NIPEC Workforce Development Questionnaire 2005 Informing the Development of the NI Nursing and...

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NIPEC Workforce Development Questionnaire 2005

Informing the Development of the NI Nursing and Midwifery Workforce

Workshop29th Sept 2006

Launch of Document



Literature synopsis

Current workforce information


Questionnaire results

Conclusions & Recommendations.

Workforce Workshop September 2006 Sample and how representative Q1 & Q2 Quick run through general results from Questionnaire –

flagging main result as far as possible –copy of questions Highlights from Cross reference results look at 7 elements:

Contracted hours Participation in learning activities Identification of learning & development Opinions on learning & development issues Changing Jobs Career advice, opportunities and interviews Internet access

Conclusions and recommendations

See back of document for

copy of questionnaire to

guide presentation of


SAMPLE Approximately 35%

Response Rate (n=7593) 97% in employment

(n= 7308)

Q1 (p44) AGE RANGE: Q’aire/NMC/HPSS

Q 1 Age Questionnaire % NMC% HPSS%

<25 3 3 4

25-29 7 9 11

30-34 11 13 15

35-39 16 15 19

40-44 22 19 23

45-49 18 17 16

50-54 13 12 10

55-59 7 8 1

60-64 4 4 1

65+ 1

(n=7518) Not completed = 75

Q2 (p44) Gender

Q 3 Gender Questionnaire (HPSS%)

Female 94%(93)

Male 6% (7%)

Not completed = 27

94% Female

Q3 (p45 Marital Status

Q 3 Marital Status Questionnaire (%)

Married /Living with partner 5760 (76)

Single/Widowed/separated/divorced 1783 (24)

Not completed = 5076% Married or

Living with partner

Q4 (p45) Dependents

Q 4 Dependents Questionnaire (%)

Yes 4863 (65)

No 2673 (35)

Not completed = 5765% Have Dependents

Q5 (p45) Main Income

Q 5 Main Income Questionnaire (%)

Yes 3309 (44)

No 4190 (56)

Not completed = 9444% Main income

Q6&7 (p46) Work and Home Post Code

Q 6&7 County Work Postcode (%) Home Post code %

Antrim 43 36

Armagh 11 10

Down 22 28

Fermanagh 4 4

Londonderry 14 13

Tyrone 7 10

Others/Missing 2039 1442

Q8 and Q9 (p50/51)

Q8 Year Registered – 82% and 89% were registered as a nurse and midwife respectively for more than five years

Q9 Part of the old NMC Register – possibly 40% of respondents have more than one registration

Q10 (p52) Initial Training

Q10 Initial Training Number %

Northern Ireland 6585 87

England 454 6

Scotland 145 2

Wales 14 0.2

Other country in Europe 80 1.1

Other country outside Europe 262 3.5

Others/Missing 5387% trained in NI

Q11 (p54) In employment

Q11 In employment Questionnaire (%)

Yes 7308 (97)

No 259 (3)

Not completed = 2697% In employment

Q12 (p55) Main Employer

Q12 Main employer Questionnaire %

HSS Trust 5608 77.3

HSS Board 136 1.9

General Practice 237 3.3

Independent Hospital 56 0.8

Independent Nursing Home 691 9.5

Independent Hospice 63 0.9

Independent Charity 94 1.3

Industry 31 0.4

Prison 15 0.2

Higher Education Institute 98 1.4

DHSSPS 27 0.4

Other 199 2.7

Missing 79

Q13 (p56) Contracted Hours of Current Job

Q13 Contracted Hours of Current Job

Questionnaire (%)

<15 Hours 25

15 <37.5 Hours 23

37.5 Hours 52

Missing [231]52% work full time

Q14 (p56) Employment Contract

Q14 Employment Contract Questionnaire (%)

Permanent 92

Temporary 3

Fixed Term 2

Other 3

Not completed [93]92% Hold permanent


Q15 (p57) Length of time in post

Q15 Length of time in post years

Questionnaire %

<2 1071 15

2-5 2685 37

6-10 1242 17

11-15 802 11

16-20 617 9

21-25 445 6

26-30 275 4

31-35 87 1

36-40 17 0.2

>40 1 0.01

Not completed 92

52% in post less than five years,

28% 6-15yrs and 20% >16yrs

Q16 (p57) Nature of Employment

Q16 Employment Situation Questionnaire (%)

Current job is a nursing/midwifery post which requires a Nursing/Midwifery qualification

6650 (92)

Current job is not a nursing/midwifery post but does require a Nursing/Midwifery qualification

398 (5)

Current job is not a nursing/midwifery post and does not require a Nursing/Midwifery qualification

204 (3)

Not completed 82

92% current job in nursing or midwifery

Q17 (p58) Area of Practice

Respondents were asked to choose the area of practice which most closely matched their current role and asked to tick one box only.

Medical (15%), elderly care (13%), community and public health (13%) and surgical (12%) A&E/ICU/Theatres (10%) were the most well represented areas of practice (63% of n=6577).

Q18 (p60) Job Title (Job Title Groups)

Respondents were asked to indicate the job title that most closely represented their job title.

Staff/Enrolled Nurses: D totalled 21% & E&F totalled 32% and provided the largest number of Job Titles by far followed by Sister/Ward Managers totalling 8%

Collectively identifiable Community Nurse Job Titles (10%)

Q19a (p65) Learning Activities most often undertakenList X Structured Learning Activities %

Participating in organisation induction programmes 45

Participating in study days – mandatory training only 78

Participating in courses/study days within organisation 87

Participating in courses/study days outside organisation 61

Participating in conferences/seminars/workshops 57

Participating in leadership development programmes 15

Participating in management development programmes 14

Undertaking academic modules, diplomas, degrees 41

Participating in e-learning programmes 8

Membership of reflective practice/clinical supervision 15

Participating in Midwifery Supervision 2

Participating in action learning sets 8

List Y %

Learning from adverse incidents 51

Developing a personal development plan 38

Participating in bench marking activities /audit 34

Participating in practice development activities 33

Developing a personal portfolio 52

Completing a reflective diary/journal 18

Participating in appraisal 49

Participating in 360 Degree personal feedback 5

Undertaking personal coaching/mentorship 21

Acting as a mentor or preceptor to others 60

Undertaking a shadowing opportunity 11

Undertaking a secondment opportunity 9

Learning from a role model 26

Participating in networking opportunities 21

Attending case conferences 27

Undertaking a research project 9

Membership of journal club 11

Membership of professional forum 20

Writing articles for publication 5

Engaging in project work 11

Visiting other units to compare practice/projects 20

Undertaking Literature reviews to improve practice. 22

Q19b (p66) Funding of Learning Activity

Q 19b Funding of learning Activity Questionnaire %

Self funded all 251 4

Self funded most 529 7

Funding shared 1341 19

Organisation funded most 2280 32

Organisation funded all 2718 38

Missing 21570% Organisation funded all or most learning activity.

Q19c (p67) Top 6 Learning Activities most useful

Visiting other units to compare practice/projects 1st

Undertaking a secondment opportunity 2nd

Participating in leadership development programmes 3rd

Participating in management development programmes


Undertaking academic modules, diplomas, degrees


Undertaking a shadowing opportunity 6th

Q20a (p70) How needs identified

Q 20a How learning and development needs were identified.


Identified formally with line manager as part of appraisal/personal development planning 33

Identified informally with line manager 20

Identified in supervision sessions 6

Identified by self with no input from others 28

Identified with professional colleagues 10

Identified with friends and family 1

Never identified 3


53% needs identified formally or informally

with Line Manager

Q20b (p71) Written Record

Q 20b Needs recorded in written format

Questionnaire (%)

Yes 60

No 40

60% needs recorded in written format.

Q 20c (p71) Effectiveness of activities

Q 20c Record of effectiveness of learning and development activities

Questionnaire (%)

Yes 43

No 57

43% record of effectiveness of

learning activities .

Q21a (p71) Annual Appraisal

Q 21a Annual appraisal with line manager

Questionnaire (%)

Yes 56

No 44

56% have annual appraisal.

Q21b (p72) Benefit of Appraisal

Q 21b How beneficial was appraisal %

Not at all beneficial 7

A little beneficial 16

Of some benefit 28

Fairly beneficial 30

Very beneficial 19

49% believed Appraisal Fairly

or Very Beneficial.

Q21c (p72) Personal Development Plan

Q 21c Personal Development Plan


Yes 61

No 39

61% have Personal development


Q21d (p73) Benefit of PDP to Role

Q 21d How beneficial was PDP to role %

Not at all beneficial 5

A little beneficial 14

Of some benefit 29

Fairly beneficial 34

Very beneficial 19

53% believed PDP Fairly

or Very Beneficial.

Q 21e (p73) PDP benefits discussed with Manager

Q 21e PDP benefits discussed with line manager

Questionnaire (%)

Yes 76

No 24

76% benefits of PDP discussed with

line manager.

Q 22a (p74) Supervision Sessions

Q 22a Supervision sessions to support role

Questionnaire (%)

Yes 33

No 67

33% have Supervision sessions.

Q22b (p74) Benefit of Supervision sessions

Q 22b How beneficial was Supervision sessions


Not at all beneficial 2

A little beneficial 8

Of some benefit 21

Fairly beneficial 31

Very beneficial 38

69% believed Supervision Fairly or Very Beneficial (49% for Appraisal)

Q23 (p79) Agreed or strongly agreed

I am encouraged by senior staff to undertake work based learning opportunities 51%

I have a shared responsibility with my employer to identify my learning and development needs 82%

I find it easy to keep up to date in my current job 56%`

My workload frequently prevents me from undertaking learning & development opportunities. 73%

I need help identifying the most appropriate learning and development activity for me. 37%

Q23 Agree or Strongly Agree

I believe there are not enough learning and development opportunities available for me to develop in my current role. 43%

I prefer structured/ academic learning activities 60%

I value learning and development activities which involve members of the multi disciplinary team. 89%

Q 24 (p83) Changing Job

Q24 Top factors; salary (58%), lack of resources and increased

workload (49%), lack recognition and respect (49%), personal commitments (44%), seek

promotion (43%), to seek a different challenge (43%) or not valued by employers (40%)

Questions 25 & 26 (p84/85)

Q25 –Likely to change job over next 2 years – 19% Yes, 39% Unsure and 44% No

Q26 Likely Job Change Option – 55% nursing or midwifery in HPSS, 9% non-nursing/midwifery HPSS,8% leave employment or retire

Q27 (p86) Agreed or Strongly Agreed (10)I am satisfied with the careers advice available to me in my career to date 35%

I would value independent advice and guidance when preparing for an interview 87%

It is difficult for me to identify all potential job opportunities suited to my skills and experience 49%

I am not sure of the information to include in an application form 34%

I would feel anxious if I had to go for an interview 78%

I would not be overly concerned if an “assessment centre” was part of the interview process 36%

The application and interview process would discourage me from applying for jobs 39%

I would apply for a job even if I had to give an unseen presentation 37%

There are good opportunities for career advancement in my organisation 21%

I have a clear idea of where I want to be in 5 years time 52%

Q28 (p90) Have you heard about NIPEC? (Valid percentage n=7326):

YES 63% No 36%

Q31 (p92) Do you have access to the internet at home or work (n=7258)?

YES 83% NO 17%

Q35 (p93) How easy did you find this questionnaire to complete?

86% easy or very easy

Q 36 (p95) Further comments? Please use the space below for any other comments you might like to

make about any of the questions we asked you?

20% made comments

Q 36 Free Comments – broad analysis (p95)Themes

% of Q 36 Comments

Dissatisfaction relating to learning and development issues


Dissatisfaction in relation to Standards of Care


Dissatisfaction in relation to pay, working hours


Dissatisfaction in relation to management issues


Dissatisfaction in relation to General issues 9%

Questionnaire 26%

NIPEC issues 7%

Careers 9%

Retired or retiring 5%

Positive comments 7%


Elements Cross Referenced with Different Variables

1. Contracted hours

2. Participation in learning activities

3. Identification of learning and development

4. Opinions on learning and development issues

5. Changing jobs

6. Opinions around career advice, opportunities and interviews

7. Internet access and awareness of NIPEC


Age (9/5yrs)

Hours worked (3)

Area of practice (15)

Job Title Group (4)

Employer Group (3)

Employment Status (4)

and so on


(Q18 p60) Job Title Groups (n= 5333 77%) Nurses Grade C & D (1525)

Nurses/Midwives E&F (2597)

Ward Sisters G (551)

Community Nurses (660)

(Q12 p55) Employer Groups (n= 6536 90%) HSS Trusts (5608)

General Practice (237)

Independent Nursing Home (691)

1. Contracted Hours (pp 102-103)

Respondents under 30yrs more likely to work full time

60% of General Practice employed nurses work less than 25hrs only 15% full time

pp106-1162. Participation in learning activities (1)

No significantly different picture in the top six Learning activities undertaken by respondents by county they work in.

It appears that part-time respondents may have less access to learning activities

Fixed term and Temporary contract holders have lower level of participation in learning activities than permanent

2. Participation in learning activities (2) A greater percentage of Group 3 Sisters have participated

in Leadership Development and Management Development Programmes and participated in Appraisal than other Job Title Groups.

A lower percentage of Group 1 Nurses C/D’s than other Groups indicated they had participated in Bench-marking activities /audit or had participated in Practice Development Activities

Only 56% of the Learning Activities were funded by the Nursing Home Employer Group compared to 73% for HSS Trust and 70% for General Practice employer group.

Consequently over 20% of Nursing Home employed respondents indicated they funded most or all of the learning activities undertaken compared to 9% for HSS Trust employed and 5% for GP employed respondents.

2. Participation in learning activities (3) Those who have participated in courses/study days

within organisation, Appraisal, or have undertaken a shadowing opportunity are more likely to have had their learning and development needs identified either formally or informally by their line manager.

In contrast those respondents who have participated in courses/study days outside organisation, undertaken academic modules, diplomas, degrees or a research project are more likely to have had their learning needs identified by other methods or never at all.

Visiting other units to compare practice/projects was generally considered the most useful Learning Activity (not yet undertaken) across all employer groups and majority of age groups

Pp 118-132 3. Identification of learning & development (1) Respondents employed within the area of surgery

(including surgical specialisms and specialist roles) are more likely than any other group to have had their learning and development needs identified either formally or informally by their line manager (66% compared to general result of 53%)

Between 55-58% in the Job Title Groups had their needs identified by their line manager except for Community Nurses where the percentage was only 46%.

3. Identification of learning & development (2)

Those respondents who had a written record of how effective their learning and development activities were, were more likely to have: Participated in Midwifery Supervision, Developed a personal development plan , Participated in 360 Degree Feedback, Completed a reflective diary/journal, Undertaken personal coaching/mentorship Undertaken a shadowing opportunity.

3. Identification of learning & development (3)

Those who had undertaken: Mandatory training, courses/study days within or

outside the organisation Participated in conferences/seminars workshops Undertaken academic modules, diplomas, degrees Learnt from Adverse events Acted as a mentor/preceptor Attended case conferences or Engaged in project work

were less likely to have a written record of how effective their learning and development activities were.

3. Identification of learning & development (4)

Respondents working in the areas of learning disability, elderly care or mental health are less likely to have a PDP than those employed in any other area of practice

Those working in Mental Health and Learning Disability are much less likely to have had an annual appraisal.

Respondents who have undertaken academic modules, diplomas or degrees are less likely to have discussed the benefits of the PDP learning and development activities undertaken with their line manager

A much smaller percentage (37%) of respondents employed in Nursing Homes indicated that they had a PDP either as part of appraisal or separate to it, agreed and reviewed annually with their line manager when compared to other Employer Groups and the General Result (61%).

3. Identification of learning & development (5)

Community Nurses (57%) were much more likely to have Supervision sessions when compared generally (33%),

Nurse/Midwife E/F are less likely to have supervision sessions (23%) when compared generally.

Whilst General Practice employed respondents were more likely to have annual appraisals and PDP’s they are less likely to have supervision sessions

pp 134-1384. Opinions on learning & development issues

Notably only half of all Groups find it easy to keep up to date.

Networking opportunities appear higher for Ward Sisters and Community Nurses.

Less Ward Sisters prefer structured/ academic learning activities compared to the other Groups.

It appears that workload frequently prevents more

Community Nurses from undertaking learning and development opportunities compared to the other Job Title Groups.

More Nurses C/D indicated they required help in identifying the most appropriate learning and development activity.

pp 140-1465. Changing jobs

In addition to seeking an increase in salary, “Lack of resources and increased workload” and “Lack of recognition and respect” were the factors most likely to influence changing jobs particularly for those respondents in the older age groups

The longer registrants have been registered or enrolled the less likely they are to change jobs in the next two years. This is also reflected in the literature. Retention through support and development are important factors.

Much fewer GP employed respondents were likely to change their job (8%) and more Nursing Home employed respondents were likely to change their job (23%) compared to the general results (19%).

Notably 15% of those working <25hrs indicated that the next likely Option if changing job would be to Leave Employment or Retire.

pp 148-1506. Opinions around career advice, opportunities & interviews

HSS Trust employed respondents appear to indicate a lower level of satisfaction with careers advice, opportunities and Interviews as compared to other Employment Groups (GP and Nursing Home).

respondents who work less than 25 hrs appear less satisfied with Career Advice, Opportunities and Interviews

pp 152-1547. Internet access There was a lower level of internet access for

respondents employed in Nursing Homes (64%) compared to other Employer Groups or General Results (83%)

Variances in access ranges from 100% for Occupational Health Nurses, Senior Manager in Education and Director/Assistant Director Nursing to 62% access for Enrolled Nurse C Grades.

Lower levels of access are reported in the areas of “Elderly care including specialist roles” (68%) and “Learning disability including specialist roles (in hospital or community)” (77%).



Development framework Related findingsThe need to promote assessment of development

needs and a wider range of learning activities as in the Learning Activities resource is well

supported in the General results sections but also:

A wider range of learning and development activities are undertaken where there is a more formal approach to the recording and evaluation of such activity.

Hours worked and Type of contract held indicate different levels of participation in learning and development

Less than 10% of respondents have participated in 3600 personal feedback regardless of hours worked, type of contract, Employer Group or Job Title Group (value of Competency Profile section)

df Related findings

Providing a Careers enhancement and planning resource is strongly indicated in the general

results section as well as:

It would appear that HSS Trust employed respondents indicate a lower level of satisfaction with careers advice, opportunities and Interviews as compared to other Employment Groups (General Practice and Nursing Home employed).

It would appear that respondents who work less than 25 hrs are less satisfied with Career Advice, Opportunities and Interviews

df Related findingsPromoting an Internet resource appears reasonable given the

high level of access in the general results however:

There was a lower level of internet access for respondents employed in Nursing Homes compared to other Employer Groups or General Results

Variances in access ranges from 100% for Occupational Health Nurses, Senior Manager in Education and Director/Assistant Director Nursing to 62% access for Enrolled Nurse C Grades.

Lower levels of access are reported in the practice areas “Elderly care” including specialist roles” (68%) and “Learning disability including specialist roles (in hospital or community)” (77%).


Recommendation 1

NIPEC recommends that registrant employers achieve an Appraisal level of 80% by 2009. NIPEC are keen to support employers and registrants achieve this target using the Development Framework electronic tools and resources.

Recommendation 2

NIPEC wish to see the level of Clinical Supervision activity raised to 75% generally and 85% in clinically high risk areas by 2009. NIPEC will be keen to support employers introduce appropriate clinical supervision systems.

Recommendation 3

The performance management of employing organisations should ensure that learning and development needs analysis systems provide an accurate picture of learning and development needs and that commissioned learning and development activity should embrace personal as well as professional development activities with balance within commissioning plans between more traditional education programmes and other learning and development activities. .

Recommendation 4

NIPEC would encourage employing organisations to ensure that registrants have easy access and are facilitated to use the dedicated development framework website resource particularly the extensive Careers component at .