Niskayuna Reformed Church May 2018...May Birthdays Scott Duesterdick 1 Carol Munro 2 Diane Pechulis...

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abundant – adjective – existing or available in large quantities; plentiful

But God will break you down forever; he will snatch and tear you from your tent; he will uproot you from the land of the living. The righteous will see, and fear, and will laugh at the evildoer, saying, “See the one who would not take refuge in God, but trusted in abundant riches, and sought refuge in wealth!” – Psalm 52:5-7

“So again Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and bandits; but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. – John 10:7-10

One of the areas in which God has been working in my life lately is discerning what it means to have an abundant life. I think each one of us may have a different perspective on what that might mean for our lives. Earning lots of money, being famous, gaining power & prestige, having a spotless reputation, having lots of friends, having the perfect family, owning a home, driving a fancy car, serving the poor, fighting against injustice, following God, traveling the world, or eating the best food are all options for what the abundant life looks like.

I have struggled recently to know what life in abundance looks like for me. I am still tempted to believe that the abundant life means that I have financial wealth. I also feel a draw that life in abundance means having the praise and adoration of the multitudes. In my short life I have tried to find the abundant life in money, in clothes, shoes, romantic relationships, work, food, sports, and entertainment. I’ve found that each one on their own comes up short. When I engage in these items as a fulfillment to life, they all fall far from providing the fulfillment I seek.

The only way to that abundant life, the one that provides fulfillment is found in and through Jesus Christ. If

we seek the kingdom of God as demonstrated by Christ, we will find fulfillment. And most likely not in the

way that we thought we would. I believe that is what hinders me, as well as others, from pursuing the

abundant life in Christ, because it does not match up with what our culture says or what our own desires lead

us to. For me that means spending intentional time do discern what Christ is calling me to. It will require

courage to let go of what I need to let go. It will require faith to step out into a new life. Join me in pursuing

the abundant life that is found in following Christ, for it is only there that we will be satisfied.

~Pastor Jason

Niskayuna Reformed Church May 2018

Office News The office will be closed on Monday, May 28th in observance of Memorial Day.

Thank you for the anonymous Easter gift of $300. We appreciate your support.

Thank you Thank you, thank you for your prayers, cards and transportation during my 14 day stay at Albany Med. as well as transporting and staying with me during Chemo sessions over the past four years. You truly are earth Angels! All my life church has been my rock, and since Jan. 1964 , shortly after moving to the Colonie area, NRC has been and continues to be my strength and rock. Love and Blessings, Cindy

May Birthdays Scott Duesterdick 1 Carol Munro 2 Diane Pechulis 2 Trudy Lehner 7 Zachary Roth 7 Linda Matt 9 Joseph Pustay 9 Ralph Ender 10 Gladys Dockey 10 Brian Maclutsky 11

Willem Mizenko 11 Paul Russell 11 Cindy Strasenburgh 12 Sampo Edwards 13 Joyce Anderson 14 Elizabeth Penk 16 Rory Wood 17 Petie MacKintosh 17 Carolyn Neary 19 Deana Perlee 22 Kathy Drapeau 24 Liam Clemmer 25

Larry Felpel 26 Tim Freligh 29 Anna Burger 30 May Anniversaries Michael & Suzi O’Brien 10 Drew & Judy Henery 14 David & Joyce Anderson 14 Glenn & Adrean Kreig 25 John & Karen Moak 26 Alan & Betty Connelly 26 Rock & Pat Rockwood 27

Senior Center Upcoming Events Friday, May 4—Clark Museum & Lunch 9am—5pm (Town Hall)* Tuesday , May 8—Speaker CDPHP Grapefruit! Food & Drug Interactions 11am at Center Thursday, May 10—Mother’s Day Luncheon & Entertainment—Pianist– Bev Oudt Tuesday, May 15—Crafts with Edie at 10 am—”Kindness Rocks” Thursday, May 17—Betty’s Back to basic Acrylic Painting 10am—2pm at Center Sunday, May 20—55 Plus Expo at Rivers Casino 11am* Tuesday, May 22—Kingsway Luncheon/ Presentation - Noon Wednesday, May 23—Acrylic Paint Along with Deb 7pm at the Center* Thursday, May 24—Movie Day “ Mama Mia” at Center Tuesday, May 29—Art with Edie— “Painting Poppies” Thursday, May 31 Painting with Peggy– Sailing Away 10 am-2pm at Center* Saturday, June 16th 9 am - 3 pm—Defensive Driving Course, Town Hall

Prayer Requests Please keep the following prayers requests over the last month in your prayers:

• Lynne-Barnard Avveduti, who recently had surgery.

• Cindy Strasenburgh who was hospitalized.

• Linda Guzzo’s Mother, Gerry Ackert, who passed away on April 3rd.

• Tony & Diane Pechulis’ nephew, Nate who had surgery and has to undergo treatment.

• Bruce Fisher, who’s son Brian, passed away on April 19th. • Trudy Lehner’s special family friend who has been diagnosed with colon cancer. • Diane Pechulis who has an acoustic neuroma and will be having surgery to remove it. • John Lehner’s sister, Karin, who is dealing with a very serious strep infection and medically induced coma.

Congregational Care The mission statement of the Congregational Care Committee is To care for the Niskayuna Reformed Church family with compassion when there is a need. Just as Jesus loved His disciples, we are to love one another in His holy name. Our journey of faith is expressed in each act of loving care.

One way the committee carries out that charge is to keep a list of those in the congregation who may need a little extra care and love. During the course of the year, cards and care packages are delivered to those on the Visitation List for various occasions including Valentine’s Day, Easter and Christmas.

Many thanks to the Women’s Fellowship Group for their continuous help in providing “goodies” and stuffing the care packages. The committee would also like to thank the following members for help in delivering 12 Easter baskets to our seniors and shut-ins on the Visitation List: Monica Tryon, John DelSignore, Ashley Pechulis, Trudy Lehner, Karen Moak, Carol Neugebauer, Sue Felpel, Joan Peebles

Also, a huge thank you to the Sunday School Children for their “Hallmark” skills. Sixteen Easter cards were created and delivered to those on the Committee’s Visitation List.

Financial Report as of March 31 ,2018


Actual Budget Difference

Offerings $ 64,670 $ 49,488 $ 15,182

Use of Facilities $ 14,066 $ 12,205 $ 1,861

Nursery School $ 7,597 $ 6,579 $ 1,018

Rental Income $ 4,650 $ 4,650 $ -

Fundraising $ 4,784 $ 4,950 $ (166)

Other $ 384 $ - $ 384

Operational Income $ 96,151 $ 77,872 $ 18,279


Payroll $ 47,399 $ 46,843 $ (556)

Property $ 36,980 $ 28,900 $ (8,080)

Mortgage (Principal & Interest) $ 11,487 $ 11,499 $ 12

Denominational Assessment $ 5,072 $ 5,072 $ (0)

Office $ 1,652 $ 1,440 $ (212)

Other $ 2,744 $ 2,390 $ (354)

Operational Expenses $ 105,334 $ 96,144 $ (9,191)

Gain from Operations $ (9,183)

Budgeted Loss $ (18,272)

Performance Vs Budget 3/31/2018 $ 9,088

Sacred Sounds Ticket Pick-Up Complimentary tickets are available for pick-up after coffee hour on May 6th for the Sacred Sounds and reception. You can also stop in the church office between the hours of 8:30 am– 3 pm. Please see flyer on the previous page for more information.

Blood Drive There will be a blood drive on Friday, May 4th from 1-7 pm at the Niskayuna Fire Company on Rt. 7. Walk-ins are welcome, or call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit to schedule an appointment.

Sunday School News

This year’s Communion Workshop with Pastor Jason was completed in April by Molly Rourke and Aidan Rizzi. They fully participated in Communion at the Lord’s Table with the congregation on April 29. In addition to learning about the meaning of this sacrament and its various components, the children created their own stoles with communion symbols.

All children who have completed the Communion Workshop are offered communion as a group in Fellowship Hall on the first Sunday of every month. We welcome Molly and Aidan to the Lord’s Table.

Each of our Sunday School classes is preparing for Children’s Day on June 10, the official end of this year’s main Sunday School program. The theme of the service, led by our young people, is

The Ten Commandments. Each class will offer a unique interpretation of this story of Moses receiving God’s laws for his chosen people and what these laws mean for us. The Cherub and Youth Choirs will offer their musical interpretations. Mark the date on your calendar, bring your family and friends and join us after the service for an Ice Cream Social put on by the Christian Education Committee, and games for the children planned by our five Sunday School Superintendents. There will be no Sunday School on May 27, Memorial Day weekend.

The Christian Ed Committee will again offer a 5-week Summer Sunday School session on July 15, 22, 29 and August 5 and 12. The lessons will cover a number of parables from the Walk With Me summer curriculum titled, “Sharable Parables.” Children from Kindergarten through Grade 5 are welcome to participate. We are still looking for adults to teach on each of these Sundays. Middle and/or High School students are welcome to assist! Please contact Trudy Lehner if you’re able to help. Note that Childcare for little ones up to 4 years of age will continue to be available every Sunday throughout the summer.

Plans for the 2018-19 Sunday School year are underway as well. As enrollment in the younger grades has grown, we’re planning for a new class for our 3 and 4-year-olds (PreSchool). The success of our program is wholly a result of our wonderful group of dedicated teacher and superintendent volunteers. If you feel the call to assist in our Sunday School program, please sign up for one or more of our sessions as either a teacher, assistant, substitute or superintendent. A sign-up sheet follows, or you can contact Trudy Lehner. Please sign up early to get your preferred spot. Note that our Child Protection Policy requires that we have two adults for each class.

NISKAYUNA REFORMED CHURCH 2018-2019 Schedule for

Sunday School Teachers, Assistants, Substitutes and Superintendents

Easy to follow lessons and activities from the “Walk with Me” (Grades Pre-School – Middle School) and “Wired Word” (High School) curriculum are provided for each grade level.

Please sign up (name and best phone #) for 1, 2, or 3 semesters.

Fall Winter Spring 9/9-11/25/2018 12/2/2018-2/24/2019 3/3-6/9/2019 9 classes 7 classes 10 classes 1 Activity, 1 Rehearsal 2 rehearsals

Nursery (0-2 yrs.) Nursery (0-2 yrs.) Nursery (0-2 yrs.) Leslie Perlee Leslie Perlee Leslie Perlee Pre-School (3/4 yr. olds) Pre-School (3/4 yr. olds) Pre-School (3/4 yr. olds) _ __ _ _ _ Kdg-1st Grade Kdg-1st Grade Kdg-1st Grade _Tiffanie Wood __Tiffanie Wood _Tiffanie Wood _ _ 2nd-3rd Grades 2nd-3rd Grades 2nd-3rd Grades __ ______ ______ _ ____________ _______ _____ 4th -5th Grades 4th -5th Grades 4th -5th Grades _ __ ____________ __ ____________ Middle School Middle School Middle School _ _ __ ____________ ____________ ____________ High School High School High School __ __ __ ____________ ____________ ____________



Christian Education Co-Chairs: Trudy Lehner @ 518-346-8952 ( and Tony Pechulis @ 518-374-4206 (


MISSION SERVICE COMMITTEE May 6th Communion Collection: Our Communion Collection will benefit Camp Fowler a Christian Camp and Retreat Center that is sponsored by the Synod of Albany. Why spend a week at camp? Maybe it’s to find out that we are all connected and live in an amazing world of wonders. Possibly its to discover that there is more to you than you thought and that you can do things you never dreamed of. Camp Fowler welcomes all children regardless of race, creed, color or sexual orientation. Through the support of many churches and individuals, scholarship money is available for any child with financial need to come to camp. Your contribution will provide children with a life changing summer experience. Thank you!

Looking ahead: June 3rd: Wildwood Programs

April Communion Collections Soup Kitchen expenses: $713

Your donations are used to provide lunches several times a year at the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen.

City Mission The next opportunity to serve is scheduled on Monday July 30th at the Schenectady City Mission from 4:45-6:15. Please contact Michele Kopp at ,if you are interested in volunteering. Sign-ups to volunteer must be done on-line at:

SICM Emergency Food Pantry The food pantry is always in need of hygiene products, baby diapers, cash/check, canned goods, and oatmeal & raisins. Please consider making a donation to help combat food insecurity in our community. 57 pounds of food was donated during February and March. Salvation Army Soup Kitchen NRC served lunch at the Schenectady Salvation Army soup kitchen on April 25th. Our menu included fruit cocktail, chicken or pork barbeque with coleslaw. A variety of yummy desserts donated by local stores were served with the main dish. A total of 157 meals were served. Many thanks and compliments were offered to NRC volunteers Dorilee Male, Gary Male, Karen Moak, Maureen Rizzi, Paul Russell, Sharon Thompson and Barbara Valenti who planned, shopped, baked, mixed and dished the meal. Once again, the Salvation Army

staff offered their thanks for NRC’s continued support in serving the hungry of our community!

Every donation impacts lives.

2018 Volunteer Opportunities

Schenectady City Mission July 30th & September 10th Time: 5 –7 pm

Salvation Army Soup Kitchen June 21st (additional dates will be posted) Time: 10:30 am-1:30 pm

Brooks BBQ Our Spring BBQ was held on April 17th and we netted a profit of $2,521.75. A HUGE THANK YOU to our dedicated volunteers, especially after all the unexpected activity on the Church Campus that day! Mark your calendars: our next BBQ date is August 22nd.

CROP Hunger Walk The CROP Hunger Walk will take place on May 6th beginning at the Emmanuel Friedens Church on Nott Terrace in Schenectady. The walk draws awareness to the problems of hunger locally and globally. Registration begins at 12:30pm with the walk beginning at 1:30pm. For more information check out:

Garage Sale May 12th The M & SC will have a booth at the Garage Sale. Donations are welcome from the whole church community after church on May 6th through May 11th. They may be left in Classroom 102. We will accept small household items, tools, clean toys (NO stuffed animals), jewelry and bric-a-brack. No clothing or footwear. Please price your own items before you drop them off. All proceeds will be given to the M & SC for charitable activities. All remaining items when we close will be donated to Grassroot Gives and City Mission. Questions: call Dorilee Male at 518-306-6458 or Sharon Thompson at 518-785-3706.

Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital: Volunteers are urgently needed to work in the Gift Shop and the Carmen Road Physical Therapy Office. If interested, please contact Joan Laviolette, Director of Volunteer Services @ 518-386-3631.


Next Meeting: May 14th @ 7pm

Please remember the needy, the hungry and the poor.

1st Annual Niskayuna Reformed

Church Garage Sale

Saturday, May 12th, 2018

9am – 4pm Various vendors from the community will be selling their goods.

Food will be sold by local business, Ario’s Pizza.

Cost: $2 admission for parking

Vendors: You can reserve a 20x20 foot outdoor spot with full

payment of $20 if received by April 26, 2018. Reservations after

April 26, 2018 will be $25. No tables are supplied. You must bring

your own. Same day setup and takedown.

Call (518) 785-5575 for more information

May 6th

6th Sunday of Easter Ushers- Jeff Rivenburg Dug Jackson Brian Maclutsky Scott Haefner Counters- Alan Holmes Kim Cerone Glenn Kreig Greeters- Judy Valente

May 13th

7th Sunday of Easter Ushers- Richard Mizenko Bill McCann Karen Moak Carol Carr Counters- David Perlee Peter Nickel Greeters- Joan Peebles

May 20th Pentecost

Ushers- Leo & Sue Lichtig John & Lynn Del Signore Counters- Sharon Rice-Herbst Tony Pechulis Greeters- Ann Duncan

May 27th

Trinity Sunday Ushers- Donna Gaunay Paul Alois Pat Zink Norma Lovell Counters- Jeff Rivenburg Suzi O’Brien Greeters- Bob Schlieman

The Niskayuna Reformed Church 3041 TROY-SCHENECTADY ROAD NISKAYUNA, NEW YORK 12309

Founded in 1750 Sunday Service of Worship 9:30 am

Office: 785-5575 Fax: 785-3671 Emails: (Ellen) Minister: (Pastor Jason) Website:

Church Office Hours Monday– Friday

9 AM– 4 PM Staff

The Rev. Jason Fulkerson Pastor Paul Alois Treasurer Rebecca Benjamin Organist Andrew Burger Director of Music James Friderici Director of Bell Choir Ellen Gauna Church Administrator Kathy Mausert Director of Nursery School Lester Perlee Cemetery Superintendent Wendy Sims Teacher, Nursery School


Elders Deacons

Chad Pezzano, VP Lizbeth Amorelli

Joyce Anderson Scott Haefner

John Bennett Alan Holmes

Linda Gardner Richard Mizenko

Dug Jackson Ron Ricard

Trudy Lehner James Tully


Tuesday, May 1 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 4 pm-Flute (102) 7 pm-Boy Scouts (FH) Wednesday, May 2 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 9:45 am-Wildwood (K) 6 pm-WA (104) 7 pm-SA (EO) 7 pm-Bells (M) Thursday, May 3 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 7 pm-Reflective Harmony (L) 7:30-Sr. Choir (S) Friday, May 4 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 6-9:30 pm-KCPC (S/FH) 7 pm-AA (104) Saturday, May 5 5:45 am-KCPC (S) 3-9 pm-CDDC (FH) Sunday, May 6 Communion Mission-Camp Fowler 8:45 am-Sr. Choir (S) 9:30 am-Worship Service (S) 9:45 am-Sunday School (EB) 10:30 am-Cherubs (103) 10:30 am-Youth Choir (M) 11:15-3:15 pm-KCPC (S/FH) 5 pm-Sacred Sounds & reception (FH/S) Monday, May 7 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 9:45 am-Wildwood (K) 6 pm-WA (104) 7 pm-SA (EO) Tuesday, May 8 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 4 pm-Flute (102) 6:15 pm-Girl Scouts (104) 7 pm-WFG (L) 7 pm-Boy Scouts (FH) 7 pm-Property (meet at red barn) Wednesday, May 9 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 7 pm-Bells (S) 7 pm-Consistory (L) Thursday, May 10 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 7 pm-Boy Scout Leaders Mtg. (104) 7 pm-Reflective Harmony (L) 7:30-Sr. Choir (S) Friday, May 11 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 2:30 pm-Archives (L) 6-9:30 pm-KCPC (S/FH) 7 pm-AA (104)

Saturday, May 12 5:45 am-KCPC (S) 6-9 am-Garage Sale Set-Up 9 am– 4 pm-Garage Sale Sunday, May 13 Bells Sunday Mother’s Day 8:45 am-Sr. Choir (S) 9:30 am-Worship Service (S) 9:45 am-Sunday School (EB) 10:30 am-Cherubs (103) 11:15-3:15 pm-KCPC (S/FH) Monday, May 14 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 9:45 am-Wildwood (104) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 6 pm-WA (104) 7 pm-SA (EO) 7 pm-M & SC (L) Tuesday, May 15 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 4 pm-Flute (102) 7 pm-Boy Scouts (FH) Wednesday, May 16 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) Thursday, May 17 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 12-IEEE (FH) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 7 pm-Reflective Harmony (L) 7:30-Sr. Choir (S) Friday, May 18 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 6-9:30 pm-KCPC (S/FH) 7 pm-AA (104) Saturday, May 19 5:45 am-KCPC (S) 9 am-Estate Planning Seminar (FH) 10 am-Book Group (Trudy Lehner) Sunday, May 20 8:45 am-Sr. Choir (S) 9:30 am-Worship Service (S) 9:45 am-Sunday School (EB) 10:30 am-Cherubs (103) 10:30 am-Youth Choir (M) 11:15-3:15 pm-KCPC (S/FH) Monday, May 21 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 9:45 am-Wildwood (104) 6 pm-WA (104) 7 pm-SA (EO) Tuesday, May 22 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 4 pm-Flute (102) 6:15 pm-Girl Scouts (104) 7 pm-Boy Scouts (FH) 7 pm– H & A (L) Wednesday, May 23 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104)

Thursday, May 24 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 7 pm-Reflective Harmony (L) 7:30-Sr. Choir (S) Friday, May 25 9:15-12:00 pm-NS (101) 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 6-9:30 pm-KCPC (S/FH) 7 pm-AA (104) Saturday, May 26 5:45 am-KCPC (S) Sunday, May 27 8:45 am-Sr. Choir (S) 9:30 am-Worship Service (S) 10:30 am-Cherubs (103) 10:30 am-Youth Choir (M) 11:15-3:15 pm-KCPC (S/FH) Monday, May 28 Office closed 6 pm-WA (104) 7 pm-SA (EO) Tuesday, May 29 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 4 pm-Flute (102) 7 pm-Boy Scouts (FH) Wednesday, May 30 2-6 pm-TSL (104) Thursday, May 31 2-6 pm-TSL (104) 7 pm-Reflective Harmony (L) 7:30-Sr. Choir (S) CCC– Congregational Care Committee WFG- Women’s Fellowship Group H & A- History & Archives M & SC- Mission & Service Committee SA- Salvation Army CM- Schenectady City Mission *Reflective Harmony- outside prayer group
