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  • •Dr. Pallab Bhattacharya, Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, NIPER-Ahmedabad has been receiving International Sub-Contract Grant of $ 20000 in collaboration with Miller School of Medicine, U.S.A. for stroke pre-clinical studies.

    International Sub-Contract


    NIPER-A Monthly Newsletter


  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019









    ह िंदी पखवाड़ा













  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    Teachers Day Celebration

    On 5th September 2019, Teacher's Day was celebrated with high enthusiasm at NIPER-Ahmedabad.

    Several activities at the event were planned by students of NIPER-Ahmedabad to dedicate the eve to

    the teachers and appease the role of a teacher in their life. The live and humorous anchoring by MS

    student Mr. Nirmal,Ms.Sweety, Mr.Adarsh and Ms.Saleha added the life and fun to the event.

    Following this, faculty members were called upon the stage and presented with mementos by

    students. Some fun-filled games were organized for teacher's which included Kahoot and Pictionary.

    The event ended with cake cutting and a merry note from students and teachers! Director delivered

    thank you address to all the students for everlasting memories.

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    A workshop on Hands on Training of advanced analytical techniques

    Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, NIPER Ahmedabad had organized a workshop on “Hands on

    Training of Advanced Analytical Techniques” from September 3-7, 2019. The workshop was

    supported by AICTE-ATAL Academy. In this workshop, around fifty enthusiastic participants came from

    in and around the Gujarat state. Participants from Various organizations were namely Sinhgad

    Institute of Pharmacy, Pune Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Pharmacy, Pune; Savitribai Phule Pune

    University, Pune; NIRMA University, Ahmedabad; Geetanjali University, Udaipur etc. They were

    introduced to different advanced analytical techniques and their applications in pharmaceuticals.

    During the training session, they were given hands-on experience on analysis using HPLC, LCMS-Q-

    TOF, NMR, FE-SEM and Rheometer instruments. The response from participants were phenomenal

    and received excellent feedback.

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    Swachhata Pakhwada

    Mahatma Gandhi dreamed not only of free India but also of

    clean and developed India. Mahatma Gandhi secured

    freedom for Mother India, so now it is our endeavor to serve

    Mother India by keeping the country neat and clean. To keep

    the country clean I take this pledge that I will remain

    committed towards cleanliness and devote around 100 hours

    per year that is just two hours per week to conduct

    cleanliness drive voluntarily. I will neither litter nor let others

    litter. I will initiate the cleanliness drive from myself, my

    family, my locality, my village and my work place. I believe that the countries of the world that appear

    clean because their citizens don't indulge in littering nor do they allow it to happen. With this firm

    belief, I will propagate the message of Swachh Bharat Mission in villages and towns. I will encourage

    100 other persons to take this pledge which i am taking today.

    I will endeavor to make them devote their 100 hours for cleanliness. I am confident that every step I

    take towards cleanliness will help in making my country clean. NIPER-Ahmedabad celebrated

    "Swachhata Pakhwada" between 1st to 15th September 2019. The program was inaugurated by a

    pledge for cleanliness under leadership of Dr. Kiran Kalia. The pledge involved maintaining cleanliness

    and taking its responsibility individually. The office started the initiative by shredding of old files /

    correspondences/cleaning of junk packing material of stores etc. All computer were cleaned for e-

    waste and removal of Plastics, wastage etc were carried out.

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    The students thoroughly cleaned their respective labs. It was followed by a collective cleaning activity

    of NIPER Ahmedabad garden, canteen area, playground, and corridors. The drive was followed by

    cleaning Palaj village near NIPER-Ahmedabad campus. Hostel premises were also cleaned actively by

    all the students, faculty members and non-teaching staff of the institute.Disposal of expired medicines

    were conducted and making necessary efforts toward rain water harvest and setting up of plants for

    paper recycling.

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    Adaptation of five Government Schools to create awareness and carry out cleanliness drive in the

    school premises. Competition / Plays on Self – Hygiene, Installing dustbins and distribution of sanitary

    napkins in girls schools in the rural areas were undertaken. Distribution of pamphlet on use of solar

    power and other renewable sources of energy was also done. Awareness on avoiding use of plastic

    recycling and reuse was disseminated in form of placards and pamphlets. Plantation of saplings were

    done by students and faculties of NIPER A under the leadership of the Director. Institute also

    undertook beautification drive of the divider on the road astride Making of Swachchata Pakhwada film

    was done to make the event memorable. In the last day ceremony the Director felicitated the workers

    and participants who participated wholeheartedly in the Swachhata Pakhwada. Thanks giving to

    Cleaning Staff and a Concluding Session & Release of Swachchata Pakhwada film was done by Dr.Alok

    Jain and Bhavin Gayakvad.

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    Winners of Competitions:

    Name of Competition Name of

    Winner Class

    Best Clean room awards

    Boy’s Hostel (M.S) Room.No. 103 MS 1st Year

    Best Clean room awards

    Girl’s Hostel (M.S) Room.No. 301 MS 1st Year

    Best Clean room awards

    Boy’s & Girl’s Hostel (Ph.D)

    C-204 (PhD, Boy)

    A-201 (PhD, Girl ) Ph.D

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    3rd Board of Governors (BoG) meeting

    Third Board of Governors (BoG) meeting held at NIPER-A on 13th September, 2019 chaired by Shri

    Ketan Patel, Chairman BoG and attended by other esteemed Bog members.

    A workshop on Mammalian cell culture,cell-based staining, imaging & molecular expression techniques

    Department of Biotechnology, NIPER Ahmedabad, had organized a 5-days workshop on

    “Mammalian cell culture, Cell-based staining, Imaging and Molecular Expression Techniques, from

    16th Sept 2019 to 20th Sept 2019. The workshop was supported by AICTE-ATAL Academy.

    Enthusiastic participants from different states became a part of this workshop. The workshop was

    based on the theoretical as well practical knowledge on cell-culture techniques like sub-culturing of

    cell lines, cell migration assay, cell proliferation assay, introduction to various imaging techniques, with

    a hands-on training and troubleshooting of a confocal microscope. They were also been exposed to

    the principles of flow cytometry, followed by a practical session covering cell-cycle profile analysis,

    and, RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis and subsequently, qPCR for gene expression analysis. The response

    from participants was outstanding and we also received an excellent feedback.

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    हहिंदी पखवाड़ा समारोह ,नाईपर-अहमदाबाद (१३-२७ ससतम्बर ,२०१९

    राष्ट्रीय औषधीय सिक्षा एविं अनसुिंधान सिंस्थान (नाईपर( अहमदाबाद में १३ ससतम्बर से २७ ससतम्बर, २०१९ तक हहिंदी पखवाड़ा मनाया गया। राजभाषा समिति नाईपर-अहिदाबाद द्वारा आयोजजि इस काययक्रि िें ववमभन्न प्रतियोगििाओं का आयोजन ककया िया, जजनिें तनबधं-लेखन, श्रुिलेख, प्रश्नोत्िरी, गित्र-प्रदर्यनी, वाद-वववाद, हहन्दी बोलिाल की भाषा एव ंस्वरगिि कवविा पाठ प्रिखु रहीं। इस आयोजन िें ववद्यागथययों का उत्साह देखि े ही बनिा था। ववद्याथी अपने तनयमिि अनसुन्धान के साथ-साथ ववमभन्न प्रतियोगििाओं की ियैाररयों िें भी िल्लीन देखे िए। कोई हहदंी-व्याकरण की ियैारी कर रहा थ, कोई तनबधं की, िो कोई प्रश्नोत्िरी की, इस प्रकार का वािावरण देखकर कोई भी हहदंी प्रेिी बड़ा प्रसन्न होिा। इस आयोजन िें उल्लखेनीय बाि यह रही थी कक जो ववद्याथी हहदंी-भाषी राज्यों से नही ंआये हैं, जैसे आधं्र प्रदेर्, िहाराष्ट्र, बिंाल आहद उन्होंने भी ववमभन्न प्रतियोगििाओं िें बढ़-िढ़ कर हहस्सा मलया और उनका प्रदर्यन सभी तनणाययक िणों एव ं दर्यक िणों ने सराहा। ववमभन्न प्रतियोगििाओं िें तनणाययक दल स्थानीय प्राध्यापक रहे।

    इस हहदंी पखवाड़ा का र्भुारम्भ १३ मसिम्बर को िखु्य अतिगथ के रूप िें िजुराि ववद्यापीठ के हहदंी के प्रोफेसर एव ं ववभािाध्यक्ष अतिगथ प्रो. जर्विंभाई पडं्या की उपजस्थति िें ससं्थान की तनदेर्क िहोदया प्रो. ककरण कामलया एव ंराजभाषा समिति के अध्यक्ष डॉ. अमिि र्ारद के कर-किलों द्वारा भारि िािा के सिक्ष दीप प्रज्वलन एव ंपषु्ट्पापयण करके हुआ। इस अवसर पर हिारे िखु्य अतिगथ ने अपने वक्िव्य िें उन्होंने साहहत्य पर जोर देि ेहुए कहा की “साहहत्य सिाज का आईना है और सिाज

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    साहहत्य का दपयण है, अथायि ये एक दसुरे के परूक हैं। उन्होंने हिारे प्रख्याि साहहत्यकारों को भी याद ककया और कहा की हिें उनसे पे्ररणा लेनी िाहहए की कैसे हहदंी एव ंसाहहत्य का प्रिार-प्रसार करना िाहहए। ससं्थान के ननदेिक प्रो. ककरण कासिया ने भी हहदंी भाषा पर अपने वविार प्रकट करि े हुए कहा कक, ससं्थान के ज्यादा कक्रयाकलाप अगं्रेजी िाध्यि िें होने के बावजूि हहदंी पखवाड़ा िनना और प्रतिस्पधाय िें भाि लेना भी िवय की बाि है और स्पधाय िें एक दसुरे को टक्कर देने की जूननू पदैा करना हहदंी पखवाड़ ेकी उपलजधधयां बन सकिी है । इस

    काययक्रि िें आयोजजि गित्र प्रदर्यनी की आभा ववलक्षण थी। ववमभन्न प्रतियोगियों ने अपने वविार तनयि ववषय “पॉलोगथन का बहहष्ट्कार” पर गित्र एव ं नारे के िाध्यि से भववष्ट्य िें होनी वाली कठीनाइयों को भी दर्ायया। वाद-वववाद प्रतियोगििा का ववषय था, “हहदंी का पाठ्यक्रि िें अतनवाययिा” जजसिे अगधकांर् लोिों ने अतनवाययिा को िहत्व देि ेहुए इसके पक्ष िें अपनी राय रखी। “एक देर् एक भाषा” पर जोर देि ेहुए कहा की लिभि सभी अन्य देर्ों िें उनकी अपनी एक भाषा है जो परेु देर् को बांधिी है उसी प्रकार हिारे देर् िें भी एक ऐसी भाषा हो जो परेु देर् को एक सतू्र िें बांध सके। हिने पहला हदन तनबधं प्रतियोगििा से र्रुू ककया, उसके पश्िाि ्श्रुिलेखन, हहदंी बोलिाल की सािान्य भाषा का प्रयोि, वाद-वववाद, गित्र प्रदर्यनी, प्रनोत्िरी एव ंस्व-कवविा पाठ प्रतियोगििा का क्रिर्ः आयोजन ककया िया। प्रश्नोत्िरी प्रतियोगििा िें सबस ेज्यादा प्रतियोगिओं ने भाि मलया जो हिने ऑन-लाइन (काहूि) िोबाइल के िाध्यि से प्रतियोगििा रखी थी लिभि १०० से ज्यादा प्रतियोगिओ ंने भाि मलया l तनबधं प्रतियोगििा का र्ीषयक था “िंद्रयान मिर्न: सफलिाएँ एव ंअसफलिाएँ” और हिें अत्यगधक ख़ुर्ी है कक हिारे ससं्थान के ववद्याथी न केवल अपने पाठ्यक्रि िें शे्रष्ट्ठ हैं अवपि ुअन्य ववषयों िें भी उनकी उिनी ही रूगि है, जो हिें तनबधं के िाध्यि से उनके ज्ञान और जानकाररयों का पिा िला l

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    इस पखवाड़ ेका सिापन २७ मसिम्बर को सरदार पटेल ववश्वववद्यालय के हहन्दी ववभाि के प्रोफेसर िदन िोहन र्िाय, ससं्थान के अनषु्ट्ठिा (डीन) डॉ. पल्लव भट्टािायय एव ंराजभाषा समिति के अध्यक्ष डॉ. अमिि र्ारद के उपजस्थति िें हुआ। अपने वक्िव्य िें उन्होंने हहन्दी भाषा को सरल बनाने का सझुाव हदया और कहा कक इस हदर्ा िें भी िल रहा है, िाकक लोि हहदंी का अत्यगधक उपयोि सरलिा के साथ कर सके । हिें ककसी भाषा का अपिान नहीं करना िाहहये अवपि ुअन्य भाषा के र्धद यहद अत्यगधक प्रिमलि हों िो उसे हहदंी भाषा के र्धद के रूप िें अपनाने िें किई सकंोि नहीं करना िाहहए क्योंकक हहदंी को सवयसम्िति एव ंसझुावों के द्वारा ही आिे बढ़ाया जा सकिा है ने की ककसी के ऊपर जबरदस्िी थोप कर l राजभाषा समिति के अध्यक्ष डॉ. अमिि र्ारद ने काययक्रि वववरण देि ेहुए, काययक्रि की प्रतियोगििाओ,ं स्पधयकों की सखं्या और उनके उत्साह के बारे िें बिाया एव ंअतंिि िें पखवाड़ ेकी सफल आयोजन एव ंइसिें र्ामिल सदस्यों के मलए धन्यवाद व्यक्ि ककया। काययक्रि के अिं िें ववमभन्न प्रतियोगििाओं के ववजेिाओं के नािों की घोषणा की िई एव ंपरुस्कार प्रदान ककया िया। अतिगथश्री को स्ितृि गिन्ह प्रदान कर आभार प्रकट ककया िया। इस सिारोह की सफलिापवूयक आयोजन िें राजभाषा समिति के सदस्य डॉ. अमिि र्ारद, श्री सजुीि पाठक, श्री आर्िुोष िोस्वािी एव ंसशु्री कोिल पाण्डये का भी सहयोि सराहनीय था।

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    10th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience Joint meeting of IBRO & FAONS

    Ms.Deepaneeta Sarmah and Ms.Harpreet Kaur,PhD research scholars from Deptt.of Pharmacology and Toxicology present their research in the 10th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience at Daegu,South Korea.They both are among the 50 participants from world to be selected for Young Investigator Training Program (YITP) organized by International Brain Research Organization (IBRO).

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    International Exchange programs

    Ms.Heena Jariyal, PhD scholar, successfully completed the Japan-Asia youth exchange program in

    science, funded by the Japan Science and Technology Agency and organized by the University of Miyazaki from September 1 to September 8, 2019.


    01 Shreya Thakkar, DilipSharma, Kiran Kalia, Rakesh K.Tekade. (2019) Tumor Microenvironment Targeted Nanotherapeutics for Cancer Therapy and Diagnosis: A review, Acta Biomaterialia. (I.F. 6.638) Abstract: - Recent findings suggest that the cellular and extracellular materials surrounding the cancerous cells from an atypical tumor microenvironment (TM) play a pivotal role in the process of tumor initiation

    and progression. TM comprises an intricate system involving diverse cell types including endothelial cells, pericytes, smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, various inflammatory cells, dendritic cells, and cancer stem cells (CSCs). The TM-forming cells dynamically interact with the cancerous cells through various signaling mechanisms and pathways. The existence of this dynamic cellular communication is responsible for creating an environment suitable for sustaining a reasonably high cellular proliferation. Presently, researchers are showing interest to use these TM conditions to mediate effective targeting measures for cancer therapy. The use of nanotherapeutics-based combination therapy; stimuli-responsive nanotherapeutics targeting acidic pH, hypoxic environment; and nanoparticle-induced hyperthermia are some of the approaches that are under intense investigation for cancer therapy.

    02 Jaicy Jacob, Namdev More,Choppadandi Mounika,Piyush Gondaliya,Kiran Kalia, Govinda Kapusetti. (2019) The Smart Piezoelectric Nanohybrid of Poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) and Barium Titanate for Stimulated Cartilage Regeneration, ACS Applied Bio Materials. Abstract:- Piezoelectric materials strive to articulate smart materials and transduce electric fields by applying mechanical pressure and vice-versa.

    Present study demarcates augmented cartilage regeneration from the praxis of the smart material intervention that denotes the method of utilized piezoelectric mechanism. The smart

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    piezoelectric nanohybrid is developed from poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and barium titanate (BaTiO3). Further, the electrospinning technique is adopted for the scaffolding to mimic the structure of natural cartilage. The scaffold with 20% BaTiO3 shows enhanced mechanical properties and piezoelectric coefficient (1.4 pC/N) similar to native tissue. Interestingly, the corona poled (electrically polarized) scaffolds demonstrated better cellular activity than unpoled. Human mesenchymal stem cell-derived chondrocytes are utilized for in-vitro studies.

    02 Deepak Pradhan , Vishakha Tambe, Nidhi Raval, Piyush Gondalia, Pallab Bhattacharya, Kiran Kalia, Rakesh K. Tekade. (2019) Dendrimer Grafted Albumin Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Post Cerebral Stroke Damages: A Proof of Concept Study, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. (I.F.3.973) Abstract: - Stroke is the second largest disease of mortality. The biggest hurdle in designing effective brain drug delivery systems is offered by the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which is highly impermeable to many drugs. Albumin nanoparticles (NP) have gained attention due to their multiple ligand binding sites and long circulatory half-life. Citicoline (CIT) is reported to enhance the acetylcholine secretion in the brain and also helps in membrane repair and regeneration. However, the poor BBB permeation of CIT results in lower levels of CIT in the brain. This demands the development of a suitable delivery platform to completely realize the therapeutic benefit of CIT in stroke therapy. This investigation reports the synthesis and characterization of second generation (2.0 G) dendrimer Amplified Albumin (dAA) biopolymer by FTIR, MALDI-TOF, and surface charge (mV). Further, the synthesized biopolymer has been utilized to develop a CIT nanoformulation using a commercially translatable one-pot process.

    03 Aashu Gupta, Kritika Nayak, Manju Misra. (2019) Cow ghee fortified ocular topical microemulsion; in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo evaluation, Journal Journal of Microencapsulation Micro and Nano Carriers. Abstract: - Aim: Utility of cow ghee (CG) as permeation enhancer in development of topical ocular microemulsion (ME) for delivery of fluocinolone acetonide (FA) to posterior eye. Methods: For ME preparation,

    oil, surfactant and cosurfactant were screened based on solubility of FA. Pseudoternary phase diagrams were constructed to determine their ratios. The developed MEs were characterised for their physicochemical properties like size, polydispersity index, zeta potential, and stability etc. They were evaluated for ex vivo permeation and irritation. In vivo pharmacokinetic studies were performed on Sprague dawley rats.

    04 Sagar Katakam, Rajeshwari Rathod, Poojadevi Sharma, Dharmesh Kachhadiya, Sheetal Anandjiwala, Sonal Sharma, Neeta Shrivastava. (2019) HPLC Coupled with Chemometric Analysis and LC–MS Studies of Three Flavonoids in Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers Revealed Impact of Chemodiversity on the Quest for the Chemical Markers, Journal of Chromatographic Science. (I.F.1.216) Abstract: - Globally, Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers is used as an important component in herbal drug formulations for liver health. The present study is aimed to develop a suitable analytical approach for simultaneous analysis of three flavonoids (rutin, deguelin and rotenone) to establish quality control methods for plant. A novel High-performance liquid chromatography photodiode array detector (HPLC-PDA) method has been developed to quantify these flavonoids in T. purpurea. The method was validated, and data were subjected to chemometric analysis to select most optimal marker compound. The method that was found linear with R2 values ranges from 0.996 to 0.998 with good recoveries. Intra- and inter-day precision values were

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    05 Krishna A. Lad, Anurag Maheshwari, Bhagawati Saxena. (2019) Repositioning of an anti-depressant drug, agomelatine as therapy for brain injury induced by craniotomy, Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics. 13(04), 189-197. (I.F. 0444) Abstract:- Traumatic brain injury (TBI) leads to the disruption of blood-brain barrier integrity and therefore results in increased brain water content (brain edema). Brain edema is a significant factor for increased intracranial pressure (ICP), which ultimately causes functional disability and death. The decompressive craniotomy (DC) is a surgical procedure widely used for treating increased ICP following TBI. The life-saving craniotomy itself results in brain injury. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of agomelatine against craniotomy induced brain injury. The craniotomy was performed by a variable speed micro-motor dental driller of 0.8 mm drill bit.

    06 Krushali Powale, Bhagyashree Kamble, Neelam Chauhan. (2019) Biocomputational approaches towards deciphering anti-dengue viral properties of synthetic and natural moieties, Advances in Human Biology.9(03), 198-202. doi.10.4103/2321-8568.266224 Abstract: - Dengue, an arthropod-borne disease caused due to dengue virus belonging to Flaviviridae, is a serious health problem globally. Currently, there is no licensed vaccine for prophylaxis of the infection or an effective drug

    regimen for treatment. The virus genome codes for three structural and seven non-structural proteins. Envelope protein is required for the attachment and binding of the virus to the host cells, viral replication and hence, it can act as a good antiviral target. Method: We intend to evaluate the antiviral activity of compounds from both natural and synthetic sources by using tools of bioinformatics and computational biology. The favourable sites for drug binding, ligand interaction were analysed by various modules of Schrodinger software (2016-1).

    Oral Talks

    Dr.Prasoon Kumar, Department of Medical Devices NIPER-A Delivered a talk at 6th International conference on Microfluidics and Lab-on-chip organised by selectbio at Novotel Mumbai Juhu Beach, Mumbai, Maharashtra on "Design, fabrication and working of a leaf-mimicking micropump" on 12 September 2019.

    Poster Presentation

    Pallab Bhattacharya, Deepaneeta Sarmah, Harpreet Kaur, Dileep R. Yavagal. Intra-arterial

    stem cell therapy activates BDNF-TrkB signaling pathway to improve post-stroke outcome in

    senescent rodent model of ischemic stroke. 10th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience: IBRO

    2019, Daegu, Republic of Korea, 21st- 25th September, 2019.

    Tarang Jadav, Niraj Rajput, Dhruvisha Pokar, Dr. Pinaki Sengupta, “Development of a liquid

    chromatography- mass spectrometry method for quantification of cidofovir and its

    metabolites in rat peripheral blood mononuclear cells” , at 9th Pharma Vision National level

    seminar held at Charusat University, Changa, Gujarat, on 8th September 2019.

    N.N. Sidhartha, Akhila Pyaran, Jayshri Deore, Dr. Pinaki Sengupta, “Establishment of

    bioanalytical method for quantitation of gefitinib and capecitabine in Rat plasma by RP-HPLC ”

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    , at 9th Pharma Vision National level seminar held at Charusat University, Changa, Gujarat, on

    8th September 2019.

    Jaswinder Kaur,Siddhi Rakshe, Monika Sharma, Dr.Amit Khairnar,"Development of progressive

    intranasal mouse model of Parkinson’s Disease and validation through associated

    Neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory markers",at 9th Pharma Vision National level

    seminar held at Charusat University Changa, Gujarat, on 8th september 2019.

    Workshops / Conference/ Seminar

    Dr. Prasoon kumar, attended " 6th International conference on Microfluidics and Lab-on-chip"

    organised by selectbio at Novotel Mumbai Juhu Beach, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, during

    12th to 13th September, 2019.

    Dr. Prasoon attended and represented NIPER-A IIC in " IIC 2.0 and Innovation Annual Festival"

    at AICTE headquarter, Vasant kunj, New Delhi on 11th September, 2019

    Ms. Akhila Pyaran attended 9th Pharma Vision National level seminar held at Charusat

    University, Changa, Gujarat, on 8th September 2019.

    Ms. Jayshri Deore attended 9th Pharma Vision National level seminar held at Charusat

    University, Changa, Gujarat, on 8th September 2019.

    Ms. Jaswinder kaur attended 9th Pharma Vision National level seminar held at Charusat

    University, Changa, Gujarat, on 8th September 2019.

    Mr. Niraj Hukumsingh Rajput attended 9th Pharma Vision National level seminar held at

    Charusat University, Changa, Gujarat, on 8th September 2019.

    Ms. Ritu Soni attended 9th Pharma Vision National level seminar held at Charusat University,

    Changa, Gujarat, on 7th September 2019.

    Ms. Ruhi Kale attended 9th Pharma Vision National level seminar held at Charusat University,

    Changa, Gujarat, on 7th September 2019.

    Ms. Chaitrali Shah attended 9th Pharma Vision National level seminar held at Charusat

    University, Changa, Gujarat, on 7th September 2019.

    Ms. Disha Thakkar attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

    Mr. Prakash Niguram attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for

    Articulating Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar,

    Gujarat, on 23rd September, 2019.

    Mr. Manish Sharma attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

    Mr. Harsh Thakkar attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

    Ms. Sonali Jain attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    Mr. Tarang Jadav attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

    Mr. Rudradip Das attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

    Mr. Dinesh Satpute attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

    Ms. Shinde Suchita attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

    Ms. Lakshmi Vineela Nalla attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for

    Articulating Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar,

    Gujarat, on 23rd September, 2019.

    Ms. Monika Sharma attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

    Mr. Nishant Sharma attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

    Ms. Aishika Datta attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

    Mr. Abhishek Roy attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

    Ms. Pandey Komal attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating

    Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on

    23rd September, 2019.

    Ms. Shevkar Chaitrali attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for

    Articulating Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar,

    Gujarat, on 23rd September, 2019.

    Mr. Ashok Kumar attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on 23rd September, 2019.

    Ms. Anuradha Gadeval attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on 23rd September, 2019.

    Mr. Sagar Ashok Salave attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on 23rd September, 2019.

    Ms. Choppadandi Mounika attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on 23rd September, 2019.

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    Mr. Polaka Suryanarayana attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on 23rd September, 2019.

    Ms. Pulugu Priyanka attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on 23rd September, 2019.

    Mr. Khunt Dignesh attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on 23rd September, 2019.

    Ms. Raval Nidhi attended one-day workshop on Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR) held at Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on 23rd September, 2019.


    International Sub-Contract Grant:- Dr. Pallab Bhattacharya, Dept. of

    Pharmacology and Toxicology, NIPER-Ahmedabad has been receiving

    International Sub-Contract Grant of $ 20000 in collaboration with Miller School of

    Medicine, U.S.A. for stroke pre-clinical studies.

    1st prize for poster presentation: - NIPER-A M.S. Student from Department of

    Pharmaceutical Analysis Mr. Niraj Hukumsingh Rajput under the mentorship of

    Dr. Pinaki Sengupta won the 1st prize in poster presentation at 9th Pharma Vision

    2019, a National level seminar held at Charusat University, Changa, Gujarat on 8th

    September 2019.

    Selected in MHRD Innovation Cell:- NIPER-A Young Innovators Team Hlumelo (Team Members:-

    Rohit Shejul,Kiran Katrajkar,Rutuja Satvase,Sushil Edake,Sunil Rongate and Shubham Kharche)

    selected by MHRD Institution Innovation Council for their Proof of concept which is entitled Ghee

    making Machine.

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019

    Selected in MHRD Innovation Cell:- NIPER-A Young Innovators Team Scikon (Team Members:-

    Rohit Parkale, Dhruvisha Pokar, Samdisha dubey, Snehal Shenoy and Siddhi Rakshe) selected by

    MHRD Institution Innovation Council for their Proof of concept which is entitled as “Bioinspired

    Desalination of Sea water”.

    Newspaper & Media Coverage

    Times of India (TOI) highlights the innovative Research on Stroke Therapeutics by NIPER - Ahmedabad

    Faculty Dr. Pallab Bhattacharya and his team. 16 September 2019. (Page: 02)

  • Monthly Newsletter September-2019
