17,111 ElM.or II. Wbeel...II BeoU.bld' -_..._.- ~OOI • _......_- ._..- _...... ..._... Maad AdallUl.. ........ ----- III • ....00 ..... m UII .... D• •• Bb,..II ....... 1,1H ".. 1,000.00 .,." .... U17 II. BeDe 8eb.lck

TAX-aUPPORTaD U.RARIE......(ConUnuec:l)

11mPLACE Population ""0. Ineome Vo_ ........ "'"""""""

Ll_.. 8ball.OD- ._---- t.fU • IUD.GO ',020 ... ..... lin. H. A. VOM.. 814n8' .....•....._._.._. 1,186 , 1,6SO.00 7,020 ... un Mre. Con.etaneeCorbett

" 811nt' cre.k·'.......... 779 • ............ ......- ........ ........ lin. B. M. TanaBe.87 Spaldlq' .................. ." ..._.. ............ ...._- ........ ........ tin. W. J. Lee

" ....-....._.-.-.... UOo • IU.GO ..." '" 1,760 Julia. L. DeDDt... St&lltoa •..............._- 1,3U , 1,100.00 2,881 ... lUI. ...... J. D. Elmor... SterUq ..........__...- 'lf, 600.00 1,.86 ... 6,171 Mrs. 11_". Holleaback

91 Stromaburl' ._......... 1,30 , 1,000.00 91 • ... .._-- Bertha GreeD

" SUlton _.._..•......_... 1.702 !I; 174.00~~l~~~

,.. 7,701 Slbrl B. Jarrett.. ........ ---_.- ue. • 1,010.00 I 1,7011 I ___ 0 • Nn. Luq CoOIl.. B...... -_._....- ... 1 ZZUO '::; ,.. 3.117 .... .. 0000.. Table Rock' --- 'If , ---- ,.. --- "n. Allie Wood.. Ta,_ ._"--- fit • 1I1i." UK' ... .... ...... )lofer

"T8elllllHb _._..____

~~:lf8 .._..- 800.00 3,318 ... un ..-Shaw

" Tekamall ..._......__ -1.Ii24 0 1,000." },jOO '" I3,N7 Marauertte N_blt

" UIlt~1tT Plaee_.. UOO , 2,011.00 3,204 1,004 17,673 Kotlt_ C. Wood,.. Watdeld .......- .._- ", 0 ..... t blJt 1.044 5.956 Mrs. Sina H)'pIIeto, Wa,... _..........._._.... U40 , 1,360.00 3,611 l.374 JO,868 II". E. B. Blair

to' Wee,pl•• W.t.r...._ J.O.7 I • 525.00 U59 ,,, ...._.. 0.... Oo.atl')'lIIl\.lOS W.., Point.............. J,771 0 ............ I '02 ... ........ Am. M. Brllrdato. WI.ald. .................... .., 0 210.00 1,400 '" 2,961 Mra. Emma Dnart


TAX..UPPORTID LI."ARIII-(COntinuecl) ....Mill

PLACX PopalatloD LoT)' IDcome VolDlDei ....... ~ LlbrartaD,.. ..- --_.....- 1.011 I •nuo ..... UI . '- IMaM B. Ka,,.. ..... Rt.-er'..._..._ ,.. I ...... 2....2 n. 2,771 ABII& B. BonlOT - 2,111 I 1.110." ... - - --'" ._----- UOI I ........ un ..... I0,Il1 --- ...'Too receIItI7 orpatae4 to "'OQrt-...................-"-Dlap Ie.,. I 1ILUI.. " IIlI1I NCeI,.ed trDm I towuItI,..


POPUlatlon\ - Vohlma(eJ:chulft Volumel! "dod EXPENDITURES FOR BIENNIUM

INSTITUTION or 10 ADDUal duna. Sv.ppUaemployees) Llbrarr CIrev.latloD BleDDIDID ..... PertodlcaJa BIDlIlaC anll tn¥el

Girl.' IndDltrla1 SCbool.......... 98 778 1,974 ,st 5218.8' $119.00 nuo ......................Do,,' lDduatrlaJ SCbooL...•.. >0' 857 6,361 ,.. 183.03 .....10 27.50 ......................Home 10' Ji'eeble-Mlnde4_._ ,.. SO! 1,0::12- ... nus 63.70 6.60 ........._-_....Ho.plUl to<' TubercalolU.._ 78 m 1,387 98 n." 71.66 ..- -.--.--.""Ioclutrial Home for Women .. m 1,7.' liS f9." lUG .... ._._._._..._.Ortbopedtc Ho.pita.! ........_.... " 1,213 %,%41 m %07.41 SU6 .... ............_........Pe.ll.ltgtlarr . .00 3,196 14.%13 '" 160.01 U6.26.................._..-._. ........ ._...................Scbool for, Deaf........................ 170 1,482 1,529- '" 80S.64 6.....0 8." ...................-8oldle"' HODle, Burkett ...... m 1,280 2,095 ", UO.27 91."0 %1.00 . ....................801dl..' HOIDI, ..lIfol"l1..__. '" '" ... 127 7UI 3%.70 31.50 ......................State Ho.plaI, Iqleelde..._. 1,155 1.037 4.SU !89 111.91 _.- 61.00 .._...._._._.-State HOIpltal, Lincoln__.... 7i9 801 Z.1l0 2%$ 261.S1 HO.J5 .-.- ..._.-._.........Btatl HOIpital, NorfollL_... ..,

I7n 6.883

I,.. 249.!t 1t.1O .. 1.60 _._......_._-

All Ift,tltutlonl ...._...._.......... ...... ..... _..... ...... .......... ........ ........ I 281.01'-Report for 8 month•.

SCHOOL AND COLLEGE LIBRARIES...... Location vots. Llb_....... Collep..- Bellen. ',750Bro.-II

HaII____ Omaba _.__ UOOeoua.. UDIYenlt,.__ ........ --- ..... lin. Beu1e lob.aoD

""""'. UDI"..Jty_ Omaba ...... W. T. KbllM!llaDoooe 0011__-- e..te ---- lU15 No... HjebaJ'raDllllD A<e4...._ ......kI.. -- 1.113 Dither A.. Bec:IlQI'UUI lalaDd Coll.,.- G~' I.lud _.. --HutlDp COHee- Rutlnp --- ..... nora FlaberLallier Collep..___ Walloo ____ ..... F. A.. lJIldeDNe.....u. W.leJaD- Ubi. P1e<e__• 10,000 "'" ",IeeState Normal 8ehool_ Cbedro. --- ~... ......-State Nonna! SchooL.. Keane,. ..__.. 15,000 Anna V. J....lDpState Normal Behool._ p= ...._---- 27,418 lillY.. E. RaIoDState Normal 8chool_ Wa,.e ~100 .Ieo1e leilaUOloD Collep-b,:-- Collep Vlew___ 1,000 G.O.ADmw.Ual of Nebru _ Lincoln ...._.._._. 138,500 Malcolm Q. WyeTV.... 001....._.._.._. York .-.._...._..- ..... 11&1')' caYe


DepartmentState L1bRl'J' _

Public L1bl'U:1 Com"D1AI:bI'1,.. aef. BU'MGState Hlat'ka1 80efety


7UlO H. C. LIDda.111,711 Charlotte TempletOD

e16.toO A. E. SheldonWi,toO A. Ill. Sheldoo

·Cblefl,. pampbJetl aDd dlppbtcL
