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You are going to do some exercisesto review:

• words & phrases in unit 2 (P1-P5)

• structures in unit 2 (P6-P9)

• dialogs in unit 2 (P10-P14)

Unit Review 2

Learn and Talk 0

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2’Look, fill and sayA







He talks to __________ every day. They go __________ on weekends.

Let’s go to the __________ tonight. He’s waiting at the __________.

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Look, fill and sayA







He talks to __________ every day. They go __________ on weekends.

Let’s go to the __________ tonight.

customers hiking

cinema He’s waiting at the __________.airport

TI: Click to show the answers one by one.


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2’Look, fill and sayA.







He doesn’t like doing the ________. She’s ________ about the exam.

The flower________ so good. She feels sick. She has a _______.

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Look, fill and sayA.







He doesn’t like doing the ________. She’s ________ about the exam.

The flower________ so good.

laundry upset

smells She feels sick. She has a _______.fever

TI: Click to show the answers one by one.


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2’Listen and matchB

• This ice cream is so _______.

• He wants to ________ his design to her.

• She’ll _________ in London tomorrow.

• I’m ________ about my future.

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Listen and matchB

• This ice cream is so _______.

• He wants to ________ his design to her.

• She’ll _________ in London tomorrow.

• I’m ________ about my future.





TI: Click to show the answers one by one.


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2’Listen and matchB

• I don’t know what ___________.

• ___________ often make people laugh.

• The nurse will take your ___________.

• He washes the ___________ every night.

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Listen and matchB

• I don’t know what ___________.

• ___________ often make people laugh.

• The nurse will take your ___________.

• He washes the ___________ every night.dishes




TI: Click to show the answers one by one.


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2.5’Read and circleC

TI: Click to show the answers one by one. Give explanations if necessary.

E.g. He likes going to the movies at / on weekends.

1. It’s not healthy to stay up / on late. We should go to bed early.

2. Tell me when you’ll arrive at the station. I’ll pick you in / up.

3. Don’t pick on / out Annie. It’s not right to bully others.

4. To get in / up shape, you need to do more exercise.

5. He bailed out / on me last time. I don’t know if he’s gonna stand

me up again this time.

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Read and circleC

TI: Click to show the answers one by one. Give explanations if necessary.

E.g. He likes going to the movies at / on weekends.

1. It’s not healthy to stay up / on late. We should go to bed early.

2. Tell me when you’ll arrive at the station. I’ll pick you in / up.

3. Don’t pick on / out Annie. It’s not right to bully others.

4. To get in / up shape, you need to do more exercise.

5. He bailed out / on me last time. I don’t know if he’s gonna stand

me up again this time.


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I like playing the guitar.

I try to write songs on my

guitar.Wow, that’s cool!

Listen and clickD

Listen and click the proper choice to make a dialog.

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I enjoy skateboarding.

How about you?


I like playing the guitar.

Listen and clickD

Listen and click the proper choice to make a dialog.


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Of course! It’s been a long


Great. I’ll pick you up then.

Thanks! Can’t wait to see you!


Listen and click the proper choice to make a dialog.

Listen and click

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Are you visiting us for Christmas?


Of course! It’s been a long



Listen and click the proper choice to make a dialog.

Listen and click Key:

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It’s a girl. Her name is Nicole.

Yes, her name is Nicole.

No, she’s a girl!


Listen and click the proper choice to make a dialog.

Listen and click

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Is it a boy or a girl?


It’s a girl. Her name is Nicole.


Listen and click the proper choice to make a dialog.

Listen and click Key:

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Not really. I think I’m sick.No, I’m fine. Yes, I’m sick.

Listen and clickD

Listen and click the proper choice to make a dialog.

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Are you doing okay?


Not really. I think I’m sick.

Listen and clickD

Listen and click the proper choice to make a dialog.


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1.5’Listen and tickE

Listen to the dialog and tick ( ) the right statement.

The man is the woman’s boss.

The woman thinks the man just said something true.

The woman doesn’t believe him.*See the dialog on the next page.

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Listen and tickE

Listen to the dialog and tick ( ) the right statement.

The man is the woman’s boss.

The woman thinks the man just said something true.

The woman doesn’t believe him.

I don’t think you’ll get fired. Bosses pick on their

employees all the time.

You have a point!

TI: Click to show the answer. Give explanations if necessary.


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1.5’Listen and tickE

Listen to the dialog and tick ( ) the right statement.

The woman’s temperature is too high.

The woman likes the man.

The man’s temperature is too high.

TI: Click to show the answer. Give explanations if necessary.

*See the dialog on the next page.

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Listen and tickE

Listen to the dialog and tick ( ) the right statement.

The woman’s temperature is too high.

The woman likes the man.

The man’s temperature is too high.

For about two days.

OK. Let me take your temperature. (5 minutes later) It looks like you

have a fever.

TI: Click to show the answer. Give explanations if necessary.

How long have you had a headache?


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1.5’Listen and tickE

Listen to the dialog and tick ( ) the right statement.

The man may have a picnic with the woman next Sunday.

The man will have a picnic with the woman tomorrow.

The woman thinks the man is bad.

TI: Click to show the answer. Give explanations if necessary.

*See the dialog on the next page.

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1.5’Listen and tickE

Listen to the dialog and tick ( ) the right statement.

The man may have a picnic with the woman next Sunday.

The man will have a picnic with the woman tomorrow.

The woman thinks the man is bad.

I was really looking forward to the picnic, but my boss asked

me to work on Sunday.

Oh, that’s too bad.

TI: Click to show the answer. Give explanations if necessary.

I know you’re upset. I promise I’ll make it up to you next



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3’Role play

Topic: Small talk (寒暄、闲聊) in daily life

TI: Role-play the dialog with S. Click to show the answers one by one. There’s no fixed answer for each blank.


Tutor: What’s your job, Anna?

You: ____________________________. (Hints: coffee shop, town)

Tutor: What’s your hobby?

You: ___________________. (Hints: guitar)

Tutor: Sounds great. Do you know the guitarist Carlos Santana?

You: _______________________________. (Hints: huge fan of, music)

Tutor: Cool. What else do you like doing in your free time?

You: _____________________________________. (Hints: enjoy, movies, hiking)

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Role play

Topic: Small talk (寒暄、闲聊) in daily life

TI: Role-play the dialog with S. Click to show the answers one by one. There’s no fixed answer for each blank.


Tutor: What’s your job, Anna?

You: ____________________________. (Hints: coffee shop, town)

Tutor: What’s your hobby?

You: ___________________. (Hints: guitar)

Tutor: Sounds great. Do you know the guitarist Carlos Santana?

You: _______________________________. (Hints: huge fan of, music)

Tutor: Cool. What else do you like doing in your free time?

You: _____________________________________. (Hints: enjoy, movies, hiking)

I work at the coffee shop in town

I like playing the guitar

Of course! I’m a huge fan of his music

I enjoy going to the movies and going hiking


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3’Role play

Topic: Dining out (在外就餐) and eating at home


(You’re at a restaurant)

Staff: Is there anything I can help you with?

You: _______________________________? (Hints: milkshake, burger)

Tutor: Sure. Your food is ready. Enjoy your meal!

You: Thank you very much.

(You’ve arrived home)

You: __________________? (Hint: smell, good)

Roommate: It’s the dinner I’m cooking for my parents. They’ll arrive soon.

You: Wow, ___________________________________! (Hints: didn’t know, good at)

TI: Role-play the dialog with S. Click to show the answers one by one. There’s no fixed answer for each blank.仅供外教网1对1用户使用 +31789

Role play

Topic: Dining out (在外就餐) and eating at home


(You’re at a restaurant)

Staff: Is there anything I can help you with?

You: _______________________________? (Hints: milkshake, burger)

Tutor: Sure. Your food is ready. Enjoy your meal!

You: Thank you very much.

(You’ve arrived home)

You: __________________? (Hint: smell, good)

Roommate: It’s the dinner I’m cooking for my parents. They’ll arrive soon.

You: Wow, ___________________________________! (Hints: didn’t know, good at)

Can I have a milkshake and a burger

What smells so good

I didn’t know you were so good at cooking

TI: Role-play the dialog with S. Click to show the answers one by one. There’s no fixed answer for each blank.


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See you next time!



Check all the words, phrases and structures in this unit after class.


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After class - WordsG

role /rəʊl/ n. 作用,职责

customer /ˈkʌstəmər/ n. 顾客,消费者

create /kriˈeɪt/ v. 发明,创造

hobby /ˈhɑːbi/ adv. 爱好,兴趣

free /friː/ adj. 空闲的

skateboard /ˈskeɪtbɔːrd/ v. 玩滑板

party /ˈpɑːrti/ v. 在派对上狂欢

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After class - WordsG

comedy /ˈkɑːmədi/ n. 喜剧

action /ˈækʃn/ n. 动作(片)

cinema /ˈsɪnəmə/ n. 电影院

Christmas /ˈkrɪsməs/ n. 圣诞节

airport /ˈerpɔːrt/ n. 机场

arrive /əˈraɪv/ v. 到达

picnic /ˈpɪknɪk/ n. 野餐

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After class - WordsG

happen /hæpən/ v. 发生

upset /ˌʌpˈset/ adj. 生气的,心烦意乱的

tasty /ˈteɪsti/ adj. 美味的,可口的

delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ adj. 美味的,味道诱人的

burger /ˈbɜːrɡər/ n. 汉堡包

full /fʊl/ adj. 吃饱的

pet /pet/ n. 宠物

join /dʒɔɪn/ v. 和……一起做某事

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After class - WordsG

healthy /ˈhelθi/ adj. 健康的

trainer /ˈtreɪnər/ n. (健身)教练

boss /bɔːs/ n. 老板,上司

smell /smel/ v. 闻

sick /sɪk/ adj. 生病的

tired /ˈtaɪərd/ adj. 疲劳的

describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ v. 描述

weak /wiːk/ adj. 虚弱的

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After class - PhrasesG

coffee shop /ˈkɔːfi ʃɑːp/ 咖啡店

play the guitar /pleɪ ðə ɡɪˈtɑːr/ 弹吉他

stay up late /steɪ ʌp leɪt/ 熬夜

go hiking /ɡəʊ ˈhaɪkɪŋ/ 远足,徒步旅行

go to the movies /ˈmuːviz/ 去影院看电影

on weekdays /ɑːn ˈwiːkdeɪz/ 在工作日

play with /pleɪ wɪθ/ 把玩、玩弄某物

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After class - PhrasesG

pick (sb.) up /pɪk ʌp/ 接(某人)

bail on me /beɪl ɑːn mi/ 放我鸽子

make a mess /meɪk ə mes/ 把东西弄乱

living room /ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm/ 客厅

do the laundry /ˈlɔːndri/ 洗衣服

wash the dishes /wɑːʃ ðə ˈdɪʃɪz/ 洗盘子、洗碗

sweep the floor /swiːp ðə flɔːr/ 扫地

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After class - PhrasesG

lose weight /luːz weɪt/ 减肥,减重

get in shape /ɡet ɪn ʃeɪp/ 锻炼出良好体型

be worried about (sth.) /ˈwɜːrid/ 担心某事

pick on (sb.) /pɪk ɑːn/挑 (某人) 毛病;欺负 (某人)

get fired /ɡet ˈfaɪərd/被炒鱿鱼;被解雇

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After class - PhrasesG

have a taste of sth. /teɪst/ 品尝某物

be good at (doing) sth. 擅长做某事

cook for sb. /kʊk/ 为某人做饭

have a headache /ˈhedeɪk/ (患有) 头痛

have a cold /kəʊld/ 得了(普通)感冒

have a fever /ˈfiːvər/ 发烧

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After class - PhrasesG

take (one’s) temperature /teɪk/ /ˈtemprətʃər/ 给(某人)测体温

hit the road /hɪt/ /rəʊd/ 出发,上路

travel like a local /ˈtræ vl/ /ˈləʊkl/ 像本地人一样旅游

this time /ðɪs taɪm/ 这次,这一次

do some sightseeingdo lots of sightseeing

/ˈsaɪtsiːɪŋ/ 稍作观光;去很多地方观光

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After class - StructuresG

• What’s your job?你做什么工作?

• Sounds great!听起来不错!

• What else … ?还有什么……?

• enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

• Good for you!

好样的!/ 真棒!

• Maybe I should …或许我应该……

• Do you feel like (doing) … ?你想要 (做) 某事吗?

• I’m not a huge fan of sth./sb.我不太喜欢某人/某物

• Are you visiting us for … ?你打算在……时来看我们吗?

• It’s been a long time!


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After class - StructuresG

• I was really looking forward to …


• I promise I’ll make it up to you.


• Is there anything (else) I can help you with?


• Can I have a … ?

麻烦给我来一份 ……? (顾客点餐语)

• Is it a boy or a girl?


• How long have you had it (the pet)?


• What are you up to?


• How long will that/it take?


• If that’s the case


• work out at the gym


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After class - StructuresG

• You seem worried.


• You have a point!


• I didn’t know you were …


• … is an important part of my life.

…… 是我生活中重要的一部分。

• Are you doing okay?


• take sb. to the doctor’s


• How long have you had a …

(fever, cold, headache …)?

你 (发烧/感冒/头疼) 有多久了?

• have some lab tests done

在医院接受化验检查 (如抽血)

• Are you packing for your vacation?


• I’ve been to … before.


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