No more excuses QASymphony

Post on 19-Jan-2017

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NO MORE EXCUSES:It’s finally time to make the switch from Quality Center to qTest. • 1-844-798-43862


The Importance of Software Testing in an Agile World.............................3

Agile Testers Need Agile Tools .......................................................................................5

Quality Center Doesn’t Cut it .........................................................................................8

Quality Center Isn’t Built for Agile ...............................................................................8

qTest vs. Quality Center .....................................................................................................10

Why Choose QASymphony? ..........................................................................................10

5 Myths About Making the Switch from Quality Center .........................12

How It Works ..............................................................................................................................13

Why Companies are Choosing qTest .......................................................................14


90% of companies today practice Agile development.Agile’s faster pace makes software

testing critical.


In many organizations, the role of the software tester is largely

undervalued and misunderstood. The executives see the testing

team simply as a cost center, but nothing is further from the truth.

In today’s world, almost every company is a software company.

Whether you’re an airline, retailer, bank or hospital, software is

critical to the way you operate your business. And if something

goes wrong with your software, the damage to your company

could be catastrophic. For example, how much would Amazon

lose if their site went down? The answer: $66,240 per minute. If

that doesn’t illustrate the impact of bad software, nothing will.

Executives that take the narrow view of testing as a cost center

don’t understand the full impact testing can have on their

business. Because it’s not about “software testing,” it’s about

“software quality.” It’s about making sure that your software really

works for the end users. It’s about making sure your software

doesn’t go live with major defects that could interrupt your business.

Software quality is no easy task. Today, over 90% of companies are

practicing Agile development1, which means they’re working and

releasing software at a faster pace than ever before. This move to

Agile has created some significant challenges for software testers

who need to balance speed with quality. So, how do you move

at an Agile pace and at the same time ensure that the software

doesn’t have critical defects? One key factor is making sure that

you have the right tools in place.

The Importance of Software Testing in an Agile World • 1-844-798-43864

Today, many teams are still using spreadsheets or testing tools

built for the waterfall methodology, while most developers have

adopted modern Agile tools like JIRA. As a result, testers are

at a disadvantage, and in some companies, have become the

“bottleneck” in the Agile development process.

So how do you make the case to the executive team that you

need modern testing tools? How do you overcome the most

common objections:

• “We don’t have it in the budget.”

• “The solution in place is fine.”

• “It would take too much time to get up-and-running.”

• “This just isn’t a focus right now.”

The fact is, there’s always time and budget to implement solutions

that will make a positive impact on your business. You just

have to be able to make the case to your executive team that a

new software testing solution will positively impact your overall

business and ultimately improve your bottom line.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with the

playbook you need to sell modern software

testing tools to your executive team. We’ll

cover all the benefits to your company and the

potential return on investment you can expect.






How can your team truly be Agile if they don’t have the right tools in place?

How can your team truly be Agile if they don’t have the right

tools in place? Today, there are many different tools for software

testing, but they’re not all created equal. The most common

tools used by testing teams are, Spreadsheets, Legacy Testing

Software (HP Quality Center) and ALM Add-Ons.

We will go through each of these tools and explain why they are

limiting efficiency and effectiveness in the Agile testing process.


Many teams new to test case management will start with

spreadsheets. Executives like spreadsheets because they’re free

and they work fine when the team is small. But, spreadsheets

don’t scale and can create massive inefficiencies in the testing

process. Here are some of the common issues your team will

face using spreadsheets:

• Lack of Centralization: Too many folders, too many

documents and spreadsheets overwhelming and slowing

down your testing efforts

• Complexity of Documentation: Highly cumbersome

and overly complex “click this, then click that, then check

this value and update here, comment there” type test


• Impossible to Find the Data You Need: Constant hunt

for data about a testing project

• Resource Intensive: Spending more time updating

spreadsheets than actually testing

• Version Management: Impossible to manage all the

different versions of your spreadsheets

• Visibility: Little to no visibility into the status of a project

and the health of the application

Agile Testers Need Agile Tools • 1-844-798-43866

Legacy Testing Software

Many larger teams are still using legacy testing tools like Quality

Center which are built for the waterfall methodology. As a result,

testers are at a disadvantage, and in some companies, have

become the “bottleneck” in the Agile development process.

Here are some of the key issues with legacy software testing tools:

• Usability: Legacy software is hard to use. The user interface

was designed many years ago and has not been updated

recently. It’s difficult for the tester to use, which can create


• Lack of integrations with Agile tools: Legacy software

generally doesn’t play well with others. You’ll have a hard

time integrating legacy software with popular Agile tools like

JIRA and Selenium.

• Doesn’t fit Agile workflows: Legacy software was built for

the waterfall methodology so Agile teams have a hard time

using it.

• Not cross-platform or cross-browser friendly: Legacy

software doesn’t work well with many modern browsers

(Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and doesn’t allow for testing on

platforms other than the computer.

• Cost: Legacy software can be very expensive and there are

often hidden costs, annual price increases and the high-

priced consultants required to maintain the system. • 1-844-798-43867

ALMs and Test Management Add-Ons

ALM solutions like JIRA do a tremendous job of aligning various

components of the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

From project planning to requirement management and defect

tracking, these ALMs position themselves to accommodate the

needs of an organization’s SDLC efforts. While these ALMs do

many things very well, there’s one major gap in all ALM tools –

Test Case Management.

That’s why when you visit the Atlassian Marketplace, you ‘ll find

a wide range of Test Case Management add-ons available for

JIRA, all trying to fill that void. Despite the appeal of centralizing

your SDLC efforts into JIRA, these Test Case Management add-

ons are truly not scalable for larger enterprise QA teams. As

organizations grow, the complexity of QA testing grows, requiring

enterprise-grade tools.

Here are some of the key limitations of a JIRA Test Management


• Zero or limited ability to reuse test suites and runs for


• No folder structures so everything is searchable, but

not scalable

• Unknown change history for test case versions

• No visibility into test execution history for JIRA Issues

• No ability to share test case objects across JIRA projects

• No out of the box integrations to support automation efforts

• No API support

• No single point for updating test cases

• No ability to configure tests across different browsers,

operating systems, etc. • 1-844-798-43868


Quality Center’s user interface

was designed many years ago and

really has not been updated. It’s

difficult to use for the tester, creating



Quality Center doesn’t give you the

real-time data you need to make

informed decisions quickly. It’s also

difficult to export data from the system.


Quality Center is very expensive and

there are often hidden costs involved

including high-priced consultants —

and beware of annual price increases!


With Quality Center, support doesn’t

come standard. You have to pay extra

and that can be expensive if you need

a lot of help.


Quality Center doesn’t play well with

others. If you use popular developer

tools like JIRA, Rally, VersionOne and

Selenium, you’ll have a hard time

integrating them with Quality Center.

Quality Center Doesn’t Cut it

Software development has changed and Quality Center has not kept up. In today’s Agile world, Quality Center

slows testing teams down. Here are just a few ways Quality center lags behind:

Quality Center Is Hard to Use

Doesn’t Fit Agile Workflows

Lack of Integration with Agile Tools

Not Cross-platform or Cross-browser Friendly

Quality Center Isn’t Built for Agile • 1-844-798-43869

EASY TO USEThe qTest platform was designed to be easy to use so your team spends more time testing and less time struggling with the software.

INTEGRATIONSThe qTest platform features real-time integration with the most popular Agile tools like JIRA, Rally and VersionOne, making it seamless to work between the different applications.

BETTER COLLABORATIONThe qTest platform provides a centralized location where the entire team can share and collaboration on test cases.

ELIMINATES MANUAL DOCUMENTATIONqTest eXplorer lets a tester record everything he or she is doing during the testing session and automatically creates detailed documentation of any software issues. This eliminates the need for the tester to do tedious manual documentation, thus saving significant time.

VISIBILITYqTest Insights’ comprehensive reporting provides better visibility to the team and management during the testing process.

Why the qTest Platform Is the Best Option for Agile Testing Teams — What Your Executives Need to Know

QASymphony’s qTest platform was designed to make your Agile testing team more efficient and effective. • 1-844-798-438610

Test Case Versioning & Approval

Automation Scheduling, Kickoff & Results

Role-based Permissions Management

Requirements Traceability to JIRA, Rally & VersionOne

GUI-based Custom Query Builder

Manual Test Recorder for Web, Mobile & Desktop

JIRA Reporting Widget

Complete Repository of Manual Test Recordings


qTest vs. Quality Center

qTest has Quality Center beat, hands down.

Why Choose QASymphony?


9 Enterprise test case management

9 Flexible for future Agile integration

9 Rest open APIs for customization

9 Manage functional, exploratory, and automation in one place


9 Intuitive design with cross-browser support

9 No bloatware

9 Easily transition to qTest modules

9 Users with experience in Quality Center can be proficient in qTest with just 2 hours of training


9 Simple, easy migration process

9 Consultative process to get the data you need

9 Pull over more than just test cases

9 1M + artifacts and counting!

Industry Leader

9 Purpose-built products with over 8,000 users

9 300 plus customers in 20 plus countries including large enterprises like Dell, Nordstrom, Office Depot and Verizon

9 Global support and service • 1-844-798-438611

“We needed to get off the Quality Center platform for

test management at my company. Q.C. was simply

too expensive and did not scale in the Agile direction

our company was headed. The answer was definitely

qTest from QA Symphony. Its integration to our Agile

Life Cycle tools ( JIRA in particular) allowed us to have

rigorous test management without reverting back to

slow Waterfall methods. And the eXplorer tool has

been a revelation for teams that do a lot of exploratory

testing as it allows repeatability and predictably in their

exploratory test phases. In summary, qTest not only

replaced Quality Center, it was an improvement upon it

in every way we needed it to be.”

Senior Project Manager

Large National Retail and Ecommerce Customer

Many of our customers will not allow use of their company names and logos in marketing materials. But, they will provide references for QASymphony on request. Contact your Account Executive for more information.

T RUS T ED B Y IND US T R Y L E A D ER S • 1-844-798-438612

5 Myths About Making the Switch from Quality Center

No more excuses. We’ve debunked the top 5 common concerns we hear from testing and development

organizations as they consider migrating from Quality Center.

It’s too hard to migrate my testing data.

Wrong! QASymphony provides an easy way to migrate your data from your legacy

software directly into qTest. The data migrated includes requirements, test cases,

associations between the two and more.

I have an on-premise installation that’s impossible to change.

Wrong! QASymphony can migrate from instances on your servers and get you set up

on-premise or in the cloud — it’s up to you!

It’s too expensive to set up all of my integrations with qTest.

Wrong! Integrations to ALMs and automation tools come standard! These are easy to

set up and are offered to you free of charge.

There will be lots of hidden costs just like my legacy software.

Wrong! QASymphony provides a simple, straight-forward pricing structure with no

hidden fees. Set up is easy; you won’t need consultants or additional contractors — our

Customer Success team will guide you every step of the way to ensure you are getting

the most out of your software investment.

It takes a long time to get my team up and running.

Wrong! Users with experience in legacy testing software can typically expect to be

proficient in qTest within just 2 hours of user training. qTest is known for it’s intuitive

interface and easy of use. In the event that you require assistance, we offer 24/5

support line Monday through Friday and an online support community —





5 • 1-844-798-438613

How It Works

QASymphony provides a unique solution that migrates your data from Quality Center directly into qTest. We’re

compatible with Quality Center and HP ALM versions 10, 11, and 12 and can migrate from instances on your

servers or in the cloud. It’s so easy, you’ll wonder why you didn’t make the switch sooner.

Here is a simplified run down of how the migration

process works:

Migration Overview How Migration Works

Migration Consultation We will consult with you on our migration best

practices to ensure an easy transition

Minimum Downtimemport your data and get your team up and

running i n only a few hours

Training & SupportWe provide hands-on training and support for

your users so they can get started immediately

Custom Fields Support Migrate every custom field across test cases,

requirements and defects directly into qTest

Migration Made EasyWith our migration tool, we make the data

migration process fast and easy for you

Easy Integration Integrate seamlessly with JIRA, CA Agile / Rally

and VersionOne defect tracking solutions

Export a Quality Center project out of the

system in their native file format (.qcp)

Download and run our Quality Center

migration tool

Load the .qcp file into the qTest

importation wizard

qTest wizard will decode the .qcp file, create

custom fields and values, and import your

requirements, test cases and defects

Repeat this same process with the next project,

if applicable






JIRA VersionOne CA Agile Central / Rally • 1-844-798-438614

Why Companies are Choosing qTestOver 300 companies have selected qTest to improve their software testing process. Here’s what a few of

them have to say.

“When you transition to Agile, it’s not enough to only change your development methodology, you must

upgrade your software tools as well... QASymphony was exactly what we were looking for.”

— Alex Bantz, Director of Quality Engineering , Salesforce Marketing Cloud

“We liked that qTest was easy to use and the QASymphony team really understood what we were trying to do.

Our team got up and running in no time. It was also very easy to get our old test cases uploaded into qTest. It

was painless.”

— Adam Wollacott, QA Lead, CloudLock

“We evaluated a lot of other testing platforms out there and found qTest to be the best and by far the most

intuitive… we’ve improved efficiency by at least 50% since implementing qTest.”

— Jesse Reynosa, Senior Quality Engineer, ZapposP O W E R E D b y S E R V I C E™

8,500+ Users

300+ Customers

20+ Countries

“We were able to quickly migrate all our test cases from HP Quality Center to qTest and get the team up and

running in just a few weeks. The implementation process was excellent.”

— Radka Iordanova, Director, E-Commerce, Office Depot, Inc. • 1-844-798-438615

Service and Support

QASymphony has extensive service and support available

to our customers. Every customer gets a dedicated

customer success manager to help with the initial

implementation and ongoing support. We also provide

extensive online resources with training videos

and documentation.

Learn more about our customer success team at

Industry Accolades

9 Gartner 2015 Cool Vendor in Application Development

9 2016 Red Herring Top 100 North America

9 2016 Bronze Stevie Winner, Fastest Growing Tech

Company of the Year

9 #1 Test Case Management Software —

9 #1 Test Case Management Software —

9 Top 40 Most Innovative Companies — Technology

Association of Georgia

9 Best Place to Work – Atlanta Business Chronicle

QASymphony was named a Cool Vendor in Application Development by Gartner in 2015 and is headquartered in Atlanta, GA.

Sign-up for a FREE TRIAL | Request a FREE PERSONAL DEMO

Learn more at or call 844-798-4386

To create solutions for Agile development teams that significantly improve speed, efficiency and collaboration throughout the software testing process.