No More Deadlocks; Asynchronous Programming in .NET

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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No More DeadlocksFilip Ekberg

I’m Filip Ekberg



Author. Blogger. Speaker. .NET MVP. Xamarin MVP. Geek.

Senior Software Engineer @

Asynchronous Programming?

• Processing allowed before current execution is done, such as read/write to disk

• Asynchronous JavaScript (AJAX)


Why are we talking about this now?• Not a new concept• Becoming more and more common


• Web Apps• Mobile Apps• Desktop Apps

Avoid Unreliable Applications!

• Don’t crash (doh!)• Don’t surprise the users• Show a loading indicator



Not the same as Parallel Programming


From Sync to Async


From Blocking to Non-Blocking

• Free the main/UI thread quickly• Don’t force a block because async is



Task Parallel Library (TPL)

Simplify the work of writing concurrent and asynchronous code


Refresh my mind!


var task = Task.Run(() => {


return "Hello World!";});

task.ContinueWith((completedTask) => { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => MyButton.Content = completedTask.Result);});

Continuation not on UI Thread!

Invoke on the UI Thread!

Easy Deadlocking


Task.Delay(1).ContinueWith((t) => { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { });}).Wait();

Block the UI Thread!Invoke on the UI Thread!

Introducing Async and Await


New Contextual Keywords

Async and Await were introduced in .NET 4.5

• Hides a lot of complexity behind the scenes

• Makes code more readable• Makes code more fragile


Does this apply to ASP.NET?

• Yes!• But.. The caller will know no difference


What about Xamarin?

• Scheduling might differ per platform• Potentially easier to deadlock!



Using Async and Await


Behind the Scenes




private async Task RunAsync(){ var x = 10;

await Task.Delay(2000);


What about RunAsync’s method body?


private Task RunAsync(){ <RunAsync>d__1 stateMachine = new <RunAsync>d__1 { <>t__builder = AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.Create(), <>1__state = -1 }; stateMachine.<>t__builder.Start<<RunAsync>d__1>(ref stateMachine); return stateMachine.<>t__builder.Task;}


Deadlock all the things!



• Don’t mark void methods as asynchronous methods

• Tasks swallow Exceptions!• Wait() this is an easy path to

deadlocking• Follow the naming convention

MyMethodAsync• Don’t lie by wrapping

synchronous/blocking code in async methods

• The continuation is on the calling thread!





Thank you,I’m Filip Ekberg



Author. Blogger. Speaker. .NET MVP. Xamarin MVP. Geek.

Senior Software Engineer @