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  • October 18 & 19, 2012 | Tuscaloosa, Alabama58TH ANNUAL HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE

    Conference program# 06-009-13

    APPLICABLE FEE(S):58th Annual HRM ConferenceOctober 18-19, 2012 [ ] $295-full attendance (split fees not available)[ ] $275-Early Bird fee prior to 09/28/12[ ] $250-3 or more from same company[ ] $200-3 or more Early Bird fee prior to 09/28/12[ ] This is my first time to attend the HRM Conference.[ ] I request a CEU certificate at an additional $10.00.

    Reception Ticket:[ ] I will attend the reception[ ] I request _____ additional ticket(s) at $25.00 per ticket for the reception.

    Thursday, October 18, 2012Attendance at the General Session 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.[ ] Keynote Address: “The New Career Path: It’s Not Just a

    Step-up Anymore” given by Lynne Zappone

    Concurrent Sessions 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (select one 90-min. session)[ ] A. Hey HR, We Need a Training Session on This, and Fast![ ] B. Walk a Mile in my Shoes: The Value of Your Disabled

    Workforce[ ] C. Social Media: A Digital Minefield to Employers

    Concurrent Sessions 2:15 - 3:45 P.M.(select one 90-min. session)[ ] D. Managing Healthcare Costs Affordable Care Act: Recovery from Healthcare Changes[ ] E. The Bigger Picture of Onboarding - Before, During, and After DAY ONE[ ] F. The NLRB’s New “Rules of Engagement”: Employer and Employees Relations Strategies

    Friday, October 19, 2012Concurrent Sessions 10:30 - 11:45 a.m.(select one 90-min. session)[ ] G. Sounding Credible and Incredible at the Big Table: The Power of Your Voice[ ] H. The Tide is Coming: Are You Ready for Your OSHA Audit?[ ] I. Improving Employee Health, Engagement and Performance: Six Ways to Achieve Optimal Impact

    Concurrent Sessions 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.(select one 90-min. session)[ ] J. Is What You are Doing Working? How Can You Know?[ ] K. Employee Engagement[ ] L. Mock Trial: You be the Judge[ ] M. Passing the PHR/SPHR: Test Taking Tips for Success

    Note: The University of Alabama is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please make your request for accommodation at least 30 calendar days in advance of program date by stating your request here:

    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One percent of the registration fee goes to the Capstone Foundation to cover its share of the cost of the Conference.

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Name First Last M. I.

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Preference on Nametag

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Company/Organization Name

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Company Phone Company Fax

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Personal Business Phone Personal Business Fax

    _____________________________________________________________________________________E-mail address Job Title

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Confirmation Mailing Address

    _____________________________________________________________________________________City State ZIP

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Billing Mailing Address Attn:


    _____________________________________________________________________________________City State ZIP

    METHOD OF PAYMENT[ ] Enclosed is a check in the total amount of $____________made payable to THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA.

    [ ] Charge $______to my credit card: [ ] American Express [ ] MasterCard [ ] VISA

    [ ] Discover

    Card #_______________________________________ Exp.Date ______________________

    Authorizing Signature_______________________________________________________

    RegistrationThe registration fee for the 58th Annual Human Resources Management Conference is $295/person. The registration fee includes general handout materials, refreshment breaks, daily continental breakfast and daily lunch, the Thursday evening reception and tour. Participants are encouraged to bring their spouses/guests to Thursday evening’s reception at an additional fee of $25/person (to be purchased in advance of event). Please specify on the Registration Form your plans to attend the reception and/or the need for guest ticket(s). This will ensure that all ticket(s) for the reception will be included in the conference packets.

    Registration fees do not include lodging which is the responsibility of the participant.

    Early bird registration fee is $275/person for registrations received by September 28, 2012. A group discount is available for organizations sending three or more persons to same event. Group registrations must be submitted simultaneously for this discounted fee to apply.

    Location and LodgingThis Conference activity will be held at the Bryant Conference Center, located on the University of Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hotel Capstone, adjacent to the Bryant Center, at a special rate for program attendees. Rooms may be reserved by calling (205) 752-3200. Rooms may also be reserved at the Hampton Inn, one mile from the program site, by calling (205) 553-9800. Please identify yourself as a program participant when making your reservations.

    ReceptionThursday night reception will be held at the Museum of Natural History. Heavy hors d’oeuvres and music will be part of the evening festivities.

    Cancellations and RefundsCancellations received after October 1, 2012 are subject to a 25% cancellation fee. Refunds will not be granted after the program has begun. A substitute participant may be designated in place of a registrant who cannot attend.

    Continuing Education Units (CEUs) CertificatesCEU Certificates (noncredit) are available at a fee of $10 each. Certificates identify .95 as the total number of contact hours (9.50) awarded for attendance at this conference activity.

    Recertification CreditPending approval, Certified HR professionals, through the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI), may apply their attendance of the 2012 HRM conference toward recertification credit with HRCI. CLE and Alabama Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators certification credits have been applied for and are pending approval. To receive credit, a participant would indicate all attended sessions on the attendance verifications forms provided on site and retain their forms as well as registration receipts as continued recertification documentation. Visit the website given at, to check status of approval.

    Further InformationContact Judy Hand at (205) 348-0073 or Amy Harvell at (205) 348-4163; or fax inquiries/ requests to their attention at (205) 348-9276; email The University of Alabama reserves the right to alter program content or change instructors.

    Phone-in registrations must have credit card number and information.

    Phone in registration to: (205) 348-3000toll free 1-866-432-2015

    Mail form and fee to:Registration Services College of Continuing Studies The University of Alabama Box 870388Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0388


    On-line registration available via the internet at:






    touching l ives

    The College of Continuing StudiesTouching lives, Creating Opportunities TM

    Conference Highlights

    Nonprofit OrganizationU.S. Postage PaidThe University of Alabama

    Please Rush - D

    ated Material

    Box 870388Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0388

    Keynote Speaker:

    Lynne Zappone Popeyes® Louisiana Kitchen

    • 3GeneralSessions

    • 13BreakoutSessions

    • ProfessionalApprovals/CEUs

    • Receptionat The Museum of Natural History

    • Exhibits

    Thursday & Friday October 18 & 19, 2012 Bryant Conference Center Tuscaloosa, Alabama

    HR Professionals:Realistic, Reliable, and Resilient




    N FO



    • ManagedHealthCare Administration, Inc.

    • Regan&Associates

    • TheMuseumofNaturalHistory,The University of Alabama

    • BurrForman,LLC

    • HRCI

    • WCAWA

    Attendees’ Opinions:

    A good value and worthwhile use of time! – Jackie Karabasz, HR Manager, O’NealSteel,Inc.,Birmingham,AL

    “As a first-time participant, I was highly impressed with the entire program. There were plenty of great break-out sessions to choose from, and the event organizers did a good job of keeping everything running smoothly and on time.” – SusieWhite,Employee Relations and Training Manager, Alfa Insurance

    Always one of the better conferences. It is a great opportunity to network and increase knowledge. – Chris Hope, HR Supervisor, Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa, Inc.

    5 8 T H A N N U A L5 8 T H A N N U A L


    Hosted by The University of Alabama, the 58th Annual HRM Conference is designed to develop the full range of skills and knowledge vital to the success of the contemporary human resource professional. Presented by experienced human resource and employment law experts from across the state, this conference is consistently referred to as a “must attend” event!

    Brian Klepper, Ph.D. is a health care analyst, consultant and commentator. He is Managing Principal of Healthcare Performance Inc., a business development practice based in Atlantic Beach, FL, and Chief Development Officer for WeCare TLC, LLC, an onsite clinic firm based in Longwood, FL. An active author and speaker, Dr. Klepper has provided health care commentary to CBS Evening News, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, and has published articles on Medscape and Healthleaders, and in The New England Journal of Medicine, Modern Healthcare, Business Insurance and newspapers nationally. In December 2010, he founded and now edits Care & Cost, an online professional health care magazine and discussion forum. In February 2011, he founded Replace the RUC!, an effort focused on the most important driver of inappropriate health care cost.

    Cathy Missildine-Martin, SPHR has extensive experience in many areas of strategic Human Resources Management. Cathy has worked closely with executives in the areas of performance, productivity, organizational metrics, training, employee and customer engagement, workforce planning, organizational design and strategic implementation. Her past experience in operations and sales management in the technical, insurance and hospitality industries has given her a broad understanding of business issues and a solid foundation for building performance enhancing systems that support the business. Cathy is currently serving as President-Elect for SHRM-Atlanta for 2012, taking over as President in 2013. Cathy also serves on the Board of Directors for Samaritan House a non-profit organization helping homeless men and women return to the workforce.

    Dr.JackPhillipsandDr.PattiP.Phillipsare the founders of the ROI Institute, Inc. Both are renowned experts in measurement and evaluation and they have helped organizations implement the ROI methodology in 35 countries around the world, including South Africa, Australia, Chile, Brazil, Romania, Ireland, Canada, and Mexico. Together they have more than 27 years of corporate experience in the aerospace, textile, metals, construction materials, and banking industries. The ROI Institute, founded in 1992, is a service-driven organization which strives to assist professionals in improving their programs and processes.

    8:45-9:15 a.m. SELLERSAuditorium Registration (registration lobby), Continental Breakfast & Exhibits

    9:15 a.m. SELLERSAuditorium Welcome and General Announcements

    Judy HandProgram Manager/Marketing Manager

    The University of AlabamaLana Thompson (2012 Chair), PHR

    Thompson & AssociatesPelham, AL

    9:30-10:45 a.m.

    KeynoteAddressSellers Aud.

    The New Career Path: It’s Not Just a Step-up Anymore This session will share details of the talent management processes that Popeyes

    established to deliver the next generation of servant leaders and examine the role each person plays in career management.

    Lynne ZapponeChief Talent and HR Officer

    Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen

    10:45-11:15 a.m. Break & ExhibitsCONCURRENT SESSIONS

    11:15-12:30 p.m. A

    Hey HR, We Need a Training Session on This, and Fast!HR professionals are constantly being asked to wear many hats – counselor, strategic partner, talent

    manager, and yes…even trainer! When the operation turns to you for leadership, customer service, or management training, where will you turn to acquire it? In this session, you will learn where to acquire quality

    training products, what products are most beneficial, and how to minimize the time from training request to training delivery.

    Pete BlankTraining Manager

    Training and Career DevelopmentPersonnel Board of Jefferson County

    Birmingham, AL

    11:15-12:30 p.m. B

    Walk a Mile in My Shoes: The Value of Your Disabled WorkforceAs a HR professional you may be confronted with situations involving employees or job candidates with

    disabilities. This session will enhance your expertise by simulating disabilities that you will "try out", completing tasks with different impairments. The Alabama Business Leadership Employment (ABLE) Network has partnered with Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services and offered this training to

    employers around the state with rave reviews.

    Leslie Dawson Alabama Vocational Rehabilitation

    Tuscaloosa, AL

    11:15-12:30 p.m. C

    Social Media: A Digital Minefield for EmployersMost employees do not realize that workplace guidelines and regulations that apply in the real world are also

    present in the virtual world regardless of whether they are using social media at work, at home, or from a smartphone. The workplace consequences to your employees’ misuse of social networking are endless, and

    these risks can have a serious impact to your brand, community reputation, profit, and future growth. This session will discuss proper guidelines.

    Matt MorrisManaging Partner

    TBG Fraud SolutionsCool, California

    12:30 - 12:45 p.m. Break & Exhibits

    12:45-1:45 p.m. SELLERSAuditorium


    1:45-2:45 p.m. SELLERSAuditorium

    General SessionEmployers are exhausted by more than a decade of health cost growth that has increased four times general inflation, but only rarely have they collaborated to oppose the health industry’s often-egregious practices and dominating influence. Only one group, the non-health care business community, is significantly more powerful than the health care sector. By working together in policy and the marketplace, business can precipitate the

    emergence of health care markets, the critical first step in rebalancing both US healthcare and the larger American economy.

    Dr. Brian Klepper Health Care Analyst

    Consultant & CommentatorAtlantic Beach, Florida

    2:45-3:15 p.m. Break & ExhibitsCONCURRENT SESSIONS

    3:15-4:30 p.m. D

    Managing Healthcare Costs Affordable Care Act:Recovery from Healthcare Changes

    The best onsite clinics should be understood not simply as primary care offices, but as transformational medical management platforms that are based in primary care medical homes. These structures represent a

    new way to manage care and cost, bringing market forces to bear where none have been present before. Most important, and unlike much of the rest of health care, their value orientation should be patient- and

    purchaser-centric, rather than health industry-centric.

    Dr. Brian Klepper Health Care Analyst

    Consultant & CommentatorAtlantic Beach, Florida

    3:15-4:30 p.m. E

    The Bigger Picture of Onboarding - Before, During, and After DAY ONEIn mid-2009, Regions' Human Resources launched a new and improved onboarding process. This major

    change initiative resulted in substantial cost-savings, efficiency gains, and a best practice onboarding experience for new Regions associates. Deborah will present the newer, much bigger picture of onboarding

    as it relates to recruiting, developing, and retaining today's workforce.

    Deborah BellizioVice President and Corporate Support

    Training ManagerRegions Financial Corporation

    Birmingham, AL

    3:15-4:30 p.m. F

    The NLRB’s New “Rules of Engagement” :Employer and Employee Relations Strategies

    The NLRB raised the bar for employers who challenge a union’s proposed bargaining unit, to the point where smaller units within the workplace are likely to be approved as appropriate. This creates challenges for the employer on several fronts, from problem-avoidance through the obligation to bargain in good faith

    should those employees select the union. The speakers will review these and other NLRB developments and

    offer strategies for employers to.

    Richard Lehr, Esq.Lehr Middlebrooks & Vreeland, P.C.

    Birmingham, ALFrank Rox, Esq.

    Lehr Middlebrooks & Vreeland, P.C. Birmingham, AL

    5:00-7:00 p.m. Reception at the Natural History Museum - Smith Hall

    Thursday, October 18, 2012

    8:00-8:30 a.m. SELLERSAuditorium Continental Breakfast, Exhibits and AnnouncementsLana Thompson (2012 Chair), PHR

    Thompson & AssociatesTuscaloosa, AL

    8:30-10:15 a.m.



    Legal UpdateLegislation is passed and precedents are set that change the way we do business every year. For HR

    professionals to stay on top of an ever changing legal world is paramount to remaining an integral part of any organization's top "business savvy" team. Our expert team of realistic, reliable and resilient attorneys do the

    research for us to keep us informed about current legal issues. This session is presented as a general session by popular demand. To quote previous attendees, "The legal update is worth the entire conference."

    Matt W. Stiles, Esq.Lehr Middlebrooks & Vreeland, P.C.

    Birmingham, ALDavid T. Wiley, Esq.Jackson Lewis LLP

    Birmingham, ALTamula R. Yelling, Esq.

    Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLPBirmingham, AL

    10:15-10:30 a.m. Break & ExhibitsCONCURRENT SESSIONS

    10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. G

    Sounding Credible and Incredible at the Big Table:The Power of Your Voice

    Working diligently to contribute to the bottom line of our organizations, HR professionals have their work cut out for them. Attend this session to learn what we can do or stop doing to sound more credible when we get

    the ears of our executives. Our voices communicate more than we know!

    Donna FrancavillaFrankly Speaking Communications

    Birmingham, AL

    10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. H

    The Tide is Coming:Are You Ready for Your OSHA Audit?

    It’s no secret – OSHA is on the move with more inspectors, more enforcement activity, and higher penalties for workplace safety and health violations. Are you at risk for an inspection? More importantly, are you doing the things necessary to weather a potential inspection or, perhaps, avoid one altogether? This presentation will address your fundamental legal responsibilities for managing safety and health, the rights of employers and employees under the OSH law, the planning needed to prepare for an OSHA inspection and an update

    of current enforcement activity.

    Matt HollubAssistant Director

    College of Continuing StudiesDEIP/Safe StateTuscaloosa, AL

    10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. IImproving Employee Health, Engagement and Performance:

    Successful Ways to Achieve Optimal ImpactIdentify the key components of a healthy culture. Examine The University of Alabama’ s experiences in taking a wellness vision to a tradition. Understand best practices in health communication to achieve engagement.

    Donna CornwellCorporate Human Resources Manager

    O'Neal Steel, Inc.Birmingham, AL

    Doug DeanChildren's Hopsital

    Birmingham, ALJennifer Geist

    Teledyne BrownHuntsville, AL

    Rebecca Kelly, Ph.DDirector of Health Promotion and Wellness

    The University of AlabamaTuscaloosa, AL

    11:45 a.m - noon Breaks & Exhibits

    12:00 - 1:30 p.m. SELLERSAuditoriumLuncheon Speaker

    The incredible story of Tuscaloosa dealing with and overcoming the challenges and adversity of the tornadoes of 2011. Resilient beyond imagination!

    Walt MaddoxMayor

    City of TuscaloosaTuscaloosa, AL

    1:30 - 2:00 p.m. SELLERSAuditorium Awards and Door PrizesJudy Hand

    Program Manager/Marketing ManagerThe University of Alabama

    Tuscaloosa, AL


    2:00-3:30 p.m. J

    Is What You Are Doing in HR Working? How Can You Know?For HR to move from a classic administrative, legal mandate to a contributing business partner requires a

    clear understanding to the value delivered by various HR projects and programs. Too often the HR contribution is vague at best. This workshop will show how to determine if HR is working by examining six

    measures that indicate the success of HR, including the business impact and ROI as possibilities. This session will show you how to take a sensible approach to measurement and evaluation and how to use the


    Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D. andPatti Phillips, Ph.D.

    ROI Institute, Inc.Birmingham, AL

    2:00-3:30 p.m. K

    Employee EngagementEmployee engagement used to be considered a “soft measure.” Not anymore. According to a recent survey conducted by Manpower, 80% of current employees will be looking for a job when the economy heats up. So, the time to focus on employee engagement is now! An engaged workforce leads to higher customer loyalty,

    which is directly linked to better business results. Tracking engagement is just the smart thing to do.This session will discuss best practices in tracking employee engagement.

    Cathy Missildine, SPHRCo-Founder, Chief Performance Officer

    Intellectual Capital ConsultingAtlanta, GA

    2:00-3:30 p.m. L

    Mock Trial: You be the JudgeWe all know that the HR decisions we make on a day-to-day basis can have lasting implications. But how do these decisions--our words, our actions, our documentation--play out in a courtroom two or three years later? How can you ensure that you're making choices now that not only make business sense, but also could stand up to scrutiny if you, the HR professional, are ever under cross-examination? Attend this "mock trial" session

    and be the judge of whether you would sink or swim in today's courtroom.

    Kathryn M. Willis, Esq.Burr Foreman, LLP

    Birmingham, AL

    2:00-3:30 p.m. M

    Passing the PHR/SPHR: Test Taking Tips for SuccessAre you taking the PHR/SPHR anytime soon? This session is back by popular demand. Former exam takers

    consistently affirm that this session made the difference in whether they passed or failed. The presenter acknowledges that nothing takes the place of studying the HR body of knowledge, but learning how to read

    the questions, understand the answers and think like HRCI can make the difference between passing or failing. Attend this class and reduce your stress over taking the PHR/SPHR certification exam while

    increasing your chances of success

    Lana Guess Thompson, PHRThompson & Associates

    Pelham, AL

    Friday, October 19, 2012

    Lynne Zappone became Chief Talent and HR Officer at Popeyes® Louisiana Kitchen in April 2011. Ms. Zappone has 20 years of extensive experience in global human resources, talent development and learning, and business management. Prior to joining Popeyes, Ms. Zappone served in a number of senior human resources positions with InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) from 1998 to 2011, and most recently served as Senior Vice President, Global Learning and Americas Human Resources. During her tenure at IHG, Ms. Zappone was responsible for business management, human resources business support and global talent development and learning strategies. Ms. Zappone sits on the board for Georgia Council for International Visitors and is also a member of the HR Leadership Forum, American Society Training & Development, OD Network, Achieve Global Advisory Board, Root Learning Advisory Board, and ATL Learning Leader Forum.

    5 8 T H A N N U A L5 8 T H A N N U A L


    Hosted by The University of Alabama, the 58th Annual HRM Conference is designed to develop the full range of skills and knowledge vital to the success of the contemporary human resource professional. Presented by experienced human resource and employment law experts from across the state, this conference is consistently referred to as a “must attend” event!

    Brian Klepper, Ph.D. is a health care analyst, consultant and commentator. He is Managing Principal of Healthcare Performance Inc., a business development practice based in Atlantic Beach, FL, and Chief Development Officer for WeCare TLC, LLC, an onsite clinic firm based in Longwood, FL. An active author and speaker, Dr. Klepper has provided health care commentary to CBS Evening News, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, and has published articles on Medscape and Healthleaders, and in The New England Journal of Medicine, Modern Healthcare, Business Insurance and newspapers nationally. In December 2010, he founded and now edits Care & Cost, an online professional health care magazine and discussion forum. In February 2011, he founded Replace the RUC!, an effort focused on the most important driver of inappropriate health care cost.

    Cathy Missildine-Martin, SPHR has extensive experience in many areas of strategic Human Resources Management. Cathy has worked closely with executives in the areas of performance, productivity, organizational metrics, training, employee and customer engagement, workforce planning, organizational design and strategic implementation. Her past experience in operations and sales management in the technical, insurance and hospitality industries has given her a broad understanding of business issues and a solid foundation for building performance enhancing systems that support the business. Cathy is currently serving as President-Elect for SHRM-Atlanta for 2012, taking over as President in 2013. Cathy also serves on the Board of Directors for Samaritan House a non-profit organization helping homeless men and women return to the workforce.

    Dr.JackPhillipsandDr.PattiP.Phillipsare the founders of the ROI Institute, Inc. Both are renowned experts in measurement and evaluation and they have helped organizations implement the ROI methodology in 35 countries around the world, including South Africa, Australia, Chile, Brazil, Romania, Ireland, Canada, and Mexico. Together they have more than 27 years of corporate experience in the aerospace, textile, metals, construction materials, and banking industries. The ROI Institute, founded in 1992, is a service-driven organization which strives to assist professionals in improving their programs and processes.

    8:45-9:15 a.m. SELLERSAuditorium Registration (registration lobby), Continental Breakfast & Exhibits

    9:15 a.m. SELLERSAuditorium Welcome and General Announcements

    Judy HandProgram Manager/Marketing Manager

    The University of AlabamaLana Thompson (2012 Chair), PHR

    Thompson & AssociatesPelham, AL

    9:30-10:45 a.m.

    KeynoteAddressSellers Aud.

    The New Career Path: It’s Not Just a Step-up Anymore This session will share details of the talent management processes that Popeyes

    established to deliver the next generation of servant leaders and examine the role each person plays in career management.

    Lynne ZapponeChief Talent and HR Officer

    Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen

    10:45-11:15 a.m. Break & ExhibitsCONCURRENT SESSIONS

    11:15-12:30 p.m. A

    Hey HR, We Need a Training Session on This, and Fast!HR professionals are constantly being asked to wear many hats – counselor, strategic partner, talent

    manager, and yes…even trainer! When the operation turns to you for leadership, customer service, or management training, where will you turn to acquire it? In this session, you will learn where to acquire quality

    training products, what products are most beneficial, and how to minimize the time from training request to training delivery.

    Pete BlankTraining Manager

    Training and Career DevelopmentPersonnel Board of Jefferson County

    Birmingham, AL

    11:15-12:30 p.m. B

    Walk a Mile in My Shoes: The Value of Your Disabled WorkforceAs a HR professional you may be confronted with situations involving employees or job candidates with

    disabilities. This session will enhance your expertise by simulating disabilities that you will "try out", completing tasks with different impairments. The Alabama Business Leadership Employment (ABLE) Network has partnered with Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services and offered this training to

    employers around the state with rave reviews.

    Leslie Dawson Alabama Vocational Rehabilitation

    Tuscaloosa, AL

    11:15-12:30 p.m. C

    Social Media: A Digital Minefield for EmployersMost employees do not realize that workplace guidelines and regulations that apply in the real world are also

    present in the virtual world regardless of whether they are using social media at work, at home, or from a smartphone. The workplace consequences to your employees’ misuse of social networking are endless, and

    these risks can have a serious impact to your brand, community reputation, profit, and future growth. This session will discuss proper guidelines.

    Matt MorrisManaging Partner

    TBG Fraud SolutionsCool, California

    12:30 - 12:45 p.m. Break & Exhibits

    12:45-1:45 p.m. SELLERSAuditorium


    1:45-2:45 p.m. SELLERSAuditorium

    General SessionEmployers are exhausted by more than a decade of health cost growth that has increased four times general inflation, but only rarely have they collaborated to oppose the health industry’s often-egregious practices and dominating influence. Only one group, the non-health care business community, is significantly more powerful than the health care sector. By working together in policy and the marketplace, business can precipitate the

    emergence of health care markets, the critical first step in rebalancing both US healthcare and the larger American economy.

    Dr. Brian Klepper Health Care Analyst

    Consultant & CommentatorAtlantic Beach, Florida

    2:45-3:15 p.m. Break & ExhibitsCONCURRENT SESSIONS

    3:15-4:30 p.m. D

    Managing Healthcare Costs Affordable Care Act:Recovery from Healthcare Changes

    The best onsite clinics should be understood not simply as primary care offices, but as transformational medical management platforms that are based in primary care medical homes. These structures represent a

    new way to manage care and cost, bringing market forces to bear where none have been present before. Most important, and unlike much of the rest of health care, their value orientation should be patient- and

    purchaser-centric, rather than health industry-centric.

    Dr. Brian Klepper Health Care Analyst

    Consultant & CommentatorAtlantic Beach, Florida

    3:15-4:30 p.m. E

    The Bigger Picture of Onboarding - Before, During, and After DAY ONEIn mid-2009, Regions' Human Resources launched a new and improved onboarding process. This major

    change initiative resulted in substantial cost-savings, efficiency gains, and a best practice onboarding experience for new Regions associates. Deborah will present the newer, much bigger picture of onboarding

    as it relates to recruiting, developing, and retaining today's workforce.

    Deborah BellizioVice President and Corporate Support

    Training ManagerRegions Financial Corporation

    Birmingham, AL

    3:15-4:30 p.m. F

    The NLRB’s New “Rules of Engagement” :Employer and Employee Relations Strategies

    The NLRB raised the bar for employers who challenge a union’s proposed bargaining unit, to the point where smaller units within the workplace are likely to be approved as appropriate. This creates challenges for the employer on several fronts, from problem-avoidance through the obligation to bargain in good faith

    should those employees select the union. The speakers will review these and other NLRB developments and

    offer strategies for employers to.

    Richard Lehr, Esq.Lehr Middlebrooks & Vreeland, P.C.

    Birmingham, ALFrank Rox, Esq.

    Lehr Middlebrooks & Vreeland, P.C. Birmingham, AL

    5:00-7:00 p.m. Reception at the Natural History Museum - Smith Hall

    Thursday, October 18, 2012

    8:00-8:30 a.m. SELLERSAuditorium Continental Breakfast, Exhibits and AnnouncementsLana Thompson (2012 Chair), PHR

    Thompson & AssociatesTuscaloosa, AL

    8:30-10:15 a.m.



    Legal UpdateLegislation is passed and precedents are set that change the way we do business every year. For HR

    professionals to stay on top of an ever changing legal world is paramount to remaining an integral part of any organization's top "business savvy" team. Our expert team of realistic, reliable and resilient attorneys do the

    research for us to keep us informed about current legal issues. This session is presented as a general session by popular demand. To quote previous attendees, "The legal update is worth the entire conference."

    Matt W. Stiles, Esq.Lehr Middlebrooks & Vreeland, P.C.

    Birmingham, ALDavid T. Wiley, Esq.Jackson Lewis LLP

    Birmingham, ALTamula R. Yelling, Esq.

    Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLPBirmingham, AL

    10:15-10:30 a.m. Break & ExhibitsCONCURRENT SESSIONS

    10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. G

    Sounding Credible and Incredible at the Big Table:The Power of Your Voice

    Working diligently to contribute to the bottom line of our organizations, HR professionals have their work cut out for them. Attend this session to learn what we can do or stop doing to sound more credible when we get

    the ears of our executives. Our voices communicate more than we know!

    Donna FrancavillaFrankly Speaking Communications

    Birmingham, AL

    10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. H

    The Tide is Coming:Are You Ready for Your OSHA Audit?

    It’s no secret – OSHA is on the move with more inspectors, more enforcement activity, and higher penalties for workplace safety and health violations. Are you at risk for an inspection? More importantly, are you doing the things necessary to weather a potential inspection or, perhaps, avoid one altogether? This presentation will address your fundamental legal responsibilities for managing safety and health, the rights of employers and employees under the OSH law, the planning needed to prepare for an OSHA inspection and an update

    of current enforcement activity.

    Matt HollubAssistant Director

    College of Continuing StudiesDEIP/Safe StateTuscaloosa, AL

    10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. IImproving Employee Health, Engagement and Performance:

    Successful Ways to Achieve Optimal ImpactIdentify the key components of a healthy culture. Examine The University of Alabama’ s experiences in taking a wellness vision to a tradition. Understand best practices in health communication to achieve engagement.

    Donna CornwellCorporate Human Resources Manager

    O'Neal Steel, Inc.Birmingham, AL

    Doug DeanChildren's Hopsital

    Birmingham, ALJennifer Geist

    Teledyne BrownHuntsville, AL

    Rebecca Kelly, Ph.DDirector of Health Promotion and Wellness

    The University of AlabamaTuscaloosa, AL

    11:45 a.m - noon Breaks & Exhibits

    12:00 - 1:30 p.m. SELLERSAuditoriumLuncheon Speaker

    The incredible story of Tuscaloosa dealing with and overcoming the challenges and adversity of the tornadoes of 2011. Resilient beyond imagination!

    Walt MaddoxMayor

    City of TuscaloosaTuscaloosa, AL

    1:30 - 2:00 p.m. SELLERSAuditorium Awards and Door PrizesJudy Hand

    Program Manager/Marketing ManagerThe University of Alabama

    Tuscaloosa, AL


    2:00-3:30 p.m. J

    Is What You Are Doing in HR Working? How Can You Know?For HR to move from a classic administrative, legal mandate to a contributing business partner requires a

    clear understanding to the value delivered by various HR projects and programs. Too often the HR contribution is vague at best. This workshop will show how to determine if HR is working by examining six

    measures that indicate the success of HR, including the business impact and ROI as possibilities. This session will show you how to take a sensible approach to measurement and evaluation and how to use the


    Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D. andPatti Phillips, Ph.D.

    ROI Institute, Inc.Birmingham, AL

    2:00-3:30 p.m. K

    Employee EngagementEmployee engagement used to be considered a “soft measure.” Not anymore. According to a recent survey conducted by Manpower, 80% of current employees will be looking for a job when the economy heats up. So, the time to focus on employee engagement is now! An engaged workforce leads to higher customer loyalty,

    which is directly linked to better business results. Tracking engagement is just the smart thing to do.This session will discuss best practices in tracking employee engagement.

    Cathy Missildine, SPHRCo-Founder, Chief Performance Officer

    Intellectual Capital ConsultingAtlanta, GA

    2:00-3:30 p.m. L

    Mock Trial: You be the JudgeWe all know that the HR decisions we make on a day-to-day basis can have lasting implications. But how do these decisions--our words, our actions, our documentation--play out in a courtroom two or three years later? How can you ensure that you're making choices now that not only make business sense, but also could stand up to scrutiny if you, the HR professional, are ever under cross-examination? Attend this "mock trial" session

    and be the judge of whether you would sink or swim in today's courtroom.

    Kathryn M. Willis, Esq.Burr Foreman, LLP

    Birmingham, AL

    2:00-3:30 p.m. M

    Passing the PHR/SPHR: Test Taking Tips for SuccessAre you taking the PHR/SPHR anytime soon? This session is back by popular demand. Former exam takers

    consistently affirm that this session made the difference in whether they passed or failed. The presenter acknowledges that nothing takes the place of studying the HR body of knowledge, but learning how to read

    the questions, understand the answers and think like HRCI can make the difference between passing or failing. Attend this class and reduce your stress over taking the PHR/SPHR certification exam while

    increasing your chances of success

    Lana Guess Thompson, PHRThompson & Associates

    Pelham, AL

    Friday, October 19, 2012

    Lynne Zappone became Chief Talent and HR Officer at Popeyes® Louisiana Kitchen in April 2011. Ms. Zappone has 20 years of extensive experience in global human resources, talent development and learning, and business management. Prior to joining Popeyes, Ms. Zappone served in a number of senior human resources positions with InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) from 1998 to 2011, and most recently served as Senior Vice President, Global Learning and Americas Human Resources. During her tenure at IHG, Ms. Zappone was responsible for business management, human resources business support and global talent development and learning strategies. Ms. Zappone sits on the board for Georgia Council for International Visitors and is also a member of the HR Leadership Forum, American Society Training & Development, OD Network, Achieve Global Advisory Board, Root Learning Advisory Board, and ATL Learning Leader Forum.

    5 8 T H A N N U A L5 8 T H A N N U A L


    Hosted by The University of Alabama, the 58th Annual HRM Conference is designed to develop the full range of skills and knowledge vital to the success of the contemporary human resource professional. Presented by experienced human resource and employment law experts from across the state, this conference is consistently referred to as a “must attend” event!

    Brian Klepper, Ph.D. is a health care analyst, consultant and commentator. He is Managing Principal of Healthcare Performance Inc., a business development practice based in Atlantic Beach, FL, and Chief Development Officer for WeCare TLC, LLC, an onsite clinic firm based in Longwood, FL. An active author and speaker, Dr. Klepper has provided health care commentary to CBS Evening News, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, and has published articles on Medscape and Healthleaders, and in The New England Journal of Medicine, Modern Healthcare, Business Insurance and newspapers nationally. In December 2010, he founded and now edits Care & Cost, an online professional health care magazine and discussion forum. In February 2011, he founded Replace the RUC!, an effort focused on the most important driver of inappropriate health care cost.

    Cathy Missildine-Martin, SPHR has extensive experience in many areas of strategic Human Resources Management. Cathy has worked closely with executives in the areas of performance, productivity, organizational metrics, training, employee and customer engagement, workforce planning, organizational design and strategic implementation. Her past experience in operations and sales management in the technical, insurance and hospitality industries has given her a broad understanding of business issues and a solid foundation for building performance enhancing systems that support the business. Cathy is currently serving as President-Elect for SHRM-Atlanta for 2012, taking over as President in 2013. Cathy also serves on the Board of Directors for Samaritan House a non-profit organization helping homeless men and women return to the workforce.

    Dr.JackPhillipsandDr.PattiP.Phillipsare the founders of the ROI Institute, Inc. Both are renowned experts in measurement and evaluation and they have helped organizations implement the ROI methodology in 35 countries around the world, including South Africa, Australia, Chile, Brazil, Romania, Ireland, Canada, and Mexico. Together they have more than 27 years of corporate experience in the aerospace, textile, metals, construction materials, and banking industries. The ROI Institute, founded in 1992, is a service-driven organization which strives to assist professionals in improving their programs and processes.

    8:45-9:15 a.m. SELLERSAuditorium Registration (registration lobby), Continental Breakfast & Exhibits

    9:15 a.m. SELLERSAuditorium Welcome and General Announcements

    Judy HandProgram Manager/Marketing Manager

    The University of AlabamaLana Thompson (2012 Chair), PHR

    Thompson & AssociatesPelham, AL

    9:30-10:45 a.m.

    KeynoteAddressSellers Aud.

    The New Career Path: It’s Not Just a Step-up Anymore This session will share details of the talent management processes that Popeyes

    established to deliver the next generation of servant leaders and examine the role each person plays in career management.

    Lynne ZapponeChief Talent and HR Officer

    Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen

    10:45-11:15 a.m. Break & ExhibitsCONCURRENT SESSIONS

    11:15-12:30 p.m. A

    Hey HR, We Need a Training Session on This, and Fast!HR professionals are constantly being asked to wear many hats – counselor, strategic partner, talent

    manager, and yes…even trainer! When the operation turns to you for leadership, customer service, or management training, where will you turn to acquire it? In this session, you will learn where to acquire quality

    training products, what products are most beneficial, and how to minimize the time from training request to training delivery.

    Pete BlankTraining Manager

    Training and Career DevelopmentPersonnel Board of Jefferson County

    Birmingham, AL

    11:15-12:30 p.m. B

    Walk a Mile in My Shoes: The Value of Your Disabled WorkforceAs a HR professional you may be confronted with situations involving employees or job candidates with

    disabilities. This session will enhance your expertise by simulating disabilities that you will "try out", completing tasks with different impairments. The Alabama Business Leadership Employment (ABLE) Network has partnered with Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services and offered this training to

    employers around the state with rave reviews.

    Leslie Dawson Alabama Vocational Rehabilitation

    Tuscaloosa, AL

    11:15-12:30 p.m. C

    Social Media: A Digital Minefield for EmployersMost employees do not realize that workplace guidelines and regulations that apply in the real world are also

    present in the virtual world regardless of whether they are using social media at work, at home, or from a smartphone. The workplace consequences to your employees’ misuse of social networking are endless, and

    these risks can have a serious impact to your brand, community reputation, profit, and future growth. This session will discuss proper guidelines.

    Matt MorrisManaging Partner

    TBG Fraud SolutionsCool, California

    12:30 - 12:45 p.m. Break & Exhibits

    12:45-1:45 p.m. SELLERSAuditorium


    1:45-2:45 p.m. SELLERSAuditorium

    General SessionEmployers are exhausted by more than a decade of health cost growth that has increased four times general inflation, but only rarely have they collaborated to oppose the health industry’s often-egregious practices and dominating influence. Only one group, the non-health care business community, is significantly more powerful than the health care sector. By working together in policy and the marketplace, business can precipitate the

    emergence of health care markets, the critical first step in rebalancing both US healthcare and the larger American economy.

    Dr. Brian Klepper Health Care Analyst

    Consultant & CommentatorAtlantic Beach, Florida

    2:45-3:15 p.m. Break & ExhibitsCONCURRENT SESSIONS

    3:15-4:30 p.m. D

    Managing Healthcare Costs Affordable Care Act:Recovery from Healthcare Changes

    The best onsite clinics should be understood not simply as primary care offices, but as transformational medical management platforms that are based in primary care medical homes. These structures represent a

    new way to manage care and cost, bringing market forces to bear where none have been present before. Most important, and unlike much of the rest of health care, their value orientation should be patient- and

    purchaser-centric, rather than health industry-centric.

    Dr. Brian Klepper Health Care Analyst

    Consultant & CommentatorAtlantic Beach, Florida

    3:15-4:30 p.m. E

    The Bigger Picture of Onboarding - Before, During, and After DAY ONEIn mid-2009, Regions' Human Resources launched a new and improved onboarding process. This major

    change initiative resulted in substantial cost-savings, efficiency gains, and a best practice onboarding experience for new Regions associates. Deborah will present the newer, much bigger picture of onboarding

    as it relates to recruiting, developing, and retaining today's workforce.

    Deborah BellizioVice President and Corporate Support

    Training ManagerRegions Financial Corporation

    Birmingham, AL

    3:15-4:30 p.m. F

    The NLRB’s New “Rules of Engagement” :Employer and Employee Relations Strategies

    The NLRB raised the bar for employers who challenge a union’s proposed bargaining unit, to the point where smaller units within the workplace are likely to be approved as appropriate. This creates challenges for the employer on several fronts, from problem-avoidance through the obligation to bargain in good faith

    should those employees select the union. The speakers will review these and other NLRB developments and

    offer strategies for employers to.

    Richard Lehr, Esq.Lehr Middlebrooks & Vreeland, P.C.

    Birmingham, ALFrank Rox, Esq.

    Lehr Middlebrooks & Vreeland, P.C. Birmingham, AL

    5:00-7:00 p.m. Reception at the Natural History Museum - Smith Hall

    Thursday, October 18, 2012

    8:00-8:30 a.m. SELLERSAuditorium Continental Breakfast, Exhibits and AnnouncementsLana Thompson (2012 Chair), PHR

    Thompson & AssociatesTuscaloosa, AL

    8:30-10:15 a.m.



    Legal UpdateLegislation is passed and precedents are set that change the way we do business every year. For HR

    professionals to stay on top of an ever changing legal world is paramount to remaining an integral part of any organization's top "business savvy" team. Our expert team of realistic, reliable and resilient attorneys do the

    research for us to keep us informed about current legal issues. This session is presented as a general session by popular demand. To quote previous attendees, "The legal update is worth the entire conference."

    Matt W. Stiles, Esq.Lehr Middlebrooks & Vreeland, P.C.

    Birmingham, ALDavid T. Wiley, Esq.Jackson Lewis LLP

    Birmingham, ALTamula R. Yelling, Esq.

    Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLPBirmingham, AL

    10:15-10:30 a.m. Break & ExhibitsCONCURRENT SESSIONS

    10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. G

    Sounding Credible and Incredible at the Big Table:The Power of Your Voice

    Working diligently to contribute to the bottom line of our organizations, HR professionals have their work cut out for them. Attend this session to learn what we can do or stop doing to sound more credible when we get

    the ears of our executives. Our voices communicate more than we know!

    Donna FrancavillaFrankly Speaking Communications

    Birmingham, AL

    10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. H

    The Tide is Coming:Are You Ready for Your OSHA Audit?

    It’s no secret – OSHA is on the move with more inspectors, more enforcement activity, and higher penalties for workplace safety and health violations. Are you at risk for an inspection? More importantly, are you doing the things necessary to weather a potential inspection or, perhaps, avoid one altogether? This presentation will address your fundamental legal responsibilities for managing safety and health, the rights of employers and employees under the OSH law, the planning needed to prepare for an OSHA inspection and an update

    of current enforcement activity.

    Matt HollubAssistant Director

    College of Continuing StudiesDEIP/Safe StateTuscaloosa, AL

    10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. IImproving Employee Health, Engagement and Performance:

    Successful Ways to Achieve Optimal ImpactIdentify the key components of a healthy culture. Examine The University of Alabama’ s experiences in taking a wellness vision to a tradition. Understand best practices in health communication to achieve engagement.

    Donna CornwellCorporate Human Resources Manager

    O'Neal Steel, Inc.Birmingham, AL

    Doug DeanChildren's Hopsital

    Birmingham, ALJennifer Geist

    Teledyne BrownHuntsville, AL

    Rebecca Kelly, Ph.DDirector of Health Promotion and Wellness

    The University of AlabamaTuscaloosa, AL

    11:45 a.m - noon Breaks & Exhibits

    12:00 - 1:30 p.m. SELLERSAuditoriumLuncheon Speaker

    The incredible story of Tuscaloosa dealing with and overcoming the challenges and adversity of the tornadoes of 2011. Resilient beyond imagination!

    Walt MaddoxMayor

    City of TuscaloosaTuscaloosa, AL

    1:30 - 2:00 p.m. SELLERSAuditorium Awards and Door PrizesJudy Hand

    Program Manager/Marketing ManagerThe University of Alabama

    Tuscaloosa, AL


    2:00-3:30 p.m. J

    Is What You Are Doing in HR Working? How Can You Know?For HR to move from a classic administrative, legal mandate to a contributing business partner requires a

    clear understanding to the value delivered by various HR projects and programs. Too often the HR contribution is vague at best. This workshop will show how to determine if HR is working by examining six

    measures that indicate the success of HR, including the business impact and ROI as possibilities. This session will show you how to take a sensible approach to measurement and evaluation and how to use the


    Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D. andPatti Phillips, Ph.D.

    ROI Institute, Inc.Birmingham, AL

    2:00-3:30 p.m. K

    Employee EngagementEmployee engagement used to be considered a “soft measure.” Not anymore. According to a recent survey conducted by Manpower, 80% of current employees will be looking for a job when the economy heats up. So, the time to focus on employee engagement is now! An engaged workforce leads to higher customer loyalty,

    which is directly linked to better business results. Tracking engagement is just the smart thing to do.This session will discuss best practices in tracking employee engagement.

    Cathy Missildine, SPHRCo-Founder, Chief Performance Officer

    Intellectual Capital ConsultingAtlanta, GA

    2:00-3:30 p.m. L

    Mock Trial: You be the JudgeWe all know that the HR decisions we make on a day-to-day basis can have lasting implications. But how do these decisions--our words, our actions, our documentation--play out in a courtroom two or three years later? How can you ensure that you're making choices now that not only make business sense, but also could stand up to scrutiny if you, the HR professional, are ever under cross-examination? Attend this "mock trial" session

    and be the judge of whether you would sink or swim in today's courtroom.

    Kathryn M. Willis, Esq.Burr Foreman, LLP

    Birmingham, AL

    2:00-3:30 p.m. M

    Passing the PHR/SPHR: Test Taking Tips for SuccessAre you taking the PHR/SPHR anytime soon? This session is back by popular demand. Former exam takers

    consistently affirm that this session made the difference in whether they passed or failed. The presenter acknowledges that nothing takes the place of studying the HR body of knowledge, but learning how to read

    the questions, understand the answers and think like HRCI can make the difference between passing or failing. Attend this class and reduce your stress over taking the PHR/SPHR certification exam while

    increasing your chances of success

    Lana Guess Thompson, PHRThompson & Associates

    Pelham, AL

    Friday, October 19, 2012

    Lynne Zappone became Chief Talent and HR Officer at Popeyes® Louisiana Kitchen in April 2011. Ms. Zappone has 20 years of extensive experience in global human resources, talent development and learning, and business management. Prior to joining Popeyes, Ms. Zappone served in a number of senior human resources positions with InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) from 1998 to 2011, and most recently served as Senior Vice President, Global Learning and Americas Human Resources. During her tenure at IHG, Ms. Zappone was responsible for business management, human resources business support and global talent development and learning strategies. Ms. Zappone sits on the board for Georgia Council for International Visitors and is also a member of the HR Leadership Forum, American Society Training & Development, OD Network, Achieve Global Advisory Board, Root Learning Advisory Board, and ATL Learning Leader Forum.

    5 8 T H A N N U A L5 8 T H A N N U A L

  • October 18 & 19, 2012 | Tuscaloosa, Alabama58TH ANNUAL HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE

    Conference program# 06-009-13

    APPLICABLE FEE(S):58th Annual HRM ConferenceOctober 18-19, 2012 [ ] $295-full attendance (split fees not available)[ ] $275-Early Bird fee prior to 09/28/12[ ] $250-3 or more from same company[ ] $200-3 or more Early Bird fee prior to 09/28/12[ ] This is my first time to attend the HRM Conference.[ ] I request a CEU certificate at an additional $10.00.

    Reception Ticket:[ ] I will attend the reception[ ] I request _____ additional ticket(s) at $25.00 per ticket for the reception.

    Thursday, October 18, 2012Attendance at the General Session 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.[ ] Keynote Address: “The New Career Path: It’s Not Just a

    Step-up Anymore” given by Lynne Zappone

    Concurrent Sessions 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (select one 90-min. session)[ ] A. Hey HR, We Need a Training Session on This, and Fast![ ] B. Walk a Mile in my Shoes: The Value of Your Disabled

    Workforce[ ] C. Social Media: A Digital Minefield to Employers

    Concurrent Sessions 2:15 - 3:45 P.M.(select one 90-min. session)[ ] D. Managing Healthcare Costs Affordable Care Act: Recovery from Healthcare Changes[ ] E. The Bigger Picture of Onboarding - Before, During, and After DAY ONE[ ] F. The NLRB’s New “Rules of Engagement”: Employer and Employees Relations Strategies

    Friday, October 19, 2012Concurrent Sessions 10:30 - 11:45 a.m.(select one 90-min. session)[ ] G. Sounding Credible and Incredible at the Big Table: The Power of Your Voice[ ] H. The Tide is Coming: Are You Ready for Your OSHA Audit?[ ] I. Improving Employee Health, Engagement and Performance: Six Ways to Achieve Optimal Impact

    Concurrent Sessions 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.(select one 90-min. session)[ ] J. Is What You are Doing Working? How Can You Know?[ ] K. Employee Engagement[ ] L. Mock Trial: You be the Judge[ ] M. Passing the PHR/SPHR: Test Taking Tips for Success

    Note: The University of Alabama is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please make your request for accommodation at least 30 calendar days in advance of program date by stating your request here:

    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One percent of the registration fee goes to the Capstone Foundation to cover its share of the cost of the Conference.

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Name First Last M. I.

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Preference on Nametag

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Company/Organization Name

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Company Phone Company Fax

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Personal Business Phone Personal Business Fax

    _____________________________________________________________________________________E-mail address Job Title

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Confirmation Mailing Address

    _____________________________________________________________________________________City State ZIP

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Billing Mailing Address Attn:


    _____________________________________________________________________________________City State ZIP

    METHOD OF PAYMENT[ ] Enclosed is a check in the total amount of $____________made payable to THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA.

    [ ] Charge $______to my credit card: [ ] American Express [ ] MasterCard [ ] VISA

    [ ] Discover

    Card #_______________________________________ Exp.Date ______________________

    Authorizing Signature_______________________________________________________

    RegistrationThe registration fee for the 58th Annual Human Resources Management Conference is $295/person. The registration fee includes general handout materials, refreshment breaks, daily continental breakfast and daily lunch, the Thursday evening reception and tour. Participants are encouraged to bring their spouses/guests to Thursday evening’s reception at an additional fee of $25/person (to be purchased in advance of event). Please specify on the Registration Form your plans to attend the reception and/or the need for guest ticket(s). This will ensure that all ticket(s) for the reception will be included in the conference packets.

    Registration fees do not include lodging which is the responsibility of the participant.

    Early bird registration fee is $275/person for registrations received by September 28, 2012. A group discount is available for organizations sending three or more persons to same event. Group registrations must be submitted simultaneously for this discounted fee to apply.

    Location and LodgingThis Conference activity will be held at the Bryant Conference Center, located on the University of Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hotel Capstone, adjacent to the Bryant Center, at a special rate for program attendees. Rooms may be reserved by calling (205) 752-3200. Rooms may also be reserved at the Hampton Inn, one mile from the program site, by calling (205) 553-9800. Please identify yourself as a program participant when making your reservations.

    ReceptionThursday night reception will be held at the Museum of Natural History. Heavy hors d’oeuvres and music will be part of the evening festivities.

    Cancellations and RefundsCancellations received after October 1, 2012 are subject to a 25% cancellation fee. Refunds will not be granted after the program has begun. A substitute participant may be designated in place of a registrant who cannot attend.

    Continuing Education Units (CEUs) CertificatesCEU Certificates (noncredit) are available at a fee of $10 each. Certificates identify .95 as the total number of contact hours (9.50) awarded for attendance at this conference activity.

    Recertification CreditPending approval, Certified HR professionals, through the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI), may apply their attendance of the 2012 HRM conference toward recertification credit with HRCI. CLE and Alabama Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators certification credits have been applied for and are pending approval. To receive credit, a participant would indicate all attended sessions on the attendance verifications forms provided on site and retain their forms as well as registration receipts as continued recertification documentation. Visit the website given at, to check status of approval.

    Further InformationContact Judy Hand at (205) 348-0073 or Amy Harvell at (205) 348-4163; or fax inquiries/ requests to their attention at (205) 348-9276; email The University of Alabama reserves the right to alter program content or change instructors.

    Phone-in registrations must have credit card number and information.

    Phone in registration to: (205) 348-3000toll free 1-866-432-2015

    Mail form and fee to:Registration Services College of Continuing Studies The University of Alabama Box 870388Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0388


    On-line registration available via the internet at:







    touching l ives

    The College of Continuing StudiesTouching lives, Creating Opportunities TM

    Conference Highlights

    Nonprofit OrganizationU.S. Postage PaidThe University of Alabama

    Please Rush - D

    ated Material

    Box 870388Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0388

    Keynote Speaker:

    Lynne Zappone Popeyes® Louisiana Kitchen

    • 3GeneralSessions

    • 13BreakoutSessions

    • ProfessionalApprovals/CEUs

    • Receptionat The Museum of Natural History

    • Exhibits

    Thursday & Friday October 18 & 19, 2012 Bryant Conference Center Tuscaloosa, Alabama

    HR Professionals:Realistic, Reliable, and Resilient




    N FO



    • ManagedHealthCare Administration, Inc.

    • Regan&Associates

    • TheMuseumofNaturalHistory,The University of Alabama

    • BurrForman,LLC

    • HRCI

    • WCAWA

    Attendees’ Opinions:

    A good value and worthwhile use of time! – Jackie Karabasz, HR Manager, O’NealSteel,Inc.,Birmingham,AL

    “As a first-time participant, I was highly impressed with the entire program. There were plenty of great break-out sessions to choose from, and the event organizers did a good job of keeping everything running smoothly and on time.” – SusieWhite,Employee Relations and Training Manager, Alfa Insurance

    Always one of the better conferences. It is a great opportunity to network and increase knowledge. – Chris Hope, HR Supervisor, Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa, Inc.

    5 8 T H A N N U A L5 8 T H A N N U A L

  • October 18 & 19, 2012 | Tuscaloosa, Alabama58TH ANNUAL HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE

    Conference program# 06-009-13

    APPLICABLE FEE(S):58th Annual HRM ConferenceOctober 18-19, 2012 [ ] $295-full attendance (split fees not available)[ ] $275-Early Bird fee prior to 09/28/12[ ] $250-3 or more from same company[ ] $200-3 or more Early Bird fee prior to 09/28/12[ ] This is my first time to attend the HRM Conference.[ ] I request a CEU certificate at an additional $10.00.

    Reception Ticket:[ ] I will attend the reception[ ] I request _____ additional ticket(s) at $25.00 per ticket for the reception.

    Thursday, October 18, 2012Attendance at the General Session 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.[ ] Keynote Address: “The New Career Path: It’s Not Just a

    Step-up Anymore” given by Lynne Zappone

    Concurrent Sessions 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (select one 90-min. session)[ ] A. Hey HR, We Need a Training Session on This, and Fast![ ] B. Walk a Mile in my Shoes: The Value of Your Disabled

    Workforce[ ] C. Social Media: A Digital Minefield to Employers

    Concurrent Sessions 2:15 - 3:45 P.M.(select one 90-min. session)[ ] D. Managing Healthcare Costs Affordable Care Act: Recovery from Healthcare Changes[ ] E. The Bigger Picture of Onboarding - Before, During, and After DAY ONE[ ] F. The NLRB’s New “Rules of Engagement”: Employer and Employees Relations Strategies

    Friday, October 19, 2012Concurrent Sessions 10:30 - 11:45 a.m.(select one 90-min. session)[ ] G. Sounding Credible and Incredible at the Big Table: The Power of Your Voice[ ] H. The Tide is Coming: Are You Ready for Your OSHA Audit?[ ] I. Improving Employee Health, Engagement and Performance: Six Ways to Achieve Optimal Impact

    Concurrent Sessions 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.(select one 90-min. session)[ ] J. Is What You are Doing Working? How Can You Know?[ ] K. Employee Engagement[ ] L. Mock Trial: You be the Judge[ ] M. Passing the PHR/SPHR: Test Taking Tips for Success

    Note: The University of Alabama is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please make your request for accommodation at least 30 calendar days in advance of program date by stating your request here:

    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One percent of the registration fee goes to the Capstone Foundation to cover its share of the cost of the Conference.

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Name First Last M. I.

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Preference on Nametag

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Company/Organization Name

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Company Phone Company Fax

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Personal Business Phone Personal Business Fax

    _____________________________________________________________________________________E-mail address Job Title

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Confirmation Mailing Address

    _____________________________________________________________________________________City State ZIP

    _____________________________________________________________________________________Billing Mailing Address Attn:


    _____________________________________________________________________________________City State ZIP

    METHOD OF PAYMENT[ ] Enclosed is a check in the total amount of $____________made payable to THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA.

    [ ] Charge $______to my credit card: [ ] American Express [ ] MasterCard [ ] VISA

    [ ] Discover

    Card #_______________________________________ Exp.Date ______________________

    Authorizing Signature_______________________________________________________

    RegistrationThe registration fee for the 58th Annual Human Resources Management Conference is $295/person. The registration fee includes general handout materials, refreshment breaks, daily continental breakfast and daily lunch, the Thursday evening reception and tour. Participants are encouraged to bring their spouses/guests to Thursday evening’s reception at an additional fee of $25/person (to be purchased in advance of event). Please specify on the Registration Form your plans to attend the reception and/or the need for guest ticket(s). This will ensure that all ticket(s) for the reception will be included in the conference packets.

    Registration fees do not include lodging which is the responsibility of the participant.

    Early bird registration fee is $275/person for registrations received by September 28, 2012. A group discount is available for organizations sending three or more persons to same event. Group registrations must be submitted simultaneously for this discounted fee to apply.

    Location and LodgingThis Conference activity will be held at the Bryant Conference Center, located on the University of Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hotel Capstone, adjacent to the Bryant Center, at a special rate for program attendees. Rooms may be reserved by calling (205) 752-3200. Rooms may also be reserved at the Hampton Inn, one mile from the program site, by calling (205) 553-9800. Please identify yourself as a program participant when making your reservations.

    ReceptionThursday night reception will be held at the Museum of Natural History. Heavy hors d’oeuvres and music will be part of the evening festivities.

    Cancellations and RefundsCancellations received after October 1, 2012 are subject to a 25% cancellation fee. Refunds will not be granted after the program has begun. A substitute participant may be designated in place of a registrant who cannot attend.

    Continuing Education Units (CEUs) CertificatesCEU Certificates (noncredit) are available at a fee of $10 each. Certificates identify .95 as the total number of contact hours (9.50) awarded for attendance at this conference activity.

    Recertification CreditPending approval, Certified HR professionals, through the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI), may apply their attendance of the 2012 HRM conference toward recertification credit with HRCI. CLE and Alabama Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators certification credits have been applied for and are pending approval. To receive credit, a participant would indicate all attended sessions on the attendance verifications forms provided on site and retain their forms as well as registration receipts as continued recertification documentation. Visit the website given at, to check status of approval.

    Further InformationContact Judy Hand at (205) 348-0073 or Amy Harvell at (205) 348-4163; or fax inquiries/ requests to their attention at (205) 348-9276; email The University of Alabama reserves the right to alter program content or change instructors.

    Phone-in registrations must have credit card number and information.

    Phone in registration to: (205) 348-3000toll free 1-866-432-2015

    Mail form and fee to:Registration Services College of Continuing Studies The University of Alabama Box 870388Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0388


    On-line registration available via the internet at:







    touching l ives

    The College of Continuing StudiesTouching lives, Creating Opportunities TM

    Conference Highlights

    Nonprofit OrganizationU.S. Postage PaidThe University of Alabama

    Please Rush - D

    ated Material

    Box 870388Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0388

    Keynote Speaker:

    Lynne Zappone Popeyes® Louisiana Kitchen

    • 3GeneralSessions

    • 13BreakoutSessions

    • ProfessionalApprovals/CEUs

    • Receptionat The Museum of Natural History

    • Exhibits

    Thursday & Friday October 18 & 19, 2012 Bryant Conference Center Tuscaloosa, Alabama

    HR Professionals:Realistic, Reliable, and Resilient




    N FO



    • ManagedHealthCare Administration, Inc.

    • Regan&Associates

    • TheMuseumofNaturalHistory,The University of Alabama

    • BurrForman,LLC

    • HRCI

    • WCAWA

    Attendees’ Opinions:

    A good value and worthwhile use of time! – Jackie Karabasz, HR Manager, O’NealSteel,Inc.,Birmingham,AL

    “As a first-time participant, I was highly impressed with the entire program. There were plenty of great break-out sessions to choose from, and the event organizers did a good job of keeping everything running smoothly and on time.” – SusieWhite,Employee Relations and Training Manager, Alfa Insurance

    Always one of the better conferences. It is a great opportunity to network and increase knowledge. – Chris Hope, HR Supervisor, Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa, Inc.

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